An enormous yawn almost dislocated her jaw; her thick black lashes lifted to reveal eyes of startling ochre. Blinking once or twice to clear her vision, Bani stared blankly before her. Dust motes danced in the beams that slanted through the louvered blinds, ephemeral, fairy-like, and about as substantial as her thoughts. In her mind were pictures, images, fragmented, like old film clips that had a linking theme if only one could guess what it was. Fretful and resentful at her inability to recall recent events, she sighed. She had been so sure that when she woke again she would remember.
Transferring her gaze to the vase of roses that stood on the beside locker, she stared at the card that was propped beside it as though even that unlikely object might hold the answer, although in all probability it as only a copy of the hospital rules, and rules and regulations were something she didn’t care two hoots about. Not at this precise moment anyway. She’d been in a car crash, that she knew, not from remembering but because the doctor had told her so. She had a fractured wrist, cuts and bruises, and concussion, and the trite phrases trotted out to her by the medical staff, that it was quite normal not to remember the hours prior to an accident, that she had been lucky, that in a few days she would be out and about, only made her feel more resentful.
Closing here eyes again, she placed the palm of her hand delicately on her forehead, squinting her eyes, trying to recollect what she had left behind.
Part 1
2 Year Back
From early childhood, Bani could recollect her favorite place in the world to be her home. The old but sprawling bungalow nestled amongst the posh greens of Gulmohar Park in Delhi. The porch was a showy flourish sprayed with gravel everywhere and set amongst beautifully manicured lawns. Dark beams criss-crossed the front lounge which was spacious and airy.
Their family was smaller than the house really deserved. Just their Mother, one of the busiest and best gynecologist in Delhi and her two daughters, Rano and Bani.
Rano was not just the older of the two, but also prettier, intelligent and mature than the younger one, who had just been given the biological make-up of a human being, but was inherently still the half-developed homo-sapiens that our ancestors were.
Just out of college and with nothing better to do, Bani spent most of her morning in the bed, evading all sort of torture equipments that both Kiran and Rano used to wake her up. And when she finally did, it was another ordeal for Massi, their old nanny, to constantly nag her to go and take a bath, have whatever was left of the breakfast and do something purposeful for the day.
It did not help that being the youngest and fatherless, Bani was the most pampered in the household, even more so than their family dog, Mango! Rano being almost five years older than her, spoilt her little sister with affection and care and let her win all the fights, mostly initiated by Bani. Kiran tried her best to balance between being loving and disciplined, but the fact that her husband had died even before the birth of their youngest child evoked a feeling of guilt and motherly love that surpassed rational thinking.
It somehow made sense for everyone in the Dixit house to let Bani have it all, be it love, attention or just plain tantrums.
There was a general air of excitement in the house, mostly initiated by the loud, enthusiastic chirping of Kiran Dixit, who was overseeing arrangements, getting things in places and generally bossing over the servants.
Someone was coming to ‘see’ Rano, much to her dismay, but everyone else was brimming with anticipation and thrill. Mostly because of the identity of the groom.
Jai Walia.
The Walia’s had been known to the Dixit’s for a couple of years now. Kiran Dixit’s husband had been a solicitor for the Walia’s and preceding his untimely death, Uday Walia had extended much needed help and support to the widow and the two young children left behind by his friend.
Uday had always had a liking for the soft-spoken and gracious Kiran and a fatherly affection towards both Rano and Bani.
Uday had wrapped his business interests in Delhi and had moved to Mumbai, following his wife’s death. Jai had left for the US to pursue his Management Degree and thereafter had settled down in Mumbai handling his father’s vast business. There had not been much communication between the Walia’s and the Dixit’s in the last few years, but one day when a chance meeting with Kiran took place, Uday couldn’t help asking her if she would consider the idea of getting Rano and Jai married.
Kiran had been elated, not just because Jai belonged to such an illustrious family, but also because she just knew he was a chip of the old block. Just like his father. Reliable, mature and steadfast. As a mother she knew, he would make an ideal match to her shy and serene natured older daughter.
‘Bani…Bani…get up! Bani….Oh God, this girl!’ Kiran pulled the duvet, revealing a sprawled figure, with her head buried in a pillow. Her hair was spread rather untidly all over her back.
‘Bani, for the last time…get up, else, you won’t get anything to eat today.’
The last words seemed to have knocked some sense into Bani, as she woke up with a huge yawn and gave an annoyed look at her Mother.
‘I was just about to kiss him…and you had to come in between.’
Kiran looked mortified and asked, ‘Kiss whom? Who was here? Did you go out somewhere at night? Do you have a boyfriend? Bani….tell me the truth.’
‘Chillax Mumsie! Please. You sound like those terrible 1980’s hindi movie mums who had nothing better to do than get hyperventilated over their daughter’s boyfriends. And no, don’t give me that look…I don’t have a boyfriend.’
‘Then who were you going to kiss?’ Kiran demanded, torn between confusion and irritation.
Bani smiled dreamily and replied back, ‘Mr. Federer.’
The look of confusion intensified on Kiran’s face as she repeated, ‘Mr. Federer? Who is he?’
Bani applied a humongous amount of toothpaste on her brush as she continued, unaware of the confusion and anxiety she was unleashing on her Mother, ‘He plays tennis.’
‘Oh Mom…she is referring to the Tennis Star, Roger Federer. Why are you arguing with her in the morning? You know her time zone starts only after 12 in the noon.’ Rano laughed, revealing a set of perfectly set teeth, tossing her glossy brown mane, as she set about straightening the rumpled bed sheets and putting the place in order.
Rano and Bani had always shared a bedroom and according to Bani, they shared the work too. As in Bani did all the littering and Rano did all the cleaning.
‘Ha Ha Ha! Don’t try to act funny, if that Walia guy likes you…imagine, you will be getting married to him. Yuck.’
Kiran interspersed fiercely and addressing the younger one said, ‘What do you mean, Yuck? Huh? What do you mean by yuck? Jai is a wonderful man, extremely well educated, well settled and belongs to such a good family. What is so yuck about him?’
Bani tried to comment back through her brushing which only evoked the foam to spread all over the mirror and by the time Massi joined the ensuing commotion, Rano was in peals of laughter as Bani made some rather hilarious and sarcastic comments on men and matrimony.
It all ended, when the three women pushed Bani, with her night clothes on, into the tub and the ensuing screaming and laughter could have awakened the entire neighborhood.
Theirs was a splendidly happy family…..and whenever the thought of not having the man of the house around did spread a pall of gloom, Bani’s clownishness and sense of merriment seemed to dispel every dark cloud.
By the time a still sleepy looking Bani had washed and come downstairs to get her breakfast, Kiran, Rano and Massi looked ready to go somewhere.
Bani munched on her cereal and asked, ‘So where are the three musketeers up to now?’
Kiran straightened her crisp, cotton Sari and addressing Bani in an absent manner said, ‘We are going to Connaught Place to do some shopping for Rano.’ Bani winked lewdly to a suddenly frigid looking Rano and whispered in her ears, ‘What are you going to wear when Yucky Jai comes? Thongs and a Garter Lace? I would love to see Mum’s expression and his too….’
Rano was left consumed between mirth and a sense of anxiety, when Kiran patted Bani’s head and said, ‘We will be back in a hour or two, for god sake, don’t burn the place down…and also, the plumber will be coming. The guest bathroom seems to be leaking and I want the place to be in order before Jai comes in tomorrow. Show the plumber to the bathroom and don’t frighten him away. Please.’
Bani nodded inattentively and as soon as the trio had disappeared, she jumped to the couch, leaving the cereal bowl on the breakfast table and fetching the carton of ice-cream from the fridge. Switching on the television, she changed channels with a remarkable speed and relaxed as the screen came alive with the rerun of FRIENDS showing on it.
Bani glanced at the clock on the wall, it pointed to half past ten. Well at least, Chandler and Joey made it worthwhile to get up this early!
It must have been another half an hour and the ice-cream carton was all sticky and wet, with half the contents disappeared from it, the front door bell rang, politely, just once.
It was in the middle of watching Ross and Rachel making out and Bani was clearly irritated, pushing aside the ice-cream stained cushion from her lap, she made a rush towards the front door. ‘Must be the stupid plumber, had to come now.’
Opening the door, she stared off without preamble, ‘Madam is out…the bathroom is upstairs, left hand corner, last room. Take off your shoes and clothes before you come in.’
Jai stood staring at the creature in front of her. The pink color of the strawberry dazzle that Bani had just devoured printed itself conspicuously on her mouth and the stains of it could be seen on the blue denim of her dungarees.
All he could mutter was, ‘My clothes?’
Bani gave an impatient grunt and said, ‘Not all of them. Just that funny jacket you have on. It will get wet when you have to put your hand inside the sewer.’
Jai looked more mortified than ever and mumbled, ‘Sewer?’
Bani tossed her head in the same impetuous manner and said, ‘Yes…the sewer…its blocked, the pump won’t work…you have to do it with your hand.’
Sensing the look of complete bewilderment and confusion on his face, Bani muttered, ‘Not the brightest tool in the shed, are we? Now move, quick! We don’t have time. Yucky Jai might come any time.’
Hearing his name spoken in this manner, Jai looked more astonished than he thought he could ever manage and said, ‘Yucky Jai?”
Bani gave an exasperated sigh and said, ‘Yes…Yucky Jai…But hey, why am I explaining this to you….just go upstairs and do your work. And btw, where the hell is your tool-box?’
Jai now looked visibly annoyed, as the realization of what the obnoxious young lady had mistaken him to be, dawned on him and replied tersely, ‘I don’t have a tool box.’
Meanwhile Bani had perched herself on the couch again and started nibbling on a packet of potato chips, ‘Go to the backyard and get one from the garage and make sure, you cut 10% of service charges from the bill…I can’t imagine what a plumber is doing without a tool box. Now go and do you work and let me watch FRIENDS.’
Jai stood for a while, taking in what had just happened and after a stare from Bani, made a rush towards the stairs, going to the room that Bani had just indicated and locking himself up safely in the bathroom, away from the torpedo.
Looking at himself in the mirror, in a shocked and dazed manner, he mumbled to himself, ‘Oh My God…Do I look like a plumber?’
Shrugging his head, he sat on the toilet seat and ruffled his hair. This was a rather peculiar situation, what was he supposed to do now. Go down and tell the girl that he was indeed ‘Yucky Jai’ or just get his hands inside the sewer and get it working.
Jai decided that plumbing was definitely a better deal than dealing with Ice-cream lady downstairs.
And he hoped and prayed to God, that she should not be Rano Dixit.
To be continued….
An enormous yawn almost dislocated her jaw; her thick black lashes lifted to reveal eyes of startling ochre. Blinking once or twice to clear her vision, Bani stared blankly before her. Dust motes danced in the beams that slanted through the louvered blinds, ephemeral, fairy-like, and about as substantial as her thoughts. In her mind were pictures, images, fragmented, like old film clips that had a linking theme if only one could guess what it was. Fretful and resentful at her inability to recall recent events, she sighed. She had been so sure that when she woke again she would remember.
Transferring her gaze to the vase of roses that stood on the beside locker, she stared at the card that was propped beside it as though even that unlikely object might hold the answer, although in all probability it as only a copy of the hospital rules, and rules and regulations were something she didn’t care two hoots about. Not at this precise moment anyway. She’d been in a car crash, that she knew, not from remembering but because the doctor had told her so. She had a fractured wrist, cuts and bruises, and concussion, and the trite phrases trotted out to her by the medical staff, that it was quite normal not to remember the hours prior to an accident, that she had been lucky, that in a few days she would be out and about, only made her feel more resentful.
Closing here eyes again, she placed the palm of her hand delicately on her forehead, squinting her eyes, trying to recollect what she had left behind.
Part 1
2 Year Back
From early childhood, Bani could recollect her favorite place in the world to be her home. The old but sprawling bungalow nestled amongst the posh greens of Gulmohar Park in Delhi. The porch was a showy flourish sprayed with gravel everywhere and set amongst beautifully manicured lawns. Dark beams criss-crossed the front lounge which was spacious and airy.
Their family was smaller than the house really deserved. Just their Mother, one of the busiest and best gynecologist in Delhi and her two daughters, Rano and Bani.
Rano was not just the older of the two, but also prettier, intelligent and mature than the younger one, who had just been given the biological make-up of a human being, but was inherently still the half-developed homo-sapiens that our ancestors were.
Just out of college and with nothing better to do, Bani spent most of her morning in the bed, evading all sort of torture equipments that both Kiran and Rano used to wake her up. And when she finally did, it was another ordeal for Massi, their old nanny, to constantly nag her to go and take a bath, have whatever was left of the breakfast and do something purposeful for the day.
It did not help that being the youngest and fatherless, Bani was the most pampered in the household, even more so than their family dog, Mango! Rano being almost five years older than her, spoilt her little sister with affection and care and let her win all the fights, mostly initiated by Bani. Kiran tried her best to balance between being loving and disciplined, but the fact that her husband had died even before the birth of their youngest child evoked a feeling of guilt and motherly love that surpassed rational thinking.
It somehow made sense for everyone in the Dixit house to let Bani have it all, be it love, attention or just plain tantrums.
There was a general air of excitement in the house, mostly initiated by the loud, enthusiastic chirping of Kiran Dixit, who was overseeing arrangements, getting things in places and generally bossing over the servants.
Someone was coming to ‘see’ Rano, much to her dismay, but everyone else was brimming with anticipation and thrill. Mostly because of the identity of the groom.
Jai Walia.
The Walia’s had been known to the Dixit’s for a couple of years now. Kiran Dixit’s husband had been a solicitor for the Walia’s and preceding his untimely death, Uday Walia had extended much needed help and support to the widow and the two young children left behind by his friend.
Uday had always had a liking for the soft-spoken and gracious Kiran and a fatherly affection towards both Rano and Bani.
Uday had wrapped his business interests in Delhi and had moved to Mumbai, following his wife’s death. Jai had left for the US to pursue his Management Degree and thereafter had settled down in Mumbai handling his father’s vast business. There had not been much communication between the Walia’s and the Dixit’s in the last few years, but one day when a chance meeting with Kiran took place, Uday couldn’t help asking her if she would consider the idea of getting Rano and Jai married.
Kiran had been elated, not just because Jai belonged to such an illustrious family, but also because she just knew he was a chip of the old block. Just like his father. Reliable, mature and steadfast. As a mother she knew, he would make an ideal match to her shy and serene natured older daughter.
‘Bani…Bani…get up! Bani….Oh God, this girl!’ Kiran pulled the duvet, revealing a sprawled figure, with her head buried in a pillow. Her hair was spread rather untidly all over her back.
‘Bani, for the last time…get up, else, you won’t get anything to eat today.’
The last words seemed to have knocked some sense into Bani, as she woke up with a huge yawn and gave an annoyed look at her Mother.
‘I was just about to kiss him…and you had to come in between.’
Kiran looked mortified and asked, ‘Kiss whom? Who was here? Did you go out somewhere at night? Do you have a boyfriend? Bani….tell me the truth.’
‘Chillax Mumsie! Please. You sound like those terrible 1980’s hindi movie mums who had nothing better to do than get hyperventilated over their daughter’s boyfriends. And no, don’t give me that look…I don’t have a boyfriend.’
‘Then who were you going to kiss?’ Kiran demanded, torn between confusion and irritation.
Bani smiled dreamily and replied back, ‘Mr. Federer.’
The look of confusion intensified on Kiran’s face as she repeated, ‘Mr. Federer? Who is he?’
Bani applied a humongous amount of toothpaste on her brush as she continued, unaware of the confusion and anxiety she was unleashing on her Mother, ‘He plays tennis.’
‘Oh Mom…she is referring to the Tennis Star, Roger Federer. Why are you arguing with her in the morning? You know her time zone starts only after 12 in the noon.’ Rano laughed, revealing a set of perfectly set teeth, tossing her glossy brown mane, as she set about straightening the rumpled bed sheets and putting the place in order.
Rano and Bani had always shared a bedroom and according to Bani, they shared the work too. As in Bani did all the littering and Rano did all the cleaning.
‘Ha Ha Ha! Don’t try to act funny, if that Walia guy likes you…imagine, you will be getting married to him. Yuck.’
Kiran interspersed fiercely and addressing the younger one said, ‘What do you mean, Yuck? Huh? What do you mean by yuck? Jai is a wonderful man, extremely well educated, well settled and belongs to such a good family. What is so yuck about him?’
Bani tried to comment back through her brushing which only evoked the foam to spread all over the mirror and by the time Massi joined the ensuing commotion, Rano was in peals of laughter as Bani made some rather hilarious and sarcastic comments on men and matrimony.
It all ended, when the three women pushed Bani, with her night clothes on, into the tub and the ensuing screaming and laughter could have awakened the entire neighborhood.
Theirs was a splendidly happy family…..and whenever the thought of not having the man of the house around did spread a pall of gloom, Bani’s clownishness and sense of merriment seemed to dispel every dark cloud.
By the time a still sleepy looking Bani had washed and come downstairs to get her breakfast, Kiran, Rano and Massi looked ready to go somewhere.
Bani munched on her cereal and asked, ‘So where are the three musketeers up to now?’
Kiran straightened her crisp, cotton Sari and addressing Bani in an absent manner said, ‘We are going to Connaught Place to do some shopping for Rano.’ Bani winked lewdly to a suddenly frigid looking Rano and whispered in her ears, ‘What are you going to wear when Yucky Jai comes? Thongs and a Garter Lace? I would love to see Mum’s expression and his too….’
Rano was left consumed between mirth and a sense of anxiety, when Kiran patted Bani’s head and said, ‘We will be back in a hour or two, for god sake, don’t burn the place down…and also, the plumber will be coming. The guest bathroom seems to be leaking and I want the place to be in order before Jai comes in tomorrow. Show the plumber to the bathroom and don’t frighten him away. Please.’
Bani nodded inattentively and as soon as the trio had disappeared, she jumped to the couch, leaving the cereal bowl on the breakfast table and fetching the carton of ice-cream from the fridge. Switching on the television, she changed channels with a remarkable speed and relaxed as the screen came alive with the rerun of FRIENDS showing on it.
Bani glanced at the clock on the wall, it pointed to half past ten. Well at least, Chandler and Joey made it worthwhile to get up this early!
It must have been another half an hour and the ice-cream carton was all sticky and wet, with half the contents disappeared from it, the front door bell rang, politely, just once.
It was in the middle of watching Ross and Rachel making out and Bani was clearly irritated, pushing aside the ice-cream stained cushion from her lap, she made a rush towards the front door. ‘Must be the stupid plumber, had to come now.’
Opening the door, she stared off without preamble, ‘Madam is out…the bathroom is upstairs, left hand corner, last room. Take off your shoes and clothes before you come in.’
Jai stood staring at the creature in front of her. The pink color of the strawberry dazzle that Bani had just devoured printed itself conspicuously on her mouth and the stains of it could be seen on the blue denim of her dungarees.
All he could mutter was, ‘My clothes?’
Bani gave an impatient grunt and said, ‘Not all of them. Just that funny jacket you have on. It will get wet when you have to put your hand inside the sewer.’
Jai looked more mortified than ever and mumbled, ‘Sewer?’
Bani tossed her head in the same impetuous manner and said, ‘Yes…the sewer…its blocked, the pump won’t work…you have to do it with your hand.’
Sensing the look of complete bewilderment and confusion on his face, Bani muttered, ‘Not the brightest tool in the shed, are we? Now move, quick! We don’t have time. Yucky Jai might come any time.’
Hearing his name spoken in this manner, Jai looked more astonished than he thought he could ever manage and said, ‘Yucky Jai?”
Bani gave an exasperated sigh and said, ‘Yes…Yucky Jai…But hey, why am I explaining this to you….just go upstairs and do your work. And btw, where the hell is your tool-box?’
Jai now looked visibly annoyed, as the realization of what the obnoxious young lady had mistaken him to be, dawned on him and replied tersely, ‘I don’t have a tool box.’
Meanwhile Bani had perched herself on the couch again and started nibbling on a packet of potato chips, ‘Go to the backyard and get one from the garage and make sure, you cut 10% of service charges from the bill…I can’t imagine what a plumber is doing without a tool box. Now go and do you work and let me watch FRIENDS.’
Jai stood for a while, taking in what had just happened and after a stare from Bani, made a rush towards the stairs, going to the room that Bani had just indicated and locking himself up safely in the bathroom, away from the torpedo.
Looking at himself in the mirror, in a shocked and dazed manner, he mumbled to himself, ‘Oh My God…Do I look like a plumber?’
Shrugging his head, he sat on the toilet seat and ruffled his hair. This was a rather peculiar situation, what was he supposed to do now. Go down and tell the girl that he was indeed ‘Yucky Jai’ or just get his hands inside the sewer and get it working.
Jai decided that plumbing was definitely a better deal than dealing with Ice-cream lady downstairs.
And he hoped and prayed to God, that she should not be Rano Dixit.
To be continued….
Part 2
It must have been another half an hour and Bani had completely forgotten about the plumber upstairs, when she heard the front door bell ringing again. With an impressive speed, Bani set about tidying the place, putting the stained cushion upside down and dumping the empty ice-cream carton back in the fridge.
She made a last ditch effort to wipe her mouth and not finding anything to hide the stains of ice-cream on her dress, Bani hastily pulled the jacket lying on the side-rest of the couch. And suddenly remembered the plumber upstairs. He sure didn’t look like a regular plumber, she mused.
The trio of Kiran, Rano and Massi had come back, looking very happy with life, their hands overloaded with the shopping that had taken place in such a short span of time.
It was Rano who asked first, ‘Bani? Who’s jacket have you put on?’
Bani looked at the oversized suede tan jacket and mumbled something incomprehensible.
Just then, Jai walked down the stairs, the sleeves of his white shirt rolled to three-fourths, his silk tie stuffed in the pocket of his neatly pleated trousers which looked much more rumpled in the last half an hour than they had become in the two hour flight from Mumbai to Delhi that he had undertaken this morning.
Kiran exclaimed in surprise and delight, ‘Jai beta! What a pleasant surprise! I thought you were supposed to come tomorrow!’
Kiran dropped her packets onto Bani and rushed forward to envelope Jai in a warm, maternal hug, which Jai followed by touching her feet.
‘I had a merger to attend tomorrow morning in Delhi, so took an early flight. How are you Kiran aunty? Its ages I saw you!’
Rano felt suddenly embarrassed and muttering an excuse, loaded her share of shopping on Bani and disappeared from the room.
Kiran seated Jai and asked Massi to get some refreshments which she did, after unloading the rest of the packets onto Bani, who was now invisible behind the mountain of colored packets and wrappings she was holding.
By the time, Kiran and Jai had caught up on the news, either side, Rano had composed herself and come down to the living room and Massi had spread an array of refreshments.
‘Jai, this is Rano…my older one. She has completed her Masters in Sociology from Delhi University and works with a NGO.’
Rano smiled shyly, feeling acute discomfort, as Jai smiled back, feeling quite the same himself, as he introduced himself, ‘Hi Rano! I have heard a lot about you, from Papa.’
Rano smiled back and spoke softly, ‘Nothing too bad, I hope!’
Jai laughed back and said, ‘Please be assured, quite the contrary.’
Bani meanwhile had turned the shade of puce and lugging all the innumerous packets in her hand, tried to find a way to disappear off the face of earth, when Kiran called out.
‘Bani…come here beta!’
Jai gave his mastered poker look, as Bani stood in front of him, he noticed that she had put on his jacket on the ice-cream stained dress of hers.
‘You two have already met, I think. Jai, did Bani show you the room where you will be staying? I hope its okay for you!’
Jai did not take his eyes off Bani, who kept staring at the ceiling as if making a heart to heart conversation with it.
‘Oh yes! Its lovely…especially the bathroom.’
Bani swallowed at this comment and quickly darted a look at his amused face.
Kiran looked confused at the comment and turning to look at her younger daughter asked, ‘Bani, that reminds me. Did the plumber come?’ Giving a quick explanatory look at Jai, she said, ‘The plumbing wasn’t working properly in the morning.’
Jai had to suppress his smile at the look on Bani’s face and he answered on her behalf, ‘Yes, I suppose he did aunty. The plumbing is working perfectly fine now.’
‘Oh thank god! You know how unreliable help has become nowadays, isn’t it?’
Jai continued, thoroughly amused at Bani’s acute discomfort and wriggling, ‘Yes, thank goodness, there are still a few good men left in the world to do all the plumbing!’
Bani turned more dark with embarrassment as she shuffled out of the room in a flurry.
It was almost lunch time and Bani had somehow managed to stay away from facing Jai anymore, but when Kiran ordered her to go and fetch Jai for lunch, Bani decided she had no other go. And besides, he seemed to have hit right off with Rano and most probably they would be getting married. She sure couldn’t avoid her future brother-in-law for the rest of her life, could she?
Standing in front of the closed door, Bani twitched her lips comically, trying to come up with some sort of rational and dignified explanation for her previous behavior, but try as she might, nothing seemed right enough to face Jai Walia. Bani decided that she will send Massi to call him and make an excuse of an upset stomach and avoid him at lunch at least, but just then, the door opened and Jai stood, with his one arm perched on the doorway and the other on his hip.
‘Hello there, we meet again!’
Bani smiled consciously and handed him his jacket and mumbled softly, ‘Mum was asking if you will have lunch downstairs or in your room?’ That was the latest addition and she hoped that he would prefer having lunch upstairs or maybe he didn’t have lunch at all.
But against her wishes, he smiled blankly at her and said, ‘I will definitely have lunch downstairs and have it with you, young lady.’ Placing his arm around hers, he swiftly maneuvered her towards the stairs and down to the dining room.
Massi who was laying the lunch looked up and commented happily, ‘See…how Jeeja and Saali are already bonding.’ Kiran looked up and smiled contentedly. Rano was fiddling with the fork and spoon, lost in her own world.
‘I see, Bani and you are already friends, Jai!’ Kiran said smiling at her younger daughter and future son-in-law. Jai gave an equally sweet smile back and said, ‘She was rather helpful when I came in the morning…’
Bani looked glumly at the food and tried to work out whether she should tell Rano about what really happened or not! Else, it seemed, that yucky Jai would never stop pulling her leg on what had happened in the morning.
The lunch went on very pleasantly and while Jai chatted in a friendly manner to everyone around, his attention seemed to have been rather focused on Bani, who to everyone’s intense surprise, was keeping totally mum and only concentrated on nibbling her food.
Kiran’s brother-in-law, her late husband’s younger brother, Aditya dropped by in the evening, much to Rano and Bani’s delight who simply adored him and he in turn doted on his two nieces, especially Bani.
Aditya took an instant liking to the abstemious and somber Jai, in spite of being quite the opposite himself and both the men got down together on the lawns with steaming cup of tea brought rather coyly by Rano and Bani.
‘Hey Bunny, what’s up with you today?’ Aditya joked, as Bani made some hushing noises trying to indicate that she did not particularly wanted to be noticed today, or at least till yucky Jai was around.
Jai looked amused and said, ‘Bunny? What a lovely nickname…kind of suits you!’
Bani turned red and made a funny face, turning to run away from the lawn, when Rano pulled her hand and forced her to sit alongside her, not wanting to be left alone with Jai, even though Aditya was there for company.
Jai kept looking at Bani, who had seated herself on the grass and was picking it up with ferocity. ‘I have a nickname too!’
Bani looked up at him in surprise and spoke for the first time in his presence, ‘Really? What?’
Jai smiled and replied, ‘Yucky Jai!’
Color filled both her cheeks as she made an effort to get up and making a clumsy excuse, made a dash towards the house.
Dinner was a lively affair, as Aditya and Jai took on discussing politics, cricket, business and art with enthusiasm, broken in between by Massi and Kiran who kept piling on dishes after dishes of sumptuous food. Rano, though still restrained and shy, took a liking to Jai’s intelligence and his dignified manner of speech and behaviour and she too joined in the conversation. Only Bani brooded silently, devouring her kheer with a look of bland disinterest.
When Jai had retired for the night, stating that he had an important meeting to attend early morning, Kiran sighed in pleasure and anticipation and turning to her brother-in-law said, ‘So Adi…what do you think of him?’
Aditya smiled and said, ‘Bhabhi, he is a perfect catch, if I may say so! Any girl will be lucky to have him!’
Kiran continued her grinning and spoke in a conspiratorial manner, ‘So, do you think he likes my daughter?’
Aditya replied back, ‘Oh, I am sure…’ then keeping to himself, muttered, ‘though I am not sure which one he likes the most!’
It was close to eight, when everyone had finished having breakfast. On the insistence of Rano and Bani, Aditya had stayed put for the night and promised to take Bani to the Art Gallery he ran in South Delhi. Breakfast had been dealt with and pleasantries exchanged, when Jai took leave from everyone.
‘Kiran aunty, thank you so much for having me over. It was such an enjoyable day and such a pleasure meeting everyone in the family.’
Kiran smiled graciously and replied, ‘The pleasure is all ours, beta. But why are you insisting on leaving so soon, stay at our house for the rest of your visit.’
‘I would love to, I really need to go and have a look at the Farmhouse, there is some work going on there and I need to overlook that! But I promise, I will keep visiting.’
Kiran took the ‘I will keep visiting’ sentence to be an omen and coughing gently said, ‘I…I will speak to your father later on…and if you have something to say, we can talk over the phone, right?’
Jai smiled faintly, understanding the reference quite well and nodding his head, shook hands with Aditya, only to be hugged warmly by him and bid a very courteous goodbye to Rano.
It was well over ten that Bani came staggering down, half sleepy, her oversized pajamas dangling on her, making her appearance to be similar to a scarecrow.
‘Bunny, why the hell do you have to wear that ridiculous dress, I can’t imagine! Doesn’t Bhabhi give you enough pocket money to buy wearable dresses?’
Aditya looked at his niece, half in exasperation and half in amusement. He totally doted on her and had been a father figure to her since his brother’s death, but the girl was completely out of his understanding. Being an aficionado of art and all things beautiful, he just couldn’t for the life of him understand why his lovely niece had to dress and appear like a rag doll most of the time. From what he could see, Bani might not have been blessed with Rano’s gentle, feminine beauty, but she had such spark and vitality, that it was impossible not to take notice of her. Rano’s beauty was more of the porcelain types, the type you might want to place on a pedestal and admire for the rest of your life, but Bani was more real…alive! She was intelligent, well-read and incisive and could be very impressive if only she made the effort to do so. But somehow, being the youngest in the family had taken a toll on her and now she wanted to remain a child for the rest of her life and left no opportunity to act like one, be it wearing dresses she was far to grown up for or speaking in a manner which left the other person clutching their hair in despair.
Aditya sized up his niece and said, ‘What you need is a man to take charge of you! Someone who will tell you that you are 20 not 2!’
Bani nodded, still half-asleep as if she was hearing and understanding every pearl of wisdom that came her way and in reply only asked, ‘Can I have some Jam please?’
Aditya looked even more exasperated and snatching the bottle of jam that Rano was passing to Bani, banged it on the table and holding her by the shoulders said, ‘Bani…I am talking to you! Grow up, please! Become a woman…like your Mother….like your sister.’
Bani stared at her Uncle with the same droopy look and said, ‘Oh sure…now can I have the Jam please!’
Rano burst into giggles as Aditya gave up wearily, pulling his hands in the air and saying, ‘Only God can help this thing.’
Bani had spent the rest of the morning teasing the life out of Rano singing in a loud, grating voice;
‘Sun…sun…sun didi tere liye ik rishta aaya hai…
Arre sun…sun…sun didi tere liye ik rishta aaya hai…’
Bani was silenced only when she saw that a rerun of FRIENDS was on TV again, leaving Rano in peace, much to her relief!
Kiran had left for the Hospital and Massi was busy in the kitchen cooking lunch, while Aditya, Rano and Bani were lounging lazily in the front room, Bani watching FRIENDS while Aditya leafed through some art brouchers and Rano fretting about something. Aditya took notice and addressed his elder niece, ‘What happened poppins? What’s wrong? You seem all lost and worried since yesterday!’
Before Rano could put in a reply, Bani quipped cheekily, ‘It’s the yucky Jai effect. Maybe she is dreaming where old stuffy shirt will take her for honeymoon! And whether her Thongs and Lace Garter might come for some use or not! Unlikely, if the looks of him go!’
Aditya grinned loudly as Rano threw a cushion over a hysterically giggling Bani.
Ignoring Bani, who was now munching happily over a packet of peanuts, Aditya addressed Rano, ‘So tell me, do you like him?’
Rano kept quiet and he continued, holding her hands in his warm grip and said, ‘You two are family to me, hope you know that! I never wanted to get married, but always wanted to have children….and god know, you both have been more than any of my own children could ever mean to me.’
Rano looked warmly at her Uncle and placed her head on his shoulder, he patted it and said, ‘Your future is very important to me and I want your happiness at any cost…and well, whatever I might feel on the institution, Marriage is very important, especially to a girl…so I want you to take the correct decision.’
Rano kept quiet, lost in her thoughts, while Bani was torn between watching Phoebe strumming a crummy guitar song and listening to the conversation between her Uncle and sister.
‘Jai is a wonderful guy…and you know, I am not easily impressed by people! But he is a genuine one, let me tell you. Someone you can rely upon for the rest of your life and I don’t mean just financially, socially and physically…but emotionally too! No need to smirk, Bunny…he is a sensitive, thoughtful guy, just that he doesn’t wear his heart on his sleeve.’
‘I would love to see where he wears it, though’ quipped Bani, followed by another cushion falling on her, this time courtesy Aditya.
Bringing his attention back on Rano, he continued, ‘So before he comes up with a proposal and I am sure he will, I want to know what is in your heart?’
Before Rano could answer, the doorbell rang incessantly and the three of them looked up at the same time.
Kiran came in, looking flushed and excited, bearing a box of sweets and placing it in Massi’s hand, hugged her and announced for general hearing, ‘Jai has sent a proposal!’
Massi smiled and uttered a quick prayer for everyone’s goodwill, followed by Aditya’s bonhomie and squeals of congratulations from Bani, as she hugged Rano, followed by jumping on the Sofa.
Aditya took a mouthful of Haldiram’s Ladoo and in-between chewing it, commented to Kiran, ‘I told you Bhabhi, he will surely like Rano. I mean come on, she is your daughter after all!’
Kiran’s smile’s faded just a little bit and taking a gulp of water that Massi had just given, she said with a slightly perplexed tone, ‘He did not propose marriage to Rano…’
Bani who was on her way to consume the third Ladoo, stood still and said in a shocked voice, ‘Oh God…Mumsie…he proposed to you??? He will be our Step-father? Shall I have to call him Dad?’
Kiran turned red and giving a belligerent look at her daughter said, ‘No, he did not propose to me…neither did he propose for Rano…guess who is left in the house?’
Bani had turned frozen now and all that came out of her voice was a squeaky, ‘Massi?’
Kiran gave a sugary smile and replied back, ‘Wrong again, sweetheart. Jai wants to marry you.’ ;)
To be continued…
It must have been another half an hour and Bani had completely forgotten about the plumber upstairs, when she heard the front door bell ringing again. With an impressive speed, Bani set about tidying the place, putting the stained cushion upside down and dumping the empty ice-cream carton back in the fridge.
She made a last ditch effort to wipe her mouth and not finding anything to hide the stains of ice-cream on her dress, Bani hastily pulled the jacket lying on the side-rest of the couch. And suddenly remembered the plumber upstairs. He sure didn’t look like a regular plumber, she mused.
The trio of Kiran, Rano and Massi had come back, looking very happy with life, their hands overloaded with the shopping that had taken place in such a short span of time.
It was Rano who asked first, ‘Bani? Who’s jacket have you put on?’
Bani looked at the oversized suede tan jacket and mumbled something incomprehensible.
Just then, Jai walked down the stairs, the sleeves of his white shirt rolled to three-fourths, his silk tie stuffed in the pocket of his neatly pleated trousers which looked much more rumpled in the last half an hour than they had become in the two hour flight from Mumbai to Delhi that he had undertaken this morning.
Kiran exclaimed in surprise and delight, ‘Jai beta! What a pleasant surprise! I thought you were supposed to come tomorrow!’
Kiran dropped her packets onto Bani and rushed forward to envelope Jai in a warm, maternal hug, which Jai followed by touching her feet.
‘I had a merger to attend tomorrow morning in Delhi, so took an early flight. How are you Kiran aunty? Its ages I saw you!’
Rano felt suddenly embarrassed and muttering an excuse, loaded her share of shopping on Bani and disappeared from the room.
Kiran seated Jai and asked Massi to get some refreshments which she did, after unloading the rest of the packets onto Bani, who was now invisible behind the mountain of colored packets and wrappings she was holding.
By the time, Kiran and Jai had caught up on the news, either side, Rano had composed herself and come down to the living room and Massi had spread an array of refreshments.
‘Jai, this is Rano…my older one. She has completed her Masters in Sociology from Delhi University and works with a NGO.’
Rano smiled shyly, feeling acute discomfort, as Jai smiled back, feeling quite the same himself, as he introduced himself, ‘Hi Rano! I have heard a lot about you, from Papa.’
Rano smiled back and spoke softly, ‘Nothing too bad, I hope!’
Jai laughed back and said, ‘Please be assured, quite the contrary.’
Bani meanwhile had turned the shade of puce and lugging all the innumerous packets in her hand, tried to find a way to disappear off the face of earth, when Kiran called out.
‘Bani…come here beta!’
Jai gave his mastered poker look, as Bani stood in front of him, he noticed that she had put on his jacket on the ice-cream stained dress of hers.
‘You two have already met, I think. Jai, did Bani show you the room where you will be staying? I hope its okay for you!’
Jai did not take his eyes off Bani, who kept staring at the ceiling as if making a heart to heart conversation with it.
‘Oh yes! Its lovely…especially the bathroom.’
Bani swallowed at this comment and quickly darted a look at his amused face.
Kiran looked confused at the comment and turning to look at her younger daughter asked, ‘Bani, that reminds me. Did the plumber come?’ Giving a quick explanatory look at Jai, she said, ‘The plumbing wasn’t working properly in the morning.’
Jai had to suppress his smile at the look on Bani’s face and he answered on her behalf, ‘Yes, I suppose he did aunty. The plumbing is working perfectly fine now.’
‘Oh thank god! You know how unreliable help has become nowadays, isn’t it?’
Jai continued, thoroughly amused at Bani’s acute discomfort and wriggling, ‘Yes, thank goodness, there are still a few good men left in the world to do all the plumbing!’
Bani turned more dark with embarrassment as she shuffled out of the room in a flurry.
It was almost lunch time and Bani had somehow managed to stay away from facing Jai anymore, but when Kiran ordered her to go and fetch Jai for lunch, Bani decided she had no other go. And besides, he seemed to have hit right off with Rano and most probably they would be getting married. She sure couldn’t avoid her future brother-in-law for the rest of her life, could she?
Standing in front of the closed door, Bani twitched her lips comically, trying to come up with some sort of rational and dignified explanation for her previous behavior, but try as she might, nothing seemed right enough to face Jai Walia. Bani decided that she will send Massi to call him and make an excuse of an upset stomach and avoid him at lunch at least, but just then, the door opened and Jai stood, with his one arm perched on the doorway and the other on his hip.
‘Hello there, we meet again!’
Bani smiled consciously and handed him his jacket and mumbled softly, ‘Mum was asking if you will have lunch downstairs or in your room?’ That was the latest addition and she hoped that he would prefer having lunch upstairs or maybe he didn’t have lunch at all.
But against her wishes, he smiled blankly at her and said, ‘I will definitely have lunch downstairs and have it with you, young lady.’ Placing his arm around hers, he swiftly maneuvered her towards the stairs and down to the dining room.
Massi who was laying the lunch looked up and commented happily, ‘See…how Jeeja and Saali are already bonding.’ Kiran looked up and smiled contentedly. Rano was fiddling with the fork and spoon, lost in her own world.
‘I see, Bani and you are already friends, Jai!’ Kiran said smiling at her younger daughter and future son-in-law. Jai gave an equally sweet smile back and said, ‘She was rather helpful when I came in the morning…’
Bani looked glumly at the food and tried to work out whether she should tell Rano about what really happened or not! Else, it seemed, that yucky Jai would never stop pulling her leg on what had happened in the morning.
The lunch went on very pleasantly and while Jai chatted in a friendly manner to everyone around, his attention seemed to have been rather focused on Bani, who to everyone’s intense surprise, was keeping totally mum and only concentrated on nibbling her food.
Kiran’s brother-in-law, her late husband’s younger brother, Aditya dropped by in the evening, much to Rano and Bani’s delight who simply adored him and he in turn doted on his two nieces, especially Bani.
Aditya took an instant liking to the abstemious and somber Jai, in spite of being quite the opposite himself and both the men got down together on the lawns with steaming cup of tea brought rather coyly by Rano and Bani.
‘Hey Bunny, what’s up with you today?’ Aditya joked, as Bani made some hushing noises trying to indicate that she did not particularly wanted to be noticed today, or at least till yucky Jai was around.
Jai looked amused and said, ‘Bunny? What a lovely nickname…kind of suits you!’
Bani turned red and made a funny face, turning to run away from the lawn, when Rano pulled her hand and forced her to sit alongside her, not wanting to be left alone with Jai, even though Aditya was there for company.
Jai kept looking at Bani, who had seated herself on the grass and was picking it up with ferocity. ‘I have a nickname too!’
Bani looked up at him in surprise and spoke for the first time in his presence, ‘Really? What?’
Jai smiled and replied, ‘Yucky Jai!’
Color filled both her cheeks as she made an effort to get up and making a clumsy excuse, made a dash towards the house.
Dinner was a lively affair, as Aditya and Jai took on discussing politics, cricket, business and art with enthusiasm, broken in between by Massi and Kiran who kept piling on dishes after dishes of sumptuous food. Rano, though still restrained and shy, took a liking to Jai’s intelligence and his dignified manner of speech and behaviour and she too joined in the conversation. Only Bani brooded silently, devouring her kheer with a look of bland disinterest.
When Jai had retired for the night, stating that he had an important meeting to attend early morning, Kiran sighed in pleasure and anticipation and turning to her brother-in-law said, ‘So Adi…what do you think of him?’
Aditya smiled and said, ‘Bhabhi, he is a perfect catch, if I may say so! Any girl will be lucky to have him!’
Kiran continued her grinning and spoke in a conspiratorial manner, ‘So, do you think he likes my daughter?’
Aditya replied back, ‘Oh, I am sure…’ then keeping to himself, muttered, ‘though I am not sure which one he likes the most!’
It was close to eight, when everyone had finished having breakfast. On the insistence of Rano and Bani, Aditya had stayed put for the night and promised to take Bani to the Art Gallery he ran in South Delhi. Breakfast had been dealt with and pleasantries exchanged, when Jai took leave from everyone.
‘Kiran aunty, thank you so much for having me over. It was such an enjoyable day and such a pleasure meeting everyone in the family.’
Kiran smiled graciously and replied, ‘The pleasure is all ours, beta. But why are you insisting on leaving so soon, stay at our house for the rest of your visit.’
‘I would love to, I really need to go and have a look at the Farmhouse, there is some work going on there and I need to overlook that! But I promise, I will keep visiting.’
Kiran took the ‘I will keep visiting’ sentence to be an omen and coughing gently said, ‘I…I will speak to your father later on…and if you have something to say, we can talk over the phone, right?’
Jai smiled faintly, understanding the reference quite well and nodding his head, shook hands with Aditya, only to be hugged warmly by him and bid a very courteous goodbye to Rano.
It was well over ten that Bani came staggering down, half sleepy, her oversized pajamas dangling on her, making her appearance to be similar to a scarecrow.
‘Bunny, why the hell do you have to wear that ridiculous dress, I can’t imagine! Doesn’t Bhabhi give you enough pocket money to buy wearable dresses?’
Aditya looked at his niece, half in exasperation and half in amusement. He totally doted on her and had been a father figure to her since his brother’s death, but the girl was completely out of his understanding. Being an aficionado of art and all things beautiful, he just couldn’t for the life of him understand why his lovely niece had to dress and appear like a rag doll most of the time. From what he could see, Bani might not have been blessed with Rano’s gentle, feminine beauty, but she had such spark and vitality, that it was impossible not to take notice of her. Rano’s beauty was more of the porcelain types, the type you might want to place on a pedestal and admire for the rest of your life, but Bani was more real…alive! She was intelligent, well-read and incisive and could be very impressive if only she made the effort to do so. But somehow, being the youngest in the family had taken a toll on her and now she wanted to remain a child for the rest of her life and left no opportunity to act like one, be it wearing dresses she was far to grown up for or speaking in a manner which left the other person clutching their hair in despair.
Aditya sized up his niece and said, ‘What you need is a man to take charge of you! Someone who will tell you that you are 20 not 2!’
Bani nodded, still half-asleep as if she was hearing and understanding every pearl of wisdom that came her way and in reply only asked, ‘Can I have some Jam please?’
Aditya looked even more exasperated and snatching the bottle of jam that Rano was passing to Bani, banged it on the table and holding her by the shoulders said, ‘Bani…I am talking to you! Grow up, please! Become a woman…like your Mother….like your sister.’
Bani stared at her Uncle with the same droopy look and said, ‘Oh sure…now can I have the Jam please!’
Rano burst into giggles as Aditya gave up wearily, pulling his hands in the air and saying, ‘Only God can help this thing.’
Bani had spent the rest of the morning teasing the life out of Rano singing in a loud, grating voice;
‘Sun…sun…sun didi tere liye ik rishta aaya hai…
Arre sun…sun…sun didi tere liye ik rishta aaya hai…’
Bani was silenced only when she saw that a rerun of FRIENDS was on TV again, leaving Rano in peace, much to her relief!
Kiran had left for the Hospital and Massi was busy in the kitchen cooking lunch, while Aditya, Rano and Bani were lounging lazily in the front room, Bani watching FRIENDS while Aditya leafed through some art brouchers and Rano fretting about something. Aditya took notice and addressed his elder niece, ‘What happened poppins? What’s wrong? You seem all lost and worried since yesterday!’
Before Rano could put in a reply, Bani quipped cheekily, ‘It’s the yucky Jai effect. Maybe she is dreaming where old stuffy shirt will take her for honeymoon! And whether her Thongs and Lace Garter might come for some use or not! Unlikely, if the looks of him go!’
Aditya grinned loudly as Rano threw a cushion over a hysterically giggling Bani.
Ignoring Bani, who was now munching happily over a packet of peanuts, Aditya addressed Rano, ‘So tell me, do you like him?’
Rano kept quiet and he continued, holding her hands in his warm grip and said, ‘You two are family to me, hope you know that! I never wanted to get married, but always wanted to have children….and god know, you both have been more than any of my own children could ever mean to me.’
Rano looked warmly at her Uncle and placed her head on his shoulder, he patted it and said, ‘Your future is very important to me and I want your happiness at any cost…and well, whatever I might feel on the institution, Marriage is very important, especially to a girl…so I want you to take the correct decision.’
Rano kept quiet, lost in her thoughts, while Bani was torn between watching Phoebe strumming a crummy guitar song and listening to the conversation between her Uncle and sister.
‘Jai is a wonderful guy…and you know, I am not easily impressed by people! But he is a genuine one, let me tell you. Someone you can rely upon for the rest of your life and I don’t mean just financially, socially and physically…but emotionally too! No need to smirk, Bunny…he is a sensitive, thoughtful guy, just that he doesn’t wear his heart on his sleeve.’
‘I would love to see where he wears it, though’ quipped Bani, followed by another cushion falling on her, this time courtesy Aditya.
Bringing his attention back on Rano, he continued, ‘So before he comes up with a proposal and I am sure he will, I want to know what is in your heart?’
Before Rano could answer, the doorbell rang incessantly and the three of them looked up at the same time.
Kiran came in, looking flushed and excited, bearing a box of sweets and placing it in Massi’s hand, hugged her and announced for general hearing, ‘Jai has sent a proposal!’
Massi smiled and uttered a quick prayer for everyone’s goodwill, followed by Aditya’s bonhomie and squeals of congratulations from Bani, as she hugged Rano, followed by jumping on the Sofa.
Aditya took a mouthful of Haldiram’s Ladoo and in-between chewing it, commented to Kiran, ‘I told you Bhabhi, he will surely like Rano. I mean come on, she is your daughter after all!’
Kiran’s smile’s faded just a little bit and taking a gulp of water that Massi had just given, she said with a slightly perplexed tone, ‘He did not propose marriage to Rano…’
Bani who was on her way to consume the third Ladoo, stood still and said in a shocked voice, ‘Oh God…Mumsie…he proposed to you??? He will be our Step-father? Shall I have to call him Dad?’
Kiran turned red and giving a belligerent look at her daughter said, ‘No, he did not propose to me…neither did he propose for Rano…guess who is left in the house?’
Bani had turned frozen now and all that came out of her voice was a squeaky, ‘Massi?’
Kiran gave a sugary smile and replied back, ‘Wrong again, sweetheart. Jai wants to marry you.’ ;)

To be continued…
Part 3
Bani choked on the ladoo she was eating and coughed so much that everyone had to help her onto the Couch while Rano quickly got her some water to drink and Massi fanned her with the edge of her Sari.
‘Oh God…I think I am having a seizure…call the paramedics, call anyone…I might have a Cardiac arrest…’
Kiran gave a wane look at her daughter and said, ‘Very unlikely…not at this age, but if you keep stuffing yourself with all that food, that might be the eventuality in a few years.’
Everyone was shell-shocked, apart from the fact that Rano felt light and joyful and had a hard time keeping her unexpected reaction to herself. She had to look suitably mournful at being rejected, that too in favor of her younger sister.
Aditya was the one who needed water next as he plunked himself on the couch and said, ‘But Bhabhi…how is that possible…Bani? Really? Did you hear him correct?’
Bani who was still being fanned by an indulgent Massi looked up and said, ‘Hey! What do you mean by that, Chachu? Why is it so impossible that someone would want to marry me! Gosh, I am always insulted in this house!’
Before Aditya could make a rejoinder, Kiran looked at Bani and said, ‘So, does that mean, it is a yes from your side too. I will call up Jai in the evening and tell him the good news. We can have a small engagement ceremony this Sunday and then when Mr. Walia comes down from the US, we can finalize on a wedding date. That would give us enough time for the trousseau shopping…’
Bani gave an frustrated look at her mother and said, ‘Hold on…Hold on…What engagement? What marriage? And what trousseau shopping? I am not marrying yucky Jai….or anyone else for that matter!’
Kiran replied back coolly, ‘That is no way to speak about your future husband.’
Bani stomped her feet in dismay and maddened at the discussion that was going on, stormed up to her room.
Aditya and Rano who were clearly still dazed looked at Kiran who continued in a soft voice, ‘To be honest, I was taken aback too…in fact, I didn’t have any answer to give for a while…but then I thought about it…’ Holding Rano’s face in the palm of her hand, she continued, ‘There would be no dearth of suitors for Rano, is it? She has been getting proposals from our friends and acquaintances since she was eighteen…and yet I had always wanted Jai to be the son in law of this house…’ Kiran kept quiet and then in a slightly guilt ridden voice addressed her daughter, ‘Rano…are you very hurt, that I finalized Bani’s marriage before yours?”
Rano smiled warmly at her mother and said, ‘Mum…please! How could you even think so? Where is the difference between her and me? And whatever decision you take will be the best for us! I am so happy for Bani…and Jai…they are just made for each other!’
Both Aditya and Kiran broke into a warmhearted smile and she enveloped her daughter into a maternal hug.
‘Ok, so that means, you will convince Bani for the marriage…or at least for the engagement this Sunday.’ Kiran looked sheepishly as Rano’s eyes widened and she said in a crotchety voice, ‘That means you have not only accepted the proposal on Bani’s behalf, but also fixed the engagement! Oh wow…Adi Chachu, we can expect to see some fireworks much ahead of Diwali today!’
Aditya, Kiran and Rano dissolved into peals of laugher as Bani pranced about her room, torn between bewilderment, irritation and plain terror.
Rano came tiptoeing, a song in her lips, singing mischievously;
‘Sun…Sun…Sun…Bani tere liye ik rishta aaya hai….
Arre sun…sun…sun…Bani tere liye ik rishta aaya hai….’
Bani turned towards her sister and yelped hysterically, ‘He is taking revenge….Di, I tell you, yucky Jai wants to take revenge on me!’
Rano burst into giggles again and falling on the bed, taking a pillow beside her said, ‘And why would the poor man take revenge on you, my dear sister? He hadn’t even laid eyes on your till yesterday!’
Bani kept prancing the length and breath of the room in an agitated manner, ‘Because I made him take out his clothes and put his hand in the sewer…’
Rano’s eyes widened in confusion and she repeated, ‘Take off his clothes and put his hand in the sewer? What on earth does that mean, now?’
Bani shook her head in exasperation and said, ‘When you guys had gone for shopping, I was watching FRIENDS and the doorbell rang…it was a rerun of my favorite episode and I was so irritated at missing a single scene…I opened the door thinking it would be the plumber…I didn’t even notice him standing there….’
Rano’s mouth had opened in disbelief and all she could say was, ‘Bani…you mistook Jai Walia to be a plumber? From which angle does he look like one?’
Bani shrugged her head and said, ‘So how are plumbers supposed to look like anyway?’
‘Well definitely not so good-looking and sophisticated, I would say!’
‘Anyway, I pushed him towards the guest room and told him to clean the sewers….to remove the blockage….with his hands.’
This was too much for Rano to digest and she rolled on the bed, consumed by mirth and laughter and yelping in delight, as Bani hit her continuously with pillows and cushions and soft-toys.
‘Now you have a definite reason to marry him, Bani!’
She looked up perplexed, and Rano continued in the same light vein, ‘You will never have to worry about plumbing, at least!’
The ensuing commotion made Kiran come up and demand an explanation.
Before Bani could answer, Rano replied to her mother, ‘Mum…good news! Bani is ready for the engagement!’
Bani gagged on her words, as Rano winked back at her and before any reaction from her could take place, Kiran had enveloped both her daughters in a bear hug, tears of joy forming in her eyes.
‘I wish your papa was alive today…my daughter is getting married…I can’t believe when you grew up so fast.’
A dazed Bani could just manage, ‘I haven’t Mum…just listen to me.’
But she was smothered still by Massi who had come and done a ‘Nazar Utarna’ of Bani much to her frustration and Rano’s constant hilarity at the situation.
When they retired for the night, Bani’s head was aching and the more she thought about the possibility of actually getting married to, Yucky Jai, the more she had to press her forehead.
In the dark, when both the sisters had lain on their side of the bed, Bani asked, as if by sudden inspiration, ‘Tell me one thing…why are you so happy that yucky Jai asked me for marriage and not you? Isn’t it kind of a downer…you are the older one, after all and anyway he came with the idea of seeing you, not me!’
Rano smiled to herself in the dark and laying a hand on top of Bani said, ‘Tell me what reason could be?’
Bani, till sulking from the bombardment that had taken place a few hours back replied back grumpily, ‘How do I know? But I guess no woman would really want to marry him in the first place…no wonder, he chose me!’
Rano looked startled and said, ‘Are you joking Bani? Please tell me you are! And if you are not, then I have to say, that you are the craziest girl in the whole world to think that no woman would want Jai Walia as her husband!’
Bani grunted, making some snorting noises.
‘Come on Bani…did you even look at the guy! He is so attractive…and well-educated and so well-placed…and he has such nice manner…Where are guys like him to be found these days?’
‘Well, we did find one today, isn’t it?’ Bani replied sarcastically.
‘Very funny….do you know he is trilingual and has written a published and well-received paper on ‘The Wealth of Nations’ in his final year of Management Degree at Harvard.’
Bani rolled her eyes in the dark and said in the same sardonic tone, ‘Yeah…sounds like every woman’s ultimate fantasy come true…Wealth of Nations, indeed! He sounds like a pompous bore to me!’
Rano hit Bani gently on her head and said, ‘Don’t be so prejudiced…you hardly even looked at him. And look who is judging…you are the one who made the poor guy into a plumber without even checking out his credentials…I really wonder what he ever saw in you.’
Bani grinned and turning to face her sister said, ‘Ooh, I sense someone is jealous….are you, Rano Di? Jealous? That he would be reading the ‘Wealth of Nations’ to me on our honeymoon cruise while you will be sitting in the balcony like a wilted flower, pining for your intellectual brother-in-law!’
Rano broke into giggles and so did Bani as they kept kicking one another, suddenly becoming children again!
‘Hey, so you never told me why you are so happy that yucky…ok…ok…don’t hit me, it hurts! Jai…the respected and honorable Mr. Jai Walia chose me over you? After all, you both do seem to have the same, ahem, interest, like speaking languages no one cares about and writing and reading boring papers no one else would bother reading?”
Rano kept quiet, a smile playing on her lips and Bani nudged her again, ‘Tell me, nah? Please! I promise I won’t breath a word to anyone!’
‘You are a motor-mouth Bani…if I tell you, the whole neighborhood would come to know of it in one day!’
‘Don’t be silly…I am grown up…see I am getting engaged to a hi-brow man coming Sunday…how is that for growth! Tell me na, I promise to keep hush hush about it!’
‘Swear upon God!’
Rano kept quite for sometime before announcing shyly, ‘I am in love with someone….and he proposed to me!’
What ensued was complete silence before Bani jumped on the bed and at the top of her voice screamed, ‘Woooh….Yeah…..I knew…I knew….I knew you were having a scene with someone….This is so thrilling…’
Rano got up, completely overcome by panic and tired to reign in Bani, but she was too fast and had already opened the door of their room and glided down the barrister, right down to the living room, shouting at the top of voice, ‘Ma….Adi Chachu…Massi….Mango….everyone…My sister is in love….Rano Dixit is in love…and she got proposed for marriage. Yoo Hoo…..’
Rano stood mortified with dread at the top of her stairs as Bani did a clownish jig all around the darkened room, bumping over the furniture and scaring the life out of their dog, Mango…who kept barking and jumping along with his enthusiastic owner.
In no time, the lights were on and everyone was in the living room and all Rano could do was bury her head in the palms of her hands and run back into her room. If Bani wasn’t getting engaged, Rano could have happily wrangled her neck in one go!
The following morning, everyone woke up later than usual, mostly because a good part of the night was spending in Bani’s exclamations and hyper-excitement and the next good part when Rano had to finally come down from hiding and tell her secret to everyone, but not before she had passed murderous glances at a completely nonchalant Bani, who seemed more thrilled at the prospect of knowing that her sister had a love life than the knowledge that she was to get engaged in two days!
The guy was Ranveer Bali and he was one of the Junior Partner of a Company which sponsored funding of the NGO where Rano worked. They had become quite friendly over the last few months, working on a common project for Ranveer’s company and one thing had led to another and he had finally put in a proposal for marriage.
Taken in by acute surprise, Kiran asked Rano, ‘But why didn’t you tell me so, beta?’ And then in a slightly hurt voice continued, ‘I thought both of you always shared everything with me.’
‘Oh Ma…’ Rano came towards her mother and placed her head on her shoulder and said, ‘It was all so sudden…its not as if I was having an affair or anything…we were just good friends…I admit I liked him a lot…but there was nothing more to it….and then when I told him that a family friend of mine was coming over and might put it in a proposal for marriage…I guess he thought it was finally time to open his mouth! Believe me, I was really shocked when he proposed marriage to me and I told him that I need time to think….’
Bani propped in with a twinkle in her eyes, ‘So, is he hot?’
Rano gave a cold look at her sister and said, ‘You? Don’t even talk to me!’
Bani gave a shrug and continued, ‘Please tell me he is not like my would be ‘husband’. Tell me he is witty, fun and he doesn’t speak three languages and write boring papers on inane subjects.’
This remark interjected a round of laughter from Rano and she thawed towards Bani and said, ‘No, he is nothing like Jai….and I only wish he was like him…but whatever he is like, he is great!’
Kiran paused and the addressed her older daughter, ‘So…what have you thought about his proposal.’
Rano bent her head shyly and replied after some thought, ‘I like him a lot…but I want you to take the final decision…after meeting him…he is gone to Hong Kong for work, should be back in a week or so…I will get him home to meet with all of you.’
Kiran smiled warmly at both her daughters and said, ‘Someone up there must really love me…I can’t believe that within a span of one day, I have two proposals and both my daughters would be getting married!’
Patting Mango on his head, Kiran sighed and said, ‘Only we two will be left, Mango.’
Bani immediately hugged her mother and said, ‘Rano can get married and go anywhere she wants to…but I will always stay with you, Ma!’
Kiran smiled and said, ‘Then what will Jai do without you!’
Bani humped and replied back, ‘He can keep writing papers and speaking foreign languages, I don’t care a damn!’
Rano burst out into giggles as Kiran replied in a confused manner, ‘What is this paper writing and language speaking that you keep mentioning? And Bani, for the last time, don’t speak of your future husband in this manner. And that is an order!’
Jai sat in his office room, behind a huge antique mahogany desk that was piled with papers, files and miscellaneous office stationary. Blinking absently at his laptop, he shut it down with an exclamation of frustration and pushing his head back on the head of his chair, he ran his hand through his hair, rumpling it and gave a loud sigh.
‘And for what is this desperate sigh?’
Tarun Sablok entered, sporting a smile and seating himself on the edge of the desk.
Jai who would normally have commented on Tarun’s casual approach to office and office manners, just gave a shrug and said, ‘What am I to do, Tarun? What did I end up doing!’
Tarun smiled and trying to suppress an urge to laugh, said, ‘It might just do you some good, you know Jai! You are far too serious than you should be! The girl sounds fun!’
‘Fun? Fun?’ Jai replied back in such anguish and desperation that Tarun was almost thrown off the table.
‘She has the manners of a Cow….and the eyesight of an Owl….and she eats like a Pig….’
‘Sounds like you have the entire parody of Animal Farm at your disposal!’ Tarun quipped, looking thoroughly amused at his best friend’s discomfort and desperation!
‘Not funny. I need to get out of this thing, Tarun. I can’t get married to her. She will drive me mad…No, I think she will drive any man Mad.’
‘If you feel so strongly against her, why the hell did you say that you wanted to marry her?’
Jai kept quiet for some time and then shrugging his head in a confused manner said, ‘Its all very complicated, Tarun. You see, I had already made up my mind to marry Rano Dixit, even though I hadn’t seen her…I mean Dad always talked about it and then you know, I have a practical approach to life and marriage…Rano sounded like my type of person and well, if one has to get married, then it better be with someone with whom you have shared interests!’
Tarun glanced back at his friend and said, ‘You do have some very quaint ideas on marriage Jai. Don’t you believe that love is equally important for a marriage? What is the point in having same interests when you don’t love one another?’
Jai gave a shrug and replied back, ‘There is nothing called love…its just a biological phenomena…marriages are made on compatibility and common interests, nothing else matters!’
‘Whatever….but then if you feel like this, then how come you ended up proposing marriage to Bani instead of Rano?’
‘I was just confused…the initial meeting with Bani was so shocking that I just couldn’t help but focus all my attention on her during my stay, I hardly noticed Rano!…in fact, I don’t even remember how she looked…better than that monkey, I am sure….but I just got so confused when Kiran aunty asked me, that I just blurted out Bani’s name…and then it was too embarrassing to go back on my word. What was I supposed to say? Sorry aunty, I mentioned the wrong girl! Can I come back to your home again to inspect your older one so that I can decide on who I want as my wife?’
Tarun continued grinning and said, ‘She sounds fun, really, this Bani! Now if you back out, obviously its going to cost a lot of embarrassment to everyone around….and your father is not going to be very pleased….just get engaged to her for now!’
‘Get engaged? But that would be complicating things further…’
‘No. It won’t be complicating things further! Get engaged, have a courtship period…I am sure you will put her off in that time!’
Tarun broke out laughing, looking at the expression on Jai’s face and controlling himself said, ‘Seriously Jai…there must be something to it, you know! Maybe you two are made for each other….I mean otherwise, how can a guy who has never even got a single number wrong on his account sheets ever utter the wrong girl’s name…it was meant to be Bani and there it is!’
‘What baloney! I don’t believe in all this made for each other! But I guess, its wrong to back out now…I will have to go ahead! Oh hell, anyway most people have unhappy marriages! I will have an affair later on!’
‘Hey…speak for yourself! I am happily married! And look at you, talking about extra-marital affairs, even before getting married!’
Jai picked on his jacket and urging his friend to get up said in a brusque, business like manner, ‘Come one now, lets go out before the shops get closed.’
‘Yes…Shops! Jewelry Shops…if I am getting engaged on Sunday, I do need a ring, isn’t it?’
‘There spoke my man!’
Bani choked on the ladoo she was eating and coughed so much that everyone had to help her onto the Couch while Rano quickly got her some water to drink and Massi fanned her with the edge of her Sari.
‘Oh God…I think I am having a seizure…call the paramedics, call anyone…I might have a Cardiac arrest…’
Kiran gave a wane look at her daughter and said, ‘Very unlikely…not at this age, but if you keep stuffing yourself with all that food, that might be the eventuality in a few years.’
Everyone was shell-shocked, apart from the fact that Rano felt light and joyful and had a hard time keeping her unexpected reaction to herself. She had to look suitably mournful at being rejected, that too in favor of her younger sister.
Aditya was the one who needed water next as he plunked himself on the couch and said, ‘But Bhabhi…how is that possible…Bani? Really? Did you hear him correct?’
Bani who was still being fanned by an indulgent Massi looked up and said, ‘Hey! What do you mean by that, Chachu? Why is it so impossible that someone would want to marry me! Gosh, I am always insulted in this house!’
Before Aditya could make a rejoinder, Kiran looked at Bani and said, ‘So, does that mean, it is a yes from your side too. I will call up Jai in the evening and tell him the good news. We can have a small engagement ceremony this Sunday and then when Mr. Walia comes down from the US, we can finalize on a wedding date. That would give us enough time for the trousseau shopping…’
Bani gave an frustrated look at her mother and said, ‘Hold on…Hold on…What engagement? What marriage? And what trousseau shopping? I am not marrying yucky Jai….or anyone else for that matter!’
Kiran replied back coolly, ‘That is no way to speak about your future husband.’
Bani stomped her feet in dismay and maddened at the discussion that was going on, stormed up to her room.
Aditya and Rano who were clearly still dazed looked at Kiran who continued in a soft voice, ‘To be honest, I was taken aback too…in fact, I didn’t have any answer to give for a while…but then I thought about it…’ Holding Rano’s face in the palm of her hand, she continued, ‘There would be no dearth of suitors for Rano, is it? She has been getting proposals from our friends and acquaintances since she was eighteen…and yet I had always wanted Jai to be the son in law of this house…’ Kiran kept quiet and then in a slightly guilt ridden voice addressed her daughter, ‘Rano…are you very hurt, that I finalized Bani’s marriage before yours?”
Rano smiled warmly at her mother and said, ‘Mum…please! How could you even think so? Where is the difference between her and me? And whatever decision you take will be the best for us! I am so happy for Bani…and Jai…they are just made for each other!’
Both Aditya and Kiran broke into a warmhearted smile and she enveloped her daughter into a maternal hug.
‘Ok, so that means, you will convince Bani for the marriage…or at least for the engagement this Sunday.’ Kiran looked sheepishly as Rano’s eyes widened and she said in a crotchety voice, ‘That means you have not only accepted the proposal on Bani’s behalf, but also fixed the engagement! Oh wow…Adi Chachu, we can expect to see some fireworks much ahead of Diwali today!’
Aditya, Kiran and Rano dissolved into peals of laugher as Bani pranced about her room, torn between bewilderment, irritation and plain terror.
Rano came tiptoeing, a song in her lips, singing mischievously;
‘Sun…Sun…Sun…Bani tere liye ik rishta aaya hai….
Arre sun…sun…sun…Bani tere liye ik rishta aaya hai….’
Bani turned towards her sister and yelped hysterically, ‘He is taking revenge….Di, I tell you, yucky Jai wants to take revenge on me!’
Rano burst into giggles again and falling on the bed, taking a pillow beside her said, ‘And why would the poor man take revenge on you, my dear sister? He hadn’t even laid eyes on your till yesterday!’
Bani kept prancing the length and breath of the room in an agitated manner, ‘Because I made him take out his clothes and put his hand in the sewer…’
Rano’s eyes widened in confusion and she repeated, ‘Take off his clothes and put his hand in the sewer? What on earth does that mean, now?’
Bani shook her head in exasperation and said, ‘When you guys had gone for shopping, I was watching FRIENDS and the doorbell rang…it was a rerun of my favorite episode and I was so irritated at missing a single scene…I opened the door thinking it would be the plumber…I didn’t even notice him standing there….’
Rano’s mouth had opened in disbelief and all she could say was, ‘Bani…you mistook Jai Walia to be a plumber? From which angle does he look like one?’
Bani shrugged her head and said, ‘So how are plumbers supposed to look like anyway?’
‘Well definitely not so good-looking and sophisticated, I would say!’
‘Anyway, I pushed him towards the guest room and told him to clean the sewers….to remove the blockage….with his hands.’
This was too much for Rano to digest and she rolled on the bed, consumed by mirth and laughter and yelping in delight, as Bani hit her continuously with pillows and cushions and soft-toys.
‘Now you have a definite reason to marry him, Bani!’
She looked up perplexed, and Rano continued in the same light vein, ‘You will never have to worry about plumbing, at least!’
The ensuing commotion made Kiran come up and demand an explanation.
Before Bani could answer, Rano replied to her mother, ‘Mum…good news! Bani is ready for the engagement!’
Bani gagged on her words, as Rano winked back at her and before any reaction from her could take place, Kiran had enveloped both her daughters in a bear hug, tears of joy forming in her eyes.
‘I wish your papa was alive today…my daughter is getting married…I can’t believe when you grew up so fast.’
A dazed Bani could just manage, ‘I haven’t Mum…just listen to me.’
But she was smothered still by Massi who had come and done a ‘Nazar Utarna’ of Bani much to her frustration and Rano’s constant hilarity at the situation.
When they retired for the night, Bani’s head was aching and the more she thought about the possibility of actually getting married to, Yucky Jai, the more she had to press her forehead.
In the dark, when both the sisters had lain on their side of the bed, Bani asked, as if by sudden inspiration, ‘Tell me one thing…why are you so happy that yucky Jai asked me for marriage and not you? Isn’t it kind of a downer…you are the older one, after all and anyway he came with the idea of seeing you, not me!’
Rano smiled to herself in the dark and laying a hand on top of Bani said, ‘Tell me what reason could be?’
Bani, till sulking from the bombardment that had taken place a few hours back replied back grumpily, ‘How do I know? But I guess no woman would really want to marry him in the first place…no wonder, he chose me!’
Rano looked startled and said, ‘Are you joking Bani? Please tell me you are! And if you are not, then I have to say, that you are the craziest girl in the whole world to think that no woman would want Jai Walia as her husband!’
Bani grunted, making some snorting noises.
‘Come on Bani…did you even look at the guy! He is so attractive…and well-educated and so well-placed…and he has such nice manner…Where are guys like him to be found these days?’
‘Well, we did find one today, isn’t it?’ Bani replied sarcastically.
‘Very funny….do you know he is trilingual and has written a published and well-received paper on ‘The Wealth of Nations’ in his final year of Management Degree at Harvard.’
Bani rolled her eyes in the dark and said in the same sardonic tone, ‘Yeah…sounds like every woman’s ultimate fantasy come true…Wealth of Nations, indeed! He sounds like a pompous bore to me!’
Rano hit Bani gently on her head and said, ‘Don’t be so prejudiced…you hardly even looked at him. And look who is judging…you are the one who made the poor guy into a plumber without even checking out his credentials…I really wonder what he ever saw in you.’
Bani grinned and turning to face her sister said, ‘Ooh, I sense someone is jealous….are you, Rano Di? Jealous? That he would be reading the ‘Wealth of Nations’ to me on our honeymoon cruise while you will be sitting in the balcony like a wilted flower, pining for your intellectual brother-in-law!’
Rano broke into giggles and so did Bani as they kept kicking one another, suddenly becoming children again!
‘Hey, so you never told me why you are so happy that yucky…ok…ok…don’t hit me, it hurts! Jai…the respected and honorable Mr. Jai Walia chose me over you? After all, you both do seem to have the same, ahem, interest, like speaking languages no one cares about and writing and reading boring papers no one else would bother reading?”
Rano kept quiet, a smile playing on her lips and Bani nudged her again, ‘Tell me, nah? Please! I promise I won’t breath a word to anyone!’
‘You are a motor-mouth Bani…if I tell you, the whole neighborhood would come to know of it in one day!’
‘Don’t be silly…I am grown up…see I am getting engaged to a hi-brow man coming Sunday…how is that for growth! Tell me na, I promise to keep hush hush about it!’
‘Swear upon God!’
Rano kept quite for sometime before announcing shyly, ‘I am in love with someone….and he proposed to me!’
What ensued was complete silence before Bani jumped on the bed and at the top of her voice screamed, ‘Woooh….Yeah…..I knew…I knew….I knew you were having a scene with someone….This is so thrilling…’
Rano got up, completely overcome by panic and tired to reign in Bani, but she was too fast and had already opened the door of their room and glided down the barrister, right down to the living room, shouting at the top of voice, ‘Ma….Adi Chachu…Massi….Mango….everyone…My sister is in love….Rano Dixit is in love…and she got proposed for marriage. Yoo Hoo…..’
Rano stood mortified with dread at the top of her stairs as Bani did a clownish jig all around the darkened room, bumping over the furniture and scaring the life out of their dog, Mango…who kept barking and jumping along with his enthusiastic owner.
In no time, the lights were on and everyone was in the living room and all Rano could do was bury her head in the palms of her hands and run back into her room. If Bani wasn’t getting engaged, Rano could have happily wrangled her neck in one go!
The following morning, everyone woke up later than usual, mostly because a good part of the night was spending in Bani’s exclamations and hyper-excitement and the next good part when Rano had to finally come down from hiding and tell her secret to everyone, but not before she had passed murderous glances at a completely nonchalant Bani, who seemed more thrilled at the prospect of knowing that her sister had a love life than the knowledge that she was to get engaged in two days!
The guy was Ranveer Bali and he was one of the Junior Partner of a Company which sponsored funding of the NGO where Rano worked. They had become quite friendly over the last few months, working on a common project for Ranveer’s company and one thing had led to another and he had finally put in a proposal for marriage.
Taken in by acute surprise, Kiran asked Rano, ‘But why didn’t you tell me so, beta?’ And then in a slightly hurt voice continued, ‘I thought both of you always shared everything with me.’
‘Oh Ma…’ Rano came towards her mother and placed her head on her shoulder and said, ‘It was all so sudden…its not as if I was having an affair or anything…we were just good friends…I admit I liked him a lot…but there was nothing more to it….and then when I told him that a family friend of mine was coming over and might put it in a proposal for marriage…I guess he thought it was finally time to open his mouth! Believe me, I was really shocked when he proposed marriage to me and I told him that I need time to think….’
Bani propped in with a twinkle in her eyes, ‘So, is he hot?’
Rano gave a cold look at her sister and said, ‘You? Don’t even talk to me!’
Bani gave a shrug and continued, ‘Please tell me he is not like my would be ‘husband’. Tell me he is witty, fun and he doesn’t speak three languages and write boring papers on inane subjects.’
This remark interjected a round of laughter from Rano and she thawed towards Bani and said, ‘No, he is nothing like Jai….and I only wish he was like him…but whatever he is like, he is great!’
Kiran paused and the addressed her older daughter, ‘So…what have you thought about his proposal.’
Rano bent her head shyly and replied after some thought, ‘I like him a lot…but I want you to take the final decision…after meeting him…he is gone to Hong Kong for work, should be back in a week or so…I will get him home to meet with all of you.’
Kiran smiled warmly at both her daughters and said, ‘Someone up there must really love me…I can’t believe that within a span of one day, I have two proposals and both my daughters would be getting married!’
Patting Mango on his head, Kiran sighed and said, ‘Only we two will be left, Mango.’
Bani immediately hugged her mother and said, ‘Rano can get married and go anywhere she wants to…but I will always stay with you, Ma!’
Kiran smiled and said, ‘Then what will Jai do without you!’
Bani humped and replied back, ‘He can keep writing papers and speaking foreign languages, I don’t care a damn!’
Rano burst out into giggles as Kiran replied in a confused manner, ‘What is this paper writing and language speaking that you keep mentioning? And Bani, for the last time, don’t speak of your future husband in this manner. And that is an order!’
Jai sat in his office room, behind a huge antique mahogany desk that was piled with papers, files and miscellaneous office stationary. Blinking absently at his laptop, he shut it down with an exclamation of frustration and pushing his head back on the head of his chair, he ran his hand through his hair, rumpling it and gave a loud sigh.
‘And for what is this desperate sigh?’
Tarun Sablok entered, sporting a smile and seating himself on the edge of the desk.
Jai who would normally have commented on Tarun’s casual approach to office and office manners, just gave a shrug and said, ‘What am I to do, Tarun? What did I end up doing!’
Tarun smiled and trying to suppress an urge to laugh, said, ‘It might just do you some good, you know Jai! You are far too serious than you should be! The girl sounds fun!’
‘Fun? Fun?’ Jai replied back in such anguish and desperation that Tarun was almost thrown off the table.
‘She has the manners of a Cow….and the eyesight of an Owl….and she eats like a Pig….’
‘Sounds like you have the entire parody of Animal Farm at your disposal!’ Tarun quipped, looking thoroughly amused at his best friend’s discomfort and desperation!
‘Not funny. I need to get out of this thing, Tarun. I can’t get married to her. She will drive me mad…No, I think she will drive any man Mad.’
‘If you feel so strongly against her, why the hell did you say that you wanted to marry her?’
Jai kept quiet for some time and then shrugging his head in a confused manner said, ‘Its all very complicated, Tarun. You see, I had already made up my mind to marry Rano Dixit, even though I hadn’t seen her…I mean Dad always talked about it and then you know, I have a practical approach to life and marriage…Rano sounded like my type of person and well, if one has to get married, then it better be with someone with whom you have shared interests!’
Tarun glanced back at his friend and said, ‘You do have some very quaint ideas on marriage Jai. Don’t you believe that love is equally important for a marriage? What is the point in having same interests when you don’t love one another?’
Jai gave a shrug and replied back, ‘There is nothing called love…its just a biological phenomena…marriages are made on compatibility and common interests, nothing else matters!’
‘Whatever….but then if you feel like this, then how come you ended up proposing marriage to Bani instead of Rano?’
‘I was just confused…the initial meeting with Bani was so shocking that I just couldn’t help but focus all my attention on her during my stay, I hardly noticed Rano!…in fact, I don’t even remember how she looked…better than that monkey, I am sure….but I just got so confused when Kiran aunty asked me, that I just blurted out Bani’s name…and then it was too embarrassing to go back on my word. What was I supposed to say? Sorry aunty, I mentioned the wrong girl! Can I come back to your home again to inspect your older one so that I can decide on who I want as my wife?’
Tarun continued grinning and said, ‘She sounds fun, really, this Bani! Now if you back out, obviously its going to cost a lot of embarrassment to everyone around….and your father is not going to be very pleased….just get engaged to her for now!’
‘Get engaged? But that would be complicating things further…’
‘No. It won’t be complicating things further! Get engaged, have a courtship period…I am sure you will put her off in that time!’
Tarun broke out laughing, looking at the expression on Jai’s face and controlling himself said, ‘Seriously Jai…there must be something to it, you know! Maybe you two are made for each other….I mean otherwise, how can a guy who has never even got a single number wrong on his account sheets ever utter the wrong girl’s name…it was meant to be Bani and there it is!’
‘What baloney! I don’t believe in all this made for each other! But I guess, its wrong to back out now…I will have to go ahead! Oh hell, anyway most people have unhappy marriages! I will have an affair later on!’
‘Hey…speak for yourself! I am happily married! And look at you, talking about extra-marital affairs, even before getting married!’
Jai picked on his jacket and urging his friend to get up said in a brusque, business like manner, ‘Come one now, lets go out before the shops get closed.’
‘Yes…Shops! Jewelry Shops…if I am getting engaged on Sunday, I do need a ring, isn’t it?’
‘There spoke my man!’
Part 4
The venue for the Engagement was the Air force Officers Club, nestled amongst the luxuriant greens of South Delhi, arranged by Aditya in a short notice. Bani was shocked to see the crowd that had gathered, this was supposed to be a small, family affair and it seemed the entire contingent of Walia’s friends and family had come by. Expensive chiffons, rustled with silks and crepes, intermingling with the smell of various perfumes that had pervaded the area. All the flora grown in the valley of flowers that week was adorning the dividers and balustrade.
Jai walked in a little later than the others and stood apart from the gathering, putting his leg up on the iron fencing that surrounded the lawn, overlooking an artificial lake. In the distance, the roar of helicopters and gliders taking off or landing could be heard faintly. He looked freshly showered, shaved, and wearing a fresh white cotton shirt, sleeves rolled up comfortably till the elbow accentuating the gleam of his Cartier against the darker skin of his wrist, with tan Dockers and matching suede loafers in his feet. Bani thought he looked entirely different from the last time she had seen him.
‘Why on earth is he dressed so causally? Just goes to prove he has little if no respect for the sanctity of marriage. I think that is a good enough point to break off the engagement, right Di?’ Bani whispered into Rano’s ears.
Rano gave a warm smile at Jai’s direction when he looked at both the sisters and then hissed back, ‘What was he supposed to wear then? His grandfather’s wedding suit?’
Bani replied back, ‘Well whatever…this is way too casual and look at him showing off his Cartier…I bet he got a fake from Bangkok or something!’
‘Shut up, Bani! And no, I don’t think he is dressed casually…he looks rather dishy, in fact!’
‘Then please take my place, I will explain everything to Ranveer!’
‘Don’t start again and stop whispering into my ears, see, he is looking at our direction!’
Bani looked at him demurely and passed what she thought was a gracious and sociable smile, which was returned with equal austerity from Jai who turned away from Bani’s sight and started chatting with Aditya.
Bani was dressed in a lehenga that was in the shade of pale rose color and her long hair had been shampooed, conditioned and left open, in a shimmering, shining curtain, covering the length of her back, which Bani was thankful for, because the Choli that went with the lehenga was a very s**y one, joined by silk threads, making Bani worried that it might come off, especially since there was nothing beneath it. The parlor lady had done up a good job of her, putting minimum make-up on her, which accentuated her youth and brought out the lovely dark ochre of her eyes which looked very well-defined tonight with kohl in them. Thought not taking after her mother and sister in looks, Bani had a very different kind of beauty to her, something very naive and untouched, as if she had never noticed herself in the mirror and that fact made her look fresh and fragrant as a water lily in full bloom. And today, when extra effort had been made, she had transformed from the inattentiveness of adolescence to the studied elegance of a woman.
Karuna had joined Jai alongside Tarun and she whispered into Jai’s ears, ‘Which one is she? The tall, stunning creature in powder blue or that lively thing in dust pink?’
Jai gave a look at his cousin and said, ‘What colors are these anyway? Powder blue and dust pink? How come I have never heard of them?’
‘Oh come on, Bhai! Please tell na, which one is your Bani?’
‘My Bani?’
‘Well, you two are going to be married soon…so she will be your Bani, right?’ Karun teased him.
Tarun raised his eyebrow and started to make a comment, but Jai got ahead and replied back shortly, ‘The one in the pink dress…yes, the girl who is eyeing the sweets with such open gluttony!’
Karuna burst out giggling and hitting her cousin gently in his ribs said, ‘I heard she is really fond of food…can’t make out, looking at that gorgeous figure she has! Wonder where all of it goes!’
‘To her mouth, I suppose…she talks a lot too!’
‘Wow…sounds just like my type…thought I am really at a loss, how you two ever got together!’
‘Trust me, that is one question even I would like answered!’
Karuna swooned and looking lovingly at her husband, addressed Jai, ‘Cupid brought you together!’
Jai took a glass of fresh juice from a waiter who passed by and before walking away replied, ‘More like my stupidity brought us together…’
The party was in full groove and Jai had almost forgotten that it was actually his engagement night, when the call for the would be bride and groom came and Rano alongside Aditya came to fetch Jai for the Pooja followed by the ring ceremony.
Jai suddenly felt his throat go dry, what was he doing…getting engaged to a girl who was all so wrong for him…this was even worse than getting engaged to a total stranger…at least then there is hope and anticipation for knowing the person better…but here, he already knew what a complete scatterbrain and puerile girl Bani was.
When Jai was seated alongside the Panditji and the rituals for the Pooja had commenced, Kiran made a sign to go and fetch Bani.
Rano ran inside the small club room that had been allocated to them for changing and panicked when she could not find her sister. The first thought that came to her mind was that Bani had ran away. Petrified out of her mind, she began looking for her wildly, her eyes filled with tears and just when she thought of calling Aditya or Kiran, she heard a muffled sound coming from the washroom. Banging the door repeatedly, Rano called out for Bani.
When the door was opened, Bani came out, her makeup smudged and her eyes looking slightly swollen.
All Bani could say, before collapsing on Rano’s shoulder was, ‘I am shit scared Di…I can’t go there…in front of all those people…I can’t get engaged to that man…’
Rano breathed with relief and then patting Bani on her head said, ‘Why do you feel that?”
Bani looked up as Rano deftly took out her compact and tried to mend some of the makeup, ‘I don’t even know him properly…we just met once…and besides, besides…I don’t love him.’
Rano stopped and giving a look at her sister said, ‘Do you love someone else?’
Bani looked shocked and said, ‘Of course not! Do you think I will set about marrying him if I was in love with someone else?’
Rano finished the repair to Bani’s face and pinning her duppata tightly again, gave Bani a gentle look and said in a firm voice, ‘You have never loved anyone, so you don’t even know what love is…give Jai a chance…who knows, he might be the one god chose for you!’
‘I mistook him to be a plumber on our first meeting…you really think, ours is a pair made in heaven?”
Rano laughed and replied back, ‘He still chose you for marriage…now what does that say? Now come on, everyone is waiting! And you’ve been crying for food since morning…you can eat as much as you want once the ceremony is over.’
The thought of food cheered up Bani and she allowed Rano to lead her towards the place where the Pooja was taking place.
Jai looked up to see her and for some reason, found himself coloring a bit. Kiran’s sister and her husband who had come from Jaipur for the ceremony brought the ring in a silver tray filled with flowers and placed it near Panditji. Karuna brought the ring that Jai had purchased and kept it near the other ring.
After some chanting and invocations, Panditji told Bani to put the ring in Jai’s finger, blushing profusely and feeling utterly uncomfortable, Bani took the ring from Rano and slipped it on Jai’s finger. It seemed to be a perfect fit.
Karuna opened the box and took out the ring that Jai had brought for Bani. The moment she looked at it, all apprehensions that had arisen seemed to have evaporated into thin air.
It was a two and a half carat flawless diamond setting and Bani could feel her finger being weighed down as he slid it into her finger. The ring seemed a little loose for her. Bani kept staring at the ring, she had never seen a more expensive and stunning piece of jewelry in her whole life and without thinking, she looked at Jai and said, ‘Is it, like for real?’
Rano looked mortified on hearing what Bani had just said, but to her intense relief and surprise, Jai just gave an offhand motion to Bani and said, ‘Yes, it is real’ and then added with slight mockery,’…I have the receipt for it, if you want to see it!’
Rano gave a stiff smile at Bani and helped her get up before she could open her mouth again to give innocuous statements!
The rest of the party was a blur to Bani, while the guests raked in the merriment as liquor began to flow freely, now that the Pooja was over, she could barely conceal her excitement over the ring and kept flashing it in different angles, seeing how much it sparkled when the fairy lights fell on it.
Jai who had been talking to a close business associate of his, leaned his head backwards towards Tarun as he came and said slowly, ‘Your girl looks very happy today…’
Jai waved his hand and replied back, ‘She definitely seems to like the ring more than me…oh well, that is more than what I can say…I neither like her nor the ring! Its too tight.’
‘Cut some slack Jai…and cheer up! You are engaged, man!’
Jai answered back irritated, ‘Yah, whatever!’
When Kiran, alongside her sister and brother-in-law, Aditya, Rano and Massi were seeing off Jai, Karuna mentioned cheerfully, ‘Now that you two are engaged, I hope you get enough time to know each other well before the marriage takes place. Aunty, you won’t mind if Jai takes out Bani on a date?’
Kiran gave a beaming look at Karuna and said, ‘Of course not! They have all the time to get and know one another well enough before they get married. And besides, Mr. Walia has to come back from the US too. When is he expected back, Jai beta?’
Jai replied back, ‘Next two months, I think. His knee surgery date has been postponed, once it is through, he will come to India.’
‘Good Good…and Bani will expect you this Saturday. Hope that’s alright with you?’
It wasn’t alright with Jai at all, but he nodded politely and bid everyone a goodbye, except Bani, because he noted, she was still staring in a dazed and mesmerized manner at her ring, least bothered by Jai or anyone else’s presence around her.
When Bani and Rano had retired for the night, tired and completely worn out, Rano turned to switch off the table lamp besides Bani’s side of the bed, and she noted, that Bani was flashing her ring in various position, dancing with her slender fingers, on which the huge stone was perched.
‘Oh My…someone seems to have taken a fancy to the ring! So, like being the idea of engaged?’
Bani came out of her reverie and replied back, ‘If it comes with such fabulous rewards, then why not!’
‘Bani…you hardly spoke to Jai tonight…you were just flashing your ring to anyone who cared to look!’
‘What is there to talk to him? And why do you keep telling me that? Even he can make the effort and come and speak to me!’
‘Ok then, he is coming this weekend to take you out and I want you to behave very nicely with him and not be rude! We don’t want Jai thinking negative about you!’
Bani made some noises indicating she couldn’t care less for what Jai thought of her when Rano holding her sister’s ears gently, twisted and said in a conspiratorial manner, ‘Just remember…if the engagement gets broken…the rings goes too…SO BEHAVE…’
‘Ouch…Ouch….Ok, I get it! If I have to bend backwards and touch his feet, I will do so…as long as get to keep my ring…’
Rano laughed and went off to sleep, while Bani could not get enough of admiring her engagement ring.
The venue for the Engagement was the Air force Officers Club, nestled amongst the luxuriant greens of South Delhi, arranged by Aditya in a short notice. Bani was shocked to see the crowd that had gathered, this was supposed to be a small, family affair and it seemed the entire contingent of Walia’s friends and family had come by. Expensive chiffons, rustled with silks and crepes, intermingling with the smell of various perfumes that had pervaded the area. All the flora grown in the valley of flowers that week was adorning the dividers and balustrade.
Jai walked in a little later than the others and stood apart from the gathering, putting his leg up on the iron fencing that surrounded the lawn, overlooking an artificial lake. In the distance, the roar of helicopters and gliders taking off or landing could be heard faintly. He looked freshly showered, shaved, and wearing a fresh white cotton shirt, sleeves rolled up comfortably till the elbow accentuating the gleam of his Cartier against the darker skin of his wrist, with tan Dockers and matching suede loafers in his feet. Bani thought he looked entirely different from the last time she had seen him.
‘Why on earth is he dressed so causally? Just goes to prove he has little if no respect for the sanctity of marriage. I think that is a good enough point to break off the engagement, right Di?’ Bani whispered into Rano’s ears.
Rano gave a warm smile at Jai’s direction when he looked at both the sisters and then hissed back, ‘What was he supposed to wear then? His grandfather’s wedding suit?’
Bani replied back, ‘Well whatever…this is way too casual and look at him showing off his Cartier…I bet he got a fake from Bangkok or something!’
‘Shut up, Bani! And no, I don’t think he is dressed casually…he looks rather dishy, in fact!’
‘Then please take my place, I will explain everything to Ranveer!’
‘Don’t start again and stop whispering into my ears, see, he is looking at our direction!’
Bani looked at him demurely and passed what she thought was a gracious and sociable smile, which was returned with equal austerity from Jai who turned away from Bani’s sight and started chatting with Aditya.
Bani was dressed in a lehenga that was in the shade of pale rose color and her long hair had been shampooed, conditioned and left open, in a shimmering, shining curtain, covering the length of her back, which Bani was thankful for, because the Choli that went with the lehenga was a very s**y one, joined by silk threads, making Bani worried that it might come off, especially since there was nothing beneath it. The parlor lady had done up a good job of her, putting minimum make-up on her, which accentuated her youth and brought out the lovely dark ochre of her eyes which looked very well-defined tonight with kohl in them. Thought not taking after her mother and sister in looks, Bani had a very different kind of beauty to her, something very naive and untouched, as if she had never noticed herself in the mirror and that fact made her look fresh and fragrant as a water lily in full bloom. And today, when extra effort had been made, she had transformed from the inattentiveness of adolescence to the studied elegance of a woman.
Karuna had joined Jai alongside Tarun and she whispered into Jai’s ears, ‘Which one is she? The tall, stunning creature in powder blue or that lively thing in dust pink?’
Jai gave a look at his cousin and said, ‘What colors are these anyway? Powder blue and dust pink? How come I have never heard of them?’
‘Oh come on, Bhai! Please tell na, which one is your Bani?’
‘My Bani?’
‘Well, you two are going to be married soon…so she will be your Bani, right?’ Karun teased him.
Tarun raised his eyebrow and started to make a comment, but Jai got ahead and replied back shortly, ‘The one in the pink dress…yes, the girl who is eyeing the sweets with such open gluttony!’
Karuna burst out giggling and hitting her cousin gently in his ribs said, ‘I heard she is really fond of food…can’t make out, looking at that gorgeous figure she has! Wonder where all of it goes!’
‘To her mouth, I suppose…she talks a lot too!’
‘Wow…sounds just like my type…thought I am really at a loss, how you two ever got together!’
‘Trust me, that is one question even I would like answered!’
Karuna swooned and looking lovingly at her husband, addressed Jai, ‘Cupid brought you together!’
Jai took a glass of fresh juice from a waiter who passed by and before walking away replied, ‘More like my stupidity brought us together…’
The party was in full groove and Jai had almost forgotten that it was actually his engagement night, when the call for the would be bride and groom came and Rano alongside Aditya came to fetch Jai for the Pooja followed by the ring ceremony.
Jai suddenly felt his throat go dry, what was he doing…getting engaged to a girl who was all so wrong for him…this was even worse than getting engaged to a total stranger…at least then there is hope and anticipation for knowing the person better…but here, he already knew what a complete scatterbrain and puerile girl Bani was.
When Jai was seated alongside the Panditji and the rituals for the Pooja had commenced, Kiran made a sign to go and fetch Bani.
Rano ran inside the small club room that had been allocated to them for changing and panicked when she could not find her sister. The first thought that came to her mind was that Bani had ran away. Petrified out of her mind, she began looking for her wildly, her eyes filled with tears and just when she thought of calling Aditya or Kiran, she heard a muffled sound coming from the washroom. Banging the door repeatedly, Rano called out for Bani.
When the door was opened, Bani came out, her makeup smudged and her eyes looking slightly swollen.
All Bani could say, before collapsing on Rano’s shoulder was, ‘I am shit scared Di…I can’t go there…in front of all those people…I can’t get engaged to that man…’
Rano breathed with relief and then patting Bani on her head said, ‘Why do you feel that?”
Bani looked up as Rano deftly took out her compact and tried to mend some of the makeup, ‘I don’t even know him properly…we just met once…and besides, besides…I don’t love him.’
Rano stopped and giving a look at her sister said, ‘Do you love someone else?’
Bani looked shocked and said, ‘Of course not! Do you think I will set about marrying him if I was in love with someone else?’
Rano finished the repair to Bani’s face and pinning her duppata tightly again, gave Bani a gentle look and said in a firm voice, ‘You have never loved anyone, so you don’t even know what love is…give Jai a chance…who knows, he might be the one god chose for you!’
‘I mistook him to be a plumber on our first meeting…you really think, ours is a pair made in heaven?”
Rano laughed and replied back, ‘He still chose you for marriage…now what does that say? Now come on, everyone is waiting! And you’ve been crying for food since morning…you can eat as much as you want once the ceremony is over.’
The thought of food cheered up Bani and she allowed Rano to lead her towards the place where the Pooja was taking place.
Jai looked up to see her and for some reason, found himself coloring a bit. Kiran’s sister and her husband who had come from Jaipur for the ceremony brought the ring in a silver tray filled with flowers and placed it near Panditji. Karuna brought the ring that Jai had purchased and kept it near the other ring.
After some chanting and invocations, Panditji told Bani to put the ring in Jai’s finger, blushing profusely and feeling utterly uncomfortable, Bani took the ring from Rano and slipped it on Jai’s finger. It seemed to be a perfect fit.
Karuna opened the box and took out the ring that Jai had brought for Bani. The moment she looked at it, all apprehensions that had arisen seemed to have evaporated into thin air.
It was a two and a half carat flawless diamond setting and Bani could feel her finger being weighed down as he slid it into her finger. The ring seemed a little loose for her. Bani kept staring at the ring, she had never seen a more expensive and stunning piece of jewelry in her whole life and without thinking, she looked at Jai and said, ‘Is it, like for real?’
Rano looked mortified on hearing what Bani had just said, but to her intense relief and surprise, Jai just gave an offhand motion to Bani and said, ‘Yes, it is real’ and then added with slight mockery,’…I have the receipt for it, if you want to see it!’
Rano gave a stiff smile at Bani and helped her get up before she could open her mouth again to give innocuous statements!
The rest of the party was a blur to Bani, while the guests raked in the merriment as liquor began to flow freely, now that the Pooja was over, she could barely conceal her excitement over the ring and kept flashing it in different angles, seeing how much it sparkled when the fairy lights fell on it.
Jai who had been talking to a close business associate of his, leaned his head backwards towards Tarun as he came and said slowly, ‘Your girl looks very happy today…’
Jai waved his hand and replied back, ‘She definitely seems to like the ring more than me…oh well, that is more than what I can say…I neither like her nor the ring! Its too tight.’
‘Cut some slack Jai…and cheer up! You are engaged, man!’
Jai answered back irritated, ‘Yah, whatever!’
When Kiran, alongside her sister and brother-in-law, Aditya, Rano and Massi were seeing off Jai, Karuna mentioned cheerfully, ‘Now that you two are engaged, I hope you get enough time to know each other well before the marriage takes place. Aunty, you won’t mind if Jai takes out Bani on a date?’
Kiran gave a beaming look at Karuna and said, ‘Of course not! They have all the time to get and know one another well enough before they get married. And besides, Mr. Walia has to come back from the US too. When is he expected back, Jai beta?’
Jai replied back, ‘Next two months, I think. His knee surgery date has been postponed, once it is through, he will come to India.’
‘Good Good…and Bani will expect you this Saturday. Hope that’s alright with you?’
It wasn’t alright with Jai at all, but he nodded politely and bid everyone a goodbye, except Bani, because he noted, she was still staring in a dazed and mesmerized manner at her ring, least bothered by Jai or anyone else’s presence around her.
When Bani and Rano had retired for the night, tired and completely worn out, Rano turned to switch off the table lamp besides Bani’s side of the bed, and she noted, that Bani was flashing her ring in various position, dancing with her slender fingers, on which the huge stone was perched.
‘Oh My…someone seems to have taken a fancy to the ring! So, like being the idea of engaged?’
Bani came out of her reverie and replied back, ‘If it comes with such fabulous rewards, then why not!’
‘Bani…you hardly spoke to Jai tonight…you were just flashing your ring to anyone who cared to look!’
‘What is there to talk to him? And why do you keep telling me that? Even he can make the effort and come and speak to me!’
‘Ok then, he is coming this weekend to take you out and I want you to behave very nicely with him and not be rude! We don’t want Jai thinking negative about you!’
Bani made some noises indicating she couldn’t care less for what Jai thought of her when Rano holding her sister’s ears gently, twisted and said in a conspiratorial manner, ‘Just remember…if the engagement gets broken…the rings goes too…SO BEHAVE…’
‘Ouch…Ouch….Ok, I get it! If I have to bend backwards and touch his feet, I will do so…as long as get to keep my ring…’
Rano laughed and went off to sleep, while Bani could not get enough of admiring her engagement ring.
Part 5
It was close to eight o’clock in the morning, when Rano shook and jiggled Bani out of her deep slumber.
‘Whaaaaaaat….lemme sleep…’ Bani’s voice came out muffled and flaccid. Eight in the morning was equal to her midnight and Rano knew she had a hard time on hand if she was to get her sister ready in another half an hour.
‘Bani…Bani…Get up! Bani…I will put water on you…I am warning you, just wake up right now!’
Bani made a couple of other muffled noises and buried her head with a fluffy pillow.
Rano gave an exasperated sigh and called out loudly, ‘Ma……Ma……your daughter won’t wake up…tell Jai to come upstairs and do it himself!’
At the very mention of Jai’s name, Bani jumped up with start on the bed and motioning her head wildly all around, said, ‘Where is he? Is he here? I thought it was just a nightmare…is he really here?’
Happy at having achieved the desired results, Rano pulled Bani out of the bed and teased her, ‘Someone is seeing someone in their dreams…’
Bani gave a wry look and said, ‘I said nightmare…not dream! There is a difference, dunderhead!’
Rano hit Bani on her head and said, ‘Don’t call me dunderhead, I am your older sister!’
Putting a lot of toothpaste on her brush, Bani commented back, ‘You don’t let me call him yucky Jai, you don’t let me call you dunderhead…don’t I have any independence in this house?’
Rano told her to shut up and running the water for the bath, took out Bani’s best formal clothes and laid them neatly on the made up bed.
When Bani came out, she looked at the clothes and made a face, ‘Why am I supposed to wear these funeral clothes?’
Rano replied back sternly, ‘These are not funeral clothes…it’s a lovely salwar kameez, the color goes on you very well…and now change quickly, I will do you hair.’
Bani made a funny expression and whined, ‘Doesn’t he have anything better to do in life? I mean, who the hell goes on a date 9 0’ clock in the morning? Where is he proposing to take me? Delhi Zoo?’
‘That won’t be such a bad idea, and he can leave you there as well…much better suited to a Zoo than a civilized world!’
Before Bani could get any further in the argument, Rano forced Bani to change into the cut sleeve black salwar kameez with appliqué work in a muted gold color. Taking her heavy black hair towards the nape of her neck, Rano tied it into a neat chignon and put a hair clip to keep it apart from falling.
‘There you go…you look gorgeous!’
Ignoring her looks, Bani asked without much enthusiasm, ‘What’s up for breakfast?’
Rano, clearly irritated at having her labour of love go unnoticed remarked back, ‘That’s all you can think about - Food! I don’t know, ask Massi!’
When Rano and Bani finally emerged from their room, to her surprise, Jai was already waiting for them in the living area, chatting to Kiran and Aditya.
He was freshly showered and shaved, wearing a salmon colored cotton shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, matched by black trousers and the same suede loafers he was wearing to the engagement party the other day.
Jai looked up towards the stairs and gave a warm smile to Rano and a very constricted one to Bani, which was returned with equal awkwardness from her.
‘Why is he wearing a pink colored shirt? That is so gay…’ Bani whispered into her sister’s ears.
Rano reddened and pulling her arms tightly said, ‘Enough already now! And you are no one to comment on fashion…Pink is the in color for men.’
‘Even I said the same thing…Gay’s are supposed to be men, aren’t they?’
Rano jerked her head to indicate Bani to completely shut up and dragged her to the breakfast table.
Pleasantries exchanged all of them got together for breakfast. Kiran had made Jai and Bani sit together, which made them both feel extremely uncomfortable and self-conscious.
While Jai talked with ease and his usual confidence to Kiran, Aditya, Rano and even Massi, his little interaction with Bani was filled with long gap of silences and gauche comments, both sides.
All of them were in the middle of discussing the latest economic policy that the Finance Ministry had proposed, when he unexpectedly noticed that Bani was looking at him with great interest, thinking that she might have something to say on the topic he focused his attention on her and asked politely, ‘So Bani, do you think the Fiscal Deficit this year is going to affect the debt to GDP ratio adversely?’
Everyone’s interest seemed to have been on Bani and she gave what she thought was her best, most intelligent look and said sheepishly, ‘I was just wondering if you could pass on the bottle of Jam to me?’ :tong:
Jai dappled profusely and mustering every inch of dignity and calm he could, smiled shortly at his Fiancé and said in a polite undertone, ‘Jam? Of course!’ :
The breakfast being over, Jai took off with Bani, telling Kiran that he will drop her by evening.
Aditya smiled jovially and patting Jai on the back said, ‘So where are you two love birds off for the day?’
The description of them as love-birds cause Bani to burst out giggling and she was instantly shut up by the combined looks that Kiran and Rano gave her.
Jai replied back in a very prim and proper tone, ‘Oh, nothing planned really. Wherever she would like to go!’
Bani’s eyes seem to brighten up when she heard that and they took off in Jai’s gleaming black colored SUV.
Now that they were alone for the first time since their first meeting, there seemed to be total silence between them. Jai tried to concentrate on driving and maneuvering his huge car in the busy lanes of Delhi while Bani thought where he would possibly take her for lunch.
When the Car stood waiting at a traffic light intersection, Jai turned towards Bani, who was busy inspecting the CD’s that were stacked in the rack and asked, ‘Any special place you would like to visit?’
Bani looked up at him and said a bit shy and self-effacing in the absence of her family, ‘Anywhere you want to go…’
Jai smiled and said, ‘I am not very familiar with Delhi, so you suggest a place and we can go there for the day!’
Bani thought for a while and then with a wide smile on her lips said, ‘What about Appu Ghar?’
Jai thought he had misheard something and he just repeated dazed, ‘Appu Ghar?’
‘It’s an entertainment park…and for just hundred bucks, we can climb on as many rides as we want!’
Jai started the engine again and said in a doubtful voice, ‘Fine…if that is where you want to go.’
The day being a Saturday and the weather being beautiful, there was a huge crowd at the ticket counter, but before Jai could work out how long it would take to get the tickets, Bani had slithered like a cat, embarking on the railings and in the next fifteen minutes, she came back, slightly huffing and puffing with two tickets in her hands.
Jai looked amazed and said, ‘How on earth did you manage to get the tickets so fast?’
‘Oh its nothing’ Bani wheezed trying to get in some breath, ‘We used to do it all the time in college…just pretend to be pregnant or something and make a sad face…’
Jai looked with incredulity and said, ‘You said you were pregnant to get the tickets…but that can only mean you can’t go on the rides…’
Bani shrugged her head and said, ‘Most people don’t go into such details you know…you should try it once!’
‘Try what? That I am pregnant?’
Missing the sarcasm, Bani laughed gaily and replied back, ‘No…I mean, just fib in order to get something done!’
Jai tossed his head negatively and held in a grim tone, ‘I hate dishonesty of any kind…especially lies.’
Bani looked at him shamefacedly and said reluctantly, ‘Shall I go and return the tickets?’
Jai took her arm and dragged her towards the entrance gate in an exasperated manner, ‘No need…you will have to come up with another excuse to return them. Just don’t do it again.’
The day went excellently by Bani's standard and horrifying by Jai's. He was dead scared of heights and after being forced to go up and down the ferry-wheel for about a dozen times, Jai's face looked white. But Bani seemed to enjoy every ride with such thrill and enthusiasm, he was simply left astonished that a 20 year old could find a Children's Entertainment Park to be so interesting!
But then, he found Bani to be very different from most 20 year olds he had come across in his life.
It was evening, when Bani had finished devouring her fifth candy, Jai looked at her and said, ‘You will die from diabetes if you keep putting so much of sugar into you…’
Not taking much notice of him, she replied back, ‘Its yummy…why don’t you try it once?’
Jai looked at the sticky looking pink fluff and said in a congested voice, ‘No. Thank you.’
By the time, evening came over; Bani looked queasy, by way of consuming a large amount of sugar candy and taking innumerous rounds on the ferry-wheel.
Jai looked at her with concern and said, ‘Are you okay? You look sick…’
Bani who had turned a bit white in the face replied back in a false cheery note, ‘I am fine…I am great…I just….’
Phawwwwwwwwww….What followed was some violent retching by Bani as she rushed in and out of the ladies washroom.
(That's my
Bani...throwing up on her first date with JW....)
When finally all the goop that had gone inside her stomach came out, she felt much better, but her face looked fatigued and exhausted.
Jai held her gently and walked her towards his parked car.
‘My house is just a few minutes drive from here…you can get a medicine or something and I will drop you back home.’
Bani was not in a position to argue and besides she was curious to see Jai’s farmhouse. If the ring was anything to go by, the house had to be a period piece too.
Bani knew she was entering one of Delhi’s best neighborhoods, when the Car made a diversion towards Civil Lines. Jai’s farmhouse loomed in front of her and the watchman quickly opened the wrought iron gates to let the Car zip in through the gravel lined path. The house looked rather grand and fairy tale like, set amidst what seemed like an endless stretch of emerald green grass and neatly rowed Ashok Trees. It was made out of honey colored stones, with steep gables and tall chimneys and Bani noticed a silver Porsche standing alongside a Navy BMW and a White Mercedes on the drive.
Bani muttered to herself, ‘If I get to live in this place and drive around in all those Cars, it might be just worth getting married to him!’
Jai looked at her and said, ‘Did you say something?’
Bani replied back with a faint sweetness, ‘Nothing…Just that you are really very kind-hearted…’
Jai smiled back, a little embarrassed while Bani rolled her eyes heaven upwards.
Inside the house looked just as if not more impressive than what it looked outside. The long open colonial styled verandah led to a spacious living room, which was shrouded by heavy silk curtains. When Jai had switched on the lights and drawn the curtains, Bani had a good look around the room. It had heavy brocaded wallpaper and rich leather armchairs, large vases embossed with Chinese Calligraphy, paintings of famous people and paintings by famous people adorned the walls, sculptures in porcelain and bronze lay scattered all over the place…Everything was magnificent, costly and solid.
When Jai handed over a glass of water along with an antacid to Bani, she blurted out, ‘You are rich!’
Jai was taken aback and said, ‘Excuse me?”
Bani reined her tongue and said coyly, ‘The house is really beautiful. Is it yours?’
Jai had meanwhile gone to fix himself up a drink; he felt he really needed one after being lugged around on ferry wheels and merry-go-rounds for a good part of the day and with Bani for company, who refused to shut her mouth except while eating food. He replied with a touch of humor and sarcasm in his voice, ‘No…Its my neighbors…I borrowed it to impress you!’ :tong: (Jai has to have one up on this creature...)
Bani garroted on the water she was drinking and laughed shyly in response, suddenly aware that she was alone with him in this huge, empty house.
Neither of them spoke much, Jai had meanwhile gone and made a cup of coffee for Bani and handed it over to her alongside a plate of cookies which he had found lying in the kitchen.
‘So…are you all alone here? How do you manage to maintain this place?’
Jai took a sip of his drink and replied back casually, ‘I have part time help coming over and a full time servant too…he stays in the servants quarters…I really prefer being alone at home…the idea of people prowling by all the time doesn’t appeal to me.’
Bani nodded as if she understood though for the life of her she could not understand how anyone could like to live alone in such a huge house, without a single human being for company.
Some time had elapsed and Jai offered to show her around the house, but she looked at her watch and said, ‘Its really getting late…everyone must be wondering where I am…’
Jai drained his glass and getting up quickly, offered to drop her back home.
Bani looked remorseful and said, ‘It’s the other end of the town for you…I will take a Cab…its okay, really!’
Jai smiled and walking her towards the drive replied back, ‘I might look and sound yucky…but trust me, I still have chivalry left in me.’
Bani felt her cheeks burning, as Jai gave her a good natured smile back.
He opened the door for her to sit and after buckling the seat belt onto himself, started the engine and backed the Car out of the gates, the watchman saluting him again.
None of the spoke a word in the forty five minutes drive towards Bani’s home and when he had cut the engine and brought it to a halt in front of it, he said quietly, ‘I had a good time today! Appu Ghar is….’ Jai thought for a suitable word to describe the harrowing experience he had going up and down in various rides and finally uttered the one word that Bani had repeated about a hundred times during the day, ‘Fun!’
Bani smiled, feeling bashful and inhibited and said in a small voice, ‘About that yucky thing…I am sorry…it was just said like that…I didn’t mean it!’ Getting no response from Jai apart from an amused look on his face, she quickly added, ‘You are not yucky at all, in fact!’
Jai said shortly, 'Thanks, that does make me feel very good!' Sarcasm seemed to roll back from Bani like water gliding from a Duck's back.
'Oh, its my pleasure!' Bani smiled shyly.
Jai grinned back despite himself and shrugging his head, bid goodbye and watched Bani open the gates of her home. When he had started his Car again, he glanced at the rear view mirror, which showed her still standing near the gates, staring at the Car from distance. Smiling at her in the reflection, he drove away back home.
It was close to eight o’clock in the morning, when Rano shook and jiggled Bani out of her deep slumber.
‘Whaaaaaaat….lemme sleep…’ Bani’s voice came out muffled and flaccid. Eight in the morning was equal to her midnight and Rano knew she had a hard time on hand if she was to get her sister ready in another half an hour.
‘Bani…Bani…Get up! Bani…I will put water on you…I am warning you, just wake up right now!’
Bani made a couple of other muffled noises and buried her head with a fluffy pillow.
Rano gave an exasperated sigh and called out loudly, ‘Ma……Ma……your daughter won’t wake up…tell Jai to come upstairs and do it himself!’
At the very mention of Jai’s name, Bani jumped up with start on the bed and motioning her head wildly all around, said, ‘Where is he? Is he here? I thought it was just a nightmare…is he really here?’
Happy at having achieved the desired results, Rano pulled Bani out of the bed and teased her, ‘Someone is seeing someone in their dreams…’
Bani gave a wry look and said, ‘I said nightmare…not dream! There is a difference, dunderhead!’
Rano hit Bani on her head and said, ‘Don’t call me dunderhead, I am your older sister!’
Putting a lot of toothpaste on her brush, Bani commented back, ‘You don’t let me call him yucky Jai, you don’t let me call you dunderhead…don’t I have any independence in this house?’
Rano told her to shut up and running the water for the bath, took out Bani’s best formal clothes and laid them neatly on the made up bed.
When Bani came out, she looked at the clothes and made a face, ‘Why am I supposed to wear these funeral clothes?’
Rano replied back sternly, ‘These are not funeral clothes…it’s a lovely salwar kameez, the color goes on you very well…and now change quickly, I will do you hair.’
Bani made a funny expression and whined, ‘Doesn’t he have anything better to do in life? I mean, who the hell goes on a date 9 0’ clock in the morning? Where is he proposing to take me? Delhi Zoo?’
‘That won’t be such a bad idea, and he can leave you there as well…much better suited to a Zoo than a civilized world!’
Before Bani could get any further in the argument, Rano forced Bani to change into the cut sleeve black salwar kameez with appliqué work in a muted gold color. Taking her heavy black hair towards the nape of her neck, Rano tied it into a neat chignon and put a hair clip to keep it apart from falling.
‘There you go…you look gorgeous!’
Ignoring her looks, Bani asked without much enthusiasm, ‘What’s up for breakfast?’
Rano, clearly irritated at having her labour of love go unnoticed remarked back, ‘That’s all you can think about - Food! I don’t know, ask Massi!’
When Rano and Bani finally emerged from their room, to her surprise, Jai was already waiting for them in the living area, chatting to Kiran and Aditya.
He was freshly showered and shaved, wearing a salmon colored cotton shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, matched by black trousers and the same suede loafers he was wearing to the engagement party the other day.
Jai looked up towards the stairs and gave a warm smile to Rano and a very constricted one to Bani, which was returned with equal awkwardness from her.
‘Why is he wearing a pink colored shirt? That is so gay…’ Bani whispered into her sister’s ears.
Rano reddened and pulling her arms tightly said, ‘Enough already now! And you are no one to comment on fashion…Pink is the in color for men.’
‘Even I said the same thing…Gay’s are supposed to be men, aren’t they?’
Rano jerked her head to indicate Bani to completely shut up and dragged her to the breakfast table.
Pleasantries exchanged all of them got together for breakfast. Kiran had made Jai and Bani sit together, which made them both feel extremely uncomfortable and self-conscious.
While Jai talked with ease and his usual confidence to Kiran, Aditya, Rano and even Massi, his little interaction with Bani was filled with long gap of silences and gauche comments, both sides.
All of them were in the middle of discussing the latest economic policy that the Finance Ministry had proposed, when he unexpectedly noticed that Bani was looking at him with great interest, thinking that she might have something to say on the topic he focused his attention on her and asked politely, ‘So Bani, do you think the Fiscal Deficit this year is going to affect the debt to GDP ratio adversely?’
Everyone’s interest seemed to have been on Bani and she gave what she thought was her best, most intelligent look and said sheepishly, ‘I was just wondering if you could pass on the bottle of Jam to me?’ :tong:
Jai dappled profusely and mustering every inch of dignity and calm he could, smiled shortly at his Fiancé and said in a polite undertone, ‘Jam? Of course!’ :

The breakfast being over, Jai took off with Bani, telling Kiran that he will drop her by evening.
Aditya smiled jovially and patting Jai on the back said, ‘So where are you two love birds off for the day?’
The description of them as love-birds cause Bani to burst out giggling and she was instantly shut up by the combined looks that Kiran and Rano gave her.
Jai replied back in a very prim and proper tone, ‘Oh, nothing planned really. Wherever she would like to go!’
Bani’s eyes seem to brighten up when she heard that and they took off in Jai’s gleaming black colored SUV.
Now that they were alone for the first time since their first meeting, there seemed to be total silence between them. Jai tried to concentrate on driving and maneuvering his huge car in the busy lanes of Delhi while Bani thought where he would possibly take her for lunch.
When the Car stood waiting at a traffic light intersection, Jai turned towards Bani, who was busy inspecting the CD’s that were stacked in the rack and asked, ‘Any special place you would like to visit?’
Bani looked up at him and said a bit shy and self-effacing in the absence of her family, ‘Anywhere you want to go…’
Jai smiled and said, ‘I am not very familiar with Delhi, so you suggest a place and we can go there for the day!’
Bani thought for a while and then with a wide smile on her lips said, ‘What about Appu Ghar?’
Jai thought he had misheard something and he just repeated dazed, ‘Appu Ghar?’
‘It’s an entertainment park…and for just hundred bucks, we can climb on as many rides as we want!’
Jai started the engine again and said in a doubtful voice, ‘Fine…if that is where you want to go.’
The day being a Saturday and the weather being beautiful, there was a huge crowd at the ticket counter, but before Jai could work out how long it would take to get the tickets, Bani had slithered like a cat, embarking on the railings and in the next fifteen minutes, she came back, slightly huffing and puffing with two tickets in her hands.
Jai looked amazed and said, ‘How on earth did you manage to get the tickets so fast?’
‘Oh its nothing’ Bani wheezed trying to get in some breath, ‘We used to do it all the time in college…just pretend to be pregnant or something and make a sad face…’
Jai looked with incredulity and said, ‘You said you were pregnant to get the tickets…but that can only mean you can’t go on the rides…’
Bani shrugged her head and said, ‘Most people don’t go into such details you know…you should try it once!’
‘Try what? That I am pregnant?’
Missing the sarcasm, Bani laughed gaily and replied back, ‘No…I mean, just fib in order to get something done!’
Jai tossed his head negatively and held in a grim tone, ‘I hate dishonesty of any kind…especially lies.’
Bani looked at him shamefacedly and said reluctantly, ‘Shall I go and return the tickets?’
Jai took her arm and dragged her towards the entrance gate in an exasperated manner, ‘No need…you will have to come up with another excuse to return them. Just don’t do it again.’
The day went excellently by Bani's standard and horrifying by Jai's. He was dead scared of heights and after being forced to go up and down the ferry-wheel for about a dozen times, Jai's face looked white. But Bani seemed to enjoy every ride with such thrill and enthusiasm, he was simply left astonished that a 20 year old could find a Children's Entertainment Park to be so interesting!
But then, he found Bani to be very different from most 20 year olds he had come across in his life.
It was evening, when Bani had finished devouring her fifth candy, Jai looked at her and said, ‘You will die from diabetes if you keep putting so much of sugar into you…’
Not taking much notice of him, she replied back, ‘Its yummy…why don’t you try it once?’
Jai looked at the sticky looking pink fluff and said in a congested voice, ‘No. Thank you.’
By the time, evening came over; Bani looked queasy, by way of consuming a large amount of sugar candy and taking innumerous rounds on the ferry-wheel.
Jai looked at her with concern and said, ‘Are you okay? You look sick…’
Bani who had turned a bit white in the face replied back in a false cheery note, ‘I am fine…I am great…I just….’
Phawwwwwwwwww….What followed was some violent retching by Bani as she rushed in and out of the ladies washroom.

When finally all the goop that had gone inside her stomach came out, she felt much better, but her face looked fatigued and exhausted.
Jai held her gently and walked her towards his parked car.
‘My house is just a few minutes drive from here…you can get a medicine or something and I will drop you back home.’
Bani was not in a position to argue and besides she was curious to see Jai’s farmhouse. If the ring was anything to go by, the house had to be a period piece too.
Bani knew she was entering one of Delhi’s best neighborhoods, when the Car made a diversion towards Civil Lines. Jai’s farmhouse loomed in front of her and the watchman quickly opened the wrought iron gates to let the Car zip in through the gravel lined path. The house looked rather grand and fairy tale like, set amidst what seemed like an endless stretch of emerald green grass and neatly rowed Ashok Trees. It was made out of honey colored stones, with steep gables and tall chimneys and Bani noticed a silver Porsche standing alongside a Navy BMW and a White Mercedes on the drive.
Bani muttered to herself, ‘If I get to live in this place and drive around in all those Cars, it might be just worth getting married to him!’
Jai looked at her and said, ‘Did you say something?’
Bani replied back with a faint sweetness, ‘Nothing…Just that you are really very kind-hearted…’
Jai smiled back, a little embarrassed while Bani rolled her eyes heaven upwards.
Inside the house looked just as if not more impressive than what it looked outside. The long open colonial styled verandah led to a spacious living room, which was shrouded by heavy silk curtains. When Jai had switched on the lights and drawn the curtains, Bani had a good look around the room. It had heavy brocaded wallpaper and rich leather armchairs, large vases embossed with Chinese Calligraphy, paintings of famous people and paintings by famous people adorned the walls, sculptures in porcelain and bronze lay scattered all over the place…Everything was magnificent, costly and solid.
When Jai handed over a glass of water along with an antacid to Bani, she blurted out, ‘You are rich!’
Jai was taken aback and said, ‘Excuse me?”

Bani reined her tongue and said coyly, ‘The house is really beautiful. Is it yours?’
Jai had meanwhile gone to fix himself up a drink; he felt he really needed one after being lugged around on ferry wheels and merry-go-rounds for a good part of the day and with Bani for company, who refused to shut her mouth except while eating food. He replied with a touch of humor and sarcasm in his voice, ‘No…Its my neighbors…I borrowed it to impress you!’ :tong: (Jai has to have one up on this creature...)
Bani garroted on the water she was drinking and laughed shyly in response, suddenly aware that she was alone with him in this huge, empty house.
Neither of them spoke much, Jai had meanwhile gone and made a cup of coffee for Bani and handed it over to her alongside a plate of cookies which he had found lying in the kitchen.
‘So…are you all alone here? How do you manage to maintain this place?’
Jai took a sip of his drink and replied back casually, ‘I have part time help coming over and a full time servant too…he stays in the servants quarters…I really prefer being alone at home…the idea of people prowling by all the time doesn’t appeal to me.’
Bani nodded as if she understood though for the life of her she could not understand how anyone could like to live alone in such a huge house, without a single human being for company.
Some time had elapsed and Jai offered to show her around the house, but she looked at her watch and said, ‘Its really getting late…everyone must be wondering where I am…’
Jai drained his glass and getting up quickly, offered to drop her back home.
Bani looked remorseful and said, ‘It’s the other end of the town for you…I will take a Cab…its okay, really!’
Jai smiled and walking her towards the drive replied back, ‘I might look and sound yucky…but trust me, I still have chivalry left in me.’
Bani felt her cheeks burning, as Jai gave her a good natured smile back.
He opened the door for her to sit and after buckling the seat belt onto himself, started the engine and backed the Car out of the gates, the watchman saluting him again.
None of the spoke a word in the forty five minutes drive towards Bani’s home and when he had cut the engine and brought it to a halt in front of it, he said quietly, ‘I had a good time today! Appu Ghar is….’ Jai thought for a suitable word to describe the harrowing experience he had going up and down in various rides and finally uttered the one word that Bani had repeated about a hundred times during the day, ‘Fun!’
Bani smiled, feeling bashful and inhibited and said in a small voice, ‘About that yucky thing…I am sorry…it was just said like that…I didn’t mean it!’ Getting no response from Jai apart from an amused look on his face, she quickly added, ‘You are not yucky at all, in fact!’
Jai said shortly, 'Thanks, that does make me feel very good!' Sarcasm seemed to roll back from Bani like water gliding from a Duck's back.
'Oh, its my pleasure!' Bani smiled shyly.
Jai grinned back despite himself and shrugging his head, bid goodbye and watched Bani open the gates of her home. When he had started his Car again, he glanced at the rear view mirror, which showed her still standing near the gates, staring at the Car from distance. Smiling at her in the reflection, he drove away back home.
Part 6
‘Nachiket!’ Bani squealed in excitement when she caught sight of him, talking to a client at the gallery run by Aditya.
Nachiket turned to look at her and giving a warm smile, told her to hold on and finished his speech with the client.
‘Hello Missy! How have you been?’
Bani smiled widely and tossing her mane of hair said, ‘Ho Hum…Just the same things…so, when did you come back? How was Vienna?’
‘It was great, we got a very good deal for a painting…I was just working on that with Aditya Sir. Come lets go for a Coffee and catch up on things.’
Nachiket was a painter by profession and also worked as a junior partner with Aditya. Even though he was nearer to Rano in age, he was on far more friendlier terms with the vivacious Bani.
Bani listened intently, while gulping her Mango Smoothie and munching her second blueberry muffin, as Nachiket spoke at length about Vienna. He had even got her a small gift from there, which evoked enthusiastic squeals from her. Nachiket adored Bani and found her zest for life and childlike approach to everything very endearing. Not a trait shared by many, though.
Suddenly he noticed the huge rock on her left hand finger and breaking the flow of talk, said abruptly, ‘Where did you get that one from? Show me? Wow…that must have cost a whopper! Kiran aunty got one for you?’
Bani gulped her smoothie and wiping her upper lip with her tounge said nonchalantly, ‘No, poor Mum can hardly manage to keep up our house and support my daily rations…I got engaged!’
Nachiket who had been holding Bani’s hand, glancing at the ring with great interest and appreciation, dropped it with a thud and after a bout of shocked silence, said, ‘You got what?’
Bani licked the Blueberry jam that oozed from the Muffin and said in the same causal manner, ‘Engaged. Affianced. Betrothed …’
‘I know the meaning of the word, Bani. That is not what I am asking for! But when? How? To whom? This is so shocking…’ Nachiket kept staring at Bani, who did not seem to find the news any shocking.
‘A family friend’s son. He had come to see Rano Di, but he proposed to me…’
‘And you said yes!’ Nachiket’s voice was incredulous!
‘Look at the size of the ring, Nachiket! Even you couldn’t have said if he had proposed you with this rock!’
Shaking his head in disbelief, Nachiket took a deep breath and spoke again, ‘So you got engaged because you liked the ring? What about the guy? How is he?’
‘Oh, he is alright! We went on a date last Saturday…in fact, we might be going for dinner tomorrow also! I hope he takes me to a nice place with Buffet. Its much more comfortable than ordering Al Carte….no one knows how much you are stuffing…’
‘Bani…really, you are the limit, all you can think about is food! But tell me, what does he do, where does he live, how does he look…what’s his name!’
Bani could not for the life of her understand why Nachiket was getting so worked up about the whole thing and spoke in the same disinterested manner, ‘I told you, he is the son of an old family friend…he lives in Mumbai but is in Delhi for a few months for work and is staying in Civil Lines, where he has the swankiest house I have seen in my life…and the Cars…Oooh, Nachiket…can you believe he has 6 Cars lined up….’
‘Forget the Cars…What’s his name?’
‘Oh that? Jai.’
‘Jai what?’
‘Jai Walia.’
Nachiket sat still for some time after hearing the name and then spoke slowly, ‘The Chief Executive Officer of Walia Industries?’
‘Yeah, I guess so!’
‘Bani…that is WOW…do you even know who he is?’
‘Of course, he is Uday Uncle’s son!’
‘No silly. I meant, do you know what his standing is in the world of business? He is one of the youngest Corporate Executives around and a brilliant authority on…’
Bani cut him short and said with disdain, ‘Wealth of Nations? I know all about it. Rano gave me a long, boring lecture on some paper he had written at Harvard or Oxford or wherever he studied!’
Nachiket let out a whistle and pushing himself back on the lounge chair of the Café said, ‘Wow…Bani! So you will become, Mrs. Jai Walia in a few days…hey, I will have to take an appointment to meet you…’
‘Don’t be funny! And I am so not becoming Mrs. Walia…I just got engaged…I am not marrying him!’
Nachiket laughed and pronounced, ‘Generally an engagement is followed by a marriage, you see! I can’t see how you are going to get out of this!’
Nachiket was more or less quiet after that, wondering if he should mention that the last meeting he had with Jai had almost ended up in blows, both side!
Jai was having an evening drinks session with Tarun and his other best friend Gaurav and Mohan at his Club. They kept ribbing him on the fact that he had been dragged to Appu Ghar on his first date with Bani.
Jai shrugged and said, ‘My head was reeling for two days continuously after riding on the Columbus Ride or whatever it was for five times in a span of 2 hours…’
Tarun and Mohan burst into raucous laughter joined in by Gaurav who said, ‘Yaar, I really missed your engagement…we have to meet her! She sounds out of the world!’
Jai rolled his eyes and said and taking another swig of his drink said, ‘Yes, she is pretty much out of this world! I still can’t believe that I am engaged to her!’
Tarun said jovially, ‘I think she will be a good influence on you…you are way too serious and knotted up with your work!
Rano was helping Bani chose her clothes for the evening, when she made a face and said, ‘I really don’t want to go out you know! Its Saturday night, Desperate Housewives is coming…’
Rano tried to match a pair of slippers that she had taken out with Bani’s dress and replied absently, ‘Bani, please, less of Star World and HBO and more of CNN and Business Asia.’
Bani asked with eager innocence, ‘Is there a good looking anchor on them?’
Rano gave a sigh and looking heaven upwards said, ‘No…there is no good looking anchor in them…what I meant was that, if you take some interest in financial and world news, you will have a common topic of conversation with Jai.’
‘Why don’t you tell him to watch OC or Everybody Loves Raymond…then too, we will have a common topic of conversation!’ Bani came out obstinately.
Pushing Bani out of the bed and into the bathroom to freshen up, Rano said, ‘I give up on you…please just get ready and go out with him and just keep nodding and agreeing to everything he says!’
Jai did not come inside the house this time, just honked the Car from outside the gates, waving politely at Rano when she came to the Balcony of her room.
‘He is here, Bani…go down soon…don’t make him wait!’
Bani came out, looking as cute as a button, in a burgundy taffeta evening dress, matched by heels in which she felt extremely wobbly. Rano with her usual deft had tied Bani’s hair in a very becoming coiffure.
‘Please walk carefully, don’t spill food on your dress and most importantly, don’t let him know that you have nothing, absolutely nothing in common with him!’
‘Thanks for the pearls of wisdom, Rano darling…I will try and remember everything!’ Bani winked at her sister and bidding goodbye to her Mother, Massi and Mango, made a shaking retreat towards Jai’s Car.
Jai had come out of his Car and in his usual chivalrous manner, opened the door for her to sit inside.
Feeling more comfortable than the first time she had gone out with him, she asked cheerfully, ‘Where are we going for the evening? A concert? A puppet show? A movie?’
Jai gave a bewildered look and said, ‘I didn’t even know they have puppet shows these days. No, we are going to my Club for a quiet dinner…hope that’s okay with you.’
Feeling suitably slighted and snubbed, she coyly nodded her head and kept more or less to herself for the rest of the journey.
The club happened to be the most exclusive and fashionable one in Delhi, a strictly members only types, where people had to pay lakhs to retain membership. Bani was taken aback when she noticed that almost everyone from the Car Valet Attendant to the Usher seemed to know Jai and treated him with extreme deference.
Bani in the meanwhile acted with as much elegance and class she could summon, but her eyes constantly roved over the grand buffet that was spread out in the distance.
After having been seated decorously onto the best seats in the Club Room, overlooking a huge French window, out of which Bani could see an Olympic Sized Swimming Pool.
Bani had certainly not visited such a luxurious place in her life and was clearly enamored by the setting. Most of the guests were dressed formally and Bani noticed that so was Jai, in a white silk shirt, grey striped trousers and a matching jacket. She thanked god he was not wearing a tie, else it would felt as if she was being interviewed for a job by someone.
Jai had excused himself and was attending to some phone calls while Bani continued to be fascinated by the pool and was eager to go and see how it looked from near.
‘Hi! I am sorry, that was an important overseas call, couldn’t avoid it!’
Bani smiled graciously in reply, only thankful that more phone calls meant less to speak with him.
Keeping his blackberry on the side, Jai folded his arms and keep it under his chin asked in a sort of casual manner, ‘So Bani, what do you like?’
She looked up astonished at the sudden question and then after a whiles thought said politely, ‘Isn’t it a bit too early! But, Oh, anything that you do!’
Jai was taken aback for a moment and then repeated courteously again, ‘Early? No, I meant you are my guest, you tell me about your likes first?’
When the comprehension finally set in her mind, she gave a wide smile and spoke without a full stop, ‘Oh that! Sure! I think I would like to start with a clear soup…followed by a Thai Salad…I could see it in the Buffet there…and then maybe some spring rolls…for mains, I would like some Singapore noodles and stir-fried vegetables…maybe a Garden Salad to go with it…and what is the option for Desserts…do they have a Dessert Trolley or is it Al a Carte?’
(That's our Bani...)
By the time Bani had finished her monologue, the look on Jai’s face was priceless.
He looked like a
goldfish which had its mouth stuck open for ever.
Closing it shut and
taking a deep breath, he said in a staccato voice, ‘What I was referring to was
our ‘likes’….meaning preferences…not related to food…general things that we
like in life….you know….’
Sensing the blank look on Bani’s face, he went on, clearly embarrassed, ‘For eg, I like reading books…Archery…Snorkeling…’
Bani’s face went as red as a tomato and giving a sheepish grin, she said, ‘Oh…That like! Well…I….I like watching Television.’
Jai was way too mortified and uncomfortable with the recent misunderstanding and not wanting to discomfit Bani in anyway, he immediately started discoursing on the same, ‘So you like watching TV? What all?’
Bani who at the precise moments wondered why Dinosaurs were extinct and why couldn’t one come and devour her up, said in a haste, ‘The…The general stuff…CNN…Business Asia…’
Jai looked genuinely surprised and said, ‘Really? You heard the speech that Mcbeal gave on the joint disarmament policy yesterday? I think its ridiculous the way they arm-twist others!’
Bani gave him a wide eyed look and said, ‘McBeal….as in Ally McBeal? The show on Star World?’
Jai wished he was with Dorothy Parker in the Wizard of Oz than here at his Club with Bani Dixit and maintaining a cool façade said plainly, ‘No. I meant Ryan McBeal…the assistant secretary of state in the US Government…he is the chief negotiator for the Nuclear Deal talks between India and the US.’
They both kept quiet for some time and Jai willed the clock to strike 8 as soon as possible so that at least they could order food and get on with this.
Bani wanted to desperately make-up for the earlier gaffes and she said in her demure voice, ‘You said you like reading…I like it too!’
Jai looked up from his blackberry and said, ‘Oh! Fiction, I suppose?’
Bani smiled and said, ‘Is Archies Comics categorized as Fiction? If yes, then I do read fiction!’
Jai couldn’t help smiling at her and shrugged his head when she asked him, ‘What do you like to read?’
‘Nothing that would interest you for years, that’s for sure!’
Bani took a sip of her lemonade and asked enthusiastically, ‘No…No…tell me, what are you reading lately?’
Jai wondered if Bani would have even heard the name of Noah J. Goldstein, Steve J. Martin, and Robert B. Cialdini, the author’s who’s book he was reading right now.
Jai spoke without much interest, knowing that the title would mean nothing to Bani, “When Markets Collide ; Investment Strategies for the Age of Global Economic Change “
Bani cut him in short and with a casual smile said, ‘Authored by Noah J. Goldstein, Steve J. Martin, and Robert B. Cialdini’…yes, I know all about it!’ :ThumbsUp:
Bani proceed to give a very impressive but somewhat crammed up review on the book and Jai could only stare at her in complete astonishment…this girl was way too beyond his comprehension!
Bani did not bother to inform him that she had seen the book lying bookmarked on the Coffee-table when she had last visited Jai’s home. And when in between gossiping, Bani had told Rano about a book that Jai was reading, about “Marketing Collisions and Investing Strategies”, Rano had immediately guessed which book it would be and tutored Bani on the salient point, so that if the topic comes up, Bani would have something to speak about!
In the meanwhile, Jai was helpfully informed by Bani that while Jai never missed a single day of swimming, squash and running, Bani’s idea of exercise was flicking channels on the remote control. While Jai ate to live, Bani clearly lived only to eat! While Jai only subscribed to Business related channels, Bani had taken to view BBC in between only because the eight pm news anchor was a ‘hottie’! While Jai talked when need be, Bani apparently had to be clamped shut forcefully.
When Jai talked about numismatics (the study of various forms of currency), Bani mistook it for some form of Gymnastics and commented that she found men in tights to be hilarious.
By the time, Bani had finished partaking her fourth piece of Mocha Mud Pie with Vanilla Ice-cream, Jai was left with a splitting headache. Leave aside having anything in common between them, their interests were as different as black from white.
It was not as though Jai found Bani to be dumb or silly, she seemed to be very clued-up and knowledgeable about the things that interested her but she was way too different from what he was and the conviction that the whole engagement idea was utterly and ridiculously stupid began harden. He had to get out of this before it got out of hand and he knew that Bani felt the same. Its just that, in front of food, she seemed to forget about all other worries in the world. Jai looked at her, devouring the strawberry sauce on top of the dessert with such pleasure, that it seemed she would never get to eat anything else in her life again and thought to himself, ‘Maybe I can speak with Pa and Kiran Aunty first…and then talk to her...but something has to be done!’
Just then Jai’s blackberry buzzed into life, excusing himself from Bani, he went out of the Club Room to take the call. Bani had finished the dessert and feeling a bit too full, she thought about taking a short walk around the swimming pool and digest all the delicious food that had gone inside her.
The Pool was more or less empty and the janitor was sweeping the wet floor, Bani felt her legs go a little wobbly in the high heels that had been forced upon her by Rano, feeling a little queasy because of the high amount of sugar she had just consumed.
Bani turned to see if Jai was finished with his call or not and all of a sudden, losing balance, fell with a big SPLASH onto the deep end of the pool. For someone who was terrified of even having her bath tub being filled with water up to the brim, the horror of falling into the deep pool made her senses numb and she splattered and gasped, flaying her arms desperately.
‘SAVE ME….OH…OOOH….SAVE….’ Bani could barely utter anything more, as water began filling her ears, her nose, her mouth and completely blurring her vision. So that was it, she was having the much wanted ‘Water Burial’ she had always desired…but this soon?
Having lost all energy and getting all that water inside her, Bani felt herself going unconscious and just then a huge Splash was heard again.
Jai had jumped into the pool, with his jacket, shoes, watch and even blackberry in tow…looking around for Bani, he had found her standing precariously close to the edge of the pool from the other side if the French Window and rightfully guessing her general sense of balance had rushed outside to take her away from there, but what he had feared had already occurred.
By the time, a gasping, panting and heavily drenched Jai could drag Bani out of the swimming pool, a small crowd had gathered by…most of the guests came out and surrounded them.
Since the pool had been officially shut, all the lifeguards had packed up for the day.
‘Bani…Bani….wake up….Bani…’ Jai shook her semi-conscious figure vigorously…and all that came out was a sprout of water from her mouth.
An old heavily made up lady, squealed, ‘Oh My God…someone give her first aid…is she alive….someone call the paramedics…’
Jai gave a look to the crowd which seemed enough to quiet them and taking off his jacket swiftly, bent towards Bani and pushed her lower abdomen, applying the correct amount of force and water gushed out of her mouth again. Jai applied centrifugal force to her rib cage and some more water poured out, but Bani was still unconscious.
A man announced suddenly, ‘That won’t do…she needs resurrection…’
Jai said cuttingly, ‘I can see that…thank you…now will someone go and call a Doctor?’
He suddenly noticed that she had her fist tightly closed…he tried to open it, but it seemed jam shut. By the time, someone rushed out to call for professional help, Jai had come close to Bani’s face, leaning on his knees and holding her face in his hands, brought his lips closer to mouth and tried to giver her mouth to mouth resurrection. :whistling
It seemed to work, as some more water came out and she opened her eyes wearily, only to almost faint out of shock again, as she saw what Jai was doing!
The rest of the night was a blur to Bani and all she remembered before passing out again was Jai picking her up deftly in his arms, which felt really hard on her buttocks… :whistling
‘Nachiket!’ Bani squealed in excitement when she caught sight of him, talking to a client at the gallery run by Aditya.
Nachiket turned to look at her and giving a warm smile, told her to hold on and finished his speech with the client.
‘Hello Missy! How have you been?’
Bani smiled widely and tossing her mane of hair said, ‘Ho Hum…Just the same things…so, when did you come back? How was Vienna?’
‘It was great, we got a very good deal for a painting…I was just working on that with Aditya Sir. Come lets go for a Coffee and catch up on things.’
Nachiket was a painter by profession and also worked as a junior partner with Aditya. Even though he was nearer to Rano in age, he was on far more friendlier terms with the vivacious Bani.
Bani listened intently, while gulping her Mango Smoothie and munching her second blueberry muffin, as Nachiket spoke at length about Vienna. He had even got her a small gift from there, which evoked enthusiastic squeals from her. Nachiket adored Bani and found her zest for life and childlike approach to everything very endearing. Not a trait shared by many, though.
Suddenly he noticed the huge rock on her left hand finger and breaking the flow of talk, said abruptly, ‘Where did you get that one from? Show me? Wow…that must have cost a whopper! Kiran aunty got one for you?’
Bani gulped her smoothie and wiping her upper lip with her tounge said nonchalantly, ‘No, poor Mum can hardly manage to keep up our house and support my daily rations…I got engaged!’
Nachiket who had been holding Bani’s hand, glancing at the ring with great interest and appreciation, dropped it with a thud and after a bout of shocked silence, said, ‘You got what?’
Bani licked the Blueberry jam that oozed from the Muffin and said in the same causal manner, ‘Engaged. Affianced. Betrothed …’
‘I know the meaning of the word, Bani. That is not what I am asking for! But when? How? To whom? This is so shocking…’ Nachiket kept staring at Bani, who did not seem to find the news any shocking.
‘A family friend’s son. He had come to see Rano Di, but he proposed to me…’
‘And you said yes!’ Nachiket’s voice was incredulous!
‘Look at the size of the ring, Nachiket! Even you couldn’t have said if he had proposed you with this rock!’
Shaking his head in disbelief, Nachiket took a deep breath and spoke again, ‘So you got engaged because you liked the ring? What about the guy? How is he?’
‘Oh, he is alright! We went on a date last Saturday…in fact, we might be going for dinner tomorrow also! I hope he takes me to a nice place with Buffet. Its much more comfortable than ordering Al Carte….no one knows how much you are stuffing…’
‘Bani…really, you are the limit, all you can think about is food! But tell me, what does he do, where does he live, how does he look…what’s his name!’
Bani could not for the life of her understand why Nachiket was getting so worked up about the whole thing and spoke in the same disinterested manner, ‘I told you, he is the son of an old family friend…he lives in Mumbai but is in Delhi for a few months for work and is staying in Civil Lines, where he has the swankiest house I have seen in my life…and the Cars…Oooh, Nachiket…can you believe he has 6 Cars lined up….’
‘Forget the Cars…What’s his name?’
‘Oh that? Jai.’
‘Jai what?’
‘Jai Walia.’
Nachiket sat still for some time after hearing the name and then spoke slowly, ‘The Chief Executive Officer of Walia Industries?’
‘Yeah, I guess so!’
‘Bani…that is WOW…do you even know who he is?’
‘Of course, he is Uday Uncle’s son!’
‘No silly. I meant, do you know what his standing is in the world of business? He is one of the youngest Corporate Executives around and a brilliant authority on…’
Bani cut him short and said with disdain, ‘Wealth of Nations? I know all about it. Rano gave me a long, boring lecture on some paper he had written at Harvard or Oxford or wherever he studied!’
Nachiket let out a whistle and pushing himself back on the lounge chair of the Café said, ‘Wow…Bani! So you will become, Mrs. Jai Walia in a few days…hey, I will have to take an appointment to meet you…’
‘Don’t be funny! And I am so not becoming Mrs. Walia…I just got engaged…I am not marrying him!’
Nachiket laughed and pronounced, ‘Generally an engagement is followed by a marriage, you see! I can’t see how you are going to get out of this!’
Nachiket was more or less quiet after that, wondering if he should mention that the last meeting he had with Jai had almost ended up in blows, both side!
Jai was having an evening drinks session with Tarun and his other best friend Gaurav and Mohan at his Club. They kept ribbing him on the fact that he had been dragged to Appu Ghar on his first date with Bani.
Jai shrugged and said, ‘My head was reeling for two days continuously after riding on the Columbus Ride or whatever it was for five times in a span of 2 hours…’
Tarun and Mohan burst into raucous laughter joined in by Gaurav who said, ‘Yaar, I really missed your engagement…we have to meet her! She sounds out of the world!’
Jai rolled his eyes and said and taking another swig of his drink said, ‘Yes, she is pretty much out of this world! I still can’t believe that I am engaged to her!’
Tarun said jovially, ‘I think she will be a good influence on you…you are way too serious and knotted up with your work!
Rano was helping Bani chose her clothes for the evening, when she made a face and said, ‘I really don’t want to go out you know! Its Saturday night, Desperate Housewives is coming…’
Rano tried to match a pair of slippers that she had taken out with Bani’s dress and replied absently, ‘Bani, please, less of Star World and HBO and more of CNN and Business Asia.’
Bani asked with eager innocence, ‘Is there a good looking anchor on them?’
Rano gave a sigh and looking heaven upwards said, ‘No…there is no good looking anchor in them…what I meant was that, if you take some interest in financial and world news, you will have a common topic of conversation with Jai.’
‘Why don’t you tell him to watch OC or Everybody Loves Raymond…then too, we will have a common topic of conversation!’ Bani came out obstinately.
Pushing Bani out of the bed and into the bathroom to freshen up, Rano said, ‘I give up on you…please just get ready and go out with him and just keep nodding and agreeing to everything he says!’
Jai did not come inside the house this time, just honked the Car from outside the gates, waving politely at Rano when she came to the Balcony of her room.
‘He is here, Bani…go down soon…don’t make him wait!’
Bani came out, looking as cute as a button, in a burgundy taffeta evening dress, matched by heels in which she felt extremely wobbly. Rano with her usual deft had tied Bani’s hair in a very becoming coiffure.
‘Please walk carefully, don’t spill food on your dress and most importantly, don’t let him know that you have nothing, absolutely nothing in common with him!’
‘Thanks for the pearls of wisdom, Rano darling…I will try and remember everything!’ Bani winked at her sister and bidding goodbye to her Mother, Massi and Mango, made a shaking retreat towards Jai’s Car.
Jai had come out of his Car and in his usual chivalrous manner, opened the door for her to sit inside.
Feeling more comfortable than the first time she had gone out with him, she asked cheerfully, ‘Where are we going for the evening? A concert? A puppet show? A movie?’
Jai gave a bewildered look and said, ‘I didn’t even know they have puppet shows these days. No, we are going to my Club for a quiet dinner…hope that’s okay with you.’
Feeling suitably slighted and snubbed, she coyly nodded her head and kept more or less to herself for the rest of the journey.
The club happened to be the most exclusive and fashionable one in Delhi, a strictly members only types, where people had to pay lakhs to retain membership. Bani was taken aback when she noticed that almost everyone from the Car Valet Attendant to the Usher seemed to know Jai and treated him with extreme deference.
Bani in the meanwhile acted with as much elegance and class she could summon, but her eyes constantly roved over the grand buffet that was spread out in the distance.
After having been seated decorously onto the best seats in the Club Room, overlooking a huge French window, out of which Bani could see an Olympic Sized Swimming Pool.
Bani had certainly not visited such a luxurious place in her life and was clearly enamored by the setting. Most of the guests were dressed formally and Bani noticed that so was Jai, in a white silk shirt, grey striped trousers and a matching jacket. She thanked god he was not wearing a tie, else it would felt as if she was being interviewed for a job by someone.
Jai had excused himself and was attending to some phone calls while Bani continued to be fascinated by the pool and was eager to go and see how it looked from near.
‘Hi! I am sorry, that was an important overseas call, couldn’t avoid it!’
Bani smiled graciously in reply, only thankful that more phone calls meant less to speak with him.
Keeping his blackberry on the side, Jai folded his arms and keep it under his chin asked in a sort of casual manner, ‘So Bani, what do you like?’
She looked up astonished at the sudden question and then after a whiles thought said politely, ‘Isn’t it a bit too early! But, Oh, anything that you do!’
Jai was taken aback for a moment and then repeated courteously again, ‘Early? No, I meant you are my guest, you tell me about your likes first?’
When the comprehension finally set in her mind, she gave a wide smile and spoke without a full stop, ‘Oh that! Sure! I think I would like to start with a clear soup…followed by a Thai Salad…I could see it in the Buffet there…and then maybe some spring rolls…for mains, I would like some Singapore noodles and stir-fried vegetables…maybe a Garden Salad to go with it…and what is the option for Desserts…do they have a Dessert Trolley or is it Al a Carte?’

By the time Bani had finished her monologue, the look on Jai’s face was priceless.

Sensing the blank look on Bani’s face, he went on, clearly embarrassed, ‘For eg, I like reading books…Archery…Snorkeling…’
Bani’s face went as red as a tomato and giving a sheepish grin, she said, ‘Oh…That like! Well…I….I like watching Television.’
Jai was way too mortified and uncomfortable with the recent misunderstanding and not wanting to discomfit Bani in anyway, he immediately started discoursing on the same, ‘So you like watching TV? What all?’
Bani who at the precise moments wondered why Dinosaurs were extinct and why couldn’t one come and devour her up, said in a haste, ‘The…The general stuff…CNN…Business Asia…’
Jai looked genuinely surprised and said, ‘Really? You heard the speech that Mcbeal gave on the joint disarmament policy yesterday? I think its ridiculous the way they arm-twist others!’
Bani gave him a wide eyed look and said, ‘McBeal….as in Ally McBeal? The show on Star World?’
Jai wished he was with Dorothy Parker in the Wizard of Oz than here at his Club with Bani Dixit and maintaining a cool façade said plainly, ‘No. I meant Ryan McBeal…the assistant secretary of state in the US Government…he is the chief negotiator for the Nuclear Deal talks between India and the US.’
They both kept quiet for some time and Jai willed the clock to strike 8 as soon as possible so that at least they could order food and get on with this.
Bani wanted to desperately make-up for the earlier gaffes and she said in her demure voice, ‘You said you like reading…I like it too!’
Jai looked up from his blackberry and said, ‘Oh! Fiction, I suppose?’
Bani smiled and said, ‘Is Archies Comics categorized as Fiction? If yes, then I do read fiction!’
Jai couldn’t help smiling at her and shrugged his head when she asked him, ‘What do you like to read?’
‘Nothing that would interest you for years, that’s for sure!’
Bani took a sip of her lemonade and asked enthusiastically, ‘No…No…tell me, what are you reading lately?’
Jai wondered if Bani would have even heard the name of Noah J. Goldstein, Steve J. Martin, and Robert B. Cialdini, the author’s who’s book he was reading right now.
Jai spoke without much interest, knowing that the title would mean nothing to Bani, “When Markets Collide ; Investment Strategies for the Age of Global Economic Change “
Bani cut him in short and with a casual smile said, ‘Authored by Noah J. Goldstein, Steve J. Martin, and Robert B. Cialdini’…yes, I know all about it!’ :ThumbsUp:
Bani proceed to give a very impressive but somewhat crammed up review on the book and Jai could only stare at her in complete astonishment…this girl was way too beyond his comprehension!
Bani did not bother to inform him that she had seen the book lying bookmarked on the Coffee-table when she had last visited Jai’s home. And when in between gossiping, Bani had told Rano about a book that Jai was reading, about “Marketing Collisions and Investing Strategies”, Rano had immediately guessed which book it would be and tutored Bani on the salient point, so that if the topic comes up, Bani would have something to speak about!
In the meanwhile, Jai was helpfully informed by Bani that while Jai never missed a single day of swimming, squash and running, Bani’s idea of exercise was flicking channels on the remote control. While Jai ate to live, Bani clearly lived only to eat! While Jai only subscribed to Business related channels, Bani had taken to view BBC in between only because the eight pm news anchor was a ‘hottie’! While Jai talked when need be, Bani apparently had to be clamped shut forcefully.
When Jai talked about numismatics (the study of various forms of currency), Bani mistook it for some form of Gymnastics and commented that she found men in tights to be hilarious.
By the time, Bani had finished partaking her fourth piece of Mocha Mud Pie with Vanilla Ice-cream, Jai was left with a splitting headache. Leave aside having anything in common between them, their interests were as different as black from white.
It was not as though Jai found Bani to be dumb or silly, she seemed to be very clued-up and knowledgeable about the things that interested her but she was way too different from what he was and the conviction that the whole engagement idea was utterly and ridiculously stupid began harden. He had to get out of this before it got out of hand and he knew that Bani felt the same. Its just that, in front of food, she seemed to forget about all other worries in the world. Jai looked at her, devouring the strawberry sauce on top of the dessert with such pleasure, that it seemed she would never get to eat anything else in her life again and thought to himself, ‘Maybe I can speak with Pa and Kiran Aunty first…and then talk to her...but something has to be done!’
Just then Jai’s blackberry buzzed into life, excusing himself from Bani, he went out of the Club Room to take the call. Bani had finished the dessert and feeling a bit too full, she thought about taking a short walk around the swimming pool and digest all the delicious food that had gone inside her.
The Pool was more or less empty and the janitor was sweeping the wet floor, Bani felt her legs go a little wobbly in the high heels that had been forced upon her by Rano, feeling a little queasy because of the high amount of sugar she had just consumed.
Bani turned to see if Jai was finished with his call or not and all of a sudden, losing balance, fell with a big SPLASH onto the deep end of the pool. For someone who was terrified of even having her bath tub being filled with water up to the brim, the horror of falling into the deep pool made her senses numb and she splattered and gasped, flaying her arms desperately.
‘SAVE ME….OH…OOOH….SAVE….’ Bani could barely utter anything more, as water began filling her ears, her nose, her mouth and completely blurring her vision. So that was it, she was having the much wanted ‘Water Burial’ she had always desired…but this soon?

Having lost all energy and getting all that water inside her, Bani felt herself going unconscious and just then a huge Splash was heard again.
Jai had jumped into the pool, with his jacket, shoes, watch and even blackberry in tow…looking around for Bani, he had found her standing precariously close to the edge of the pool from the other side if the French Window and rightfully guessing her general sense of balance had rushed outside to take her away from there, but what he had feared had already occurred.
By the time, a gasping, panting and heavily drenched Jai could drag Bani out of the swimming pool, a small crowd had gathered by…most of the guests came out and surrounded them.
Since the pool had been officially shut, all the lifeguards had packed up for the day.
‘Bani…Bani….wake up….Bani…’ Jai shook her semi-conscious figure vigorously…and all that came out was a sprout of water from her mouth.
An old heavily made up lady, squealed, ‘Oh My God…someone give her first aid…is she alive….someone call the paramedics…’
Jai gave a look to the crowd which seemed enough to quiet them and taking off his jacket swiftly, bent towards Bani and pushed her lower abdomen, applying the correct amount of force and water gushed out of her mouth again. Jai applied centrifugal force to her rib cage and some more water poured out, but Bani was still unconscious.
A man announced suddenly, ‘That won’t do…she needs resurrection…’
Jai said cuttingly, ‘I can see that…thank you…now will someone go and call a Doctor?’
He suddenly noticed that she had her fist tightly closed…he tried to open it, but it seemed jam shut. By the time, someone rushed out to call for professional help, Jai had come close to Bani’s face, leaning on his knees and holding her face in his hands, brought his lips closer to mouth and tried to giver her mouth to mouth resurrection. :whistling
It seemed to work, as some more water came out and she opened her eyes wearily, only to almost faint out of shock again, as she saw what Jai was doing!

The rest of the night was a blur to Bani and all she remembered before passing out again was Jai picking her up deftly in his arms, which felt really hard on her buttocks… :whistling
Part 7
Aditya and Rano never had the end of teasing Bani after she had recovered from the fright and shock of falling into the pool.
Aditya brought the Vegetable Soup for Bani and winking mischievously at Rano commented in general, ‘So…first time you meet…you make him a plumber…second time you meet…you only notice the ring and completely ignore him….third time you meet…you have projectile vomiting all over the place…and now you drown yourself and him in the Swimming Pool…I have to say Rano, your would be Jeejaji is the luckiest man in the world!’
Rano burst out giggling while getting murderous stares from a heavily sneezing Bani.
The Doctor had come a bit too late, Bani was pretty much alright by the time, just extremely exhausted and sneezing badly. Jai had got her home, much to the shock and alarm of Kiran, Aditya, Rano and Massi. Having explained how Bani fell into the pool, Jai had apologized profusely to Kiran that he should have kept an eye on her and that it was his entire fault.
Kiran had been overwhelmed by seeing her daughter rescued from the mouth of danger and had smothered Jai with hugs and kisses, telling him that she will always remain indebted to him for saving Bani’s life.
Jai had tried to explain that Bani had ‘not’ fallen into the deep end of the pool and that if she had just applied some presence of mind, would have noticed that the water was barely 4 ft deep. But in her panic had splashed around so much in the water that she had lost what little balance she had and had almost drowned.
Even after much insistence from Aditya and Kiran to stay at their home for the night and change into dry clothes, Jai took off for his Farmhouse. He had enough of one Dixit for one evening…the thought of being surrounded by four of them was terrifying enough.
When Jai had to take the next day off because of an intense cold and cough, his secretary had been completely astonished, because in her history of working with him, she couldn’t remember one single day, that Jai had even come an hour late to the Office.
Rano was trying to chose what jewelry to wear with her dress, as Ranveer and his parents were coming today to officially put in a proposal of marriage, when she noticed that Bani was still in her Pyjamas and having her legs up on the wall, lying upside down, was reading a Phantom Comics Book.
‘What sort of a sister are you, anway? Come and help me decide which necklace to wear?’
Bani answered carelessly, ‘Can’t you see, I am getting over the shock of being almost dead? Leave me in peace, so I can appreciate life more…’
‘Oh, cut the crap Bani! Shock of being almost dead? You nearly drowned poor Jai in the pool…and anyway he informed me later that the water was just up to your shoulder level and if you had applied your presence of mind, he wouldn’t have wound up in bed for 3 days with Flu!’
Bani answered back irritated, ‘So who told him to jump after me? He should have let me die…then I could have seriously haunted all of you…especially him!’
‘Show some gratitude, Bani…did you thank him over the phone?’
‘I called him up, but his secretary wouldn’t pass on the phone, stating that he was in a meeting or something…’
‘But no worries…I explained the entire story to her…though wonder why she found it so funny and then I told her to pass my Thank you to him for saving my life!’
Rano dropped the earring she was holding onto the floor and said, ‘You repeated all that to his secretary?’
Bani answered in the same absent mode, ‘Ya! What else could I do? I can’t keep calling him up and disturbing him all the time…’
Rano folded her hands and said, ‘Meri Ma…tera kuch nahin ho sakta! Now please, please get ready…Ranveer will be coming along anytime!’
‘He is coming to see you…why should I get dressed up?’
‘Stop arguing with your elder sister, Bani…and if you don’t get dressed up right away, I will introduce you as our scullery maid to Ranveer and his family!’
Bani threw a cushion in her sister’s direction and headed off to the bathroom, muttering something under her breath.
As she brushed her teeth slowly, she looked at the reflection of the dazzling piece of diamond that shone in her hands and wondered if she should have told Jai and the others that she did not fall into the pool…she had jumped into it, because her ring had slipped and fallen off…and she just couldn’t afford to lose it!
When she had
managed to clutch the ring back firmly in her fist, the terror had struck
in…she was in water and she had no idea how to swim!
She was confused…material things never mattered so much to Bani…then why had she jumped into the pool without a thought, knowing how much she was scared of deep water…Bani cut off the confused stream of thoughts, summing up that the ring was way too expensive to be lost and moreover if the engagement got broken off, what would she explain to Jai when he demanded his ring back?
Ranveer Bali happened to be tall, slim and very fair complexion, with curly hair giving him an overall boyishly handsome look. Even though she thought that he was no match for her sister’s beauty and elegance, still, Bani could see he was head over heels in love with Rano. And that is all that matters in life, Love!
Kiran and Aditya took up very well to the cultured and shy Ranveer and his Parents were delighted to see that Rano was not just as beautiful as their son had been raving to them, but was very different from the usual set of girls one saw these days. And also, they were thoroughly entertained by the chirpy and cheerful Bani.
Ranveer’s father laughed out loudly on the nth joke cracked by Bani and looking at Kiran said, ‘I wish I had another son…so that we could take this firecracker home with us.’
Everyone laughed and Aditya said jovially, ‘Too late Mr. Bali…the firecracker already has someone…she’s engaged to be married.’
Ranveer and his parents were suitably shocked and he said, ‘You are so young…’ and then added with a touch of mischief, ‘Love Marriage?’
Bani blushed coyly, somewhat gagging on her Samosa and Kiran supplied with obvious pride, ‘No…No…Its an arranged match…our very close family friends…’
Ranveer continued teasing his would be sister-in-law and said, ‘So, won’t you tell me his name and all?’
Bani’s who mouth was full of the stuffing from the Samosa nodded her head, indicating him to wait till she finished eating, but Aditya had got there first.
‘His name is Jai Walia…he works for the Walia Industries.’
After recovering from the shock of hearing this, Ranveer said in a slow voice, ‘He doesn’t work for the Walia Industries…he owns it!!! And by Jove, this is such a coincidence…Jai and I were in the same school at Sanawar! In fact, I think he will remember me when me meet…we used to play Squash together!’
What followed was a chirpy discussion on how small the world was and Bani could just wonder whether there was anyone left in the world who did not know who exactly Jai Walia was?
The Engagement date was fixed for the coming Sunday and the Bali’s insisted on an early wedding, which was met with much approval from Kiran, since she wanted Rano to be wedded before Bani.
There was a flurry of activity thereafter, Kiran called her family Panditji for consultations and then alongside Aditya stared making a list for the marriage preparations.
Bani and Rano sat on the precipice of the terrace wall, with the former dangling her legs dangerously, to be admonished in regular intervals by Rano, who had a dreamy look on her face.
‘Why the hell are you grinning like a monkey? So what’s the big deal about marriage? I am getting married too…and do you see me flashing my 32 set?’
Rano hit Bani gently on her head and said, ‘There is a difference…while we both are getting married, I am getting married to the man I am in love with!’
Bani squawked at Rano and said, ‘So what if I am not in love with my man…its still marriage after all…the same thing!’
‘Its not sweetie…you will understand the difference between just getting married and getting married to the one you love…when you fall in love with Jai.’
‘Well…I cant’ see that happening in the near future…’
‘He saved your life!’
‘He told the entire world that the water was just 4 ft deep…it made me look like the world’s biggest fool!’
‘You can’t blame him for that…’
‘Don’t be so cocky…you have just been holding hands with Ranveer Jeeju…Jai and I have already shared a smooch…and I am younger than you!’
Rano gave a devious smile and said, ‘Now that is an interesting description of a Mouth to Mouth Resurrection. A Smooch! Wonder what Jai has to say on this!’
‘Ok…now one more word and I will make Ranveer Jeeju a widower even before he is married to you!’
Rano and Bani broke out laughing and ran downstairs, Rano to check with her mother when they could began the shopping for the wedding and Bani to check with Massi what she was cooking for Lunch!
Jai was sharing a quick working lunch with Tarun when he said abruptly, ‘I am taking out Bani again…preferably to a place which doesn’t have water or any such harmful object in its vicinity and breaking off the engagement.’
Tarun looked up, surprised though not shocked, ‘Are you sure Jai? Don’t you think you should give this more time?’
Jai shook his head and said, ‘What is the point of giving more time when you know its going to be a dead end? And it’s not as if I dislike her or something…she is pretty…’ Jai waited for a while and tried to find a suitable word to describe Bani and finally uttered the one word that was Bani’s own favorite, ‘Fun’.
‘Being Fun is not enough to marry someone Tarun, not for me! We don’t have anything in common…nothing at all! What will we talk about when we are alone together?’
Tarun answered slyly, ‘She is a very pretty girl… I don’t think you would want to waste time talking to her…’
Jai gave a pained look at his best friend and said, ‘I am turning 30 in the next two months…you really think s** is the only thing in my mind?’
‘I was just saying…’
‘She is very pretty, I have noticed that too. But beyond that it’s a full-stop! I don’t want to share my life with someone who’s idea of entertainment is going to Appu Ghar and who’s ‘likes’ are defined by the various cuisines of the world!’
‘Jai, to be honest, there is nothing wrong with her…you are way too serious and intellectual…loosen up a bit!’
Jai went on full flush, ‘She mistook the US Secretary of State to be some Television Soap Character…when I asked her about her views on George Bush’s Iraq Policy, all she could come up with was, ‘It SUCKS!’ :laugh:Her idea of Rahul Gandhi’s Amethy tour was that he looked ‘Chilled Out’ in his Armani Shades…I mean, how does she even know that he wears Armani?’
Tarun burst out laughing looking at his friend’s desperation and plight.
Jai continued, ‘I am not asking her to discuss the Harvard Business Review Editorial with me…but there should be something worthwhile to talk about, right? I mean, unless, you consider the addition of peanuts to a Thai Papaya Salad to be a debatable point!’
Jai continued, shrugging his head, ‘Its not like she is vacant or dumb…far from it I think…but she has been mollycoddled and treated like a baby by everyone in her family and now she is of the opinion that it’s a crime to grow up and behave in a responsible, adult manner.’
Tarun asked, ‘What does she do exactly, btw?’
Jai waved his hands and said, ‘Oh, I asked her the question and guess what I got in reply! A timetable that starts with watching Television in the morning alongside her breakfast and ending with Dinner and Television again. And you can guess for yourself what she does in-between Breakfast and Dinner. Yes, you guessed it again. Food and The Idiot Box!’
Tarun smirked, controlling his laughter and said, ‘Does she have a career plan?’
Jai rolled his eyes and said, ‘Yes. And guess what she wants to become when she ‘Grows Up’?
Tarun had a very hard time controlling his laughter anymore and listened as his friend continued, ‘A Food Critic, what else? And the reason she gave was that, in this way, her job would entail all the free food and she will get paid to eat it too! Really….’
Tarun just couldn’t stop the flow of laughter and the ensuing commotion caused everyone to look towards them.
He composed himself and said, ‘If you feel that seriously and if having common interests is so important to you, then I guess, breaking off the engagement is the right thing to do…Poor kid, will be heartbroken!’
Jai smiled back tersely and said, ‘I don’t think so! I will take her out to ‘Eat’ somewhere and once she has had her fill of food, she wont’ take anything to her heart, least of all breaking the engagement. I can bet my last penny that she wants the same!’
‘My superman wants to take me out again…I think he fancies me!’ Bani was standing on the couch and watching her reflection in the mirror as she tried one dress after another, all belonging to Rano.
‘Why do you keep wearing my clothes, Bani? Where are yours?’
‘I don’t have a single wearable one…’
‘Obviously you don’t….you go for shopping alone and get those ridiculously oversized clothes, which no one else buys and then you have nothing to wear!’
‘Stop cribbing all the time…don’t throw your weight around just because you are getting married!’
‘Ok, get down from the couch…and try this one…should fit you! God, I am so jealous…all that food and your waist size is 24! Gaaah…..’ Rano let out an envious noise!
‘Where are you upto tonight? Jai is really sweet…if I had behaved like you did, Ranveer wouldn’t have even given me a phone call back and Jai is taking you out third time in a row!’
‘There was nothing wrong with my behavior…accidents occur!’
‘Only with you, Bani!’ Rano laughed, taking out a pair of slip-ons for her sister to go with the dress.
Jai did not come to pick up Bani this time, just sent his Driver to pick her up and come to the Olive Bar and Kitchen situated on Mehrauli Gurgaon Road.
Jai was on his second glass of Beer when he noticed Bani walking in, looking sedate and astonishingly lovelier than before, dressed in lavender colored Salwar Kameez that accentuated her figure to a perfect 10.
Jai wondered, not for the first time, where all the food ever went?
Smiling shyly at him, she sat alongside the Bar and he asked her politely if she would like something to drink. After much deliberation, Jai had decided to break the news to Bani first and then talk to Kiran and his Father. However immature and childish she might be, Jai felt that she deserved to know first. But at the same time, he had a nagging fear that she might get hysterical or emotional and create a scene…but there was no go, really! The engagement had to be broken, two wrong people could never make a right relationship.
When the Strawberry Mock tail had arrived alongside a plate of Nachos, that Jai had ordered on his own, knowing Bani’s fondness for anything chewable, he coughed gently and said, ‘We need to talk, Bani.’
She looked up at him, confused at the sudden seriousness of his tone and said, ‘Yes…is there something you want to say?’
Taking a deep breath and turning to face her, Jai looked directly into her eyes and said in an honest manner, ‘Bani…this is not working out.’
Sensing her blank look, he continued, feeling strangely pained, ‘Our relationship…we are just not on the same frequency…I hope you sense that too!’
Bani completely understood what he meant, and leaving the mock tail glass on the Bar counter, kept staring at Jai, her face more or less devoid of any expression.
Jai continued, ‘I am not very good with words, Bani and I don’t know how to explain that we…you and me…we can’t make it work out even if we try our best…and that is not because there is something wrong with us…but basically, we are very different from one another…’
Jai kept quiet, trying to gauge Bani’s reaction, when she finished his words softly and said, ‘And marriage needs bonding.’
Jai looked surprised at how she had nailed it on the head, in just one sentence, while he had been blabbering till now.
‘Yessss…’ he drawled softly and then added, ‘Yes…Marriage needs bonding…I couldn’t have put it better! I am glad you understand it.’
They both kept quiet for sometime, the mock tail melting in a puddle and looking very inedible while the Nacho’s turned soggy.
Bani had her palm on the Bar counter, the engagement ring shimmered from the reflection of the lights above, Jai looked at her and quietly slipping off his engagement ring placed it near her hands.
Bani looked at him and for the life of him, Jai couldn’t understand her expressions! Was she hurt, angry, feeling betrayed, rejected, relieved, happy….there was absolutely no expression on her face.
Sensing no reaction from her, he said in the same gentle manner, ‘Please don’t think I am breaking off our relationship…I am just discontinuing a relationship which has no future…but I hope…I really wish that we can continue being friends.’
Bani looked up at him and for the first time, showed some reaction, a faint smile and with an awkward note in her voice said, ‘I am really touched that you see me as a friend…and yes…even I wish the same. That we remain friends.’
Bani took off her much loved engagement ring and placed it over the Bar counter alongside Jai’s ring.
Jai felt as if he was kicking a puppy in its guts, she looked so fragile, so sweet and the manner in which she had taken the whole thing had really touched his heart, but he was too practical and realistic to know that momentary emotional reactions were meant to be overlooked. :sad1:
With a slight pause, Jai said, ‘Bani…please don’t misunderstand me…but it would mean a lot to me…if you kept you kept my engagement ring with you…’
Bani looked surprised and said, ‘But how…No…I can’t do that…’
Jai feeling even more acutely embarrassed continued, ‘Not as an engagement ring…but as a gift from a friend…and besides, its looks as if it was crafted for your hands…’
Before Bani could say anything, Jai quietly slipped the solitaire back into Bani’s finger and they both broke into a smile.
‘That way you will remember me every time you look at this…’
Bani laughed shyly in response and said, ‘So you know how obsessed I am with it?’
Jai joined in the laughter and said, ‘It’s a family joke at my side…that my would be bride likes the ring better than the groom.’
Bani stopped laughing and just giving a withdrawn, poignant smile said, ‘Not would-bride, its Ex-fiancée…’
Jai kept silent and looking in her eyes repeated softly, ‘Yes…Ex-fiancée….’
Author's Note : Some of my readers had expressed the desire to read more such hilarious dates between the two, but unfortunately, I have already penned the future parts and now it would be difficult to cram additional parts between the present ones and the ones I have written!
But please be rest assured, if you are liking the story till now, you will like it ahead, even though the tone will become more serious (but also loads of breezy romantic scenes coming up :whistling)
And trust me, assuming that none of you have seen the serial Kash-m-Kash from where I have borrowed the plot line, the breaking of the engagement will only lead to better things... :ThumbsUp:
Aditya and Rano never had the end of teasing Bani after she had recovered from the fright and shock of falling into the pool.
Aditya brought the Vegetable Soup for Bani and winking mischievously at Rano commented in general, ‘So…first time you meet…you make him a plumber…second time you meet…you only notice the ring and completely ignore him….third time you meet…you have projectile vomiting all over the place…and now you drown yourself and him in the Swimming Pool…I have to say Rano, your would be Jeejaji is the luckiest man in the world!’
Rano burst out giggling while getting murderous stares from a heavily sneezing Bani.
The Doctor had come a bit too late, Bani was pretty much alright by the time, just extremely exhausted and sneezing badly. Jai had got her home, much to the shock and alarm of Kiran, Aditya, Rano and Massi. Having explained how Bani fell into the pool, Jai had apologized profusely to Kiran that he should have kept an eye on her and that it was his entire fault.
Kiran had been overwhelmed by seeing her daughter rescued from the mouth of danger and had smothered Jai with hugs and kisses, telling him that she will always remain indebted to him for saving Bani’s life.
Jai had tried to explain that Bani had ‘not’ fallen into the deep end of the pool and that if she had just applied some presence of mind, would have noticed that the water was barely 4 ft deep. But in her panic had splashed around so much in the water that she had lost what little balance she had and had almost drowned.
Even after much insistence from Aditya and Kiran to stay at their home for the night and change into dry clothes, Jai took off for his Farmhouse. He had enough of one Dixit for one evening…the thought of being surrounded by four of them was terrifying enough.

When Jai had to take the next day off because of an intense cold and cough, his secretary had been completely astonished, because in her history of working with him, she couldn’t remember one single day, that Jai had even come an hour late to the Office.
Rano was trying to chose what jewelry to wear with her dress, as Ranveer and his parents were coming today to officially put in a proposal of marriage, when she noticed that Bani was still in her Pyjamas and having her legs up on the wall, lying upside down, was reading a Phantom Comics Book.
‘What sort of a sister are you, anway? Come and help me decide which necklace to wear?’
Bani answered carelessly, ‘Can’t you see, I am getting over the shock of being almost dead? Leave me in peace, so I can appreciate life more…’
‘Oh, cut the crap Bani! Shock of being almost dead? You nearly drowned poor Jai in the pool…and anyway he informed me later that the water was just up to your shoulder level and if you had applied your presence of mind, he wouldn’t have wound up in bed for 3 days with Flu!’
Bani answered back irritated, ‘So who told him to jump after me? He should have let me die…then I could have seriously haunted all of you…especially him!’
‘Show some gratitude, Bani…did you thank him over the phone?’
‘I called him up, but his secretary wouldn’t pass on the phone, stating that he was in a meeting or something…’
‘But no worries…I explained the entire story to her…though wonder why she found it so funny and then I told her to pass my Thank you to him for saving my life!’
Rano dropped the earring she was holding onto the floor and said, ‘You repeated all that to his secretary?’
Bani answered in the same absent mode, ‘Ya! What else could I do? I can’t keep calling him up and disturbing him all the time…’
Rano folded her hands and said, ‘Meri Ma…tera kuch nahin ho sakta! Now please, please get ready…Ranveer will be coming along anytime!’
‘He is coming to see you…why should I get dressed up?’
‘Stop arguing with your elder sister, Bani…and if you don’t get dressed up right away, I will introduce you as our scullery maid to Ranveer and his family!’
Bani threw a cushion in her sister’s direction and headed off to the bathroom, muttering something under her breath.
As she brushed her teeth slowly, she looked at the reflection of the dazzling piece of diamond that shone in her hands and wondered if she should have told Jai and the others that she did not fall into the pool…she had jumped into it, because her ring had slipped and fallen off…and she just couldn’t afford to lose it!

She was confused…material things never mattered so much to Bani…then why had she jumped into the pool without a thought, knowing how much she was scared of deep water…Bani cut off the confused stream of thoughts, summing up that the ring was way too expensive to be lost and moreover if the engagement got broken off, what would she explain to Jai when he demanded his ring back?
Ranveer Bali happened to be tall, slim and very fair complexion, with curly hair giving him an overall boyishly handsome look. Even though she thought that he was no match for her sister’s beauty and elegance, still, Bani could see he was head over heels in love with Rano. And that is all that matters in life, Love!
Kiran and Aditya took up very well to the cultured and shy Ranveer and his Parents were delighted to see that Rano was not just as beautiful as their son had been raving to them, but was very different from the usual set of girls one saw these days. And also, they were thoroughly entertained by the chirpy and cheerful Bani.
Ranveer’s father laughed out loudly on the nth joke cracked by Bani and looking at Kiran said, ‘I wish I had another son…so that we could take this firecracker home with us.’
Everyone laughed and Aditya said jovially, ‘Too late Mr. Bali…the firecracker already has someone…she’s engaged to be married.’
Ranveer and his parents were suitably shocked and he said, ‘You are so young…’ and then added with a touch of mischief, ‘Love Marriage?’
Bani blushed coyly, somewhat gagging on her Samosa and Kiran supplied with obvious pride, ‘No…No…Its an arranged match…our very close family friends…’
Ranveer continued teasing his would be sister-in-law and said, ‘So, won’t you tell me his name and all?’
Bani’s who mouth was full of the stuffing from the Samosa nodded her head, indicating him to wait till she finished eating, but Aditya had got there first.
‘His name is Jai Walia…he works for the Walia Industries.’
After recovering from the shock of hearing this, Ranveer said in a slow voice, ‘He doesn’t work for the Walia Industries…he owns it!!! And by Jove, this is such a coincidence…Jai and I were in the same school at Sanawar! In fact, I think he will remember me when me meet…we used to play Squash together!’
What followed was a chirpy discussion on how small the world was and Bani could just wonder whether there was anyone left in the world who did not know who exactly Jai Walia was?
The Engagement date was fixed for the coming Sunday and the Bali’s insisted on an early wedding, which was met with much approval from Kiran, since she wanted Rano to be wedded before Bani.
There was a flurry of activity thereafter, Kiran called her family Panditji for consultations and then alongside Aditya stared making a list for the marriage preparations.
Bani and Rano sat on the precipice of the terrace wall, with the former dangling her legs dangerously, to be admonished in regular intervals by Rano, who had a dreamy look on her face.
‘Why the hell are you grinning like a monkey? So what’s the big deal about marriage? I am getting married too…and do you see me flashing my 32 set?’
Rano hit Bani gently on her head and said, ‘There is a difference…while we both are getting married, I am getting married to the man I am in love with!’
Bani squawked at Rano and said, ‘So what if I am not in love with my man…its still marriage after all…the same thing!’
‘Its not sweetie…you will understand the difference between just getting married and getting married to the one you love…when you fall in love with Jai.’
‘Well…I cant’ see that happening in the near future…’
‘He saved your life!’
‘He told the entire world that the water was just 4 ft deep…it made me look like the world’s biggest fool!’
‘You can’t blame him for that…’
‘Don’t be so cocky…you have just been holding hands with Ranveer Jeeju…Jai and I have already shared a smooch…and I am younger than you!’
Rano gave a devious smile and said, ‘Now that is an interesting description of a Mouth to Mouth Resurrection. A Smooch! Wonder what Jai has to say on this!’
‘Ok…now one more word and I will make Ranveer Jeeju a widower even before he is married to you!’
Rano and Bani broke out laughing and ran downstairs, Rano to check with her mother when they could began the shopping for the wedding and Bani to check with Massi what she was cooking for Lunch!
Jai was sharing a quick working lunch with Tarun when he said abruptly, ‘I am taking out Bani again…preferably to a place which doesn’t have water or any such harmful object in its vicinity and breaking off the engagement.’
Tarun looked up, surprised though not shocked, ‘Are you sure Jai? Don’t you think you should give this more time?’
Jai shook his head and said, ‘What is the point of giving more time when you know its going to be a dead end? And it’s not as if I dislike her or something…she is pretty…’ Jai waited for a while and tried to find a suitable word to describe Bani and finally uttered the one word that was Bani’s own favorite, ‘Fun’.
‘Being Fun is not enough to marry someone Tarun, not for me! We don’t have anything in common…nothing at all! What will we talk about when we are alone together?’
Tarun answered slyly, ‘She is a very pretty girl… I don’t think you would want to waste time talking to her…’
Jai gave a pained look at his best friend and said, ‘I am turning 30 in the next two months…you really think s** is the only thing in my mind?’
‘I was just saying…’
‘She is very pretty, I have noticed that too. But beyond that it’s a full-stop! I don’t want to share my life with someone who’s idea of entertainment is going to Appu Ghar and who’s ‘likes’ are defined by the various cuisines of the world!’
‘Jai, to be honest, there is nothing wrong with her…you are way too serious and intellectual…loosen up a bit!’
Jai went on full flush, ‘She mistook the US Secretary of State to be some Television Soap Character…when I asked her about her views on George Bush’s Iraq Policy, all she could come up with was, ‘It SUCKS!’ :laugh:Her idea of Rahul Gandhi’s Amethy tour was that he looked ‘Chilled Out’ in his Armani Shades…I mean, how does she even know that he wears Armani?’
Tarun burst out laughing looking at his friend’s desperation and plight.
Jai continued, ‘I am not asking her to discuss the Harvard Business Review Editorial with me…but there should be something worthwhile to talk about, right? I mean, unless, you consider the addition of peanuts to a Thai Papaya Salad to be a debatable point!’
Jai continued, shrugging his head, ‘Its not like she is vacant or dumb…far from it I think…but she has been mollycoddled and treated like a baby by everyone in her family and now she is of the opinion that it’s a crime to grow up and behave in a responsible, adult manner.’
Tarun asked, ‘What does she do exactly, btw?’
Jai waved his hands and said, ‘Oh, I asked her the question and guess what I got in reply! A timetable that starts with watching Television in the morning alongside her breakfast and ending with Dinner and Television again. And you can guess for yourself what she does in-between Breakfast and Dinner. Yes, you guessed it again. Food and The Idiot Box!’
Tarun smirked, controlling his laughter and said, ‘Does she have a career plan?’
Jai rolled his eyes and said, ‘Yes. And guess what she wants to become when she ‘Grows Up’?
Tarun had a very hard time controlling his laughter anymore and listened as his friend continued, ‘A Food Critic, what else? And the reason she gave was that, in this way, her job would entail all the free food and she will get paid to eat it too! Really….’
Tarun just couldn’t stop the flow of laughter and the ensuing commotion caused everyone to look towards them.
He composed himself and said, ‘If you feel that seriously and if having common interests is so important to you, then I guess, breaking off the engagement is the right thing to do…Poor kid, will be heartbroken!’
Jai smiled back tersely and said, ‘I don’t think so! I will take her out to ‘Eat’ somewhere and once she has had her fill of food, she wont’ take anything to her heart, least of all breaking the engagement. I can bet my last penny that she wants the same!’
‘My superman wants to take me out again…I think he fancies me!’ Bani was standing on the couch and watching her reflection in the mirror as she tried one dress after another, all belonging to Rano.
‘Why do you keep wearing my clothes, Bani? Where are yours?’
‘I don’t have a single wearable one…’
‘Obviously you don’t….you go for shopping alone and get those ridiculously oversized clothes, which no one else buys and then you have nothing to wear!’
‘Stop cribbing all the time…don’t throw your weight around just because you are getting married!’
‘Ok, get down from the couch…and try this one…should fit you! God, I am so jealous…all that food and your waist size is 24! Gaaah…..’ Rano let out an envious noise!
‘Where are you upto tonight? Jai is really sweet…if I had behaved like you did, Ranveer wouldn’t have even given me a phone call back and Jai is taking you out third time in a row!’
‘There was nothing wrong with my behavior…accidents occur!’
‘Only with you, Bani!’ Rano laughed, taking out a pair of slip-ons for her sister to go with the dress.
Jai did not come to pick up Bani this time, just sent his Driver to pick her up and come to the Olive Bar and Kitchen situated on Mehrauli Gurgaon Road.
Jai was on his second glass of Beer when he noticed Bani walking in, looking sedate and astonishingly lovelier than before, dressed in lavender colored Salwar Kameez that accentuated her figure to a perfect 10.
Jai wondered, not for the first time, where all the food ever went?
Smiling shyly at him, she sat alongside the Bar and he asked her politely if she would like something to drink. After much deliberation, Jai had decided to break the news to Bani first and then talk to Kiran and his Father. However immature and childish she might be, Jai felt that she deserved to know first. But at the same time, he had a nagging fear that she might get hysterical or emotional and create a scene…but there was no go, really! The engagement had to be broken, two wrong people could never make a right relationship.
When the Strawberry Mock tail had arrived alongside a plate of Nachos, that Jai had ordered on his own, knowing Bani’s fondness for anything chewable, he coughed gently and said, ‘We need to talk, Bani.’
She looked up at him, confused at the sudden seriousness of his tone and said, ‘Yes…is there something you want to say?’
Taking a deep breath and turning to face her, Jai looked directly into her eyes and said in an honest manner, ‘Bani…this is not working out.’
Sensing her blank look, he continued, feeling strangely pained, ‘Our relationship…we are just not on the same frequency…I hope you sense that too!’
Bani completely understood what he meant, and leaving the mock tail glass on the Bar counter, kept staring at Jai, her face more or less devoid of any expression.
Jai continued, ‘I am not very good with words, Bani and I don’t know how to explain that we…you and me…we can’t make it work out even if we try our best…and that is not because there is something wrong with us…but basically, we are very different from one another…’
Jai kept quiet, trying to gauge Bani’s reaction, when she finished his words softly and said, ‘And marriage needs bonding.’
Jai looked surprised at how she had nailed it on the head, in just one sentence, while he had been blabbering till now.
‘Yessss…’ he drawled softly and then added, ‘Yes…Marriage needs bonding…I couldn’t have put it better! I am glad you understand it.’
They both kept quiet for sometime, the mock tail melting in a puddle and looking very inedible while the Nacho’s turned soggy.
Bani had her palm on the Bar counter, the engagement ring shimmered from the reflection of the lights above, Jai looked at her and quietly slipping off his engagement ring placed it near her hands.
Bani looked at him and for the life of him, Jai couldn’t understand her expressions! Was she hurt, angry, feeling betrayed, rejected, relieved, happy….there was absolutely no expression on her face.
Sensing no reaction from her, he said in the same gentle manner, ‘Please don’t think I am breaking off our relationship…I am just discontinuing a relationship which has no future…but I hope…I really wish that we can continue being friends.’
Bani looked up at him and for the first time, showed some reaction, a faint smile and with an awkward note in her voice said, ‘I am really touched that you see me as a friend…and yes…even I wish the same. That we remain friends.’
Bani took off her much loved engagement ring and placed it over the Bar counter alongside Jai’s ring.
Jai felt as if he was kicking a puppy in its guts, she looked so fragile, so sweet and the manner in which she had taken the whole thing had really touched his heart, but he was too practical and realistic to know that momentary emotional reactions were meant to be overlooked. :sad1:
With a slight pause, Jai said, ‘Bani…please don’t misunderstand me…but it would mean a lot to me…if you kept you kept my engagement ring with you…’
Bani looked surprised and said, ‘But how…No…I can’t do that…’
Jai feeling even more acutely embarrassed continued, ‘Not as an engagement ring…but as a gift from a friend…and besides, its looks as if it was crafted for your hands…’
Before Bani could say anything, Jai quietly slipped the solitaire back into Bani’s finger and they both broke into a smile.
‘That way you will remember me every time you look at this…’
Bani laughed shyly in response and said, ‘So you know how obsessed I am with it?’
Jai joined in the laughter and said, ‘It’s a family joke at my side…that my would be bride likes the ring better than the groom.’
Bani stopped laughing and just giving a withdrawn, poignant smile said, ‘Not would-bride, its Ex-fiancée…’
Jai kept silent and looking in her eyes repeated softly, ‘Yes…Ex-fiancée….’

Author's Note : Some of my readers had expressed the desire to read more such hilarious dates between the two, but unfortunately, I have already penned the future parts and now it would be difficult to cram additional parts between the present ones and the ones I have written!
But please be rest assured, if you are liking the story till now, you will like it ahead, even though the tone will become more serious (but also loads of breezy romantic scenes coming up :whistling)
And trust me, assuming that none of you have seen the serial Kash-m-Kash from where I have borrowed the plot line, the breaking of the engagement will only lead to better things... :ThumbsUp:
Part 8
It was more than a week that the engagement had been called off and everyone at Dixit house was going out of their way to cheer up Bani, who was clearly irritated by the display of sympathetic affection.
After refusing to get her hair oiled for the 5th time in a row, she looked at her mother and spoke in an annoyed voice, ‘Ma…will you stop that already? I don’t want oil in my hair, I washed it just today morning…and Rano di, please, there is no need to iron my clothes, I can do that myself…and Adi Chachu, this is the last time you get me flowers…you know I am allergic to excessive pollen…and please tell Massi to stop making so many snack for me…and also you, Mango…if you lick me one more time, you go straight to the pound!’
Everyone stared at one another in a furtive way, till Bani got up from the couch and stormed off to her bedroom, followed by Mango wagging his tail affectionately.
Kiran looked at Aditya and said, ‘I hope she gets over this…she is trying to act tough…but I know how hurt she is.’
Rano looked depressed and said, ‘You know Ma, she has even stopped watching FRIENDS…and she is actually reading books these days…’
Aditya joined in a worried voice, ‘I took her out for lunch yesterday along with Nachiket and she just had two helpings of the Dessert! Can you believe it?’
Bani sat in her room, fuming and clearly aggravated, why was everyone behaving as if she was a terminally ill patient and had only a few days left to live? Why was everyone assuming that her heart had broken along with the engagement? Why was everyone so sure that just because she had decided to go along with the marriage plans, she had actually been in love with Jai? No matter how much she explained, no one seemed to really understand what she was going through. And whatever it was, it surely wasn’t heartbreak…and Bani was sure of that. She did not love Jai, never had. She knew as much as he did that the whole idea of getting engaged and then married was a fiasco from the start. They were like the A and Z of the Alphabet, there were 24 letters in between them…parallel tracks never met and similarly even they couldn’t!
Jai being the more mature and clear-headed of the two had perceived that and in his logical, practical way had decided to nip the impending disaster that their marriage would have been in the bud itself. Bani appreciated his honesty and unambiguous approach to life. Instead of dilly-dallying things, he had come straight to the point and broken off a relationship which had barely taken off. She was quite alright with it…but at the same time, not overjoyed or delirious with happiness.
It was not as if she had really wanted to marry him…but at the same time, she had felt a strange sadness when he had called it quits…she was sure she did not love him…but for some reason, had grown to like him a lot in the past few weeks…and the thought that they would probably not get to know one another more, seemed to rankle her.
But that was it. Nothing more. She was definitely not broken-hearted and most assuredly not in love with Jai.
Jai had insisted on dropping Bani back after that fateful evening, but she had insisted on talking to her family on her own, even though Jai felt that it was his duty to let them know about their decision. Bani had quietly but firmly refused his offer and said that it was their mutual decision to get engaged and similarly their mutual decision to break it off and they had only themselves to be accountable too.
Since the whole affair was handled by much decency and dignity by both Jai and Bani, there was certainly no love lost between the families and after a long distance call put through by Uday to Kiran, things had sorted out. Everyone had been assured that it was for the best that Jai and Bani were not together…after all God must have decided what was best for them and perhaps their soul mates were waiting for them some where else.
It was Rano’s engagement in two days and the atmosphere had lightened considerably due to the same. Rano lay on the bed at night alongside Bani, spreading her hands in an eagle-like position to dry the Henna that had been applied to both her palms.
‘Bani….Bani…are you sleeping?’
‘Then how come you are saying Hmmm…’
‘Rano di, please go to sleep, we have lots of work to do tomorrow…’
Rano kept quiet for a while and then said softly, ‘You have changed a lot in the last few days…since he and you broke the engagement.’
‘His name is Jai, no need to address him as ‘he’ all the time…and yes, I might have changed…but that has nothing to do with him or our broken engagement and for god sake, I am up to my ears in pity factor.’
Rano made some hushing sounds and said, ‘Ok…Ok…don’t get annoyed. Say, did you invite him…I mean, Jai for the engagement?’
‘I called him up at his Office number, his secretary told me that he is touring for the next few weeks…Europe and US, I think and will be back only in a month or so.’
‘Oh, I hope he can make it for the marriage at least.’
‘Yes. If he does, we can call him and perhaps you can shed some sympathy tears for him also, along with Ma, Chachu, Massi and Mango.’
Rano giggled, while Bani pulled the duvet over her head and went off to sleep.
The engagement went on very well and since Bani was still wearing the engagement ring, most people assumed she was still engaged to Jai. On asking about his whereabouts, she answered vaguely that he was travelling and couldn’t attend therefore. Bani did not want to spoil the jovial atmosphere for Rano’s wedding and hence kept more or less to herself. The last thing she wanted to hear was more shushing noises on how sad it was that her engagement had been broken and that all men were dogs. They might be, but Jai certainly wasn’t one.
It was almost a month and a half since Bani had last met Jai at the Club, there had been almost no communication between them in-between. Though there had been a huge bouquet delivered to the Dixit House for Rano congratulating her on the engagement and the impending wedding. Rano in deference for Bani’s feelings had hidden the lovely flower arrangement somewhere in an unused guest room, but Bani had brought it out and displayed it as a centerpiece in the living room, stating that it was very thoughtful and sweet of Jai to send them, even though Rano did not deserve them one bit for having disregarded them.
Ranveer came down one evening and proposed to take out Rano for Dinner to the Club and when he saw that Bani was alone at home, he insisted on her joining them too. Bani tried her best to wriggle out of it, but Rano almost dragged her along, saying that she would feel too guilty to enjoy the evening, knowing that Bani would be alone at home. Kiran had gone to Jaipur to attend a Doctor’s conference and then later Rano and Bani were supposed to join her for some last minute wedding shopping. The date was coming closer and Rano was clearly in a very high-mood. Not wanting to upset her sister, Bani acquiesced to join, though she felt terrible to come in-between the much in love couple. Ranveer being a very affable and loving person had immediately made Bani comfortable and kept assuring her that it was delightful to have someone like her as company.
Bani kept more or less to herself throughout the drive, but the moment the Car drew up towards the porch of the Club, she was taken aback. It was the same club that Jai had taken her to a few weeks back.
Ranveer was talking to Rano, ‘This place is really, really exclusive…my Boss is a member here and so are the wealthiest people in the city, he gave me his Card today…so I thought why not surprise you!’ Rano smiled delightfully at her would be husband and said in a loving tone, ‘You might not be the wealthiest…but you are the sweetest person in this or any other city in this world!’
Ranveer blushed and placed a kiss on Rano’s forehead and Bani stood at a distance, looking at them and smiled warmly. She uttered a small prayer to God that Rano and Ranveer’s happiness and love should always remain unaltered. Taking attention away from his fiancée, he turned to Bani and said, ‘Isn’t it a beautiful place, Bani?’ She nodded quietly and smiling said, ‘I know…I have been here before.’
Ranveer and Rano looked suitably shocked before comprehension set in and she said slowly, ‘Oh, this is the place where you had a ‘near death experience?’ Bani and Rano burst out laughing loudly and the latter recalled the incident to Ranveer, who couldn’t control his laughter after hearing it and kept pulling Bani’s leg on the same.
The evening started with drinks and without deliberately wanting to, Rano and Ranveer were so clearly ensconced with each other, that Bani felt it was a huge mistake to be dragged along. They were clearly a couple in love and about to be married and she sat there like a typical bone in the middle of two lovers. She knew that it was hopeless to argue and go back home now, so she interrupted them and said casually that she wanted to go around and have a look at the Club’s facilities.
Rano immediately got up and said in her elderly sister manner, ‘Oh sure, I will come with you.’
Bani gave a ‘What?’ look at her sister and said with terse politeness, ‘No thank you, Rano Di. I want to go alone and have a round, please seat yourself with Jeeju and I promise to take care of myself.’
Ranveer quipped teasingly, ‘Promise not to fall into the pool anymore? I can’t swim you know and neither can Rano!’
All the three of them burst out laughing and leaving them alone, Bani ventured outside the Club Room, which led to the sprawling lawns and in the distance she could see the Pool, shimmering in the night lights and today it wasn’t empty. There was someone swimming in it, with much athletic grace and with a swiftness that took her breath away.
‘Is someone training for the next Olympics or what?’ Bani muttered to herself and watched the person in question take un-interrupted laps after laps, covering the length of the pool.
The autumn air was cool and crisp and the smell of Palash flowers filled the evening air. There was a slight nippiness in the air and when a breeze wisped past Bani, she had to hold herself tightly with her arms draped over her body to avoid the chill.
Suffering from a slight cold, Bani decided it would be wise to go inside, since the proximity to the water and the cool air could only seem to aggravate her condition. She must have just taken two steps, when a familiar intonation called out in surprise, ‘Bani?’
Bani turned to look at the caller and was stunned to see the identity of the champion swimmer, now standing with a towel wrapped over the lower part of his body, droplets of water falling from his hair and body onto the tiled ground.
Bani stood gaping for some time and then breaking into a surprised smile said, ‘Hi!’
Jai seemed to look equally if not more stunned at seeing her and then taking stock of the situation said in a still dazed voice, ‘I saw someone standing in a distance, while I was in the water…I thought you looked familiar…but gosh, I didn’t expect you!’
Jai added with a touch of humor, ‘Bani, you shouldn’t be anywhere near water, you know!’
Bani laughed shyly, blinking her eyes and said, ‘I just came to get some fresh air…I am out for dinner here actually!’
Meanwhile Jai had picked up his bathrobe and covered himself with it, much to Bani’s relief as she had found staring at him much to her own embarrassment. There was something about unclothed, drenched men, which was just so fascinating, especially if they had a physique that matched Jai’s!
After wrapping himself in a navy blue bathrobe which had an emblem of some US University on it, he drew out a garden chair for Bani to sit on and then with a snap of his finger, called upon an attendant.
‘One chilled Budweiser and…’ he looked at Bani and asked politely, ‘What would you like Bani?’
‘Nothing really, I just had a lemonade.’
Jai looked as if he had not heard her correctly and insisted, ‘No really, you must have something?
Bani blushed and said, ‘No…actually, Di and Jeeju must be expecting me to turn up for dinner…I won’t have anything, really. You go ahead, please.’
Jai looked genuinely surprised that Bani was refusing an offer for anything edible and nodded dismissively towards the attendant.
Looking at her, he said, ‘You said Di and Jeeju…I presume, Rano is either engaged or going to be?’
Bani smiled and said, ‘Yes, they got engaged only a few days back…I called up at your office, but your secretary told me that you are travelling…Adi Chachu must have dropped in a box of sweets at your Farmhouse.’
‘That’s great news! When is the wedding?’
‘20th of next month. His name is Ranveer Bali, apparently he knows you from school or something.’
Jai scratched his chin and wrinkled his eyes in remembrance, ‘Ranveer Bali…Ranveer….Hmmm, I seem to have heard the name…you said, from school, right?’
Bani replied with enthusiasm, ‘He is tall, fair and has curly hair…his eyes are chocolate brown in color…’
Jai looked at her for some time and broke out laughing, ‘Bani…please be rest assured, I used to only notice girls at school…I would never remember a guy in the way you are describing him!’
‘So, what’s up with your life?’ Jai took a sip of the beer and relaxing on the garden chair, looked at Bani, with interest. She looked different to him from the other times he had met her. In the sense that physically she was the same, but there was something about her, which gave a very unusual dimension to her overall appearance. Earlier there used to be a gawky awkwardness about her, especially around him, today there was a shyness in manner, she looked strangely reticent and quiet.
‘Just the same…busy with the marriage preparations…and then I have to leave for Pune.’
Jai was in the middle of taking another gulp of his beer and holding the can in air, he asked, ‘Pune? Why?’
Bani replied casually, ‘I had given an entrance exam for Hotel Management, the results came out a week back…I got through…’
‘Oh! Well…Congrats! I had no idea you were interested in Hotel Management.’
She smiled and said, ‘I really didn’t have any definite plans, but when this came through, I decided to give it a try!’
There was silence for a while between them and Jai noticed that Bani was shivering slightly in the cool breeze.
‘Do you want to go inside? You look cold!’
Bani got up and said, ‘Yes…they must be wondering where have I disappeared.’
Just then, they both heard footsteps and noises coming their way, it was Rano and Ranveer, getting worked up after not finding Bani for some time.
‘There you are…Bani, where were you? Ranveer and I got so worried…and I told you not to venture near the pool…’
Just then Rano’s eyes fell on Jai and she blushed in recognition, ‘Hi! Wow…For a moment I was taken aback…’
Jai smiled genially at Rano and said, ‘Congratulations. I heard the good news.’
Rano flushed with pleasure and then as soon as Ranveer had covered his ground, introductions were made and Jai remembered him from school. Ranveer had been a year junior and apparently in the same team in which Jai had been the Captain. Both the men caught up in conversation and Jai insisted that tonight’s dinner was on him.
Rano, Ranveer and Bani went inside the Club Room and Jai joined them after he had changed into formal clothes.
Conversation flowed smoothly, as their similar background ensured that the three of them had a lot in common to talk about, only Bani looked quiet and sat nibbling her salad without much expression.
Jai noticed her silence and breaking the flow of conversation, whispered into her ears, ‘Pourquoi ainsi tranquillité, belle ?’
Bani looked up suddenly and uttered a monosyllabic, ‘Huh?’
Jai smiled faintly and said, ‘Translated into English, ‘Why so quiet, beautiful?’
Two spots of red marked Bani’s cheeks and she dug deeper into her salad and shrugged her head in response. Jai smiled at her, a feeling of puzzlement and mystification filling up his head…was she the same Bani whom he had got engaged to a few weeks back.
It was a quarter past ten, when Rano suddenly broke up the dinner meeting and said, ‘Oh! I completely forgot…Bani wanted to be home early, she has to attend her convocation tomorrow…’
Bani looked up and sensing Ranveer’s disappointment and Rano’s apparent unwillingness to break up the lovely evening so soon, spoke out, ‘No…its okay…its not very late, I will take a Cab and leave…you can come back at leisure.’
Rano let out a guilty, ‘Nooooo…I could never let you go home alone and you came with us…we will go back together.’
Bani protested some more, saying that she felt odd enough to be dragged forcefully between her sister and her would be brother-in-law and would feel terrible if she had to break up the evening. Jai wiped his mouth with the table napkin and announced that he had to leave early too since he had a breakfast meeting in Office and that he could drop Bani home.
The solution seemed perfect and even though Bani had turned a bit flushed and pink, she agreed quietly, knowing that any tantrums now could only mean that Rano would desert poor Ranveer in the middle of the dinner and walk out with her.
Bidding goodbye to both of them, Bani left alongside Jai. Ranveer who noticed them going said observantly to Rano, ‘Why did they ever break up in the first place?’ She shrugged her head and said absently, ‘Oh…apparently not being on the same frequency or something like that and besides its not as if they were in love or something…’ Ranveer smiled to himself and said quietly, ‘You think so?’ Rano looked up to him and said, ‘What does that mean, now?’ He replied with a toss of his head, ‘You know there is something called late reaction theory…like for example an accident…you might be numb at that time…but when everything settles down…the pain begins to fill in…and you realize just how much it hurts…’
Jai and Bani did not have much of a conversation on the drive back home, except mundane things and mostly about Jai’s work which took him to Europe and the US. Bani was being an intently good listener tonight and hardly put in a word or so, except doing a lot of nodding and general agreeing with him. Jai seriously wondered if had missed something.
When the Car drew up to the Dixit House, Jai noticed that the house was shrouded in darkness. ‘Is there no one home?’
‘No…Mum is in Jaipur…Adi Uncle is at his home…Massi has taken Mango along with her to visit some relative, should be back by tomorrow morning. But no worries, Rano will be back by midnight, hopefully!’
Jai laughed and said, ‘Still, I better come up to the house now and see that no one has broken into or something…’
Bani smiled at his concern and said teasingly, ‘Thanks for scaring me! Now you better come and check every room!’
Jai had seated himself comfortably in the couch and was flicking through some random magazines, while Bani fetched him a cup of coffee. Taking the mug from her, he asked, ‘Where is yours?’
‘I don’t drink Coffee…it makes me very hyper and then I can’t sleep properly.’
Jai smiled and both of them sat in silence for some time and the same awkwardness began to creep again. Both of them willed that no talk about their engagement should come up and again and tried to think of common topics which they might discourse upon.
Bani said with sudden inspiration, ‘I will show your our family albums.’ Before Jai could react, she had whizzed past the room and in a duration of some 10 minutes, came loaded with a couple of albums in her hand, trying to balance herself, as she plunked them on the table besides Jai.
Opening a very old, faded one, she flicked through the pages, explaining in her normal, chirpy manner, the various Dixit relations.
‘Oh…see there is Mum…she looks funny in that Bird’s Nest she has on her head, isn’t it? Weird styles people had back then! Oh, look…That’s Adi Chachu looking like a very bad version of Amitabh Bacchan in those Bell bottoms!’
Jai smiled at her enthusiasm, as she went on with more excitement, ‘There is my grandmother…she lives in Kanpur…really old, but she will come for the wedding…I am so excited to meet her again…you know, when I was young and we used to go to Kanpur for our Summer Vacations, she used to prepare so many things for me to eat…’
Bani smiled wistfully at the memories flicking by and then all of a sudden, fell silent, when the page opened to a very faded photograph. There was little Rano in pigtails wearing a polka dotted frock, he could immediately guess her out, since her face had not changed much and then there was Kiran Dixit, looking heavily pregnant, with a huge red bindi on her forehead and the funny looking hair-do that was so characteristic, some 2 decades ago and then there was a tall, wheatish complexioned and kind looking man. Bani’s father, the late Mr. Dixit.
Bani did not say anything, just kept staring at the picture and Jai could feel her eyes swarming with tears which she definitely did not want to shed in front of him.
He announced jovially, ‘So there are you…as a Fetus…nice! Even then, I can see you must have loved eating food, since you appear all so chubby and cute!’
The tears which had gathered in her ears, suddenly dispersed and she laughed in response. ‘Ma told me that I weighed much more than normal when I was born and was actually obese by the time I was 3 years old!’
Jai crossed his hands and leaning back on the couch, gave an apprising glance at Bani, who looked amused at his expression and said, ‘What?’
‘Obese? Far from it, I think you have a fantastic figure.’
Even though Jai said it very casually and with apparent humor, Bani felt herself flushing, suddenly realizing that he had noticed her physically.
Bani touched the picture lovingly and said in a soft voice, ‘My father died even before I was born…it was an accident…Ma told me he had hoped for a girl for the second time too…’
Jai was quiet for some time and then spoke gently, ‘I am sorry Bani…I can understand the loss of a parent…’
She kept quiet and lost in her own chain of thoughts for some time and then shrugging her head, closed the album and heaved a deep sigh.
‘That is why everyone spoils me rotten…because they all feel guilty that I could never even see my father…’
‘And who says you are spoilt?’
‘I am…I know that! I wake up late…I am lazy...I have never done a constructive thing in my entire life…and see, I finally land a great guy proposing me…I drive him away too!’ Bani said that and began laughing cheerfully!
Jai did not laugh, just merely stared at her and said in a straighforward manner, ‘You did not drive me away Bani…if you had, I wouldn’t be here with you!’
Feeling acutely awkward at the turn of the conversation and the realization that she was alone in the house with him, Bani mumbled something about making a call to Rano and checking when she will be back.
After finishing the call, Bani announced to Jai, ‘She is on her way, there is a jam or something…I think she is just fibbing…wants to be with Jeeju for as long as she can…specially because Ma isn’t around to put a stop to her nocturnal activities!’
Jai laughed alongside with Bani and after a short wait, they could hear Ranveer’s Car pulling up outside the gates.
Ranveer and Rano could be heard giggling as they both came inside and were completely taken aback to see Jai and Bani in the living room.
‘Hi…Oh…I didn’t expect to see you…’
Jai flushed and said, ‘Actually I was just leaving…’
Rano said instantly, ‘No…No…I didn’t mean that…I…’
Bani broke in the awkwardness and said calmly, ‘Jai scared me that there might be a homicidal maniac looming by and he very gallantly offered to check the house for me…’
All of them broke out laughing and Rano commented, ‘Jai…the only homicidal maniac here would be the one standing right next to her…god saves anyone who tries to break in here with Bani lounging about!’
Bani lunged forward to hit Rano who squeaked and hid behind Ranveer, while Jai commented, ‘I think I should take off before World War III breaks out here…Ranveer, it was such a pleasure meeting you today. Lets meet up for drinks sometime this week!’
Ranveer and Jai shook hand and exchanged goodbyes with Rano and Bani, when they both came to see the men off.
Ranveer planted a gentle kiss on Rano’s cheek and said goodbye so dreamily, that it elicited a saucy comment from Bani, ‘I am so looking forward to see her married and go off…all this kissing and hugging and giving sheep eyed looks is really getting on my nerves!’
Ranveer patted on Bani’s head and said, ‘We will see that when your time comes, Saaliji!’
When they finally retired for night, Bani let out a huge yawn and said, ‘Di, please wake me up early…I have to go for the Convo…I will come back home and sleep throughout the day tomorrow!’
Rano had changed into her night clothes and lying next to Bani said, ‘What were you two doing?’
Bani who had switched off her bedside lamp kept quiet at the question and then turning to face Rano said in an abrupt manner, ‘What do you mean, what were we doing? Talking of course, what else?’
‘I know that Bani…what I meant was what were you two talking about?’
Bani said in a slightly annoyed voice, ‘General things…Why are you being so poky? Mind your own business and go to sleep so that you can dream about your honeymoon!’
Rano smiled at the annoyance in her sister’s voice and after a while said, ‘Strange are the ways of the heart…’
Rano continued in the same absent voice, ‘Now who said that once you decide on what's right , you have done most of the job and the rest, that is, adhering to your decision of doing the right thing, is actually cakewalk.’
Bani kept silent and then said in the same annoyed manner, ‘Are you drunk?’
Rano laughed gently and said, ‘You know, Ranveer seemed very surprised when I told him that the reason you both called off the engagement was because you were not in love!’
‘What is so surprising about it? Isn’t it the most obvious thing in the world…if you don’t love someone, how can you marry that person?’
‘Yes, it is Bani…what he meant was that…’ Rano’s words trailed off and Bani turned to look belligerently at her sister and said, ‘What did he mean?’
After a moment’s silence, she said, ‘He thought that you looked as if you were still in love with him…’
Rano thought that Bani would explode in anger or storm off the room, she merely stared at her sister in the dark and said tartly, ‘I think you are both drunk today…I will tell Ma, when she comes back!’
Rano laughed and patted her sister; when Bani pulled the duvet over her head and tried to block her thoughts and go off to sleep!
‘Still in love?’ What nonsense…when she had never been in love with Jai…she hadn’t even missed him till now…it was just the amazement of seeing him all of a sudden that had made her so quiet and reticent…but try as she might, Bani couldn’t explain the security and familiarity she had found while spending the 2 hours alone with Jai at her house…
It was more than a week that the engagement had been called off and everyone at Dixit house was going out of their way to cheer up Bani, who was clearly irritated by the display of sympathetic affection.
After refusing to get her hair oiled for the 5th time in a row, she looked at her mother and spoke in an annoyed voice, ‘Ma…will you stop that already? I don’t want oil in my hair, I washed it just today morning…and Rano di, please, there is no need to iron my clothes, I can do that myself…and Adi Chachu, this is the last time you get me flowers…you know I am allergic to excessive pollen…and please tell Massi to stop making so many snack for me…and also you, Mango…if you lick me one more time, you go straight to the pound!’
Everyone stared at one another in a furtive way, till Bani got up from the couch and stormed off to her bedroom, followed by Mango wagging his tail affectionately.
Kiran looked at Aditya and said, ‘I hope she gets over this…she is trying to act tough…but I know how hurt she is.’
Rano looked depressed and said, ‘You know Ma, she has even stopped watching FRIENDS…and she is actually reading books these days…’
Aditya joined in a worried voice, ‘I took her out for lunch yesterday along with Nachiket and she just had two helpings of the Dessert! Can you believe it?’
Bani sat in her room, fuming and clearly aggravated, why was everyone behaving as if she was a terminally ill patient and had only a few days left to live? Why was everyone assuming that her heart had broken along with the engagement? Why was everyone so sure that just because she had decided to go along with the marriage plans, she had actually been in love with Jai? No matter how much she explained, no one seemed to really understand what she was going through. And whatever it was, it surely wasn’t heartbreak…and Bani was sure of that. She did not love Jai, never had. She knew as much as he did that the whole idea of getting engaged and then married was a fiasco from the start. They were like the A and Z of the Alphabet, there were 24 letters in between them…parallel tracks never met and similarly even they couldn’t!
Jai being the more mature and clear-headed of the two had perceived that and in his logical, practical way had decided to nip the impending disaster that their marriage would have been in the bud itself. Bani appreciated his honesty and unambiguous approach to life. Instead of dilly-dallying things, he had come straight to the point and broken off a relationship which had barely taken off. She was quite alright with it…but at the same time, not overjoyed or delirious with happiness.
It was not as if she had really wanted to marry him…but at the same time, she had felt a strange sadness when he had called it quits…she was sure she did not love him…but for some reason, had grown to like him a lot in the past few weeks…and the thought that they would probably not get to know one another more, seemed to rankle her.
But that was it. Nothing more. She was definitely not broken-hearted and most assuredly not in love with Jai.
Jai had insisted on dropping Bani back after that fateful evening, but she had insisted on talking to her family on her own, even though Jai felt that it was his duty to let them know about their decision. Bani had quietly but firmly refused his offer and said that it was their mutual decision to get engaged and similarly their mutual decision to break it off and they had only themselves to be accountable too.
Since the whole affair was handled by much decency and dignity by both Jai and Bani, there was certainly no love lost between the families and after a long distance call put through by Uday to Kiran, things had sorted out. Everyone had been assured that it was for the best that Jai and Bani were not together…after all God must have decided what was best for them and perhaps their soul mates were waiting for them some where else.
It was Rano’s engagement in two days and the atmosphere had lightened considerably due to the same. Rano lay on the bed at night alongside Bani, spreading her hands in an eagle-like position to dry the Henna that had been applied to both her palms.
‘Bani….Bani…are you sleeping?’
‘Then how come you are saying Hmmm…’
‘Rano di, please go to sleep, we have lots of work to do tomorrow…’
Rano kept quiet for a while and then said softly, ‘You have changed a lot in the last few days…since he and you broke the engagement.’
‘His name is Jai, no need to address him as ‘he’ all the time…and yes, I might have changed…but that has nothing to do with him or our broken engagement and for god sake, I am up to my ears in pity factor.’
Rano made some hushing sounds and said, ‘Ok…Ok…don’t get annoyed. Say, did you invite him…I mean, Jai for the engagement?’
‘I called him up at his Office number, his secretary told me that he is touring for the next few weeks…Europe and US, I think and will be back only in a month or so.’
‘Oh, I hope he can make it for the marriage at least.’
‘Yes. If he does, we can call him and perhaps you can shed some sympathy tears for him also, along with Ma, Chachu, Massi and Mango.’
Rano giggled, while Bani pulled the duvet over her head and went off to sleep.
The engagement went on very well and since Bani was still wearing the engagement ring, most people assumed she was still engaged to Jai. On asking about his whereabouts, she answered vaguely that he was travelling and couldn’t attend therefore. Bani did not want to spoil the jovial atmosphere for Rano’s wedding and hence kept more or less to herself. The last thing she wanted to hear was more shushing noises on how sad it was that her engagement had been broken and that all men were dogs. They might be, but Jai certainly wasn’t one.
It was almost a month and a half since Bani had last met Jai at the Club, there had been almost no communication between them in-between. Though there had been a huge bouquet delivered to the Dixit House for Rano congratulating her on the engagement and the impending wedding. Rano in deference for Bani’s feelings had hidden the lovely flower arrangement somewhere in an unused guest room, but Bani had brought it out and displayed it as a centerpiece in the living room, stating that it was very thoughtful and sweet of Jai to send them, even though Rano did not deserve them one bit for having disregarded them.
Ranveer came down one evening and proposed to take out Rano for Dinner to the Club and when he saw that Bani was alone at home, he insisted on her joining them too. Bani tried her best to wriggle out of it, but Rano almost dragged her along, saying that she would feel too guilty to enjoy the evening, knowing that Bani would be alone at home. Kiran had gone to Jaipur to attend a Doctor’s conference and then later Rano and Bani were supposed to join her for some last minute wedding shopping. The date was coming closer and Rano was clearly in a very high-mood. Not wanting to upset her sister, Bani acquiesced to join, though she felt terrible to come in-between the much in love couple. Ranveer being a very affable and loving person had immediately made Bani comfortable and kept assuring her that it was delightful to have someone like her as company.
Bani kept more or less to herself throughout the drive, but the moment the Car drew up towards the porch of the Club, she was taken aback. It was the same club that Jai had taken her to a few weeks back.
Ranveer was talking to Rano, ‘This place is really, really exclusive…my Boss is a member here and so are the wealthiest people in the city, he gave me his Card today…so I thought why not surprise you!’ Rano smiled delightfully at her would be husband and said in a loving tone, ‘You might not be the wealthiest…but you are the sweetest person in this or any other city in this world!’
Ranveer blushed and placed a kiss on Rano’s forehead and Bani stood at a distance, looking at them and smiled warmly. She uttered a small prayer to God that Rano and Ranveer’s happiness and love should always remain unaltered. Taking attention away from his fiancée, he turned to Bani and said, ‘Isn’t it a beautiful place, Bani?’ She nodded quietly and smiling said, ‘I know…I have been here before.’
Ranveer and Rano looked suitably shocked before comprehension set in and she said slowly, ‘Oh, this is the place where you had a ‘near death experience?’ Bani and Rano burst out laughing loudly and the latter recalled the incident to Ranveer, who couldn’t control his laughter after hearing it and kept pulling Bani’s leg on the same.
The evening started with drinks and without deliberately wanting to, Rano and Ranveer were so clearly ensconced with each other, that Bani felt it was a huge mistake to be dragged along. They were clearly a couple in love and about to be married and she sat there like a typical bone in the middle of two lovers. She knew that it was hopeless to argue and go back home now, so she interrupted them and said casually that she wanted to go around and have a look at the Club’s facilities.
Rano immediately got up and said in her elderly sister manner, ‘Oh sure, I will come with you.’
Bani gave a ‘What?’ look at her sister and said with terse politeness, ‘No thank you, Rano Di. I want to go alone and have a round, please seat yourself with Jeeju and I promise to take care of myself.’
Ranveer quipped teasingly, ‘Promise not to fall into the pool anymore? I can’t swim you know and neither can Rano!’
All the three of them burst out laughing and leaving them alone, Bani ventured outside the Club Room, which led to the sprawling lawns and in the distance she could see the Pool, shimmering in the night lights and today it wasn’t empty. There was someone swimming in it, with much athletic grace and with a swiftness that took her breath away.
‘Is someone training for the next Olympics or what?’ Bani muttered to herself and watched the person in question take un-interrupted laps after laps, covering the length of the pool.
The autumn air was cool and crisp and the smell of Palash flowers filled the evening air. There was a slight nippiness in the air and when a breeze wisped past Bani, she had to hold herself tightly with her arms draped over her body to avoid the chill.
Suffering from a slight cold, Bani decided it would be wise to go inside, since the proximity to the water and the cool air could only seem to aggravate her condition. She must have just taken two steps, when a familiar intonation called out in surprise, ‘Bani?’
Bani turned to look at the caller and was stunned to see the identity of the champion swimmer, now standing with a towel wrapped over the lower part of his body, droplets of water falling from his hair and body onto the tiled ground.
Bani stood gaping for some time and then breaking into a surprised smile said, ‘Hi!’
Jai seemed to look equally if not more stunned at seeing her and then taking stock of the situation said in a still dazed voice, ‘I saw someone standing in a distance, while I was in the water…I thought you looked familiar…but gosh, I didn’t expect you!’
Jai added with a touch of humor, ‘Bani, you shouldn’t be anywhere near water, you know!’
Bani laughed shyly, blinking her eyes and said, ‘I just came to get some fresh air…I am out for dinner here actually!’
Meanwhile Jai had picked up his bathrobe and covered himself with it, much to Bani’s relief as she had found staring at him much to her own embarrassment. There was something about unclothed, drenched men, which was just so fascinating, especially if they had a physique that matched Jai’s!
After wrapping himself in a navy blue bathrobe which had an emblem of some US University on it, he drew out a garden chair for Bani to sit on and then with a snap of his finger, called upon an attendant.
‘One chilled Budweiser and…’ he looked at Bani and asked politely, ‘What would you like Bani?’
‘Nothing really, I just had a lemonade.’
Jai looked as if he had not heard her correctly and insisted, ‘No really, you must have something?
Bani blushed and said, ‘No…actually, Di and Jeeju must be expecting me to turn up for dinner…I won’t have anything, really. You go ahead, please.’
Jai looked genuinely surprised that Bani was refusing an offer for anything edible and nodded dismissively towards the attendant.
Looking at her, he said, ‘You said Di and Jeeju…I presume, Rano is either engaged or going to be?’
Bani smiled and said, ‘Yes, they got engaged only a few days back…I called up at your office, but your secretary told me that you are travelling…Adi Chachu must have dropped in a box of sweets at your Farmhouse.’
‘That’s great news! When is the wedding?’
‘20th of next month. His name is Ranveer Bali, apparently he knows you from school or something.’
Jai scratched his chin and wrinkled his eyes in remembrance, ‘Ranveer Bali…Ranveer….Hmmm, I seem to have heard the name…you said, from school, right?’
Bani replied with enthusiasm, ‘He is tall, fair and has curly hair…his eyes are chocolate brown in color…’
Jai looked at her for some time and broke out laughing, ‘Bani…please be rest assured, I used to only notice girls at school…I would never remember a guy in the way you are describing him!’
‘So, what’s up with your life?’ Jai took a sip of the beer and relaxing on the garden chair, looked at Bani, with interest. She looked different to him from the other times he had met her. In the sense that physically she was the same, but there was something about her, which gave a very unusual dimension to her overall appearance. Earlier there used to be a gawky awkwardness about her, especially around him, today there was a shyness in manner, she looked strangely reticent and quiet.
‘Just the same…busy with the marriage preparations…and then I have to leave for Pune.’
Jai was in the middle of taking another gulp of his beer and holding the can in air, he asked, ‘Pune? Why?’
Bani replied casually, ‘I had given an entrance exam for Hotel Management, the results came out a week back…I got through…’
‘Oh! Well…Congrats! I had no idea you were interested in Hotel Management.’
She smiled and said, ‘I really didn’t have any definite plans, but when this came through, I decided to give it a try!’
There was silence for a while between them and Jai noticed that Bani was shivering slightly in the cool breeze.
‘Do you want to go inside? You look cold!’
Bani got up and said, ‘Yes…they must be wondering where have I disappeared.’
Just then, they both heard footsteps and noises coming their way, it was Rano and Ranveer, getting worked up after not finding Bani for some time.
‘There you are…Bani, where were you? Ranveer and I got so worried…and I told you not to venture near the pool…’
Just then Rano’s eyes fell on Jai and she blushed in recognition, ‘Hi! Wow…For a moment I was taken aback…’
Jai smiled genially at Rano and said, ‘Congratulations. I heard the good news.’
Rano flushed with pleasure and then as soon as Ranveer had covered his ground, introductions were made and Jai remembered him from school. Ranveer had been a year junior and apparently in the same team in which Jai had been the Captain. Both the men caught up in conversation and Jai insisted that tonight’s dinner was on him.
Rano, Ranveer and Bani went inside the Club Room and Jai joined them after he had changed into formal clothes.
Conversation flowed smoothly, as their similar background ensured that the three of them had a lot in common to talk about, only Bani looked quiet and sat nibbling her salad without much expression.
Jai noticed her silence and breaking the flow of conversation, whispered into her ears, ‘Pourquoi ainsi tranquillité, belle ?’
Bani looked up suddenly and uttered a monosyllabic, ‘Huh?’
Jai smiled faintly and said, ‘Translated into English, ‘Why so quiet, beautiful?’
Two spots of red marked Bani’s cheeks and she dug deeper into her salad and shrugged her head in response. Jai smiled at her, a feeling of puzzlement and mystification filling up his head…was she the same Bani whom he had got engaged to a few weeks back.
It was a quarter past ten, when Rano suddenly broke up the dinner meeting and said, ‘Oh! I completely forgot…Bani wanted to be home early, she has to attend her convocation tomorrow…’
Bani looked up and sensing Ranveer’s disappointment and Rano’s apparent unwillingness to break up the lovely evening so soon, spoke out, ‘No…its okay…its not very late, I will take a Cab and leave…you can come back at leisure.’
Rano let out a guilty, ‘Nooooo…I could never let you go home alone and you came with us…we will go back together.’
Bani protested some more, saying that she felt odd enough to be dragged forcefully between her sister and her would be brother-in-law and would feel terrible if she had to break up the evening. Jai wiped his mouth with the table napkin and announced that he had to leave early too since he had a breakfast meeting in Office and that he could drop Bani home.
The solution seemed perfect and even though Bani had turned a bit flushed and pink, she agreed quietly, knowing that any tantrums now could only mean that Rano would desert poor Ranveer in the middle of the dinner and walk out with her.
Bidding goodbye to both of them, Bani left alongside Jai. Ranveer who noticed them going said observantly to Rano, ‘Why did they ever break up in the first place?’ She shrugged her head and said absently, ‘Oh…apparently not being on the same frequency or something like that and besides its not as if they were in love or something…’ Ranveer smiled to himself and said quietly, ‘You think so?’ Rano looked up to him and said, ‘What does that mean, now?’ He replied with a toss of his head, ‘You know there is something called late reaction theory…like for example an accident…you might be numb at that time…but when everything settles down…the pain begins to fill in…and you realize just how much it hurts…’
Jai and Bani did not have much of a conversation on the drive back home, except mundane things and mostly about Jai’s work which took him to Europe and the US. Bani was being an intently good listener tonight and hardly put in a word or so, except doing a lot of nodding and general agreeing with him. Jai seriously wondered if had missed something.
When the Car drew up to the Dixit House, Jai noticed that the house was shrouded in darkness. ‘Is there no one home?’
‘No…Mum is in Jaipur…Adi Uncle is at his home…Massi has taken Mango along with her to visit some relative, should be back by tomorrow morning. But no worries, Rano will be back by midnight, hopefully!’
Jai laughed and said, ‘Still, I better come up to the house now and see that no one has broken into or something…’
Bani smiled at his concern and said teasingly, ‘Thanks for scaring me! Now you better come and check every room!’
Jai had seated himself comfortably in the couch and was flicking through some random magazines, while Bani fetched him a cup of coffee. Taking the mug from her, he asked, ‘Where is yours?’
‘I don’t drink Coffee…it makes me very hyper and then I can’t sleep properly.’
Jai smiled and both of them sat in silence for some time and the same awkwardness began to creep again. Both of them willed that no talk about their engagement should come up and again and tried to think of common topics which they might discourse upon.
Bani said with sudden inspiration, ‘I will show your our family albums.’ Before Jai could react, she had whizzed past the room and in a duration of some 10 minutes, came loaded with a couple of albums in her hand, trying to balance herself, as she plunked them on the table besides Jai.
Opening a very old, faded one, she flicked through the pages, explaining in her normal, chirpy manner, the various Dixit relations.
‘Oh…see there is Mum…she looks funny in that Bird’s Nest she has on her head, isn’t it? Weird styles people had back then! Oh, look…That’s Adi Chachu looking like a very bad version of Amitabh Bacchan in those Bell bottoms!’
Jai smiled at her enthusiasm, as she went on with more excitement, ‘There is my grandmother…she lives in Kanpur…really old, but she will come for the wedding…I am so excited to meet her again…you know, when I was young and we used to go to Kanpur for our Summer Vacations, she used to prepare so many things for me to eat…’
Bani smiled wistfully at the memories flicking by and then all of a sudden, fell silent, when the page opened to a very faded photograph. There was little Rano in pigtails wearing a polka dotted frock, he could immediately guess her out, since her face had not changed much and then there was Kiran Dixit, looking heavily pregnant, with a huge red bindi on her forehead and the funny looking hair-do that was so characteristic, some 2 decades ago and then there was a tall, wheatish complexioned and kind looking man. Bani’s father, the late Mr. Dixit.
Bani did not say anything, just kept staring at the picture and Jai could feel her eyes swarming with tears which she definitely did not want to shed in front of him.
He announced jovially, ‘So there are you…as a Fetus…nice! Even then, I can see you must have loved eating food, since you appear all so chubby and cute!’
The tears which had gathered in her ears, suddenly dispersed and she laughed in response. ‘Ma told me that I weighed much more than normal when I was born and was actually obese by the time I was 3 years old!’
Jai crossed his hands and leaning back on the couch, gave an apprising glance at Bani, who looked amused at his expression and said, ‘What?’
‘Obese? Far from it, I think you have a fantastic figure.’
Even though Jai said it very casually and with apparent humor, Bani felt herself flushing, suddenly realizing that he had noticed her physically.
Bani touched the picture lovingly and said in a soft voice, ‘My father died even before I was born…it was an accident…Ma told me he had hoped for a girl for the second time too…’
Jai was quiet for some time and then spoke gently, ‘I am sorry Bani…I can understand the loss of a parent…’
She kept quiet and lost in her own chain of thoughts for some time and then shrugging her head, closed the album and heaved a deep sigh.
‘That is why everyone spoils me rotten…because they all feel guilty that I could never even see my father…’
‘And who says you are spoilt?’
‘I am…I know that! I wake up late…I am lazy...I have never done a constructive thing in my entire life…and see, I finally land a great guy proposing me…I drive him away too!’ Bani said that and began laughing cheerfully!
Jai did not laugh, just merely stared at her and said in a straighforward manner, ‘You did not drive me away Bani…if you had, I wouldn’t be here with you!’
Feeling acutely awkward at the turn of the conversation and the realization that she was alone in the house with him, Bani mumbled something about making a call to Rano and checking when she will be back.
After finishing the call, Bani announced to Jai, ‘She is on her way, there is a jam or something…I think she is just fibbing…wants to be with Jeeju for as long as she can…specially because Ma isn’t around to put a stop to her nocturnal activities!’
Jai laughed alongside with Bani and after a short wait, they could hear Ranveer’s Car pulling up outside the gates.
Ranveer and Rano could be heard giggling as they both came inside and were completely taken aback to see Jai and Bani in the living room.
‘Hi…Oh…I didn’t expect to see you…’
Jai flushed and said, ‘Actually I was just leaving…’
Rano said instantly, ‘No…No…I didn’t mean that…I…’
Bani broke in the awkwardness and said calmly, ‘Jai scared me that there might be a homicidal maniac looming by and he very gallantly offered to check the house for me…’
All of them broke out laughing and Rano commented, ‘Jai…the only homicidal maniac here would be the one standing right next to her…god saves anyone who tries to break in here with Bani lounging about!’
Bani lunged forward to hit Rano who squeaked and hid behind Ranveer, while Jai commented, ‘I think I should take off before World War III breaks out here…Ranveer, it was such a pleasure meeting you today. Lets meet up for drinks sometime this week!’
Ranveer and Jai shook hand and exchanged goodbyes with Rano and Bani, when they both came to see the men off.
Ranveer planted a gentle kiss on Rano’s cheek and said goodbye so dreamily, that it elicited a saucy comment from Bani, ‘I am so looking forward to see her married and go off…all this kissing and hugging and giving sheep eyed looks is really getting on my nerves!’
Ranveer patted on Bani’s head and said, ‘We will see that when your time comes, Saaliji!’
When they finally retired for night, Bani let out a huge yawn and said, ‘Di, please wake me up early…I have to go for the Convo…I will come back home and sleep throughout the day tomorrow!’
Rano had changed into her night clothes and lying next to Bani said, ‘What were you two doing?’
Bani who had switched off her bedside lamp kept quiet at the question and then turning to face Rano said in an abrupt manner, ‘What do you mean, what were we doing? Talking of course, what else?’
‘I know that Bani…what I meant was what were you two talking about?’
Bani said in a slightly annoyed voice, ‘General things…Why are you being so poky? Mind your own business and go to sleep so that you can dream about your honeymoon!’
Rano smiled at the annoyance in her sister’s voice and after a while said, ‘Strange are the ways of the heart…’
Rano continued in the same absent voice, ‘Now who said that once you decide on what's right , you have done most of the job and the rest, that is, adhering to your decision of doing the right thing, is actually cakewalk.’
Bani kept silent and then said in the same annoyed manner, ‘Are you drunk?’
Rano laughed gently and said, ‘You know, Ranveer seemed very surprised when I told him that the reason you both called off the engagement was because you were not in love!’
‘What is so surprising about it? Isn’t it the most obvious thing in the world…if you don’t love someone, how can you marry that person?’
‘Yes, it is Bani…what he meant was that…’ Rano’s words trailed off and Bani turned to look belligerently at her sister and said, ‘What did he mean?’
After a moment’s silence, she said, ‘He thought that you looked as if you were still in love with him…’
Rano thought that Bani would explode in anger or storm off the room, she merely stared at her sister in the dark and said tartly, ‘I think you are both drunk today…I will tell Ma, when she comes back!’
Rano laughed and patted her sister; when Bani pulled the duvet over her head and tried to block her thoughts and go off to sleep!
‘Still in love?’ What nonsense…when she had never been in love with Jai…she hadn’t even missed him till now…it was just the amazement of seeing him all of a sudden that had made her so quiet and reticent…but try as she might, Bani couldn’t explain the security and familiarity she had found while spending the 2 hours alone with Jai at her house…
Part 9
Kiran had come back from Jaipur because of some urgent work at the hospital had come up in Delhi and she announced wearily to Aditya, Rano and Bani that she will have to make another trip to the Pink City for Rano’s wedding shopping.
Bani nibbled on her piece of toast and commented sardonically, ‘Rano di, just because of you, poor Ma has to run about the whole place, doing your never ending shopping.’
Kiran and Aditya laughed as Rano hit Bani on her head and said, ‘That’s what mothers are for…and to repay her, I will name my first born girl after her!’
‘First born girl? How many are you planning to cough up?’
‘Ma…make sure you don’t give her any discount on your services…considering she plans to make yearly visit to you!’
Aditya addressed Kiran, ‘Bhabhi, when are you planning to go to Jaipur again? The wedding is just a few days away…and I have an auction to attend in Bangalore next week…I want to wrap up all my work so that I am completely free for the wedding!’
‘I will go in the next two weeks, only some jewelry has to be purchased…Rano can come with me…and Bani, beta…can you manage on your own here for a day or two? Massi will be home of course!’
Bani waved her hand dismissively and said, ‘Of course I can!’
Aditya added, ‘Nachiket is also there, if there is any emergency, she can always contact him!’
Rano gave a wink at Bani and added coyly, ‘Jai is there too…if any emergency occurs.’
Bani turned red and gave a hard stare at her sister.
Aditya did a very job of hiding his smirk and said in a pseudo-casual voice, ‘I heard you met him lately, is it so Bunny? Were you drowning again?’
Bani gave a look at her Uncle, as everyone around the table broke up in laughter. Normally she would have joined in the laughter too, but she just left her breakfast unfinished and walked out of the living room. Everyone was stunned and Aditya immediately got up to sweet-talk Bani back, but Rano stopped him, saying, ‘Its ok Chachu…she didn’t feel bad or anything…its just, she is preoccupied with something!’
Aditya looked dazed and said, ‘Bani? Preoccupied? With What?’
Rano looked trapped but gaining her presence of mind, made some excuse about her forthcoming Hotel Management course.
It was a Wednesday afternoon and almost a week after she had met up with Jai at the Club, Bani was shopping for some groceries at the local departmental store alongside Nachiket as company.
They had not talked much about Jai, especially after the engagement had broken off, but all of a sudden, when Bani was deciding on which Breakfast Cereal to buy, he said, in between munching his chocolate, ‘Bani…I have something to confess.’
She looked at him absently, holding two packets of Kellogg’s Cornflakes and said, ‘Confess what?’
He looked thoughtful for a while and said, ‘I know Jai Walia…in person.’
She looked up at him and blinked her eyes and said, ‘I don’t understand…in person?’
He coughed, clearing his throat and said, ‘Actually, we have a bit of a history…and you know this scar on my forehead…that was a gift from him.’
Bani almost dropped the packet from her hand and said in a choked voice, ‘Jai hit you?’
Nachiket shrugged his head and said in a diffident manner, ‘That wouldn’t be entirely fair…I actually provoked him quite a bit…and to be honest, I tried to hit him first, but he was too swift and too strong for me…so this happened.’ He smiled and touched the scar.
Bani said in a dazed voice, ‘But how…what happened? And how come you never mentioned this to me?’
‘I was so shocked on hearing that you got engaged to him…what was I supposed to tell you? That your fiancée had knocked me out cold?’
‘So, will you tell me…the story?’
They continued with the purchasing and he recounted with a slight remorse in his voice, ‘You remember my mentioning about Purva? My ex? Well, she used to work as a Management Trainee at Walia Industries…in fact, she had direct reporting to Jai Walia…I am talking about when I was in Mumbai!’
Bani kept staring with wide eyes, urging him to go on, clearly shocked by what she had heard.
‘Purva was also one of senior Mr. Walia’s close friend’s daughter and hence they shared a more personal relationship than an employer - employee…but anyways, as the story goes, I got to meet Jai at a Office party where Purva had taken me along…everything was fine…but the way Purva went on and on about Jai made me so mad…’
Nachiket stopped, taking a bottle of shampoo in his hand and watching it intently, while Bani who clearly wanted to hear more, snatched it from his hand and said impatiently, ‘Then…’
‘Well, this had been going on for some time you know…all our dates and Purva used to only talk and talk about how great her boss was…how thoughtful and considerate he was…how good he looked…how brilliant he was…my god, the list of his virtues were never ending…I hated the guy even before I had set my eyes on him!’
‘And then when I finally met him at the party, my worst fears came true…he was all that and much more that Purva had described…and seeing how friendly they were…I…I assumed they were…you know…having a fling!’
‘Nachiket...’came out Bani’s high-pitched squeal.
He shrugged his head despondently and said, ‘I know…I know…it was childish and juvenile…Purva could never two-time me…’
Bani interjected fiercely, ‘And nor could Jai be accused of stealing other people’s girlfriends. He is a very honorable man!’
Nachiket looked at Bani’s red face and wanted to tease on her rather vocal support for Jai, but stopped short and completed his narrative, ‘Well as it goes…I was really stupid over the whole issue and one thing led to another, I got drunk and ended up making a very sorry story for all the three of us in the party…’
‘Oh My God…you clown! What did you do?’
Nachiket squirmed a bit and scratching his hair said, ‘Went on the podium, took the micro-phone and said that Jai Walia was a girlfriend stealer and seducer of young, innocent girls…and something along those lines…’
Bani stared at him open-mouthed while he continued, ‘He looked as if he would murder me right there and then…and Purva began sobbing…and then I said something very deprecating about her too…I think that was the point, where he came raging up the podium and in one clean swoop, punched me so hard, that it took me two days to come out of the concussion.’
Bani kept staring at him, a look of complete disbelief writ over her face.
Nachiket finished up for her, ‘It must have been really bad afterwards…there was a lot of gossip about them…and Purva found it impossible to even face Jai after this fiasco and got a transfer to some other branch…’
‘Oh Nachiket…I can’t believe that someone like you could have behaved in such a despicable manner…’ Bani sounded let down and saddened.
Nachiket looked penitent and said softly, ‘There was nothing between Jai and Purva…I know that for sure…she just hero-worshipped him and he treated her more or less like a sister…but you know, jealousy…’ Nachiket left his sentence in mid-air.
They were standing in the check-out counter and Bani touched Nachiket’s arm and said softly, ‘I am sorry for that Nachiket…you must miss her a lot! And even though you behaved like an absolute cow, I think everyone deserves a second chance!’
Nachiket smiled at her grinning face and said with warm conviction, ‘You know that is what is so adorable about you…your generosity and your ability to overlook mistakes that no other would be willing to forgive…everyone doesn’t share that kind of spirit…’
‘Enough of my praises…and now we will go to a Café, get some Smoothies and Muffins and think about ways by which you can win Purva’s heart back…if she is ready to take you back, that is!’
Both of them broke out laughing!
As Nachiket helped unload the purchases into the backseat of his Car, he looked at a distance and said in a choked voice, ‘Oh My God…This man must live to be a 100 at least!’
Before Nachiket could explain, both of them saw, Jai coming from the opposite end of the road, dressed in Corporate Attire, holding a half-eaten sandwich in his hand. He saw Bani and after the momentary look of surprise, smiled at her genially, coming towards her. Nachiket had completely buried himself in the backseat trying to arrange the groceries and hoped that Jai wouldn’t see him and if he did, wouldn’t recognize him.
‘We meet again!’ Jai announced, while Bani gave a shy beam back and said, ‘So we do…in fact, we were just talking about you!’
‘Really? Who is the other part of the We?’
Nachiket was muttering a silent, ‘No…No…Bani…please, shut your mouth…’
But it was too late, Bani had tapped on Nachiket’s reclining back.
Nachiket with a pained expression, got up to face Jai, who’s jovial countenance vanished in a second and his face darkened.
‘Ouch! He has not only seen me but recognized me very well too!’ Nachiket spoke to himself.
Bani showed no signs of any awkwardness even after what she had just heard and very cheerfully set about introducing the two men.
‘Nachiket, this is Jai…my…our family friend. And Jai, this is Nachike …he works with Adi Chachu at the Gallery.’
Jai had the same thunderstorm expression on his face and said in a clipped accent, ‘I know. We’ve met before.’
After burning a few holes in Nachiket’s soul, Jai chose to completely ignore him and said charmingly to Bani, ‘How come you are here?’
Bani showed him the bags and said, ‘Now that Rano is getting married, she refuses to move her royal self for any work…so here am I shopping for groceries…I can’t drive very well, so Nachiket offered to take me around! How come you are here? Grocery Shopping?’
At the mention of his name, Jai stiffened again, and then relaxing, addressed to Bani, ‘Me, grocery shopping? I can’t tell the difference between a Potato and a Tomato…I was here for some purchase…its Karuna’s birthday!’
‘Oh! Please pass on my wishes to her…and to Tarun also!’
‘I will. In fact, they are having a small party tomorrow…at my farmhouse…I would be delighted if you can join us!’
Bani hesitated and then sensing that even a polite refusal could mean getting Jai miffed, especially since Nachiket was party to the whole conversation, she graciously accepted the invitation.
The three stood silently for a while and then Bani broke the awkwardness by giving a sunny good-bye smile and to her complete shock, Jai smiled back with equal warmth and coming near her, planted a gentle peck on her cheeks and said, ‘I will expect you tomorrow night, then! Nice meeting you today. Bye.’ :whistling (Nothing like good old jealousy and competition to make a man come on back on line!)
While they both watched Jai’s powerful figure stride away, entering a nearby mall, Nachiket raised his eyebrow and said, ‘OK…Now what was that?’
Bani had turned pink from head to toe and blushing profusely, prodded Nachiket to get in the Car and drive her back home! Nachiket did not have the end of teasing Bani and in spite of her repeated pleadings, the moment they got back to Bani’s home, rushed inside, leaving Bani with the groceries and announced to a hysterically giggling Rano about their short meeting with Jai and the kiss he had planted on Bani’s cheeks.
After Bani had wacked both Nachiket and Rano with all the cushions lying around, she found herself blushing throughout the remaining part of the day and actually looking forward to meeting Jai again for the party.
Nachiket was once again her Chauffeur and as he drew his Car close to the gates of Jai’s farmhouse, he said, ‘Are you sure, you will manage on your own? I can pick you up, you know! Not a problem at all.’
‘Thanks Nachiket. I feel terrible already that you had to come all this way to drop me, I promise to start driving very soon!’
‘That you have been saying for the last 2 years I think…you know how to drive…just don’t have enough confidence! Lets do one thing, this Sunday, meet me at the Race-Course grounds, I’ll help you practice some driving!’
‘You are a gem, Nachiket! Really…and I am sorry that Jai had to give you that well-deserved punch!’
He laughed gaily in response and said, ‘Now before he sees me in the vicinity of his house, please go inside…and once again, if you have a problem coming back, ring me!’
Bidding goodbye to him, Bani walked towards the huge iron gates, and after hearing her name, the watchman had let her go in. The house seemed to be looming and much larger than before, especially since she had to walk all the way from the gate to the main entrance.
Today she had not taken Rano’s help to get dressed; neither borrowed her clothes, even though Rano had insisted on lending her many beautiful clothes. Bani had instead chosen to wear her best owned dress, a simple yet elegant Salwar Kameez in Cream and Gold and left her hair loose.
Standing near the heavy oak door, she could hear the sound of music and laughter flowing by and feeling nervous and awkward, she waited for a minute, before ringing the bell once.
The door was opened by a man-servant, possibly the full-time help that Jai had and he very cordially greeted and requested her in. Bani felt her insides twisting as she stepped into the cool, luxury of the living room once again. Holding a bouquet of water-lilies in her hands, she stepped quietly towards the gathering, who had stopped chattering and turned their attention to her.
Bani could only recognize Tarun and Karuna, the rest were all new faces to her, maybe she had seen one of them at the engagement, but she could not recollect. She felt like Alice who had just wandered into Wonderland and stood like a statue there, till Jai came from somewhere inside, bearing a plate of chips in his hands.
‘Bani! Hi!’ The surprise with which he greeted her seemed to indicate that he wasn’t quite expecting her to turn up and she felt even more awkward. And the sudden silence in the room, with the CD player belting out a remix version of, ‘Baharon phool barsao, mera mehboob aaya hai…’ in the background did not help at all!

Going slightly pink in the face, she just waved her hand at him and getting his gracious host attitude back, Jai put his hand over her shoulders and took her to meet the assembled guests, all of whom were seated on the floor, looking very comfortable and now amused at the sight of the two of them. Jai, with his tall, athletic build and confident demeanor and Bani with her slight figure and demure, self-conscious expression.
‘Everyone, please meet our special guest for the evening…Bani! And Bani…this is everyone!’
Bani smiled shyly and after she had given the flowers to Karuna, in a very soft, sweet voice, said, ‘Happy Birthday!’
Karuna broke out into a huge grin and hugging Bani said, ‘God…you are adorable! No one has wished me so sweetly since I was 16!’
Bani took the furthermost seat and tried her best to remain invisible, but she noticed it was not possible, since most of them knew about her and Jai and seemed to bestow too much attention on her.
While conversation flowed between the others, Bani kept to herself and only made occasional talk to Karuna and Tarun, whom she had met before. Tarun looked at her thoughtfully and commented, ‘You look so different from the last time we met…did you get a hair cut or something?’
Bani said, ‘Haircut? No!’ Tarun kept looking at her with the same confused expression and said, ‘Don’t know…whenever Jai talked about you…and mind you, he talked a lot, you seemed to be a very different person…and now you look like a completely distinctive one!’
Bani blushed when she heard that Jai talked about her, she wondered what he must have talked. By then Tarun’s attention was caught by some other guy called Gaurav and Mohan who cracked a joke and the hall reverberated with their laughter.
Jai who was in deep conversation with a very pretty looking girl, noticed Bani sitting in the corner, and excusing himself, went near her and seated himself on the floor cushion next to her. ‘You have been holding that glass of juice for the last 20 minutes now…’
She looked at him with wide eyes and put her face down with a shy response.
He continued in the same teasing manner, ‘and I had got extra food stacked since you were coming…what is going to happen to all that, Bani!’
She laughed gently and said, ‘I am sorry…you must have thought me to be such a glutton…all I did was eat when you took me out!’
‘To be honest, I did think you were a bit of an obsessed foodie …but it was basically envy!’
‘Yes…all that food and that slim a waist? I could ensconce it with my one hand.’ Jai’s voice held a flirtatious note and his eyes had a twinkle in them.
The pink in her cheeks turned to a deeper shade of red and she gripped the glass in her hand tightly.
Jai was sitting very close to Bani and had placed his one arm around her, in the sense that it was not touching her, but it looked as if she was in his arms and the feeling made her go hot and cold at the same time.
The portly guy called Mohan something suddenly noticed them and called out loudly, obviously a bit tipsy by now, ‘Hey, what are you two love-birds doing there? Jai…we know the young lady is gorgeous, but you are the host and please pay attention to us mortals also! Where is the Beer, man?’
Everyone burst out laughing loudly, looking in their direction.
Jai flushed and Bani felt so embarrassed that she could dissolved here and then. He got up and giving a stare at his friend said, ‘You have already dunked yourself in all the alcohol I had Mohan…get one for yourself…ask Bhavesh to get it from the pantry!’
Sensing Bani’s embarrassment, Jai excused himself and went about chatting with the others, but his eyes constantly came back to set themselves on her. The light from the lamp near which she was seated was throwing shadows on her and she looked lovely in the white dress, it almost took his breath away.
The party went along well and Bani made some small conversation with Karuna and a little one with the pretty girl, who’s name she could not get clearly. When the food had been cleared, Gaurav’s wife who had been chatting nine to the dozen with Karuna announced that they have an after dinner game to play.
Bani glanced at her watch and looking worried, went out to find Jai, who was slotting some CD’s in the player. He turned to look at her with a smile and she said, ‘I should be going…its getting late…I won’t find a Cab back home!’
‘Its not even 10 Bani…and why are you worried about going back home? I will drop you!’
She looked flustered and said, ‘No…the last time also you had to come all the way…I really think I should get going…’
Jai stood and faced her and said in a serious voice, ‘If you want to go just because you are worried about getting late, then I assure you, it won’t be a problem at all to drop you back home…I enjoy late night drives! But if you are not comfortable here, then that is a different issue…I will tell my driver to drop you back home right now!’
Bani stood staring at him, feeling guilty, ambivalent and a bit frightened at being told off like that. With a sheepish look said, ‘I will stay back…but can I call up Ma and tell her I’ll be late!’
Jai broke out laughing and said, ‘Please do! You don’t need my permission and I think its really cute that you inform you mother about your whereabouts!’
Bani smiled in response and using Jai’s landline, made a call home and told him that Jai would be dropping her back home. Rano in the meanwhile came on line and made some funny remarks teasing her with Jai. Bani hissed something on the phone and quickly kept it down, when she saw Jai approaching her.
The game was passing the cushion and whoever landed with it when the music stopped, they had to pick up a chit and do whatever was written on it! There was much hooting and laughing as the crowd assembled in a circle and instructed the very excited looking Bhavesh to play the music. Jai had tried to wriggle off, but on Karuna’s insistence, had to sit alongside everybody.
Tarun looked at Bani and said, ‘He has always been like this, you know! Staid and mellow …tell him to loosen up a bit!’
Bani blushed again and avoided looking at Jai and the odd, piercing glance he was throwing in her direction.
The first one to go out was the totally sizzled out Mohan and his chit said something about a movie dialogue and he uttered a ridiculously funny one, while everyone went mad with laughter.
It was followed by a giggling Karuna, Gaurav, his wife and then Mohan’s wife. When the music played, only Jai, Bani, pretty girl and Tarun were left.
Tarun was the next to go, but not before he made a huge hue and cry about cheating and created a ruckus which again ended up in much amusement and laughter.
Pretty girl was next to go and she did a very nice limerick and left the crowd in knots.
The music played and it when it stopped, the cushion was in Bani’s hands. Everyone whooped and she prayed she didn’t have to sing or dance or anything of that sort when she picked up the chit.
She took the chit in her hands and opened it slowly, her face going all hot and flushed when she read it. Jai had relaxed back on the cushion, with his back rested against the couch and was smiling faintly at her direction.
‘What is it? What is it?’ came the uniform cries.
Bani looked queasy and said in a choked voice, ‘I can’t do this…can I have another try…’
‘No…No…Can’t break the rules…read what it says…’
Bani tried to rumple it up, but Gaurav’s wife was too fast for her and had already snatched it from her and in a girly, high-pitched voice said, ‘Oooh…this is fun!’
‘What does it say? What does it say?’ came the squeals from the women while the men looked highly amused. Pretty girl was laughing gaily at Jai’s direction.
Gaurav’s wife stood up and read it in a very pretentious manner, ‘If this chit comes to a man, he has to propose to any woman who is still part of the game…and if the chit comes to a woman, she has to propose to any man who is still part of the game…’ there was a hush and a huge grin spread on everyone’s face, as she continued, ‘And as we can see, there is just one man left who is playing the game…so, Bani…please!’
Bani stood, flushing furiously and wishing badly that she had accepted Jai’s earlier offer and gone home.
‘I can’t….’ she squeaked, looking pleadingly at Jai’s direction, while he kept his finger over his lips, and tried to hide his amusement, unsuccessfully.
‘Its only a game yaar…come on, be a sport!’ The pretty girl had got a cushion in the middle of the circle and handing a rose to her from the Vase, she said, ‘Come on Jai, today’s your lucky day…a girl is proposing to you and what a girl!!!’
Everyone laughed gaily and clapped hand. Jai shrugged his head in a seemingly casual manner and came inside the circle and stood in front of Bani, who’s face looked like a red, ripe tomato.
‘Just do it, else they won’t let you go home tonight!’ Jai looked at her in an encouraging manner, which only seemed to mortify Bani more.
Taking the lone rose in her hand, she barely looked at Jai and said in a stiff, hasty manner, ‘Marry me.’
The hall echoed with the following laughter and Jai also joined the commotion, when it drowned, he said, ‘Bani…if that is the way you propose, who can ever say no to you?’
For everyone else, it seemed like a fun time, but Bani felt like crying at the moment, remembering the days when she used to be bullied at school for being overweight and eating so much and she kept blinking her eyes to stop herself from shedding any tears, definitely not in front of so many people and surely not when Jai was around.
Jai crossed his hands and stood tall, tapping his feet in a droll way and Mohan called out lustily, ‘Come on gorgeous…one more time…and you make sure he says yes, this time!’
Everyone laughed and holding her breath, Bani looked at Jai, with moist eyes, her cheeks a burning shade of red and said in a quivering, shaking voice, ‘Ppplease marry…’
Jai took note of the expression on her face and suddenly he looked alarmed and apprehensive, but before he could react anymore, Bani dropped the rose on the floor and burst out bawling like a child and ran like a spell, right out of the hall and into the garden.
Everyone was dazed and after a moment’s stupefaction, Jai rushed behind her, but not before giving a ‘What the hell guys’ kind of a look at his gathering!
‘Bani…Bani…wait…listen…Bani…’ Jai had caught up with her in no time and swinging her violently by her arms, he stopped her, the impact of which caused her to fall right onto his chest. She gave one teary look at him and burying her head in his chest, wailed like a baby.
Jai stood still for a while and then placed both his arms around her, said in an anxious yet gentle tone, ‘I am sorry Bani…I really am…the joke went too far…don’t cry…please…’
She raised her head to look at him and said sobbingly, ‘I was reminded of school…all the kids used to round me up in the circle and throw popcorn at me…because I was fat…’ Finishing that sentence, she howled some more, while Jai offered a flurry of apologies and said in a disturbed voice, ‘Oh…Poor kid! What did you do?’
In-between the sobbing, she wiped her face and said innocently, ‘What could I do, I ate the Popcorns and came home crying…’

Jai spluttered with laughter and had to muster every inch of his self-control to maintain a sympathetic and sorry looking façade!
Composing her a little bit and taking out a clean handkerchief from the pocket of his jeans, he handed it over to her. ‘Here, wipe you face…you look as if you are back in school! And once again, I am really sorry…I apologize on behalf of my friends.’
Bani looked shamefaced and said, ‘I ruined all the fun, isn’t it? I shouldn’t have come here…I am such a spoilsport…everyone must feel I am so stupid to cry like this…’ And with this, she let out another wail.
Jai rolled his eyes and trying to control his laughter said, ‘No…No…no one thinks you are stupid…and you are not a spoilsport…come one now…Bhavesh is serving the dessert and I ordered your favorite Mud Pie or whatever its called!’
Bani now looked far calmer and with great reluctance walked back inside, not wanting to upset Jai by refusing to join the rest of the gang.
Once inside, she was completely molly-coddled by all the women and the men apologized to her very sheepishly.
Having finished her dessert very quietly and hoping that she would never have to face these people again, especially after the way in which she had acted, she looked at her watch worriedly. It was close to midnight and even though she had the keys to her house and Kiran wouldn’t know how late she had gotten, she felt guilty.
Jai sensed her look and getting up, broke up the party and said, ‘Guys…why don’t you enjoy here, I’ll drop Bani home and join you back!’
Bani wasn’t really in the position to protest, since she desperately wanted to go back home and knew she had no go, but to let Jai drop her back.
Bidding a very awkward and shy goodbye to everyone, she apologized for being a cry-baby but everyone was rather sweet about it! The young girl came near and smilingly said, ‘Its okay you know…they tease me in the same manner…I am so used it now, I don’t cry anymore…’
Bani grinned and said, ‘I’m sorry, I couldn’t get your name.’
‘Purva. Purva Khanna.’
Bani blinked her eyes rapidly and without thinking said, ‘Nachiket’s Purva?’
Purva looked extremely shocked and after a while asked, ‘How do you know about….?’
Bani tossed her head and said, ‘Wow…what a coincidence…Nachiket works at my Uncle’s Art Gallery…in fact, he dropped me here in the evening.’
‘Oh…He was here?’ Purva waited for some time and then asked slowly, ‘How is he?’
‘Fine! Doing very well…he is just back from Vienna with a very good deal for the Gallery…Adi Chachu, my Uncle, is very fond of him! In fact, Nachiket and I are very close friends!’
‘Oh! Great! Say I said hi to him…’
‘I will. Do one thing, take my number, lets meet up sometime, all the three of us…’
Purva didn’t look very enamored by the idea of meeting Nachiket, but anyway exchanged numbers with Bani and they bid goodbye.
Jai had heard some part of the conversation and for some ubiquitous reason, felt very annoyed. When he had seated himself and Bani in his Land Cruiser and driven a bit far, he asked in a seemingly casual tone, ‘So how did you come till here? Did someone drop you?’
Bani answered guilessly, ‘Yes. Nachiket did. You met him yesterday in the market.’
Jai looked glum for sometime and then said, ‘Seems the gallery doesn’t provide enough dough for him, so he takes up ferrying you up and down all around the town. Is he paid for this?’ (Someone is gettting :angry:)
Bani completely missed the sarcasm in his words and smiling warmly said, ‘No, obviously not! He is very sweet. He promised to help me practice my driving this coming Sunday!’
Jai answered sullenly, ‘Really? How nice of him! Make sure he is not drunk or something…the man sure doesn’t have a control over his mouth and brain when he drinks!’
The realization dawned upon Bani and she said, ‘He told me all about what happened…and he is really remorseful about it!’
Jai did not reply back and looking at his sudden dark mood, Bani kept to herself for the rest of the journey.
When Jai had cut the engine in front of Bani’s house, she looked at him and said, ‘won’t you come in…for Coffee?’
She hesitated for a moment and then said, ‘Thanks for inviting me…and dropping me back…I had a great time!’
‘Do you always cry when you have a great time?’
Bani flushed and answered, ‘I am sorry about that…really! But honestly, I enjoyed the evening a lot!’
Jai shrugged his head and smiling imperceptibly said, ‘Thank you for coming…you made the evening a special one!’
She looked at him trying to comprehend whether he was being sarcastic or genuine and could not understand.
Jai sat where he was, while Bani tried to fiddle with the door knob and then looked at him with a confused expression; he bent over her and opened the door for her.
‘Thanks!’ she smiled shyly. And not getting any response from him, except a partly amused smile on his face, she said, ‘There is a fair at my College…for Charity…I was wondering if you would like to come with me…I mean, if you have time…its on the coming Sunday.’
Jai kept silent for some time and without looking at her said, ‘I thought you had to go and practice your driving with your friend this coming Sunday.’ (With special emphasis on the word, ‘Friend’)
She answered tranquilly, ‘I’ll do that sometime else…so, will you come with me?’
He smiled and said, ‘Are you asking me out on a date?’
Bani blushed and lowering her eyes said, ‘Kind of!’
‘Honored to be considered and glad to accept it!’
Before Bani could open the door and leave, he put a hand around her waist and pulled her towards him, fastening a gentle goodbye kiss on her cheeks

Bani went singing inside the house and then realizing that it was well past midnight, tiptoed herself to her room, hoping that her Mother had not realized that she wasn’t back home till now.
Slipping off her sandals, she took off her duppata and slid into the bed alongside Rano, without making any noise.
When she had lain down, she smiled bashfully to herself remembering the party, especially the touch of Jai’s skin on hers when the impact had thrown her onto his chest…..and the second kiss in two days…even though it was platonic…still…curling a lock of her hair, she couldn’t help shutting her eyes and not thinking about him.
‘Na…Na…Karte Pyar Tumhi Se Kar baithe…’
Bani was so jolted by Rano’s sing-song voice that came out of nowhere, that she switched on the table lamp and turned to look at her sister.
‘Huh? What? You are awake?’
Rano kept her hands below her head and smiling covertly remarked, ‘I saw him dropping you just now…chal kya raha hai?’
Bani blushed all shades of crimson and stammered, ‘I don’t know what you are implying, Di! I informed Ma that I am going to his place for a party…’
‘Yes, you did…but not that you will be coochi-cooing with him right in front of our gates.’
Hitting Rano on her head with her pillow, she said with dignity, ‘I was not coochi-cooing…don’t be mad…just thanking him for dropping me home!’
Rano grinned and teased Bani further, ‘Yaar, teri life acchi hai…you get dropped to parties by guys and you get dropped home by them too…look at me, Ranveer hardly calls me up!’
‘Hard Luck!’ Grinned Bani in response and taking her pillow back, switched off the light and went back to sleep, but not before Rano had very cheekily sung the remaining part of the song, ‘Karna Tha inkaar, magar ikraar, tumhi se kar baithe…’ ;) :whistling
Part 10
Rano was lying comfortably on the couch in the living room, studying the various pattern of Mehendi given in a brochure with deep interest, when she saw her kid sister, coming down the stairs, touching her hair once too often.
Giving a low whistle, Rano commented, ‘Where to Madam? I thought we had to go and meet the Parlor lady and fix an appointment with her for me?’
Bani looked taken aback and then guilty faced said, ‘Oooh, I completely forgot about it, Rano di. I promise, first thing tomorrow…’
Rano waved her hand and said, ‘Forget that, Ma will deal with it…now come and help me choose a Mehendi Pattern, I am so confused.’
Bani looked more helpless than before and coming near Rano, said apologetically, ‘Di…I am really getting late…can we do this in the evening?’
Rano gave a crafty grin to her and said, ‘There was a time, not long ago, when you used to be snoring heavily at this hour of the day and refuse to even budge in front of the TV…now what happened?’
Bani got pink in the face as Rano continued, enjoying teasing her sister immensely, ‘every time I look around for you, either you are going somewhere or coming back from somewhere…and most often than not, with Mr. Walia!’
Sensing the look of despair on her face and knowing very well that Jai was waiting outside for Bani, and had already honked his Car twice, she continued the ribbing and said, ‘Why do things always happen in reverse with you, Bunny dearest?’
Bani looked bewildered and said, ‘Reverse?’
Rano continued in the same chitchat comportment, ‘Yup…you get engaged to the first guy who proposes to you…and then you act in a manner that the poor chap has no go but to break off the engagement…then when things are settled down, you go and ruffle his feathers and make him fall in love with you!’
Bani flushed beetroot now and stammered in an infuriated tone, ‘Oooh…what a spiteful tongue you have…wait till I tell Jeeju about you…this is all a pack of lies…I am not ruffling any feathers and certainly Jai is not falling in love with me.’
Rano said calmly with a gleam of awareness and experience in her eyes, ‘I never said he IS falling in love with you…’
Bani stuttered in half-anger and half-confusion, ‘You just said that…’
With the same cool, Rano retorted, ‘I said he HAS fallen in love with you…the deed, my darling Bani, has been done. And now, don’t give me those stares and just go out…my ear-drums are aching with all the honking that has been going on from outside…’
Mortified and perplexed by Rano’s speech, Bani did what she knew best. Threw a cushion at her sister and stormed off, which was only met with laughter from the other side.
Bani stood outside for a moment, taking a deep breath and trying to get Rano’s scandal-mongering talk out of her mind…the girl had gone crazy…with all the wedding thing going around, it had bound to affect her mental set-up! Was she glad, that her annoying sister was leaving home in a few days and she could only pity her husband and in-laws!
Dressed in a breezy looking gypsy skirt, and a matching peasant top, Bani looked very well-disposed when Jai saw her coming out of her house, waving cheerily at him. She had her hair tied back with her favorite claw clip and was wearing a very cute pair of pearl clip-ons in her ears. Jai saw her with a very masculine sense of appreciation, noticing how unconsciously sensuous she looked and her lush curves seemed particularly noticeable in the so very girly couture she had today.
Jai was dressed casually in a navy blue sweatshirt that had HARVARD written over it in big yellow letters and matched it with a pair of cotton slacks in Khakhi and his favorite suede loafers. Even though it was early winter, the day was very clear and sunny and Jai had put on his aviators. Plus, Bani noticed that he had not shaved and his jaw-line had an undergrowth which made him look extremely masculine, more so than he generally looked.
Rano looked at them from the Verandah and waving with pleasure at Jai, gasped at how terribly attractive Jai looked and then felt immensely guilty on behalf of Ranveer and quickly proceeded to call him up.
Bani looked at his sweatshirt and said, ‘Nice…now even those who didn’t know about your academic and other qualifications will get to know it!’
He laughed and opened the door of his SUV for her.
In the confinement of the closed Car, Bani could smell the aquatic fragrance of his cologne and it assaulted her senses.
‘Nice smell.’ She said shortly.
‘Davidoff.’ He replied with equal crispness.
‘So where are we off to, young lady? Just tell which route to take…I am not too familiar with Delhi roads!’
‘NH 8…the fair is being held at a Farmhouse!’
‘Oh! Your college crowd?’
‘Ya…More or less…’
Jai stopped at the traffic intersection and spoke with a mischief tinged voice, ‘Lots of girls, I suppose…nice!’
Bani grinned and said, ‘Yes, you can take your pick…from the student as well as the faculty!’
Jai smiled in response and the drove smoothly making small talk throughout the journey, while Bani kept changing the CD’s with an alarming speed, commenting chirpily on various things with élan.
During their drive, when Bani was peering at a Pink Floyd CD with great interest, he said, ‘So what was this deal about being bullied at school? And I still can’t imagine you being overweight!”
Still concentrating on the CD cover, she remarked absently, ‘Oh, don’t get me started…I’ll probably end up in tears again…’
Jai laughed and said, ‘Don’t worry…I have a huge box of tissues with me…go on with your story!’
‘No story as such…I suffered from Thyroid deficiency at a very young age and hence gained weight abnormally till I was a 150 pounds weighing 11 year old and obviously a great source of entertainment for my class…more so because I could barely keep myself away from food…’
Jai grinned as he paid attention to her and at the same time, drove carefully.
‘My own lunch never sufficed and out of desperation, I used to end up having eating my classmates Tiffin boxes too…and obviously, hungry pre-teens can get very nasty then! They used to call me to the Canteen on some pretext and make a circle around me and since I was too fat to run away and too meek to put up a fight, they used to throw popcorn on me, to take revenge for eating their food.’
Bani apparently finished her story and with the same keenness went back to the collection of CD’s, while Jai who had stopped at a traffic intersection, looked at her with warm, poignant eyes.
She was such an endearing little thing, he wondered. Even while recounting such a painful and humiliating child-hood incident, there was no rancor or bitterness in her speech, just the wistfulness of a child, who had a very bad time growing up. Jai did a mental comparison of Bani’s attitude with his own, which normally involved serious physical injury or a deliberately planned revenge on anyone who tried to mess around with him.
When Jai had finally managed to park the Car in the crowded parking area, he looked at her and said, ‘So how come the ugly duckling turned into a beautiful swan?’
Bani paused as she was opening the door and getting a thoughtful look said, ‘I was not just fat and greedy for food, but ugly too? No one ever said that to me!’
Jai stared at her and burst out laughing loudly while she supplied helpfully that with medicines and some treatment, her Thyroid problem finally came to an end, but the craving for food did not stop. And the reason why she did not gain weight despite all the humongous quantity of food she still devoured was because her Body Metabolic Rate had become extremely high, as a side effect of the Thyroid treatment.
‘So you see…I am a walking disaster…nothing works on me the way it would work on normal humans!’ She laughed gaily at her own comment and Jai shrugged his head affectionately at her, putting on his shades and covering his eyes from the Sun.
The moment they had stepped inside the crowded venue, Jai knew he was in trouble. The place was teeming with girls, all of them roughly Bani’s age and more or less, of a similar disposition.
Being one of the rare male species around, and that too of such superior quality, Jai was subject to intense scrutiny even before he stepped inside the gate, after Bani had presented the tickets. The assembled women turned to give him looks and the way they looked, made him squirm.
He was used to female attention and pretty much appreciated it too, but here he was badly outnumbered and stuck close to Bani, as if for protection against her species.
‘Why aren’t there any men around, Bani?’
Bani was fumbling for something in her sling bag and said absently, ‘You just gave your car to be parked to the attendant…he was a guy!’
‘Very funny! I meant, where are the guys in your College…’
Bani looked up, finally discovering the little piece of Elaichi that she was searching and popping it in her mouth after offering one to Jai, she said, ‘Boys? Didn’t I tell you, mine was a Girl’s College? You’ll hardly find any male specimen here today…’
Jai was left with an ‘Oh My God’ expression on his face and just then a group of hysterically giggling girls lunged towards them, yelling, ‘Baniiiiiii’ in their shrill voice. Jai was taken aback and wondered if Bats would come flying around, hearing ultra-sonic shrills.
Bani yelled as much as they did and proceeded to bear hug them all, a group hug followed by an individual one and then they did a silly air-kissing thing. Jai rolled his eyes and stood apart.
As they caught up with their lives and the important events that had taken place after college was over, mostly how the beautician plucked someone’s eyebrows badly and how someone’s boyfriend double crossed her and such life-threatening events.
The most irritating of the lot, named Pia, looked at Bani with sly eyes and remarked in a mock-sad manner, ‘Oh poor baby…I heard you got engaged and then dumped? I am sooooooo sorry…’
Bani flushed deeply and a look of hurt came in her eyes, till a reasonably sensible looking one amongst them called Raashi remarked sharply, ‘Don’t be silly Pia…is that all you can come up with now? Bani ,you look so cute…its so good to see you after such a long time. Did you fill up for the Mass Com course?’
But Pia wouldn’t have any such academic talk and continued in her pseudo-sympathetic manner, ‘Poor Kiran aunty…must have been shattered…to be disappointed like this…but really Bani, you should have been clear on whether the guy really wanted you in the first place or not…’
Bani suddenly felt tears welling in her eyes and she was thankful that Jai was not around to see her getting humiliated and hurt in this manner.
Raashi looked furious and clamping Pia’s hands, said, ‘Enough Pia…I think Bani is doing wonderfully…stop being such a bitch…’
Pia gave a cold look at Raashi and began airing her nails with nonchalance and just then her eyes fell on Jai, who had come back some time ago, after tying his undone shoe laces, unnoticed and had heard a good part of the conversation, ‘Bani…darling…won’t you introduce us to your guest?’
Bani suddenly remembered that Jai had also come along and turning to face him, said shyly, ‘Jai this is my group from college…we were together for 3 years, and girls, this is Jai…my…our…’ Bani struggled with her words and the tears that had formed in her eyes, trying to maintain her calm and poise and hoping that Jai had not heard anything.
Jai gave a foul look at Pia and placing his arms rather cozily around Bani, spoke sweetly, ‘Her Fiancé…’
Bani stood numb, while the others widened their eyes and Pia spluttered in disbelief, ‘But…But…I heard your engagement was called off…’
In the same sweetness of manner, Jai remarked, ‘Obviously your source is as outdated as the faux Chanel purse that you have, Mademoiselle.’
Pia flushed deeply and Jai gave a knowing wink at a still stunned Bani and then proceeded to charm the collective lives out of the girls, adding dramatically to Bani, ‘Pumpkin, won’t you show your engagement ring to the girls.’
One look at the rock and the scream that emanated could have erupted a dormant volcano; Pia’s face had turned green with envy.
As they were proceeding towards the activity corner of the fare, Raashi held Bani back and said, ‘My god Bani…where did you find him? He is incredible!’
Bani, still in the same shock mode, just gave a shrug of her head and was instantly pulled ahead by Jai, who proceeded to put his arm around her shoulder, bringing it down with its weight.
When they were alone for a moment, she whispered, a bit angry, ‘Now what was that?’ Jai gave her an innocent look and said, ‘What?’ Bani bit her lips and said, ‘Don’t act innocent…why did you say, we are still engaged?’ Jai looked at her and said, ‘I saw how that airhead behaved with you…’
Bani fumed and said, ‘That is my problem. Why did you come in between?’ Jai answered with the same equinity, ‘I remembered you telling me that you were bullied as a child at school…I didn’t want it repeated here…’
Bani stood still, both touched by his gesture and still upset by his behavior, ‘And Pumpkin? Excuse me?’
Jai grinned and said, ‘That was good, wasn’t it? Should have looked at that bimbo’s face when I said that…I thought she would burst out of the dress she is wearing…’
Bani burst out laughing and said, ‘God…you are mean!’
‘I know…and I love it!!!’
They went around some stalls, checking out things and without the knowledge that they were constantly chattering to one another and laughing so much, that it drew many a stares as they passed by.
While Jai was being entertained by a couple of girls who were squealing and asking him if he was a up-coming movie star, much to his amusement, Bani saw an Ice-cream stall in the corner and quietly slipped to purchase one Strawberry Cone, knowing that Jai hated Ice-creams.
While she was searching her slingbag for change, she saw Jai’s arm go across from her shoulder and make the payment.
She turned in surprise and said, ‘I was paying for it…’
‘And now I paid for it! Hmmm, Strawberry…and just one cone, where is mine?”
She looked embarrassed and said, ‘I thought you didn’t like Ice-creams…’
‘Wrong thought!’
She said hastily, ‘I’ll buy one for you!’
Jai waved his hand and coming close to her took a huge bit from the cone she was holding. A line of cream had formed a moustache around his lips.
She smiled as he widened his eyes in pleasure of devouring the divine delights that only an Ice-cream can provide.
‘Your mouth…’
Jai said, ‘What?”
Bani handed the ice-cream in his hand and with the tip of her finger, cleaned his lip of the ice-cream, their eyes met for a moment and suddenly she felt extremely shy.
Jai, being the thorough gentleman he was, immediately changed the course of events and dragged her to a place where quite a crowd had formed.
Jai had slung his arm casually around Bani’s shoulder and they were wandering pretty aimlessly from one stall to another, talking, laughing, bickering and passing comments in general.
The activity centre was holding a Karaoke competition and Bani insisted on Jai taking part. He was drinking lukewarm coke out of a Styrofoam cup and looking at her said, ‘Are you crazy? Me, singing? I sound like a bull frog in heat when I sing…’
Bani burst out laughing and said, ‘Too bad then…cause I already gave your name to them.’
Jai spluttered out the coke from his mouth and giving a shocked look at a now grinning Bani said, ‘Please tell me you are joking…’
‘I am not. You are up next!’
‘Bani…you devil…I can’t sing…not to save my life…and definitely not in front of these girls…’
Just then, a matronly lady announced in a very TV News Anchor style that the next participant for the Karaoke Competition was a ‘Jaib Wahiyaad…’ (Wahiyaad is the Urdu word for disgusting! :tong:)
‘Jaib Wahiyaad? They can’t even get my damn name correctly…’
Bani sniggered profusely and said, ‘Well, Mr. Wahiyaad…please go ahead and show them your talent…’
Jai gave a look at Bani and crushing the Styrofoam cup said, ‘You…are so not getting away with this, Ms. Dixit.’
Bani stood with her legs crossed and in between the chuckles asked, ‘Is that a threat?’
He stood still and looking straight in her eyes said, ‘No. It’s a promise!’ :whistling
Something in his tone and look made her go hot and cold from top to toe and she quietly took a seat with her other friends to see Jai hold the microphone.
The old lady gave a benevolent look at Jai and said, ‘Here Jaib beta…the mike.’
Jai looked crossed at her and taking the microphone tapped it nervously and said, ‘Firstly, I am Jai Walia and I have no clue whatsoever who this Jaib chap is!’
Everyone broke out into laughter.
Clearing his throat, Jai said, ‘I’ve got to warn you that I am a very bad singer and whoever can make an escape, should do it right now…’
Warm laughter broke out again and Bani smiled widely, his natural charm reaching out everywhere.
Someone in the crowd called out with a whistle, ‘Hey handsome, however badly you sing, please dedicate the song for me…’
A lot of giggling followed after which Jai raised his eyebrows and said, ‘There is a dedication to be made, but unfortunately, it is not for the lovely damsel who asked for it…’
He kept still for a moment and then said, coming near the mike, ‘I dedicate this song to a very special girl who loves ice-creams, watching countless re-runs of FRIENDS and huge diamond rings...’ Jai paused for a while and then spotting Bani in the crowd, gave a wink to her and waving energetically, said, ‘My charming Fiancé…Bani Dixit…a huge round of applause to her, girls!’
All eyes turned on Bani and she closed her eyes so tight and wished she could fly away somewhere. While Pia looked as if she could chew her hat in envy, Raashi held onto Bani’s arm and said, ‘You are one lucky woman, Bani.’
Jai cleared his throat once more and said, ‘Thanking god, that my dad is not here to see the brutal murder of his favorite song, here goes nothing…’
He started out on a high, bass note, and Bani almost shrunk in her seat, trying to cover her mouth from giggling uncontrollably at the sound of Jai’s tuneless singing, but when she heard which song he had chosen, she felt silent.
Bhanware ki Gunjan Hai Mera Dil
Kabse samhale rakhha hai dil
tere liye, tere liye, tere liye, tere liye…
Mujhe kabse thi pyar ki justju
Meri Zindagani mein hai tu hi tu
Main aaya hun duniya mein tere liye
Mere dil mein hai pyar ki aarzoo
Gagan se bhi ooncha mera pyar hai
Tumhi par mitoonga yeh ikraar hai
Tu itna samajh le mere hamsafar
Tere pyar mein mera sansar hai
There was complete silence when Jai had finished…true to his words, he sang dreadfully, completely out of melody and his voice was too deep and bass for singing, but the honesty and warmth with which he sung had totally disregarded the acoustics of the song and there was a thunderous applause by everyone.
Jai managed to wrangle free of the bevy of female admirers which had launched himself on him, including the elderly announcer who said that ‘Jaib beta, you sang very well…’ and came looking for Bani, but could not find her.
‘Er, Raashi? Have you seen Bani around?’
Raashi looked at him and gushed, ‘Oh god…Jai…I mean, Jeejaji…you were fantastic…wow…we were all swooning…’
Jai broke her worshipping with impatience and said, ‘Jeejaji? Forget that, but I really need to find Bani! Have you seen her?’
Raashi looked confused and said, ‘She was just here, listening to your song…must have gone somewhere around…but you sang so nicely…’
Jai made a hasty excuse and rushed off before Raashi could start off again, he looked around for Bani anxiously and then to his relief, found her standing on her own, beneath a shady Gulmohar tree, looking lost.
‘So, how was the Bull frog in heat?’ Jai kept his hand on the trunk of the tree and spoke in an amused voice.
Bani smiled softly and said, ‘Not bad at all…you did full justice to the Frog!’
Both of them laughed and then he said,
‘That’s all? I sing a whole song for you, in front of dozens of giggling girls…and you say its not bad at all?’
She blushed a little and said, ‘It was very nice…you were completely out of tune…but you sang with your heart.’
‘Out of tune? Excuse me! I thought I was splendid today…and I would have felt better if you had shown even half the enthusiasm about my singing that your friends showed.’
She smiled and said, ‘I never thought you would remember such an old hindi song so well…”
He shrugged his head and said, ‘My dad used to sing this for my mom on every wedding anniversary…year after year…and its more than 8 years that she died…but he still sings for her picture on each anniversary…’
Bani kept staring at him, touched beyond belief and said faintly, ‘And you dedicated this song to me…’
Jai replied in a surprised tone, ‘Yes….so?’
Bani was voiceless and turned her face the other side, Jai sensed that something was wrong and keeping his hand on her shoulder, turned her towards him and asked, ‘What happened Bani? Did someone say something to you…it is that bimbo we met…wait till I…’
Much to her own shame, Bani burst out in tears and said hastily, ‘No…No…No one said anything…I just…I am…’ She tried to shrug off Jai’s arms and run away, but he had held her firmly and bringing her close to him spoke in a husky tone, ‘Tell me, what is it, Bani?’
Bani did not reply and Jai proceeded to hold her chin firmly his palm and forcing her to look at him, said in a straight voice, ‘Tell me, Bani…what is it?’
Eyes squinting with tears, she tried to wriggle herself free, but his grip was too strong and she just burst out crying more.
Jai had to let go of her and she said in an anguished voice, ‘I want to go home…please…’
Bidding a hasty goodbye to her friends, Bani took off with Jai, who drove silently all the way back and did not respond to her goodbye and thanks when she got off from the Car.
Putting on his Aviators, Jai was about to start the engine of his Car, when Bani stood near the window and said abruptly, ‘No one has done this for me before…’
Jai did not look at her and in an angry, clipped voice said, ‘Done what?’
‘Made me feel so special…so nice…’
Jai melted a little bit, but holding the same irritated tone said, ‘Your family overloads you with their love and attention and this is what you say…that no one has made you feel special…what an ungrateful little wretch you are, Bani!’
She was taken aback and then in a flustered manner of speech said, ‘I…I wasn’t referring to them…I meant…I mean…someone else…’
Jai pushed his Aviators on the top of his head and placing his hand on the sill of the Car window, on top of Bani’s palms, which felt cold to him, said, ‘Admittedly, I am not in the habit of singing in front of about 500 strangers and yes, I made a clown out of myself on the stage only because you wanted me to sing…’
Bani hitched up her lowered eyes and looked at him, her cheeks looked as if they had been painted with two pink circles and color had been filled in them.
‘But if this is the way you react on being made special, then this is the last time, I am doing anything like this for you. Understood.’
Bani stood without any expression for a while and then broke out into a girlish grin and said, ‘Yes Sir…no more running away!’
Jai smiled back warmly and said, ‘Now, that’s a good girl…and btw, if you tell anyone that I sang on stage, be assured that, I will make my promise come true!’
Bani looked taken aback and said hastily, ‘Oh…Ok…Ok…I won’t tell anyone…’ and then added cheekily, ‘What if I tell someone that you sang and they expect you to sing again? I don’t think my ears can take the shock twice over!’
Jai grinned and said, ‘Oh really! Wait till I make you pay back for this…you brat!’
One of the Dixit neighbor began honking their Car from behind, as Jai had blocked the way, and putting on his Aviators, he started the Engine and said, Better be going…this was good…lets catch a movie this week sometime…’
Bani immediately began to say a yes, but remembered about her duties as sister to Rano who’s marriage was approaching and she was not helping out in a single chore and said remorsefully, ‘Not this week…I am busy…I will call you up!’
‘Okay then, give me a call and we’ll fix up a time! Bye, take care!’
Bani turned towards the gates of her house, when on sudden inspiration and a bout of extraordinary courage, she swiftly turned back towards Jai, who had started the Car and was inching forward and rushing to him, planted a kiss, through the open window.
Much to their combined shock, the kiss, instead of landing platonically on the cheek, brushed her lips against his…
:blush:and before an
astonished Jai could react, Bani widened her eyes in complete terror and ran
inside the gates of her home, without looking back.
PS : The song that Jai sings for Bani is one of my eternal favorites and if you haven't heard it, should try it once...its sung by Kishore Da for the movie Kal Aaj or Kal! The song epitomizes romance and love so feel like rewinding and listening to it again and again and again...

Part 10
Rano was lying comfortably on the couch in the living room, studying the various pattern of Mehendi given in a brochure with deep interest, when she saw her kid sister, coming down the stairs, touching her hair once too often.
Giving a low whistle, Rano commented, ‘Where to Madam? I thought we had to go and meet the Parlor lady and fix an appointment with her for me?’
Bani looked taken aback and then guilty faced said, ‘Oooh, I completely forgot about it, Rano di. I promise, first thing tomorrow…’
Rano waved her hand and said, ‘Forget that, Ma will deal with it…now come and help me choose a Mehendi Pattern, I am so confused.’
Bani looked more helpless than before and coming near Rano, said apologetically, ‘Di…I am really getting late…can we do this in the evening?’
Rano gave a crafty grin to her and said, ‘There was a time, not long ago, when you used to be snoring heavily at this hour of the day and refuse to even budge in front of the TV…now what happened?’
Bani got pink in the face as Rano continued, enjoying teasing her sister immensely, ‘every time I look around for you, either you are going somewhere or coming back from somewhere…and most often than not, with Mr. Walia!’
Sensing the look of despair on her face and knowing very well that Jai was waiting outside for Bani, and had already honked his Car twice, she continued the ribbing and said, ‘Why do things always happen in reverse with you, Bunny dearest?’
Bani looked bewildered and said, ‘Reverse?’
Rano continued in the same chitchat comportment, ‘Yup…you get engaged to the first guy who proposes to you…and then you act in a manner that the poor chap has no go but to break off the engagement…then when things are settled down, you go and ruffle his feathers and make him fall in love with you!’
Bani flushed beetroot now and stammered in an infuriated tone, ‘Oooh…what a spiteful tongue you have…wait till I tell Jeeju about you…this is all a pack of lies…I am not ruffling any feathers and certainly Jai is not falling in love with me.’
Rano said calmly with a gleam of awareness and experience in her eyes, ‘I never said he IS falling in love with you…’
Bani stuttered in half-anger and half-confusion, ‘You just said that…’
With the same cool, Rano retorted, ‘I said he HAS fallen in love with you…the deed, my darling Bani, has been done. And now, don’t give me those stares and just go out…my ear-drums are aching with all the honking that has been going on from outside…’
Mortified and perplexed by Rano’s speech, Bani did what she knew best. Threw a cushion at her sister and stormed off, which was only met with laughter from the other side.
Bani stood outside for a moment, taking a deep breath and trying to get Rano’s scandal-mongering talk out of her mind…the girl had gone crazy…with all the wedding thing going around, it had bound to affect her mental set-up! Was she glad, that her annoying sister was leaving home in a few days and she could only pity her husband and in-laws!
Dressed in a breezy looking gypsy skirt, and a matching peasant top, Bani looked very well-disposed when Jai saw her coming out of her house, waving cheerily at him. She had her hair tied back with her favorite claw clip and was wearing a very cute pair of pearl clip-ons in her ears. Jai saw her with a very masculine sense of appreciation, noticing how unconsciously sensuous she looked and her lush curves seemed particularly noticeable in the so very girly couture she had today.
Jai was dressed casually in a navy blue sweatshirt that had HARVARD written over it in big yellow letters and matched it with a pair of cotton slacks in Khakhi and his favorite suede loafers. Even though it was early winter, the day was very clear and sunny and Jai had put on his aviators. Plus, Bani noticed that he had not shaved and his jaw-line had an undergrowth which made him look extremely masculine, more so than he generally looked.
Rano looked at them from the Verandah and waving with pleasure at Jai, gasped at how terribly attractive Jai looked and then felt immensely guilty on behalf of Ranveer and quickly proceeded to call him up.
Bani looked at his sweatshirt and said, ‘Nice…now even those who didn’t know about your academic and other qualifications will get to know it!’
He laughed and opened the door of his SUV for her.
In the confinement of the closed Car, Bani could smell the aquatic fragrance of his cologne and it assaulted her senses.
‘Nice smell.’ She said shortly.
‘Davidoff.’ He replied with equal crispness.
‘So where are we off to, young lady? Just tell which route to take…I am not too familiar with Delhi roads!’
‘NH 8…the fair is being held at a Farmhouse!’
‘Oh! Your college crowd?’
‘Ya…More or less…’
Jai stopped at the traffic intersection and spoke with a mischief tinged voice, ‘Lots of girls, I suppose…nice!’
Bani grinned and said, ‘Yes, you can take your pick…from the student as well as the faculty!’
Jai smiled in response and the drove smoothly making small talk throughout the journey, while Bani kept changing the CD’s with an alarming speed, commenting chirpily on various things with élan.
During their drive, when Bani was peering at a Pink Floyd CD with great interest, he said, ‘So what was this deal about being bullied at school? And I still can’t imagine you being overweight!”
Still concentrating on the CD cover, she remarked absently, ‘Oh, don’t get me started…I’ll probably end up in tears again…’
Jai laughed and said, ‘Don’t worry…I have a huge box of tissues with me…go on with your story!’
‘No story as such…I suffered from Thyroid deficiency at a very young age and hence gained weight abnormally till I was a 150 pounds weighing 11 year old and obviously a great source of entertainment for my class…more so because I could barely keep myself away from food…’
Jai grinned as he paid attention to her and at the same time, drove carefully.
‘My own lunch never sufficed and out of desperation, I used to end up having eating my classmates Tiffin boxes too…and obviously, hungry pre-teens can get very nasty then! They used to call me to the Canteen on some pretext and make a circle around me and since I was too fat to run away and too meek to put up a fight, they used to throw popcorn on me, to take revenge for eating their food.’
Bani apparently finished her story and with the same keenness went back to the collection of CD’s, while Jai who had stopped at a traffic intersection, looked at her with warm, poignant eyes.
She was such an endearing little thing, he wondered. Even while recounting such a painful and humiliating child-hood incident, there was no rancor or bitterness in her speech, just the wistfulness of a child, who had a very bad time growing up. Jai did a mental comparison of Bani’s attitude with his own, which normally involved serious physical injury or a deliberately planned revenge on anyone who tried to mess around with him.
When Jai had finally managed to park the Car in the crowded parking area, he looked at her and said, ‘So how come the ugly duckling turned into a beautiful swan?’
Bani paused as she was opening the door and getting a thoughtful look said, ‘I was not just fat and greedy for food, but ugly too? No one ever said that to me!’
Jai stared at her and burst out laughing loudly while she supplied helpfully that with medicines and some treatment, her Thyroid problem finally came to an end, but the craving for food did not stop. And the reason why she did not gain weight despite all the humongous quantity of food she still devoured was because her Body Metabolic Rate had become extremely high, as a side effect of the Thyroid treatment.
‘So you see…I am a walking disaster…nothing works on me the way it would work on normal humans!’ She laughed gaily at her own comment and Jai shrugged his head affectionately at her, putting on his shades and covering his eyes from the Sun.
The moment they had stepped inside the crowded venue, Jai knew he was in trouble. The place was teeming with girls, all of them roughly Bani’s age and more or less, of a similar disposition.
Being one of the rare male species around, and that too of such superior quality, Jai was subject to intense scrutiny even before he stepped inside the gate, after Bani had presented the tickets. The assembled women turned to give him looks and the way they looked, made him squirm.
He was used to female attention and pretty much appreciated it too, but here he was badly outnumbered and stuck close to Bani, as if for protection against her species.
‘Why aren’t there any men around, Bani?’
Bani was fumbling for something in her sling bag and said absently, ‘You just gave your car to be parked to the attendant…he was a guy!’
‘Very funny! I meant, where are the guys in your College…’
Bani looked up, finally discovering the little piece of Elaichi that she was searching and popping it in her mouth after offering one to Jai, she said, ‘Boys? Didn’t I tell you, mine was a Girl’s College? You’ll hardly find any male specimen here today…’
Jai was left with an ‘Oh My God’ expression on his face and just then a group of hysterically giggling girls lunged towards them, yelling, ‘Baniiiiiii’ in their shrill voice. Jai was taken aback and wondered if Bats would come flying around, hearing ultra-sonic shrills.
Bani yelled as much as they did and proceeded to bear hug them all, a group hug followed by an individual one and then they did a silly air-kissing thing. Jai rolled his eyes and stood apart.
As they caught up with their lives and the important events that had taken place after college was over, mostly how the beautician plucked someone’s eyebrows badly and how someone’s boyfriend double crossed her and such life-threatening events.
The most irritating of the lot, named Pia, looked at Bani with sly eyes and remarked in a mock-sad manner, ‘Oh poor baby…I heard you got engaged and then dumped? I am sooooooo sorry…’
Bani flushed deeply and a look of hurt came in her eyes, till a reasonably sensible looking one amongst them called Raashi remarked sharply, ‘Don’t be silly Pia…is that all you can come up with now? Bani ,you look so cute…its so good to see you after such a long time. Did you fill up for the Mass Com course?’
But Pia wouldn’t have any such academic talk and continued in her pseudo-sympathetic manner, ‘Poor Kiran aunty…must have been shattered…to be disappointed like this…but really Bani, you should have been clear on whether the guy really wanted you in the first place or not…’
Bani suddenly felt tears welling in her eyes and she was thankful that Jai was not around to see her getting humiliated and hurt in this manner.
Raashi looked furious and clamping Pia’s hands, said, ‘Enough Pia…I think Bani is doing wonderfully…stop being such a bitch…’
Pia gave a cold look at Raashi and began airing her nails with nonchalance and just then her eyes fell on Jai, who had come back some time ago, after tying his undone shoe laces, unnoticed and had heard a good part of the conversation, ‘Bani…darling…won’t you introduce us to your guest?’
Bani suddenly remembered that Jai had also come along and turning to face him, said shyly, ‘Jai this is my group from college…we were together for 3 years, and girls, this is Jai…my…our…’ Bani struggled with her words and the tears that had formed in her eyes, trying to maintain her calm and poise and hoping that Jai had not heard anything.
Jai gave a foul look at Pia and placing his arms rather cozily around Bani, spoke sweetly, ‘Her Fiancé…’
Bani stood numb, while the others widened their eyes and Pia spluttered in disbelief, ‘But…But…I heard your engagement was called off…’
In the same sweetness of manner, Jai remarked, ‘Obviously your source is as outdated as the faux Chanel purse that you have, Mademoiselle.’
Pia flushed deeply and Jai gave a knowing wink at a still stunned Bani and then proceeded to charm the collective lives out of the girls, adding dramatically to Bani, ‘Pumpkin, won’t you show your engagement ring to the girls.’
One look at the rock and the scream that emanated could have erupted a dormant volcano; Pia’s face had turned green with envy.
As they were proceeding towards the activity corner of the fare, Raashi held Bani back and said, ‘My god Bani…where did you find him? He is incredible!’
Bani, still in the same shock mode, just gave a shrug of her head and was instantly pulled ahead by Jai, who proceeded to put his arm around her shoulder, bringing it down with its weight.
When they were alone for a moment, she whispered, a bit angry, ‘Now what was that?’ Jai gave her an innocent look and said, ‘What?’ Bani bit her lips and said, ‘Don’t act innocent…why did you say, we are still engaged?’ Jai looked at her and said, ‘I saw how that airhead behaved with you…’
Bani fumed and said, ‘That is my problem. Why did you come in between?’ Jai answered with the same equinity, ‘I remembered you telling me that you were bullied as a child at school…I didn’t want it repeated here…’
Bani stood still, both touched by his gesture and still upset by his behavior, ‘And Pumpkin? Excuse me?’
Jai grinned and said, ‘That was good, wasn’t it? Should have looked at that bimbo’s face when I said that…I thought she would burst out of the dress she is wearing…’
Bani burst out laughing and said, ‘God…you are mean!’
‘I know…and I love it!!!’
They went around some stalls, checking out things and without the knowledge that they were constantly chattering to one another and laughing so much, that it drew many a stares as they passed by.
While Jai was being entertained by a couple of girls who were squealing and asking him if he was a up-coming movie star, much to his amusement, Bani saw an Ice-cream stall in the corner and quietly slipped to purchase one Strawberry Cone, knowing that Jai hated Ice-creams.
While she was searching her slingbag for change, she saw Jai’s arm go across from her shoulder and make the payment.
She turned in surprise and said, ‘I was paying for it…’
‘And now I paid for it! Hmmm, Strawberry…and just one cone, where is mine?”
She looked embarrassed and said, ‘I thought you didn’t like Ice-creams…’
‘Wrong thought!’
She said hastily, ‘I’ll buy one for you!’
Jai waved his hand and coming close to her took a huge bit from the cone she was holding. A line of cream had formed a moustache around his lips.
She smiled as he widened his eyes in pleasure of devouring the divine delights that only an Ice-cream can provide.
‘Your mouth…’
Jai said, ‘What?”
Bani handed the ice-cream in his hand and with the tip of her finger, cleaned his lip of the ice-cream, their eyes met for a moment and suddenly she felt extremely shy.

Jai, being the thorough gentleman he was, immediately changed the course of events and dragged her to a place where quite a crowd had formed.
Jai had slung his arm casually around Bani’s shoulder and they were wandering pretty aimlessly from one stall to another, talking, laughing, bickering and passing comments in general.
The activity centre was holding a Karaoke competition and Bani insisted on Jai taking part. He was drinking lukewarm coke out of a Styrofoam cup and looking at her said, ‘Are you crazy? Me, singing? I sound like a bull frog in heat when I sing…’

Bani burst out laughing and said, ‘Too bad then…cause I already gave your name to them.’
Jai spluttered out the coke from his mouth and giving a shocked look at a now grinning Bani said, ‘Please tell me you are joking…’
‘I am not. You are up next!’
‘Bani…you devil…I can’t sing…not to save my life…and definitely not in front of these girls…’
Just then, a matronly lady announced in a very TV News Anchor style that the next participant for the Karaoke Competition was a ‘Jaib Wahiyaad…’ (Wahiyaad is the Urdu word for disgusting! :tong:)
‘Jaib Wahiyaad? They can’t even get my damn name correctly…’
Bani sniggered profusely and said, ‘Well, Mr. Wahiyaad…please go ahead and show them your talent…’
Jai gave a look at Bani and crushing the Styrofoam cup said, ‘You…are so not getting away with this, Ms. Dixit.’
Bani stood with her legs crossed and in between the chuckles asked, ‘Is that a threat?’
He stood still and looking straight in her eyes said, ‘No. It’s a promise!’ :whistling
Something in his tone and look made her go hot and cold from top to toe and she quietly took a seat with her other friends to see Jai hold the microphone.
The old lady gave a benevolent look at Jai and said, ‘Here Jaib beta…the mike.’

Jai looked crossed at her and taking the microphone tapped it nervously and said, ‘Firstly, I am Jai Walia and I have no clue whatsoever who this Jaib chap is!’
Everyone broke out into laughter.
Clearing his throat, Jai said, ‘I’ve got to warn you that I am a very bad singer and whoever can make an escape, should do it right now…’
Warm laughter broke out again and Bani smiled widely, his natural charm reaching out everywhere.
Someone in the crowd called out with a whistle, ‘Hey handsome, however badly you sing, please dedicate the song for me…’
A lot of giggling followed after which Jai raised his eyebrows and said, ‘There is a dedication to be made, but unfortunately, it is not for the lovely damsel who asked for it…’
He kept still for a moment and then said, coming near the mike, ‘I dedicate this song to a very special girl who loves ice-creams, watching countless re-runs of FRIENDS and huge diamond rings...’ Jai paused for a while and then spotting Bani in the crowd, gave a wink to her and waving energetically, said, ‘My charming Fiancé…Bani Dixit…a huge round of applause to her, girls!’
All eyes turned on Bani and she closed her eyes so tight and wished she could fly away somewhere. While Pia looked as if she could chew her hat in envy, Raashi held onto Bani’s arm and said, ‘You are one lucky woman, Bani.’
Jai cleared his throat once more and said, ‘Thanking god, that my dad is not here to see the brutal murder of his favorite song, here goes nothing…’
He started out on a high, bass note, and Bani almost shrunk in her seat, trying to cover her mouth from giggling uncontrollably at the sound of Jai’s tuneless singing, but when she heard which song he had chosen, she felt silent.
Bhanware ki Gunjan Hai Mera Dil
Kabse samhale rakhha hai dil
tere liye, tere liye, tere liye, tere liye…
Mujhe kabse thi pyar ki justju
Meri Zindagani mein hai tu hi tu
Main aaya hun duniya mein tere liye
Mere dil mein hai pyar ki aarzoo
Gagan se bhi ooncha mera pyar hai
Tumhi par mitoonga yeh ikraar hai
Tu itna samajh le mere hamsafar
Tere pyar mein mera sansar hai
There was complete silence when Jai had finished…true to his words, he sang dreadfully, completely out of melody and his voice was too deep and bass for singing, but the honesty and warmth with which he sung had totally disregarded the acoustics of the song and there was a thunderous applause by everyone.
Jai managed to wrangle free of the bevy of female admirers which had launched himself on him, including the elderly announcer who said that ‘Jaib beta, you sang very well…’ and came looking for Bani, but could not find her.
‘Er, Raashi? Have you seen Bani around?’
Raashi looked at him and gushed, ‘Oh god…Jai…I mean, Jeejaji…you were fantastic…wow…we were all swooning…’
Jai broke her worshipping with impatience and said, ‘Jeejaji? Forget that, but I really need to find Bani! Have you seen her?’
Raashi looked confused and said, ‘She was just here, listening to your song…must have gone somewhere around…but you sang so nicely…’
Jai made a hasty excuse and rushed off before Raashi could start off again, he looked around for Bani anxiously and then to his relief, found her standing on her own, beneath a shady Gulmohar tree, looking lost.
‘So, how was the Bull frog in heat?’ Jai kept his hand on the trunk of the tree and spoke in an amused voice.
Bani smiled softly and said, ‘Not bad at all…you did full justice to the Frog!’
Both of them laughed and then he said,
‘That’s all? I sing a whole song for you, in front of dozens of giggling girls…and you say its not bad at all?’
She blushed a little and said, ‘It was very nice…you were completely out of tune…but you sang with your heart.’
‘Out of tune? Excuse me! I thought I was splendid today…and I would have felt better if you had shown even half the enthusiasm about my singing that your friends showed.’
She smiled and said, ‘I never thought you would remember such an old hindi song so well…”
He shrugged his head and said, ‘My dad used to sing this for my mom on every wedding anniversary…year after year…and its more than 8 years that she died…but he still sings for her picture on each anniversary…’
Bani kept staring at him, touched beyond belief and said faintly, ‘And you dedicated this song to me…’
Jai replied in a surprised tone, ‘Yes….so?’
Bani was voiceless and turned her face the other side, Jai sensed that something was wrong and keeping his hand on her shoulder, turned her towards him and asked, ‘What happened Bani? Did someone say something to you…it is that bimbo we met…wait till I…’
Much to her own shame, Bani burst out in tears and said hastily, ‘No…No…No one said anything…I just…I am…’ She tried to shrug off Jai’s arms and run away, but he had held her firmly and bringing her close to him spoke in a husky tone, ‘Tell me, what is it, Bani?’
Bani did not reply and Jai proceeded to hold her chin firmly his palm and forcing her to look at him, said in a straight voice, ‘Tell me, Bani…what is it?’
Eyes squinting with tears, she tried to wriggle herself free, but his grip was too strong and she just burst out crying more.
Jai had to let go of her and she said in an anguished voice, ‘I want to go home…please…’
Bidding a hasty goodbye to her friends, Bani took off with Jai, who drove silently all the way back and did not respond to her goodbye and thanks when she got off from the Car.
Putting on his Aviators, Jai was about to start the engine of his Car, when Bani stood near the window and said abruptly, ‘No one has done this for me before…’
Jai did not look at her and in an angry, clipped voice said, ‘Done what?’
‘Made me feel so special…so nice…’
Jai melted a little bit, but holding the same irritated tone said, ‘Your family overloads you with their love and attention and this is what you say…that no one has made you feel special…what an ungrateful little wretch you are, Bani!’
She was taken aback and then in a flustered manner of speech said, ‘I…I wasn’t referring to them…I meant…I mean…someone else…’
Jai pushed his Aviators on the top of his head and placing his hand on the sill of the Car window, on top of Bani’s palms, which felt cold to him, said, ‘Admittedly, I am not in the habit of singing in front of about 500 strangers and yes, I made a clown out of myself on the stage only because you wanted me to sing…’
Bani hitched up her lowered eyes and looked at him, her cheeks looked as if they had been painted with two pink circles and color had been filled in them.
‘But if this is the way you react on being made special, then this is the last time, I am doing anything like this for you. Understood.’
Bani stood without any expression for a while and then broke out into a girlish grin and said, ‘Yes Sir…no more running away!’
Jai smiled back warmly and said, ‘Now, that’s a good girl…and btw, if you tell anyone that I sang on stage, be assured that, I will make my promise come true!’
Bani looked taken aback and said hastily, ‘Oh…Ok…Ok…I won’t tell anyone…’ and then added cheekily, ‘What if I tell someone that you sang and they expect you to sing again? I don’t think my ears can take the shock twice over!’
Jai grinned and said, ‘Oh really! Wait till I make you pay back for this…you brat!’
One of the Dixit neighbor began honking their Car from behind, as Jai had blocked the way, and putting on his Aviators, he started the Engine and said, Better be going…this was good…lets catch a movie this week sometime…’
Bani immediately began to say a yes, but remembered about her duties as sister to Rano who’s marriage was approaching and she was not helping out in a single chore and said remorsefully, ‘Not this week…I am busy…I will call you up!’
‘Okay then, give me a call and we’ll fix up a time! Bye, take care!’
Bani turned towards the gates of her house, when on sudden inspiration and a bout of extraordinary courage, she swiftly turned back towards Jai, who had started the Car and was inching forward and rushing to him, planted a kiss, through the open window.
Much to their combined shock, the kiss, instead of landing platonically on the cheek, brushed her lips against his…

PS : The song that Jai sings for Bani is one of my eternal favorites and if you haven't heard it, should try it once...its sung by Kishore Da for the movie Kal Aaj or Kal! The song epitomizes romance and love so feel like rewinding and listening to it again and again and again...
Part 11
The ball came bouncing back with full ferocity and hit with such force at Jai, that he reeled back on the floor with the impact.
Muttering some expletives under his breath, he got up and taking a long, deep breath, focused his concentration on holding the Squash Racquet and the ball to hit it again.
Tarun who was standing next to him, looking thoughtful and bewildered, kept a light hand on his friend’s shoulder and said, ‘Its ok yaar…you don’t look in form today…lets leave the game for now!’
Jai who had crinkled his eyes in concentration and was about to hit the ball again, relaxed his form and looking at Tarun, spoke in irritation, ‘What do you mean? Of course I am in form…I just…something came to my mind all of a sudden and I lost balance. I’ll complete the game and leave.’
Tarun shrugged his head at Jai’s obstinacy and said, ‘You are not in a tournament man…just forget the game and let’s go and have some beer.’
Jai remarked back coldly, ‘The only contest I have is with me and I am not going to lose it!’
‘Jai…you’re way too competitive…no wonder, always so stressed out. Now come, we need to speak on something.’
Irritated by Tarun’s constant speech and now totally losing his concentration, Jai shoved his Squash Racquet forcibly into his sports bag and wiping his face with the tail end of his Adidas Shirt, they walked towards the refreshment counter and sat on the long stools with two Budweiser’s in hand.
Jai was more or less quiet, sipping the drink and looking lost, while Tarun had an amused expression on his face. He asked all of a sudden,
‘We were supposed to go for a golf session with Gaurav and Mohan last Sunday. Where were you?’
Jai was taken aback at the sudden speech and before he could answer, Tarun continued, ‘I kept calling on your blackberry, but it went unanswered and Bhavesh told me that you had left early morning for someplace?’
Jai tried to appear casual and said, ‘Oh…I forgot about the Golf thing…yes, I had gone to a College Fair or something of that kind. Very last moment, hence I couldn’t inform you guys!’
Tarun smirked a bit and said innocently, ‘Really! With whom?’
Jai took another sip of his drink and said in the same casualness of manner, ‘A friend.’
Tarun’s grin became a full smile and he said, ‘Bani?’
Jai felt himself getting a bit hot and spoke in annoyance, ‘Yes. So? Can’t I have friends apart from you guys?’
Tarun had thrown his head back in laughter and when he composed himself, replied, ‘Of course you can buddy! So, what do you both discuss? The Nuclear disarmament policy or the latest haircut sported by one of the Desperate Housewives?’
Jai threw a cold glance at an uncontrollably chuckling Tarun and said, ‘Neither!’
‘So what happened to the entire ‘We must have something in common to talk, at least’ thing?’
Jai shot a aggravated glance at his best friend and said, ‘Ok…Ok…so I am eating my words…big deal! But it was just a casual outing…and it’s not as if we don’t have anything in common at all…’
‘Hey…it’s your life! I’m no one to ask for explanations…though a lot of people would wonder how come you two are together so often…especially when there is no relation left between you?’
Jai kept quiet for some time and spoke, ‘Just because I broke the engagement doesn’t mean that I can’t be in friendly terms with her…we met a few days back at the Club where she had come with her sister for Dinner…she looked so lonely and lost…I kind of felt guilty….’
Tarun retorted seriously, ‘So you are getting friendly with her out of guilt?’
Jai looked shocked and said emphatically, ‘Of course not, you idiot! I like her a lot…and I really enjoy her company…and so does she…I think!’
Tarun looked thoughtful and draining his can, got up from his seat and waiting for a second, spoke, ‘What if I say that I think it’s more than just liking between you two?’
Jai looked up sharply and said, ‘What do you mean?’
Tarun smiled faintly and said, ‘I don’t want to fluster you up on a Friday evening without any reason…but buddy, I seriously think, you should have a heart to heart with yourself….cause, me thinks, you are falling flat out for your ex-fiancé…’
‘Excuse me?’ spluttered Jai indignantly.
‘You are falling in love with her…and I reckon so is she!’
‘No!’ Jai’s voice came out loud and clear but it did not hold the conviction that Jai had hoped it would…and he wondered, he really and deeply wondered about what Tarun had just said!
It was close to a week that Jai had met up with Bani and there had been no communication between them…Jai had not called up because Bani had told him that she would make the call, but there had been no such thing from her side. And Jai knew that while one reason might be that she was actually tied up with her sister’s wedding preparations…the other and more obvious one was the accidental brushing of lips that had taken place. Jai of course understood that she had only meant to kiss him platonically on his cheeks, the way he did, but the poor, blundering fool had launched herself so hastily, that it had landed somewhere else, where it wasn’t so platonic anymore. Jai had not placed much thought to the gesture, but he instinctively knew that Bani being the hi-strung and sensitive types would have been mortified.
He was caught between calling her up himself and putting her at ease or waiting for her call back. He just could not decide and even though he immersed himself with a detailed and messed up accounts sheet, his eyes constantly roved over his Blackberry, willing it to buzz to life, with Bani’s voice at the other end.
Not able to concentrate on his work and not wanting to keep thinking about what he was avoiding so hard, he switched on the CD player and randomly selected a CD and slotted it, making himself a drink and strolling listlessly in the verandah.
As the cool breeze blew, ruffling his hair and making him realize that Winter was just round the corner, the song came wafting from inside, instantly mirroring his thoughts…making him wonder if everyone in the world was conspiring against him.
‘Ek ajnabi sa…ehsaas dil ko sataye….
Shayad yahi toh pyaar hai….
Bechaniyon mein dhadkan meri chain paaye….
Shayad yahi toh pyaar hai…
Kuch bhi kaha na, kuch bhi suna na, phir bhi,
Baichain dil hai hamara….
Behke kadam hai, mushkil mein hum hai, dekho…
Samhalein bhala kaise yaara….
‘Chahe bina hi, nazdeek hum chale aaye….
Shaaya yahi toh pyaar hai…’
Draining his glass in one go, Jai went inside and with an impatient jam, stopped the song and upsetting his collection, roughly looked for another CD and put it on …an English one and it had Elvis Presley’s picture on it. Good, he thought, must be a wham bam, rock it man, sort of song, just the type he wanted to hear and cloud his thoughts from the direction it was taking!
He had just made himself another drink and was about to go out into the Verandah, when the soft sound of the Piano gave way to the lyrics of the song he had just put on…
“Wise men say
Only fools rush in
But I can’t help
Falling in love with you
As a river flows
Gently to the sea
Darling so it goes
Some things were meant to be
Take my hand
Take my whole life too
Cause I can’t help
Falling in love with you”
Jai almost threw the glass in his hand on the floor out of frustration…of all the songs that Elvis could have sung on his CD player, he had chosen to belt out his most soppy, sentimental and romantic number. ;)
(Poor Jai!)
Giving up in extreme irritation, Jai switched of the player for good and drowning himself in a couple of more drinks, tried to get drunk enough to sleep deeply.
Back at the Dixit house, much to Aditya and Rano’s amusement, Bani was behaving in an exceptionally funny and disconcerting manner, ever since she had come from her College Fair. Kiran, being busy with the wedding preparations, did not notice much amiss in her already beyond this world daughter, but Aditya and Rano did notice her jumping around like a squirrel every time the phone rang or her sudden disappearance whenever a visitor was announced at their home.
Bani was so mortified at what had happened, that she kept dreading Jai would turn up at their house or call her and demand an explanation. She was sitting along side the others in the living room with a book in her hand and a wary eye on both the phone and the door, a couple of her cousins had dropped in early to their house for the wedding and since they were closer to Rano in age, all of them were having an animated discussion on Trousseau, Singing and other wedding related paraphernalia.
Kiran was shuffling through the Invitations, most of them had been posted and RSVP’s were under way, but the important ones were still with her, the ones where she had planned to go and personally invite for the Wedding. Aditya was helping her out and Nachiket had also dropped in to lend a hand around the house.
Overall, the house held an extremely festive and joyous atmosphere and Bani should have been prancing in a thrilled manner, but her mind and heart seemed to be someplace else. And Rano, even though, never leaving any opportunity to tease her younger sibling, sensed that things were getting serious, and hence, deliberately kept away from Bani, immersing herself in the forthcoming wedding.
Kiran peered at the list of invitees through her pince-nez and then announced in a lost voice to Aditya, ‘Adi…We have covered the Sharma’s…The Banerjee’s…and that old couple, your Bhaiyya’s friends….how many do we have…I have to leave for Jaipur to pick up Rano’s jewelry that I had ordered…and I want to finish with the invitations before that.’
Aditya poured over the list and then announced, ‘Only a couple more, Bhabhi…and two of them are living in North Delhi. Let’s go today and wrap it up!’
Kiran had a look at the list again and then thinking for a while asked Bani, ‘Beta…doesn’t Jai also live that side?’
Hearing her name, she almost fell down from the couch and stammered, ‘What? Where is he? Did he call? Is he here?’
Everyone looked at her, some confused, some amused and Kiran said in a baffled manner, ‘What is wrong with you? Why are you so jumpy? I have been noticing this for the last few days…’
Bani swallowed quickly and blinked her eyes in a rapid motion till Rano came to the rescue and said, ‘Yes Ma…Jai’s farmhouse is in Civil Lines. Bani’s knows the place very well!’
Bani got red in the face and then almost choked on the apple she was munching when Kiran said, ‘Oh Great…then she can take us there…its very difficult to locate Farmhouses…they don’t have addresses on them…Bani, get ready and call up Jai to ask if he is home…tell him we are coming down to invite him for the Wedding.’
Bani looked as if she would rather die than do such a thing and much to Nachiket and Rano’s amusement, blabbered endlessly, ‘I…I don’t have his number…’
Rano winked mischievously at Nachiket and remarked to Bani, ‘What nonsense! You must have called him up at least a dozen times last week…wait, here is his number…now call!’
Bani stared hard at her sister and then told her mother in despair, ‘Ma…do we have to go and invite him…just post the card…and anyway, I thought I heard him mention he has to travel during those dates…’
But Rano was too swift and to Bani’s complete shock, was already on the phone, speaking with exaggerated sweetness, ‘Thanks Jai…that is so nice of you! Yes…I loved those flowers…really? Bani said you might be travelling…Oh, she must have got the news wrong then…Yes, Adi Uncle is also coming…Great then! You can expect them in an hour or so! Bye, nice talking to you and see you at the wedding.’
Bani was standing frozen, when Rano gave a perky look at her and said, ‘You got your information wrong, Bunny! He is not travelling at those dates and Ma, he is awaiting you. Poor guy was leaving for some work and when I told him that you people are coming, he postponed it!’
Now addressing Bani in the same smug manner, Rano said, ‘Your claw clip got left behind in his Car, he asked me to tell you to collect it today!’
Bani blushed a deep shade of cherry and made a murderous gesture towards a sniggering Rano and even after trying her level best, could not twist out of not going to Jai’s house along with Kiran and Aditya.’
When Aditya brought the Car to a halt in front of the Wrought Iron Gates, he gave an annoyed look at his niece and said, ‘Bunny…why the hell did you make me drive in such a round about manner? If we had taken the first turn, we could have saved 15 minutes.’
When they got out of the Car, Bani looked constipated, as all her plans to not face Jai again seemed to fall apart one by one. She was in fact, ending up meeting him, face to face in his own house…she sauntered slowly across the graveled path, shuffling her feet and then saw him standing at a distance in the Verandah, waving at Aditya and felt herself go brick red.
Putting her head firmly down, she refused to face Jai, who greeted Aditya with warmth and Kiran with respect and ushered them indoors. He did not say anything to Bani for which she felt both weird and thankful.
The three of them made small talk, mostly regarding the marriage preparations; Jai’s spreading business in Delhi which had extended his stay in the City, his Father’s operation which had gone successfully and other random things.
Bani sat in the corner most part of the couch and in the meanwhile counted the pattern on the ceiling; the knots on the Carpet, the colors on all the paintings hung around the room, but refused to look at Jai.
He in the meanwhile acted as if he had never even seen Bani before in his entire life and only when Bhavesh brought refreshments, did he extend a plate of very delectable looking sweets to Bani and reflectively she looked up at him.
His eyes twinkled and he winked impishly at her, Bani snatched a couple of pieces of the sweet and stuffed her mouth with it, once again staring all around the room.
The Invitation had been handed over to Jai and to her relief, Aditya and Kiran had got up to take leave, stating they had a couple of relations to cover in the neighborhood. Kiran complained in a typical motherly fashion that she would never hear the end of Bani’s cribbing on being dragged to various relatives house and that if it wasn’t for today’s Taxi Strike, she would have sent her home.
Jai gave a look at Bani who was clearly struggling with her mouth full of the sweets and in a very genial manner said, ‘Aunty, if she doesn’t want to go with you, leave her here…I’ve to go towards Connaught Place for work and I can tell my driver to drop her home.’
Kiran looked hesitant for a moment, but Aditya chipped in happily, ‘That would be great Jai…else, this girl is so impatient…she can go home and help Rano out and in the meanwhile, Bhabhi and I can finish up with the Invitations.’
Bani looked horrified, realizing that by providence or by something else, she was being left alone with Jai…..No...No…No…This was the worst thing to have happened…she had avoided calling him whole week…avoided meeting him…avoided thinking about him and now she was with him, all alone, at his home!
Food once again proved to be her downfall, as with her choked mouth, she could barely utter a protest and as she flayed her hands desperately, trying to tell her mother that she would love to go to each and every relative’s home rather than face Jai Walia all alone, Kiran had kissed her on her forehead and bid good-bye, telling her to be a good girl and not cause too much inconvenience to Jai.
By the time, Bani had managed to swallow the enormous number of sweets in her mouth and washed it down with water, she could see there was no point running out behind her mother and uncle, Jai had seen them off and was walking back to the House.
Bani looked frantically around as if finding a place to hide and remain hidden, but her senses had completely left her stranded today and before she could compose her thoughts, Jai had come from behind, closing the heavy oak door, and the room shrouded in partial darkness.
His voice came out deeply resonant and caustic, ‘Poor Little Red Riding Hood got stuck in the Forest with the Big Bad Wolf…what she did? Of course, eat the Wolf up!’ :tong:
‘Whaa…’ came a yelp from an astonished Bani, but not for long, because Jai had by then, drawn the silk curtains apart and the mild winter sun came pouring inside the beautifully appointed room.
He seemed to pay not much attention to her and proceeded to do his own work, which included piling up the plates and keeping them on the tray for Bhavesh to take them away.
Bani said hastily, ‘I’ll take them inside…’
He looked at her and said without any expression, ‘So you found your voice back? How nice!’
She squirmed with embarrassment and realizing how foolishly she had been behaving today and for the whole of last week, said in a sheepish tone, ‘I…I’m sorry…I didn’t call you!’
He remarked sarcastically, ‘Just because I went with you on a date and invited you for a movie does not in any way mean that I am sitting free and expecting your calls all the time. I do have a life, you know.’
She dappled in shame and lowered her head, did not move, evoking another sharp retort from Jai, ‘Now for god sake, don’t start crying…else, I’ll put a call through to your Mother and tell her to ferry you away right now.’
Bani had indeed filled her eyes with moisture but on hearing this threat, she immediately stopped them from flowing, though her face had got all red and puffed, like a child’s which is on the brink of howling but has been threatened not to.
Jai looked at her and was caught between the urge to laugh out loud at her general blubbering and a deep wish to go and hug her tightly. She could be both infuriating and completely endearing at the same time.
Waving his head in exasperation, he said, ‘Now will you keep standing like an effigy there or come and sit down too? I’ve to leave for CP in an hour, so please find some way to entertain yourself, unless you prefer standing dumbly in a corner.’
She came awkwardly over to him and sat in the couch, not speaking anything. Jai had taken out his laptop and started reviewing some figures in it intently, ignoring Bani.
She spoke out of the blue, ‘Do you have albums?’
‘What?’ He looked up absently at her.
She swallowed and said, ‘Albums…Family Albums…can I look through them till you are ready to leave?’
Jai looked irritated at having being disturbed and said in an off-hand manner, ‘See that chest of drawers there…you might find a few…’ trailing his words, he went back to his laptop screen.
She got up as noiselessly as she could and was happily relived to find a few old ones and getting them, came back to the Couch.
As she filtered the extremely well-maintained family pictures, she could gaze at Jai’s personality through them. In most of them, he looked very young, the pictures been taken quite a few years back and when one picture showed him with his parents, she was taken aback at the similarity between Father and Son.
Without turning to look at him she remarked in an awed voice, ‘You look like Uday Uncle’s carbon copy…’
He looked at her and smiled and remarked, ‘Well, thank god for it…else I might have been cut off from his inheritance!’
She looked up at him and laughed gaily, feeling relaxed finally. He had not brought up the accidental brushing of lips (She refused to call it a Kiss, even in her own mind!) and proved to be a perfect gentleman, once again.
Forgetting that he was immersed in his work, she went on, clearly fascinated by the pictures, ‘Wow…Your Mother was gorgeous…but they look so different…your Parents…’
Jai stopped typing for a moment and caught before scolding Bani for disturbing him, said unexpectedly, ‘Yes…they were very different…and not just in looks…’
Jai waited for a while and then with a nostalgic smile said, ‘They were complete opposite in nature too…Dad was, well a typical Punjabi guy…Extrovert, Jovial and commanding by nature…he was the life of every party he went too and in fact, he still is…’
Bani smiled at him and asked softly, ‘And you Mother…’
Jai paused for a while and recollecting her said, ‘She was a saint…really! Soft spoken, shy and so demure…Not only every one of our friends and acquaintances, but even I wondered all my growing years, how on earth they ever got together!’
‘Must have been an arranged match…’
‘Yes…it was…but they were madly in love too…’
Bani kept quiet, sensing the look of wonderment on Jai’s face as he recollected his best kept memories. ‘My father came from a middle-class background and had to rough it out to make it big…hence he was a very tough guy…but mom came from a very well off family and extremely protected as a girl…so she was this touch-me-not, shy kinds…they had absolutely nothing in common…not as far as I could see…’
Jai continued, his voice almost a whisper, ‘But I have never seen two people more in love with one another…they worshipped the ground on which the other walked…and trust me, their love must have been something special…because my dad till date talks to my Mother’s picture as if she is just merely immobile, but very much alive.’
Bani had tears in them and when she spoke, her voice was choked, ‘That is so beautiful…to love someone so deeply…’
Jai completed her sentence in the same dazed manner and said, ‘Yes…especially when everyone around you believes that you were never meant to be together…that there is nothing common between you two…’
Bani sat silently for some time and spoke tenderly, ‘Is there any reason better and bigger than Love to be together…’
Jai sat still and speechless and then snapping out of the daze, announced stubbornly, ‘I don’t believe in all this sentimental foolery…there is nothing called love…its all compatibility…my parents…they were…yes, they were the exception to the rule! There is always one!’
Just then the intercom rang and announced that the Car was ready to take him for the client meeting.
They hardly spoke on their way back and Jai for some reason sat in the front seat, along side his driver, while Bani sat near the rear seat window, looking thoroughly lost and suddenly mature…Jai kept stealing glances at her once in a while through the rear view mirror.
Purva had joined Jai for the meeting and afterwards, they had gone to a nearby Café for a quick lunch and in between the business related talks, Purva said, looking a bit wistful, ‘I saw Nachiket yesterday…he works at some Art Gallery…the one owned by Bani’s Uncle.’
Jai gave a look at her and said, ‘Yes, I know. We met.’
‘Oh! What happened?’
‘Nothing. I wish something had happened though, would have loved to give him another punch in his face.’
Purva went red and muttered, ‘That was a long time back Jai…and frankly, he is not a bad person at all…just that it was a bad day for him!’
Jai looked infuriated now and said sharply, ‘Bad day? Do you even remember all that he said for you? I would have let him go if he had just vented his utterly irrational ire on me…but to bring out a woman’s character down in this manner…and that too, the woman he claimed to love…’
Purva looked extremely pained, recollecting the incident after which she had broken off with Nachiket, despite his repeated begging and pleading for forgiveness.
She said with desperation, ‘If only he had talked to me about his insecurities…instead of behaving in that manner in front of the whole world…humiliating you…’
Jai cut her short and said with anger, ‘It is not a question of being made a public spectacle, Purva. I don’t give a damn for what people might think or say about me. For me, it’s is a question about respecting a woman’s dignity. As long as he spewed out that nonsense against me, I tried to control my rage, since it was my office party and I did not want to create a scene and let tongues wag…but when he said those derogatory things about you, I just couldn’t let him get away with it…’
Jai continued in an anguished voice, full of conviction, ‘Purva, you were, you are and you will always remain a very good friend, but trust me, if it would have been any other woman too, I would have done just that. For me, a man who cannot respect a woman does not deserve any mercy, not from me, at least.’
Before she could say anything more, Jai had wiped his mouth and got up to leave after paying the bill.
Purva was getting dropped home by Jai and they drove back in silence, till he noticed her far along expression and said with some softness in his voice, ‘You miss that jerk, don’t you?’
She blushed deeply and avoiding his face, said unconvincingly, ‘No…not at all.’
‘Really? Then why did you call up Bani and tell her that you want to meet up with her? You hardly know the girl!’
Purva had turned pink and looking at Jai said, ‘I told Bani to keep it to herself…oh god, that girl!’
Jai laughed shortly and said, ‘She is BBC’s India Chapter…don’t expect her to keep any secrets…neither someone else’s nor her own…but let me warn you, if you go to meet her, she will try her best to play cupid!’ Waiting for a while, completed his sentence with a smirk, ‘between you and that stupid!’
Purva laughed and replied, ‘No…No…We are just meeting up in general…she is such a sweet thing…I really liked her a lot…’
Jai gave her a slant eyed look and said, ‘Are you sure, you are only going to meet her, with no untoward purpose…like getting back together with a completely worthless guy who happens to be her friend?’
Purva hit Jai gently on his arm and said, ‘Stop teasing me…and please, for your sake, try and be more merciful …imagine, if you were in Nachiket’s place…and ended up messing with the woman you loved…won’t you expect pardoning from her?’
‘Hah! Me and Nachiket? Don’t insult me, Purva…I’ll treat my woman with all the respect and dignity that she deserves, whatever the circumstances be!’
Purva exclaimed with a patient sigh, ‘Easy for you to say, you have never been in love with anyone, hence you don’t know what insecurity and jealousy can do to you!’
Jai exclaimed with an arrogant shrug, ‘What is a man who is swayed by these so called emotions? I am a rational, responsible and in-control individual…and most definitely not the emotional types to get jealous over imaginary things and jump to conclusions on my own…’
Purva nodded her head lightly, smiling to herself and commented, ‘Keep your words soft…you just might have to chew them up one day!’ :whistling
The ball came bouncing back with full ferocity and hit with such force at Jai, that he reeled back on the floor with the impact.
Muttering some expletives under his breath, he got up and taking a long, deep breath, focused his concentration on holding the Squash Racquet and the ball to hit it again.
Tarun who was standing next to him, looking thoughtful and bewildered, kept a light hand on his friend’s shoulder and said, ‘Its ok yaar…you don’t look in form today…lets leave the game for now!’
Jai who had crinkled his eyes in concentration and was about to hit the ball again, relaxed his form and looking at Tarun, spoke in irritation, ‘What do you mean? Of course I am in form…I just…something came to my mind all of a sudden and I lost balance. I’ll complete the game and leave.’
Tarun shrugged his head at Jai’s obstinacy and said, ‘You are not in a tournament man…just forget the game and let’s go and have some beer.’
Jai remarked back coldly, ‘The only contest I have is with me and I am not going to lose it!’
‘Jai…you’re way too competitive…no wonder, always so stressed out. Now come, we need to speak on something.’
Irritated by Tarun’s constant speech and now totally losing his concentration, Jai shoved his Squash Racquet forcibly into his sports bag and wiping his face with the tail end of his Adidas Shirt, they walked towards the refreshment counter and sat on the long stools with two Budweiser’s in hand.
Jai was more or less quiet, sipping the drink and looking lost, while Tarun had an amused expression on his face. He asked all of a sudden,
‘We were supposed to go for a golf session with Gaurav and Mohan last Sunday. Where were you?’
Jai was taken aback at the sudden speech and before he could answer, Tarun continued, ‘I kept calling on your blackberry, but it went unanswered and Bhavesh told me that you had left early morning for someplace?’
Jai tried to appear casual and said, ‘Oh…I forgot about the Golf thing…yes, I had gone to a College Fair or something of that kind. Very last moment, hence I couldn’t inform you guys!’
Tarun smirked a bit and said innocently, ‘Really! With whom?’
Jai took another sip of his drink and said in the same casualness of manner, ‘A friend.’
Tarun’s grin became a full smile and he said, ‘Bani?’
Jai felt himself getting a bit hot and spoke in annoyance, ‘Yes. So? Can’t I have friends apart from you guys?’
Tarun had thrown his head back in laughter and when he composed himself, replied, ‘Of course you can buddy! So, what do you both discuss? The Nuclear disarmament policy or the latest haircut sported by one of the Desperate Housewives?’
Jai threw a cold glance at an uncontrollably chuckling Tarun and said, ‘Neither!’
‘So what happened to the entire ‘We must have something in common to talk, at least’ thing?’
Jai shot a aggravated glance at his best friend and said, ‘Ok…Ok…so I am eating my words…big deal! But it was just a casual outing…and it’s not as if we don’t have anything in common at all…’
‘Hey…it’s your life! I’m no one to ask for explanations…though a lot of people would wonder how come you two are together so often…especially when there is no relation left between you?’
Jai kept quiet for some time and spoke, ‘Just because I broke the engagement doesn’t mean that I can’t be in friendly terms with her…we met a few days back at the Club where she had come with her sister for Dinner…she looked so lonely and lost…I kind of felt guilty….’
Tarun retorted seriously, ‘So you are getting friendly with her out of guilt?’
Jai looked shocked and said emphatically, ‘Of course not, you idiot! I like her a lot…and I really enjoy her company…and so does she…I think!’
Tarun looked thoughtful and draining his can, got up from his seat and waiting for a second, spoke, ‘What if I say that I think it’s more than just liking between you two?’
Jai looked up sharply and said, ‘What do you mean?’
Tarun smiled faintly and said, ‘I don’t want to fluster you up on a Friday evening without any reason…but buddy, I seriously think, you should have a heart to heart with yourself….cause, me thinks, you are falling flat out for your ex-fiancé…’
‘Excuse me?’ spluttered Jai indignantly.
‘You are falling in love with her…and I reckon so is she!’
‘No!’ Jai’s voice came out loud and clear but it did not hold the conviction that Jai had hoped it would…and he wondered, he really and deeply wondered about what Tarun had just said!
It was close to a week that Jai had met up with Bani and there had been no communication between them…Jai had not called up because Bani had told him that she would make the call, but there had been no such thing from her side. And Jai knew that while one reason might be that she was actually tied up with her sister’s wedding preparations…the other and more obvious one was the accidental brushing of lips that had taken place. Jai of course understood that she had only meant to kiss him platonically on his cheeks, the way he did, but the poor, blundering fool had launched herself so hastily, that it had landed somewhere else, where it wasn’t so platonic anymore. Jai had not placed much thought to the gesture, but he instinctively knew that Bani being the hi-strung and sensitive types would have been mortified.
He was caught between calling her up himself and putting her at ease or waiting for her call back. He just could not decide and even though he immersed himself with a detailed and messed up accounts sheet, his eyes constantly roved over his Blackberry, willing it to buzz to life, with Bani’s voice at the other end.
Not able to concentrate on his work and not wanting to keep thinking about what he was avoiding so hard, he switched on the CD player and randomly selected a CD and slotted it, making himself a drink and strolling listlessly in the verandah.
As the cool breeze blew, ruffling his hair and making him realize that Winter was just round the corner, the song came wafting from inside, instantly mirroring his thoughts…making him wonder if everyone in the world was conspiring against him.
‘Ek ajnabi sa…ehsaas dil ko sataye….
Shayad yahi toh pyaar hai….
Bechaniyon mein dhadkan meri chain paaye….
Shayad yahi toh pyaar hai…
Kuch bhi kaha na, kuch bhi suna na, phir bhi,
Baichain dil hai hamara….
Behke kadam hai, mushkil mein hum hai, dekho…
Samhalein bhala kaise yaara….
‘Chahe bina hi, nazdeek hum chale aaye….
Shaaya yahi toh pyaar hai…’
Draining his glass in one go, Jai went inside and with an impatient jam, stopped the song and upsetting his collection, roughly looked for another CD and put it on …an English one and it had Elvis Presley’s picture on it. Good, he thought, must be a wham bam, rock it man, sort of song, just the type he wanted to hear and cloud his thoughts from the direction it was taking!
He had just made himself another drink and was about to go out into the Verandah, when the soft sound of the Piano gave way to the lyrics of the song he had just put on…
“Wise men say
Only fools rush in
But I can’t help
Falling in love with you
As a river flows
Gently to the sea
Darling so it goes
Some things were meant to be
Take my hand
Take my whole life too
Cause I can’t help
Falling in love with you”
Jai almost threw the glass in his hand on the floor out of frustration…of all the songs that Elvis could have sung on his CD player, he had chosen to belt out his most soppy, sentimental and romantic number. ;)

Giving up in extreme irritation, Jai switched of the player for good and drowning himself in a couple of more drinks, tried to get drunk enough to sleep deeply.
Back at the Dixit house, much to Aditya and Rano’s amusement, Bani was behaving in an exceptionally funny and disconcerting manner, ever since she had come from her College Fair. Kiran, being busy with the wedding preparations, did not notice much amiss in her already beyond this world daughter, but Aditya and Rano did notice her jumping around like a squirrel every time the phone rang or her sudden disappearance whenever a visitor was announced at their home.
Bani was so mortified at what had happened, that she kept dreading Jai would turn up at their house or call her and demand an explanation. She was sitting along side the others in the living room with a book in her hand and a wary eye on both the phone and the door, a couple of her cousins had dropped in early to their house for the wedding and since they were closer to Rano in age, all of them were having an animated discussion on Trousseau, Singing and other wedding related paraphernalia.
Kiran was shuffling through the Invitations, most of them had been posted and RSVP’s were under way, but the important ones were still with her, the ones where she had planned to go and personally invite for the Wedding. Aditya was helping her out and Nachiket had also dropped in to lend a hand around the house.
Overall, the house held an extremely festive and joyous atmosphere and Bani should have been prancing in a thrilled manner, but her mind and heart seemed to be someplace else. And Rano, even though, never leaving any opportunity to tease her younger sibling, sensed that things were getting serious, and hence, deliberately kept away from Bani, immersing herself in the forthcoming wedding.
Kiran peered at the list of invitees through her pince-nez and then announced in a lost voice to Aditya, ‘Adi…We have covered the Sharma’s…The Banerjee’s…and that old couple, your Bhaiyya’s friends….how many do we have…I have to leave for Jaipur to pick up Rano’s jewelry that I had ordered…and I want to finish with the invitations before that.’
Aditya poured over the list and then announced, ‘Only a couple more, Bhabhi…and two of them are living in North Delhi. Let’s go today and wrap it up!’
Kiran had a look at the list again and then thinking for a while asked Bani, ‘Beta…doesn’t Jai also live that side?’
Hearing her name, she almost fell down from the couch and stammered, ‘What? Where is he? Did he call? Is he here?’
Everyone looked at her, some confused, some amused and Kiran said in a baffled manner, ‘What is wrong with you? Why are you so jumpy? I have been noticing this for the last few days…’
Bani swallowed quickly and blinked her eyes in a rapid motion till Rano came to the rescue and said, ‘Yes Ma…Jai’s farmhouse is in Civil Lines. Bani’s knows the place very well!’
Bani got red in the face and then almost choked on the apple she was munching when Kiran said, ‘Oh Great…then she can take us there…its very difficult to locate Farmhouses…they don’t have addresses on them…Bani, get ready and call up Jai to ask if he is home…tell him we are coming down to invite him for the Wedding.’
Bani looked as if she would rather die than do such a thing and much to Nachiket and Rano’s amusement, blabbered endlessly, ‘I…I don’t have his number…’
Rano winked mischievously at Nachiket and remarked to Bani, ‘What nonsense! You must have called him up at least a dozen times last week…wait, here is his number…now call!’
Bani stared hard at her sister and then told her mother in despair, ‘Ma…do we have to go and invite him…just post the card…and anyway, I thought I heard him mention he has to travel during those dates…’
But Rano was too swift and to Bani’s complete shock, was already on the phone, speaking with exaggerated sweetness, ‘Thanks Jai…that is so nice of you! Yes…I loved those flowers…really? Bani said you might be travelling…Oh, she must have got the news wrong then…Yes, Adi Uncle is also coming…Great then! You can expect them in an hour or so! Bye, nice talking to you and see you at the wedding.’
Bani was standing frozen, when Rano gave a perky look at her and said, ‘You got your information wrong, Bunny! He is not travelling at those dates and Ma, he is awaiting you. Poor guy was leaving for some work and when I told him that you people are coming, he postponed it!’
Now addressing Bani in the same smug manner, Rano said, ‘Your claw clip got left behind in his Car, he asked me to tell you to collect it today!’
Bani blushed a deep shade of cherry and made a murderous gesture towards a sniggering Rano and even after trying her level best, could not twist out of not going to Jai’s house along with Kiran and Aditya.’
When Aditya brought the Car to a halt in front of the Wrought Iron Gates, he gave an annoyed look at his niece and said, ‘Bunny…why the hell did you make me drive in such a round about manner? If we had taken the first turn, we could have saved 15 minutes.’
When they got out of the Car, Bani looked constipated, as all her plans to not face Jai again seemed to fall apart one by one. She was in fact, ending up meeting him, face to face in his own house…she sauntered slowly across the graveled path, shuffling her feet and then saw him standing at a distance in the Verandah, waving at Aditya and felt herself go brick red.
Putting her head firmly down, she refused to face Jai, who greeted Aditya with warmth and Kiran with respect and ushered them indoors. He did not say anything to Bani for which she felt both weird and thankful.
The three of them made small talk, mostly regarding the marriage preparations; Jai’s spreading business in Delhi which had extended his stay in the City, his Father’s operation which had gone successfully and other random things.
Bani sat in the corner most part of the couch and in the meanwhile counted the pattern on the ceiling; the knots on the Carpet, the colors on all the paintings hung around the room, but refused to look at Jai.
He in the meanwhile acted as if he had never even seen Bani before in his entire life and only when Bhavesh brought refreshments, did he extend a plate of very delectable looking sweets to Bani and reflectively she looked up at him.
His eyes twinkled and he winked impishly at her, Bani snatched a couple of pieces of the sweet and stuffed her mouth with it, once again staring all around the room.
The Invitation had been handed over to Jai and to her relief, Aditya and Kiran had got up to take leave, stating they had a couple of relations to cover in the neighborhood. Kiran complained in a typical motherly fashion that she would never hear the end of Bani’s cribbing on being dragged to various relatives house and that if it wasn’t for today’s Taxi Strike, she would have sent her home.
Jai gave a look at Bani who was clearly struggling with her mouth full of the sweets and in a very genial manner said, ‘Aunty, if she doesn’t want to go with you, leave her here…I’ve to go towards Connaught Place for work and I can tell my driver to drop her home.’
Kiran looked hesitant for a moment, but Aditya chipped in happily, ‘That would be great Jai…else, this girl is so impatient…she can go home and help Rano out and in the meanwhile, Bhabhi and I can finish up with the Invitations.’
Bani looked horrified, realizing that by providence or by something else, she was being left alone with Jai…..No...No…No…This was the worst thing to have happened…she had avoided calling him whole week…avoided meeting him…avoided thinking about him and now she was with him, all alone, at his home!
Food once again proved to be her downfall, as with her choked mouth, she could barely utter a protest and as she flayed her hands desperately, trying to tell her mother that she would love to go to each and every relative’s home rather than face Jai Walia all alone, Kiran had kissed her on her forehead and bid good-bye, telling her to be a good girl and not cause too much inconvenience to Jai.
By the time, Bani had managed to swallow the enormous number of sweets in her mouth and washed it down with water, she could see there was no point running out behind her mother and uncle, Jai had seen them off and was walking back to the House.
Bani looked frantically around as if finding a place to hide and remain hidden, but her senses had completely left her stranded today and before she could compose her thoughts, Jai had come from behind, closing the heavy oak door, and the room shrouded in partial darkness.
His voice came out deeply resonant and caustic, ‘Poor Little Red Riding Hood got stuck in the Forest with the Big Bad Wolf…what she did? Of course, eat the Wolf up!’ :tong:
‘Whaa…’ came a yelp from an astonished Bani, but not for long, because Jai had by then, drawn the silk curtains apart and the mild winter sun came pouring inside the beautifully appointed room.
He seemed to pay not much attention to her and proceeded to do his own work, which included piling up the plates and keeping them on the tray for Bhavesh to take them away.
Bani said hastily, ‘I’ll take them inside…’
He looked at her and said without any expression, ‘So you found your voice back? How nice!’
She squirmed with embarrassment and realizing how foolishly she had been behaving today and for the whole of last week, said in a sheepish tone, ‘I…I’m sorry…I didn’t call you!’
He remarked sarcastically, ‘Just because I went with you on a date and invited you for a movie does not in any way mean that I am sitting free and expecting your calls all the time. I do have a life, you know.’
She dappled in shame and lowered her head, did not move, evoking another sharp retort from Jai, ‘Now for god sake, don’t start crying…else, I’ll put a call through to your Mother and tell her to ferry you away right now.’
Bani had indeed filled her eyes with moisture but on hearing this threat, she immediately stopped them from flowing, though her face had got all red and puffed, like a child’s which is on the brink of howling but has been threatened not to.
Jai looked at her and was caught between the urge to laugh out loud at her general blubbering and a deep wish to go and hug her tightly. She could be both infuriating and completely endearing at the same time.
Waving his head in exasperation, he said, ‘Now will you keep standing like an effigy there or come and sit down too? I’ve to leave for CP in an hour, so please find some way to entertain yourself, unless you prefer standing dumbly in a corner.’
She came awkwardly over to him and sat in the couch, not speaking anything. Jai had taken out his laptop and started reviewing some figures in it intently, ignoring Bani.
She spoke out of the blue, ‘Do you have albums?’
‘What?’ He looked up absently at her.
She swallowed and said, ‘Albums…Family Albums…can I look through them till you are ready to leave?’
Jai looked irritated at having being disturbed and said in an off-hand manner, ‘See that chest of drawers there…you might find a few…’ trailing his words, he went back to his laptop screen.
She got up as noiselessly as she could and was happily relived to find a few old ones and getting them, came back to the Couch.
As she filtered the extremely well-maintained family pictures, she could gaze at Jai’s personality through them. In most of them, he looked very young, the pictures been taken quite a few years back and when one picture showed him with his parents, she was taken aback at the similarity between Father and Son.
Without turning to look at him she remarked in an awed voice, ‘You look like Uday Uncle’s carbon copy…’
He looked at her and smiled and remarked, ‘Well, thank god for it…else I might have been cut off from his inheritance!’
She looked up at him and laughed gaily, feeling relaxed finally. He had not brought up the accidental brushing of lips (She refused to call it a Kiss, even in her own mind!) and proved to be a perfect gentleman, once again.
Forgetting that he was immersed in his work, she went on, clearly fascinated by the pictures, ‘Wow…Your Mother was gorgeous…but they look so different…your Parents…’
Jai stopped typing for a moment and caught before scolding Bani for disturbing him, said unexpectedly, ‘Yes…they were very different…and not just in looks…’
Jai waited for a while and then with a nostalgic smile said, ‘They were complete opposite in nature too…Dad was, well a typical Punjabi guy…Extrovert, Jovial and commanding by nature…he was the life of every party he went too and in fact, he still is…’
Bani smiled at him and asked softly, ‘And you Mother…’
Jai paused for a while and recollecting her said, ‘She was a saint…really! Soft spoken, shy and so demure…Not only every one of our friends and acquaintances, but even I wondered all my growing years, how on earth they ever got together!’
‘Must have been an arranged match…’
‘Yes…it was…but they were madly in love too…’
Bani kept quiet, sensing the look of wonderment on Jai’s face as he recollected his best kept memories. ‘My father came from a middle-class background and had to rough it out to make it big…hence he was a very tough guy…but mom came from a very well off family and extremely protected as a girl…so she was this touch-me-not, shy kinds…they had absolutely nothing in common…not as far as I could see…’
Jai continued, his voice almost a whisper, ‘But I have never seen two people more in love with one another…they worshipped the ground on which the other walked…and trust me, their love must have been something special…because my dad till date talks to my Mother’s picture as if she is just merely immobile, but very much alive.’
Bani had tears in them and when she spoke, her voice was choked, ‘That is so beautiful…to love someone so deeply…’
Jai completed her sentence in the same dazed manner and said, ‘Yes…especially when everyone around you believes that you were never meant to be together…that there is nothing common between you two…’
Bani sat silently for some time and spoke tenderly, ‘Is there any reason better and bigger than Love to be together…’
Jai sat still and speechless and then snapping out of the daze, announced stubbornly, ‘I don’t believe in all this sentimental foolery…there is nothing called love…its all compatibility…my parents…they were…yes, they were the exception to the rule! There is always one!’
Just then the intercom rang and announced that the Car was ready to take him for the client meeting.
They hardly spoke on their way back and Jai for some reason sat in the front seat, along side his driver, while Bani sat near the rear seat window, looking thoroughly lost and suddenly mature…Jai kept stealing glances at her once in a while through the rear view mirror.
Purva had joined Jai for the meeting and afterwards, they had gone to a nearby Café for a quick lunch and in between the business related talks, Purva said, looking a bit wistful, ‘I saw Nachiket yesterday…he works at some Art Gallery…the one owned by Bani’s Uncle.’
Jai gave a look at her and said, ‘Yes, I know. We met.’
‘Oh! What happened?’
‘Nothing. I wish something had happened though, would have loved to give him another punch in his face.’
Purva went red and muttered, ‘That was a long time back Jai…and frankly, he is not a bad person at all…just that it was a bad day for him!’
Jai looked infuriated now and said sharply, ‘Bad day? Do you even remember all that he said for you? I would have let him go if he had just vented his utterly irrational ire on me…but to bring out a woman’s character down in this manner…and that too, the woman he claimed to love…’
Purva looked extremely pained, recollecting the incident after which she had broken off with Nachiket, despite his repeated begging and pleading for forgiveness.
She said with desperation, ‘If only he had talked to me about his insecurities…instead of behaving in that manner in front of the whole world…humiliating you…’
Jai cut her short and said with anger, ‘It is not a question of being made a public spectacle, Purva. I don’t give a damn for what people might think or say about me. For me, it’s is a question about respecting a woman’s dignity. As long as he spewed out that nonsense against me, I tried to control my rage, since it was my office party and I did not want to create a scene and let tongues wag…but when he said those derogatory things about you, I just couldn’t let him get away with it…’
Jai continued in an anguished voice, full of conviction, ‘Purva, you were, you are and you will always remain a very good friend, but trust me, if it would have been any other woman too, I would have done just that. For me, a man who cannot respect a woman does not deserve any mercy, not from me, at least.’
Before she could say anything more, Jai had wiped his mouth and got up to leave after paying the bill.
Purva was getting dropped home by Jai and they drove back in silence, till he noticed her far along expression and said with some softness in his voice, ‘You miss that jerk, don’t you?’
She blushed deeply and avoiding his face, said unconvincingly, ‘No…not at all.’
‘Really? Then why did you call up Bani and tell her that you want to meet up with her? You hardly know the girl!’
Purva had turned pink and looking at Jai said, ‘I told Bani to keep it to herself…oh god, that girl!’
Jai laughed shortly and said, ‘She is BBC’s India Chapter…don’t expect her to keep any secrets…neither someone else’s nor her own…but let me warn you, if you go to meet her, she will try her best to play cupid!’ Waiting for a while, completed his sentence with a smirk, ‘between you and that stupid!’
Purva laughed and replied, ‘No…No…We are just meeting up in general…she is such a sweet thing…I really liked her a lot…’
Jai gave her a slant eyed look and said, ‘Are you sure, you are only going to meet her, with no untoward purpose…like getting back together with a completely worthless guy who happens to be her friend?’
Purva hit Jai gently on his arm and said, ‘Stop teasing me…and please, for your sake, try and be more merciful …imagine, if you were in Nachiket’s place…and ended up messing with the woman you loved…won’t you expect pardoning from her?’
‘Hah! Me and Nachiket? Don’t insult me, Purva…I’ll treat my woman with all the respect and dignity that she deserves, whatever the circumstances be!’
Purva exclaimed with a patient sigh, ‘Easy for you to say, you have never been in love with anyone, hence you don’t know what insecurity and jealousy can do to you!’
Jai exclaimed with an arrogant shrug, ‘What is a man who is swayed by these so called emotions? I am a rational, responsible and in-control individual…and most definitely not the emotional types to get jealous over imaginary things and jump to conclusions on my own…’
Purva nodded her head lightly, smiling to herself and commented, ‘Keep your words soft…you just might have to chew them up one day!’ :whistling
I have divided Part 12 in three
parts, will be posting Part 12 (A) and 12 (B) right now and Part 12 (C) is
underway, so it will come on board by tomorrow!
Would love to read your comments and views on the upcoming parts :)
Part 12 (A)
Jai was in a crucial board meeting and his Father, being one of the executive board members, had dialed in from the US and joined in. The meeting was going on full force, with a lot of shouting, arguing, counter-arguments going on, the room falling silent, only when Uday chose to say something.
Jai chipped in his points from time to time but to the surprise of all the board members and mostly that of his Father, he wasn’t his usual aggressive, hard-hitting and imposing self.
The meeting was wrapped up late noon and before disconnecting the tele-conference with his Father, Uday remarked casually, ‘Sonny…we need to talk!’ Jai was taken aback at his father’s personal address to him in the middle of an official meeting but answered promptly, ‘Of course…I’ll tell Stella to connect you on my personal line…even I thought that the Arcoda’s manufacturing issue was debatable…we need to get those guys on line!’
Uday paused and said, ‘It’s not about business….’ But cut short his speech and said, ‘Anyway, tell your secretary to connect us asap. I’m awaiting your call.’
Jai gave instructions to his secretary and told her that he shouldn’t be disturbed while he was on the phone with his Father and just as he was entering his cabin, he saw Bani’s cheery face in the reception.
Taken completely unawares, he swiveled backwards and faced her; she was looking just like a freshly-graduated school girl, in a knee-length grey and maroon pleated skirt and a very frilly full-sleeved white top worn over a matching camisole. Since the day was slightly windy, she had wrapped a hand-knit scarf around her neck. Her hair was held high up in a ponytail and she wore shiny black shoes over thick black stockings.
Jai smiled as she walked towards him and said, ‘For a moment, I thought Little Bo Peep had walked into my Office…and her sheep’s might wander about right now!’
She mopped a bit and taking a look at her dress said sorrowfully, ‘It is a very odd dress…I didn’t know what people wear to office when they visit them…’
Jai threw back his head and laughed at her remark and said, ‘No…No…I was just pulling your leg…You look cute! I just noticed that you are so painfully young looking for your age…more like 14 and less like 20!’
She grinned and said, ’Neither 20 and definitely not 14…More like 21!’
He paused and blinked at her and then when the realization dawned upon him, opened his mouth wide in surprise and said, ‘It’s your birthday!!! Oh!…’
Bani grinned cheerfully and did a little jig with her hands folded behind her back and said, ‘I came to see if you are free for a little celebration we are having tonight…’
Jai knew he had lots of work to do and he had already lined up a dinner meeting with his core team tonight, and not wanting to turn down immediately, he said, ‘Oh well…first come here, let me wish you at least.’
Bani, much chastened by her last experience of their lips brushing, tentatively went near him, not wanting to flounder and do something foolish again, but was totally flabbergasted, as he drew her close to him with both his arms and enclosed her into a tight bear hug and pressing her cheeks intensely with his lips, placed a warm kiss on them!
He jovially
announced, ‘Many, Many Happy Returns of the Day, Bani…’ and then with
inspiration added, ‘Tum jiyo hazaron saal, saal ke din ho pachas hazaar…’
She was numb with the shock of his very hearty hug and the feeling of that strong chest upon her body and then his teasing words fell upon her ears. ‘You can stop hugging me now…my secretary looks like she could faint any time…’
Bani moved back from Jai, flushing profusely and the harassed looking Stella who was witness to the scene alongside the receptionist composed herself and addressed Jai hastily, ‘Sir, your father is on the line…for the last 15 minutes…and he told me to inform you that if you don’t come on the phone immediately, he will..’ she bit her lips, hiding her grin and continued in the same professional manner, ‘he’ll disown you.’
Jai grinned at Stella and then looking Bani said, ‘Hell, he’ll disown me…I’ve the POA in my name…most likely he is the one to be disowned!’
Addressing his secretary, he said, ‘Stella, could you please seat Bani in my private meeting room and give her something to…eat!’ and looking at Bani said in a mock-serious note, ‘You finish my office rations and I’ll go and get an earful from Dad!’
Bani blushed and went with Stella to the meeting room, sulking at the way Jai treated her like a baby every time! As if food was the only thing in her mind! Which was, but that was not the point!
Jai pushed the speaker button and said, ‘Sorry dad…I was got caught up…’ he scratched his chin and abruptly added, ‘With a client.’
Uday Walia’s amused voice came from the other end, ‘Was the client a very cute looking teenager?’
Jai raised his eyebrows and realizing that Stella might have told about Bani’s sudden arrival to Uday, spoke in a careful voice, ‘Stella got her age group incorrectly…she is out of her teens, not still in them…and yes dad, can we discuss the Arcoda’s points?’
‘To hell with Arcoda’s, Jai! Tell me what is going on with you?’
‘Nothing…what should go on with me?’
‘What are you still doing in Delhi?’
‘Working, what else? The current projects we have are all based out of the NCR, it’s convenient to meet with those guys if I am in Delhi, else I’ll have to fly in and out of Mumbai at least four times a week.’
Jai sounded irritated at being questioned on his professionalism and Uday immediately made some pacifying noises.
‘I am not questioning you, Jai! Please, don’t get so worked up! I was just of the opinion that you hated being in Delhi and preferred to set base in Mumbai…Hey, if you remember, when you took over the business, I had suggested that you should work from Delhi, it would be convenient and you had put it down, saying you don’t mind the extra travelling as long as you could get to stay in Mumbai…’
Jai shrugged his head and spoke in a softer tone, ‘Sorry dad…I was…I was just preoccupied with something…Yes, Delhi is convenient…’ and then he added with humor, ‘Plus, I love the changing weathers…and the food is great too…and I get to live in an independent house, instead of a penthouse flat…and of course, Karuna and Tarun live here…plus, you remember Gaurav and Mohan…’
‘And I heard a lovely girl too lives here…with whom you have been spending many an evenings…’
Jai mentally cursed Tarun and said dismissively, ‘Come on dad…’
Uday guffawed at the other end and said, ‘I might be thousands of kilometers far away…but be assured, I have my sources in the right place. ‘
Jai glanced at his watch, remembering he had kept Bani waiting in his meeting room and while trying to sound enthusiastic and patient as his Father chi-chated in general, he coughed and said, ‘Er…Dad…I have someone waiting for me outside…can I get back to you later?’
Uday paused and laughing jovially remarked, ‘Of course…Of course…it’s always an easy thing to chose between an old crony like me a PYT like your special friend!’
‘Pretty Young Thing….that is how your generation talks, isn’t it? All abbreviations!’
Jai let out a sigh and said, ‘Dad…I think you’ve stayed long enough in the States…the after effects are visible in through the phone…please come back to your country soon and now I have to be going…I’ve a lot of work to do today!’
‘Fine…but give her another kiss from my side…wishing her happy birthday!’ :whistling
Jai said in astonishment, ‘How on Earth…’
Uday replied cockily, ‘Stella might be your secretary, but all those chocolates I Fed-ex for her from here have to pay-off, isn’t it?’
‘God…Dad!’ Jai rolled his eyes and bidding goodbye kept the phone, smiling at his Dad’s still very much childlike attitude towards life.
Jai had definitely taken on his Mother’s side and he thanked god for that!
Making a couple of other quick calls, he rushed out to the meeting room to see Bani standing by the bay window, looking out at the rushing traffic from the 16th floor of the building where Jai’s office was located.
‘If you are planning to bungee jump, let me tell you, it’s a bad idea…considering your general sense of balance!’
Bani turned to look at him, suddenly pensive and thoughtful and Jai was taken aback at the sudden mood changes that occurred with her, a moment back, she was chirpy and cheerful like a young girl and now she was like a…like a woman!
Snapping back, Bani smiled at him and said, ‘I am sorry to disturb you on such a busy day…’
Waving his hand nonchalantly, he remarked, ‘It’s okay, really! So tell me what else is planned for the day apart from the big bash tonight?’
‘What big bash…just family and friends…I didn’t even want a party, but Rano Di threw made a huge hue and cry about this being my last birthday celebration with her around and all…you know her!’
They both laughed lightly and she asked, ‘So…you will come tonight?’
Jai felt awkward refusing her and choosing his words carefully said, ‘Bani…today is really a bad day…I just wrapped up a very tiresome board meeting…wasted my time over a phone call with my Father…and now I have back to back meetings lined up till 8 in the evening…’
Bani replied in a small voice, ‘But after 8…’
He heaved a fatigued sigh and said, ‘I have a dinner meeting with some of my colleagues…can’t put it off, I’m sorry…’
She was on the verge of eating a cookie, when she put it down, trying her best not to look severely disappointed, but even a blind man could see that she looked like a wet, hungry kitten that had been left to wander in the jungle all by its own.
Smiling at her so obvious disappointment, he came to her and standing near the window said, ‘Instead, I’ll buy you anything that you want for a gift…just name it!’
She blushed and then getting a bit miffed looked at him and said, ‘You think that I would care for a gift more than your company?’
‘No…I didn’t mean to put it across like that…I…Bani…’ he impatiently glanced at his watch and gesticulated to Stella across the glass door that he was coming out in 2 minutes and looked back at her, ‘Bani…say, can I speak to you on this later…my next meeting is about to start any minute now.’
Nodding her head, she picked up the sling bag that was on the table and was accompanied to the door by Jai, who opened it for her and said, ‘I feel terrible about this, but you know, work comes first.’
Giving him a faint smile she said, ‘Yes…of course…I’ll…I’ll still wait for you though…if in case you get free…’
Jai was not even paying attention to her words and putting on the buttons of his blazer spoke absently, ‘Not possible…don’t wait! You enjoy and tell everyone that I pass on my wishes! Bye now!’
He rushed inside leaving her looking fore lone and she shuffled out of his office building, looking disoriented and adrift.
By the time Bani came back home, after drowning her sorrow at Jai’s complete ignorance towards her, in her favorite Mango Smoothie and Blueberry Muffins, she was instantly lifted out of her gloomy mood.
Aditya, Rano, Ranveer and Nachiket had transformed the Dixit Living Room into something else. The place was done up in balloons and festoons of all colors and shapes hung everywhere, in the banisters, ceiling, walls and doorways. The place looked like a carnival gone badly wrong, but the love that had been put in was evident and she grinned like a monkey!
All of them instantly screamed out loud, ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!’ and was hugged collectively and then individually by everyone.
The men had arranged for a lot of snacks and drinks, much to Kiran’s annoyance, stating that since Bani was turning 21 today, there had to be a huge celebration and Champagne had to be opened! And also, it was a sort of farewell party for Rano.
Bani sat along side Nachiket and Ranveer as they blew more balloons and laughing at their childlike enthusiasm, she remarked, ‘Ma is going to kill both of you…the marriage is in less than 10 days and you are messing up the house!’
‘Nope, she won’t say anything, since it’s all for you!’ Rano quipped and popped a mouthful of juicy rasgulla into Bani’s mouth and continued, ‘Bani…did you tell Jai that Ranveer has also invited Tarun and Karuna…they all know each other from school!’
Digesting the Rasgulla slowly, she remarked in a casual manner, ‘He is not coming…’
Nachiket and Rano passed a look and then she said softly, ‘Oh…is he not in Delhi?’
Bani replied, ‘No…he is very busy today…has some meetings ect…’ and then shrugging in a manner as if to indicate she couldn’t care less, said, ‘How does it matter, one person less to feed! I can eat his share!’
Nachiket winked at Rano and addressing Bani said, ‘Ya…I’m kind of glad that the Incredible Hulk is not coming…else, I would have to spend the entire party hiding from him!’
Everyone laughed and Bani said, ‘The Incredible Hulk?
You couldn’t find a
better nick name for him?’
‘Well, I had thought of King Kong…Godzilla…Mogambo…Osama Bin Laden…but Incredible Hulk seems to suit him the best!’
Bani threw a couple of festoons at him and joined in the gaiety and then later surreptitiously informed him that she had invited Purva to the party also. Nachiket kept whistling to himself happily for the rest of the afternoon despite Bani and Rano’s leg pulling.
Bani was rummaging her wardrobe, looking for a presentable dress to wear for the party, which was turning out to be not such a small affair…what with Aditya calling in his staff from the gallery, Kiran inviting Ranveer’s parent’s so that they could discuss something related to the marriage preparations also, Rano calling in a couple of her friends and cousins and Bani inviting Purva and Raashi. Plus, Ranveer had called up Tarun along with Karuna as he knew him from school.
‘Here…something for you!’ Bani turned to look at Rano in desperation, just about to cry out loud that she did not have anything decent to wear, when she saw a gaily wrapped gift in her sister’s hand!
‘A present!’ she yelped happily, snatching it from Rano’s hand, who in turn rolled her eyes and said, ‘Oh for god sake Bani…you still react the same way when you were six…jumping like a monkey up and down when excited!’
‘Oh whatever….what is it?’ she quickly ripped off the wrapping, ignoring Rano’s reproach to open it carefully and save the wrapping paper for future use.
It was a breathtaking off-white Salwar kameez in delicate chiffon and crepe, the top of which was done in the traditional lucknawi handiwork composing of beads and sequins and as Bani touched it with awe, it shimmered in the light.
Rano smiled at her reaction and asked, ‘So…do you like it?’
‘Like it? I love it…Oooh, Rano di…you’re the best…the bestest sister anyone could have!’
‘Well firstly, there is no such word as bestest in the English dictionary and secondly, it’s a pity that he won’t be here to see you looking like a cherub in this!’
Bani blushed at the implication and with her head held up high commented, ‘Whatever that means! There are about 25 other people to tell me that I look like the queen of the world…one person less or more, hardly matters!’
Rano picked out a pair of traditional Mojri slippers to go with the ensemble and said teasingly, ‘Really? I could have bet it would have meant much more to you if that one person came today instead of the 25 others that have gathered!’
Bani got brick red and said, ‘you are such a scandal-mongerer…there is No such thing between Jai and me…Nothing…Not a thing…Never has been…Not one thing…’
Rano threw back her head laughing out loud and said, ‘Hey…I was supposed to be the ‘bestest’ sister in the whole world a while ago…and btw, the number of No’s, Not’s Never’s and Nothing’s you have used to define your relationship with him itself proves the contrary…’
Bani sat still for some time and then getting up with a proud jut of her nose said, ‘There is no such word as bestest in the English Dictionary and we have NO relationship between us…’
‘There goes one more No…’ ;)
In between considerable giggling and shouting, Bani and Rano had a massive pillow fight till Kiran came and admonished them to stop behaving like they were six again and come down to the hall, where the guests had already started gathering!
Everyone gushed over the birthday girl when she came down daintly from upstairs to the living room where the crowd had gathered. Rano who was sittng cozily in a corner with Ranveer smiled at her and sighed. Bani looked absolutely ethereal in the dress and when she dramatically posed for a photograph that Nachiket was clicking, the diamond ring in her engagement finger shined and refracted a thousand rays.
Ranveer grinned and commented to Rano, ‘She won’t let go of that ring, will she?’
Rano laughed and said, ‘It was meant for her you know…it really was…’
‘And what about the guy who put it on her finger?’
Rano leaned back on his shoulder and said wistfully, ‘Mark my words…just like the ring…even he is meant to be for Bani and vice-versa…and all it needs is a little bit of miracle to make them realize!’
‘You are such a romantic, Rano…’
She snuggled closer to him, keeping a wary eye on his Parent’s and her own mother and said huskily, ‘Oooh…just wait till we have our honeymoon…’
Both of them tried to muffle up their giggles with no success.
Purva had made a quiet entry sometime later and to her shock, Nachiket was standing near the door with a drink in his hand, looking absolutely delighted with life and talking in a flirtatious manner with a s**y looking girl, who was a colleague of his from the gallery. He did not notice Purva and she put her head down and slipped past them, only to listen to the giggling girl say to him, ‘Say…why don’t we make it a day…my place…’ Nachiket laughed shortly and replied, ‘I don’t want the risk of getting caught by your parents…but I live all alone you know…’ and left the sentence hanging mid-air, while they both cackled.
Purva went in and looked around for Bani, but not finding her, hid herself in a nook, suddenly feeling downcast and telling herself that it was more than 3 years that she had broken up with Nachiket…and that it would be unfair on her part to expect him to be faithful to her...but still, the thought of him with someone else, burned her insides.
Bani who was having an animated discussion with Ranveer’s parent’s and entertaining them thoroughly with her banter, suddenly noticed Purva and jumping up, went rushing to her.
‘Hi Purva! So great you could make it!!!’ Bani excitedly hugged the other girl and taking her hand, dragged her along.
‘Happy Birthday, Bani…’ Purva said softly, liking Bani more and more for her warmth and general sense of excitement that always prevailed upon her.
‘Thanks yaar…come, take this Pina Colada…No, don’t worry, its not alcohol…its just Mango juice mixed with Orange Juice…I just gave it a fancy name…’ Both the girls laughed and chatted up on recent events while Purva confirmed that Jai was indeed extremely tied up for the coming few days.
Just then Nachiket who had noticed Purva, stopped flirting with his colleague from the gallery and stared at her as if in a stupor…she looked so gorgeous …just the way she always did. He wanted to hit himself in the guts for losing her in such a foolish manner…and what he could do to move time back and have her in his life again.
Proving Jai’s prediction true, Bani was very much in the mood to play cupid and giving a very innocent look towards Purva said, ‘Oh…there is Nachiket…and I was just wondering where he disappeared all of a sudden! Natts, come here…’
Nachiket made a funny face at Bani for calling him by his nickname and walked slowly towards them.
Bani with the same innocent enthusiasm said, ‘Purva…this is my very good friend, Nachiket...and Natts…this is Purva…we just met but I think we are going to be very good friends in the future!’
All the three of them laughed, Bani gaily, Nachiket awkwardly and Purva blushing. Much to his embarrassment, Bani launced a full-fleged discourse on how talented Nachiket was, how well he was doing, what a wonderful friend and human being he was, how much Aditya uncle doted on him and hinted on leaving his gallery as a legacy to him.
Aditya who was passing by heard this and frowing a bit said, ‘Bunny…there is no doubt that I am very fond of Nachiket here…but who said anything about leaving my legacy and all…I am not going anywhere…I am just 45!’
Bani made a hushing noise at him and pushed him aside, before he could ruin her plan, which at the moment included projecting Nachiket as this ideal human being who could never do a single wrong.
Purva completely understood what Bani was getting too and found it both comical yet moving …but the image of Nachiket and the girl talking loomed large on her mind.
Nachiket who was clearly looking embarrassed, kept his hand over her mouth and said, ‘Enough Bani…If you go on that speed, you will quickly run out of more things to talk about me…and by that I mean, the fabricated yarn you are spinning so beautifully…’
Bani glared at him as if to shut him up and addressing Purva said, ‘See…so humble…so down to earth…I keep telling him how lucky his girl is going to be…’
Purva giggled at Bani’s obvious attempts and when her eyes met with Nachiket’s, they both shared a knowing smile and Bani looked at them, smiling to herself that her plan was getting pretty successful and then looking around said loudly, ‘Natts…I think my cousin Daksh is trying to hit upon Raashi…let me go and see if I can do something there…You in the meanwhile please take care of Purva…she is a very special guest...’
Nachiket looked at her dazed and she said shrewdly, ‘Tell her about the Vienna trip…and how Aditya Chachu promised to give you another free one for your honeymoon…’
Aditya who was passing by again, looked completely baffled and said, ‘When did I promise that?’
(Poor Adi...with a
niece like Bani, he is going to be bankrupt soon...)
Bani caught hold of his hand in annoyance and said, ‘You did…come with me, I’ll help you remember!’
When she had dragged along the hapless Aditya, both Nachiket and Purva broke out laughing and she said inbetween the laughter, ‘Is she always like this?’
Nachiket responsed, ‘Oh trust me…this is one of her better days…’
They both lapsed into silence, till Nachiket said softly, ‘Its getting crowded here…why don’t we go out in the garden for sometime…’
Jai sat indolently, trying to look attentive and assiduous as his team yakked and yakked about various buinsess related issues, thoroughly enjoying the evening discussing work over drinks and food.
They would, though Jai insidiously, because all of them were middle-aged, married men with a couple of children each and in all probability loved the chance to stay away from home for an evening on pretext of work!
‘So Jai, do you think that we should pitch for the subsidiary unit of Arcoda’s? Those guys seem happy with our work.’ Went on one of his executives, muching on the Chicken wing and taking a sip of Whisky.
Jai looked dazed and said, ‘Huh?’
The executive gave a look at another one, wondering what on earth was wrong with their boss…
Was it the same Jai Walia who arrived Office at the dot of 8 in the morning and left around the same time, without looking one bit less energetic and alert! Worked 6 days a week and always had every answer, every figure and number, every solution on his fingertips!
Uday Walia was much respected and idolized as the father-figure of Walia Group of Industries; after all he had started out from scratch and made it so big. When Jai had joined his Father right after graduating from Harvard, most of his colleagues and industry naysayers were cynical and expected him to be what most people expect the only, pampered son of a rich man to be.
But Jai took less than two weeks to prove them all wrong and taking full advantage of the free rein that his Father had given made radical changes to the system, enfuriating some, disillusoning some, shocking some and impressing most! He was aggressive, hardnosed and immensely brilliant and combined with the fact that he worked like a dog from dawn to dusk, it did not take him long, to not only achieve the respect that Uday commanded but also inspire awe and admiration for which he was still quite young.
One of the executives coughed gently and said, ‘Jai…we were talking about the Arcoda’s account…whether we should pitch in for one of their subsidiaries too or not! What is your take on it?’
Jai managed to snap back to reality and struggling to stay alert joined in the discussion, but not for long, because as soon as he had turned his whole focus on the meeting, one of his executives sheepishly asked to be excused, as it was his wife’s birthday or something.
Normally Jai would have been irritated and simply refused to break up the meeting, but surprising himself, he looked at his watch and addressed the gathering, ‘I think we should all call it a day…let’s meet tomorrow at lunch in the office and continue from there.’
Some of the executives looked miffed at the dinner meeting being called off so abruptly, some of them looked plain delighted, but almost all of them looked surprised…this was very unlike Jai Walia.
Telling the Manager to send the bill to his office, he told his team to stay back and make an evening of it if they wished to and that too on Office account…now all to them looked delighted but even more surprised. This was surely very unlike Jai Walia.
As he walked down to the Car Park, he wondered looking at his watch strike close to a quarter to ten whether it was too late to go and wish Bani for her birthday.
He debated for a while and then decided to go after all, maybe he would just stay for a couple of minutes and then leave. He must have just covered some distance when he realized that he was not carrying anything for Bani, not even a bunch of flowers or a box of chocolates and it was too late for the shops to be open.
Heaving a deep sigh, he was confused whether to carry on or not and then remembering Bani’s words that she would infinitely prefer his company than any gifts, a smile covered his face and he drove towards her house.
Just ten minutes from Bani’s house, he saw a familiar shop with its shutters up and with sudden inspiration, he swirved his Car towards the shop, knowing fully well, he won’t have to go empty handed to her. :)
Would love to read your comments and views on the upcoming parts :)
Part 12 (A)
Jai was in a crucial board meeting and his Father, being one of the executive board members, had dialed in from the US and joined in. The meeting was going on full force, with a lot of shouting, arguing, counter-arguments going on, the room falling silent, only when Uday chose to say something.
Jai chipped in his points from time to time but to the surprise of all the board members and mostly that of his Father, he wasn’t his usual aggressive, hard-hitting and imposing self.
The meeting was wrapped up late noon and before disconnecting the tele-conference with his Father, Uday remarked casually, ‘Sonny…we need to talk!’ Jai was taken aback at his father’s personal address to him in the middle of an official meeting but answered promptly, ‘Of course…I’ll tell Stella to connect you on my personal line…even I thought that the Arcoda’s manufacturing issue was debatable…we need to get those guys on line!’
Uday paused and said, ‘It’s not about business….’ But cut short his speech and said, ‘Anyway, tell your secretary to connect us asap. I’m awaiting your call.’
Jai gave instructions to his secretary and told her that he shouldn’t be disturbed while he was on the phone with his Father and just as he was entering his cabin, he saw Bani’s cheery face in the reception.
Taken completely unawares, he swiveled backwards and faced her; she was looking just like a freshly-graduated school girl, in a knee-length grey and maroon pleated skirt and a very frilly full-sleeved white top worn over a matching camisole. Since the day was slightly windy, she had wrapped a hand-knit scarf around her neck. Her hair was held high up in a ponytail and she wore shiny black shoes over thick black stockings.
Jai smiled as she walked towards him and said, ‘For a moment, I thought Little Bo Peep had walked into my Office…and her sheep’s might wander about right now!’
She mopped a bit and taking a look at her dress said sorrowfully, ‘It is a very odd dress…I didn’t know what people wear to office when they visit them…’
Jai threw back his head and laughed at her remark and said, ‘No…No…I was just pulling your leg…You look cute! I just noticed that you are so painfully young looking for your age…more like 14 and less like 20!’
She grinned and said, ’Neither 20 and definitely not 14…More like 21!’
He paused and blinked at her and then when the realization dawned upon him, opened his mouth wide in surprise and said, ‘It’s your birthday!!! Oh!…’
Bani grinned cheerfully and did a little jig with her hands folded behind her back and said, ‘I came to see if you are free for a little celebration we are having tonight…’
Jai knew he had lots of work to do and he had already lined up a dinner meeting with his core team tonight, and not wanting to turn down immediately, he said, ‘Oh well…first come here, let me wish you at least.’
Bani, much chastened by her last experience of their lips brushing, tentatively went near him, not wanting to flounder and do something foolish again, but was totally flabbergasted, as he drew her close to him with both his arms and enclosed her into a tight bear hug and pressing her cheeks intensely with his lips, placed a warm kiss on them!

She was numb with the shock of his very hearty hug and the feeling of that strong chest upon her body and then his teasing words fell upon her ears. ‘You can stop hugging me now…my secretary looks like she could faint any time…’
Bani moved back from Jai, flushing profusely and the harassed looking Stella who was witness to the scene alongside the receptionist composed herself and addressed Jai hastily, ‘Sir, your father is on the line…for the last 15 minutes…and he told me to inform you that if you don’t come on the phone immediately, he will..’ she bit her lips, hiding her grin and continued in the same professional manner, ‘he’ll disown you.’
Jai grinned at Stella and then looking Bani said, ‘Hell, he’ll disown me…I’ve the POA in my name…most likely he is the one to be disowned!’
Addressing his secretary, he said, ‘Stella, could you please seat Bani in my private meeting room and give her something to…eat!’ and looking at Bani said in a mock-serious note, ‘You finish my office rations and I’ll go and get an earful from Dad!’
Bani blushed and went with Stella to the meeting room, sulking at the way Jai treated her like a baby every time! As if food was the only thing in her mind! Which was, but that was not the point!
Jai pushed the speaker button and said, ‘Sorry dad…I was got caught up…’ he scratched his chin and abruptly added, ‘With a client.’
Uday Walia’s amused voice came from the other end, ‘Was the client a very cute looking teenager?’
Jai raised his eyebrows and realizing that Stella might have told about Bani’s sudden arrival to Uday, spoke in a careful voice, ‘Stella got her age group incorrectly…she is out of her teens, not still in them…and yes dad, can we discuss the Arcoda’s points?’
‘To hell with Arcoda’s, Jai! Tell me what is going on with you?’
‘Nothing…what should go on with me?’
‘What are you still doing in Delhi?’
‘Working, what else? The current projects we have are all based out of the NCR, it’s convenient to meet with those guys if I am in Delhi, else I’ll have to fly in and out of Mumbai at least four times a week.’
Jai sounded irritated at being questioned on his professionalism and Uday immediately made some pacifying noises.
‘I am not questioning you, Jai! Please, don’t get so worked up! I was just of the opinion that you hated being in Delhi and preferred to set base in Mumbai…Hey, if you remember, when you took over the business, I had suggested that you should work from Delhi, it would be convenient and you had put it down, saying you don’t mind the extra travelling as long as you could get to stay in Mumbai…’
Jai shrugged his head and spoke in a softer tone, ‘Sorry dad…I was…I was just preoccupied with something…Yes, Delhi is convenient…’ and then he added with humor, ‘Plus, I love the changing weathers…and the food is great too…and I get to live in an independent house, instead of a penthouse flat…and of course, Karuna and Tarun live here…plus, you remember Gaurav and Mohan…’
‘And I heard a lovely girl too lives here…with whom you have been spending many an evenings…’
Jai mentally cursed Tarun and said dismissively, ‘Come on dad…’
Uday guffawed at the other end and said, ‘I might be thousands of kilometers far away…but be assured, I have my sources in the right place. ‘
Jai glanced at his watch, remembering he had kept Bani waiting in his meeting room and while trying to sound enthusiastic and patient as his Father chi-chated in general, he coughed and said, ‘Er…Dad…I have someone waiting for me outside…can I get back to you later?’
Uday paused and laughing jovially remarked, ‘Of course…Of course…it’s always an easy thing to chose between an old crony like me a PYT like your special friend!’
‘Pretty Young Thing….that is how your generation talks, isn’t it? All abbreviations!’
Jai let out a sigh and said, ‘Dad…I think you’ve stayed long enough in the States…the after effects are visible in through the phone…please come back to your country soon and now I have to be going…I’ve a lot of work to do today!’
‘Fine…but give her another kiss from my side…wishing her happy birthday!’ :whistling
Jai said in astonishment, ‘How on Earth…’
Uday replied cockily, ‘Stella might be your secretary, but all those chocolates I Fed-ex for her from here have to pay-off, isn’t it?’
‘God…Dad!’ Jai rolled his eyes and bidding goodbye kept the phone, smiling at his Dad’s still very much childlike attitude towards life.
Jai had definitely taken on his Mother’s side and he thanked god for that!
Making a couple of other quick calls, he rushed out to the meeting room to see Bani standing by the bay window, looking out at the rushing traffic from the 16th floor of the building where Jai’s office was located.
‘If you are planning to bungee jump, let me tell you, it’s a bad idea…considering your general sense of balance!’
Bani turned to look at him, suddenly pensive and thoughtful and Jai was taken aback at the sudden mood changes that occurred with her, a moment back, she was chirpy and cheerful like a young girl and now she was like a…like a woman!
Snapping back, Bani smiled at him and said, ‘I am sorry to disturb you on such a busy day…’
Waving his hand nonchalantly, he remarked, ‘It’s okay, really! So tell me what else is planned for the day apart from the big bash tonight?’
‘What big bash…just family and friends…I didn’t even want a party, but Rano Di threw made a huge hue and cry about this being my last birthday celebration with her around and all…you know her!’
They both laughed lightly and she asked, ‘So…you will come tonight?’
Jai felt awkward refusing her and choosing his words carefully said, ‘Bani…today is really a bad day…I just wrapped up a very tiresome board meeting…wasted my time over a phone call with my Father…and now I have back to back meetings lined up till 8 in the evening…’
Bani replied in a small voice, ‘But after 8…’
He heaved a fatigued sigh and said, ‘I have a dinner meeting with some of my colleagues…can’t put it off, I’m sorry…’
She was on the verge of eating a cookie, when she put it down, trying her best not to look severely disappointed, but even a blind man could see that she looked like a wet, hungry kitten that had been left to wander in the jungle all by its own.
Smiling at her so obvious disappointment, he came to her and standing near the window said, ‘Instead, I’ll buy you anything that you want for a gift…just name it!’
She blushed and then getting a bit miffed looked at him and said, ‘You think that I would care for a gift more than your company?’
‘No…I didn’t mean to put it across like that…I…Bani…’ he impatiently glanced at his watch and gesticulated to Stella across the glass door that he was coming out in 2 minutes and looked back at her, ‘Bani…say, can I speak to you on this later…my next meeting is about to start any minute now.’
Nodding her head, she picked up the sling bag that was on the table and was accompanied to the door by Jai, who opened it for her and said, ‘I feel terrible about this, but you know, work comes first.’
Giving him a faint smile she said, ‘Yes…of course…I’ll…I’ll still wait for you though…if in case you get free…’
Jai was not even paying attention to her words and putting on the buttons of his blazer spoke absently, ‘Not possible…don’t wait! You enjoy and tell everyone that I pass on my wishes! Bye now!’
He rushed inside leaving her looking fore lone and she shuffled out of his office building, looking disoriented and adrift.
By the time Bani came back home, after drowning her sorrow at Jai’s complete ignorance towards her, in her favorite Mango Smoothie and Blueberry Muffins, she was instantly lifted out of her gloomy mood.

Aditya, Rano, Ranveer and Nachiket had transformed the Dixit Living Room into something else. The place was done up in balloons and festoons of all colors and shapes hung everywhere, in the banisters, ceiling, walls and doorways. The place looked like a carnival gone badly wrong, but the love that had been put in was evident and she grinned like a monkey!
All of them instantly screamed out loud, ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!’ and was hugged collectively and then individually by everyone.
The men had arranged for a lot of snacks and drinks, much to Kiran’s annoyance, stating that since Bani was turning 21 today, there had to be a huge celebration and Champagne had to be opened! And also, it was a sort of farewell party for Rano.
Bani sat along side Nachiket and Ranveer as they blew more balloons and laughing at their childlike enthusiasm, she remarked, ‘Ma is going to kill both of you…the marriage is in less than 10 days and you are messing up the house!’
‘Nope, she won’t say anything, since it’s all for you!’ Rano quipped and popped a mouthful of juicy rasgulla into Bani’s mouth and continued, ‘Bani…did you tell Jai that Ranveer has also invited Tarun and Karuna…they all know each other from school!’
Digesting the Rasgulla slowly, she remarked in a casual manner, ‘He is not coming…’
Nachiket and Rano passed a look and then she said softly, ‘Oh…is he not in Delhi?’
Bani replied, ‘No…he is very busy today…has some meetings ect…’ and then shrugging in a manner as if to indicate she couldn’t care less, said, ‘How does it matter, one person less to feed! I can eat his share!’
Nachiket winked at Rano and addressing Bani said, ‘Ya…I’m kind of glad that the Incredible Hulk is not coming…else, I would have to spend the entire party hiding from him!’
Everyone laughed and Bani said, ‘The Incredible Hulk?

‘Well, I had thought of King Kong…Godzilla…Mogambo…Osama Bin Laden…but Incredible Hulk seems to suit him the best!’
Bani threw a couple of festoons at him and joined in the gaiety and then later surreptitiously informed him that she had invited Purva to the party also. Nachiket kept whistling to himself happily for the rest of the afternoon despite Bani and Rano’s leg pulling.
Bani was rummaging her wardrobe, looking for a presentable dress to wear for the party, which was turning out to be not such a small affair…what with Aditya calling in his staff from the gallery, Kiran inviting Ranveer’s parent’s so that they could discuss something related to the marriage preparations also, Rano calling in a couple of her friends and cousins and Bani inviting Purva and Raashi. Plus, Ranveer had called up Tarun along with Karuna as he knew him from school.
‘Here…something for you!’ Bani turned to look at Rano in desperation, just about to cry out loud that she did not have anything decent to wear, when she saw a gaily wrapped gift in her sister’s hand!
‘A present!’ she yelped happily, snatching it from Rano’s hand, who in turn rolled her eyes and said, ‘Oh for god sake Bani…you still react the same way when you were six…jumping like a monkey up and down when excited!’
‘Oh whatever….what is it?’ she quickly ripped off the wrapping, ignoring Rano’s reproach to open it carefully and save the wrapping paper for future use.
It was a breathtaking off-white Salwar kameez in delicate chiffon and crepe, the top of which was done in the traditional lucknawi handiwork composing of beads and sequins and as Bani touched it with awe, it shimmered in the light.
Rano smiled at her reaction and asked, ‘So…do you like it?’
‘Like it? I love it…Oooh, Rano di…you’re the best…the bestest sister anyone could have!’
‘Well firstly, there is no such word as bestest in the English dictionary and secondly, it’s a pity that he won’t be here to see you looking like a cherub in this!’
Bani blushed at the implication and with her head held up high commented, ‘Whatever that means! There are about 25 other people to tell me that I look like the queen of the world…one person less or more, hardly matters!’
Rano picked out a pair of traditional Mojri slippers to go with the ensemble and said teasingly, ‘Really? I could have bet it would have meant much more to you if that one person came today instead of the 25 others that have gathered!’
Bani got brick red and said, ‘you are such a scandal-mongerer…there is No such thing between Jai and me…Nothing…Not a thing…Never has been…Not one thing…’
Rano threw back her head laughing out loud and said, ‘Hey…I was supposed to be the ‘bestest’ sister in the whole world a while ago…and btw, the number of No’s, Not’s Never’s and Nothing’s you have used to define your relationship with him itself proves the contrary…’
Bani sat still for some time and then getting up with a proud jut of her nose said, ‘There is no such word as bestest in the English Dictionary and we have NO relationship between us…’
‘There goes one more No…’ ;)

In between considerable giggling and shouting, Bani and Rano had a massive pillow fight till Kiran came and admonished them to stop behaving like they were six again and come down to the hall, where the guests had already started gathering!
Everyone gushed over the birthday girl when she came down daintly from upstairs to the living room where the crowd had gathered. Rano who was sittng cozily in a corner with Ranveer smiled at her and sighed. Bani looked absolutely ethereal in the dress and when she dramatically posed for a photograph that Nachiket was clicking, the diamond ring in her engagement finger shined and refracted a thousand rays.
Ranveer grinned and commented to Rano, ‘She won’t let go of that ring, will she?’
Rano laughed and said, ‘It was meant for her you know…it really was…’
‘And what about the guy who put it on her finger?’
Rano leaned back on his shoulder and said wistfully, ‘Mark my words…just like the ring…even he is meant to be for Bani and vice-versa…and all it needs is a little bit of miracle to make them realize!’

‘You are such a romantic, Rano…’
She snuggled closer to him, keeping a wary eye on his Parent’s and her own mother and said huskily, ‘Oooh…just wait till we have our honeymoon…’
Both of them tried to muffle up their giggles with no success.
Purva had made a quiet entry sometime later and to her shock, Nachiket was standing near the door with a drink in his hand, looking absolutely delighted with life and talking in a flirtatious manner with a s**y looking girl, who was a colleague of his from the gallery. He did not notice Purva and she put her head down and slipped past them, only to listen to the giggling girl say to him, ‘Say…why don’t we make it a day…my place…’ Nachiket laughed shortly and replied, ‘I don’t want the risk of getting caught by your parents…but I live all alone you know…’ and left the sentence hanging mid-air, while they both cackled.
Purva went in and looked around for Bani, but not finding her, hid herself in a nook, suddenly feeling downcast and telling herself that it was more than 3 years that she had broken up with Nachiket…and that it would be unfair on her part to expect him to be faithful to her...but still, the thought of him with someone else, burned her insides.
Bani who was having an animated discussion with Ranveer’s parent’s and entertaining them thoroughly with her banter, suddenly noticed Purva and jumping up, went rushing to her.
‘Hi Purva! So great you could make it!!!’ Bani excitedly hugged the other girl and taking her hand, dragged her along.
‘Happy Birthday, Bani…’ Purva said softly, liking Bani more and more for her warmth and general sense of excitement that always prevailed upon her.
‘Thanks yaar…come, take this Pina Colada…No, don’t worry, its not alcohol…its just Mango juice mixed with Orange Juice…I just gave it a fancy name…’ Both the girls laughed and chatted up on recent events while Purva confirmed that Jai was indeed extremely tied up for the coming few days.
Just then Nachiket who had noticed Purva, stopped flirting with his colleague from the gallery and stared at her as if in a stupor…she looked so gorgeous …just the way she always did. He wanted to hit himself in the guts for losing her in such a foolish manner…and what he could do to move time back and have her in his life again.
Proving Jai’s prediction true, Bani was very much in the mood to play cupid and giving a very innocent look towards Purva said, ‘Oh…there is Nachiket…and I was just wondering where he disappeared all of a sudden! Natts, come here…’
Nachiket made a funny face at Bani for calling him by his nickname and walked slowly towards them.
Bani with the same innocent enthusiasm said, ‘Purva…this is my very good friend, Nachiket...and Natts…this is Purva…we just met but I think we are going to be very good friends in the future!’
All the three of them laughed, Bani gaily, Nachiket awkwardly and Purva blushing. Much to his embarrassment, Bani launced a full-fleged discourse on how talented Nachiket was, how well he was doing, what a wonderful friend and human being he was, how much Aditya uncle doted on him and hinted on leaving his gallery as a legacy to him.
Aditya who was passing by heard this and frowing a bit said, ‘Bunny…there is no doubt that I am very fond of Nachiket here…but who said anything about leaving my legacy and all…I am not going anywhere…I am just 45!’

Bani made a hushing noise at him and pushed him aside, before he could ruin her plan, which at the moment included projecting Nachiket as this ideal human being who could never do a single wrong.
Purva completely understood what Bani was getting too and found it both comical yet moving …but the image of Nachiket and the girl talking loomed large on her mind.
Nachiket who was clearly looking embarrassed, kept his hand over her mouth and said, ‘Enough Bani…If you go on that speed, you will quickly run out of more things to talk about me…and by that I mean, the fabricated yarn you are spinning so beautifully…’
Bani glared at him as if to shut him up and addressing Purva said, ‘See…so humble…so down to earth…I keep telling him how lucky his girl is going to be…’
Purva giggled at Bani’s obvious attempts and when her eyes met with Nachiket’s, they both shared a knowing smile and Bani looked at them, smiling to herself that her plan was getting pretty successful and then looking around said loudly, ‘Natts…I think my cousin Daksh is trying to hit upon Raashi…let me go and see if I can do something there…You in the meanwhile please take care of Purva…she is a very special guest...’
Nachiket looked at her dazed and she said shrewdly, ‘Tell her about the Vienna trip…and how Aditya Chachu promised to give you another free one for your honeymoon…’
Aditya who was passing by again, looked completely baffled and said, ‘When did I promise that?’

Bani caught hold of his hand in annoyance and said, ‘You did…come with me, I’ll help you remember!’
When she had dragged along the hapless Aditya, both Nachiket and Purva broke out laughing and she said inbetween the laughter, ‘Is she always like this?’
Nachiket responsed, ‘Oh trust me…this is one of her better days…’
They both lapsed into silence, till Nachiket said softly, ‘Its getting crowded here…why don’t we go out in the garden for sometime…’
Jai sat indolently, trying to look attentive and assiduous as his team yakked and yakked about various buinsess related issues, thoroughly enjoying the evening discussing work over drinks and food.
They would, though Jai insidiously, because all of them were middle-aged, married men with a couple of children each and in all probability loved the chance to stay away from home for an evening on pretext of work!
‘So Jai, do you think that we should pitch for the subsidiary unit of Arcoda’s? Those guys seem happy with our work.’ Went on one of his executives, muching on the Chicken wing and taking a sip of Whisky.
Jai looked dazed and said, ‘Huh?’
The executive gave a look at another one, wondering what on earth was wrong with their boss…
Was it the same Jai Walia who arrived Office at the dot of 8 in the morning and left around the same time, without looking one bit less energetic and alert! Worked 6 days a week and always had every answer, every figure and number, every solution on his fingertips!
Uday Walia was much respected and idolized as the father-figure of Walia Group of Industries; after all he had started out from scratch and made it so big. When Jai had joined his Father right after graduating from Harvard, most of his colleagues and industry naysayers were cynical and expected him to be what most people expect the only, pampered son of a rich man to be.
But Jai took less than two weeks to prove them all wrong and taking full advantage of the free rein that his Father had given made radical changes to the system, enfuriating some, disillusoning some, shocking some and impressing most! He was aggressive, hardnosed and immensely brilliant and combined with the fact that he worked like a dog from dawn to dusk, it did not take him long, to not only achieve the respect that Uday commanded but also inspire awe and admiration for which he was still quite young.
One of the executives coughed gently and said, ‘Jai…we were talking about the Arcoda’s account…whether we should pitch in for one of their subsidiaries too or not! What is your take on it?’
Jai managed to snap back to reality and struggling to stay alert joined in the discussion, but not for long, because as soon as he had turned his whole focus on the meeting, one of his executives sheepishly asked to be excused, as it was his wife’s birthday or something.
Normally Jai would have been irritated and simply refused to break up the meeting, but surprising himself, he looked at his watch and addressed the gathering, ‘I think we should all call it a day…let’s meet tomorrow at lunch in the office and continue from there.’
Some of the executives looked miffed at the dinner meeting being called off so abruptly, some of them looked plain delighted, but almost all of them looked surprised…this was very unlike Jai Walia.
Telling the Manager to send the bill to his office, he told his team to stay back and make an evening of it if they wished to and that too on Office account…now all to them looked delighted but even more surprised. This was surely very unlike Jai Walia.
As he walked down to the Car Park, he wondered looking at his watch strike close to a quarter to ten whether it was too late to go and wish Bani for her birthday.
He debated for a while and then decided to go after all, maybe he would just stay for a couple of minutes and then leave. He must have just covered some distance when he realized that he was not carrying anything for Bani, not even a bunch of flowers or a box of chocolates and it was too late for the shops to be open.
Heaving a deep sigh, he was confused whether to carry on or not and then remembering Bani’s words that she would infinitely prefer his company than any gifts, a smile covered his face and he drove towards her house.
Just ten minutes from Bani’s house, he saw a familiar shop with its shutters up and with sudden inspiration, he swirved his Car towards the shop, knowing fully well, he won’t have to go empty handed to her. :)
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Edit: August 25, 2008, 12:48:15 pm by poppy »

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#152 on: August 25, 2008, 12:04:24 pm »
Part 12
In the meanwhile, Purva had to take leave for the night, because she had a client meeting to attend the next day and Bani without wasting a single oppourtunity, promptly arranged Nachiket to drop her off home, not before winking at him and giving him a thumbs up, which evoked a grin from him and Purva too!
The party was very much alive when Jai parked his Car outside. Still dressed in his formal clothes, with his shirt tucked out and his tie stuffed in the back pocket of his trousers, he felt tired and fatigued after a tough day...but then he imagined the look on Bani's face when she would see him at her party...and instantly felt alive!
He walked in quietly through the front gates, leading to the house. A couple of people had parked themselves in the lawns and Jai wondered if he had landed in the correct house.
It did not take him long to know, when he stood near the door and saw Bani in the centre of the room laughing out loud on a joke cracked by Aditya, a plate of potato wafers in her hand.
No one had noticed his quiet entry till Tarun saw him and yelled, ‘Hey Jai…where were you man? We have all been kept waited and denied the Birthday Cake because Madam refuses to cut it…’
At the mention of his name, Bani jerked her head and looked at him standing near the door, smiling softly at her. They kept looking at one another as if in a stupor, Jai was stunned at how waiflike and beautiful she appeared in the moon-dusted dress she had on, her face glowing radiantly with happiness.
‘You came’ her voice was an excited squeak as she launched herself towards him, grinning from one corner of her mouth till the other…repeating, ‘It’s you…you did come after all…’
Jai laughed and said, ‘Yup…it’s yours truly standing here…not an evil twin!’
She laughed merrily in response and holding his hand, brought him inside, where Ranveer, Tarun and Aditya came forward to greet him and then huddled him into their group, disappointing Bani.
Rano who had noticed the scene and the look of utter dejection on her sister’s face came hopping by, munching some party favors and quipped teasingly, ‘Aap aaye bahaar chaayi...magar saath mein yeh baarat kyon aayi!’ :tong:
Bani turned to look at Rano and keeping her hands on her hips said tersely, ‘Please keep those horrible shairo-shaayari for yoru future husband…and make his life miserable like you have made mine!’
Rano dissolved into giggles while Bani stomped away in despair and looked around for her mother for some molly-coddling, but was totally ignored by Kiran who was busy chatting with her elder daughter’s in-laws…later she looked around for Nachiket, but remembered he had gone off with Purva in a bid to rekindle his love life.
Mopping on her own, she took off for the garden, where a couple of Aditya’s gallery staff were lounging about, and smiled absently at them, finding her wooden swing beneath the gulmohar tree and sat on it.
She had been elated to see him tonight…he had come only for her, leaving all his work behind…but then she had heard him telling Ranveer and Tarun that he could come for the party because one of his executives had to leave mid-way and the meeting could not go on…
If only he had lied that he had come for her…but why would he do that? He probably wouldn’t do that for anyone…least of all for her.
What the hell was going on anyway with her, Bani thought! Since when had her happiness and joys become dependant on someone else apart from her family and friends…she had never waited for anyone till date…her birthday was her own special day…and it was enough reason to celebrate…why had she made everyone stay put and postpone cutting the cake…because somewhere in her heart, an irrational thought kept popping in and out telling her that he will come!
Was it really love, as Rano had put in! Bani couldn’t understand for the life of hers…its not as if she did not believe in love like Jai…she was a believer…but at the same time, she did not know what exactly the emotion was! Love is a tricky emotion. There are some things that feel like love but they are much too superficial to be the real thing. Real love takes time and doesn't happen over night. Was that time period enough between Jai and her…had she come to know him well enough to fall in love with him? And most importantly, did he even think along the same lines as she did!
Whatever people thought of her, Bani was not half as ditzy and confused as people perceived her to be…in fact she was very sensitive and insightful when she chose to be. And Jai was one person who brought out that facet of her personality.
‘A penny for your thoughts!’
Bani swerved her neck to look at the direction of his voice and smiled timidly.
Jai had a cup of that special mocktail Bani had given to Purva in his hand and he sat besides her, placing his hand around her shoulder holding the iron bars of the swing and taking a sip of the juice that was in his other hadn.
‘What is this thing?’ Jai sipped and made a face.
‘It’s my version of Pina Colada!’
‘It tastes weird…’
Bani grinned at him and snatched the glass from his hand, stating, ‘No one criticizes my creation…now you won’t get it!’
‘Give it back, you monkey!’ Jai laughed, but Bani was too swift and had already got up from the swing and was prancing about in the dew-moisted grass with the glass in her hand.
‘Bani, I’m waring you…give my drink back…’
‘You said it was horrible…then why do you want it?’ she teased.
‘Whatever…but its mine…I picked it…so I’ll have it…now give it else…’
She grinned at his approaching figure and provoking him more said, ‘Else? Else what?’
Jai laughed and lurged forward to catch hold of her and get his drink back, when she tipped on a brick and fell headlong on the overgrown grass.
Jai who had caught hold of her one hand, swayed unsteadily and he grabbed the edge of the wooden swing, but he still lost his balance, fell right on top of Bani and the swing came launching forward to hit him on his head.
‘Ouch’ he yelped and reflexively put his head in the hollow of her neck.
Bani immediately covered his buried head with both her hands and squealed worriedly ‘Are you alright?’
Lifting his head slowly from her neck, he nodded slowly, as she rubbed it gently, looking terrified…and then suddenly their eyes met.
The seclusion of their surrounding coupled with the intimacy of their position left them both speechless. The sound of laughter and noises came wafting from the house, but it seemed to Bani as if there was no one except Jai and herself.
Jai swallowed, taking in her worried looking expression and noted not for the first time, that she had the face of a Madonna…all soft features moulded to perfection, her hair which had come loose over her face was like spun silk and he took the wisps of hair and tucked it behind her ears. :floating hearts:
And when he did that, unconsciously, his fingers felt rough against the olive smoothness of her skin and he let them skid slowly and gently down the slender curve of her exposed neck and when it came to the base, his eyes met with her in the darkness, faint and mellow and he could feel her heavy breathing against his chest. :heartbeats:
Her fingers wandered absently, ruffling his hair and as she got her hand towards herself, they touched the exposed skin on the lower part of his neck, the top two buttons of his tucked out white shirt open.
Her lips were slightly open and her eyes had a different expression in them…and it wasn’t the dazed and shocked look he had expected…they seemed to hold some sort of meaning in them…and Jai dreaded whether he wanted to read them or not.
‘Baniiiiiiii….Baniiiiiiii, where are you?’ Rano’s voice came resonantly in the garden, waking from her stupor, she looked terrified and without thinking jerked, making Jai fall to her side as she got up hurriedly, now looking definitely dazed and extremely embarrassed…without saying a word to Jai, she began to run inside, when she found that her Duppata was held back.
‘Er…hold on…your stole…duppata is stuck…’ she dared not look back at him, as he deftly untangled it and closing her eyes in shame, she ran inside.
Jai sat still in the grass, thinking to himself, ‘Wow…now what was that?’ The empty glass of mocktail laid on his side and taking a deep breath, he picked it up and proceeded to go inside.
The Cake was finally being cut and Bani stood, her face looking like an exploded can of tomatoes, she kept biting her lips and trying to calm her thoughts and body language.
Everyone had surrounded her in a circle, where the Mickey Mouse Cake was kept in the middle with 21 candles alighting it.
Rano and Ranveer were giggling on some joke and Aditya was guffawing loudly with Tarun and Ranveer’s father.
‘Come on cut the cake…cut the cake…its midnight…’ came the various chants and Kiran handed over the knife to Bani, planting a kiss on her cheeks.
‘Even when she celebrates her 50th birthday, I think she’ll always be a baby for us!’ Everyone laughed at Kiran’s statement, but Bani looked totally disoriented and confused…was she really a child…did children experience the strange feeling that she had just felt…
Bani took the knife mechanically towards the Cake when Rano yelped, ‘Wait…Wait…where is Jai?’
At the sound of his name, Bani felt her stomach lurching inwards and then she saw him coming inside, slowly with that cup in his hand and something else.
‘Jai…kahan tha yaar? Aditya and I were looking for you! Now come quick, Bani baby is going to cut the cake!’ Tarun called out, evoking laughter from everyone. Jai did not respond and when his eyes met with Bani’s, he gave a short formal smile and coming near the table where the cake was kept, held out his hand and said without expression, ‘Your clip.’
Rano twitched her eyebrow as Bani hastily took it from him and said lightheartedly, ‘Why do you keep losing your Claw clip Bani…and how come it is always found in Jai’s possession?’ (Trust Rano to always hit the nail right on head... :tong:)
Everyone broke out laughing again, but Bani felt her whole body go burning hot.
‘Cake…Cake…’ came the collective chanting and Bani took the knife near it with shaking hands, knowing that he was standing right in front of her…as if by cue, he moved towards side, away from her view.
Bani tentatively blew out the candles, not in one blow, but in batches, her breath coming out short and rapid and then she proceeded to cut a piece of the Cake. Everyone thundered with joyous applause as she blushed and kept her head lowered down.
‘Oh come on Bani, look happy…you are on the right side of 21…look at me…I am already depressed to be turning 30 in the next 2 years!’ That was Karuna’s cheerful voice calling out.
Bani smiled and then taking a small piece of cake in her hand, put it in her Mother’s mouth followed by Rano’s and tears welled in their eyes.
‘Arre yaar…no rona dhona today...leave it all for Rano’s marriage’ came out Aditya’s laughing voice.
Bani stopped her tears and grinning at her Uncle, stuffed a huge piece of cake into his mouth and got a bear hug from her. Ranveer and Massi came next, blessing her and kissing her profusely.
‘Where is Mango?’ she asked and the spitz came running by, wagging his tail affectionately, hugging him, Bani gave him a very small piece saying, ‘Not more than this Mango…we don’t want a trip to the Vet tomorrow!’
Kiran ushered in everyone and told them to help themselves with a piece of the birthday cake.
Jai had been standing away with his back to the wall in a corner of the room, Bani’s eyes fell on him and keeping away her awkwardness and emotions, she took a piece of the cake in her hand and went near him.
He seemed to be admiring a potted plant, when she came near him and smiling warmly said softly, ‘I know you don’t take sweets…but…’
He looked at her so intensely that she was left speechless as her words got lost in her throat and softening the look in his eyes, smiling back at her, he said, ‘There are always exceptions to the rule…’
Moving forward, he slanted his head toward her hand and took a small bite of the Cake piece she was holding and then clasping her wrist, took her hand towards her mouth and made her eat the remaining piece of cake.
‘Wish you many, many Happy returns of the day!’ He said it with his inherent simplicity and plainly, but Bani felt, it carried every unsaid emotion that had been lounging between them for the past few weeks…
Bani was about to turn back and leave, when he said hesitatingly, ‘Bani…your mouth…’
‘What?’ came out a bare whisper.
Jai did not say anything, just took the tip of his finger and curved out the cream sticking on the upper end of her lips and then put his finger in between her open lips, as she reflexively licked it.
He let out an instant grin and said, ‘Whatever be the situation…you never seem to let down your love for food.’
She blushed deeply and hiding her face in the palm of her sticky hands, ran away from him.
Jai was left gazing at her, an expression of unfathomable affection on his face and a tumult of passion in his heart. :ThumbsUp: (Finally...the man is getting somewhere...)
In the meanwhile, Purva had to take leave for the night, because she had a client meeting to attend the next day and Bani without wasting a single oppourtunity, promptly arranged Nachiket to drop her off home, not before winking at him and giving him a thumbs up, which evoked a grin from him and Purva too!
The party was very much alive when Jai parked his Car outside. Still dressed in his formal clothes, with his shirt tucked out and his tie stuffed in the back pocket of his trousers, he felt tired and fatigued after a tough day...but then he imagined the look on Bani's face when she would see him at her party...and instantly felt alive!
He walked in quietly through the front gates, leading to the house. A couple of people had parked themselves in the lawns and Jai wondered if he had landed in the correct house.
It did not take him long to know, when he stood near the door and saw Bani in the centre of the room laughing out loud on a joke cracked by Aditya, a plate of potato wafers in her hand.
No one had noticed his quiet entry till Tarun saw him and yelled, ‘Hey Jai…where were you man? We have all been kept waited and denied the Birthday Cake because Madam refuses to cut it…’
At the mention of his name, Bani jerked her head and looked at him standing near the door, smiling softly at her. They kept looking at one another as if in a stupor, Jai was stunned at how waiflike and beautiful she appeared in the moon-dusted dress she had on, her face glowing radiantly with happiness.
‘You came’ her voice was an excited squeak as she launched herself towards him, grinning from one corner of her mouth till the other…repeating, ‘It’s you…you did come after all…’
Jai laughed and said, ‘Yup…it’s yours truly standing here…not an evil twin!’
She laughed merrily in response and holding his hand, brought him inside, where Ranveer, Tarun and Aditya came forward to greet him and then huddled him into their group, disappointing Bani.
Rano who had noticed the scene and the look of utter dejection on her sister’s face came hopping by, munching some party favors and quipped teasingly, ‘Aap aaye bahaar chaayi...magar saath mein yeh baarat kyon aayi!’ :tong:
Bani turned to look at Rano and keeping her hands on her hips said tersely, ‘Please keep those horrible shairo-shaayari for yoru future husband…and make his life miserable like you have made mine!’
Rano dissolved into giggles while Bani stomped away in despair and looked around for her mother for some molly-coddling, but was totally ignored by Kiran who was busy chatting with her elder daughter’s in-laws…later she looked around for Nachiket, but remembered he had gone off with Purva in a bid to rekindle his love life.
Mopping on her own, she took off for the garden, where a couple of Aditya’s gallery staff were lounging about, and smiled absently at them, finding her wooden swing beneath the gulmohar tree and sat on it.
She had been elated to see him tonight…he had come only for her, leaving all his work behind…but then she had heard him telling Ranveer and Tarun that he could come for the party because one of his executives had to leave mid-way and the meeting could not go on…
If only he had lied that he had come for her…but why would he do that? He probably wouldn’t do that for anyone…least of all for her.
What the hell was going on anyway with her, Bani thought! Since when had her happiness and joys become dependant on someone else apart from her family and friends…she had never waited for anyone till date…her birthday was her own special day…and it was enough reason to celebrate…why had she made everyone stay put and postpone cutting the cake…because somewhere in her heart, an irrational thought kept popping in and out telling her that he will come!
Was it really love, as Rano had put in! Bani couldn’t understand for the life of hers…its not as if she did not believe in love like Jai…she was a believer…but at the same time, she did not know what exactly the emotion was! Love is a tricky emotion. There are some things that feel like love but they are much too superficial to be the real thing. Real love takes time and doesn't happen over night. Was that time period enough between Jai and her…had she come to know him well enough to fall in love with him? And most importantly, did he even think along the same lines as she did!
Whatever people thought of her, Bani was not half as ditzy and confused as people perceived her to be…in fact she was very sensitive and insightful when she chose to be. And Jai was one person who brought out that facet of her personality.
‘A penny for your thoughts!’
Bani swerved her neck to look at the direction of his voice and smiled timidly.
Jai had a cup of that special mocktail Bani had given to Purva in his hand and he sat besides her, placing his hand around her shoulder holding the iron bars of the swing and taking a sip of the juice that was in his other hadn.
‘What is this thing?’ Jai sipped and made a face.
‘It’s my version of Pina Colada!’
‘It tastes weird…’
Bani grinned at him and snatched the glass from his hand, stating, ‘No one criticizes my creation…now you won’t get it!’
‘Give it back, you monkey!’ Jai laughed, but Bani was too swift and had already got up from the swing and was prancing about in the dew-moisted grass with the glass in her hand.
‘Bani, I’m waring you…give my drink back…’
‘You said it was horrible…then why do you want it?’ she teased.
‘Whatever…but its mine…I picked it…so I’ll have it…now give it else…’
She grinned at his approaching figure and provoking him more said, ‘Else? Else what?’
Jai laughed and lurged forward to catch hold of her and get his drink back, when she tipped on a brick and fell headlong on the overgrown grass.
Jai who had caught hold of her one hand, swayed unsteadily and he grabbed the edge of the wooden swing, but he still lost his balance, fell right on top of Bani and the swing came launching forward to hit him on his head.
‘Ouch’ he yelped and reflexively put his head in the hollow of her neck.
Bani immediately covered his buried head with both her hands and squealed worriedly ‘Are you alright?’
Lifting his head slowly from her neck, he nodded slowly, as she rubbed it gently, looking terrified…and then suddenly their eyes met.
The seclusion of their surrounding coupled with the intimacy of their position left them both speechless. The sound of laughter and noises came wafting from the house, but it seemed to Bani as if there was no one except Jai and herself.
Jai swallowed, taking in her worried looking expression and noted not for the first time, that she had the face of a Madonna…all soft features moulded to perfection, her hair which had come loose over her face was like spun silk and he took the wisps of hair and tucked it behind her ears. :floating hearts:
And when he did that, unconsciously, his fingers felt rough against the olive smoothness of her skin and he let them skid slowly and gently down the slender curve of her exposed neck and when it came to the base, his eyes met with her in the darkness, faint and mellow and he could feel her heavy breathing against his chest. :heartbeats:
Her fingers wandered absently, ruffling his hair and as she got her hand towards herself, they touched the exposed skin on the lower part of his neck, the top two buttons of his tucked out white shirt open.
Her lips were slightly open and her eyes had a different expression in them…and it wasn’t the dazed and shocked look he had expected…they seemed to hold some sort of meaning in them…and Jai dreaded whether he wanted to read them or not.
‘Baniiiiiiii….Baniiiiiiii, where are you?’ Rano’s voice came resonantly in the garden, waking from her stupor, she looked terrified and without thinking jerked, making Jai fall to her side as she got up hurriedly, now looking definitely dazed and extremely embarrassed…without saying a word to Jai, she began to run inside, when she found that her Duppata was held back.
‘Er…hold on…your stole…duppata is stuck…’ she dared not look back at him, as he deftly untangled it and closing her eyes in shame, she ran inside.
Jai sat still in the grass, thinking to himself, ‘Wow…now what was that?’ The empty glass of mocktail laid on his side and taking a deep breath, he picked it up and proceeded to go inside.
The Cake was finally being cut and Bani stood, her face looking like an exploded can of tomatoes, she kept biting her lips and trying to calm her thoughts and body language.
Everyone had surrounded her in a circle, where the Mickey Mouse Cake was kept in the middle with 21 candles alighting it.
Rano and Ranveer were giggling on some joke and Aditya was guffawing loudly with Tarun and Ranveer’s father.
‘Come on cut the cake…cut the cake…its midnight…’ came the various chants and Kiran handed over the knife to Bani, planting a kiss on her cheeks.
‘Even when she celebrates her 50th birthday, I think she’ll always be a baby for us!’ Everyone laughed at Kiran’s statement, but Bani looked totally disoriented and confused…was she really a child…did children experience the strange feeling that she had just felt…
Bani took the knife mechanically towards the Cake when Rano yelped, ‘Wait…Wait…where is Jai?’
At the sound of his name, Bani felt her stomach lurching inwards and then she saw him coming inside, slowly with that cup in his hand and something else.
‘Jai…kahan tha yaar? Aditya and I were looking for you! Now come quick, Bani baby is going to cut the cake!’ Tarun called out, evoking laughter from everyone. Jai did not respond and when his eyes met with Bani’s, he gave a short formal smile and coming near the table where the cake was kept, held out his hand and said without expression, ‘Your clip.’
Rano twitched her eyebrow as Bani hastily took it from him and said lightheartedly, ‘Why do you keep losing your Claw clip Bani…and how come it is always found in Jai’s possession?’ (Trust Rano to always hit the nail right on head... :tong:)
Everyone broke out laughing again, but Bani felt her whole body go burning hot.
‘Cake…Cake…’ came the collective chanting and Bani took the knife near it with shaking hands, knowing that he was standing right in front of her…as if by cue, he moved towards side, away from her view.
Bani tentatively blew out the candles, not in one blow, but in batches, her breath coming out short and rapid and then she proceeded to cut a piece of the Cake. Everyone thundered with joyous applause as she blushed and kept her head lowered down.
‘Oh come on Bani, look happy…you are on the right side of 21…look at me…I am already depressed to be turning 30 in the next 2 years!’ That was Karuna’s cheerful voice calling out.
Bani smiled and then taking a small piece of cake in her hand, put it in her Mother’s mouth followed by Rano’s and tears welled in their eyes.
‘Arre yaar…no rona dhona today...leave it all for Rano’s marriage’ came out Aditya’s laughing voice.
Bani stopped her tears and grinning at her Uncle, stuffed a huge piece of cake into his mouth and got a bear hug from her. Ranveer and Massi came next, blessing her and kissing her profusely.
‘Where is Mango?’ she asked and the spitz came running by, wagging his tail affectionately, hugging him, Bani gave him a very small piece saying, ‘Not more than this Mango…we don’t want a trip to the Vet tomorrow!’
Kiran ushered in everyone and told them to help themselves with a piece of the birthday cake.
Jai had been standing away with his back to the wall in a corner of the room, Bani’s eyes fell on him and keeping away her awkwardness and emotions, she took a piece of the cake in her hand and went near him.
He seemed to be admiring a potted plant, when she came near him and smiling warmly said softly, ‘I know you don’t take sweets…but…’
He looked at her so intensely that she was left speechless as her words got lost in her throat and softening the look in his eyes, smiling back at her, he said, ‘There are always exceptions to the rule…’
Moving forward, he slanted his head toward her hand and took a small bite of the Cake piece she was holding and then clasping her wrist, took her hand towards her mouth and made her eat the remaining piece of cake.

‘Wish you many, many Happy returns of the day!’ He said it with his inherent simplicity and plainly, but Bani felt, it carried every unsaid emotion that had been lounging between them for the past few weeks…
Bani was about to turn back and leave, when he said hesitatingly, ‘Bani…your mouth…’
‘What?’ came out a bare whisper.
Jai did not say anything, just took the tip of his finger and curved out the cream sticking on the upper end of her lips and then put his finger in between her open lips, as she reflexively licked it.

He let out an instant grin and said, ‘Whatever be the situation…you never seem to let down your love for food.’
She blushed deeply and hiding her face in the palm of her sticky hands, ran away from him.
Jai was left gazing at her, an expression of unfathomable affection on his face and a tumult of passion in his heart. :ThumbsUp: (Finally...the man is getting somewhere...)
« Last
Edit: August 25, 2008, 01:38:49 pm by poppy »
Part 12 (C)
Most of the guests had left for the night, but the close family members and friends, including Tarun and Karuna were still there. Nachiket had made a quiet entry and had launched himself enthusiastically on Bani, but just before he got to hug her, he saw Jai standing in the room and he had staggered backwards in panic and alarm.
Jai did not react or show any expression, but felt strange…why did Nachiket stop himself from hugging Bani? Weren’t they just good friends? Why did he stop himself from the more intimate greeting that a hug is and chosen to just shake hands with Bani? Especially, after seeing Jai…
He glanced at his watch, it showed a quarter past midnight and he decided that he had definitely over-stayed his visit and remembering his early morning meeting with the Core Team, he came forward to thank and goodbye.
But no body would hear of it. Rano said, ‘Please Jai…stay back…just for some more time…we are going to have an Antakshri…’
Jai tossed his head, making some noises about getting very late, but Aditya and Ranveer too joined in with Rano and insisted on him staying for some more time.
‘Come on Jai…stay back, for Bani!’ Tarun yelled from a corner where he was sitting with an unopened bottle of Champagne alongside Karuna.
Jai rolled his eyes, typical of Tarun, landing up in stranger’s houses and then behaving like he has known them for ages.
Jai would have stood his ground and made an exit, but for Kiran requesting him to stay put for some more time. ‘Please beta, everyone is insisting…we know you have a very busy schedule…but some more time…’
Taken aback at Kiran’s request, he found it impossible to turn it down, it would have been too rude and approving with a slight smile, he sat down in one of the floor cushion’s that had been laid on the floor.
Bani had a faraway look on her face and she kept twitching the edge of her chiffon stole, not meeting her eyes with Jai or anyone else for that matter. Nachiket who had gone inside the kitchen to have a piece of the birthday cake came out and saw that all the cushions had been taken and shrugging his head, just plopped himself with Bani on her cushion, placing his arm in a friendly manner around her shoulders.
And then he saw that Jai had not left, as he had assumed and again getting the panicky expression on his face, got up hastily from Bani’s side and looked around for another place to sit, preferably far away from Jai Walia’s vision.
Bani was too lost in her whole world to notice anything at the moment.
Jai gave them both a stare but did not show any emotion on his face. The fact that Nachiket and Bani were not behaving in a friendlier and frank manner seemed to rankle him more. As if they were trying to hide something…Jai felt weird that he was thinking along such lines and more importantly why was he thinking along such lines…how did Nachiket and Bani’s behaviour or their relationship matter to him? Where did he come in this anyway…or did he not? And why was he feeling anxious and unselfconfident regarding Bani? Afterall insecurity is a byproduct of love…and he wasn’t in love with Bani, or was he? But how could that be? He didn’t even believe in love…
Since when had his mind been so shrouded with confusion? Why is for the last few days, he was so impatient with time and then sudden with disappointment. When did he start procrastinating with his feeling…why did he feel so uplifted and happy with life in general…and what was that sudden, deepend feeling of desire he had just experienced…with Bani!
It was Ranveer who broke his chain of thoughts and announced enthusiastically that the game they were supposed to play was ‘Truth or Dare’. Jai grimaced when he heard it; this was going to be bad!
The empty bottle of Champagne that had just been popped open and spilled all over the Carpet was kept in the middle of the circle and the lights in the room had been dimmed.
Rano announced all giggly and a bit tipsy, both with the Champagne she had consumed and the feeling of love she was drenched in, ‘One of us spins the bottle and when it stops, facing its nozzle end towards any of the partcipants, that person will have to face Truth or Dare from the person who spinned the bottle. And any participant, who is not able to tell the truth or do the dare, has to sing for everyone.
Jai kept his hand over his face, wondering how he ever got entrapped into this…as if the game wasn’t going to be tough enough on him, the prospect of singing again, in front of Bani, seemed to completely throw him off-balance.
A lot of whooping and clapping went around, only Jai and Bani sat silently.
It was Aditya’s turn and the nozzle came to face Rano, who jumped excitedly.
Aditya grinned and asked, ‘Truth or Dare?’
‘Oooh…I think I would like Dare…’
‘Okaay…Let me see…can my niece dare to kiss the person she loves the most…in front of everyone?’
Ranveer laughed and announced cockily, ‘Adi Chachu…did you get payed for this from Rano?’ and then puckered his lips in anticipation!
Everyone laughed and Rano kept her hands on her hips and said, ‘Oh yeah? Okay…I’ll kiss the person whom I love the most!’
Getting near Bani, she kissed her warmly on her cheeks and said, ‘Here goes my kiss for the person whom I love the most in the world!’
Poor Ranveer got the ribbing of his life from everyone as the group dissolved into laughter and Bani hugged her sister affectionately.
Next was Tarun and the nozzle of the bottle faced Nachiket, who had been trying to find nooks and corners to hide himself unsuccessfully.
‘Young lad…tell me truth or dare?’
‘Huh?’ said Nachiket nervously and then chuckling at the spirit of the game announced, ‘Truth!’
‘Hmm…okay, here goes…Tell the truth! Is there a someone in your life whom you are secretly in love with…but for some reason not able to come out with your feelings?’
There was laughter followed and Nachiket instinctively gazed at Bani, who smiled at him…they both were quietly referring to Purva…and she encouraged him softly with her eyes.
Nachiket cleared his throat and said, ‘Yes…there is someone…’
And when the clapping had died out, he immeidatley said, ‘But please don’t ask me her name…I need to confess to her first…’
Bani smiled warmly at him and their eyes met again, when Nachiket gave her a knowing wink.
Jai looked extremely disturbed with the whole interaction between Nachiket and Bani, what on earth was going on between them?
Next on line was Karuna who got to ask Aditya if he was ever planned to get married and if so, then how he would propose to his lady love.
The ever enthusiastic Aditya quickly shoved Mango into the centre of the circle and did an extremely convincing and totally hilarious spoof of a mock-proposal. And got a warm, sticky lick from the Spitz in return.
Next was Rano’s turn, who came hopping towards the centre and in between her uncontrollable giggles, spinned the bottle and the nozzle faced Jai, and a great whoop of laughter and clapping went around.
‘Guys…I really should be going now…’ but his voice was drowned in a sea of protest and he would have still got up and left, but Bani smiled at him and said, ‘I remember someone telling me about being Sporty…’
He shrugged his head and raising his hands in defeat, looked at Rano and said, ‘Ok…Madam…please go ahead!’
‘That’s more like it, Mr. Walia…Okee…first choose…Truth or Dare?’ announced Rano, with her eyes sparkling.
Half of them howled for Dare and the other half for Truth, after a while’s deliberation, he said quietly, ‘Dare!’
‘There spoke my Tiger’ yelled Tarun, giving thumbs up to Jai.
Rano grinned and looking sideways at Bani asked loudly, ‘This is a good chance for anyone who wants to make use of one…’ Bani went red in the face and buried her head in the cushion she had in her hands.
‘Ok, so here goes…Can you dare to…?’ Rano paused with dramatic effect and then continued, ‘Can you dare to…tell the truth that is in your heart, today…now…at this moment…’
Suddenly the light atmosphere tensed, when they judged Jai’s reaction, his face looked serious and stern…and Rano immedialtely tensed up, fearing that she had gone too far…there was complete hush in the room and Bani lifted her buried head and looked at Jai, her face gone white…
For what seemed like eternity, Jai broke the silence and getting up announced in a tight voice, ‘I’m sorry…I’ve to break up the game…but it’s really late…and I’m really, really tired…’
Tarun tried to lighten the sudden change of mood and said, ‘Oh come Jai, be a sport…’ but the look he got from his friend, made him gulp down the remaining sentence in his throat…knowing Jai for the last 2 decades or so had taught Tarun to not mess around with him.
Jai said a very awkward and tense goodbye to everyone and thanked Kiran formally for the invitation, she herself looked odd, at his sudden change of mood, but kept to herself.
He strode out of the room and everyone was left gaping at one another in awkward silence and Rano looking on the verge of tears said, ‘Oh…did I say something wrong…did he leave like this because of me…’
Ranveer immediately came to her side and cajoled her, while Bani kept staring at the door and then noticed that his Blackberry was on the floor cushion where he was seated previously.
She caught up with him, when he was already in the Car and had started the Engine. She stood a bit far from him in the darkness of the night, with just the faint lights of the street lamps falling on them.
‘Your phone…’ her voice was barely audible.
‘Thanks’ he said without any expression in his voice and took it from her.
Bani paused for a while and with sad eyes said spoke softly, ‘I am sorry if Rano di…’
He snapped his eyes shut in irritation and said rudely, ‘No…it’s nothing to do with her…or that rotten game…or you or anyone else…I’m…I’m…I just wanted to leave…’
Taken back at the harshness of his tone and his darkened mood, she bit back her lip and her eyes filled with tears.
Taking a control on herself, she said with forced cheeriness, ‘Thanks for coming…It meant a lot to me…’
He took a deep breath and said, ‘I’m sorry…I couldn’t get you a present…’
‘I got my present already.’ Her voice came out, shy and timid.
They both looked at each other, the moonlight was falling surrpetiously on her face and she glowed as she bathed in it. Battling his current emotions, he shrugged his head and said abruptly, ‘Get inside…its very dark…’
And he roared the Engine into life again and drove off in full speed…leaving a mass of emotions behind him…for there was no confusion in Bani now…both her mind and heart was as clear as the mirror and she could see what had been so evident all the time.
It was close to three in the morning when Jai got home, every bone in his body aching with fatigue…it had been an unusually long day…and a very disturbing one too…all those thoughts…all those strange emotions…he felt his head spinning and getting himself a glass of water and an asprin, he fell on the couch, lying listlessly for some time.
And then as if on sudden insight, dialed his Father in the US. After a couple of rings, Uday Walia picked up the phone with much astonishment.
‘Jai…it would be very early in India at this time…’
‘Yes. It is…3:30 am.’
‘Oh! Is everything fine?’ Uday’s voice held concern.
Jai paused for a while and said, ‘Dad…I am in a Dilemma…’
‘A dilemma?’
Jai did not respond, his head still woozy from the hectic day and the after effect of the asprin making him sleepy.
‘Jai…are you there? What happened son? Is there a problem regarding the business?’
‘Yessssssss…you could say that!’ Came out Jai’s unconvincing voice.
‘Tell me about it…maybe we can work it out…’
Jai kept silent for a moment and then carefully choosing his words said, ‘It’s…Its regarding a decision I took a few months back…’
Uday waited patiently, and Jai continued, ‘I was confused…and I took a hasty decision…without…’ Jai paused for a while thinking of a good management term to be used, so that his Father would actually think that Jai was discussing business and continued, ‘without prior spot check…you know…I didn’t analyze and observe much…just decided very hastily to…er…invest in it.’
‘Then…after a while, I discovered that my decision to get…into that business…was not working out…it…it looked as if it won’t make profit in the future…’
Jai winced, wondering how silly he must be sounding to his Father and only hoped that Uday won’t guess out what exactly Jai was trying to say.
‘Okay? So were you convinced that the whole proposition was doomed to be a failure?’
Jai kept quiet and then said, ‘At that point…yes, I did…the…the business model presented by the other party…wasn’t quite what I had in mind! It was pretty defective, I thought!’ Jai almost patted himself on his back for the use of mangagement related terminologies while explaining a deeply personal issue!
‘Then, I thought it would be best to pull out of the doomed venture…before things got…you know complicated…’ pausing for a while, he added with imagination, ‘You know legal wrangles, ect…’
Uday added with conviction, ‘Yes…Yes…very wise of you…Once you have signed the contract…then it’s very difficult to pull out of it.’
Jai smiled shortly to himself, surprised that his Father had actually fallen for the yarn he was spinning!
‘Exactly…so for the better good…you know for me…I mean, for our business…and also for the…for the client…I decied to pull out…’
‘Did those guys take it well? I hope it didn’t spoil our future interests with them!’
‘Oh no! She took it quite well in fact!’ blurted Jai.
Jai immediately hit himself on his head for the slip of tounge and then frantically shaking his head for some explanation, said, ‘She? I meant they…the representative to that Company was a lady…with whom I had the deal, you know!’
‘Of course…go on…I’m listening!’
Jai went on more carefully now, ‘So we pulled off that deal…and I was quite happy at losing the client…cause you know…one bad decision and the entire hard work put in by me could come tumbling down.’
‘But later…a few weeks after that deal had been cancelled…I had a chance meeting with the…with the client representative…and suddenly…I saw the whole thing in a different light!’
‘Really? Please elucidate…this is fascinating!’ came Uday’s quip, the humor which Jai missed, because he was so caught up between his mental turmoil.
‘Well…I got to know that what I had previously thought of her…the client…I mean…what I had previously thought of the client was not so correct…I mean, there were other dimensions to the whole deal…’
‘Like….’ Asked Uday, clearly sounding amused!
‘Like…like, maybe, after all, taking on the client could be a challenge to me…to our company…you know trying out new things…and besides…the client offered a very different perspective to things…which I thought could be taken as a role model and applied as a tool to other ventures that we might have in future…you get it, dad?’
‘Oh…I get is perfectly well, sonny…you just go on…tell me more…’
‘Well…as time went by…I started realizing that my initial decision of taking on the client was not as wrong as I had later thought it to be…and maybe just maybe…it would be nice to have her, I mean that company as a lifelong client…’ Jai’s voice trailed off wistfully.

After a pause he added, 'Profit is not everything...even in business...sometimes...just taking the risk is worth the knowledge and experience you get from...from an enterprise...So after a couple of meetings...official meetings with this client, I began to have second thougths...!'
Uday kept silent for some time and coughing a bit, interrupted Jai from his reviere and said, ‘But in this whole dilemma…a business dilemma…you haven’t told me what the client’s thoughts are…what do they have to say? Are they willing to come on board again…considering they have been once rejected by us?’
Jai snapped out of his trance and said, ‘Rejection? Why does everyone keep calling it rejection? It was a mutual parting of ways…NOT A REJECTION!’ came out his voice hurt and foreceful.
‘Alright…Alright…calm down Jai…its just business we are discussing after all, isn’t it?’
Taking a deep breath, he said, ‘Yes…sorry…I just had a very tiring day, dad…what were we talking about?’
‘About what the client feels….’
Jai paused for a while and said, ‘I don’t know…I mean…I think I know…but she…they haven’t expressed anything clearly…it’s a bit confusing…and plus I suspect a rival company has its grubby paws on the client...’ His voice sounded insidious and utterly jealous... :whistling
'Do you think this potential client of yours has any interests in that grubby pawed rival company you are talking about?' Uday was having an extremely tough time controlling his laughter and appearing all serious and business like.
Jai thought for a moment and said in a lost voice, 'I'm not heart says no...the client is only interested in me...'
'And by 'ME' you mean Walia Industries?' asked Uday in all innocence.
'Yes...of course...'
'Btw, sonny...since when did you start using your heart to make business decisions?' Uday was trying his level best to sound serious and not let the cat out of the bag.
'Uh? What?' Jai was sounding completley disoriented.
‘Why don’t you ask the client yourself what is in their mind? You know get them to make a Presentation or something...putting up a new business proposal for your consideration...’ Uday continued playfully.
‘What? New Business Proposal...I...Um....' Jai dithered with his words, confused and jumbled, like he had never been before in his life!
Gathering his thoughts again, Jai said hesitant, somewhat fearing that his Father might just have guessed what was actually going on through the conversation, 'There is really no need for a new business proposal dad...I mean...I have more or less decided that their Business Model is actually good.... But I don't know whether I should approach directly...' his voice trailed off indistinctly.
Uday chucled to himself and getting a brisk baritone to his voice said, ‘It’s simple! You took a decision in haste…You regretted the decision…You pulled out of it…ofcourse, by mutual consent…Then you mulled over it and decided that it wasn’t a good idea to pull out…You kept in contact with the client…and now you want to get them on board again…So obviously, you will have to take the first step and ask them!’
Jai kept silent and then said slowly, ‘Yes…that makes sense…I suppose…’
Uday heaved a sigh and said, ‘Jai…if you are done with that very tiresome and very obvious façade of discussing your Dilemma…may I tell you something, man to man?’
Jai spoke cautiously, ‘Yes?’
‘JUST GO AND TELL BANI THAT YOU ARE HEAD OVER HEELS IN LOVE WITH HER, YOU IDIOT!!!’ :tong: (Deffo, Daddy is far ahead of Sonny Boy!
‘Whaaaaaat?’ came out Jai’s scandalized voice.
‘You have been going round and round and round for the last half an hour, running up your mobile bill, talking in circles about some imaginary, ridiculous business dilemma….’
Jai was stunned speechless and Uday laughed out loud and then in a gentle, fatherly way said, ‘you might be brilliant in your work and sharp and smart and successful and what not…but don’t forget, you are still my son and I am your Father…’
‘Try telling me that my son has a business problem! What do you take me for? An old fool…well maybe in some things, but when it comes to matter of the heart, I am far ahead of you…now for goodness sake, go back to sleep and when you wake up tomorrow morning, gather your thoughts and just go and tell her that you love her!’
‘Dad, you are such a wily old fox!’
‘Better than being such a lousy liar, any day! And wait till I tell Bani that you termed her a ‘Defective Business Model’ and your Engagement to be a ‘Doomed Corporate Venture!’ :tong: (Uday is probably going to have a field day blackmailing his son over this piece of conversation...)
Jai broke out laughing alongside Uday on the phone!
To be Continued in Part 13...
Most of the guests had left for the night, but the close family members and friends, including Tarun and Karuna were still there. Nachiket had made a quiet entry and had launched himself enthusiastically on Bani, but just before he got to hug her, he saw Jai standing in the room and he had staggered backwards in panic and alarm.
Jai did not react or show any expression, but felt strange…why did Nachiket stop himself from hugging Bani? Weren’t they just good friends? Why did he stop himself from the more intimate greeting that a hug is and chosen to just shake hands with Bani? Especially, after seeing Jai…
He glanced at his watch, it showed a quarter past midnight and he decided that he had definitely over-stayed his visit and remembering his early morning meeting with the Core Team, he came forward to thank and goodbye.
But no body would hear of it. Rano said, ‘Please Jai…stay back…just for some more time…we are going to have an Antakshri…’
Jai tossed his head, making some noises about getting very late, but Aditya and Ranveer too joined in with Rano and insisted on him staying for some more time.
‘Come on Jai…stay back, for Bani!’ Tarun yelled from a corner where he was sitting with an unopened bottle of Champagne alongside Karuna.
Jai rolled his eyes, typical of Tarun, landing up in stranger’s houses and then behaving like he has known them for ages.
Jai would have stood his ground and made an exit, but for Kiran requesting him to stay put for some more time. ‘Please beta, everyone is insisting…we know you have a very busy schedule…but some more time…’
Taken aback at Kiran’s request, he found it impossible to turn it down, it would have been too rude and approving with a slight smile, he sat down in one of the floor cushion’s that had been laid on the floor.
Bani had a faraway look on her face and she kept twitching the edge of her chiffon stole, not meeting her eyes with Jai or anyone else for that matter. Nachiket who had gone inside the kitchen to have a piece of the birthday cake came out and saw that all the cushions had been taken and shrugging his head, just plopped himself with Bani on her cushion, placing his arm in a friendly manner around her shoulders.
And then he saw that Jai had not left, as he had assumed and again getting the panicky expression on his face, got up hastily from Bani’s side and looked around for another place to sit, preferably far away from Jai Walia’s vision.
Bani was too lost in her whole world to notice anything at the moment.
Jai gave them both a stare but did not show any emotion on his face. The fact that Nachiket and Bani were not behaving in a friendlier and frank manner seemed to rankle him more. As if they were trying to hide something…Jai felt weird that he was thinking along such lines and more importantly why was he thinking along such lines…how did Nachiket and Bani’s behaviour or their relationship matter to him? Where did he come in this anyway…or did he not? And why was he feeling anxious and unselfconfident regarding Bani? Afterall insecurity is a byproduct of love…and he wasn’t in love with Bani, or was he? But how could that be? He didn’t even believe in love…
Since when had his mind been so shrouded with confusion? Why is for the last few days, he was so impatient with time and then sudden with disappointment. When did he start procrastinating with his feeling…why did he feel so uplifted and happy with life in general…and what was that sudden, deepend feeling of desire he had just experienced…with Bani!
It was Ranveer who broke his chain of thoughts and announced enthusiastically that the game they were supposed to play was ‘Truth or Dare’. Jai grimaced when he heard it; this was going to be bad!
The empty bottle of Champagne that had just been popped open and spilled all over the Carpet was kept in the middle of the circle and the lights in the room had been dimmed.
Rano announced all giggly and a bit tipsy, both with the Champagne she had consumed and the feeling of love she was drenched in, ‘One of us spins the bottle and when it stops, facing its nozzle end towards any of the partcipants, that person will have to face Truth or Dare from the person who spinned the bottle. And any participant, who is not able to tell the truth or do the dare, has to sing for everyone.
Jai kept his hand over his face, wondering how he ever got entrapped into this…as if the game wasn’t going to be tough enough on him, the prospect of singing again, in front of Bani, seemed to completely throw him off-balance.
A lot of whooping and clapping went around, only Jai and Bani sat silently.
It was Aditya’s turn and the nozzle came to face Rano, who jumped excitedly.
Aditya grinned and asked, ‘Truth or Dare?’
‘Oooh…I think I would like Dare…’
‘Okaay…Let me see…can my niece dare to kiss the person she loves the most…in front of everyone?’
Ranveer laughed and announced cockily, ‘Adi Chachu…did you get payed for this from Rano?’ and then puckered his lips in anticipation!
Everyone laughed and Rano kept her hands on her hips and said, ‘Oh yeah? Okay…I’ll kiss the person whom I love the most!’
Getting near Bani, she kissed her warmly on her cheeks and said, ‘Here goes my kiss for the person whom I love the most in the world!’
Poor Ranveer got the ribbing of his life from everyone as the group dissolved into laughter and Bani hugged her sister affectionately.
Next was Tarun and the nozzle of the bottle faced Nachiket, who had been trying to find nooks and corners to hide himself unsuccessfully.
‘Young lad…tell me truth or dare?’
‘Huh?’ said Nachiket nervously and then chuckling at the spirit of the game announced, ‘Truth!’
‘Hmm…okay, here goes…Tell the truth! Is there a someone in your life whom you are secretly in love with…but for some reason not able to come out with your feelings?’
There was laughter followed and Nachiket instinctively gazed at Bani, who smiled at him…they both were quietly referring to Purva…and she encouraged him softly with her eyes.
Nachiket cleared his throat and said, ‘Yes…there is someone…’
And when the clapping had died out, he immeidatley said, ‘But please don’t ask me her name…I need to confess to her first…’
Bani smiled warmly at him and their eyes met again, when Nachiket gave her a knowing wink.
Jai looked extremely disturbed with the whole interaction between Nachiket and Bani, what on earth was going on between them?
Next on line was Karuna who got to ask Aditya if he was ever planned to get married and if so, then how he would propose to his lady love.
The ever enthusiastic Aditya quickly shoved Mango into the centre of the circle and did an extremely convincing and totally hilarious spoof of a mock-proposal. And got a warm, sticky lick from the Spitz in return.
Next was Rano’s turn, who came hopping towards the centre and in between her uncontrollable giggles, spinned the bottle and the nozzle faced Jai, and a great whoop of laughter and clapping went around.
‘Guys…I really should be going now…’ but his voice was drowned in a sea of protest and he would have still got up and left, but Bani smiled at him and said, ‘I remember someone telling me about being Sporty…’
He shrugged his head and raising his hands in defeat, looked at Rano and said, ‘Ok…Madam…please go ahead!’
‘That’s more like it, Mr. Walia…Okee…first choose…Truth or Dare?’ announced Rano, with her eyes sparkling.
Half of them howled for Dare and the other half for Truth, after a while’s deliberation, he said quietly, ‘Dare!’
‘There spoke my Tiger’ yelled Tarun, giving thumbs up to Jai.
Rano grinned and looking sideways at Bani asked loudly, ‘This is a good chance for anyone who wants to make use of one…’ Bani went red in the face and buried her head in the cushion she had in her hands.
‘Ok, so here goes…Can you dare to…?’ Rano paused with dramatic effect and then continued, ‘Can you dare to…tell the truth that is in your heart, today…now…at this moment…’
Suddenly the light atmosphere tensed, when they judged Jai’s reaction, his face looked serious and stern…and Rano immedialtely tensed up, fearing that she had gone too far…there was complete hush in the room and Bani lifted her buried head and looked at Jai, her face gone white…
For what seemed like eternity, Jai broke the silence and getting up announced in a tight voice, ‘I’m sorry…I’ve to break up the game…but it’s really late…and I’m really, really tired…’
Tarun tried to lighten the sudden change of mood and said, ‘Oh come Jai, be a sport…’ but the look he got from his friend, made him gulp down the remaining sentence in his throat…knowing Jai for the last 2 decades or so had taught Tarun to not mess around with him.
Jai said a very awkward and tense goodbye to everyone and thanked Kiran formally for the invitation, she herself looked odd, at his sudden change of mood, but kept to herself.
He strode out of the room and everyone was left gaping at one another in awkward silence and Rano looking on the verge of tears said, ‘Oh…did I say something wrong…did he leave like this because of me…’
Ranveer immediately came to her side and cajoled her, while Bani kept staring at the door and then noticed that his Blackberry was on the floor cushion where he was seated previously.
She caught up with him, when he was already in the Car and had started the Engine. She stood a bit far from him in the darkness of the night, with just the faint lights of the street lamps falling on them.
‘Your phone…’ her voice was barely audible.
‘Thanks’ he said without any expression in his voice and took it from her.
Bani paused for a while and with sad eyes said spoke softly, ‘I am sorry if Rano di…’
He snapped his eyes shut in irritation and said rudely, ‘No…it’s nothing to do with her…or that rotten game…or you or anyone else…I’m…I’m…I just wanted to leave…’
Taken back at the harshness of his tone and his darkened mood, she bit back her lip and her eyes filled with tears.
Taking a control on herself, she said with forced cheeriness, ‘Thanks for coming…It meant a lot to me…’
He took a deep breath and said, ‘I’m sorry…I couldn’t get you a present…’
‘I got my present already.’ Her voice came out, shy and timid.
They both looked at each other, the moonlight was falling surrpetiously on her face and she glowed as she bathed in it. Battling his current emotions, he shrugged his head and said abruptly, ‘Get inside…its very dark…’
And he roared the Engine into life again and drove off in full speed…leaving a mass of emotions behind him…for there was no confusion in Bani now…both her mind and heart was as clear as the mirror and she could see what had been so evident all the time.
It was close to three in the morning when Jai got home, every bone in his body aching with fatigue…it had been an unusually long day…and a very disturbing one too…all those thoughts…all those strange emotions…he felt his head spinning and getting himself a glass of water and an asprin, he fell on the couch, lying listlessly for some time.
And then as if on sudden insight, dialed his Father in the US. After a couple of rings, Uday Walia picked up the phone with much astonishment.
‘Jai…it would be very early in India at this time…’
‘Yes. It is…3:30 am.’
‘Oh! Is everything fine?’ Uday’s voice held concern.
Jai paused for a while and said, ‘Dad…I am in a Dilemma…’
‘A dilemma?’
Jai did not respond, his head still woozy from the hectic day and the after effect of the asprin making him sleepy.
‘Jai…are you there? What happened son? Is there a problem regarding the business?’
‘Yessssssss…you could say that!’ Came out Jai’s unconvincing voice.
‘Tell me about it…maybe we can work it out…’
Jai kept silent for a moment and then carefully choosing his words said, ‘It’s…Its regarding a decision I took a few months back…’
Uday waited patiently, and Jai continued, ‘I was confused…and I took a hasty decision…without…’ Jai paused for a while thinking of a good management term to be used, so that his Father would actually think that Jai was discussing business and continued, ‘without prior spot check…you know…I didn’t analyze and observe much…just decided very hastily to…er…invest in it.’
‘Then…after a while, I discovered that my decision to get…into that business…was not working out…it…it looked as if it won’t make profit in the future…’
Jai winced, wondering how silly he must be sounding to his Father and only hoped that Uday won’t guess out what exactly Jai was trying to say.
‘Okay? So were you convinced that the whole proposition was doomed to be a failure?’
Jai kept quiet and then said, ‘At that point…yes, I did…the…the business model presented by the other party…wasn’t quite what I had in mind! It was pretty defective, I thought!’ Jai almost patted himself on his back for the use of mangagement related terminologies while explaining a deeply personal issue!
‘Then, I thought it would be best to pull out of the doomed venture…before things got…you know complicated…’ pausing for a while, he added with imagination, ‘You know legal wrangles, ect…’
Uday added with conviction, ‘Yes…Yes…very wise of you…Once you have signed the contract…then it’s very difficult to pull out of it.’
Jai smiled shortly to himself, surprised that his Father had actually fallen for the yarn he was spinning!
‘Exactly…so for the better good…you know for me…I mean, for our business…and also for the…for the client…I decied to pull out…’
‘Did those guys take it well? I hope it didn’t spoil our future interests with them!’
‘Oh no! She took it quite well in fact!’ blurted Jai.
Jai immediately hit himself on his head for the slip of tounge and then frantically shaking his head for some explanation, said, ‘She? I meant they…the representative to that Company was a lady…with whom I had the deal, you know!’
‘Of course…go on…I’m listening!’
Jai went on more carefully now, ‘So we pulled off that deal…and I was quite happy at losing the client…cause you know…one bad decision and the entire hard work put in by me could come tumbling down.’
‘But later…a few weeks after that deal had been cancelled…I had a chance meeting with the…with the client representative…and suddenly…I saw the whole thing in a different light!’
‘Really? Please elucidate…this is fascinating!’ came Uday’s quip, the humor which Jai missed, because he was so caught up between his mental turmoil.
‘Well…I got to know that what I had previously thought of her…the client…I mean…what I had previously thought of the client was not so correct…I mean, there were other dimensions to the whole deal…’
‘Like….’ Asked Uday, clearly sounding amused!
‘Like…like, maybe, after all, taking on the client could be a challenge to me…to our company…you know trying out new things…and besides…the client offered a very different perspective to things…which I thought could be taken as a role model and applied as a tool to other ventures that we might have in future…you get it, dad?’
‘Oh…I get is perfectly well, sonny…you just go on…tell me more…’
‘Well…as time went by…I started realizing that my initial decision of taking on the client was not as wrong as I had later thought it to be…and maybe just maybe…it would be nice to have her, I mean that company as a lifelong client…’ Jai’s voice trailed off wistfully.

After a pause he added, 'Profit is not everything...even in business...sometimes...just taking the risk is worth the knowledge and experience you get from...from an enterprise...So after a couple of meetings...official meetings with this client, I began to have second thougths...!'
Uday kept silent for some time and coughing a bit, interrupted Jai from his reviere and said, ‘But in this whole dilemma…a business dilemma…you haven’t told me what the client’s thoughts are…what do they have to say? Are they willing to come on board again…considering they have been once rejected by us?’
Jai snapped out of his trance and said, ‘Rejection? Why does everyone keep calling it rejection? It was a mutual parting of ways…NOT A REJECTION!’ came out his voice hurt and foreceful.
‘Alright…Alright…calm down Jai…its just business we are discussing after all, isn’t it?’
Taking a deep breath, he said, ‘Yes…sorry…I just had a very tiring day, dad…what were we talking about?’
‘About what the client feels….’
Jai paused for a while and said, ‘I don’t know…I mean…I think I know…but she…they haven’t expressed anything clearly…it’s a bit confusing…and plus I suspect a rival company has its grubby paws on the client...’ His voice sounded insidious and utterly jealous... :whistling
'Do you think this potential client of yours has any interests in that grubby pawed rival company you are talking about?' Uday was having an extremely tough time controlling his laughter and appearing all serious and business like.
Jai thought for a moment and said in a lost voice, 'I'm not heart says no...the client is only interested in me...'
'And by 'ME' you mean Walia Industries?' asked Uday in all innocence.
'Yes...of course...'
'Btw, sonny...since when did you start using your heart to make business decisions?' Uday was trying his level best to sound serious and not let the cat out of the bag.
'Uh? What?' Jai was sounding completley disoriented.
‘Why don’t you ask the client yourself what is in their mind? You know get them to make a Presentation or something...putting up a new business proposal for your consideration...’ Uday continued playfully.
‘What? New Business Proposal...I...Um....' Jai dithered with his words, confused and jumbled, like he had never been before in his life!
Gathering his thoughts again, Jai said hesitant, somewhat fearing that his Father might just have guessed what was actually going on through the conversation, 'There is really no need for a new business proposal dad...I mean...I have more or less decided that their Business Model is actually good.... But I don't know whether I should approach directly...' his voice trailed off indistinctly.
Uday chucled to himself and getting a brisk baritone to his voice said, ‘It’s simple! You took a decision in haste…You regretted the decision…You pulled out of it…ofcourse, by mutual consent…Then you mulled over it and decided that it wasn’t a good idea to pull out…You kept in contact with the client…and now you want to get them on board again…So obviously, you will have to take the first step and ask them!’
Jai kept silent and then said slowly, ‘Yes…that makes sense…I suppose…’
Uday heaved a sigh and said, ‘Jai…if you are done with that very tiresome and very obvious façade of discussing your Dilemma…may I tell you something, man to man?’
Jai spoke cautiously, ‘Yes?’
‘JUST GO AND TELL BANI THAT YOU ARE HEAD OVER HEELS IN LOVE WITH HER, YOU IDIOT!!!’ :tong: (Deffo, Daddy is far ahead of Sonny Boy!

‘Whaaaaaat?’ came out Jai’s scandalized voice.
‘You have been going round and round and round for the last half an hour, running up your mobile bill, talking in circles about some imaginary, ridiculous business dilemma….’
Jai was stunned speechless and Uday laughed out loud and then in a gentle, fatherly way said, ‘you might be brilliant in your work and sharp and smart and successful and what not…but don’t forget, you are still my son and I am your Father…’
‘Try telling me that my son has a business problem! What do you take me for? An old fool…well maybe in some things, but when it comes to matter of the heart, I am far ahead of you…now for goodness sake, go back to sleep and when you wake up tomorrow morning, gather your thoughts and just go and tell her that you love her!’
‘Dad, you are such a wily old fox!’
‘Better than being such a lousy liar, any day! And wait till I tell Bani that you termed her a ‘Defective Business Model’ and your Engagement to be a ‘Doomed Corporate Venture!’ :tong: (Uday is probably going to have a field day blackmailing his son over this piece of conversation...)
Jai broke out laughing alongside Uday on the phone!

To be Continued in Part 13...
PART 13 -
Jai barely mangaged to catch on his sleep, because (a) He had to be in the Office at 9 am sharp for the postponed Core Team Meeting and (b) His Dad’s words kept ringing in his ears…Tell Bani you love her…
His dad was the limit…but oh boy, did he always get his facts right or what!
So he did love her…but what about his whole belief system…but then who said that one has to believe in love to fall in it…
Even though his head was splitting in two with a deadly asprin hangover and the lack of sleep from which he was suffering, Jai had a spring in his steps when he went to Office and Stella was left stunned, when her normally stand-offish and reserved boss, gave her a wink and said, ‘You look gorgeous in Blue, Stella…wear more of it!’
‘Oh my god, I think its one of these rave parties that these youngsters go to nowadays…you know drugs and all…which make you over-sprightly and cheery…but God knows, he was the last person I expected to…’ she told the girl at the reception, all dazed!
Today Jai’s full concentration was on his work and he was his usual commanding self, taking in the good points with appreciation, putting down the silly ones with sarcasm and generally being very much that he was, just with a strange liveliness to him, which was hitherto unknown.
At lunch, when he got a few mintues to himself, Jai decided to compose his thoughts, meet up with Bani and put across his feelings in a mature, responsible and logical manner. So that it might not overwhelm her nor understate his emotions. Jai felt pretty good about himself, that even when in love, he was being so smart and intelligent and not acting like a goofy, messed up creature that normally guys become when they fall in love.
He placed a call to Bani and when she came on line, he suddenly felt his voice drowning a bit and his self-confidence faltering just a tad, especially on hearing her very off-hand greeting. Obviously, she wasn’t in a very good mood and since Jai himself was in such a splendid one, he never for once thought that it was because of him that she was upset…his sudden departure from the party and the last snub at her had left her immensely distressed and she was in no mood to deal with his temper tantrums, when she was caught in an emotional dilemma of her own.
‘Hi Bani, this is Jai here…’ He sounded polite and ceremonial.
She sniffed at the other end and said with coolness, ‘Yes, I can recognize the voice.’
‘Um…I was wondering if you were free today evening…’
Cutting him in his speech, she said, extremely civil yet stridently, ‘No, I am not.’
Completely taken aback at her answer, he did not know what to say next and just said politely, ‘Oh! I was quite expecting you would be…’
Bani kept silent on the other end, her voice was becoming choked as she remembered last night, the intimacy shared in the garden and then the abrupt departure.
At a loss on what to say or do, Jai decided it was best to let go of things right now and said gently, ‘Fine…just give me a call whenever you are free…I need to talk to you regarding something…something important.’ After a moment’s hesitation he added in an officious tone, ‘Just in case, I’m not available on my blackberry…send an email…I’ll get back to you.’
Bidding a courteous goodbye, Jai suddenly had an urge to hit himself. ‘Send an email?’ What sort of a start was this to propose to the woman you loved? Obviously, Bani’s company had started affecting him in more than one ways!
Jai never did get an email from Bani that day…and he was pretty sure that she had not even bothered dialing his Blackberry. By coincidence, he was so busy with work, that this realization came very late in the day and by then, it was too late to go and meet up with her…and even though being an Egoist essentially, Jai realized that now it was his call to mark the first step…and when he retired for sleep, slightly earlier than his usual bedtime, he promised to himself that tomorrow would be a new day and he will go and talk to Bani about them.
Kiran did a quick check of the ‘To Do’ list she had in her hand and nodding her head and made a mental tick of the things that had been completed and frowned at the thought of the stuff that was left. It was the first wedding in the family and since she was the head of the family, Kiran felt it was a bigger responsibility that Rano’s marriage should go without a single hitch. The Bali’s were extremely nice people and had insisted again and again that they want a simple marriage, but Kiran was too excited and happy and had decided that however difficult it might get, she had to give the most memorable day to both her daughters.
Rano came down from the stairs and looked around for Bani, remarked, ‘Ma…where is Bani? The Driver has been honking for the last half and hour, we have got to leave.’
Kiran, Rano and some of their relatives were leaving for Jaipur for two days, to pick up some jewelry that Kiran had ordered for her and to visit their family deity for prayers before the nuptials. Aditya had flown down to Bangalore to attend an important auction and had promised to be back in a day. Bani had volunteered to stay on as they couldn’t leave the house alone, since there was a lot of jewelry and cash at home lying around because of the wedding coming up.
Bani came panting in and announced, ‘I have already given 3 cups of tea to the driver, he is furious now…why are you getting so late?’ she looked around in irritation at her mother and sister.
‘We were looking for you, Bunny!’
Kiran came and patting her younger child’s face said, ‘Beta, please promise me to be careful and take care of both yourself and the house in our absence.’
Bani gave an impatient snort and said, ‘Stop treating me like a baby all the time…of course, I’ll take care. You go now and spend all your hard earned money on this idiot’s wedding!’
Rano gave an angry sniff and came to hit Bani, who hid behind Kiran, giggling. She said in a hurt tone, ‘See ma…your darling is always talking to me in this manner…she’ll see when she has to sleep alone in her room, once I’m gone from here.’
Bani gave a long whistle and said teasingly, ‘Trust me Rano Di…I’ve been praying for that day to come…’
Everyone giggled while Rano sulked some more and Kiran looked on affectionately at both her daughters and suddenly to everyone’s shock, broke down crying.
Bani and Rano both came anxiously over to her and said, ‘What happened Ma? Are you alright?’
Wiping her tears with difficulty, she looked at the faces of her beloved daughters and said emotionally, ‘what they say is true…boys might be the pride of a family…but its girls, who are the souls! Now one of them is going and the other one will leave me too…’
Both of them had tears in their eyes and wailing loudly, Bani remarked, ‘I’ll never leave you Ma…never…I won’t get married…I’ll…I’ll become a Nun and live with you!’
Bani’s remark provided much amusement and the atmosphere lightened, till Nachiket’s voice was heard in a distance, ‘And where will you provide your charitable services to? An ice-cream parlor or a Cable TV Channel?’
Much more laughter erupted and Bani muttered some rude remarks at Nachiket, caught in between laughter.
Kiran looked at him and said, ‘Beta…tumhare bharose chod kar jaa rahi hoon. Please keep an eye on her!’
Bani hissed and said something about being independent etc, but Nachiket shot her down and said soothingly to Kiran, ‘Aunty, don’t you worry…I’ll lock her up somewhere in the store-room with enough food for 20 people…and a TV to boot…she won’t even know when you are gone and back!’
While Bani set about hitting Nachiket, running all around the living room, Kiran and Rano took leave for Jaipur along with others.
They both sat on the couch with a bowl each of popcorn and Nachiket put on a tape of FRIENDS that he had brought with him, knowing how much Bani loved the sitcom. Bani who normally sat with rapt attention while viewing Television, seemed fidgety and restless to Nachiket and he noticed, that for some reason, her eyes kept roving around the phone.
After a while, when he found that he couldn’t concentrate on the show, because Bani had made at least three trips to the kitchen for nothing and two to the washroom and one in general to check if everything was alright.
‘What is wrong with you?’
Bani looked at him, jolted by the abrupt question and blinking her eyes rapidly said, ‘Nothing…Nothing at all! Why?’
‘You are hardly watching the show…why did I bother to scour the entire market yesterday and get your these DVD’s, if your mind is not here!’
She looked guilty and made a sheepish face and he asked her suspiciously, ‘Are you expecting someone…or someone’s phone call?’
Getting hot under the collor, she retorted with calm, ‘No…Not at all…Just…Um, Just missing Ma and Di!’
He looked bewildered and said, ‘Missing them. Its hardly an hour they left and they’ll be back in two days…’
She made some noises and tried to divert his attention someplace else by stating that she was going to the kitchen to make them some baked cheese nachos.
Nachiket shrugged his head smiling at her general absent-mindedness and switched on the Television again, when the phone rang. He waited for it to ring thrice, expecting Bani to pick it up, but when she did not come out of the kitchen, he took the call.
There was a pause on the other end when Nachiket spoke and after a while’s hesitation, the deep, manly voice on the other end said politely, ‘Is that the Dixit Residence?’
‘Yes. How can I help you?’
‘Um…Can I speak to Bani please?’
‘Sure…please hold on, I’ll call her.’
Nachiket tried to find the ‘hold’ button but being unfamiliar with the instrument, he could not find it and hastily put his hand over the receiver and called out for her loudly, stating that there was someone on the phone for her.
Her voice came out from the bedroom, ‘Nachiket…I am in the bedroom…come quick…just tell whoever it is, that I am not home…but come quickly upstairs….I have a surprise!’
Nachiket smiled wondering what she was up to and whatever happened to those Nachos.
Jai who had heard both Bani and Nachiket’s voices very clearly was frosty and silent when Nachiket got on the phone and said politely, ‘Er…I’m sorry…I think she has just gone out somewhere…I’ll take down a message for her, she’ll call back once she is in.’
The voice came out cuttingly, ‘Forget it.’ And the phone was banged down rudely much to the clueless Nachiket’s surprise.
When he went upstairs to Bani and Rano’s bedroom, Nachiket stood rooted near the door, as she grinned at him and said, ‘So…how is the surprise?’
There was a life-size painting lying on the be …it was a skillfully painted picture of a beautiful young woman, sitting with a poignant expression on her face, as if waiting for someone to come…the face of the lady in the picture bore a striking resemblance to Purva.
‘That’s one of my earliest works, I…I sold it off 3 years back…how did you get hold of that one?’ Nachiket kept staring at the painting in astonishment.
‘Trust me…it was very, very tough…but you know, I always get around Adi Chachu…he sourced it back from a client to whom the painting had been sold…’
‘Bani…’ Nachiket’s voice trailed as he came near the picture, an expression of longing and love in his face and then looking at his friend, he gave a moist smile and said, ‘You are the best friend anyone could have!’
She smiled back and keeping a hand on his shoulder said, ‘Come on…you have always been there for me…this is nothing…and if Purva and you can get back, nothing would make me happier.’
Nachiket grinned and said, ‘Not even if Hulk finally dares?’
Bani reddened and said, ‘What?’
‘Did you wonder why he did not take the dare yesterday night at the game?’
She kept silent and he continued, ‘because he knew it wasn’t a game anymore…’
Heaving a sigh, she went near the window and said despondently, ‘I don’t know what’s in his heart, Nachiket…’
‘Do you know what is in your heart?’
She looked at him and after a momen’t hestitation said with plain honesty, ‘Yes.’
‘Then why are you keeping the truth away from him…go and tell him.’
She hesitated and then spoke softly, ‘What if he rejects me again?’
Nachiket kept quiet at this and said, ‘Bani, do you really think breaking off the engagement was his rejection?’
He went on, mindful of her thoughtful silence, ‘I think it was the best thing that could have happened to both of you…usually its love which leads to people forming relationships…but look at you two…a broken relationship led you both to fall in love…now if this isn’t destiny, then what is?’
A gentle smile came on Bani’s lips and blushing deeply she said, ‘So much of sensitivity and thoughtfulness in your…but still you go and make yourself a complete clown of yourself…why Nachiket?’
‘Well…Love does have a certain way of invoking different reactions in different people…it made me an impetuous fool…it made Purva into a recluse…it turned Rano and Ranveer into inseperable lovebirds…and it made you and Hulk into each other!’
Bani grinned and said, ‘Hulk? Still…but what do you mean, it made us into each other?’
Picking up the painiting and climbing down the staris with Bani, he smiled at her and said, ‘To change for love is not done…but if love changes you, then you’ve got something special in your hands…judge for yourself, how much of him you have in yourself and how much you have influenced his personality…and you’ll know what I mean!’
Patting her on the head, Nachiket took off for his flat, promising Bani that by tomorrow morning, he and Purva will be together again and that he hoped to see Bani as Mrs. Incredible Hulk in a few months.
She thew a pebble at his retreating direction, both of them laughing uproariously at the joke.
Something was surely wrong…it couldn’t be Nachiket who had picked up the phone at Bani’s home…and even if he was, so what? Weren’t they good friends? But then why did he overhear Bani calling him to her bedroom and cutting his phone call?
Why had she refused to meet him yesterday evening? Why had she not called him back or even sent in a message? Why was she avoiding him all of a sudden? Had she got bored of him? Had Jai taken too much time? Was there even anything in the first place between them?
He was extremely disturbed by the conversation he had overheard, already his head was looming with many diverging thoughts…he had to go to Bani’s house and see for himself…
Jai had parked his Car at a distance and when he saw Nachiket coming out of the gates, with Bani’s laughing figure looming in the distance, murder came to his eyes.
He drove down furiously back to his Office and when he banged the door of his cabin shut, Stella was convinced that her boss was certainly on some type of party drug and this on and off mood was a definite proof of it.
He couldn’t believe what he had just seen…despite Bani’s coldly snubbing him and not returning his phone call, he had still decided to give it a try…and even when he had overheard that provoking conversation between Nachiket and Bani on the phone, he wanted to make sure, he had not got anything wrong.
But this couldn’t be a misunderstanding. He knew that there was no one at Bani’s home…Kiran had called him up in the morning to tell him that she was going to Jaipur along with Rano and requested him to call up Bani and just keep a tab on her safety and well-being.
But apparently, that was not needed…what on earth was Nachiket doing with Bani in an empty house…and more disturbingly, why did Bani call him so teasingly to her Bedroom?
His head felt like exploding and he felt such a cold, murderous rage towards not just Nachiket but also Bani…for he felt that she had misled and betrayed him.
Jai could not concentrate on his work, but keeping a very firm lid on his boiling emotions, he went through the day, extremely tactiturn and brusque and when the day was folding up, Purva came in.
‘Hi Jai…mind if I take a few minutes.’
Jai did not want to see anyone at the moment and looking up irritatedly from his laptop, he said in a curt tone, ‘Please make it quick…I’ve a concall coming up!’
Though used to his frequent mood-swings, Purva was nevertheless stung by his rudeness, considering she had seen a remarkable change in him in the past few days.
Anyways, she came and sat opposite to him and waited a while before speaking, while Jai kept typing something on the Laptop, expecting her to speak while he worked.
Clearing her throat, Purva begin, delicately, ‘Jai…I…I’ve decided to give it another try.’
He looked up from his laptop and asked shortly, ‘Give a try to what?’
Looking clearly embarrassed, she continued, ‘Getting back with…with Nachiket.’
Jai stared at her and stopped working on his laptop and then burying his forehad in the palms of his hands said, slowly, ‘Have you spoken to him in this regard?’
‘No…I mean, not frankly…but that day…I went to Bani’s birthday party…and we met…and realized that I never stopped loving him.’
There was silence in the room for some time and Jai spoke in a deliberate, clear tone, ‘Maybe you never stopped loving him Purva…but what about him? Are you sure he still holds any feeling for you, in case he ever did in the first place…and importantly….there is no one else in his life now?’
Purva flushed at the bitterness in Jai’s voice and taking a deep breath said, ‘I really don’t know if there is someone else in his life or not…but I’ve decided to not let my false ego and pride come between us again…even if he turns me down…I still want to tell him what I feel about him.’
Jai kept staring at her and then with a careless shrug of his head spoke indifferently, ‘Whatever! You shared your thoughts with me as a friend and I told you what I reall think.’
After a while, as Purva got up and said goodbye to him, he spoke up, ‘All the best…I wish you happiness…’
She turned to smile at him and said, ‘And love too…Happiness and Love! Wish me both!’
He smiled thinly back at her and got back to working on his current project, wondering what was going to happen…If there was indeed nothing between Bani and Nachiket, then he and Purva would get back together…and if Nachiket and Purva did not get back together, then that could only mean…he didn’t even want to entertain that depressing thought…
Just as Purva opened the door of his room to leave, she said, remembering the girl with whom Nachiket was flirting at Bani’s party, ‘Oh…I just remembered…there is someone in his life…I saw them together during the party…they looked on very intimate terms…’
Whatever color was on Jai’s face faded and before he could question Purva, she said with a shrug, ‘But still…I need to speak to him, before jumping to conclusions…else I would be doing the same mistake he did 3 years back! Bye Jai!’
So Purva had seen them together at the Party…she could only be referring to Bani…who else could it be…so it was true…they shared an intimate relationship…then what was that Bani shared with Jai? Friendship…Acquaintance… Social contact… Familiarity
What was HIS relationship with Bani? What was her relationship with Nachiket? And why was she playing these games with all of them, Jai, Nachiket and now Purva?
Jai saw red…the one thing he could never bear was dishonesty…and he had told that to Bani…she had lied with such ease at the Entertainment Park, faking pregnancy to get hold of tickets…even though it was a tease …it showed character…it showed that a person who could lie for something as trivial as two paper tickets, could manipulate anyone around them for a bout of personal entertainment and distraction.
And afterall, wasn’t Bani all about the ‘Fun’? Wasn’t everything in life for her nothing more than Fun…anything that could entertain her and bring some excitement to her…she had been spoilt rotten by her family…made to believe that she could have anything that she wanted, even if it meant, hurting someone or breaking someone’s trust…and she was doing exactly that.
And not just trust…she had broken his heart alongside.
Banging his Laptop shut, Jai picked up his jacket and stormed out of his Office…he had to set things right…he had to get to the truth…and if the truth meant all that he had just discovered…then Bani had to be exposed…he was not letting Purva and probably Nachiket also to be fooled into her game.
If she thought she could make a pawn out of everyone and amuse herself, she was completely mistaken there…maybe with others, her naive charm worked wonders…but he was not a fool to be taken for a ride…not again at least.
Making a couple of impatient phonecalls, it took him less than 20 minutes to discover where Nachiket lived…
The evening looked darkened than usual, as clouds gathered above and a winter shower looked imminent. Sending his driver away, Jai took to the wheels and drove for Nachiket’s house.
He did not have anything particular in his mind…a lot of rage, anger and frustration was taking place…but at the same time, a little voice kept telling him that what our eyes show us may not be the truth, not all the time atleast…and he had known Bani closely for the last few months now…would she really be this scheming and shrewd? And there wasn’t even any solid reason for her being so…
Tossing his head, he waited with edginess at the traffic intersection, he had to sort this out…he had to make either Nachiket or Bani come out clear…this was disturbing him more than he had imagined. He hated himself for making such a mess out of his feelings and becoming a slave to his passions …but it was too late to get a control over them…the feeling of suspicion and jealousy had engulfed him completely.
Bani had arranged his small one room accommodation to the best of her artistic tastes and abilities, with candles and flowers and placed Purva’s painting in the middle covered with a sheet.
Nachiket smiled at her enthusiasm and giving her a glass of coke said, ‘You’re sure this is going to work?’
‘Of course silly…can’t you see she is still in love with you?’
He looked thoughtful for some time and said, ‘I left a message with her on her voicemail to come over…wonder if she got it or not…’
‘Of course silly…she must have got it!’
‘Do you think she will accept my love immediately and not ask for more time… ?’
‘Of course silly…she will accept everything right now!’
‘Hey, stop calling me silly!’
‘Then stop asking such questions, silly!’
They both broke out laughing and then looking at her watch, Bani gulped the coke in her hand and said, ‘Oh, I better be going now…don’t want to spoil the romantic atmosphere here…Purva might be here anytime!’
‘Meet her and go…’
‘No…this evening is only for you two…I’ll meet you both together now!’
Nachiket shrugged his head and smiled at her and then asked, ‘But what will you do going home? No one is there except Massi…Kiran aunty and Rano won’t come back till tomorrow, right?’
Bani paused for a while and getting a knowing grin on her face said, ‘I have some plans for the evening…’
‘Oooh…like what, care to share?’
‘Mind your own business, copperknob!’
‘Copperknob? Ha! And what about you minding your own business…’
‘Natts, if I had minded my business…you would probably still have been painting sceneries sitting in Chachu’s gallery and not coming up with names of your children.’
‘Coming up with names of my children? I haven’t thought so far, Bani…’ he laughed.
‘I have…and if you feel any gratitude towards me, name your first born after me!’
‘Only if the first born is a monkey!’
Bani ran after a laughing Nachiket to hit him and tripping on a cache of paint brushes lying on the floor, she fell on the ground and Nachiket swooped forward to hold her, disheveling her hair, as her claw clip came tumbling out and fell into his hands.
Jai barely mangaged to catch on his sleep, because (a) He had to be in the Office at 9 am sharp for the postponed Core Team Meeting and (b) His Dad’s words kept ringing in his ears…Tell Bani you love her…
His dad was the limit…but oh boy, did he always get his facts right or what!
So he did love her…but what about his whole belief system…but then who said that one has to believe in love to fall in it…
Even though his head was splitting in two with a deadly asprin hangover and the lack of sleep from which he was suffering, Jai had a spring in his steps when he went to Office and Stella was left stunned, when her normally stand-offish and reserved boss, gave her a wink and said, ‘You look gorgeous in Blue, Stella…wear more of it!’
‘Oh my god, I think its one of these rave parties that these youngsters go to nowadays…you know drugs and all…which make you over-sprightly and cheery…but God knows, he was the last person I expected to…’ she told the girl at the reception, all dazed!
Today Jai’s full concentration was on his work and he was his usual commanding self, taking in the good points with appreciation, putting down the silly ones with sarcasm and generally being very much that he was, just with a strange liveliness to him, which was hitherto unknown.
At lunch, when he got a few mintues to himself, Jai decided to compose his thoughts, meet up with Bani and put across his feelings in a mature, responsible and logical manner. So that it might not overwhelm her nor understate his emotions. Jai felt pretty good about himself, that even when in love, he was being so smart and intelligent and not acting like a goofy, messed up creature that normally guys become when they fall in love.
He placed a call to Bani and when she came on line, he suddenly felt his voice drowning a bit and his self-confidence faltering just a tad, especially on hearing her very off-hand greeting. Obviously, she wasn’t in a very good mood and since Jai himself was in such a splendid one, he never for once thought that it was because of him that she was upset…his sudden departure from the party and the last snub at her had left her immensely distressed and she was in no mood to deal with his temper tantrums, when she was caught in an emotional dilemma of her own.
‘Hi Bani, this is Jai here…’ He sounded polite and ceremonial.
She sniffed at the other end and said with coolness, ‘Yes, I can recognize the voice.’
‘Um…I was wondering if you were free today evening…’
Cutting him in his speech, she said, extremely civil yet stridently, ‘No, I am not.’
Completely taken aback at her answer, he did not know what to say next and just said politely, ‘Oh! I was quite expecting you would be…’
Bani kept silent on the other end, her voice was becoming choked as she remembered last night, the intimacy shared in the garden and then the abrupt departure.
At a loss on what to say or do, Jai decided it was best to let go of things right now and said gently, ‘Fine…just give me a call whenever you are free…I need to talk to you regarding something…something important.’ After a moment’s hesitation he added in an officious tone, ‘Just in case, I’m not available on my blackberry…send an email…I’ll get back to you.’
Bidding a courteous goodbye, Jai suddenly had an urge to hit himself. ‘Send an email?’ What sort of a start was this to propose to the woman you loved? Obviously, Bani’s company had started affecting him in more than one ways!
Jai never did get an email from Bani that day…and he was pretty sure that she had not even bothered dialing his Blackberry. By coincidence, he was so busy with work, that this realization came very late in the day and by then, it was too late to go and meet up with her…and even though being an Egoist essentially, Jai realized that now it was his call to mark the first step…and when he retired for sleep, slightly earlier than his usual bedtime, he promised to himself that tomorrow would be a new day and he will go and talk to Bani about them.
Kiran did a quick check of the ‘To Do’ list she had in her hand and nodding her head and made a mental tick of the things that had been completed and frowned at the thought of the stuff that was left. It was the first wedding in the family and since she was the head of the family, Kiran felt it was a bigger responsibility that Rano’s marriage should go without a single hitch. The Bali’s were extremely nice people and had insisted again and again that they want a simple marriage, but Kiran was too excited and happy and had decided that however difficult it might get, she had to give the most memorable day to both her daughters.
Rano came down from the stairs and looked around for Bani, remarked, ‘Ma…where is Bani? The Driver has been honking for the last half and hour, we have got to leave.’
Kiran, Rano and some of their relatives were leaving for Jaipur for two days, to pick up some jewelry that Kiran had ordered for her and to visit their family deity for prayers before the nuptials. Aditya had flown down to Bangalore to attend an important auction and had promised to be back in a day. Bani had volunteered to stay on as they couldn’t leave the house alone, since there was a lot of jewelry and cash at home lying around because of the wedding coming up.
Bani came panting in and announced, ‘I have already given 3 cups of tea to the driver, he is furious now…why are you getting so late?’ she looked around in irritation at her mother and sister.
‘We were looking for you, Bunny!’
Kiran came and patting her younger child’s face said, ‘Beta, please promise me to be careful and take care of both yourself and the house in our absence.’
Bani gave an impatient snort and said, ‘Stop treating me like a baby all the time…of course, I’ll take care. You go now and spend all your hard earned money on this idiot’s wedding!’
Rano gave an angry sniff and came to hit Bani, who hid behind Kiran, giggling. She said in a hurt tone, ‘See ma…your darling is always talking to me in this manner…she’ll see when she has to sleep alone in her room, once I’m gone from here.’
Bani gave a long whistle and said teasingly, ‘Trust me Rano Di…I’ve been praying for that day to come…’
Everyone giggled while Rano sulked some more and Kiran looked on affectionately at both her daughters and suddenly to everyone’s shock, broke down crying.
Bani and Rano both came anxiously over to her and said, ‘What happened Ma? Are you alright?’
Wiping her tears with difficulty, she looked at the faces of her beloved daughters and said emotionally, ‘what they say is true…boys might be the pride of a family…but its girls, who are the souls! Now one of them is going and the other one will leave me too…’
Both of them had tears in their eyes and wailing loudly, Bani remarked, ‘I’ll never leave you Ma…never…I won’t get married…I’ll…I’ll become a Nun and live with you!’
Bani’s remark provided much amusement and the atmosphere lightened, till Nachiket’s voice was heard in a distance, ‘And where will you provide your charitable services to? An ice-cream parlor or a Cable TV Channel?’
Much more laughter erupted and Bani muttered some rude remarks at Nachiket, caught in between laughter.
Kiran looked at him and said, ‘Beta…tumhare bharose chod kar jaa rahi hoon. Please keep an eye on her!’
Bani hissed and said something about being independent etc, but Nachiket shot her down and said soothingly to Kiran, ‘Aunty, don’t you worry…I’ll lock her up somewhere in the store-room with enough food for 20 people…and a TV to boot…she won’t even know when you are gone and back!’
While Bani set about hitting Nachiket, running all around the living room, Kiran and Rano took leave for Jaipur along with others.
They both sat on the couch with a bowl each of popcorn and Nachiket put on a tape of FRIENDS that he had brought with him, knowing how much Bani loved the sitcom. Bani who normally sat with rapt attention while viewing Television, seemed fidgety and restless to Nachiket and he noticed, that for some reason, her eyes kept roving around the phone.
After a while, when he found that he couldn’t concentrate on the show, because Bani had made at least three trips to the kitchen for nothing and two to the washroom and one in general to check if everything was alright.
‘What is wrong with you?’
Bani looked at him, jolted by the abrupt question and blinking her eyes rapidly said, ‘Nothing…Nothing at all! Why?’
‘You are hardly watching the show…why did I bother to scour the entire market yesterday and get your these DVD’s, if your mind is not here!’
She looked guilty and made a sheepish face and he asked her suspiciously, ‘Are you expecting someone…or someone’s phone call?’
Getting hot under the collor, she retorted with calm, ‘No…Not at all…Just…Um, Just missing Ma and Di!’
He looked bewildered and said, ‘Missing them. Its hardly an hour they left and they’ll be back in two days…’
She made some noises and tried to divert his attention someplace else by stating that she was going to the kitchen to make them some baked cheese nachos.
Nachiket shrugged his head smiling at her general absent-mindedness and switched on the Television again, when the phone rang. He waited for it to ring thrice, expecting Bani to pick it up, but when she did not come out of the kitchen, he took the call.
There was a pause on the other end when Nachiket spoke and after a while’s hesitation, the deep, manly voice on the other end said politely, ‘Is that the Dixit Residence?’
‘Yes. How can I help you?’
‘Um…Can I speak to Bani please?’
‘Sure…please hold on, I’ll call her.’
Nachiket tried to find the ‘hold’ button but being unfamiliar with the instrument, he could not find it and hastily put his hand over the receiver and called out for her loudly, stating that there was someone on the phone for her.
Her voice came out from the bedroom, ‘Nachiket…I am in the bedroom…come quick…just tell whoever it is, that I am not home…but come quickly upstairs….I have a surprise!’
Nachiket smiled wondering what she was up to and whatever happened to those Nachos.
Jai who had heard both Bani and Nachiket’s voices very clearly was frosty and silent when Nachiket got on the phone and said politely, ‘Er…I’m sorry…I think she has just gone out somewhere…I’ll take down a message for her, she’ll call back once she is in.’
The voice came out cuttingly, ‘Forget it.’ And the phone was banged down rudely much to the clueless Nachiket’s surprise.
When he went upstairs to Bani and Rano’s bedroom, Nachiket stood rooted near the door, as she grinned at him and said, ‘So…how is the surprise?’
There was a life-size painting lying on the be …it was a skillfully painted picture of a beautiful young woman, sitting with a poignant expression on her face, as if waiting for someone to come…the face of the lady in the picture bore a striking resemblance to Purva.
‘That’s one of my earliest works, I…I sold it off 3 years back…how did you get hold of that one?’ Nachiket kept staring at the painting in astonishment.
‘Trust me…it was very, very tough…but you know, I always get around Adi Chachu…he sourced it back from a client to whom the painting had been sold…’
‘Bani…’ Nachiket’s voice trailed as he came near the picture, an expression of longing and love in his face and then looking at his friend, he gave a moist smile and said, ‘You are the best friend anyone could have!’
She smiled back and keeping a hand on his shoulder said, ‘Come on…you have always been there for me…this is nothing…and if Purva and you can get back, nothing would make me happier.’
Nachiket grinned and said, ‘Not even if Hulk finally dares?’
Bani reddened and said, ‘What?’
‘Did you wonder why he did not take the dare yesterday night at the game?’
She kept silent and he continued, ‘because he knew it wasn’t a game anymore…’
Heaving a sigh, she went near the window and said despondently, ‘I don’t know what’s in his heart, Nachiket…’
‘Do you know what is in your heart?’
She looked at him and after a momen’t hestitation said with plain honesty, ‘Yes.’
‘Then why are you keeping the truth away from him…go and tell him.’
She hesitated and then spoke softly, ‘What if he rejects me again?’
Nachiket kept quiet at this and said, ‘Bani, do you really think breaking off the engagement was his rejection?’
He went on, mindful of her thoughtful silence, ‘I think it was the best thing that could have happened to both of you…usually its love which leads to people forming relationships…but look at you two…a broken relationship led you both to fall in love…now if this isn’t destiny, then what is?’
A gentle smile came on Bani’s lips and blushing deeply she said, ‘So much of sensitivity and thoughtfulness in your…but still you go and make yourself a complete clown of yourself…why Nachiket?’
‘Well…Love does have a certain way of invoking different reactions in different people…it made me an impetuous fool…it made Purva into a recluse…it turned Rano and Ranveer into inseperable lovebirds…and it made you and Hulk into each other!’
Bani grinned and said, ‘Hulk? Still…but what do you mean, it made us into each other?’
Picking up the painiting and climbing down the staris with Bani, he smiled at her and said, ‘To change for love is not done…but if love changes you, then you’ve got something special in your hands…judge for yourself, how much of him you have in yourself and how much you have influenced his personality…and you’ll know what I mean!’
Patting her on the head, Nachiket took off for his flat, promising Bani that by tomorrow morning, he and Purva will be together again and that he hoped to see Bani as Mrs. Incredible Hulk in a few months.
She thew a pebble at his retreating direction, both of them laughing uproariously at the joke.
Something was surely wrong…it couldn’t be Nachiket who had picked up the phone at Bani’s home…and even if he was, so what? Weren’t they good friends? But then why did he overhear Bani calling him to her bedroom and cutting his phone call?
Why had she refused to meet him yesterday evening? Why had she not called him back or even sent in a message? Why was she avoiding him all of a sudden? Had she got bored of him? Had Jai taken too much time? Was there even anything in the first place between them?
He was extremely disturbed by the conversation he had overheard, already his head was looming with many diverging thoughts…he had to go to Bani’s house and see for himself…
Jai had parked his Car at a distance and when he saw Nachiket coming out of the gates, with Bani’s laughing figure looming in the distance, murder came to his eyes.
He drove down furiously back to his Office and when he banged the door of his cabin shut, Stella was convinced that her boss was certainly on some type of party drug and this on and off mood was a definite proof of it.
He couldn’t believe what he had just seen…despite Bani’s coldly snubbing him and not returning his phone call, he had still decided to give it a try…and even when he had overheard that provoking conversation between Nachiket and Bani on the phone, he wanted to make sure, he had not got anything wrong.
But this couldn’t be a misunderstanding. He knew that there was no one at Bani’s home…Kiran had called him up in the morning to tell him that she was going to Jaipur along with Rano and requested him to call up Bani and just keep a tab on her safety and well-being.
But apparently, that was not needed…what on earth was Nachiket doing with Bani in an empty house…and more disturbingly, why did Bani call him so teasingly to her Bedroom?
His head felt like exploding and he felt such a cold, murderous rage towards not just Nachiket but also Bani…for he felt that she had misled and betrayed him.
Jai could not concentrate on his work, but keeping a very firm lid on his boiling emotions, he went through the day, extremely tactiturn and brusque and when the day was folding up, Purva came in.
‘Hi Jai…mind if I take a few minutes.’
Jai did not want to see anyone at the moment and looking up irritatedly from his laptop, he said in a curt tone, ‘Please make it quick…I’ve a concall coming up!’
Though used to his frequent mood-swings, Purva was nevertheless stung by his rudeness, considering she had seen a remarkable change in him in the past few days.
Anyways, she came and sat opposite to him and waited a while before speaking, while Jai kept typing something on the Laptop, expecting her to speak while he worked.
Clearing her throat, Purva begin, delicately, ‘Jai…I…I’ve decided to give it another try.’
He looked up from his laptop and asked shortly, ‘Give a try to what?’
Looking clearly embarrassed, she continued, ‘Getting back with…with Nachiket.’
Jai stared at her and stopped working on his laptop and then burying his forehad in the palms of his hands said, slowly, ‘Have you spoken to him in this regard?’
‘No…I mean, not frankly…but that day…I went to Bani’s birthday party…and we met…and realized that I never stopped loving him.’
There was silence in the room for some time and Jai spoke in a deliberate, clear tone, ‘Maybe you never stopped loving him Purva…but what about him? Are you sure he still holds any feeling for you, in case he ever did in the first place…and importantly….there is no one else in his life now?’
Purva flushed at the bitterness in Jai’s voice and taking a deep breath said, ‘I really don’t know if there is someone else in his life or not…but I’ve decided to not let my false ego and pride come between us again…even if he turns me down…I still want to tell him what I feel about him.’
Jai kept staring at her and then with a careless shrug of his head spoke indifferently, ‘Whatever! You shared your thoughts with me as a friend and I told you what I reall think.’
After a while, as Purva got up and said goodbye to him, he spoke up, ‘All the best…I wish you happiness…’
She turned to smile at him and said, ‘And love too…Happiness and Love! Wish me both!’
He smiled thinly back at her and got back to working on his current project, wondering what was going to happen…If there was indeed nothing between Bani and Nachiket, then he and Purva would get back together…and if Nachiket and Purva did not get back together, then that could only mean…he didn’t even want to entertain that depressing thought…
Just as Purva opened the door of his room to leave, she said, remembering the girl with whom Nachiket was flirting at Bani’s party, ‘Oh…I just remembered…there is someone in his life…I saw them together during the party…they looked on very intimate terms…’
Whatever color was on Jai’s face faded and before he could question Purva, she said with a shrug, ‘But still…I need to speak to him, before jumping to conclusions…else I would be doing the same mistake he did 3 years back! Bye Jai!’
So Purva had seen them together at the Party…she could only be referring to Bani…who else could it be…so it was true…they shared an intimate relationship…then what was that Bani shared with Jai? Friendship…Acquaintance… Social contact… Familiarity
What was HIS relationship with Bani? What was her relationship with Nachiket? And why was she playing these games with all of them, Jai, Nachiket and now Purva?
Jai saw red…the one thing he could never bear was dishonesty…and he had told that to Bani…she had lied with such ease at the Entertainment Park, faking pregnancy to get hold of tickets…even though it was a tease …it showed character…it showed that a person who could lie for something as trivial as two paper tickets, could manipulate anyone around them for a bout of personal entertainment and distraction.
And afterall, wasn’t Bani all about the ‘Fun’? Wasn’t everything in life for her nothing more than Fun…anything that could entertain her and bring some excitement to her…she had been spoilt rotten by her family…made to believe that she could have anything that she wanted, even if it meant, hurting someone or breaking someone’s trust…and she was doing exactly that.
And not just trust…she had broken his heart alongside.
Banging his Laptop shut, Jai picked up his jacket and stormed out of his Office…he had to set things right…he had to get to the truth…and if the truth meant all that he had just discovered…then Bani had to be exposed…he was not letting Purva and probably Nachiket also to be fooled into her game.
If she thought she could make a pawn out of everyone and amuse herself, she was completely mistaken there…maybe with others, her naive charm worked wonders…but he was not a fool to be taken for a ride…not again at least.
Making a couple of impatient phonecalls, it took him less than 20 minutes to discover where Nachiket lived…
The evening looked darkened than usual, as clouds gathered above and a winter shower looked imminent. Sending his driver away, Jai took to the wheels and drove for Nachiket’s house.
He did not have anything particular in his mind…a lot of rage, anger and frustration was taking place…but at the same time, a little voice kept telling him that what our eyes show us may not be the truth, not all the time atleast…and he had known Bani closely for the last few months now…would she really be this scheming and shrewd? And there wasn’t even any solid reason for her being so…
Tossing his head, he waited with edginess at the traffic intersection, he had to sort this out…he had to make either Nachiket or Bani come out clear…this was disturbing him more than he had imagined. He hated himself for making such a mess out of his feelings and becoming a slave to his passions …but it was too late to get a control over them…the feeling of suspicion and jealousy had engulfed him completely.
Bani had arranged his small one room accommodation to the best of her artistic tastes and abilities, with candles and flowers and placed Purva’s painting in the middle covered with a sheet.
Nachiket smiled at her enthusiasm and giving her a glass of coke said, ‘You’re sure this is going to work?’
‘Of course silly…can’t you see she is still in love with you?’
He looked thoughtful for some time and said, ‘I left a message with her on her voicemail to come over…wonder if she got it or not…’
‘Of course silly…she must have got it!’
‘Do you think she will accept my love immediately and not ask for more time… ?’
‘Of course silly…she will accept everything right now!’
‘Hey, stop calling me silly!’
‘Then stop asking such questions, silly!’
They both broke out laughing and then looking at her watch, Bani gulped the coke in her hand and said, ‘Oh, I better be going now…don’t want to spoil the romantic atmosphere here…Purva might be here anytime!’
‘Meet her and go…’
‘No…this evening is only for you two…I’ll meet you both together now!’
Nachiket shrugged his head and smiled at her and then asked, ‘But what will you do going home? No one is there except Massi…Kiran aunty and Rano won’t come back till tomorrow, right?’
Bani paused for a while and getting a knowing grin on her face said, ‘I have some plans for the evening…’
‘Oooh…like what, care to share?’
‘Mind your own business, copperknob!’
‘Copperknob? Ha! And what about you minding your own business…’
‘Natts, if I had minded my business…you would probably still have been painting sceneries sitting in Chachu’s gallery and not coming up with names of your children.’
‘Coming up with names of my children? I haven’t thought so far, Bani…’ he laughed.
‘I have…and if you feel any gratitude towards me, name your first born after me!’
‘Only if the first born is a monkey!’
Bani ran after a laughing Nachiket to hit him and tripping on a cache of paint brushes lying on the floor, she fell on the ground and Nachiket swooped forward to hold her, disheveling her hair, as her claw clip came tumbling out and fell into his hands.
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Edit: August 27, 2008, 09:58:05 am by poppy »

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#191 on: August 27, 2008, 06:47:23 am »
Part 13 B
Nachiket lived in a PG and his flat was located in a crowded lane, Jai found it impossible to get his Car inside it and leaving it parked on the road, he strode towards his house, each step feeling heavier than the other…what if Nachiket makes his worst fears come true…what if he says that he is in a relationship with Bani…or even that they are more than just good friends…What? Jai did not know the answer to that what? But he was determined to find out…if not for himself.
He wondered if Nachiket would be home, remembering that Purva had talked about meeting him today…standing in front of the grilled door, he took a deep breath and was about to press the bell, when the door flung open and a flushed looking Bani came giggling out, ‘You can’t get everything you want….’ her teasing voice resounded in Jai’s shocked ears. Nachiket who looked a bit tousled had launched himself on her and was about to hold her from going out, when they both saw, Jai’s frozen self standing near the door.
There was no dialogue between the three of them, they just kept staring at one another, till Nachiket cleared his throat and spoke haltingly, ‘Jai…Er, I mean, Mr. Walia…what a surprise?’
Jai noticed that Nachiket was holding the Claw Clip in his hand and Bani who’s hair had come out flying all over her face, pushed them back and kept staring at him, wordlessly.
‘Yes…quite a surprise, isn’t it?’ Jai’s voice held immense sarcasm.
There was again an awkward pause and silence, till Bani composed herself and addressed to Nachiket, ‘I…I better be going…’
Jai cut in and said, ‘Yes…that would be rather nice…else Purva might get a bit of a shock!’
They both stared at Jai, looking confused and scared at his expression and she spoke timidly, ‘Purva is coming…’
‘Unfortunately for her and for you, yes…’
Bani looked back at Nachiket who looked equally clueless at the tone Jai was taking and wondered if he should explain something or just keep quiet. He decided it would be wiser to keep his mouth shut, as the last time he had opened it, had landed him in big trouble.
Just then Purva walked in from behind and stood still, taking in the look of the trio and then said slowly, ‘Am I at the wrong moment?’
Jai turned to look at her and without any expression said, ‘No Purva…you are right on time…and as it happens, so am I.’
There was an awkward silence again, till Purva said gently, ‘Nachiket…can we talk?’
Nachiket who looked both delighted at Purva’s arrival, which he was eagerly anticipating but not expecting and also terrified at Jai’s behaviour, quietly ushered Purva in his room.
Jai and Bani kept standing still and then she spoke inaudibly, ‘I…I think I should be going now…’
Nachiket asked suddenly, ‘How will you go back Bani? Its raining…shall I get you a Cab or Auto?’
Before Bani could refuse him, Jai caught hold of Bani’s hand, forcefully and in a clipped tone said, ‘don’t worry…I’ll take care of her.’
Before a dazed Nachiket, disoriented Purva and a shocked Bani could react, Jai dragged her down the stairs, right through the lane and shoved her roughly into the front seat of his Car.
Taking off his jacket and throwing it in the back seat, he started the engine and roared away in complete silence and a sky-ravaged expression on his dark face.
There was not a single word of communication between the two of them and Bani sat, twiddling her fingers and in between looking at his face, wondering what exactly was going on. Why was Jai in such a cold rage? Just because she had not returned his phone call? Should she tell him that she had planned to take a Cab from Nachiket’s flat and come straight to Jai and meet him? Tell him that she had a few things to confess? Ask him why he had left her party so abruptly? Ask him why he did not take Rano’s dare and tell the truth that was in his heart? There were so many questions to be asked and answered, but she said nothing…Jai was scaring the life out of her now and till he gave some explanations, she did not have the courage to offer some of her own.
It had started raining lightly and it looked as if there was going to be a deluge tonight…
After the very mute and daunting ride of 30 minutes, Jai brought his Car to a halt some distance from Bani’s house and cutting the engine, looked at her with cold eyes and spoke in clear, cutting and cruel voice;
‘Tell Rano…I took her dare.’
‘What?’ came out Bani’s dazed voice, surprised that he had spoken exactly on one of the questions that she had on her mind.
Jai repeated in the same cold, dead voice, ‘Tell your sister, I took her dare…I opened my heart and came out with the truth.’
‘What truth?’ Bani’s voice was faint, heard against the rainfall beating on the windows of the Car in which they both sat.
‘Tell her that I think you are nothing more than a scheming, manipulative, cunning wretch…’
Bani was so taken aback at the statement that she kept staring at him with her mouth open.
‘Tell her that the best decision I made in my life was breaking off that damn engagement with you…’
‘Tell her that behind all that outward show of simplicity and naivety lies a girl who entertains herself by playing emotional games with people who care for her.’
‘Jai, what are you saying…’ Bani looked so traumatized by his words and the look of insanity in his eyes, her voice barely audible to him.
Holding her roughly by her shoulder, he continued remorselessly and ruthlessly, ‘Tell her that I feel you care for no one else’s feelings or emotions and would happily trample over them, as long as it serves to amuse you…’
‘Tell her that I think you have no character, no morals, no principles and no standing in life…you do what you want to do…even at the cost of the people who…who love you…’
‘Tell her that in all my life, I have never been so let down, so disgusted and so sickened as I am now, by this display of sugary sweetness which holds an essentially nasty, mean and cruel heart…’
He stopped, unable to go on anymore, choked and overwhelmed, taking a deep breath, his hands gripping the steering wheel so tightly, she felt they would explode anytime.
Bani sat motionless, her eyes had filled with tears but the impact of Jai’s words was so formidable, that they seemed frozen in her eyes.
There was absolute stillness for sometime and Jai’s face looked like a particularly black rainstorm.
Thumping his hand with a sudden jerk, strongly on the steering wheel, a shrill honk emancipating from it, he gritted his teeth and looking at her unmoving visage said tersely, ‘Get out…this moment…get out of my Car…and out of my life…I don’t want to see your bloody face…get out before I lose my control totally and end up doing something unimaginable, Bani…just get out right now.’
Getting no reaction from her, he closed his eyes, as if to dam in his fury and opening his side of the door, got down and walked towards the other side, and violently opened the door.
Bani sat immobile and quiet, her eyes stunned and stupefied till Jai caught hold of her upper arm forcefully and shoved her out of the Car in one go.
They both stood in the pouring downfall, which drenched them both in a matter of few seconds. He glared at her and clenched his fists tightly, bringing them to hit on the bonnet of the Car with full force. The impact of his fist against the metal brought out a sound, which suddenly seemed to bring Bani back to life and she saw him getting into his Car and driving away on full speed.
It took Massi’s voice calling her out from the distance to break the spell and she collapsed on the middle of the road, crying hearwrenchingly.
She did not know when Massi followed by Mango had come running down to her and took her back home, soaking cold and feeling utterly done with. Despite Massi’s torrent of questions on what happened, Bani just kept crying and refused to say anything and despite many protests, she went and locked herself up in the room, not bothering to change into dry clothes. She sat huddled near the base of her bed, wet, hungry, exhausted and so empty, so hollow that it seemed she would never be able to fill it up ever again.
Despite Massi’s many remonstrations and requests, Bani refused to open her mouth and begged to be left alone…with only Mango sitting sorrowfully besides her, licking her in between affectionately.
The rain beat mercilessly against the window pane of her room and she sobbed copiously, her head buried in her folded knees, a cold shiver went up and down her spine, as she sat in her drenched clothes for the rest of the night.
To be continued in Part 13 C...and now all of you can

JW! ;)
Nachiket lived in a PG and his flat was located in a crowded lane, Jai found it impossible to get his Car inside it and leaving it parked on the road, he strode towards his house, each step feeling heavier than the other…what if Nachiket makes his worst fears come true…what if he says that he is in a relationship with Bani…or even that they are more than just good friends…What? Jai did not know the answer to that what? But he was determined to find out…if not for himself.
He wondered if Nachiket would be home, remembering that Purva had talked about meeting him today…standing in front of the grilled door, he took a deep breath and was about to press the bell, when the door flung open and a flushed looking Bani came giggling out, ‘You can’t get everything you want….’ her teasing voice resounded in Jai’s shocked ears. Nachiket who looked a bit tousled had launched himself on her and was about to hold her from going out, when they both saw, Jai’s frozen self standing near the door.
There was no dialogue between the three of them, they just kept staring at one another, till Nachiket cleared his throat and spoke haltingly, ‘Jai…Er, I mean, Mr. Walia…what a surprise?’
Jai noticed that Nachiket was holding the Claw Clip in his hand and Bani who’s hair had come out flying all over her face, pushed them back and kept staring at him, wordlessly.
‘Yes…quite a surprise, isn’t it?’ Jai’s voice held immense sarcasm.
There was again an awkward pause and silence, till Bani composed herself and addressed to Nachiket, ‘I…I better be going…’
Jai cut in and said, ‘Yes…that would be rather nice…else Purva might get a bit of a shock!’
They both stared at Jai, looking confused and scared at his expression and she spoke timidly, ‘Purva is coming…’
‘Unfortunately for her and for you, yes…’
Bani looked back at Nachiket who looked equally clueless at the tone Jai was taking and wondered if he should explain something or just keep quiet. He decided it would be wiser to keep his mouth shut, as the last time he had opened it, had landed him in big trouble.
Just then Purva walked in from behind and stood still, taking in the look of the trio and then said slowly, ‘Am I at the wrong moment?’
Jai turned to look at her and without any expression said, ‘No Purva…you are right on time…and as it happens, so am I.’
There was an awkward silence again, till Purva said gently, ‘Nachiket…can we talk?’
Nachiket who looked both delighted at Purva’s arrival, which he was eagerly anticipating but not expecting and also terrified at Jai’s behaviour, quietly ushered Purva in his room.
Jai and Bani kept standing still and then she spoke inaudibly, ‘I…I think I should be going now…’
Nachiket asked suddenly, ‘How will you go back Bani? Its raining…shall I get you a Cab or Auto?’
Before Bani could refuse him, Jai caught hold of Bani’s hand, forcefully and in a clipped tone said, ‘don’t worry…I’ll take care of her.’
Before a dazed Nachiket, disoriented Purva and a shocked Bani could react, Jai dragged her down the stairs, right through the lane and shoved her roughly into the front seat of his Car.
Taking off his jacket and throwing it in the back seat, he started the engine and roared away in complete silence and a sky-ravaged expression on his dark face.
There was not a single word of communication between the two of them and Bani sat, twiddling her fingers and in between looking at his face, wondering what exactly was going on. Why was Jai in such a cold rage? Just because she had not returned his phone call? Should she tell him that she had planned to take a Cab from Nachiket’s flat and come straight to Jai and meet him? Tell him that she had a few things to confess? Ask him why he had left her party so abruptly? Ask him why he did not take Rano’s dare and tell the truth that was in his heart? There were so many questions to be asked and answered, but she said nothing…Jai was scaring the life out of her now and till he gave some explanations, she did not have the courage to offer some of her own.
It had started raining lightly and it looked as if there was going to be a deluge tonight…
After the very mute and daunting ride of 30 minutes, Jai brought his Car to a halt some distance from Bani’s house and cutting the engine, looked at her with cold eyes and spoke in clear, cutting and cruel voice;
‘Tell Rano…I took her dare.’
‘What?’ came out Bani’s dazed voice, surprised that he had spoken exactly on one of the questions that she had on her mind.
Jai repeated in the same cold, dead voice, ‘Tell your sister, I took her dare…I opened my heart and came out with the truth.’
‘What truth?’ Bani’s voice was faint, heard against the rainfall beating on the windows of the Car in which they both sat.
‘Tell her that I think you are nothing more than a scheming, manipulative, cunning wretch…’
Bani was so taken aback at the statement that she kept staring at him with her mouth open.
‘Tell her that the best decision I made in my life was breaking off that damn engagement with you…’
‘Tell her that behind all that outward show of simplicity and naivety lies a girl who entertains herself by playing emotional games with people who care for her.’
‘Jai, what are you saying…’ Bani looked so traumatized by his words and the look of insanity in his eyes, her voice barely audible to him.
Holding her roughly by her shoulder, he continued remorselessly and ruthlessly, ‘Tell her that I feel you care for no one else’s feelings or emotions and would happily trample over them, as long as it serves to amuse you…’
‘Tell her that I think you have no character, no morals, no principles and no standing in life…you do what you want to do…even at the cost of the people who…who love you…’
‘Tell her that in all my life, I have never been so let down, so disgusted and so sickened as I am now, by this display of sugary sweetness which holds an essentially nasty, mean and cruel heart…’
He stopped, unable to go on anymore, choked and overwhelmed, taking a deep breath, his hands gripping the steering wheel so tightly, she felt they would explode anytime.
Bani sat motionless, her eyes had filled with tears but the impact of Jai’s words was so formidable, that they seemed frozen in her eyes.
There was absolute stillness for sometime and Jai’s face looked like a particularly black rainstorm.
Thumping his hand with a sudden jerk, strongly on the steering wheel, a shrill honk emancipating from it, he gritted his teeth and looking at her unmoving visage said tersely, ‘Get out…this moment…get out of my Car…and out of my life…I don’t want to see your bloody face…get out before I lose my control totally and end up doing something unimaginable, Bani…just get out right now.’
Getting no reaction from her, he closed his eyes, as if to dam in his fury and opening his side of the door, got down and walked towards the other side, and violently opened the door.
Bani sat immobile and quiet, her eyes stunned and stupefied till Jai caught hold of her upper arm forcefully and shoved her out of the Car in one go.
They both stood in the pouring downfall, which drenched them both in a matter of few seconds. He glared at her and clenched his fists tightly, bringing them to hit on the bonnet of the Car with full force. The impact of his fist against the metal brought out a sound, which suddenly seemed to bring Bani back to life and she saw him getting into his Car and driving away on full speed.
It took Massi’s voice calling her out from the distance to break the spell and she collapsed on the middle of the road, crying hearwrenchingly.
She did not know when Massi followed by Mango had come running down to her and took her back home, soaking cold and feeling utterly done with. Despite Massi’s torrent of questions on what happened, Bani just kept crying and refused to say anything and despite many protests, she went and locked herself up in the room, not bothering to change into dry clothes. She sat huddled near the base of her bed, wet, hungry, exhausted and so empty, so hollow that it seemed she would never be able to fill it up ever again.
Despite Massi’s many remonstrations and requests, Bani refused to open her mouth and begged to be left alone…with only Mango sitting sorrowfully besides her, licking her in between affectionately.
The rain beat mercilessly against the window pane of her room and she sobbed copiously, her head buried in her folded knees, a cold shiver went up and down her spine, as she sat in her drenched clothes for the rest of the night.

To be continued in Part 13 C...and now all of you can

Part 13 C
Jai drove back home in silence and after shoving off Bhavesh from the house, he went to his Bar and looked for something to drink. A stiff, neat whisky was what he needed…to get her out of his mind! Fumbling through the Bar with shaking fingers, he couldn’t find his preferred brand and suddenly, losing the temper that he had so vehemently controlled till now broke and taking the first bottle that came in his hand, he threw it on the ground with such force, it shattered into a thousand pieces all over the floor. Ravaged by grief and overcome by the complete loss of emotional and physical control, he took one bottle after another, smashing it down on the floor, hurting himself in the process, but not stopping till he found the one he was looking for.
Drenched to the bones by rain, wounded, tired, utterly dejected and heartbroken, he clamped his hands over the bottle and with a despondent, feeble smile, took it down with him till he reached the couch where he collapsed. Slowly opening the cork, he took a sip of the drink directly, the harsh liquid burning his throat, but he felt completely indifferent to the taste and just kept taking sips after sips, staring listelessly at the celing above.
Breaking the deathly silence of the room, the phone rang and Jai let it ring till it went on voice mail. It was his Father calling;
‘Ok, as I guessed…you must be out for the evening…I guess, now you will be out for all the evenings…(A jovial laughter followed) Just called to say that I am so happy for you and Bani…and that I wish you both a lifetime of happiness and love…bless you both my children! (Pausing for a moment) When you get my message, please call me back, both of you, I’ve to speak with my would be daughter-in-law about what an idiot my son has been…taking so long to come out with his feelings…and what a wonderful girl she was…to wait patiently and accept him back with such grace! Erm, Jai, I think the message counter is going to run out, so I’ll disconnect the call and please do anything, but don’t call me back, saying you still haven’t confessed to Bani…if that is so, consider I’ve disowned you for ever! (Chuckles) Bye…Love Dad!’
The answering machine went quiet and when the words had sunk in, Jai dropped the now half-empty bottle from his hand on the floor with a thud and broke down crying…burying his face in the palm of his hands…crying for all that could be and all that was now…crying because he realized all of a sudden, that in a span of just one day, he had lost not only the woman he loved, but also a friend he cared about…crying because, after all that pompous talk about respecting a woman’s dignity, he had ruthlessly ripped apart the dignity and respect of the woman he loved…crying because, he had taken so long to come around with his feelings for Bani and taken so short a time to disregard it all with such contempt…crying because, he recongnized all that he had said to her was nothing but a fabrication of his own insecure mind and all that he had left unsaid was the absolute truth…crying because in a carefully, thoughtout and well-planned bid to make her his own, he had foolishly and impulsively lost her forever…
Jai was so overcome by his anguish and misery that he lay listlessly on the couch, staring blankly at the ceiling till fatigue and intoxication overcame him and he fell asleep.
Bani had also fallen asleep, curling herself on the cold floor, shivering throughout the night, with only Mango’s wooly body giving her some warmth.
The chirping of sparrows on the Gulmohar Tree awoke her and she rubbed her eyes, getting up slowly…was yesterday a bad dream…did it really happen? Did Jai actually say all those things to her…she sat upright for some time, looking like a ghost and it was only Mango’s warm, wet lick on her skin that brought her to the present?
Looking at him, she gave a thin smile and patted him lovingly on his head…and then when she looked out of the window, she saw that yesterday’s thunderstorm had given way to a beautiful morning…it was still quite early, but she could sense, it would be a clear, sunny and warm day.
She got up slowly and washing herself, changed into a fresh set of clothes and when she came out of the bathroom, she noticed there was an envelope lying in the partially opened chest of drawers besides the Bed, and it had her name written on top of it. Opening it slowly, she was surprised to see a pair of keys enclosed in them, taking it in her hands; she looked at it, wondering who’s keys they were and how come they were in her room. And then she saw a letter alongside, it was from Jai;
‘Happy Birthday Bani!
So today you turn 21…wow…finally a big girl! Thanks for inviting me for the party…I’m sorry, I was so preoccupied in the morning…couldn’t pay attention to you…but hey, I made it to the party, alright!
I remember your saying that you cared for my presence more than any gift…that is really sweet of you and very strange too…considering how much you favored the diamond engagement ring over your Finace.
Jokes apart, while I was driving to your home from Office, I wondered what I could possibly gift you…and then suddenly, I saw a partially open shop and, Eureka! There it was, all gleaming and shiny in bright Red…and I knew this was it! This was the gift that I was going to get you!
The Shop was a Car Showroom, owned by a business acquanintance…he was extremely helpful and possibly quite mystified, when I told him that I wanted to buy a Car right now…the one that was on the display window…the chromium plated, Red Santro…he started asking me all sort of questions on how I would prefer to make the payment, when can the representative come for a demonstration, the Engine capacity, the Mileage, blah blah blah…
I told him to shut up, gave him my credit card (Which you would be thilled to know is an American Express Black…By invitation only!) and told him that I want the thing delivered at your doorsteps at the earliest.
But I didn’t know how you would react to it…or what your Mother might say…an Engagement ring is easy enough to hide from others…but a Car might prove to be a tad too difficult to hide, isn’t it? So, I called up Rano on the way to your house and gave her the whole deal! She was as usual, hyper excited and all giggly…gosh, you two are so meant to be sisters! She promised me that she will convince your Mother and not tell you anything till the Car arrived…(I highly doubt that promise, though…)
So, I parked my Car in front of your house, took out my writing pad and wrote this Ramayan that you are reading right now…and then I handed this letter to Rano and told her to give it to you only when the Car is parked in your Garage.
So if you have this letter in your hand and the grin is not fading away, then please take these keys and go rushing down to your Garage, where you’ll find your 21st Birthday Present, all red and shiny!
I know that you have learnt driving, but do not have the confidence to drive… let this gift be an inspiration for you…for your next birthday, I want you to drive us down to the best Restaurant in town for your Birthday Celebration!
Promise me that and I give you one year’s time to be India’s Micheal Schumaker!
Wishing you loads of happiness, health and…and…whatever your heart desires…
Bani stood still with the pair of keys hanging in her frozen hands and the letter fell from her other hand. She kept standing there in a stupor, till Massi came in worringly and said, ‘Beta…uth gayi? Yeh le, Chai peele le…raat ko ro, ro kar, aadhi ho gayi…hua kyat tha?’
Clutching the keys with force, she ran downstairs, as Massi looked on shocked, holding the cup of Tea and calling out her name, and Mango ran excitedly behind her.
She stopped only when she came near their unused Garage, which had its shutters up and saw the gleaming Red Car parked there. A cream colored ribbon with a bunch of satin and lace flowers in the middle of the bow was tied on the bonnet. Filled with inexplicable fury and anguish, she went inside the Garage and opened the front door of the Car.
Taking a deep breath, she remembered the instructions that her driving instructor had told her and she roared the engine into life and backed the Car, bumping into a couple of flowerpots and almost knocking down a horrified Massi, before driving out of the Driveway.
Breaking every possible traffic rule on her way, Bani drove without stopping, all the way to Civil Lines, a good 25 kilometeres from her house. No one stopped her on the way, mostly because it was very early in the morning and there was hardly anyone on the road, except perhaps a stray dog which yelped and ran for its life when it saw the Car approaching. When Jai’s watchman saw a Red Car approaching with speed towards the gates, he opened them in terror, least it banged into him and she drove straight in and only brought it to a halt, when it finally banged against a concrete structure on Jai’s lawns.
She had never driven a Car all on her own before…and even when driving with someone else, she had been extremely nervous and scared and today, she drove without fear, without concern and without any trepidation…Jai’s harsh words rang in her ears and she wanted to give it back to him…and that anger had fuelled the impetuousness of driving all the way on her own.
Bani’s hands were trembling unshakeably when the Engine had been cut off and she realized that not only her hands, but she was shaking vigourously from head to toe. Composing herself, she pulled out the keys and opening the door, strode furiously towards the house.
The heavy oak door was partially open, Jai in his tragic, self-pitying state had left it open and when she walked in, her eyes swollen and red and her body shaking with rage, Jai still had his eyes closed and was lying limp on the couch. He looked like a ghost himself, the first few buttons of his crumpled white shirt undone, his hair in a mess, an undergrowth on his chin giving the effect of total misery and loss. Bani noticed the shattered glass spread all over the room.
‘Jai…get up!’ Bani’s voice came out low pitched and quivery, but it was enough to wake him up.
He stared at her as if in a dream and shaking his head said in a shocked manner, ‘Bani? Bani…’ He looked as if he was watching a mirage.
She gave him a piercing look and said, ‘It’s your nightmare come true, Jai…get up right now…I need to tell something to you now.’
He kept staring at her, blinking his eyes rapidly and then as if to confirm once more, said slowly, ‘Bani…?’
‘Yes…Bani! The same Bani whom you have labeled as manipulative, shrewd, cunning, wicked and what not.’ She yelled loudly.
Still shaking his head in disbelief, he kept staring at her, trying to balance himself on the couch, the hangover was very evident and his head felt all wooly and heavy.
She went on, clutching her fists tightly, her throat choked and her voice so hurt, that Jai could feel the physical pain, ‘The same Bani whom you have accused of not caring for other’s emotions…who plays with the feelings of others for her own entertainment…’
‘Wait…listen…’went on Jai feebly, his voice not carrying any strength or conviction, partially because of the hangover and partially because he was still shocked over seeing her.
‘The same Bani who has no character…no morals…no ethic and no standing in life…Yes, I am that Bani…’
Jai had got up on his feet with great difficult and was swaying unsteadily, but he managed to utter, ‘Listen to me…please…’
‘Why should I listen to you Jai? What is there to listen now? Do you have some more epithets listed for me? Do you have some more words in your mental thesaurus that you want to hurl at me?’
Mopping his head, he closed his eyes and drawing on all his will-power, took control over his state and said slowly, ‘I don’t know what happened to me yesterday…I just lost control…I…I went mad…Bani, I am sorry…I really am…’
‘Sorry…You think your saying that is going to help now? Sorry? For what?’ She had tears spilling from her eyes now and even though she tried her best to control them, it just didn’t stop in her eyes.
Jai looked on miserably, shocked, dazed and guilty as hell.
She had started crying by now, not able to hold on any more and said bitterly, ‘It takes you one day to propose marriage to me, one month to decide that you don’t want to marry me, two months to decide that you won’t mind having me as a friend instead of a wife, 7 months to finally become a friend, 8 months to discover that its more than just friendship that we share…’
He gaped at her dully and she continued, biting her lip, a fresh batch of tears welling in her lovely brown eyes and said slowly, dejectedly, ‘And just one instant …just one moment…to finish everything…!’
Jai stood still, feeling anesthetized …to see her in such a state was wounding enough…but to see her like this, because of him…he wished he had been dead, before he could have brought Bani to this.
She stood crying for some more time and then wiping her face with her hand, looked at him in fury and said, ‘Your gift is standing outside and here are the keys…’ and then taking of her Engagement ring with great difficulty, since it had become a snug fit, kept it on the coffee table, near which he was standing and said in the same trembling voice, ‘And here is your Engagement ring…that you had donated to me with such kindness …I don’t want anything from you, Jai…least of all your pity. Keep it all to yourself. I don’t want to see you ever again…’
Breaking down crying loudly again, she turned and walked away and then almost as an afterthought, turned to look at him with sad eyes and said, ‘It took you 10 months to realize that you actually hate me afterall…and it took me the same time to realize that…’
They kept standing in silence for some time, till she spoke, her voice barely a murmur, ‘that…I love you, Jai…’
Pausing for a while, her cheeks inflamed after the tears had dried up, she said regretfully, ‘At least that proves what you said a few months back…we are definitely not on the same frequency…’
And then suddenly getting furious again, she said angirly, ‘It doesn’t matter now anyway…I am beyond caring…’
She stormed off, caught between those still unshed tears, exhaustion, pain, anger, and despair.
Jai kept standing in a stupor…all that Bani had just said to him went right through his head…all that he had said to her yesterday all went flying by somewhere…all that he had seen and assumed of Nachiket and Bani went dissolving past…everything went blank…except those three words…
I love you, Jai…
She loved him…Oh My God…Bani loved him…She did…She loved him….
Jai ran his fingers through his tousled hair in complete shock and then shaking himself up, ran outside, Bani was almost near the gate and he yelled at the top of his voice, ‘BANI…WAIT…BANI…I AM SORRY…BANI…PLEASE FORGIVE ME…’
She stopped to look at him, and so did the Guard, Bhavesh, his wife, their three kids, the Gardner, the Under Gardner, the Vegetable Vendor, the Milkman, Jai’s retired Army Colonel Neighbour who was watering his garden, his wife, son, daughter-in-law and their son who were outside, having Tea.
When she turned to look at him, he buckled down on his knees on the lawn and spreading his hands, holding the Engagement finger in one hand, said loudly enough for everyone to stare at him, ‘I LOVE YOU BANI…’
She kept standing, shocked and the Colonel, his wife, his son, daughter-in-law and their son all came near the common wall dividing both the farmhouses and saw the early morning spectacle…Jai Walia, the supersnob who hardly greeted them, in such a state of romoehood…not to be missed!
She got red in her face and yelled back, ‘I don’t give a damn for your dramatics…go to hell!’
The Colonel gave thumbs up to her, only to be admonished sternly by his wife, who had a soft-corner for Jai.
‘Bani…wait…please…Bani…don’t leave me…’ he pleaded, trying to catch his breath.
He ran fast enough to catch up with her and breathing heavily, caught hold of her shoulders and swerved her to face him, gazed into her eyes, breaking into a thin smile, ‘Wait…before you go…tell Rano…tell her that I took her Dare and lost the game…’
His smile became more confident and not taking his eyes off her, Jai said slowly, ‘Tell her I lost it…because it was just a game…and that what I am saying now is the only truth of my life…the reason of my existence.’
She stared at him with mixed reaction and looking deeply into her eyes, he said, ‘I love you Bani.’ Unadorned, unpretentious and completely honest.
Without a single word more between them, he lifted her up in his arms, and carried her towards the parked Car. As she recovered from the shock, she hollered out in angry protest, but placing her gently on the bonnet of the Car, he took her head into his hands and digging his fingers deeply inside her still wet hair, covered her parted lips with his mouth. Shivering uncontrollably, she tried to push him in protest, but he deepened the passionate embrace and did not let her free, till she gave up fighting and just lay on the Car, caught in his warm, hold. Without lifting his face off hers, he slipped the Ring back into her Engagement finger…
When he finally let her go, he stared at her brick-red face and swollen lips and with a roguish twinkle in his eyes said, ‘Now tell me, are we on the same frequency or not?’ :heartbeats:
She kept staring at him, then at the ring which was back again where it belonged and then back at him, her eyes still showing traces of anger and then she noticed his eyes…they were full to the brim with love and adoration and she broke out laughing in between her tears, joined in by him and they hugged one another firmly, never to let go again!
A huge round of applause broke out, with only the Colonel sulking and commenting on the state of their neighbourhood coming to these days…
(With neighbours
like JW, one can only expect a lot of smooching going that he has
finally found a girlfriend!)
Author’s Note : Its not over yet, btw! But take this as the intermission…I will be back with the next update only in a day or two…
Lot of dhamaka still, JB are
going to hide their romance with hilarious consquences...and also Papa Walia
has also to make an entry! ;)
If some of you think that Bani let him off lightly...don't worry...he will have hell to face when he tries to romance his lady love...he better keep his testertone levels in check... :whistling Because for our Bani, loving is one thing...making love is completely a different ball game... ;)
So till they get married...Jai can simply
cool his heels and seek contentment in being her Chaffauer! 
Thanks to all the readers for the enthusiastic and regular feedback and comments…you guys really make all the hard work and broken back, swollen fingers, spondeletic neck, watery eyes…worth it! :ThumbsUp:
Jokes apart…I’ve been trying to pen something for the last so many weeks now, since my last FF on IF…but I realized that my creativity, if any, flows steadily only if there are my friends to read and respond on it! This forum is such a wonderful and fun place and writing this FF has been made easy by half because I knew I was writing for my Friends. :)
Love you all!
Jai drove back home in silence and after shoving off Bhavesh from the house, he went to his Bar and looked for something to drink. A stiff, neat whisky was what he needed…to get her out of his mind! Fumbling through the Bar with shaking fingers, he couldn’t find his preferred brand and suddenly, losing the temper that he had so vehemently controlled till now broke and taking the first bottle that came in his hand, he threw it on the ground with such force, it shattered into a thousand pieces all over the floor. Ravaged by grief and overcome by the complete loss of emotional and physical control, he took one bottle after another, smashing it down on the floor, hurting himself in the process, but not stopping till he found the one he was looking for.
Drenched to the bones by rain, wounded, tired, utterly dejected and heartbroken, he clamped his hands over the bottle and with a despondent, feeble smile, took it down with him till he reached the couch where he collapsed. Slowly opening the cork, he took a sip of the drink directly, the harsh liquid burning his throat, but he felt completely indifferent to the taste and just kept taking sips after sips, staring listelessly at the celing above.
Breaking the deathly silence of the room, the phone rang and Jai let it ring till it went on voice mail. It was his Father calling;
‘Ok, as I guessed…you must be out for the evening…I guess, now you will be out for all the evenings…(A jovial laughter followed) Just called to say that I am so happy for you and Bani…and that I wish you both a lifetime of happiness and love…bless you both my children! (Pausing for a moment) When you get my message, please call me back, both of you, I’ve to speak with my would be daughter-in-law about what an idiot my son has been…taking so long to come out with his feelings…and what a wonderful girl she was…to wait patiently and accept him back with such grace! Erm, Jai, I think the message counter is going to run out, so I’ll disconnect the call and please do anything, but don’t call me back, saying you still haven’t confessed to Bani…if that is so, consider I’ve disowned you for ever! (Chuckles) Bye…Love Dad!’
The answering machine went quiet and when the words had sunk in, Jai dropped the now half-empty bottle from his hand on the floor with a thud and broke down crying…burying his face in the palm of his hands…crying for all that could be and all that was now…crying because he realized all of a sudden, that in a span of just one day, he had lost not only the woman he loved, but also a friend he cared about…crying because, after all that pompous talk about respecting a woman’s dignity, he had ruthlessly ripped apart the dignity and respect of the woman he loved…crying because, he had taken so long to come around with his feelings for Bani and taken so short a time to disregard it all with such contempt…crying because, he recongnized all that he had said to her was nothing but a fabrication of his own insecure mind and all that he had left unsaid was the absolute truth…crying because in a carefully, thoughtout and well-planned bid to make her his own, he had foolishly and impulsively lost her forever…
Jai was so overcome by his anguish and misery that he lay listlessly on the couch, staring blankly at the ceiling till fatigue and intoxication overcame him and he fell asleep.
Bani had also fallen asleep, curling herself on the cold floor, shivering throughout the night, with only Mango’s wooly body giving her some warmth.
The chirping of sparrows on the Gulmohar Tree awoke her and she rubbed her eyes, getting up slowly…was yesterday a bad dream…did it really happen? Did Jai actually say all those things to her…she sat upright for some time, looking like a ghost and it was only Mango’s warm, wet lick on her skin that brought her to the present?
Looking at him, she gave a thin smile and patted him lovingly on his head…and then when she looked out of the window, she saw that yesterday’s thunderstorm had given way to a beautiful morning…it was still quite early, but she could sense, it would be a clear, sunny and warm day.
She got up slowly and washing herself, changed into a fresh set of clothes and when she came out of the bathroom, she noticed there was an envelope lying in the partially opened chest of drawers besides the Bed, and it had her name written on top of it. Opening it slowly, she was surprised to see a pair of keys enclosed in them, taking it in her hands; she looked at it, wondering who’s keys they were and how come they were in her room. And then she saw a letter alongside, it was from Jai;
‘Happy Birthday Bani!
So today you turn 21…wow…finally a big girl! Thanks for inviting me for the party…I’m sorry, I was so preoccupied in the morning…couldn’t pay attention to you…but hey, I made it to the party, alright!
I remember your saying that you cared for my presence more than any gift…that is really sweet of you and very strange too…considering how much you favored the diamond engagement ring over your Finace.
Jokes apart, while I was driving to your home from Office, I wondered what I could possibly gift you…and then suddenly, I saw a partially open shop and, Eureka! There it was, all gleaming and shiny in bright Red…and I knew this was it! This was the gift that I was going to get you!
The Shop was a Car Showroom, owned by a business acquanintance…he was extremely helpful and possibly quite mystified, when I told him that I wanted to buy a Car right now…the one that was on the display window…the chromium plated, Red Santro…he started asking me all sort of questions on how I would prefer to make the payment, when can the representative come for a demonstration, the Engine capacity, the Mileage, blah blah blah…
I told him to shut up, gave him my credit card (Which you would be thilled to know is an American Express Black…By invitation only!) and told him that I want the thing delivered at your doorsteps at the earliest.
But I didn’t know how you would react to it…or what your Mother might say…an Engagement ring is easy enough to hide from others…but a Car might prove to be a tad too difficult to hide, isn’t it? So, I called up Rano on the way to your house and gave her the whole deal! She was as usual, hyper excited and all giggly…gosh, you two are so meant to be sisters! She promised me that she will convince your Mother and not tell you anything till the Car arrived…(I highly doubt that promise, though…)
So, I parked my Car in front of your house, took out my writing pad and wrote this Ramayan that you are reading right now…and then I handed this letter to Rano and told her to give it to you only when the Car is parked in your Garage.
So if you have this letter in your hand and the grin is not fading away, then please take these keys and go rushing down to your Garage, where you’ll find your 21st Birthday Present, all red and shiny!
I know that you have learnt driving, but do not have the confidence to drive… let this gift be an inspiration for you…for your next birthday, I want you to drive us down to the best Restaurant in town for your Birthday Celebration!
Promise me that and I give you one year’s time to be India’s Micheal Schumaker!
Wishing you loads of happiness, health and…and…whatever your heart desires…
Bani stood still with the pair of keys hanging in her frozen hands and the letter fell from her other hand. She kept standing there in a stupor, till Massi came in worringly and said, ‘Beta…uth gayi? Yeh le, Chai peele le…raat ko ro, ro kar, aadhi ho gayi…hua kyat tha?’
Clutching the keys with force, she ran downstairs, as Massi looked on shocked, holding the cup of Tea and calling out her name, and Mango ran excitedly behind her.
She stopped only when she came near their unused Garage, which had its shutters up and saw the gleaming Red Car parked there. A cream colored ribbon with a bunch of satin and lace flowers in the middle of the bow was tied on the bonnet. Filled with inexplicable fury and anguish, she went inside the Garage and opened the front door of the Car.
Taking a deep breath, she remembered the instructions that her driving instructor had told her and she roared the engine into life and backed the Car, bumping into a couple of flowerpots and almost knocking down a horrified Massi, before driving out of the Driveway.
Breaking every possible traffic rule on her way, Bani drove without stopping, all the way to Civil Lines, a good 25 kilometeres from her house. No one stopped her on the way, mostly because it was very early in the morning and there was hardly anyone on the road, except perhaps a stray dog which yelped and ran for its life when it saw the Car approaching. When Jai’s watchman saw a Red Car approaching with speed towards the gates, he opened them in terror, least it banged into him and she drove straight in and only brought it to a halt, when it finally banged against a concrete structure on Jai’s lawns.
She had never driven a Car all on her own before…and even when driving with someone else, she had been extremely nervous and scared and today, she drove without fear, without concern and without any trepidation…Jai’s harsh words rang in her ears and she wanted to give it back to him…and that anger had fuelled the impetuousness of driving all the way on her own.
Bani’s hands were trembling unshakeably when the Engine had been cut off and she realized that not only her hands, but she was shaking vigourously from head to toe. Composing herself, she pulled out the keys and opening the door, strode furiously towards the house.
The heavy oak door was partially open, Jai in his tragic, self-pitying state had left it open and when she walked in, her eyes swollen and red and her body shaking with rage, Jai still had his eyes closed and was lying limp on the couch. He looked like a ghost himself, the first few buttons of his crumpled white shirt undone, his hair in a mess, an undergrowth on his chin giving the effect of total misery and loss. Bani noticed the shattered glass spread all over the room.
‘Jai…get up!’ Bani’s voice came out low pitched and quivery, but it was enough to wake him up.
He stared at her as if in a dream and shaking his head said in a shocked manner, ‘Bani? Bani…’ He looked as if he was watching a mirage.
She gave him a piercing look and said, ‘It’s your nightmare come true, Jai…get up right now…I need to tell something to you now.’
He kept staring at her, blinking his eyes rapidly and then as if to confirm once more, said slowly, ‘Bani…?’
‘Yes…Bani! The same Bani whom you have labeled as manipulative, shrewd, cunning, wicked and what not.’ She yelled loudly.
Still shaking his head in disbelief, he kept staring at her, trying to balance himself on the couch, the hangover was very evident and his head felt all wooly and heavy.
She went on, clutching her fists tightly, her throat choked and her voice so hurt, that Jai could feel the physical pain, ‘The same Bani whom you have accused of not caring for other’s emotions…who plays with the feelings of others for her own entertainment…’
‘Wait…listen…’went on Jai feebly, his voice not carrying any strength or conviction, partially because of the hangover and partially because he was still shocked over seeing her.
‘The same Bani who has no character…no morals…no ethic and no standing in life…Yes, I am that Bani…’
Jai had got up on his feet with great difficult and was swaying unsteadily, but he managed to utter, ‘Listen to me…please…’
‘Why should I listen to you Jai? What is there to listen now? Do you have some more epithets listed for me? Do you have some more words in your mental thesaurus that you want to hurl at me?’
Mopping his head, he closed his eyes and drawing on all his will-power, took control over his state and said slowly, ‘I don’t know what happened to me yesterday…I just lost control…I…I went mad…Bani, I am sorry…I really am…’
‘Sorry…You think your saying that is going to help now? Sorry? For what?’ She had tears spilling from her eyes now and even though she tried her best to control them, it just didn’t stop in her eyes.
Jai looked on miserably, shocked, dazed and guilty as hell.
She had started crying by now, not able to hold on any more and said bitterly, ‘It takes you one day to propose marriage to me, one month to decide that you don’t want to marry me, two months to decide that you won’t mind having me as a friend instead of a wife, 7 months to finally become a friend, 8 months to discover that its more than just friendship that we share…’
He gaped at her dully and she continued, biting her lip, a fresh batch of tears welling in her lovely brown eyes and said slowly, dejectedly, ‘And just one instant …just one moment…to finish everything…!’
Jai stood still, feeling anesthetized …to see her in such a state was wounding enough…but to see her like this, because of him…he wished he had been dead, before he could have brought Bani to this.
She stood crying for some more time and then wiping her face with her hand, looked at him in fury and said, ‘Your gift is standing outside and here are the keys…’ and then taking of her Engagement ring with great difficulty, since it had become a snug fit, kept it on the coffee table, near which he was standing and said in the same trembling voice, ‘And here is your Engagement ring…that you had donated to me with such kindness …I don’t want anything from you, Jai…least of all your pity. Keep it all to yourself. I don’t want to see you ever again…’
Breaking down crying loudly again, she turned and walked away and then almost as an afterthought, turned to look at him with sad eyes and said, ‘It took you 10 months to realize that you actually hate me afterall…and it took me the same time to realize that…’
They kept standing in silence for some time, till she spoke, her voice barely a murmur, ‘that…I love you, Jai…’

Pausing for a while, her cheeks inflamed after the tears had dried up, she said regretfully, ‘At least that proves what you said a few months back…we are definitely not on the same frequency…’
And then suddenly getting furious again, she said angirly, ‘It doesn’t matter now anyway…I am beyond caring…’
She stormed off, caught between those still unshed tears, exhaustion, pain, anger, and despair.
Jai kept standing in a stupor…all that Bani had just said to him went right through his head…all that he had said to her yesterday all went flying by somewhere…all that he had seen and assumed of Nachiket and Bani went dissolving past…everything went blank…except those three words…
I love you, Jai…
She loved him…Oh My God…Bani loved him…She did…She loved him….
Jai ran his fingers through his tousled hair in complete shock and then shaking himself up, ran outside, Bani was almost near the gate and he yelled at the top of his voice, ‘BANI…WAIT…BANI…I AM SORRY…BANI…PLEASE FORGIVE ME…’
She stopped to look at him, and so did the Guard, Bhavesh, his wife, their three kids, the Gardner, the Under Gardner, the Vegetable Vendor, the Milkman, Jai’s retired Army Colonel Neighbour who was watering his garden, his wife, son, daughter-in-law and their son who were outside, having Tea.
When she turned to look at him, he buckled down on his knees on the lawn and spreading his hands, holding the Engagement finger in one hand, said loudly enough for everyone to stare at him, ‘I LOVE YOU BANI…’
She kept standing, shocked and the Colonel, his wife, his son, daughter-in-law and their son all came near the common wall dividing both the farmhouses and saw the early morning spectacle…Jai Walia, the supersnob who hardly greeted them, in such a state of romoehood…not to be missed!
She got red in her face and yelled back, ‘I don’t give a damn for your dramatics…go to hell!’
The Colonel gave thumbs up to her, only to be admonished sternly by his wife, who had a soft-corner for Jai.
‘Bani…wait…please…Bani…don’t leave me…’ he pleaded, trying to catch his breath.
He ran fast enough to catch up with her and breathing heavily, caught hold of her shoulders and swerved her to face him, gazed into her eyes, breaking into a thin smile, ‘Wait…before you go…tell Rano…tell her that I took her Dare and lost the game…’
His smile became more confident and not taking his eyes off her, Jai said slowly, ‘Tell her I lost it…because it was just a game…and that what I am saying now is the only truth of my life…the reason of my existence.’
She stared at him with mixed reaction and looking deeply into her eyes, he said, ‘I love you Bani.’ Unadorned, unpretentious and completely honest.
Without a single word more between them, he lifted her up in his arms, and carried her towards the parked Car. As she recovered from the shock, she hollered out in angry protest, but placing her gently on the bonnet of the Car, he took her head into his hands and digging his fingers deeply inside her still wet hair, covered her parted lips with his mouth. Shivering uncontrollably, she tried to push him in protest, but he deepened the passionate embrace and did not let her free, till she gave up fighting and just lay on the Car, caught in his warm, hold. Without lifting his face off hers, he slipped the Ring back into her Engagement finger…

When he finally let her go, he stared at her brick-red face and swollen lips and with a roguish twinkle in his eyes said, ‘Now tell me, are we on the same frequency or not?’ :heartbeats:
She kept staring at him, then at the ring which was back again where it belonged and then back at him, her eyes still showing traces of anger and then she noticed his eyes…they were full to the brim with love and adoration and she broke out laughing in between her tears, joined in by him and they hugged one another firmly, never to let go again!
A huge round of applause broke out, with only the Colonel sulking and commenting on the state of their neighbourhood coming to these days…

Author’s Note : Its not over yet, btw! But take this as the intermission…I will be back with the next update only in a day or two…

If some of you think that Bani let him off lightly...don't worry...he will have hell to face when he tries to romance his lady love...he better keep his testertone levels in check... :whistling Because for our Bani, loving is one thing...making love is completely a different ball game... ;)

Thanks to all the readers for the enthusiastic and regular feedback and comments…you guys really make all the hard work and broken back, swollen fingers, spondeletic neck, watery eyes…worth it! :ThumbsUp:
Jokes apart…I’ve been trying to pen something for the last so many weeks now, since my last FF on IF…but I realized that my creativity, if any, flows steadily only if there are my friends to read and respond on it! This forum is such a wonderful and fun place and writing this FF has been made easy by half because I knew I was writing for my Friends. :)
Love you all!

Part 14
They were now cosily inside the confines of his house and Jai looked romantically into her eyes and said, ‘Bani…I told you what was in my heart…now you tell me what is in yours?’
She blushed and taking his eyes off him, said shyly, ‘You really want to know?’
Jai nodded and said huskily, ‘More than anything else…’
‘Brush your teeth, take a bath and wear a fresh set of clothes!’ She looked at him and declared with all seriousness.
She nodded her head and pushed him towards his room, laughing!
‘Hey…this is all you have to say? I went on my knees and declared my love for you, in full view…and this is your response?’
‘Be thankful, I allowed you that kiss…as an exception! I don’t even talk to people who don’t maintain dental hygine…’
‘I was drunk…hurt…tried…wet…cold…sloshed…and never in my wildest dreams, did I expect you to land up this morning! Else, I would have brushed and flossed my teeth, taken a bubble bath and put on my best clothes…to kiss you!’
She laughed delightedly and ignoring his protests, sent him packing to the bathroom.
Later she along with a much grinning Bhavesh and his wife cleaned up the room, which Jai had littered with glass shards the last night.
When Jai came out, running his hand through his neatly combed, freshly washed hair, dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a white and blue cotton shirt, he smiled at her direction; she was laying down his breakfast and in between nibbling some cereal from his bowl.
‘Breakfast!’ she announced and looked at him…the smile in his eyes made her blush furiously and she choked a bit on the piece of dried berry that got lodged in her throat.
He poured some milk into the Cereal bowl and taking it in his hands, sat on the edge of the Dining Table, with one leg on the chair and hanging freely.
‘Where are your manners, Mr. Walia?’
He kept that mysterious smile on his face and continued eating the Cereals.
She felt herself going red and said abruptly, ‘Stop staring at me…’
‘Its too late for that…I’ve got the authority to officially stare at you…or leer or at you…or ogle at you….anything!’
She giggled and hit him gently on his arms.
‘I never knew you could drive this well and you never told me that you had a Driver’s Licence!’ He said casually, taking a sip of Coffee that she had poured out for him.
‘Driver’s Licence? I don’t have one!’
The hot liquid that he had just consumed almost got spilled out and he goggled at her with wide eyes and said, ‘Then…Then how come you drove till here…’
She looked at him and keeping her hands on her hips said, ‘I wanted to wrangle your neck with both of my hands…and that gave me the inspiration to drive till here…’
He looked even more taken aback and said slowly, ‘Okaaaaay…But you have your driven this far before?’
She shrugged her head casually and said, ‘No. I’ve never even driven on my own till today morning…but I was so furious, so upset…that I just sat in the Car, started the Engine and kept driving till I reached here…’
And then with an aftethougth added, ‘Thank god, it was early morning and there was no traffic…because I can only start and drive the Car, not stop it!’
Jai’s face looked pale and he said in the same tone, ‘Then how did you park the Car in my lawn?’
She took a bit of an Apple and munching it with relish, said offhandedly, ‘I didn’t park…it just banged against something and stopped on its own!’
‘Banged against something?’
‘Ya…some block of concrete or something…I don’t know…but it stopped on its own!’
Jai waited for a while and leaving the cup of coffee on the table, rushed towards the Verandah and saw where the Car was standing…beneath a block of concrete as Bani has put it so casually!
Holding his head with his hand he let out a yell, ‘Bani…you nut case! That was not concrete…that was my Dad’s favorite porceline statuette…he had got it imported specially from Italy…Oh My God…he is going to kill me!’
She looked terrified and clutching the apple, came following him to the Verandah and saw the three distinctly broken pieces of the Statuette lying merrily on the lawns.
‘Oh…Oh…I am so sorry Jai…Oh God…I am so stupid…’ her eyes had welled with tears and Jai looked at her and said hastily, ‘Don’t cry…please don’t cry…break as many things as you want to…but don’t cry, Bani!’
She had started sobbing by now and Jai took her into his arms consoling her and telling her that he will try and put the thing together and his Dad might never even come to know of it!
When Bhavesh’s wife had given her the third Ghobhi Parantha, made from the freshly procured Ghobhi grown in Jai’s farmhouse, she looked much better and Jai said, ‘Sweetie…I’ve to leave for Office!’
‘Today is Saturday!’
‘Ya…but I’ve work to finish…you stay back here, get Bhavesh’s woman to make food for you…she is a great cook…and see if you can find something else to break in my house!’ he laughed looking at her expression!
‘Yes, you can talk about breaking things isn’t it…after all you have an expertise in breaking hearts as well as bottles.’ She huffed and crossed her hands.
A moist expression came into his eyes and touching her cheeks with his palms, he said, ‘I am really sorry for all that I said yesterday, Bani…god knows, I’ll never forgive myself for it…’
She looked at him tenderly and keeping her hand over his said, ‘There are no apologies in love Jai, just acceptance…’
They kept looking at one another; till Bhavesh’s wife came to serve Bani another round of Ghobhi Parantha and blushing deeply, Bani looked elsewhere, from Jai’s sight.
He put on his shades and walked alongwith Bani till his Car and looking at the broken fragments of the Porceline Statueete, he winced to himself…Dad was so not going to be thrilled with this!
Jai looked at her and said, ‘I’ll try to be back by noon…let’s go out for Lunch and then anywhere you want to…’
She smiled at him and said, ‘Lunch? I’ve to go home right now…Ma and Di will be back anytime…’
‘Oh! But how will you get back? My driver is also not here…’
‘I’ll drive back…’ and then with a smug expression, she added, ‘Now I’ve a Car of my own too…’
He gave her a saradonic look and said, ‘If you think I’m going to let you drive all the way back, without a Driver’s Licence, you are so wrong! Plus, it needs to get to the Service Station immediately…’
She looked sorrowfully at her beautiful, red Car, dented from the side and he cheered her up by saying, ‘It’s alright…even with the dent it looks beautiful…we made out for the first time on it, afterall!’
She blushed and giggled and when she saw Jai’s neibhour peering from the other side of the wall, she pointed him out to Jai.
Jai looked at him and said curtly, ‘Morning Colonel Bakshi!’
Colonel Bakshi looked suitably embarrassed at having been caught peeping and getting a blustery attitude said pompously, ‘Mr. Walia…I am going to raise this issue in the next RWA?’
Jai looked at him enquiringly and said, ‘Raise what issue? And what the hell is RWA?’
Colonel Bakshi looking even more bloated and pompous said, ‘RWA is Resident Welfare Association and I am the honorary secretary there. And the issue I’m going to raise is of nefarious early morning activities going on in our neibhourhood…we are all family people here, Mr. Walia.’
Bani looked ashamed and bent her head down in embarrassment, but Jai just gave him a cold look and said in a cutting tone, ‘Delightful to know how you keep yourself busy these days, Colonel Bakshi. And I would be even delighted to know what the RWA has to say about the issue of nefarious late night activities going on in our neibhourhood…and I might not be a family man now, but will be soon!’
Colonel Bakshi spluttered indignantly, ‘What do you mean, Mr. Walia?’
Jai opened the door of his Car and putting his jacket on the side seat, gave a short smile at his neighbour and said, ‘My man servant informs me the howling sound that disturbs my sleep every night is not from a stray dog but its actually the Honorary Secretary of our RWA who gets drunk on the terrace every night and bleats out for the whole world to hear!’
Bhavesh who had been standing near Jai’s car with his Snack-box, spluttered with laughter and so did the Watchman and even though Bani tried her best to appear all docile and apologetic, broke out into fits of giggles.
Colonel Bakshi looked as if he would explode with embarssment and anger any moment and then getting the ‘I mean business’ look on Jai’s face said abruptly, addressing Bani, ‘And may I congratulate you on your good fortune, lovely lady…all the best from the Mrs. and me to both of you!’
Before climbing off the wall and slipping away unnoticed, he added genially to Jai, ‘Don’t forget to send the invitation, Mr. Walia…Ha Ha!’
Jai muttered some curses under his breath, while Bani, Bhavesh and the Watchman could hardly contain their giggles.
As he bent towards Bani to kiss her, she reddened a bit and said quickly, ‘No…Not in front of everyone…’
He looked surprised and smiling at her said, ‘I was going to kiss you on your cheeks…’
‘Oh!’ She went really red this time and he laughed at her expression, patting her head and driving off, before instructing Bhavesh to call a Cab for her and get the Red Car to the Service Station.
Bhavesh’s wife didn’t let Bani leave till she had consumed some more of the delicious Ghobhi Paranta and by the time she reached home, Massi was in a state of derilium along with Mango who pounced upon Bani when she reached the gates.
Author's Note : This update just goes to prove how little I have to do in my life...I told you guys that I will be back with another update only in a day or two...but I ended up writing till Part 16 all in one go...
Filhal ise pado, let me go and edit Part 15 and 16....Part 17 and 18 will see Pooch and Senior Walia ki dhamaakedaar entry... ;)
Thank you all for the response.....I am so enjoying writing here...
They were now cosily inside the confines of his house and Jai looked romantically into her eyes and said, ‘Bani…I told you what was in my heart…now you tell me what is in yours?’
She blushed and taking his eyes off him, said shyly, ‘You really want to know?’
Jai nodded and said huskily, ‘More than anything else…’
‘Brush your teeth, take a bath and wear a fresh set of clothes!’ She looked at him and declared with all seriousness.
She nodded her head and pushed him towards his room, laughing!
‘Hey…this is all you have to say? I went on my knees and declared my love for you, in full view…and this is your response?’
‘Be thankful, I allowed you that kiss…as an exception! I don’t even talk to people who don’t maintain dental hygine…’
‘I was drunk…hurt…tried…wet…cold…sloshed…and never in my wildest dreams, did I expect you to land up this morning! Else, I would have brushed and flossed my teeth, taken a bubble bath and put on my best clothes…to kiss you!’
She laughed delightedly and ignoring his protests, sent him packing to the bathroom.
Later she along with a much grinning Bhavesh and his wife cleaned up the room, which Jai had littered with glass shards the last night.
When Jai came out, running his hand through his neatly combed, freshly washed hair, dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a white and blue cotton shirt, he smiled at her direction; she was laying down his breakfast and in between nibbling some cereal from his bowl.
‘Breakfast!’ she announced and looked at him…the smile in his eyes made her blush furiously and she choked a bit on the piece of dried berry that got lodged in her throat.
He poured some milk into the Cereal bowl and taking it in his hands, sat on the edge of the Dining Table, with one leg on the chair and hanging freely.
‘Where are your manners, Mr. Walia?’
He kept that mysterious smile on his face and continued eating the Cereals.
She felt herself going red and said abruptly, ‘Stop staring at me…’
‘Its too late for that…I’ve got the authority to officially stare at you…or leer or at you…or ogle at you….anything!’
She giggled and hit him gently on his arms.
‘I never knew you could drive this well and you never told me that you had a Driver’s Licence!’ He said casually, taking a sip of Coffee that she had poured out for him.
‘Driver’s Licence? I don’t have one!’
The hot liquid that he had just consumed almost got spilled out and he goggled at her with wide eyes and said, ‘Then…Then how come you drove till here…’
She looked at him and keeping her hands on her hips said, ‘I wanted to wrangle your neck with both of my hands…and that gave me the inspiration to drive till here…’
He looked even more taken aback and said slowly, ‘Okaaaaay…But you have your driven this far before?’
She shrugged her head casually and said, ‘No. I’ve never even driven on my own till today morning…but I was so furious, so upset…that I just sat in the Car, started the Engine and kept driving till I reached here…’
And then with an aftethougth added, ‘Thank god, it was early morning and there was no traffic…because I can only start and drive the Car, not stop it!’
Jai’s face looked pale and he said in the same tone, ‘Then how did you park the Car in my lawn?’
She took a bit of an Apple and munching it with relish, said offhandedly, ‘I didn’t park…it just banged against something and stopped on its own!’
‘Banged against something?’
‘Ya…some block of concrete or something…I don’t know…but it stopped on its own!’
Jai waited for a while and leaving the cup of coffee on the table, rushed towards the Verandah and saw where the Car was standing…beneath a block of concrete as Bani has put it so casually!
Holding his head with his hand he let out a yell, ‘Bani…you nut case! That was not concrete…that was my Dad’s favorite porceline statuette…he had got it imported specially from Italy…Oh My God…he is going to kill me!’
She looked terrified and clutching the apple, came following him to the Verandah and saw the three distinctly broken pieces of the Statuette lying merrily on the lawns.
‘Oh…Oh…I am so sorry Jai…Oh God…I am so stupid…’ her eyes had welled with tears and Jai looked at her and said hastily, ‘Don’t cry…please don’t cry…break as many things as you want to…but don’t cry, Bani!’
She had started sobbing by now and Jai took her into his arms consoling her and telling her that he will try and put the thing together and his Dad might never even come to know of it!
When Bhavesh’s wife had given her the third Ghobhi Parantha, made from the freshly procured Ghobhi grown in Jai’s farmhouse, she looked much better and Jai said, ‘Sweetie…I’ve to leave for Office!’
‘Today is Saturday!’
‘Ya…but I’ve work to finish…you stay back here, get Bhavesh’s woman to make food for you…she is a great cook…and see if you can find something else to break in my house!’ he laughed looking at her expression!
‘Yes, you can talk about breaking things isn’t it…after all you have an expertise in breaking hearts as well as bottles.’ She huffed and crossed her hands.
A moist expression came into his eyes and touching her cheeks with his palms, he said, ‘I am really sorry for all that I said yesterday, Bani…god knows, I’ll never forgive myself for it…’
She looked at him tenderly and keeping her hand over his said, ‘There are no apologies in love Jai, just acceptance…’
They kept looking at one another; till Bhavesh’s wife came to serve Bani another round of Ghobhi Parantha and blushing deeply, Bani looked elsewhere, from Jai’s sight.
He put on his shades and walked alongwith Bani till his Car and looking at the broken fragments of the Porceline Statueete, he winced to himself…Dad was so not going to be thrilled with this!
Jai looked at her and said, ‘I’ll try to be back by noon…let’s go out for Lunch and then anywhere you want to…’
She smiled at him and said, ‘Lunch? I’ve to go home right now…Ma and Di will be back anytime…’
‘Oh! But how will you get back? My driver is also not here…’
‘I’ll drive back…’ and then with a smug expression, she added, ‘Now I’ve a Car of my own too…’
He gave her a saradonic look and said, ‘If you think I’m going to let you drive all the way back, without a Driver’s Licence, you are so wrong! Plus, it needs to get to the Service Station immediately…’
She looked sorrowfully at her beautiful, red Car, dented from the side and he cheered her up by saying, ‘It’s alright…even with the dent it looks beautiful…we made out for the first time on it, afterall!’
She blushed and giggled and when she saw Jai’s neibhour peering from the other side of the wall, she pointed him out to Jai.
Jai looked at him and said curtly, ‘Morning Colonel Bakshi!’
Colonel Bakshi looked suitably embarrassed at having been caught peeping and getting a blustery attitude said pompously, ‘Mr. Walia…I am going to raise this issue in the next RWA?’
Jai looked at him enquiringly and said, ‘Raise what issue? And what the hell is RWA?’
Colonel Bakshi looking even more bloated and pompous said, ‘RWA is Resident Welfare Association and I am the honorary secretary there. And the issue I’m going to raise is of nefarious early morning activities going on in our neibhourhood…we are all family people here, Mr. Walia.’
Bani looked ashamed and bent her head down in embarrassment, but Jai just gave him a cold look and said in a cutting tone, ‘Delightful to know how you keep yourself busy these days, Colonel Bakshi. And I would be even delighted to know what the RWA has to say about the issue of nefarious late night activities going on in our neibhourhood…and I might not be a family man now, but will be soon!’
Colonel Bakshi spluttered indignantly, ‘What do you mean, Mr. Walia?’
Jai opened the door of his Car and putting his jacket on the side seat, gave a short smile at his neighbour and said, ‘My man servant informs me the howling sound that disturbs my sleep every night is not from a stray dog but its actually the Honorary Secretary of our RWA who gets drunk on the terrace every night and bleats out for the whole world to hear!’
Bhavesh who had been standing near Jai’s car with his Snack-box, spluttered with laughter and so did the Watchman and even though Bani tried her best to appear all docile and apologetic, broke out into fits of giggles.
Colonel Bakshi looked as if he would explode with embarssment and anger any moment and then getting the ‘I mean business’ look on Jai’s face said abruptly, addressing Bani, ‘And may I congratulate you on your good fortune, lovely lady…all the best from the Mrs. and me to both of you!’
Before climbing off the wall and slipping away unnoticed, he added genially to Jai, ‘Don’t forget to send the invitation, Mr. Walia…Ha Ha!’
Jai muttered some curses under his breath, while Bani, Bhavesh and the Watchman could hardly contain their giggles.
As he bent towards Bani to kiss her, she reddened a bit and said quickly, ‘No…Not in front of everyone…’
He looked surprised and smiling at her said, ‘I was going to kiss you on your cheeks…’
‘Oh!’ She went really red this time and he laughed at her expression, patting her head and driving off, before instructing Bhavesh to call a Cab for her and get the Red Car to the Service Station.
Bhavesh’s wife didn’t let Bani leave till she had consumed some more of the delicious Ghobhi Paranta and by the time she reached home, Massi was in a state of derilium along with Mango who pounced upon Bani when she reached the gates.
Author's Note : This update just goes to prove how little I have to do in my life...I told you guys that I will be back with another update only in a day or two...but I ended up writing till Part 16 all in one go...

Filhal ise pado, let me go and edit Part 15 and 16....Part 17 and 18 will see Pooch and Senior Walia ki dhamaakedaar entry... ;)
Thank you all for the response.....I am so enjoying writing here...

Bani was overcome with guilt when she looked at Massi sitting helplessly on the steps, wiping away her tears with the corner of her Sari.
‘Oooh, Massi….Sorry…’ She went and leapt into her Nanny’s arms and cajoled the old lady till she dried her tears. Massi was very upset but also relieved to know that Bani was okay now and she looked so much better than she had last night and then again today morning. After getting a lot of scolding from Massi, Bani sheepishly sat down to have a cup of Tea, even though her tummy felt ready to explode, but she didn’t have the courage or the heart to refuse Massi anything, not after the way she had been behaving since yesterday night.
Bani had to come up with a long winded excuse for all that happened and Massi being the gullible sort fell for it like every time!
Bani consumed some sandwich that Massi had made with great difficulty and almost threw it up when Massi said in a despondent manner, ‘Mujhe itni fikar hui teri…kal poori raat roti rahi…aur phir subah, kuch bataye bina, woh nayi gaadi mein baith kar chali gayi…mujhe laga pata nahin kya ho jaayega…Kiran aur Rano bhi ghar par nahin hain…toh maine Nachiket ko phone par sab bata diya…’
‘What? Massi….’ Shrieked Bani in horror and putting her hand on her forehead said, ‘Kya bataya use?’
Massi said surprised at her reaction, ‘Yahi ki raat ko tu sadak par baith kar ro rahi thi…aur phir raat bhar roti rahi…aur subah kahin uth kar chali gayi…who raste mein hai…yahin aa raha hoga…’
‘Oh My God…Oh My God…’ wailed Bani in despair, flinging her hands, thinking of something plausible to come up with when Nachiket landed here.
She did not want to tell anyone about Jai and herself right now…it was too complicated to explain…Rano was getting married in the next 5 days or so…Nachiket had gotten back with Purva just now…her whole house would be teeming with relatives by tomorrow…and Jai had mentioned something about his Father coming to India around this time…on top of that if she told them about Jai and herself, it would be…it would be too unsettling…and besides, it was Rano’s day…she was getting married and by talking about her love story with Jai (which Bani personally felt was far more interesting and romantic than Rano and Ranveer’s!) she would be stealing her sister’s thunder…only Rano deserved to be centre of attention now…till she got married and then maybe, Bani and Jai could very gracefully and very nicely, put across their renewed engagement in front of everyone.
Caught in between her thoughts, she did not see Nachiket literally banging inside the house, panting heavily and looking petrified.
‘Bani…’ he yelled out when he saw her!
She smiled sheepishly and waved at him, ‘Yep…I’m back…sorry for the emergency call that Massi made…she must have been scared!’
He stood still, taking in his breath and then said, ‘Scared? Of course she was…and so was I! Where the hell did you vanish in the morning? And why on earth were you crying whole of yesterday night…Massi told me she found you in sitting on the road, in the rain…’
Bani swallowed, thinking of something plausible that she could come up with.
He kept staring at her and then suddenly he said, ‘Jai…wasn’t he supposed to drop you home yesterday evening? You went off in his Car, right? No…actually, he dragged you into his Car…’
Bani nodded her head, scratching her brain more for something to say.
Nachiket waited for some time, pondering on the awkward scene that had taken place yesterday at his Flat and then with a slow voice said, ‘He fought with you, isn’t it? He saw you at my flat and assumed that we were having a scene and that is why all that cryptic talk that went on…and then he dragged you in anger…’
‘Yesss…he did take me along with him…’ said Bani hesitant.
Nachiket’s face was red with anger and he continued, ‘And then he must have accused you of all that nasty things that I had once accused Purva off…oh…and then left you to die in the middle of the road…in the rain, that too…at night…Ooh, that creep…’ he folded his fist in anger.
Bani gulped and said, ‘Nachiket…cool down…please…he did not leave me to die or anything…he dropped me right in front of my house…and yes, we did have a sort of…argument…but it’s okay now.’
‘Okay? Okay?’ Nachiket yelled, looking extremely furious and prancing up and down the room, ‘No, it’s not okay Bani…what the hell does he think he is? Wait till I tell Kiran aunty about this…she will ban that jerk’s entry into this house.’
Bani looked completely petrified and coming near him said hastily, ‘No…No…No…please don’t tell Ma about this…Please Nachiket…’
‘Why? She trusted him enough to come and go out of this house even after he broke the engagement…and look at how he pays it off…accusing you…hurting you…hitting you...leaving you to die…’
‘Nachiket…stop being so dramatic…he did not hit me and he certainly did not leave me to die!’
‘But he did all those other things, right?’
Bani gave an exasperated sigh and said, ‘See, if you say anything to Ma, she will be very upset…she adores him…he is Uday Uncle’s son…and besides, its Rano di’s wedding…let’s not spoil the atmosphere…’ her voice ended on a pleading note.
Nachiket still looked furious and stomping his feet said, ‘Okay…fine! But once Rano gets married, I’ll go and bash up that Walia’s teeth and bones for hurting you!’
Bani rolled her eyes and trying very hard to get a serious look said, ‘Of course…of course…ELMO beating the daylights out of The Incredible Hulk will be a sight, and I wouldn’t want to miss!’ ;) :tong:
‘He is Hulk and I am Elmo?’ yelped Nachiket sulking and offended!
‘I am just joking, Natty…now come on, have this sandwich that Massi made…Ma and Di will be arriving any time now!’
When Bani had settled down Nachiket with the sandwich and changed the course of the conversation with great difficulty, she was delighted to know that Purva and Nachiket had worked things out and they were together!
Nachiket looked guilty and sorrowful about the fact that everyone whom Bani knew was a couple while she was single…and on top of that, nursing a broken heart. Before he could once again launch his tirade against Jai, she made some soothing noises and diverted his attention towards Purva and their plans for future.
Kiran and Rano arrived, flushed after the tiresome journey but thrilled with all the additional wedding purchases and after they had shown everything to Bani and Nachiket, Rano went out and looked around the Garage.
Coming back inside, she called Bani to a corner and said hesitatingly, ‘Er…Bani…the Garage…Um…did you get a letter and a pair of keys in our room? I left it for you before going off for Jaipur.’
Bani felt her cheeks going pink, but controlling her laughter and delight at how things had turned out, she said sorrowfully, ‘Yes…I did…and I returned them to the owner.’
Rano looked crestfallen and said, ‘Oh! But…I thought…I thought you would be elated to find the Car…Jai had planned it out so nicely…and I so wanted to read that letter…’
Keeping the same dejected expression on her face, she heaved a dramatic sigh and said, ‘We had a fight!’
Before Rano could ask further questions, Nachiket came bouncing in and in spite of Banis’ many remonstrations, gave a very hyper, lengthy and imaginative account of yesterday evening, adding many bits and pieces of his own and basically turning Jai from The Incredible Hulk to Hellboy III!

Bani wanted to hit Nachiket on his head but she knew if she opened her mouth in defense of Jai, she would have to spill the beans…so she kept that look on her face of utter misery and when Nachiket had finished, Rano was fuming with anger.
‘My god….that man! I am so happy you returned that stupid, red car of his, Bani…Grrr…Wait till I see him…Ooh, he is making me so mad…how dare he hurt you like this!’
Bani looked from her sister’s angry face to Nachiket’s fuming one, and she was caught between a desire to laugh out loudly and cry in desperation at the same time. She hated keeping secrets…and this was the biggest secret she had ever kept to herself…that Jai and Bani were a couple…very much in love!
Composing Rano and making her promise like Nachiket, that they won’t utter a word to Kiran about it, Bani felt she had the situation under control. Nachiket, she knew, could only talk a lot, but when it came to doing anything, was quite the opposite and there was a better chance of finding an alien in their garden than Nachiket ever hitting Jai!
And Rano would probably forget her anger, once the wedding got underway.
But Bani had miscalculated, her best friend and sister’s love and loyalty towards her!

When she had gone, Rano said to Nachiket, ‘My poor baby…no one…no one in our house has even spoken to her in a loud voice till date…and that guy; he had the guts to hit her head with a hammer?’
Nachiket gulped a bit, wondering whether he had exaggerated his knowledge of what had taken place between Jai and Bani a bit too much. (Yeh pitega...JW se, Bani se aur Rano se bhi...)
‘I…er…Rano, I am not sure, if it was a hammer…it might have been a tong or something,’ he spoke, sounding unsure.
‘Tong? Whatever be it! But the gall of him to hurt my sister…My sister! What does he think he is? Getting engaged when he feels like, breaking it off when he feels like, taking her out on dates when he feels like, leaving her to die on the road, when he feels like…’
Nachiket took another gulp and said, ‘I…er…Rano, I’m not sure, if he actually left her on the road to die…he might have just left her near the house…,’ sounding really unsure now. (Zaroor pitega...chawal ki kichdi bana kar paros raha hain...

‘Whatever! But we will take revenge! Oh boy, will we! If he thinks, that there is no one to care for Bani and that he can hit her head with a hammer and leave her to die on the road, has he got it wrong or what!’
Nachiket felt it would be better to not say anything at the moment, looking at Rano’s general state of agitation.
Catching hold of Nachiket by his collar, she said in a excited high pitch, her eyes shining, ‘We will find someone else for Bani…yes…that is it!’
‘Someone else?’
Rano said determinedly, ‘Yes, someone else…who can make Jai Walia go green with envy…we will set up Bani with the hottest guy on this planet and then he can come to the wedding and watch them both and rot in his personal agony!’
Nachiket gave a strange look at Rano and said, ‘You know…I think all that wedding preparations has been taking a toll on you…’
Cutting him off, she went on excited, ‘That way, we will solve two purposes…get our revenge on Jai Walia and also start a new romance for Bani!’
Nachiket did not look very sure of the idea, but Rano looked radiant with her brainwave and said, ‘Yes…that will be my parting gift to Bani…my sister…I’ll find her a boyfriend…Nachiket…are you with me on this?’
Pausing for a moment he said, ‘Are you sure Rano…’
Catching hold of his collar again, she said, ‘Nachiket…that is your friend we are talking about…Bani…don’t you want to avenge her insult…don’t you want to punish the guy who broke her heart…don’t you want to see him all miserable and lonely, when she is with some other guy…you owe this to her, Nachiket!’
‘Okay…Okay…Fine. I am with you! Lets get started on this right now…the marriage is in 5 days and we have just this much time to find someone for Bani…so that Jai Walia can see with his own eyes what he has lost, when he comes for the wedding!’
They both did a hi-five and started scouring possibilities for prospective boyfriends and soul mates they could find for Bani.
‘Jai is s**y…so we have to get someone who is s**ier than him…what do you think about Brad Pitt?’ Rano asked with all seriousness, sharing a cup of tea with Nachiket, as they plunked themselves away from Bani’s view.
‘Brad Pitt? Nice suggestion Rano…but I don’t think Angelina and their half a dozen kids will let him go so easily…’
‘Oh…then what about someone from India? Like…Um…Shah Rukh Khan?’
‘Nah…he shoots for about 300 days in a year and smokes like a chimney…you know how Bani is allergic to smoke…’ (Yeah, like SRK is waiting for Bani to fall in love with him...)
Rano said wisely, ‘Ya…good point! That might become an issue between them…what about Amartya Sen…he is intellectual…teaches abroad…and hey, he has a Nobel to boot!’
‘Are we looking for a substitute grandparent or a boyfriend?’
‘Oh! Sorry, I got carried away…’
Before they could continue their meaningful research, Bani called them both inside for lunch.
Aditya had come back from Bangalore and after giving a sounding off to Nachiket for hanging around the Dixit House instead of working at the gallery, took off with him for work, promising Rano and Bani that he will be back in the evening.
‘What the hell were you and Nachiket gossiping like old ladies in the garden today?’ asked Bani, when they retired for the night.
Rano looked at her sister and said excitedly, ‘We are both on a mission!’
‘A what?’
‘A mission…to find you the perfect man…’
‘Why? Mind your own business!’ said Bani, irritated and amused.
‘No, we won’t! I know that behind your glowing, happy face is a shattered heart…and that you are lonely and sad…all because of that man…’
‘Oh god, Di…please, will you stop it! I’ve no issues with Jai…’
Drowning her protest, Rano went on, ‘Obviously you don’t…you have a forgiving, kind, gentle heart Bani…you are not like that…that man…’
At the tether end of her patience and desperately wanting Rano to sleep, so that she could sneak downstairs and call up Jai, she said, ‘Stop addressing him as “that man” and really, Di…stop getting so agitated over…’
Rano again cut her short and said lovingly, ‘You are a saint, Bani…you really are…look at you…even after he hit you with a hammer and left you to die on the road…you are not one bit avenging towards that man…’
‘What?’ yelled Bani in shock and continued ‘Hit me with a hammer and left me to die on the road…who has been telling you all this crap? And stop calling him “that man”!’
Rano refused to see reason and kept abusing poor Jai, addressing him as “that man” again and again and insisting on finding a partner for Bani before the marriage took place. Bani got so fed up, that she just took her pillow and duvet and stomped downstairs in irritation and went to sleep with Mango on the Couch.
To be continued...
Preview for Part 16 :
Bani went and sat down on the wooden swing in her garden! And with a sharp pang, remembered Jai sitting on it alongside her on her Birthday! And missed him so much, she felt like hitting the swing on her head, out of agony!
Everyone and everything was getting on her nerves, the unending work that her mother kept piling on her, Rano’s blood-pressure inducing sympathy talk and her reference to Jai as “that man” all the time, Aditya Chachu’s extremely silly jokes that he chose to tell at the most inopportune moments, Massi’s fussing over her with food all the time, Nachiket’s hyper-excited claims to punch Jai on his face the day he came in front of him, her idiotic cousin Saahil’s deathly shaayari’s which he chose to bombard on Bani anytime he saw her, cousin Meera’s hyena-type laughter echoing all around the house…
And all she wanted was to see Jai…desperately…see his eyes twinkling mischievously at her direction, see his mysterious smile that made her heart skip a beat or two…feel his fingers brushing against her skin that made her spine tingle…hear him sing his favorite song for her tunelessly, to lick his fingers when he put somethin
Hi Rekha, I am a huge fan of our Jani... I request you to plz post your all JB stories(FF's and SS's) here.. And thank you for this marvellous JB story :-) We'll be waiting for more JB stories... Thank you once again...