Part 27
A Day Prior to Jai’s landing back in New Delhi
An enormous yawn almost dislocated her jaw; her thick black lashes lifted to reveal eyes of startling ochre. Blinking once or twice to clear her vision, Bani stared blankly before her. Dust motes danced in the beams that slanted through the louvered blinds, ephemeral, fairy-like, and about as substantial as her thoughts. In her mind were pictures, images, fragmented, like old film clips that had a linking theme if only one could guess what it was. Fretful and resentful at her inability to recall recent events, she sighed. She had been so sure that when she woke again she would remember.
Transferring her gaze to the vase of roses that stood on the beside locker, she stared at the card that was propped beside it as though even that unlikely object might hold the answer, although in all probability it as only a copy of the hospital rules, and rules and regulations were something she didn’t care two hoots about. Not at this precise moment anyway. She’d been in a car crash, that she knew, not from remembering but because the doctor had told her so. She had a fractured wrist, cuts and bruises, and concussion, and the trite phrases trotted out to her by the medical staff, that it was quite normal not to remember the hours prior to an accident, that she had been lucky, that in a few days she would be out and about, only made her feel more resentful.
Dr. Mathur was the head of Neurology and one of the most respected and established Doctors in the country. Bani had been under her care since the day she had been wheeled into her Nursing Home, in a comatose condition.
She had regained conciouness a couple of times, but never fully and this condition was worrying the team of doctor’s attentind to her.
Bani had lost a lot of blood and she also had serious internal injuries, especially a concussion on the right side of her head, but they had managed to save her life and she was technically out of danger.
Dr. Mathur had requested the patient’s nearest relatives for a discussion in her Office Cabin. Kiran had asked Uday to accompany her, stating that whatever had happened between Jai and Bani, he was like a father to her and had every right to know about her well-being.
Sitting in Dr. Mathur’s stark white and clinically organized cabin, both of them could not hold on to their breath, waiting for her pronouncement…Uday was torn between his anger and anguish at Jai and his trepidation over Bani…he vowed not to spare Jai if anything were to happen with Bani.
Dr. Mathur walked in, looking efficient yet warm, dressed in a simple sari, her still black hair tied neatly in a chignon, with only wisps of grey showing in them.
Giving a short smile at both of them, she took a deep breath and arranged the words in her mind, the way she always did, before talking to the relatives of any of her patient, on whom she was going to make a difficult verdict.
Kiran couldn’t hold herself anymore and blurted out, ‘How is she, Dr. Mathur? Why isn’t anyone giving us a clear explanation? It’s almost 4 days that she has been admitted here, why isn’t she regaining concisouness?’
Uday kept quiet, noticing Dr. Mathur’s concerned expression, and then said softly, ‘Please give us some good news, Doctor…tell us that she is going to be alright.’
Taking off her pince-nez, and clearing it with deliberate action, Dr. Mathur spoke in her most professional yet soothing voice, ‘I really don’t know how to put it in simple terms for you…but first things first…Bani is going to live…there is no threat to her life now…’
The very words seemed to put life inside Kiran and she all but collapsed out of relief, while Uday passed a thin smile and consoled Kiran, asking Dr. Mathur, ‘Then what is the problem…why isnt’ she regaining conciousness?’
Since Bani had been admitted in the ICU, no body had been allowed to see her directly, except through the looking glass of her room. Only the team of Doctors and Nurses, who attended her, went inside and outside her room, without giving any explanations to her family, who had parked themselves outside.
Dr. Mathur spoke slowly, but clearly, ‘Actually, she has regained consciouness.’
It felt like someone had dropped a bomb on them, Uday gasped and spoke in a shocked tone, ‘What? Then why weren’t we told yet, Doctor…the attending nurse never said a word…this is so unprofessional…’
Before he could lose his temper and Kiran could get a word, Dr. Mathur waved her hand and said, ‘Please listen to me before reacting, Sir. The junior doctor who was at duty last, informed me that she had regained conciousness, but there wasn’t much reaction from her.’
Kiran blinked, tears blinding her eyes and said faintly, ‘What does that mean?’
‘Bani opened her eyes and reacted to her surroundings…but only because she couldn’t understand where she was…one of the Doctor’s assured her that she had been in a Car Accident and was recuperating in the hospital…we did not mention anything about the blast…that would have shocked her too much…’
Kiran asked hastily, ‘But she must have asked about us…she must have called out for me…’
Dr. Mathur tapped her pen on the desk and choosing her words carefully, said, ‘actually…she did not…she did not call out anybody’s name…or ask for anyone…’
Uday asked in a shocked voice, ‘But…But how is that possible? She must remember her Mother Atleast…if not the accident…what does it mean, Doctor?’
Dr. Mathur said, ‘In technical terms, it means that Bani is suffering from Anterograde Amnesia.’
Kiran was struck back in disbelief while Uday looked confused and said, ‘What does that mean exactly?’
The Doctor waited for a while for the news to sink in, since Kiran being a Doctor had understood the medical term and looking at Uday said, ‘In layman terms, Bani is suffering from post-traumatic memory loss…’
Uday had no words to say now.
Dr. Mathur now continued in her professional manner, explaining the condition, ‘Anterograde Amnesia is a condition where the victim suffers from loss of memory due to a brain related injury and in such cases, memories prior to the event are forgotton…’
Uday looked stunned, his voice barely escaped his throat when he asked, ‘So does that mean, she has no memory left at all…she doesn’t remember anything?’
Kiran was sitting numb, tears flowing by quietly from her eyes.
Dr. Mathur shrugged her head and said hastily, ‘No, Mr. Walia…it does not mean anything like that…actually, it can have any kind of repurcussions, we don’t know for sure right now…but what you are suggesting is an extreme case…total loss of memory and identity is very rare…what I am saying is that she could be suffering from a partial loss of memory…’
She continued after taking a few sips of water and said, ‘In medical terms, the hippocampus…which controls short-term memory function and spatial navigation had been damaged due to the concussion that she suffered from.’
There was dead silence in the room, as Dr. Mathur paused, to let the news sink in some more and then continued, ‘Patients who suffer from anterograde amnesic syndromes may present with widely varying degrees of forgetfulness. In most cases of anterograde amnesia, patients lose declarative memory, or the recollection of facts, but they retain non-declarative memory, often called procedural memory. For instance, in Bani’s case, on regaining conciousness, she could remember herself…remember the fact that she was in a strange place…but she could not recollect why or how?’
Kiran managed to ask feebly, ‘Does that mean, she has no recollection of her family…of her relations…’
Dr. Mathur shrugged her head non-comittally and said, ‘Impossible to tell right now…but as I told you earlier, this happens in extreme conditions…and even though she has had a serious brain injury, it is not fatal…but unless she regains full conciousness and faces all of you…its very difficult to state the extent of the memory loss.’
‘Then why didn’t you let us meet her till now?’ asked Uday in an anguished voice.
Dr. Mathur said patiently but firmly, ‘This was exactly the reason, Mr. Walia…in most cases, when the patient regains awareness, however sedated he or she is, they call out their closest relative or friend’s name…but in this case, Bani was blank when she opened her eyes…and if she had been surrounded by a group of strangers, it would only cause more stress to her existing delicate state.’
Addressing Kiran, she said softly, ‘I called you here specifically because, we have been monitoring her condition since yesterday noon, when she first regained full consciousness…and now we are sure, that she is quite alright, in the sense, that there is no danger of her slipping into a Coma or Blackout again. Being her Mother and the person closest to her, I would like you to go and meet her first…’
Kiran could barely contain herself more and getting up, dried her tears and said, ‘I want to see my child right now…I know she will recognize me…’
Dr. Mathur called out, ‘Please be very discreet, Dr. Dixit…we don’t want to give her any strain if possible…and just in case she is not able to recollect anything…please try to control your emotions…don’t react in front of her or force her to recollect anything.’
While Dr. Mathur took Kiran towards Bani’s room, Uday gave a gist of the Doctor’s prognosis, which evoked copious sobbing from Rano followed by Aditya’s breakdown.
Kiran entered Bani’s room, she was lying on the bed, with a nasal drip, her eyes closed and she could sense the slow, rhythmic heartbeat, heard clearly in the noiselessness of the room.
‘Bani…’ she called out softly, tears flowing steadily from her eyes, despite trying to rein them in.
Bani opened her eyes, still bruised by the injury, taking time to focus them on the person who had just spoke, breaking the eeriy silence.
She kept staring blankly at Kiran for sometime, as her Mother held on to her daughter’s frail hands and sobbed.
‘Ma…’ Just hearing those two words, broke open every bit of strength and perseverance that Kiran had stored…falling with her head upon the bed side, she cried out taking Bani’s name, till Dr. Dixit had to forcibly remove her from the room, stating that her emotional condition would upset Bani immensely.
Later Rano and Aditya had gone to Bani’s room and to their relief, she had recalled them.
But to the combined shock of Uday, Ranveer and Nachiket, when they stood in the room, behind Rano and Aditya, she had given a blank look at them, blinking her eyes in a confused, tired manner, before slipping back in an exhausted sleep.
Later that evening, Dr. Mathur called upon Kiran again and Uday had once more accompanied her.
Kiran was looking much better than she had in the last few days since that terrible day, when Bani had left home in a distressed condition.
Dr. Mathur smiled and addressing Kiran said, ‘I hope you are feeling better now, Dr. Dixit…Bani could recognize you…’
Kiran nodded her head and smiled despite the exhaustion that had paled her face and said, ‘Yes…and she could recognize her elder sister and Uncle also…’
And then added somewhat worriedly, ‘Though she looked blank when Mr. Walia, my son-in-law Ranveer and Nachiket…her friend…they came into the room.’
Dr. Mathur waited for a while and said, ‘How long has there association been with Bani?’
Uday answered, ‘I met her a few months back…the last time I saw her she was a baby…’ and then he added awkwardly, ‘Jai…my son and Bani were engaged to be married very soon…’
Kiran added, ‘Ranveer and my elder daughter have been married for about the same time and she knows Nachiket for the last 2 years or so…’
Dr. Kiran intervened and said, ‘It was what I had earlier suspected…she is suffering from a type of Anterograde Amnesia…where the last few months…even maybe around a year or so has been wiped out of her memory…and hence, she can only recollect people whom she has known for a longer period of time…like you, Dr. Dixit…her mother, her sister and her Uncle…but she is not able to recollect Mr. Walia…whom she had only met a few months back…or her brother-in-law who has only been recently married to her sister…’
Kiran uttered in a daze, following the new shock, ‘But she knows Nachiket for the last two years…how come…’
‘It depends on how close were they! If they were just acquainted and not good friends…it will take her time to remember him…and eventually she will…but right now, she can only remember the people whom she has known for a very long time…and whom she has been very close to.’
The trio sat in silence, till Dr. Mathur asked suddenly, ‘What about her Fiancee? Where is he? It’s very important that she see him…if they were about to be married…they must have shared a very close bond…and even if their acquaintance was recent, she might recollect something…’
There was no response from either Kiran or Uday till he spoke quietly, ‘They just broke up…a few hours before all this…’
‘Oh…’ said Dr. Mathur, suddenly awkward and then regaining her professional air, said, ‘But still, if you can, then you should get him to meet her…’
Kiran ignored that statement and asked, ‘But how long will this state remain...I mean, has she lost the last few months of her life forever…will she never remember what occurred in this time period?’
Dr. Mathur replied, after some thought, ‘Its too early for such predictions…she will have to undergo therapies and sessions with us…and in most cases, the patient does end up fully cured, getting back her complete memory…but there is always a chance, that the lost part of the memory, never comes back…for that the patient needs full cooperation of her family and friends and slowly as time passes by, the memory trickles in eventually…’
When they took leave, Dr. Mathur assured Kiran, ‘Be thankful Dr. Dixit…that your daughter is out of danger…she is living…out of so many people who lost their lives last week, out of so many who were handicapped for life, she is not just going to live, but come out intact…even the memory loss just might be a temporary phrase…’
While opening the door for both Uday and Kiran, Dr. Mathur said, smiling, ‘I am a person of science, yet I will tell you a totally unscientific thing…it must be someone’s deepest love and prayer which has literally brought your daughter back from death to life…Be thankful for that…we, doctors can only cure, but its only upon the hands of God, to do miracles.
Present Day
It was close to 8 in the morning, Uday had just reached the Hospital, driving from his friend’s home, where he was living now. Aditya and Nachiket had stayed the night, keeping vigil. Rano and Ranveer came in carrying Tea and Breakfast for the others.
There was not much talk between them, just a feeling of relief that Bani was alright now, at least physically…no one wanted to talk or discuss about Dr. Mathur’s prognosis on her memory loss.
Rano wondered how they would ever explain to a girl who had lost the last year of her life, what all happened in it…how would she explain her sister’s marriage…and now her impending motherhood…about her own engagement to a man, who in all probability had been wiped out of her memory…about their falling apart…one year, as such was not a long time, but for Bani, a lifetime’s happening had occurred in it.
All pair of eyes glued on him, when he walked towards Bani’s room. Jai looked at least 10 years older than he really was, he hadn’t shaved for the last two days, not slept, neither ate anything properly…
The first person whom Jai met was his Father, who looked at him, cold and stern and asked monosyllabically, ‘What are you doing here?’
He answered back silently, ‘I want to see Bani…’
‘You can’t. Go away.’
Before Jai could answer, Aditya who had been in a conversation with the Doctor, saw Jai and in a frenzy of anger, launched towards him, and had to be restrained physically by Ranveer and Nachiket to stop him from hitting Jai, who looked impassive and stood where he was.
‘How dare you come here? It’s because of you that our child is lying in this condition…just go away, before I do something…’
Saying that Aditya broke down crying and had to be taken away forcibly by Nachiket, who looked sympathetically at Jai, but could do nothing to offer any support or consolation.
Jai closed his eyes and tried to stand straight, not having slept for almost 2 days in a row, coupled with a severe jetlag and mental turmoil, he had to call upon every inch of his will-power and strength to go through this…and he wasn’t going to leave before seeing Bani.
Uday looked immensely hurt and pained and he repeated his words grimly, ‘Jai…please leave immediately…you just heart Aditya…Bani is offbounds now…you cannot see her…not now, not ever.’
Jai’s eyes had become moist and for that moment, when Uday saw his son standing desperate and wretched, the lines of severe fatigue and exhaustion clearly etched all over his eyes, his heart melted profusely, but even in that moment of paternal love, he could not seem to forget what his son had done.
‘I am not leaving without seeing Bani once…’ he replied back, calm and unwavering.
Uday’s face thundered with rage and he said, raising his voice, ‘If you insist on creating a scene, Jai…I’ll have to call the authorities to forcibily evict you out of this place…’
A nurse who was passing by gestured them to be quiet. Ranveer and Nachiket looked anxious and the latter coming towards Jai, said desperately, ‘Jai…please leave…just for now…when she regains her conc…’
Jai cut him across politely but firmly and repeated without faltering on his words or expression, ‘I am not leaving without seeing her…’
Uday had to tighen his fist to stop him from slapping Jai across the face. ‘Alright…so be it…I’ll go and inform the Security head…and when you are dragged out of this place, you’ll realize that we mean business.’
Before anyone else could react or say anything, Jai calmly walked towards the Room 101 and shocking everyone, went right inside and closed the door from within. The shock of his action stunned everyone to their roots, till Aditya, in frenzy began to bang the door and Ranveer had to restrain him telling that they were in a hospital.
Even though Uday and Aditya were seething in anger, Nachiket and Ranveer drilled sense into them by saying that if they call the authorities, an unnecessary scene would be created and to let things be the way they were…Uday fumed in anger, waiting for Jai to come out so he could hit his son hard for his blatant disobedience and defiance.
When he saw her lying on the bed, calm and peaceful, like she was in a a deep sleep, suddenly he was reminded of the fairy tale, Snow White…it was Bani’s favourite Disney movie…he walked silently towards her and sat by her side, numb and deadened.
Her head was bandaged and there was a nasal drip attached to her nose, her right hand was in a plaster and when he adjusted the sheet onto her body, he could see blisters and cut all across her legs.
He was so numbed by the sight in front of his eyes, that even tears refused to flow…the shock and grief of seeing Bani in this condition took out every human sensation from his body.
Remembering the promissory threat he had made to Bani, that of marriage on the day he returned, came back hurtling at him, and a ripple of pain dashed through his entire being.
What had he got things to? In stead of giving her happiness and joy, he had ended up leaving her battling for her life…in stead of vows and promises for everlasting love…he had given her a broken heart and now a broken life…
Guilt and remorse swept over every fabric of his being…he did not deserve Bani…he did not deserve her selfless love, he did not deserve her thoughfullness, her care, her devotion, her compassion and understanding.
All he had given to her in return was only pain and tears… loneliness …sorrow and anguish…and now bad luck…just being near her, felt like he was harming Bani in some way…he had to get away from her…stop himself from destroying her anymore…
He got up in a miasma of gloom and misery and started walking towards the door, but his legs gave way…he just couldn’t tear himself away from her like this…walking back to her again, he bent over and planted the lightest of kiss on her forehead…and a teardrop rolled from his eye, falling on her eyes, making it blink.
Abruptly, he removed himself from her and giving one last look at her sleeping form, made a dash towards the door, and before anyone could stop him or question him, he swept past everyone, straight across the corridor, taking the stairs, not stopping for a moment, out into the cold, blisterly morning.
She opened her eyes slowly, the tear drop wetting her eyes, flickering it slowly to take in the atmosphere around her…there was no one in the room, no sound, except the humming of the Air-conditioner…but someone was here…someone whom she knew…that touch which felt so familiar, so warm…her eyes close involuntarily, the sedative overcoming her thoughts.
Author's Note : No more rona-dhona and boring explanations of trite medical terms, which I have no clue about (All copied from Wiki, btw!) in the next updates...the story fast-forwards a bit and JB meet again... :)
And no, if you are thinking that Jai has turned into Jaidas, mourning for his Bani who no longer remembers him, you are wrong...
And of course, he still loves her dearly...only waiting for the right
time so that he can make a re-entry into her life!
Also, if you are thinking that Bani has turned into some kind of a zombie proceeding the accident, there you are wrong too...she will recover and soon go back to what she was...prior to when she met Jai!
Thanks for all the comments and responses! Most appreciated! :)
A Day Prior to Jai’s landing back in New Delhi
An enormous yawn almost dislocated her jaw; her thick black lashes lifted to reveal eyes of startling ochre. Blinking once or twice to clear her vision, Bani stared blankly before her. Dust motes danced in the beams that slanted through the louvered blinds, ephemeral, fairy-like, and about as substantial as her thoughts. In her mind were pictures, images, fragmented, like old film clips that had a linking theme if only one could guess what it was. Fretful and resentful at her inability to recall recent events, she sighed. She had been so sure that when she woke again she would remember.
Transferring her gaze to the vase of roses that stood on the beside locker, she stared at the card that was propped beside it as though even that unlikely object might hold the answer, although in all probability it as only a copy of the hospital rules, and rules and regulations were something she didn’t care two hoots about. Not at this precise moment anyway. She’d been in a car crash, that she knew, not from remembering but because the doctor had told her so. She had a fractured wrist, cuts and bruises, and concussion, and the trite phrases trotted out to her by the medical staff, that it was quite normal not to remember the hours prior to an accident, that she had been lucky, that in a few days she would be out and about, only made her feel more resentful.
Dr. Mathur was the head of Neurology and one of the most respected and established Doctors in the country. Bani had been under her care since the day she had been wheeled into her Nursing Home, in a comatose condition.
She had regained conciouness a couple of times, but never fully and this condition was worrying the team of doctor’s attentind to her.
Bani had lost a lot of blood and she also had serious internal injuries, especially a concussion on the right side of her head, but they had managed to save her life and she was technically out of danger.
Dr. Mathur had requested the patient’s nearest relatives for a discussion in her Office Cabin. Kiran had asked Uday to accompany her, stating that whatever had happened between Jai and Bani, he was like a father to her and had every right to know about her well-being.
Sitting in Dr. Mathur’s stark white and clinically organized cabin, both of them could not hold on to their breath, waiting for her pronouncement…Uday was torn between his anger and anguish at Jai and his trepidation over Bani…he vowed not to spare Jai if anything were to happen with Bani.
Dr. Mathur walked in, looking efficient yet warm, dressed in a simple sari, her still black hair tied neatly in a chignon, with only wisps of grey showing in them.
Giving a short smile at both of them, she took a deep breath and arranged the words in her mind, the way she always did, before talking to the relatives of any of her patient, on whom she was going to make a difficult verdict.
Kiran couldn’t hold herself anymore and blurted out, ‘How is she, Dr. Mathur? Why isn’t anyone giving us a clear explanation? It’s almost 4 days that she has been admitted here, why isn’t she regaining concisouness?’
Uday kept quiet, noticing Dr. Mathur’s concerned expression, and then said softly, ‘Please give us some good news, Doctor…tell us that she is going to be alright.’
Taking off her pince-nez, and clearing it with deliberate action, Dr. Mathur spoke in her most professional yet soothing voice, ‘I really don’t know how to put it in simple terms for you…but first things first…Bani is going to live…there is no threat to her life now…’
The very words seemed to put life inside Kiran and she all but collapsed out of relief, while Uday passed a thin smile and consoled Kiran, asking Dr. Mathur, ‘Then what is the problem…why isnt’ she regaining conciousness?’
Since Bani had been admitted in the ICU, no body had been allowed to see her directly, except through the looking glass of her room. Only the team of Doctors and Nurses, who attended her, went inside and outside her room, without giving any explanations to her family, who had parked themselves outside.
Dr. Mathur spoke slowly, but clearly, ‘Actually, she has regained consciouness.’
It felt like someone had dropped a bomb on them, Uday gasped and spoke in a shocked tone, ‘What? Then why weren’t we told yet, Doctor…the attending nurse never said a word…this is so unprofessional…’
Before he could lose his temper and Kiran could get a word, Dr. Mathur waved her hand and said, ‘Please listen to me before reacting, Sir. The junior doctor who was at duty last, informed me that she had regained conciousness, but there wasn’t much reaction from her.’
Kiran blinked, tears blinding her eyes and said faintly, ‘What does that mean?’
‘Bani opened her eyes and reacted to her surroundings…but only because she couldn’t understand where she was…one of the Doctor’s assured her that she had been in a Car Accident and was recuperating in the hospital…we did not mention anything about the blast…that would have shocked her too much…’
Kiran asked hastily, ‘But she must have asked about us…she must have called out for me…’
Dr. Mathur tapped her pen on the desk and choosing her words carefully, said, ‘actually…she did not…she did not call out anybody’s name…or ask for anyone…’
Uday asked in a shocked voice, ‘But…But how is that possible? She must remember her Mother Atleast…if not the accident…what does it mean, Doctor?’
Dr. Mathur said, ‘In technical terms, it means that Bani is suffering from Anterograde Amnesia.’
Kiran was struck back in disbelief while Uday looked confused and said, ‘What does that mean exactly?’
The Doctor waited for a while for the news to sink in, since Kiran being a Doctor had understood the medical term and looking at Uday said, ‘In layman terms, Bani is suffering from post-traumatic memory loss…’
Uday had no words to say now.
Dr. Mathur now continued in her professional manner, explaining the condition, ‘Anterograde Amnesia is a condition where the victim suffers from loss of memory due to a brain related injury and in such cases, memories prior to the event are forgotton…’
Uday looked stunned, his voice barely escaped his throat when he asked, ‘So does that mean, she has no memory left at all…she doesn’t remember anything?’
Kiran was sitting numb, tears flowing by quietly from her eyes.
Dr. Mathur shrugged her head and said hastily, ‘No, Mr. Walia…it does not mean anything like that…actually, it can have any kind of repurcussions, we don’t know for sure right now…but what you are suggesting is an extreme case…total loss of memory and identity is very rare…what I am saying is that she could be suffering from a partial loss of memory…’
She continued after taking a few sips of water and said, ‘In medical terms, the hippocampus…which controls short-term memory function and spatial navigation had been damaged due to the concussion that she suffered from.’
There was dead silence in the room, as Dr. Mathur paused, to let the news sink in some more and then continued, ‘Patients who suffer from anterograde amnesic syndromes may present with widely varying degrees of forgetfulness. In most cases of anterograde amnesia, patients lose declarative memory, or the recollection of facts, but they retain non-declarative memory, often called procedural memory. For instance, in Bani’s case, on regaining conciousness, she could remember herself…remember the fact that she was in a strange place…but she could not recollect why or how?’
Kiran managed to ask feebly, ‘Does that mean, she has no recollection of her family…of her relations…’
Dr. Mathur shrugged her head non-comittally and said, ‘Impossible to tell right now…but as I told you earlier, this happens in extreme conditions…and even though she has had a serious brain injury, it is not fatal…but unless she regains full conciousness and faces all of you…its very difficult to state the extent of the memory loss.’
‘Then why didn’t you let us meet her till now?’ asked Uday in an anguished voice.
Dr. Mathur said patiently but firmly, ‘This was exactly the reason, Mr. Walia…in most cases, when the patient regains awareness, however sedated he or she is, they call out their closest relative or friend’s name…but in this case, Bani was blank when she opened her eyes…and if she had been surrounded by a group of strangers, it would only cause more stress to her existing delicate state.’
Addressing Kiran, she said softly, ‘I called you here specifically because, we have been monitoring her condition since yesterday noon, when she first regained full consciousness…and now we are sure, that she is quite alright, in the sense, that there is no danger of her slipping into a Coma or Blackout again. Being her Mother and the person closest to her, I would like you to go and meet her first…’
Kiran could barely contain herself more and getting up, dried her tears and said, ‘I want to see my child right now…I know she will recognize me…’
Dr. Mathur called out, ‘Please be very discreet, Dr. Dixit…we don’t want to give her any strain if possible…and just in case she is not able to recollect anything…please try to control your emotions…don’t react in front of her or force her to recollect anything.’
While Dr. Mathur took Kiran towards Bani’s room, Uday gave a gist of the Doctor’s prognosis, which evoked copious sobbing from Rano followed by Aditya’s breakdown.
Kiran entered Bani’s room, she was lying on the bed, with a nasal drip, her eyes closed and she could sense the slow, rhythmic heartbeat, heard clearly in the noiselessness of the room.
‘Bani…’ she called out softly, tears flowing steadily from her eyes, despite trying to rein them in.
Bani opened her eyes, still bruised by the injury, taking time to focus them on the person who had just spoke, breaking the eeriy silence.
She kept staring blankly at Kiran for sometime, as her Mother held on to her daughter’s frail hands and sobbed.
‘Ma…’ Just hearing those two words, broke open every bit of strength and perseverance that Kiran had stored…falling with her head upon the bed side, she cried out taking Bani’s name, till Dr. Dixit had to forcibly remove her from the room, stating that her emotional condition would upset Bani immensely.
Later Rano and Aditya had gone to Bani’s room and to their relief, she had recalled them.
But to the combined shock of Uday, Ranveer and Nachiket, when they stood in the room, behind Rano and Aditya, she had given a blank look at them, blinking her eyes in a confused, tired manner, before slipping back in an exhausted sleep.
Later that evening, Dr. Mathur called upon Kiran again and Uday had once more accompanied her.
Kiran was looking much better than she had in the last few days since that terrible day, when Bani had left home in a distressed condition.
Dr. Mathur smiled and addressing Kiran said, ‘I hope you are feeling better now, Dr. Dixit…Bani could recognize you…’
Kiran nodded her head and smiled despite the exhaustion that had paled her face and said, ‘Yes…and she could recognize her elder sister and Uncle also…’
And then added somewhat worriedly, ‘Though she looked blank when Mr. Walia, my son-in-law Ranveer and Nachiket…her friend…they came into the room.’
Dr. Mathur waited for a while and said, ‘How long has there association been with Bani?’
Uday answered, ‘I met her a few months back…the last time I saw her she was a baby…’ and then he added awkwardly, ‘Jai…my son and Bani were engaged to be married very soon…’
Kiran added, ‘Ranveer and my elder daughter have been married for about the same time and she knows Nachiket for the last 2 years or so…’
Dr. Kiran intervened and said, ‘It was what I had earlier suspected…she is suffering from a type of Anterograde Amnesia…where the last few months…even maybe around a year or so has been wiped out of her memory…and hence, she can only recollect people whom she has known for a longer period of time…like you, Dr. Dixit…her mother, her sister and her Uncle…but she is not able to recollect Mr. Walia…whom she had only met a few months back…or her brother-in-law who has only been recently married to her sister…’
Kiran uttered in a daze, following the new shock, ‘But she knows Nachiket for the last two years…how come…’
‘It depends on how close were they! If they were just acquainted and not good friends…it will take her time to remember him…and eventually she will…but right now, she can only remember the people whom she has known for a very long time…and whom she has been very close to.’
The trio sat in silence, till Dr. Mathur asked suddenly, ‘What about her Fiancee? Where is he? It’s very important that she see him…if they were about to be married…they must have shared a very close bond…and even if their acquaintance was recent, she might recollect something…’
There was no response from either Kiran or Uday till he spoke quietly, ‘They just broke up…a few hours before all this…’
‘Oh…’ said Dr. Mathur, suddenly awkward and then regaining her professional air, said, ‘But still, if you can, then you should get him to meet her…’
Kiran ignored that statement and asked, ‘But how long will this state remain...I mean, has she lost the last few months of her life forever…will she never remember what occurred in this time period?’
Dr. Mathur replied, after some thought, ‘Its too early for such predictions…she will have to undergo therapies and sessions with us…and in most cases, the patient does end up fully cured, getting back her complete memory…but there is always a chance, that the lost part of the memory, never comes back…for that the patient needs full cooperation of her family and friends and slowly as time passes by, the memory trickles in eventually…’
When they took leave, Dr. Mathur assured Kiran, ‘Be thankful Dr. Dixit…that your daughter is out of danger…she is living…out of so many people who lost their lives last week, out of so many who were handicapped for life, she is not just going to live, but come out intact…even the memory loss just might be a temporary phrase…’
While opening the door for both Uday and Kiran, Dr. Mathur said, smiling, ‘I am a person of science, yet I will tell you a totally unscientific thing…it must be someone’s deepest love and prayer which has literally brought your daughter back from death to life…Be thankful for that…we, doctors can only cure, but its only upon the hands of God, to do miracles.
Present Day
It was close to 8 in the morning, Uday had just reached the Hospital, driving from his friend’s home, where he was living now. Aditya and Nachiket had stayed the night, keeping vigil. Rano and Ranveer came in carrying Tea and Breakfast for the others.
There was not much talk between them, just a feeling of relief that Bani was alright now, at least physically…no one wanted to talk or discuss about Dr. Mathur’s prognosis on her memory loss.
Rano wondered how they would ever explain to a girl who had lost the last year of her life, what all happened in it…how would she explain her sister’s marriage…and now her impending motherhood…about her own engagement to a man, who in all probability had been wiped out of her memory…about their falling apart…one year, as such was not a long time, but for Bani, a lifetime’s happening had occurred in it.
All pair of eyes glued on him, when he walked towards Bani’s room. Jai looked at least 10 years older than he really was, he hadn’t shaved for the last two days, not slept, neither ate anything properly…
The first person whom Jai met was his Father, who looked at him, cold and stern and asked monosyllabically, ‘What are you doing here?’
He answered back silently, ‘I want to see Bani…’
‘You can’t. Go away.’
Before Jai could answer, Aditya who had been in a conversation with the Doctor, saw Jai and in a frenzy of anger, launched towards him, and had to be restrained physically by Ranveer and Nachiket to stop him from hitting Jai, who looked impassive and stood where he was.
‘How dare you come here? It’s because of you that our child is lying in this condition…just go away, before I do something…’
Saying that Aditya broke down crying and had to be taken away forcibly by Nachiket, who looked sympathetically at Jai, but could do nothing to offer any support or consolation.
Jai closed his eyes and tried to stand straight, not having slept for almost 2 days in a row, coupled with a severe jetlag and mental turmoil, he had to call upon every inch of his will-power and strength to go through this…and he wasn’t going to leave before seeing Bani.
Uday looked immensely hurt and pained and he repeated his words grimly, ‘Jai…please leave immediately…you just heart Aditya…Bani is offbounds now…you cannot see her…not now, not ever.’
Jai’s eyes had become moist and for that moment, when Uday saw his son standing desperate and wretched, the lines of severe fatigue and exhaustion clearly etched all over his eyes, his heart melted profusely, but even in that moment of paternal love, he could not seem to forget what his son had done.
‘I am not leaving without seeing Bani once…’ he replied back, calm and unwavering.
Uday’s face thundered with rage and he said, raising his voice, ‘If you insist on creating a scene, Jai…I’ll have to call the authorities to forcibily evict you out of this place…’
A nurse who was passing by gestured them to be quiet. Ranveer and Nachiket looked anxious and the latter coming towards Jai, said desperately, ‘Jai…please leave…just for now…when she regains her conc…’
Jai cut him across politely but firmly and repeated without faltering on his words or expression, ‘I am not leaving without seeing her…’
Uday had to tighen his fist to stop him from slapping Jai across the face. ‘Alright…so be it…I’ll go and inform the Security head…and when you are dragged out of this place, you’ll realize that we mean business.’
Before anyone else could react or say anything, Jai calmly walked towards the Room 101 and shocking everyone, went right inside and closed the door from within. The shock of his action stunned everyone to their roots, till Aditya, in frenzy began to bang the door and Ranveer had to restrain him telling that they were in a hospital.
Even though Uday and Aditya were seething in anger, Nachiket and Ranveer drilled sense into them by saying that if they call the authorities, an unnecessary scene would be created and to let things be the way they were…Uday fumed in anger, waiting for Jai to come out so he could hit his son hard for his blatant disobedience and defiance.
When he saw her lying on the bed, calm and peaceful, like she was in a a deep sleep, suddenly he was reminded of the fairy tale, Snow White…it was Bani’s favourite Disney movie…he walked silently towards her and sat by her side, numb and deadened.
Her head was bandaged and there was a nasal drip attached to her nose, her right hand was in a plaster and when he adjusted the sheet onto her body, he could see blisters and cut all across her legs.
He was so numbed by the sight in front of his eyes, that even tears refused to flow…the shock and grief of seeing Bani in this condition took out every human sensation from his body.
Remembering the promissory threat he had made to Bani, that of marriage on the day he returned, came back hurtling at him, and a ripple of pain dashed through his entire being.
What had he got things to? In stead of giving her happiness and joy, he had ended up leaving her battling for her life…in stead of vows and promises for everlasting love…he had given her a broken heart and now a broken life…
Guilt and remorse swept over every fabric of his being…he did not deserve Bani…he did not deserve her selfless love, he did not deserve her thoughfullness, her care, her devotion, her compassion and understanding.
All he had given to her in return was only pain and tears… loneliness …sorrow and anguish…and now bad luck…just being near her, felt like he was harming Bani in some way…he had to get away from her…stop himself from destroying her anymore…
He got up in a miasma of gloom and misery and started walking towards the door, but his legs gave way…he just couldn’t tear himself away from her like this…walking back to her again, he bent over and planted the lightest of kiss on her forehead…and a teardrop rolled from his eye, falling on her eyes, making it blink.
Abruptly, he removed himself from her and giving one last look at her sleeping form, made a dash towards the door, and before anyone could stop him or question him, he swept past everyone, straight across the corridor, taking the stairs, not stopping for a moment, out into the cold, blisterly morning.
She opened her eyes slowly, the tear drop wetting her eyes, flickering it slowly to take in the atmosphere around her…there was no one in the room, no sound, except the humming of the Air-conditioner…but someone was here…someone whom she knew…that touch which felt so familiar, so warm…her eyes close involuntarily, the sedative overcoming her thoughts.
Author's Note : No more rona-dhona and boring explanations of trite medical terms, which I have no clue about (All copied from Wiki, btw!) in the next updates...the story fast-forwards a bit and JB meet again... :)
And no, if you are thinking that Jai has turned into Jaidas, mourning for his Bani who no longer remembers him, you are wrong...

Also, if you are thinking that Bani has turned into some kind of a zombie proceeding the accident, there you are wrong too...she will recover and soon go back to what she was...prior to when she met Jai!
Thanks for all the comments and responses! Most appreciated! :)
Part 28
All the anger and resentment that had been festering in heart was removed in one instant when Uday saw his only son, shattered, defeated and crushed beyond words, seated all alone, too shocked to even cry.
Placing his hand on Jai’s shoulder, he spoke softly, ‘She is out of danger now…’
Jai had to only hear these words and he put his face on his knees and broke down crying…
Uday’s all but died on seeing his son in this condition…what could he say to him? The remorse and pain was his to see…how he could accuse Jai of betraying and hurting Bani, when his own anguish was clearly etched out.
Sitting besides Jai, he put his hand over his shoulder and tried to offer his support. ‘Whatever had to happen, has happened, Jai…you cannot change the past…’
Jai shook his head in despair, not saying anything, for he had nothing left now. Drying his face of the tears, he faced his father and asked, ‘How will I face her Dad? What will I tell her?’
Uday closed his eyes, trying to gather the courage to tell him the full truth about Bani’s condition. Taking a deep breath, he tightened his grip around Jai’s shoulder and said, ‘You won’t have to face her, Jai and you won’t have to say anything…your words won’t mean anything to her now…’
Staring at his father uncomprehendingly, he muttered, ‘What? Doesn’t she want to see me? Did she say that she hates me?’
Uday bit his lip, trying to frame the right words to say. Jai look delirious with remorse and said, ‘If I have to spend the rest of my like repenting for what I did to her…I will dad…she knows that I love her…it is the truth of my life…’
Uday said quietly, tears blinding his eyes, ‘But it is no longer the truth of her life, Jai…’
Jai looked stunned when his father told her that Bani had lost her memory and in all probability had no recollection of who Jai was, leave aside remembering anything about their previous relationship.
When he finally got out of the shock, he stood up and said, ‘Impossible…you are saying only because her family doesn’t want me near her…Bani cannot forget me…what you are saying is just not possible. She can be angry with me, she can be upset with me, she might not want to see him now…but she can never wipe me out of her life…’
Before Uday could say anything, Jai had rushed back inside the hospital, this time to be stopped by Kiran, who looked furious at seeing him here.
‘Where do you think you are going, Jai?’
Glaring at her, he said, ‘To see Bani…’
‘You already barged inside her room without our permission…if you come anywhere near my daughter again, Jai…I will not spare you.’
Aditya came to blows with Jai, but Kiran told him to stay put and that she will deal with him.
Jai was red in the face and said, ‘I don’t mean any disrespect, Mrs. Dixit…but nothing on Earth is going to stop me from going to Bani…do whatever you wish and will.’
Uday came from behind, calling out Jai’s name, while Ranveer and Nachiket tried to restrain him, shoving them off roughly out of his way, he made his way inside Bani’s room.
The attendant Doctor and Nurse stared at him in surprise and said, ‘Excuse me…how can come in like this? We are changing the dressing for the patient…please go out, right now.’
Bani lay on the bed and when she heard the commotion, her eyes flickered and she opened them slowly.
After seeing that Jai was not budging, the doctor fumed in anger and walked out of the room, to complain to Bani’s family about the intruder.
Her eyes tried to focus in the light and then they fell on Jai…he kept gazing at her for some time and when she looked at him, he gave her a smile, tears spilling out of his eyes.
She kept looking at him for some time and for a flicker of moment, it felt to Jai as if she would call him out…but her eyes looked completely blank and before he could call her out, they closed again, droopy and exhausted.
Uday and Ranveer had to literally pull Jai out of the room, the shock of his father’s words ringing true in his head…Bani had not recognized him…her memory had been wiped…and with it…so was their year old relationship…so was the love they had shared…and so was Jai.
Kiran was livid in rage when Jai came out and pounced on him angrily for daring to disobey everyone and barge into Bani’s room, but he was so shocked, that he was oblivious to everything else and just walked out in a daze.
Dr. Mathur had asked Kiran to tell Bani about her loss of memory, so that the impact of the news could be as soft as possible…and then judging her reaction to the news, tell her about the last year or so in her life, starting from her sister’s marriage to her own engagement.
Kiran addressed Dr. Mathur and said, ‘In a way, I am thankful to God that Bani has lost a part of her memory.’
If Dr. Mathur was shocked, she certainly held it behind a veil of professional reserve and just asked politely, ‘And why is that so?’
Kiran said with sad eyes, ‘We had all been looking forward to Bani’s marriage with Jai…it had been our dream as much as it had been theirs…they were so much in love…so happy…but never in my wildest dreams, did I expect Jai to betray my daughter in this manner…break her up so much…make her go through such pain…she had never even seen her Father…and we, my elder daughter, my brother-in-law and me…gave her all the love and happiness that we could give…and to see someone you care for so much, hurt and broken…it killed me, Dr. Mathur…and I don’t want the man responsible for it, near by daughter anymore…’
Dr. Mathur kept quiet and choosing her words carefully said, ‘I can understand the emotional reasons, Dr. Dixit…but as a Doctor as well as a human being, I can tell you, what you are intending to do is very, very wrong.’
Dr. Mathur continued, ‘Even if you view it practically, just think…its Bani who has lost her memory…the world is still the same…what if she comes across someone apart from her immediate family who knew about her past…about Jai…what if that person asks about her engagement? Can you imagine the situation?’
Kiran looked disturbed but said impulsively, ‘I will take her far away from here…we will leave Delhi…she’ll never know anything about Jai…or anything do to with that part of her life.’
Dr. Mathur shrugged her head in disbelief and said, ‘Dr. Dixit…I can understand what you are going through…but please, you are not only a mother but also a woman…try and understand the situation…you cannot change what has already occurred…not telling Bani about Jai is the biggest mistake you can make…if she comes to know about it accidentally…the repurcussions will be far worse than the situation right now.’
Kiran did not reply back and Dr. Mathur gave up, after fulfilling her part of the duty, in advising the medical and psychological aspect of handling Bani’s current situation.
Rano and Ranveer had offered to stay the night at the hospital, so that Kiran could get some rest and when she about to leave along with Nachiket and Aditya, they met with Uday.
Almost on the verge of tears, Kiran said to Uday, ‘I am sorry, Mr. Walia…I had to speak to Jai in this manner…that too in front of you…’
Uday interrupted her and said softly, ‘I can understand Kiran…I am parent too…nothing in the world can be more painful than the grief of one’s child…please don’t apologize…Bani is like my daughter too…’
Not able to handle his compassion and understanding, she broke down crying, while Nachiket consoled her.
Uday spoke gently, ‘Don’t worry about Jai…I will handle him…at least, I can assure you that I will try my best…if you don’t want him to meet Bani…then so be it…we have all gone through so much already…I can only pray to god that may he show us better times now.’
When Uday reached the Farmhouse late at night, he found the entire place plunged in darkenss, switching on the lights; he went out from one room to another, calling out Jai’s name.
On the verge of panic, he was about to frantically dial his cell number, when he realized that he hand’t checked the Terrace…getting his intuition correct, Uday found his son sitting in complete silence, on the Garden Chair, staring at the star-lit sky above.
Keeping a gently hand on his head; he ruffled his hair, shaking him out of his stupor.
‘How is she now? Did she ask for me? Did she call out my name?’ The urgency and desperation in Jai’s voice made Uday’s heart melt with tenderness. He felt miserable at having to give the bad news to his son, but felt that if Jai was not able to take the news now, then he would probably spend the rest of his life wallowing miserably for something that was just not meant to be.
Holding his son by both his shoulders, Uday sat opposite to him and said, looking straight into his eyes, ‘Jai…I want you to listen to me…and I mean LISTEN…I know you are grown up and independent and generally always do what you wish to…but today, you will have to do as I say…’
Jai did not offer a reaction, just kept staring at his Father, who continued, in a gentle, but firm voice, ‘Bani is no longer the girl you knew…the accident changed everything, Jai…and how much ever this pains you, please accept this fact…’
Jai kept staring at his father, expressionless and numb, ‘If you have a bone to pick with God…please remember that even though you are no longer a part of her life…you atleast have a hope left for future…the fact that she is alive should overrule everything else for you, Jai.’
Uday took a deep breath and continued in the same tenor, ‘She has lost almost one whole year of her life…just imagine, what she will go through, when she comes out of the Hosptial and into the real world…coming to terms with the fact that so much happened with her and she has no clue, no inlking, no remembrance of it…’
Uday spoke very gently now, holding his son’s hands and said, ‘She needs her family the most at this time, Jai…people whom she has seen all her life and whom she remembers…her Uncle, her sister and most of all her Mother…’
Lowering his voice a few decibels, he said, ‘People…who don’t want you back in her life…’
Jai closed his eyes at this moment and Uday went in for the final blow, ‘So for her sake, if not for anyone else…please Jai…I beg of you…stay away from Bani…don’t let her and her family go through more grief than they have already been through…and if you can, then for your old father’s sake, don’t inflict more pain on yourself…’
Jai kept silent, staring in the darkness, his eyes void of any emotion, sans any life, Uday grasped his hands and said, ‘I am not taking any promises from you, Jai…but just a hope, that if you have loved and cared for her as much as she had…then you have to make this sacrifice…you have to let go of her…so she can pick up the strands of her life again.’
Jai said nothing in reply, but two days later, Uday got to know from a frantic and bewildered Stella, that Jai had called an urgent meeting in his Office and informed everyone that he was relocating to Bombay and he was handing the charge of the Delhi Unit to his second in command.
Jai had not spoken to Uday at all in the last few days since he had come back from New York, not even when he had been informed that Bani was looking much better in the last visit that Uday had made to the Hospital.
Uday looked at the strewn clothes, files, books and other accouterments littered all over his Bed, as Jai was packing them neatly, ignoring Bhavesh’s volunteering for help.
‘So…you are moving back to Mumbai?’
‘What about me?’
Jai looked up at his Father, who noticed that he must have lost at least 20 pounds in the last few weeks since he had make that fatal trip to New York and back.
Jai repeated his father’s question politely, ‘What about you?’
Uday gave a thin smile and said, ‘You are deserting me to nurse a broken heart…where am I going to live now?’
Jai managed to give a smile back and said, ‘I am not nursing a broken heart, Dad…and please, I would be really obliged if you would stop making jokes on this issue…’
Uday raised his hands in peace and said, ‘Ok…no more snide remarks from me…but Jai, why are you going back to Bombay? All your work is concentrated around Delhi…you will have to keep travelling in and out!’
Jai shrugged and said, ‘I did that before too…besides I have set up a good team here, they will manage most of the work…and anyway, Mumbai was always my first choice.’
Uday nodded his head and Jai continued looking at his father affectionately, ‘Now please don’t try and emotionally blackmail me into staying…you very well live on your own…at any of your friend’s home…without even bothering to inform me…so, now don’t tell me that you will miss me…’
Uday smiled lovingly back at his son and said with warmth, ‘I will miss you Jai…you are my son, afterall…’
They both looked at each other before embracing tightly and Jai said, ‘You can come to Bombay and live with me…’
Uday cut him in between and said, ‘Are you crazy? And live in those pigeon hole apartments…when I can have this 4 acre land all to myself?’
‘I don’t live in a pigeon hole…it’s a 5 bedroom penthouse, Dad…’
‘But still, it’s an apartment…’
Jai laughed out loud and Uday felt he could have given his last saved penny to see a smile on his son’s face after what seemed a lifetime.
Seeing him off at the doorsteps, Uday called out, ‘Keep in touch…and by that I mean…not shooting of one-liner emails…’
Jai smiled, putting on his sunglasses before getting inside the Car and said, ‘I will Dad…and you take good care of yourself…I will have Bhavesh spying on your activities…’
Uday grinned and said, ‘We’ll see to that sonny…Bhavesh is under my rule now…please don’t kill yourself working or drinking…I don’t have any more children…so you are the only one who is going to inherit all this money…’
Jai laughed again and shrugging his head, bid goodbye to his Father and left for the Airport.
2 Months after the Blast
Much to her Doctor and Therapist’s extreme surprise, Bani had taken the news of her memory loss with a delight and excitement that completely befuddled them. Her attending Doctor seriously thought that the poor girl had lost her mental balance and hence was behaving in such a manner.
Kiran had been very nervous and worried, when she had sat with Bani one evening, while she was still recuperating from her injury, but was healing very well and had told her about the accident and the resultant memory loss.
A team of Doctor’s had been awaiting ready with a tranquilizer and other emergency equipments, expecting Bani to get hyper and out of control, but such was her shock followed by a squeal of delight and excitement, that everyone including Kiran had been flabbergasted.
Sitting propped on the hospital bed, with half her body still in bandages, she had almost jumped out in excitement, before crying out in pain and then composing herself and said, ‘Me…Memory Loss? I can’t believe it…that like only happens in movies…Wow…wait till I can tease Rano Di about it…bet, now she won’t get one up with me anymore!’
Kiran had blinked her eyes, stunned at her daughter’s reaction to the news and looking here and there in desperation, had then talked about how Rano was no longer living with them.
‘Why?’ asked a bewildered Bani, muching slowly on the grapes, since her jawline was still cracked.
Aditya had come in from behind, followed by Rano, Ranveer and Nachiket.
Kiran gulped a bit and passing a nervous look around, held onto Bani’s hand and said, ‘Rano got married…’
Bani almost gagged on the piece of grape she had just popped inside her mouth and staring wide-eyed at Rano and then at Kiran, said, ‘Don’t tell me…when did that happen…Oh My God…I missed my own sister’s marriage…but how…’
Rano quickly said, coming up to Bani, ‘You didn’t Bani…you were there for the wedding…for all the functions…you even wore a Sari at the wedding…’
Bani looked even more shocked and said, ‘You don’t tell me…I must have looked like a clown in a Sari!’
Nachiket who was standing behind, chuckled and then getting a glared from Bani, right away put his eyes down.
Looking at Ranveer and Nachiket, she remarked rudely, ‘Who are these two jokers anyway? Always hanging around…’
Ranveer looked desperately at Rano, who muffled her laughter and said, ‘Er…That’s my husband…your Jeejaji…Ranveer.’
Bani squealed, half in pain and half in embrassment and said, ‘Oh…I didn’t mean that, er, Jeejaji…’ she finished awkwardly, passing a sheepish smile at Ranveer, who grinned back at her.
‘And that chap, the one with the Pinnochio nose?’ she asked pointing at a red-faced Nachiket, who immediately said, ‘Hey…my nose is not that long…’
Everyone laughed and Adtiya said, ‘He is Nachiket…don’t you remember him…he works with me in the Gallery…’
Bani squinted her eyes in remembrance and said, ‘Kind of…I think I must have met him sometime…his face does look familiar…but why is he here? Oh My God…is he my boyfriend or something…Eeeks….No…’
There was laughter once again and Nachiket said, ‘Well…she might have lost her memory…but she is as annoying as ever…No Madam, I am not your boyfriend and I can only thank god for that…we happen to be best friends…for the last one year or so!’
Bani gave an amused look at him and said, ‘Really? Oh well…I always had a bad choice in clothes and men…’
Nachiket blushed and yelled, ‘Hey…’
Noticing her overall plumpness and the conspicuous bump on Rano’s stomach, Bani stared at it for sometime and then spoke in a suspicious voice, ‘Rano Di…please tell me that you have gained an abnormal amount of weight…’
Rano noticed what Bani was noticing and blushing profusely, turned to her Mother for help, who patted Bani’s head and said lovingly, ‘You are going to become a Massi soon…your Di is 5 months pregnant…’
Opening her mouth in horror, Bani all but shrieked ‘That means you had s**? Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww’
The resultant laughter and yelping caused a couple of nurses and attendants to come and drag everyone out of the room, stating that the patient needed some rest.
Nachiket had the last word when he commented to everyone in general, ‘So much for gently easing out the news of her memory loss to Bani and letting her take it easy …we are the ones who need to take it easy from the Atom Bomb!’
Aditya and Ranveer guffawed loudly and Kiran had tears in her eyes, thanking God that Bani was still the same as she always had been.
While Rano was leaving for the Dixit House, a day before Bani’s discharge, she asked her mother gingerly, ‘Ma…Bani is looking better now…and she has taken the news of her condition so well…’
Kiran smiled and said, ‘That is my Bani…nothing on Earth can break her spirit…anyone else in her condition would have gone to pieces…but she takes even such a big event in her stride…’
Rano smiled faintly and coughing a bit said, ‘Then when do you think we should tell her about Jai…’
Even before Rano could finish her sentence, Kiran turned frigid and remarked sternly, ‘I don’t want that name mentioned in front of her again, Rano…and please tell everyone that they should not make any remark regarding her past with Jai…that thing is over…it is a new beginning for Bani…and Jai has no part in it…’
Shocked and pale faced, Rano staggered on her words, ‘Ma…how can you say that? They were engaged to be married…for god sake, Bani was in love with him…’
‘Was…Not is. Jai was her past…that has been erased off…and God willing, she will never remember him again…so why rake up what is dead already?’
Shocked by her Mother’s attitude, Rano had tears in her eyes and said, ‘Have you ever thought what Jai must be going through? Uday Uncle forced him to stay away from Bani and now want to wipe out everything that Bani and he shared…its not fair…neither to Jai, nor to Bani.’
Kiran gulped, trapped between the guilt and pity she felt on part of Jai, whom she still cared for as her own son, and the fear of any other mishap happening to Bani.
Maternal protectiveness overtook any other emotion she could have felt and addressing Rano in a cold and final tone, she said, ‘You will do as I tell you to, Rano…this is for your sister’s well-fare and happiness…now I want you to go home and remove any and every object that had anything to do with Jai…photographs, gifts, cards, letters, emails, phone messages…everything…I want absolutely no remanants of Jai and Bani’s relationship when she gets back home…’
Dismayed and highly upset, Rano had no go but to fall in line with her Mother’s wishes and she left for Dixit House alongside Ranveer, who just like her, felt that Kiran was doing a gross injustice.
Kiran had packed off everything in Bani’s room and had gone alongside Aditya to meet the Doctor and sign of the discharge papers.
Bani was sitting alone in her room, her right hand still in plaster and a huge bangage on her head, but overall, the color had returned to her face and she looked mighty pleased with the thought of all the attention and care she would be lavished upon, once she reached home.
The pretty nurse came in and smiling at Bani said, ‘So, you are getting discharged today?’
Bani grinned monkisly and said, ‘Yeah…I am so going to miss this place…’
The nurse looked surprised and said, ‘What?’
‘Yes, I will…I mean, when does one get to stay in such a beautiful room, with 24 hours cooling, meals brought in time right to your bed, sheets changed twice everyday…people fussing over me all the time…and that Doctor who came to take my temperature yesterday was really, really cute…is he single?’
The Nurse kept gaping at Bani and burst out laughing. ‘No one can imagine that you were brought here 6 weeks back, comatose and injured from head to toe…’
She declared happily, ‘I am miraculous, Nurse…’
The Nurse smiled affectionately at Bani and taking out a packet, handed over the jewellery that she had been wearing while admitted to the hospital.
‘Oooh…that’s my gold chain…Ma gave me on my 18th birthday…I remember it…’
She put it around her neck with the Nurse’s help, and then got even more excited when she was given her silver bracelet with charms hanging on it, some of the broken now. Bani gushed over it with excitement and clasping around her other hand which was not bangaged remarked, ‘This is my favourite bracelet…my Chachu gifted to me on my 16th birthday…’
Then she got a pair of pearl earrings set in gold and getting pink in face out of happiness, she kissed them and exclaimed to the nurse, ‘That’s like my oldest pair of earrings…Rano di gifted it to me when I turned 11.’
The nurse grinned and said, ‘The Doctors don’t know anything…what are they talking about you losing memory…when you even remember the dates on which you were gifted all the jewellery.’
The nurse finished screwing the earrings on and Bani smiled, showing off a chipped front tooth, making her look very cute. She said, ‘Oh, please don’t tell my family that I remembered all this…I love the attention I get for losing memory…why only yesterday, I pulled Nachiket’s leg when I pretended to mistake him for the ward boy…’
The nurse laughed and then suddenly remembering said, ‘Oh, in all this talk of memory loss, I forgot to return your most valuable possession…I would have got into trouble now…Here…’
Bani stared at the flawless diamond ring, which the nurse presented to her. It was the most beautiful piece of jewellery she had ever set her eyes upon.
Seeing her so dumbstruck, the nurse said jovially, ‘Now tell me who gifted this and when…so then it will be proved that you have indeed got back your memory.’
Bani kept staring at it, blank and uncomprehending yet it felt like she had seen it before. Blinking her eyes, she said slowly, ‘Nurse…I don’t think this is mine…’
The Nurse was taken aback and said, ‘No, it is yours…it was in the inventory list we made when you were admitted here…we take out anything valuable that the patient is wearing before an operation and store it, to be given out to the patient, when she is discharged.’
Bani looked very confused and gingerly taking the ring in her left hand, turned it over carefully and stared at it…the overhead light fell on it, and a thousand rays refracted from the ring, bedazzling her.
The Nurse smiled and said compassionately, ‘Its not necessary that the ring is also an old one…in fact, it looks quite new…maybe that is why you are not able to recollect…let me put it on for you…’
Automatically the nurse put it on her left hand engagement finger and the ring was a perfect fit. She smiled and said, ‘The ring is yours…see how easily it fits you…’
Patting Bani affectionately on her head, she ticked her Inventory list and left the room. Bani was left confounded and bewildered, staring at the ring for a long time, trying to recollect where she had seen it before…
All the anger and resentment that had been festering in heart was removed in one instant when Uday saw his only son, shattered, defeated and crushed beyond words, seated all alone, too shocked to even cry.
Placing his hand on Jai’s shoulder, he spoke softly, ‘She is out of danger now…’
Jai had to only hear these words and he put his face on his knees and broke down crying…
Uday’s all but died on seeing his son in this condition…what could he say to him? The remorse and pain was his to see…how he could accuse Jai of betraying and hurting Bani, when his own anguish was clearly etched out.
Sitting besides Jai, he put his hand over his shoulder and tried to offer his support. ‘Whatever had to happen, has happened, Jai…you cannot change the past…’
Jai shook his head in despair, not saying anything, for he had nothing left now. Drying his face of the tears, he faced his father and asked, ‘How will I face her Dad? What will I tell her?’
Uday closed his eyes, trying to gather the courage to tell him the full truth about Bani’s condition. Taking a deep breath, he tightened his grip around Jai’s shoulder and said, ‘You won’t have to face her, Jai and you won’t have to say anything…your words won’t mean anything to her now…’
Staring at his father uncomprehendingly, he muttered, ‘What? Doesn’t she want to see me? Did she say that she hates me?’
Uday bit his lip, trying to frame the right words to say. Jai look delirious with remorse and said, ‘If I have to spend the rest of my like repenting for what I did to her…I will dad…she knows that I love her…it is the truth of my life…’
Uday said quietly, tears blinding his eyes, ‘But it is no longer the truth of her life, Jai…’
Jai looked stunned when his father told her that Bani had lost her memory and in all probability had no recollection of who Jai was, leave aside remembering anything about their previous relationship.
When he finally got out of the shock, he stood up and said, ‘Impossible…you are saying only because her family doesn’t want me near her…Bani cannot forget me…what you are saying is just not possible. She can be angry with me, she can be upset with me, she might not want to see him now…but she can never wipe me out of her life…’
Before Uday could say anything, Jai had rushed back inside the hospital, this time to be stopped by Kiran, who looked furious at seeing him here.
‘Where do you think you are going, Jai?’
Glaring at her, he said, ‘To see Bani…’
‘You already barged inside her room without our permission…if you come anywhere near my daughter again, Jai…I will not spare you.’
Aditya came to blows with Jai, but Kiran told him to stay put and that she will deal with him.
Jai was red in the face and said, ‘I don’t mean any disrespect, Mrs. Dixit…but nothing on Earth is going to stop me from going to Bani…do whatever you wish and will.’
Uday came from behind, calling out Jai’s name, while Ranveer and Nachiket tried to restrain him, shoving them off roughly out of his way, he made his way inside Bani’s room.
The attendant Doctor and Nurse stared at him in surprise and said, ‘Excuse me…how can come in like this? We are changing the dressing for the patient…please go out, right now.’
Bani lay on the bed and when she heard the commotion, her eyes flickered and she opened them slowly.
After seeing that Jai was not budging, the doctor fumed in anger and walked out of the room, to complain to Bani’s family about the intruder.
Her eyes tried to focus in the light and then they fell on Jai…he kept gazing at her for some time and when she looked at him, he gave her a smile, tears spilling out of his eyes.
She kept looking at him for some time and for a flicker of moment, it felt to Jai as if she would call him out…but her eyes looked completely blank and before he could call her out, they closed again, droopy and exhausted.
Uday and Ranveer had to literally pull Jai out of the room, the shock of his father’s words ringing true in his head…Bani had not recognized him…her memory had been wiped…and with it…so was their year old relationship…so was the love they had shared…and so was Jai.
Kiran was livid in rage when Jai came out and pounced on him angrily for daring to disobey everyone and barge into Bani’s room, but he was so shocked, that he was oblivious to everything else and just walked out in a daze.
Dr. Mathur had asked Kiran to tell Bani about her loss of memory, so that the impact of the news could be as soft as possible…and then judging her reaction to the news, tell her about the last year or so in her life, starting from her sister’s marriage to her own engagement.
Kiran addressed Dr. Mathur and said, ‘In a way, I am thankful to God that Bani has lost a part of her memory.’
If Dr. Mathur was shocked, she certainly held it behind a veil of professional reserve and just asked politely, ‘And why is that so?’
Kiran said with sad eyes, ‘We had all been looking forward to Bani’s marriage with Jai…it had been our dream as much as it had been theirs…they were so much in love…so happy…but never in my wildest dreams, did I expect Jai to betray my daughter in this manner…break her up so much…make her go through such pain…she had never even seen her Father…and we, my elder daughter, my brother-in-law and me…gave her all the love and happiness that we could give…and to see someone you care for so much, hurt and broken…it killed me, Dr. Mathur…and I don’t want the man responsible for it, near by daughter anymore…’
Dr. Mathur kept quiet and choosing her words carefully said, ‘I can understand the emotional reasons, Dr. Dixit…but as a Doctor as well as a human being, I can tell you, what you are intending to do is very, very wrong.’
Dr. Mathur continued, ‘Even if you view it practically, just think…its Bani who has lost her memory…the world is still the same…what if she comes across someone apart from her immediate family who knew about her past…about Jai…what if that person asks about her engagement? Can you imagine the situation?’
Kiran looked disturbed but said impulsively, ‘I will take her far away from here…we will leave Delhi…she’ll never know anything about Jai…or anything do to with that part of her life.’
Dr. Mathur shrugged her head in disbelief and said, ‘Dr. Dixit…I can understand what you are going through…but please, you are not only a mother but also a woman…try and understand the situation…you cannot change what has already occurred…not telling Bani about Jai is the biggest mistake you can make…if she comes to know about it accidentally…the repurcussions will be far worse than the situation right now.’
Kiran did not reply back and Dr. Mathur gave up, after fulfilling her part of the duty, in advising the medical and psychological aspect of handling Bani’s current situation.
Rano and Ranveer had offered to stay the night at the hospital, so that Kiran could get some rest and when she about to leave along with Nachiket and Aditya, they met with Uday.
Almost on the verge of tears, Kiran said to Uday, ‘I am sorry, Mr. Walia…I had to speak to Jai in this manner…that too in front of you…’
Uday interrupted her and said softly, ‘I can understand Kiran…I am parent too…nothing in the world can be more painful than the grief of one’s child…please don’t apologize…Bani is like my daughter too…’
Not able to handle his compassion and understanding, she broke down crying, while Nachiket consoled her.
Uday spoke gently, ‘Don’t worry about Jai…I will handle him…at least, I can assure you that I will try my best…if you don’t want him to meet Bani…then so be it…we have all gone through so much already…I can only pray to god that may he show us better times now.’
When Uday reached the Farmhouse late at night, he found the entire place plunged in darkenss, switching on the lights; he went out from one room to another, calling out Jai’s name.
On the verge of panic, he was about to frantically dial his cell number, when he realized that he hand’t checked the Terrace…getting his intuition correct, Uday found his son sitting in complete silence, on the Garden Chair, staring at the star-lit sky above.
Keeping a gently hand on his head; he ruffled his hair, shaking him out of his stupor.
‘How is she now? Did she ask for me? Did she call out my name?’ The urgency and desperation in Jai’s voice made Uday’s heart melt with tenderness. He felt miserable at having to give the bad news to his son, but felt that if Jai was not able to take the news now, then he would probably spend the rest of his life wallowing miserably for something that was just not meant to be.
Holding his son by both his shoulders, Uday sat opposite to him and said, looking straight into his eyes, ‘Jai…I want you to listen to me…and I mean LISTEN…I know you are grown up and independent and generally always do what you wish to…but today, you will have to do as I say…’
Jai did not offer a reaction, just kept staring at his Father, who continued, in a gentle, but firm voice, ‘Bani is no longer the girl you knew…the accident changed everything, Jai…and how much ever this pains you, please accept this fact…’
Jai kept staring at his father, expressionless and numb, ‘If you have a bone to pick with God…please remember that even though you are no longer a part of her life…you atleast have a hope left for future…the fact that she is alive should overrule everything else for you, Jai.’
Uday took a deep breath and continued in the same tenor, ‘She has lost almost one whole year of her life…just imagine, what she will go through, when she comes out of the Hosptial and into the real world…coming to terms with the fact that so much happened with her and she has no clue, no inlking, no remembrance of it…’
Uday spoke very gently now, holding his son’s hands and said, ‘She needs her family the most at this time, Jai…people whom she has seen all her life and whom she remembers…her Uncle, her sister and most of all her Mother…’
Lowering his voice a few decibels, he said, ‘People…who don’t want you back in her life…’
Jai closed his eyes at this moment and Uday went in for the final blow, ‘So for her sake, if not for anyone else…please Jai…I beg of you…stay away from Bani…don’t let her and her family go through more grief than they have already been through…and if you can, then for your old father’s sake, don’t inflict more pain on yourself…’
Jai kept silent, staring in the darkness, his eyes void of any emotion, sans any life, Uday grasped his hands and said, ‘I am not taking any promises from you, Jai…but just a hope, that if you have loved and cared for her as much as she had…then you have to make this sacrifice…you have to let go of her…so she can pick up the strands of her life again.’
Jai said nothing in reply, but two days later, Uday got to know from a frantic and bewildered Stella, that Jai had called an urgent meeting in his Office and informed everyone that he was relocating to Bombay and he was handing the charge of the Delhi Unit to his second in command.
Jai had not spoken to Uday at all in the last few days since he had come back from New York, not even when he had been informed that Bani was looking much better in the last visit that Uday had made to the Hospital.
Uday looked at the strewn clothes, files, books and other accouterments littered all over his Bed, as Jai was packing them neatly, ignoring Bhavesh’s volunteering for help.
‘So…you are moving back to Mumbai?’
‘What about me?’
Jai looked up at his Father, who noticed that he must have lost at least 20 pounds in the last few weeks since he had make that fatal trip to New York and back.
Jai repeated his father’s question politely, ‘What about you?’
Uday gave a thin smile and said, ‘You are deserting me to nurse a broken heart…where am I going to live now?’
Jai managed to give a smile back and said, ‘I am not nursing a broken heart, Dad…and please, I would be really obliged if you would stop making jokes on this issue…’
Uday raised his hands in peace and said, ‘Ok…no more snide remarks from me…but Jai, why are you going back to Bombay? All your work is concentrated around Delhi…you will have to keep travelling in and out!’
Jai shrugged and said, ‘I did that before too…besides I have set up a good team here, they will manage most of the work…and anyway, Mumbai was always my first choice.’
Uday nodded his head and Jai continued looking at his father affectionately, ‘Now please don’t try and emotionally blackmail me into staying…you very well live on your own…at any of your friend’s home…without even bothering to inform me…so, now don’t tell me that you will miss me…’
Uday smiled lovingly back at his son and said with warmth, ‘I will miss you Jai…you are my son, afterall…’
They both looked at each other before embracing tightly and Jai said, ‘You can come to Bombay and live with me…’
Uday cut him in between and said, ‘Are you crazy? And live in those pigeon hole apartments…when I can have this 4 acre land all to myself?’
‘I don’t live in a pigeon hole…it’s a 5 bedroom penthouse, Dad…’
‘But still, it’s an apartment…’
Jai laughed out loud and Uday felt he could have given his last saved penny to see a smile on his son’s face after what seemed a lifetime.
Seeing him off at the doorsteps, Uday called out, ‘Keep in touch…and by that I mean…not shooting of one-liner emails…’
Jai smiled, putting on his sunglasses before getting inside the Car and said, ‘I will Dad…and you take good care of yourself…I will have Bhavesh spying on your activities…’
Uday grinned and said, ‘We’ll see to that sonny…Bhavesh is under my rule now…please don’t kill yourself working or drinking…I don’t have any more children…so you are the only one who is going to inherit all this money…’
Jai laughed again and shrugging his head, bid goodbye to his Father and left for the Airport.
2 Months after the Blast
Much to her Doctor and Therapist’s extreme surprise, Bani had taken the news of her memory loss with a delight and excitement that completely befuddled them. Her attending Doctor seriously thought that the poor girl had lost her mental balance and hence was behaving in such a manner.
Kiran had been very nervous and worried, when she had sat with Bani one evening, while she was still recuperating from her injury, but was healing very well and had told her about the accident and the resultant memory loss.
A team of Doctor’s had been awaiting ready with a tranquilizer and other emergency equipments, expecting Bani to get hyper and out of control, but such was her shock followed by a squeal of delight and excitement, that everyone including Kiran had been flabbergasted.
Sitting propped on the hospital bed, with half her body still in bandages, she had almost jumped out in excitement, before crying out in pain and then composing herself and said, ‘Me…Memory Loss? I can’t believe it…that like only happens in movies…Wow…wait till I can tease Rano Di about it…bet, now she won’t get one up with me anymore!’
Kiran had blinked her eyes, stunned at her daughter’s reaction to the news and looking here and there in desperation, had then talked about how Rano was no longer living with them.
‘Why?’ asked a bewildered Bani, muching slowly on the grapes, since her jawline was still cracked.
Aditya had come in from behind, followed by Rano, Ranveer and Nachiket.
Kiran gulped a bit and passing a nervous look around, held onto Bani’s hand and said, ‘Rano got married…’
Bani almost gagged on the piece of grape she had just popped inside her mouth and staring wide-eyed at Rano and then at Kiran, said, ‘Don’t tell me…when did that happen…Oh My God…I missed my own sister’s marriage…but how…’
Rano quickly said, coming up to Bani, ‘You didn’t Bani…you were there for the wedding…for all the functions…you even wore a Sari at the wedding…’
Bani looked even more shocked and said, ‘You don’t tell me…I must have looked like a clown in a Sari!’
Nachiket who was standing behind, chuckled and then getting a glared from Bani, right away put his eyes down.
Looking at Ranveer and Nachiket, she remarked rudely, ‘Who are these two jokers anyway? Always hanging around…’
Ranveer looked desperately at Rano, who muffled her laughter and said, ‘Er…That’s my husband…your Jeejaji…Ranveer.’
Bani squealed, half in pain and half in embrassment and said, ‘Oh…I didn’t mean that, er, Jeejaji…’ she finished awkwardly, passing a sheepish smile at Ranveer, who grinned back at her.
‘And that chap, the one with the Pinnochio nose?’ she asked pointing at a red-faced Nachiket, who immediately said, ‘Hey…my nose is not that long…’
Everyone laughed and Adtiya said, ‘He is Nachiket…don’t you remember him…he works with me in the Gallery…’
Bani squinted her eyes in remembrance and said, ‘Kind of…I think I must have met him sometime…his face does look familiar…but why is he here? Oh My God…is he my boyfriend or something…Eeeks….No…’
There was laughter once again and Nachiket said, ‘Well…she might have lost her memory…but she is as annoying as ever…No Madam, I am not your boyfriend and I can only thank god for that…we happen to be best friends…for the last one year or so!’
Bani gave an amused look at him and said, ‘Really? Oh well…I always had a bad choice in clothes and men…’
Nachiket blushed and yelled, ‘Hey…’
Noticing her overall plumpness and the conspicuous bump on Rano’s stomach, Bani stared at it for sometime and then spoke in a suspicious voice, ‘Rano Di…please tell me that you have gained an abnormal amount of weight…’
Rano noticed what Bani was noticing and blushing profusely, turned to her Mother for help, who patted Bani’s head and said lovingly, ‘You are going to become a Massi soon…your Di is 5 months pregnant…’
Opening her mouth in horror, Bani all but shrieked ‘That means you had s**? Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww’
The resultant laughter and yelping caused a couple of nurses and attendants to come and drag everyone out of the room, stating that the patient needed some rest.
Nachiket had the last word when he commented to everyone in general, ‘So much for gently easing out the news of her memory loss to Bani and letting her take it easy …we are the ones who need to take it easy from the Atom Bomb!’
Aditya and Ranveer guffawed loudly and Kiran had tears in her eyes, thanking God that Bani was still the same as she always had been.
While Rano was leaving for the Dixit House, a day before Bani’s discharge, she asked her mother gingerly, ‘Ma…Bani is looking better now…and she has taken the news of her condition so well…’
Kiran smiled and said, ‘That is my Bani…nothing on Earth can break her spirit…anyone else in her condition would have gone to pieces…but she takes even such a big event in her stride…’
Rano smiled faintly and coughing a bit said, ‘Then when do you think we should tell her about Jai…’
Even before Rano could finish her sentence, Kiran turned frigid and remarked sternly, ‘I don’t want that name mentioned in front of her again, Rano…and please tell everyone that they should not make any remark regarding her past with Jai…that thing is over…it is a new beginning for Bani…and Jai has no part in it…’
Shocked and pale faced, Rano staggered on her words, ‘Ma…how can you say that? They were engaged to be married…for god sake, Bani was in love with him…’
‘Was…Not is. Jai was her past…that has been erased off…and God willing, she will never remember him again…so why rake up what is dead already?’
Shocked by her Mother’s attitude, Rano had tears in her eyes and said, ‘Have you ever thought what Jai must be going through? Uday Uncle forced him to stay away from Bani and now want to wipe out everything that Bani and he shared…its not fair…neither to Jai, nor to Bani.’
Kiran gulped, trapped between the guilt and pity she felt on part of Jai, whom she still cared for as her own son, and the fear of any other mishap happening to Bani.
Maternal protectiveness overtook any other emotion she could have felt and addressing Rano in a cold and final tone, she said, ‘You will do as I tell you to, Rano…this is for your sister’s well-fare and happiness…now I want you to go home and remove any and every object that had anything to do with Jai…photographs, gifts, cards, letters, emails, phone messages…everything…I want absolutely no remanants of Jai and Bani’s relationship when she gets back home…’
Dismayed and highly upset, Rano had no go but to fall in line with her Mother’s wishes and she left for Dixit House alongside Ranveer, who just like her, felt that Kiran was doing a gross injustice.
Kiran had packed off everything in Bani’s room and had gone alongside Aditya to meet the Doctor and sign of the discharge papers.
Bani was sitting alone in her room, her right hand still in plaster and a huge bangage on her head, but overall, the color had returned to her face and she looked mighty pleased with the thought of all the attention and care she would be lavished upon, once she reached home.
The pretty nurse came in and smiling at Bani said, ‘So, you are getting discharged today?’
Bani grinned monkisly and said, ‘Yeah…I am so going to miss this place…’
The nurse looked surprised and said, ‘What?’
‘Yes, I will…I mean, when does one get to stay in such a beautiful room, with 24 hours cooling, meals brought in time right to your bed, sheets changed twice everyday…people fussing over me all the time…and that Doctor who came to take my temperature yesterday was really, really cute…is he single?’
The Nurse kept gaping at Bani and burst out laughing. ‘No one can imagine that you were brought here 6 weeks back, comatose and injured from head to toe…’
She declared happily, ‘I am miraculous, Nurse…’
The Nurse smiled affectionately at Bani and taking out a packet, handed over the jewellery that she had been wearing while admitted to the hospital.
‘Oooh…that’s my gold chain…Ma gave me on my 18th birthday…I remember it…’
She put it around her neck with the Nurse’s help, and then got even more excited when she was given her silver bracelet with charms hanging on it, some of the broken now. Bani gushed over it with excitement and clasping around her other hand which was not bangaged remarked, ‘This is my favourite bracelet…my Chachu gifted to me on my 16th birthday…’
Then she got a pair of pearl earrings set in gold and getting pink in face out of happiness, she kissed them and exclaimed to the nurse, ‘That’s like my oldest pair of earrings…Rano di gifted it to me when I turned 11.’
The nurse grinned and said, ‘The Doctors don’t know anything…what are they talking about you losing memory…when you even remember the dates on which you were gifted all the jewellery.’
The nurse finished screwing the earrings on and Bani smiled, showing off a chipped front tooth, making her look very cute. She said, ‘Oh, please don’t tell my family that I remembered all this…I love the attention I get for losing memory…why only yesterday, I pulled Nachiket’s leg when I pretended to mistake him for the ward boy…’
The nurse laughed and then suddenly remembering said, ‘Oh, in all this talk of memory loss, I forgot to return your most valuable possession…I would have got into trouble now…Here…’
Bani stared at the flawless diamond ring, which the nurse presented to her. It was the most beautiful piece of jewellery she had ever set her eyes upon.
Seeing her so dumbstruck, the nurse said jovially, ‘Now tell me who gifted this and when…so then it will be proved that you have indeed got back your memory.’
Bani kept staring at it, blank and uncomprehending yet it felt like she had seen it before. Blinking her eyes, she said slowly, ‘Nurse…I don’t think this is mine…’
The Nurse was taken aback and said, ‘No, it is yours…it was in the inventory list we made when you were admitted here…we take out anything valuable that the patient is wearing before an operation and store it, to be given out to the patient, when she is discharged.’
Bani looked very confused and gingerly taking the ring in her left hand, turned it over carefully and stared at it…the overhead light fell on it, and a thousand rays refracted from the ring, bedazzling her.
The Nurse smiled and said compassionately, ‘Its not necessary that the ring is also an old one…in fact, it looks quite new…maybe that is why you are not able to recollect…let me put it on for you…’
Automatically the nurse put it on her left hand engagement finger and the ring was a perfect fit. She smiled and said, ‘The ring is yours…see how easily it fits you…’
Patting Bani affectionately on her head, she ticked her Inventory list and left the room. Bani was left confounded and bewildered, staring at the ring for a long time, trying to recollect where she had seen it before…
Part 29
3 months later
Bani had recuperated beautifully in the intervening period, after being discharged from the hospital. After spending about a month at her home in Delhi, since she had to go for regular check-ups and therapy sessions, Kiran had taken a long leave of absence from her hospital and taking Bani along, had moved to her Mother’s house in Kanpur, stating that Bani needed as much rest as possible and since they had a stream of visitors and friends coming in at their Delhi home, Kanpur was a good choice, because not many people knew them.
Bani absolutely hated living in Kanpur, besides the fact that she was immobile for a couple of weeks, due to the fracture on her leg, which restricted any movement; there was nothing to do in the place. Living in the rambling, old mansion, with her old as a willow tree grandmother and her own Mother for company, life became terribly boring for someone like Bani, who liked to be surrounded by people all the time.
She was extremely home-sick and kept calling up Rano everyday, especially since her due date was coming close, but even after pleadings, threats and blackmail of every kind, Kiran refused to budge till Bani was completely recovered.
The day she got a clean chit from a local Doctor in Kanpur, on reaching their grandmother’s home, the first thing she did was pack all her stuff and went on a hunger strike till Kiran agreed to leave that very night.
It was more than a week that Bani had come back to her home and everything felt so familiar and wonderful…her room, the gulmohar tree which had overgrown with neglect and the wooden swing, creaking as usual, almost on breaking point due to exposure to rain and sun.
Even though she was back home, she felt very lonely and missed Rano terribly…it was hard to believe that her sister was married and was about to have a baby…Bani tried to rake her brains to the maximum, but just could not remember any details of the wedding. Her therapist had told Kiran that such a thing was normal in cases of Amnesia, where the patient, can remember people, but not incidents and sometimes, that memory never came back.
Kiran had joined work again with much reluctance, not wanting to leave Bani alone at home, but she had enough of her Mother’s company and insisted on Kiran going back to the hospital, promising that she will stay at home and not strain herself.
Massi oiled her hair and Mango sat near her feet, licking it in between to show how much he had missed her.
Suddenly, Bani asked Massi, who despite strict and regular instructions from Kiran to not ever mention about Jai, kept forgetting it due to her age.
‘Massi…maine, didi ki wedding album dhoondne ki koshish ki…magar yahan par nahin hain…’
Massi finished putting oil on her long hair and tying it in a tight bun, replied affably, ‘Arre woh toh Kiran ke kamre main hain…tujhe dekhni hain?’
Taken aback by this, Bani wondered why her Mother had lied when she had asked for the Wedding Album a few days after they had arrived back from Kanpur, stating that the only copy of the album was at Rano’s in-law’s house in Chandigarh, where Rano had gone for her delivery.
Before Massi could say anything else, Bani had made her way towards her Mother’s room, and after some searching, found a velvet book lying hidden between layers of clothes in her Mother’s Almirah.
Thoroughly bewildered by her Mother’s unnatural lie, she took it to her room and sat on her bed with the Album.
A smile spread on her face, as he flipped page through page…watching the photographs, whose memories had been wiped out of her mind…and when she saw one photograph of her, dressed in a Peach Lehenga, for what looked like a Sangeet Function, she was astounded….the look on her face was so different…Bani had always pictured badly…but in this picture and the following ones, she seemed to glow with radiance and looked so different.
She fingered one picture of Bani standing with Ranveer, Rano, Kiran and Aditya and smiled…then there was another one which evoked laughter from her…she and another girl, a very pretty looking one, was forcing Nachiket to eat a Rasgulla…then there was one with a sly looking girl standing in the background with lots of make-up on her face…Bani strained to remember who it was and then recollected her as Meera, her cousin from Bhopal…she looked so grown up…there was one group picture of all the youngsters, including Rano, Nachiket, the pretty girl, Meera, Bani herself and a very anemic looking man, who had a constipated expression on his face…Bani couldn’t recollect him at all and thought that he looked extremely funny.
A yawn escaped her…the album was a huge one and she felt decidedly sleepy, since she was still on medications, she was about to close the Album, when her eyes fell on a picture, which left her stunned.
She was dressed in a Crimson colored Sari, bedecked in an exquisite set of necklace, earrings and kadas, which she knew did not belong to her Mother, her hair was tied and strung with flowers. Bani almost did a double take, wondering if it was really her, who was in the picture…but what shocked her more was the man standing besides her…a tall, apparently well-built man, older than her…with a very attractive face…dressed in a traditional black bandhgala…she kept staring at the picture, awestruck and mesmerized.
It took the sound of loud honking, which broke her reverie, to know that her Mother had come home early. She wanted to look at all the pictures and most of all, that particular picture…who was that man in the picture beside her…there was something so haunting, so lingering about him…
Bani just about managed to keep the Album back in her Mother’s room and rushed downstairs, evoking a groan from her, since her leg still hurt.
Kiran smiled warmly at Bani, asking her how she was feeling and then gave a good scolding for not taking rest at noon.
She added worriedly, ‘Bani…I got a call from Ranveer, your Jeeju…Rano has been admitted to the Hospital today morning, since she was experiencing some pain…’
Bani looked worried and said, ‘Oh…is she alright?’
Kiran sipped some water and said, ‘Yes, I think so, else Ranveer would have informed me…but you know, her due date is just round the corner, I feel bad that she couldn’t stay with us for her delivery…so I was thinking, if its okay with you, I can go to Chandigarh and stay there till the baby comes.’
Bani replied promptly, ‘Of course Ma…you should.’
‘What do you mean, I should? You are coming along with me!’
Bani looked dismayed and said, ‘Nooooo…Please…I had a hell of time cooped up in Kanpur with Naani and you…and now you are taking me to a house of strangers…’
‘It’s your sister’s in-laws home…besides Ranveer’s father is very fond of you…’
Bani made a face and said, ‘I don’t remember any of those people…I hardly remember how Jeejaji looks…leave aside his Parents…Ma, I don’t want to come, please…I’ll stay with Massi here.’
Kiran looked distressed and said, ‘I can’t leave you alone Bani…you have just recovered from that accident…’
‘I am okay now…stop fussing…no, I mean, keep fussing…I like that part, but Ma, I won’t be alone…Massi and Mango are here, Adi Chachu will come and stay and that Nachiket, the supposed best friend can also drop in sometimes…though I find him really silly!’
Kiran refused to leave Bani alone, even after many arguments and counter-arguments put forward by her, it was only after Aditya and Nachiket’s arrival in the evening which kind of eased Kiran and she reluctantly agreed to leave Bani at home and leave for Chandigarh to be with Rano.
Aditya was staying put for the next few days till Kiran was in Chandigarh, but due to his work, he had to stay away most part of the day and hence Bani was very much on her own. Though Kiran kept calling up at odd hours, only to check if Bani picked up the landline or not and hence Bani kept home most of the time.
It was ages since she had gone out, on her own or for that matter with anyone else. Since that accident and the resultant memory loss, Bani had been stuck inside the four walls of either her Nani’s home or her own and the only time she saw other people was when she went to the Hospital for her check-ups and therapy sessions, which was not going the way it was intending to. Because, Bani wasn’t able to recollect anything in the past year and a half…people she could remember vaguely but not relationship or incidents.
She knew that her sister had got married, that she and Nachiket had become best friends, that she had graduated out of college…but beyond that nothing more…there was a vague feeling in her head that something of great importance had occurred in the intervening period, prior to that accident…but what?
Everyone was hiding something that was for sure…she could never forget the look of shock on her Mother’s face when she had seen the mysterious diamond ring on Bani’s finger, on the day she got discharged. Kiran had been flustered and after much fumbling on words, which was very unlike her Mother, she had said something about it being a family heirloom.
Bani had not counter-questioned, but she was amazed that her Mother thought she would fall for something like that…though she was no expert, even as a layman she could estimate that the ring was very expensive, way beyond her Mother’s affordability, then why had she lied regarding it.
And then the whole Marriage Album thing…Bani had been thoroughly surprised to know that the Dixit House did not have a copy of Rano’s wedding album, nor any Marriage CD’s…what she had been shown were a series of random pictures taken from Aditya’s Camera, but not the formal album.
And then just yesterday, she had discovered that Album in her Mother’s room…why had she lied on it? What was the point of hiding such a trivial thing from Bani? And considering that the Album would have served a good purpose of rejogging her mind, it felt even stranger, that her Mother had deliberately hidden it away.
Bani could not get that particular picture out of her mind…there was something so vivid about it…about that man who was standing alongside her…it was a normal photograph, from what she could remember, he was much taller than her and had put his right arm around her shoulders and she was standing very close to him, smiling and looking so radiant, so happy…but what struck her about the picture was something else…at the very first glance, it looked like a portrait of two people in love
…and Bani couldn’t get
that thought out of her mind.
She went to her Mother’s room to get the Album out again, but to her dismay, it was no where in sight…now that only confirmed her suspicion…her Mother must have put it someplace else, judging that it had been tampered with.
Feeling very much like Sherlock Holmes and Agatha Christie combined, Bani began to comb through her Mother’s things, hoping for a clue, since her room, held none…but she couldn’t find anything. Exhausted, she lay on her bed and began flipping through a random file that was kept on the Coffee Table…it was the file that her Mother compiled for Telephone bills…it had always been a source of joke between Rano and Bani while growing up…the new system showed the numbers which were dialed from the landline and her Mother could find out whom all the two girls had been calling up and at what time.
Smiling at the recalled memory, she began flipping through the file in an absent manner…randomly looking at the pages, which showed the number…she would have shut the file and gone back to the living room to watch TV, but for one thing that happened to catch her eyes.
She sat propped up against the pillow and flicked through the pages slowly…a number was occurring recurrently in every page of the Bill, innumerous times…the month she was checking was January this year…a month before her accident…apparently the particular number had been dialed some 200 times in the months between January and February…abruptly stopping about a week before her accident…that was 14th February…Valentine’s Day.
Bani kept staring at the number…who had been called up these many times from her house land line? And when she checked the time of the call, she was even more taken aback…most of the calls seemed to have been made after 11 at night…At first, she assumed that it must have been Ranveer’s Number and hence the frequency of calls and the odd timing…but then she remembered, having been told, that Rano was married on 17th of November…these calls were all made from the period between December to February first week.
Feeling extremely odd and distraught, she fumbled with her mind, trying to work out explanations…but everything seemed to point to only her…there was no one else in the house, who would make so many calls. Her Mother had to leave early for work and hence she always slept by 10:30, Aditya Chachu came regularly, but rarely stayed for the night, Massi could barely hear anything, leave aside talking on the phone in the middle of the night, it obviously couldn’t be Mango…Rano di was gone by then…so only she was left.
Staggered by the thought, she scratched her brain to remember who’s number this could be…whom could she be calling at such odd hours. She couldn’t leave it like that, there were too many loose threads hanging around and if someone else was not going to help her out, she would have to solve this riddle on her own.
With slightly trembling hands, she dialed the 10-digit number and held her breath, as it rang, once, twice, thrice…and then someone picked it up.
‘Good afternoon, Mr. Walia’s Office.’ Came out a crisp, efficient voice.
Bani was taken aback, literally, and she immediately disconnected the line.
‘Mr. Walia’s Office?’ she remarked to herself, befuddled. This was the last thing she was expecting. Why on Earth would she make mid-night calls to some Office of a guy named Walia? Weird, definitely weird. There must be a simpler explanation to this, than she was imagining.
Taking a deep breath, she dialed the number and the voice at the other end, was just as before, but a bit sharp.
Bani coughed and said, ‘Er…Hi…’
The voice at the other end repeated mechanically, ‘How may I help you?’
Bani paused for a moment and then said, ‘I…actually…I don’t know how to say this…’ she gave a nervous laugh and the voice at the other end sounded definitely pissed off now.
‘Mam…Can I help you?’ said in a really stern note.
Getting jittery, she fumbled on, ‘I was…actually…May I know who’s number is this?’
The lady answered coldly, ‘You have called up, I should be asking you this question…’
Bani gave a silly giggle and said, ‘Actually, I, er was checking my phone bills…and apparently there have been close to 200 phone calls from my land line to this number…so I was just wondering…since I don’t recognize the number…if someone was misusing our phone…’ Bani winced, sounding so cheesy to herself, she was only surprised the lady on the other side hadnt’ banged the phone down.
The voice at the other end paused and then resuming the same professional demenour said, ‘I am sorry…there seems to be a misunderstanding Mam…this is a Corporate Office…unless you give me details, I can’t help you…there might be a misprint on your phone bill…’
‘Oh…’ went Bani, sounding disappointed and then said quickly, ‘Thanks for your help Mam…I am sorry to bother you…so you said this is an Office land-line number, right? Yes, it must be a mis-print…then.’
The lady on the other end spoke a bit suspiciously, ‘You are saying this number appeared on your phone bill?’
‘Yes…but as you said, it must be a misprint…there is no reason why anyone from my house should dial on an Office number…that too at midnight…strange!’
The lady paused and said, ‘actually…it is strange that the number appeared on your phone bill…it is not supposed to…I will write to the Telephone Department with a complain…’
Bani was taken aback and before she could say anything, the lady said, ‘This is our CEO’s private number…he uses it when he is in Delhi…it is not supposed to be disclosed…he will be absolutely livid if he comes to know that his number has been leaked…Oh, thanks for informing about this Mam, have a good-day.’
Bani said hastily, ‘Just a moment…what…what is your CEO’s name?’
The other woman said in a flurry of haste, caught up with something else, ‘Jai Walia.’ And the phone was disconnected.
Day Walia?
What a weird name, she was sure that the secretray had mispronounced it…but what confused her more was the feeling that she had definitely heard the name before.
And now the thought rankled her even more…so it was a private number…someone’s cell number, a guy who was CEO of some firm…and there had been over 200 phone calls made from her home to this man. Most inexplicably, the majority of calls made at night!
Before she could mull over this thought any further, she heard Aditya and Nachiket’s voice from downstairs. Going down to be greeted by a warm bear hug from Aditya and a silly grin from Nachiket, Bani decided on throwing the bomb, unexpectedly, so that these two would be caught unawares.
In between, discussing Bani’s health, Rano’s impending motherhood, Nachiket’s forthcoming marriage to Purva and Aditya’s plans for his gallery, Bani munched on the sides of a Samosa and said casually, ‘Does the name Walia ring any bells for either of you?’
Just the expression on Aditya and Nachiket’s face was enough to answer any doubts Bani had… this guy had a connection, a serious one, apparently, to Dixit House…to her, specifically. And so serious, that the entire household had joined hands in hiding this fact from her.
Nachiket, red in the face, was the first one to recover and he stammered on his words, ‘Why…Why are you asking this?’
Bani pretended as if it was nothing much and said, ‘Oh generally…I was just watching the TV…there was some news about his Company…Walia Corporation…or something and then he was mentioned…I just thought I had heard the name before also…so, was just wondering if you knew anything.’
Nachiket who had felt miserable hiding such a big truth from Bani, was helpless, given Aditya’s presence and said, red in his face, ‘No…I have not heard about him.’
Aditya gulped a glass of water and after a quick inner talk on what to tell Bani, said as casually as possible, ‘You might be referring to Uday Sir.’
Bani looked confused and said, ‘Who is Uday Sir?’
Aditya composed himself and replied, ‘You won’t remember him…an old friend of your Father’s…your Mother knows him well…but why are you bothering so much…I’ll tell you about the new painting we are planning to acquire for the gallery.’
Nachiket munched on some chips and pretended as if he wasn’t even present during this conversation…hiding something from Bani was bad enough, telling her a lie was something else, and memory loss or no memory loss, he did not want to be a part of any fabrication that Kiran and Aditya were weaving for Bani.
Bani slept fitfully that night…Uday Walia…CEO of Walia Corporation...innumerous phone calls made to him from her land-line to his private cell-number…Rano was clearly ruled out of the equation…only her Mother and she were left!
If Uday Walia, according to Aditya was a friend of her Father’s, that could only mean, he was quite old, near about her Mother’s age…why would she make phone calls to her Father’s friend, whom she had never even met…and besides one extension of the phone was kept in her Mother's room...
Bani all but choked in shock when she realized where all her thougths were pointing at…
Her Mother and Uday Walia…Oh My God! ;)
(God save, Kiran
and Uday from Bani's jasoosi....)
Jai was typing continuously, shooting off emails at an alarming speed and when he finished the day’s work, only then did he take off his reading glasses, put them on his laptop and stretched back on his chair, taking in the view of the Arabian Sea, which lay out spectacularly in the background of his plush Nariman Point Office.
He could barely take a breather when his intercom rang and his secretary informed him that he had to join a concall with his European clients in another 5 minutes. Jai requested for a cup of coffee and asked her to connect the call.
His eyes fell on the silver frame kept on his polished cherry table, he kept staring at her laughing picture…she had her head thrown back, her silky hair falling all over her shoulders and right down to her waist. She was dressed in an off-shoulder top, showing off her slender neck and the creamy bare portion of her shoulder, her vivid brown eyes were sparkling with joy and her smile could have been a pilot for toothpaste commercial. It was his favourite picture amongst many that he had clicked of Bani.
He had plastered hundreds of them all around his room, covering every wall, catching her in every mood…joy, pensive, shy, timid, scared, funny, laughing, angry, crying, dancing, singing, eating…there were actually a lot of pictures where she was eating. The thought made him laugh out loud and picking up the frame in his hand, he fingered it lovingly…and kissed it.
It was more than 6 months that he had last seen her, in the hospital room, when their eyes had met for a split second and she had blanked them out absently…wiping out their 1-year old relationship in a moment.
Every day since that moment had been a living nightmare for him…for someone who had prided on his self-control and will-power, had all but crumbled into pieces without her presence in his life. He couldn’t recollect when he had laughed last, when he had spent an evening which he didn’t want ever to end, when he had last, forgotten himself in the warm embrace of a loved one, when he had felt the warm brush of lips against his, when he had seen a lifetime of love in someone’s eyes only for him.
All that was left was a vaccum, which Jai tried to fill up with work, work and more work.
Bombay was a relief in the sense that he had left all his social life back in Delhi and he only knew people professionally in the city, whatever little friends he had made were soon forgotton and he stubbornly refused to make any new ones…spending any spare time he had, sitting alone in his apartment, surrounded by Bani’s photographs and her memories.
Uday had inbetween kept Jai informed about Bani’s welfare, stating that she was getting along quite well, indicating to Jai that she had moved on with her life, and he was definitely out of the equation now…she simply did not remember him.
The feeling of guilt and remorse which had till date not left in peace, stopped him from making any contact with Bani directly…just hearing that she was recovering, happy and leading a normal life was enough for him.
Perhaps that was the price of his repentance…he had to live the rest of his life with her memories, when she had none to cry over.
Though it did not stop him from hoping against hope that they would meet again…and get back together.
After the concall was over, Jai had to quickly call his secretary before she could leave for the day and tell her to arrange a ticket to Delhi for the first flight the following morning. The client was staying there for the weekend and wanted an urgent meeting and since it was an important project, Jai wanted to go personally.
Jai had avoided going to Delhi as much as possible in the last six months, though keeping in regular touch with his Father, once even flying him in to Mumbai for a week, but it couldn’t be avoided this time. Reaching his apartment, the first thing he did was, take a shower and put in a few clothes for the weekend…knowing that he would be back in Mumbai by Monday morning.
The light drizzle that had received him when he stepped outside the Domestic Airport at Delhi had turned into a full-fleged rainfall and since it was a last minute trip, he hadn’t called for his Car. Cursing himself for not doing so, he looked around for a Cab; it was jam-packed outside and very messy due to the resultant rainfall. If he took a pre-paid Cab, it would take ages for one to come, he decided to pay double and hire on his own.
Waving his hand wildly, he tried to stop a few Cabs, but business was fast and Taxi’s in short supply, he finally managed to find one with great difficulty and putting his luggage on the back seat in haste, seated himself near the driver.
The Driver turned out to be a garrulous one, who mistaking Jai’s gesture of sitting in the front seat in a hurry to be one of a friendly disposition, started talking about the woes of Delhi in rains, some random taxi strike, the government’s apathy towards people like him, the latest Akshay Kumar movie and the rising prices of Tomatoes.
Muttering curses under his breath, Jai told him to take him straight to Taj Hotel, where his meeting was scheduled.
Bani stood shivering underneath the shade of the battered bus-stand, cursing her decision to venture outside on such a rainy day. The Meteorological Department had as usual predicted wrongly, what was supposed to be a hot, sunny day, turned out to be a cool, wet day.
With nothing much to do at home and her research on the mysterious Mr. Uday Walia not giving favourable results, she had decided to venture out on her own and watch a movie and then eat at her favourite Thai Restaurant. But the day had started on a wrong note, while she had got an Auto from her home to the Cinema Hall, only to be informed that due to heavy rainfalls, they were cancelling the show…and since it was only 11 in the morning, there was no question of the restaurant being open for lunch yet.
The only thing left was get back home, before anyone guessed that she had slipped out…Massi was relatively easy to fool, but not for always.
She tried in vain to find an autorickhaw, but nothing came her way. Not carrying an umbrella as usual, Bani was dismayed to see her state, dripping from head to toe, shivering in the cold that she felt and the rain seemed never to abate. She was getting worried now, there was hardly anyone out in the roads and the thunderstorm was getting worse.
As she stood shivering underneath the busstop which was leaking from all sides, fear began to build up, the sky was darkening ominously and there was no help in sight.
Jai’s Cab stopped in the middle of the road and the driver fiddled with the gear-stick. Jai looked aggravated and said, ‘Ab kya hua?’
‘Oh, pata nahin sahib ji…lagta hain, carburetor mein paani chala gaya hain…tussi phikar na kara…main abhi check kardeta.’
Waving him off brusquely, Jai glanced at his watch, wondering if he would make it in time. The Driver had got off and had gone off to check the engine of the Taxi.
The back door opened out of the blue and then banged shut loudly, and the familiar voice, said, with a shiver in the tone, ‘Gulmohar Park…jaldi…’
Jai froze in his position, unable to move…even without turning his back to face the voice, he knew it was Bani.
Not seeing any action from him, she said, now irritated, ‘Arre Bhaiyya…gaadi chalao…hare jhande ka wait kar rahe ko kya? Mujhe late ho raha hain…’ (Lolz...she called him Bhaiyya once again...but he did get a promotion from Plumber to Driver... :whistling
Jai was so stunned, so shocked, that he kept sitting there unmoved…it seemed like a dream to him…this couldn’t be happening…it couldn’t be Bani who called out…’
Now totally flustered and annoyed at having being ignored, she said heatedly, ‘Baarish hain toh, apni manmaani karte hain aap log…Gaadi chalao isi minute, warna Customer Cell mein complaint likhwa doongi…RTI bhi file kar sakti hoon…phir zindagi mein Taxi ka mooh nahin dekhoge…Chalo…’ she shouted.
Just the, the driver shut the Bonnet and opening the front door, sat, offering a short prayer for getting the Cab started.
Bani looked shocked, when she saw another guy sitting at the Driver’s wheels and he turned to face her and said, ‘Madamji…aap kahan se aa gayi?’
Bani blinked her eyes and pointing at Jai’s back and looking back at the Driver, said in a bewildered manner, ‘Aap driver hain…toh yeh kaun hain?’
The Driver hit his head and said, ‘Aapne mere customer ko driver samajh liya…Arre madam, subah subah mera nuksaan karwaengi? Madamji, yeh Taxi full hain…aap doosri mein jaaiye...Sorry Sahabji…bacchi hain, galat fehmi ho gayi.’
Bani went red in the face and muttered an inaudible apology and opened the door to get out, the driver looked pitingly at her, getting out in the rain, with no help in sight and before he could request Jai to let her share the Cab, he said quietly, ‘Pehle ine inke ghar chod dijiye…mujhe baad mein chod dena.’
Bani heard that and getting a warm smile from the Cabbie, closed the door again, feeling eternally grateful to the samartian for his much needed help.
Jai could not gather the courage to look back at her, though he could have happily died to just look at her face once…to see how she looked…to see her smile…to see if she could recognize him…but his nerves failed him badly.
Bani noticed that she was sitting on Jai’s jacket which had been lying on the backseat and getting embarrassed, addressed him softly, ‘Erm, I am sorry Sir…I sat on your jacket my mistake…its wet…’
Not getting any response from him, she said in a sheepish tone, ‘and I am sorry for mistaking you to be the driver…I usually never do that…’
This line unexpectedly made Jai break into a grin…and impulsively turning to face her, he said, ‘Really?’
Their eyes met at that moment and Jai could not tear himself from her face…she looked just like she had done, that last time at the Airport, when he had taken her into his arms…she looked a bit watered down because of the accident, slightly pale and thinner than before, but otherwise, as alive as she had always been.
There was no recognition on Bani’s face, she felt embarrassed by Jai’s unwavering gaze upon her and flapping her eyes a bit, she took out something from her purse and offered it to him, ‘Cookie?’
Jai managed to give a thin smile and took it, quietly thanking her. Feeling very flustered at the manner in which he had stared at her, she offered one to the driver, who started talking animatedly on all random subjects under the Sun.
Now that Jai had finally had the courage to face her, he could not tear himself away from looking at her and kept gazing longingly at her reflection in the rear view mirror. Dressed in a cotton skirt and a gypsy top, which was drenched thoroughly, her hair was coming off in all directions, and instantly he remembered the Dinner date, when she had fallen into the pool…a smile escaped his lips.
All that seemed a lifetime ago…she hadn’t even recognized him…there wasn’t even a flicker of recogniztion in her eyes. So she had forgotton him…he did not what to feel…immense hurt at actually realizing that he was no more a part of her memories…leave aside being part of her life…or Joy and relief to see her full of life and cheerful. If it was without him, then probably it was just his destiny.
The Taxi was moving very slowly, mostly because there was water logging everywhere and the Driver had to take round abouts to reach Bani’s house, to drop her first.
As the Cab stood at a Traffic intersection for an abnormally long time, the Driver muttered some curses under the breath, blaming the rain, the government, the traffic police and his wife for his woes.
Both the passengers were sitting very quiet, Jai who was still stunned at this unexpected rendevouz and Bani who was shivering with cold and feeling odd, sharing a Cab with a rank stranger…who had looked at her in such an odd manner…now where had she seen him before?
Bani rubbished any such thoughts, since she had come out of the Coma and lost her memory, everything around her gave her a sense of Déjà vu…her Therapist had told her that it was quite normal for people who suffer from Amnesia and are trying to recollect their past.
And besides, if the stranger knew her, surely he would have said something, recognized her…but except from that look he gave, nothing indicated that they had even met before.
The Driver tapped impatiently at the steering wheel, waiting for the Traffic jam ahead to clear so that he could drive and turning to face Bani, he asked both his passengers, ‘Aap dono ko koi problem nahin ho, toh main radio chala doon…Traffic aur barish ne badi dikaat kar di hain…pata nahin kab jam khulega.’
Jai kept silent, but Bani enthusiastically said, ‘Haan Driverji…please radio on kar dijiye…’ and the noticing the stranger’s silence, she added a bit awkwardly, ‘Agar inhe koi problem nahin ho toh…’
The Driver smiled at Bani and looked at Jai for his approval, for which he got an absent nod of the head and he happily switched on the radio, adjusting the station.
A god-awful song blared, ‘Tenu kala chasma jach da eh Jach da eh gorey mukhre te…’ the driver was elated to hear his favourite number, while Bani winced in pain and said, ‘Driverji, koi aur station lagayi na…yeh kya gana hain!’
Jai had to bite his lips to stop himself from smiling, since he had accurately guessed her reaction when the song had started playing.
The Driver looked disappointed but wanting to keep his customer happy, changed to some other station. A very sad, depressing ghazal was playing on it, ‘Chupke chupke raat din…aasoon bahana yaad hain….’
The Driver muttered something about the ghazal mirroring his own life, while Bani commented, ‘Yeh, kaise gaane laga rahen hain aap? Ek toh baarish ne din kharab kiya hain…upar se yeh rone waale gaane…station change kijiye, please.’
The Driver turned to face her and said, ‘Arre Madamji, is me mera kya kasoor hain…gaane main thodi na gaa raha hoon…radio par aa rahe hain…’
Saying something in Punjabi, he changed the station again, hoping the girl would finally like something that would be playing.
Shaan’s voice came on loudly on the station, ‘My love...My love...You are my love…my love…jaane jaan you are my love…’
Bani immediately covered her ears and said, ‘Please band karo radio ko…ise gaana kehte hain? Kuch nahin sun na mujhe!’
The Driver passed a looking with Jai, as if indicating that all girls were born mad and were beyond any man’s understanding.
Jai meanwhile was silent all the while, savouring in the feeling of hearing Bani’s chirpy voice after such a long time…wanting to laugh on her ditzy antics…desperate to see that face which haunted him every night….dying to touch her...and feel her warmth upon his…
The Driver finally switched onto a station, stating to Bani in an irritated voice, ‘Madamji, bas itne hi radio station hain…ab ke gaana pasand nahin aaya toh, phir main hi kuch gaa ke suna doonga…’
Bani made a face and looked out of the window sulkingly….the song began to play;
Bhanware ki Gunjan Hai Mera Dil
Kabse samhale rakhha hai dil
tere liye, tere liye, tere liye, tere liye…
Jai was stunned and sat frozen…and just as the driver said, ‘Ab yeh gaana bhi aapko accha nahin laga hoga…main radio hi band kar deta hoon.’
Bani said hastily, ‘No…wait…yeh gaana chalne do…mujhe bahut accha lagta hain…’
The Driver rolled his eyes, thanking god that finally he wouldn’t have to play DJ to the girl and keep flicking radio stations.
Bani put her head back on the seat and playing with her gold chain, listened to the song, with a delicate smile on her lips. Jai sat still, staring at her through the rear view mirror…
As soon as the song ended, the Driver announced, ‘Lijiye Madamji, aapka ghar aagaya…’
She looked startled as if she had just woken up from a dream and fumbling with her bag, she started taking out change, asking the Driver how much she had to pay.
Jai spoke softly to the Driver, ‘Fare main doonga…mujhe aage jaana hain…’
Bani looked up, feeling distinctly odd…he had not spoken a single world during the 45 minute journey…not made any comment…not even a noise…and yet, she felt she had known him before…heard that voice somewhere else…she wished, he would turn to face her once again, so that she could see him clearly once.
‘Thanks…’ she muttered in an absent way and got off from the Taxi. The rain had lightened to a misty drizzle now and she made her way towards the gate of her house. All of a sudden, she turned to face the Cab, which had started again, and in that split second moment, her eyes met with the stranger, who was looking intently in her direction.
The Cab zoomed off, leaving behind, a mystified Bani.
3 months later
Bani had recuperated beautifully in the intervening period, after being discharged from the hospital. After spending about a month at her home in Delhi, since she had to go for regular check-ups and therapy sessions, Kiran had taken a long leave of absence from her hospital and taking Bani along, had moved to her Mother’s house in Kanpur, stating that Bani needed as much rest as possible and since they had a stream of visitors and friends coming in at their Delhi home, Kanpur was a good choice, because not many people knew them.
Bani absolutely hated living in Kanpur, besides the fact that she was immobile for a couple of weeks, due to the fracture on her leg, which restricted any movement; there was nothing to do in the place. Living in the rambling, old mansion, with her old as a willow tree grandmother and her own Mother for company, life became terribly boring for someone like Bani, who liked to be surrounded by people all the time.
She was extremely home-sick and kept calling up Rano everyday, especially since her due date was coming close, but even after pleadings, threats and blackmail of every kind, Kiran refused to budge till Bani was completely recovered.
The day she got a clean chit from a local Doctor in Kanpur, on reaching their grandmother’s home, the first thing she did was pack all her stuff and went on a hunger strike till Kiran agreed to leave that very night.
It was more than a week that Bani had come back to her home and everything felt so familiar and wonderful…her room, the gulmohar tree which had overgrown with neglect and the wooden swing, creaking as usual, almost on breaking point due to exposure to rain and sun.
Even though she was back home, she felt very lonely and missed Rano terribly…it was hard to believe that her sister was married and was about to have a baby…Bani tried to rake her brains to the maximum, but just could not remember any details of the wedding. Her therapist had told Kiran that such a thing was normal in cases of Amnesia, where the patient, can remember people, but not incidents and sometimes, that memory never came back.
Kiran had joined work again with much reluctance, not wanting to leave Bani alone at home, but she had enough of her Mother’s company and insisted on Kiran going back to the hospital, promising that she will stay at home and not strain herself.
Massi oiled her hair and Mango sat near her feet, licking it in between to show how much he had missed her.
Suddenly, Bani asked Massi, who despite strict and regular instructions from Kiran to not ever mention about Jai, kept forgetting it due to her age.
‘Massi…maine, didi ki wedding album dhoondne ki koshish ki…magar yahan par nahin hain…’
Massi finished putting oil on her long hair and tying it in a tight bun, replied affably, ‘Arre woh toh Kiran ke kamre main hain…tujhe dekhni hain?’
Taken aback by this, Bani wondered why her Mother had lied when she had asked for the Wedding Album a few days after they had arrived back from Kanpur, stating that the only copy of the album was at Rano’s in-law’s house in Chandigarh, where Rano had gone for her delivery.
Before Massi could say anything else, Bani had made her way towards her Mother’s room, and after some searching, found a velvet book lying hidden between layers of clothes in her Mother’s Almirah.
Thoroughly bewildered by her Mother’s unnatural lie, she took it to her room and sat on her bed with the Album.
A smile spread on her face, as he flipped page through page…watching the photographs, whose memories had been wiped out of her mind…and when she saw one photograph of her, dressed in a Peach Lehenga, for what looked like a Sangeet Function, she was astounded….the look on her face was so different…Bani had always pictured badly…but in this picture and the following ones, she seemed to glow with radiance and looked so different.
She fingered one picture of Bani standing with Ranveer, Rano, Kiran and Aditya and smiled…then there was another one which evoked laughter from her…she and another girl, a very pretty looking one, was forcing Nachiket to eat a Rasgulla…then there was one with a sly looking girl standing in the background with lots of make-up on her face…Bani strained to remember who it was and then recollected her as Meera, her cousin from Bhopal…she looked so grown up…there was one group picture of all the youngsters, including Rano, Nachiket, the pretty girl, Meera, Bani herself and a very anemic looking man, who had a constipated expression on his face…Bani couldn’t recollect him at all and thought that he looked extremely funny.
A yawn escaped her…the album was a huge one and she felt decidedly sleepy, since she was still on medications, she was about to close the Album, when her eyes fell on a picture, which left her stunned.
She was dressed in a Crimson colored Sari, bedecked in an exquisite set of necklace, earrings and kadas, which she knew did not belong to her Mother, her hair was tied and strung with flowers. Bani almost did a double take, wondering if it was really her, who was in the picture…but what shocked her more was the man standing besides her…a tall, apparently well-built man, older than her…with a very attractive face…dressed in a traditional black bandhgala…she kept staring at the picture, awestruck and mesmerized.
It took the sound of loud honking, which broke her reverie, to know that her Mother had come home early. She wanted to look at all the pictures and most of all, that particular picture…who was that man in the picture beside her…there was something so haunting, so lingering about him…
Bani just about managed to keep the Album back in her Mother’s room and rushed downstairs, evoking a groan from her, since her leg still hurt.
Kiran smiled warmly at Bani, asking her how she was feeling and then gave a good scolding for not taking rest at noon.
She added worriedly, ‘Bani…I got a call from Ranveer, your Jeeju…Rano has been admitted to the Hospital today morning, since she was experiencing some pain…’
Bani looked worried and said, ‘Oh…is she alright?’
Kiran sipped some water and said, ‘Yes, I think so, else Ranveer would have informed me…but you know, her due date is just round the corner, I feel bad that she couldn’t stay with us for her delivery…so I was thinking, if its okay with you, I can go to Chandigarh and stay there till the baby comes.’
Bani replied promptly, ‘Of course Ma…you should.’
‘What do you mean, I should? You are coming along with me!’
Bani looked dismayed and said, ‘Nooooo…Please…I had a hell of time cooped up in Kanpur with Naani and you…and now you are taking me to a house of strangers…’
‘It’s your sister’s in-laws home…besides Ranveer’s father is very fond of you…’
Bani made a face and said, ‘I don’t remember any of those people…I hardly remember how Jeejaji looks…leave aside his Parents…Ma, I don’t want to come, please…I’ll stay with Massi here.’
Kiran looked distressed and said, ‘I can’t leave you alone Bani…you have just recovered from that accident…’
‘I am okay now…stop fussing…no, I mean, keep fussing…I like that part, but Ma, I won’t be alone…Massi and Mango are here, Adi Chachu will come and stay and that Nachiket, the supposed best friend can also drop in sometimes…though I find him really silly!’
Kiran refused to leave Bani alone, even after many arguments and counter-arguments put forward by her, it was only after Aditya and Nachiket’s arrival in the evening which kind of eased Kiran and she reluctantly agreed to leave Bani at home and leave for Chandigarh to be with Rano.
Aditya was staying put for the next few days till Kiran was in Chandigarh, but due to his work, he had to stay away most part of the day and hence Bani was very much on her own. Though Kiran kept calling up at odd hours, only to check if Bani picked up the landline or not and hence Bani kept home most of the time.
It was ages since she had gone out, on her own or for that matter with anyone else. Since that accident and the resultant memory loss, Bani had been stuck inside the four walls of either her Nani’s home or her own and the only time she saw other people was when she went to the Hospital for her check-ups and therapy sessions, which was not going the way it was intending to. Because, Bani wasn’t able to recollect anything in the past year and a half…people she could remember vaguely but not relationship or incidents.
She knew that her sister had got married, that she and Nachiket had become best friends, that she had graduated out of college…but beyond that nothing more…there was a vague feeling in her head that something of great importance had occurred in the intervening period, prior to that accident…but what?
Everyone was hiding something that was for sure…she could never forget the look of shock on her Mother’s face when she had seen the mysterious diamond ring on Bani’s finger, on the day she got discharged. Kiran had been flustered and after much fumbling on words, which was very unlike her Mother, she had said something about it being a family heirloom.
Bani had not counter-questioned, but she was amazed that her Mother thought she would fall for something like that…though she was no expert, even as a layman she could estimate that the ring was very expensive, way beyond her Mother’s affordability, then why had she lied regarding it.
And then the whole Marriage Album thing…Bani had been thoroughly surprised to know that the Dixit House did not have a copy of Rano’s wedding album, nor any Marriage CD’s…what she had been shown were a series of random pictures taken from Aditya’s Camera, but not the formal album.
And then just yesterday, she had discovered that Album in her Mother’s room…why had she lied on it? What was the point of hiding such a trivial thing from Bani? And considering that the Album would have served a good purpose of rejogging her mind, it felt even stranger, that her Mother had deliberately hidden it away.
Bani could not get that particular picture out of her mind…there was something so vivid about it…about that man who was standing alongside her…it was a normal photograph, from what she could remember, he was much taller than her and had put his right arm around her shoulders and she was standing very close to him, smiling and looking so radiant, so happy…but what struck her about the picture was something else…at the very first glance, it looked like a portrait of two people in love

She went to her Mother’s room to get the Album out again, but to her dismay, it was no where in sight…now that only confirmed her suspicion…her Mother must have put it someplace else, judging that it had been tampered with.
Feeling very much like Sherlock Holmes and Agatha Christie combined, Bani began to comb through her Mother’s things, hoping for a clue, since her room, held none…but she couldn’t find anything. Exhausted, she lay on her bed and began flipping through a random file that was kept on the Coffee Table…it was the file that her Mother compiled for Telephone bills…it had always been a source of joke between Rano and Bani while growing up…the new system showed the numbers which were dialed from the landline and her Mother could find out whom all the two girls had been calling up and at what time.
Smiling at the recalled memory, she began flipping through the file in an absent manner…randomly looking at the pages, which showed the number…she would have shut the file and gone back to the living room to watch TV, but for one thing that happened to catch her eyes.
She sat propped up against the pillow and flicked through the pages slowly…a number was occurring recurrently in every page of the Bill, innumerous times…the month she was checking was January this year…a month before her accident…apparently the particular number had been dialed some 200 times in the months between January and February…abruptly stopping about a week before her accident…that was 14th February…Valentine’s Day.
Bani kept staring at the number…who had been called up these many times from her house land line? And when she checked the time of the call, she was even more taken aback…most of the calls seemed to have been made after 11 at night…At first, she assumed that it must have been Ranveer’s Number and hence the frequency of calls and the odd timing…but then she remembered, having been told, that Rano was married on 17th of November…these calls were all made from the period between December to February first week.
Feeling extremely odd and distraught, she fumbled with her mind, trying to work out explanations…but everything seemed to point to only her…there was no one else in the house, who would make so many calls. Her Mother had to leave early for work and hence she always slept by 10:30, Aditya Chachu came regularly, but rarely stayed for the night, Massi could barely hear anything, leave aside talking on the phone in the middle of the night, it obviously couldn’t be Mango…Rano di was gone by then…so only she was left.
Staggered by the thought, she scratched her brain to remember who’s number this could be…whom could she be calling at such odd hours. She couldn’t leave it like that, there were too many loose threads hanging around and if someone else was not going to help her out, she would have to solve this riddle on her own.
With slightly trembling hands, she dialed the 10-digit number and held her breath, as it rang, once, twice, thrice…and then someone picked it up.
‘Good afternoon, Mr. Walia’s Office.’ Came out a crisp, efficient voice.
Bani was taken aback, literally, and she immediately disconnected the line.
‘Mr. Walia’s Office?’ she remarked to herself, befuddled. This was the last thing she was expecting. Why on Earth would she make mid-night calls to some Office of a guy named Walia? Weird, definitely weird. There must be a simpler explanation to this, than she was imagining.
Taking a deep breath, she dialed the number and the voice at the other end, was just as before, but a bit sharp.
Bani coughed and said, ‘Er…Hi…’
The voice at the other end repeated mechanically, ‘How may I help you?’
Bani paused for a moment and then said, ‘I…actually…I don’t know how to say this…’ she gave a nervous laugh and the voice at the other end sounded definitely pissed off now.
‘Mam…Can I help you?’ said in a really stern note.
Getting jittery, she fumbled on, ‘I was…actually…May I know who’s number is this?’
The lady answered coldly, ‘You have called up, I should be asking you this question…’
Bani gave a silly giggle and said, ‘Actually, I, er was checking my phone bills…and apparently there have been close to 200 phone calls from my land line to this number…so I was just wondering…since I don’t recognize the number…if someone was misusing our phone…’ Bani winced, sounding so cheesy to herself, she was only surprised the lady on the other side hadnt’ banged the phone down.
The voice at the other end paused and then resuming the same professional demenour said, ‘I am sorry…there seems to be a misunderstanding Mam…this is a Corporate Office…unless you give me details, I can’t help you…there might be a misprint on your phone bill…’
‘Oh…’ went Bani, sounding disappointed and then said quickly, ‘Thanks for your help Mam…I am sorry to bother you…so you said this is an Office land-line number, right? Yes, it must be a mis-print…then.’
The lady on the other end spoke a bit suspiciously, ‘You are saying this number appeared on your phone bill?’
‘Yes…but as you said, it must be a misprint…there is no reason why anyone from my house should dial on an Office number…that too at midnight…strange!’
The lady paused and said, ‘actually…it is strange that the number appeared on your phone bill…it is not supposed to…I will write to the Telephone Department with a complain…’
Bani was taken aback and before she could say anything, the lady said, ‘This is our CEO’s private number…he uses it when he is in Delhi…it is not supposed to be disclosed…he will be absolutely livid if he comes to know that his number has been leaked…Oh, thanks for informing about this Mam, have a good-day.’
Bani said hastily, ‘Just a moment…what…what is your CEO’s name?’
The other woman said in a flurry of haste, caught up with something else, ‘Jai Walia.’ And the phone was disconnected.
Day Walia?
What a weird name, she was sure that the secretray had mispronounced it…but what confused her more was the feeling that she had definitely heard the name before.
And now the thought rankled her even more…so it was a private number…someone’s cell number, a guy who was CEO of some firm…and there had been over 200 phone calls made from her home to this man. Most inexplicably, the majority of calls made at night!
Before she could mull over this thought any further, she heard Aditya and Nachiket’s voice from downstairs. Going down to be greeted by a warm bear hug from Aditya and a silly grin from Nachiket, Bani decided on throwing the bomb, unexpectedly, so that these two would be caught unawares.
In between, discussing Bani’s health, Rano’s impending motherhood, Nachiket’s forthcoming marriage to Purva and Aditya’s plans for his gallery, Bani munched on the sides of a Samosa and said casually, ‘Does the name Walia ring any bells for either of you?’
Just the expression on Aditya and Nachiket’s face was enough to answer any doubts Bani had… this guy had a connection, a serious one, apparently, to Dixit House…to her, specifically. And so serious, that the entire household had joined hands in hiding this fact from her.
Nachiket, red in the face, was the first one to recover and he stammered on his words, ‘Why…Why are you asking this?’
Bani pretended as if it was nothing much and said, ‘Oh generally…I was just watching the TV…there was some news about his Company…Walia Corporation…or something and then he was mentioned…I just thought I had heard the name before also…so, was just wondering if you knew anything.’
Nachiket who had felt miserable hiding such a big truth from Bani, was helpless, given Aditya’s presence and said, red in his face, ‘No…I have not heard about him.’
Aditya gulped a glass of water and after a quick inner talk on what to tell Bani, said as casually as possible, ‘You might be referring to Uday Sir.’
Bani looked confused and said, ‘Who is Uday Sir?’
Aditya composed himself and replied, ‘You won’t remember him…an old friend of your Father’s…your Mother knows him well…but why are you bothering so much…I’ll tell you about the new painting we are planning to acquire for the gallery.’
Nachiket munched on some chips and pretended as if he wasn’t even present during this conversation…hiding something from Bani was bad enough, telling her a lie was something else, and memory loss or no memory loss, he did not want to be a part of any fabrication that Kiran and Aditya were weaving for Bani.
Bani slept fitfully that night…Uday Walia…CEO of Walia Corporation...innumerous phone calls made to him from her land-line to his private cell-number…Rano was clearly ruled out of the equation…only her Mother and she were left!
If Uday Walia, according to Aditya was a friend of her Father’s, that could only mean, he was quite old, near about her Mother’s age…why would she make phone calls to her Father’s friend, whom she had never even met…and besides one extension of the phone was kept in her Mother's room...
Bani all but choked in shock when she realized where all her thougths were pointing at…
Her Mother and Uday Walia…Oh My God! ;)

Jai was typing continuously, shooting off emails at an alarming speed and when he finished the day’s work, only then did he take off his reading glasses, put them on his laptop and stretched back on his chair, taking in the view of the Arabian Sea, which lay out spectacularly in the background of his plush Nariman Point Office.
He could barely take a breather when his intercom rang and his secretary informed him that he had to join a concall with his European clients in another 5 minutes. Jai requested for a cup of coffee and asked her to connect the call.
His eyes fell on the silver frame kept on his polished cherry table, he kept staring at her laughing picture…she had her head thrown back, her silky hair falling all over her shoulders and right down to her waist. She was dressed in an off-shoulder top, showing off her slender neck and the creamy bare portion of her shoulder, her vivid brown eyes were sparkling with joy and her smile could have been a pilot for toothpaste commercial. It was his favourite picture amongst many that he had clicked of Bani.
He had plastered hundreds of them all around his room, covering every wall, catching her in every mood…joy, pensive, shy, timid, scared, funny, laughing, angry, crying, dancing, singing, eating…there were actually a lot of pictures where she was eating. The thought made him laugh out loud and picking up the frame in his hand, he fingered it lovingly…and kissed it.
It was more than 6 months that he had last seen her, in the hospital room, when their eyes had met for a split second and she had blanked them out absently…wiping out their 1-year old relationship in a moment.
Every day since that moment had been a living nightmare for him…for someone who had prided on his self-control and will-power, had all but crumbled into pieces without her presence in his life. He couldn’t recollect when he had laughed last, when he had spent an evening which he didn’t want ever to end, when he had last, forgotten himself in the warm embrace of a loved one, when he had felt the warm brush of lips against his, when he had seen a lifetime of love in someone’s eyes only for him.
All that was left was a vaccum, which Jai tried to fill up with work, work and more work.
Bombay was a relief in the sense that he had left all his social life back in Delhi and he only knew people professionally in the city, whatever little friends he had made were soon forgotton and he stubbornly refused to make any new ones…spending any spare time he had, sitting alone in his apartment, surrounded by Bani’s photographs and her memories.
Uday had inbetween kept Jai informed about Bani’s welfare, stating that she was getting along quite well, indicating to Jai that she had moved on with her life, and he was definitely out of the equation now…she simply did not remember him.
The feeling of guilt and remorse which had till date not left in peace, stopped him from making any contact with Bani directly…just hearing that she was recovering, happy and leading a normal life was enough for him.
Perhaps that was the price of his repentance…he had to live the rest of his life with her memories, when she had none to cry over.
Though it did not stop him from hoping against hope that they would meet again…and get back together.
After the concall was over, Jai had to quickly call his secretary before she could leave for the day and tell her to arrange a ticket to Delhi for the first flight the following morning. The client was staying there for the weekend and wanted an urgent meeting and since it was an important project, Jai wanted to go personally.
Jai had avoided going to Delhi as much as possible in the last six months, though keeping in regular touch with his Father, once even flying him in to Mumbai for a week, but it couldn’t be avoided this time. Reaching his apartment, the first thing he did was, take a shower and put in a few clothes for the weekend…knowing that he would be back in Mumbai by Monday morning.
The light drizzle that had received him when he stepped outside the Domestic Airport at Delhi had turned into a full-fleged rainfall and since it was a last minute trip, he hadn’t called for his Car. Cursing himself for not doing so, he looked around for a Cab; it was jam-packed outside and very messy due to the resultant rainfall. If he took a pre-paid Cab, it would take ages for one to come, he decided to pay double and hire on his own.
Waving his hand wildly, he tried to stop a few Cabs, but business was fast and Taxi’s in short supply, he finally managed to find one with great difficulty and putting his luggage on the back seat in haste, seated himself near the driver.
The Driver turned out to be a garrulous one, who mistaking Jai’s gesture of sitting in the front seat in a hurry to be one of a friendly disposition, started talking about the woes of Delhi in rains, some random taxi strike, the government’s apathy towards people like him, the latest Akshay Kumar movie and the rising prices of Tomatoes.
Muttering curses under his breath, Jai told him to take him straight to Taj Hotel, where his meeting was scheduled.
Bani stood shivering underneath the shade of the battered bus-stand, cursing her decision to venture outside on such a rainy day. The Meteorological Department had as usual predicted wrongly, what was supposed to be a hot, sunny day, turned out to be a cool, wet day.
With nothing much to do at home and her research on the mysterious Mr. Uday Walia not giving favourable results, she had decided to venture out on her own and watch a movie and then eat at her favourite Thai Restaurant. But the day had started on a wrong note, while she had got an Auto from her home to the Cinema Hall, only to be informed that due to heavy rainfalls, they were cancelling the show…and since it was only 11 in the morning, there was no question of the restaurant being open for lunch yet.
The only thing left was get back home, before anyone guessed that she had slipped out…Massi was relatively easy to fool, but not for always.
She tried in vain to find an autorickhaw, but nothing came her way. Not carrying an umbrella as usual, Bani was dismayed to see her state, dripping from head to toe, shivering in the cold that she felt and the rain seemed never to abate. She was getting worried now, there was hardly anyone out in the roads and the thunderstorm was getting worse.
As she stood shivering underneath the busstop which was leaking from all sides, fear began to build up, the sky was darkening ominously and there was no help in sight.
Jai’s Cab stopped in the middle of the road and the driver fiddled with the gear-stick. Jai looked aggravated and said, ‘Ab kya hua?’
‘Oh, pata nahin sahib ji…lagta hain, carburetor mein paani chala gaya hain…tussi phikar na kara…main abhi check kardeta.’
Waving him off brusquely, Jai glanced at his watch, wondering if he would make it in time. The Driver had got off and had gone off to check the engine of the Taxi.
The back door opened out of the blue and then banged shut loudly, and the familiar voice, said, with a shiver in the tone, ‘Gulmohar Park…jaldi…’
Jai froze in his position, unable to move…even without turning his back to face the voice, he knew it was Bani.
Not seeing any action from him, she said, now irritated, ‘Arre Bhaiyya…gaadi chalao…hare jhande ka wait kar rahe ko kya? Mujhe late ho raha hain…’ (Lolz...she called him Bhaiyya once again...but he did get a promotion from Plumber to Driver... :whistling

Jai was so stunned, so shocked, that he kept sitting there unmoved…it seemed like a dream to him…this couldn’t be happening…it couldn’t be Bani who called out…’
Now totally flustered and annoyed at having being ignored, she said heatedly, ‘Baarish hain toh, apni manmaani karte hain aap log…Gaadi chalao isi minute, warna Customer Cell mein complaint likhwa doongi…RTI bhi file kar sakti hoon…phir zindagi mein Taxi ka mooh nahin dekhoge…Chalo…’ she shouted.
Just the, the driver shut the Bonnet and opening the front door, sat, offering a short prayer for getting the Cab started.
Bani looked shocked, when she saw another guy sitting at the Driver’s wheels and he turned to face her and said, ‘Madamji…aap kahan se aa gayi?’
Bani blinked her eyes and pointing at Jai’s back and looking back at the Driver, said in a bewildered manner, ‘Aap driver hain…toh yeh kaun hain?’
The Driver hit his head and said, ‘Aapne mere customer ko driver samajh liya…Arre madam, subah subah mera nuksaan karwaengi? Madamji, yeh Taxi full hain…aap doosri mein jaaiye...Sorry Sahabji…bacchi hain, galat fehmi ho gayi.’
Bani went red in the face and muttered an inaudible apology and opened the door to get out, the driver looked pitingly at her, getting out in the rain, with no help in sight and before he could request Jai to let her share the Cab, he said quietly, ‘Pehle ine inke ghar chod dijiye…mujhe baad mein chod dena.’
Bani heard that and getting a warm smile from the Cabbie, closed the door again, feeling eternally grateful to the samartian for his much needed help.
Jai could not gather the courage to look back at her, though he could have happily died to just look at her face once…to see how she looked…to see her smile…to see if she could recognize him…but his nerves failed him badly.
Bani noticed that she was sitting on Jai’s jacket which had been lying on the backseat and getting embarrassed, addressed him softly, ‘Erm, I am sorry Sir…I sat on your jacket my mistake…its wet…’
Not getting any response from him, she said in a sheepish tone, ‘and I am sorry for mistaking you to be the driver…I usually never do that…’
This line unexpectedly made Jai break into a grin…and impulsively turning to face her, he said, ‘Really?’
Their eyes met at that moment and Jai could not tear himself from her face…she looked just like she had done, that last time at the Airport, when he had taken her into his arms…she looked a bit watered down because of the accident, slightly pale and thinner than before, but otherwise, as alive as she had always been.
There was no recognition on Bani’s face, she felt embarrassed by Jai’s unwavering gaze upon her and flapping her eyes a bit, she took out something from her purse and offered it to him, ‘Cookie?’
Jai managed to give a thin smile and took it, quietly thanking her. Feeling very flustered at the manner in which he had stared at her, she offered one to the driver, who started talking animatedly on all random subjects under the Sun.
Now that Jai had finally had the courage to face her, he could not tear himself away from looking at her and kept gazing longingly at her reflection in the rear view mirror. Dressed in a cotton skirt and a gypsy top, which was drenched thoroughly, her hair was coming off in all directions, and instantly he remembered the Dinner date, when she had fallen into the pool…a smile escaped his lips.
All that seemed a lifetime ago…she hadn’t even recognized him…there wasn’t even a flicker of recogniztion in her eyes. So she had forgotton him…he did not what to feel…immense hurt at actually realizing that he was no more a part of her memories…leave aside being part of her life…or Joy and relief to see her full of life and cheerful. If it was without him, then probably it was just his destiny.
The Taxi was moving very slowly, mostly because there was water logging everywhere and the Driver had to take round abouts to reach Bani’s house, to drop her first.
As the Cab stood at a Traffic intersection for an abnormally long time, the Driver muttered some curses under the breath, blaming the rain, the government, the traffic police and his wife for his woes.
Both the passengers were sitting very quiet, Jai who was still stunned at this unexpected rendevouz and Bani who was shivering with cold and feeling odd, sharing a Cab with a rank stranger…who had looked at her in such an odd manner…now where had she seen him before?
Bani rubbished any such thoughts, since she had come out of the Coma and lost her memory, everything around her gave her a sense of Déjà vu…her Therapist had told her that it was quite normal for people who suffer from Amnesia and are trying to recollect their past.
And besides, if the stranger knew her, surely he would have said something, recognized her…but except from that look he gave, nothing indicated that they had even met before.
The Driver tapped impatiently at the steering wheel, waiting for the Traffic jam ahead to clear so that he could drive and turning to face Bani, he asked both his passengers, ‘Aap dono ko koi problem nahin ho, toh main radio chala doon…Traffic aur barish ne badi dikaat kar di hain…pata nahin kab jam khulega.’
Jai kept silent, but Bani enthusiastically said, ‘Haan Driverji…please radio on kar dijiye…’ and the noticing the stranger’s silence, she added a bit awkwardly, ‘Agar inhe koi problem nahin ho toh…’
The Driver smiled at Bani and looked at Jai for his approval, for which he got an absent nod of the head and he happily switched on the radio, adjusting the station.
A god-awful song blared, ‘Tenu kala chasma jach da eh Jach da eh gorey mukhre te…’ the driver was elated to hear his favourite number, while Bani winced in pain and said, ‘Driverji, koi aur station lagayi na…yeh kya gana hain!’
Jai had to bite his lips to stop himself from smiling, since he had accurately guessed her reaction when the song had started playing.
The Driver looked disappointed but wanting to keep his customer happy, changed to some other station. A very sad, depressing ghazal was playing on it, ‘Chupke chupke raat din…aasoon bahana yaad hain….’
The Driver muttered something about the ghazal mirroring his own life, while Bani commented, ‘Yeh, kaise gaane laga rahen hain aap? Ek toh baarish ne din kharab kiya hain…upar se yeh rone waale gaane…station change kijiye, please.’
The Driver turned to face her and said, ‘Arre Madamji, is me mera kya kasoor hain…gaane main thodi na gaa raha hoon…radio par aa rahe hain…’
Saying something in Punjabi, he changed the station again, hoping the girl would finally like something that would be playing.
Shaan’s voice came on loudly on the station, ‘My love...My love...You are my love…my love…jaane jaan you are my love…’
Bani immediately covered her ears and said, ‘Please band karo radio ko…ise gaana kehte hain? Kuch nahin sun na mujhe!’
The Driver passed a looking with Jai, as if indicating that all girls were born mad and were beyond any man’s understanding.
Jai meanwhile was silent all the while, savouring in the feeling of hearing Bani’s chirpy voice after such a long time…wanting to laugh on her ditzy antics…desperate to see that face which haunted him every night….dying to touch her...and feel her warmth upon his…
The Driver finally switched onto a station, stating to Bani in an irritated voice, ‘Madamji, bas itne hi radio station hain…ab ke gaana pasand nahin aaya toh, phir main hi kuch gaa ke suna doonga…’
Bani made a face and looked out of the window sulkingly….the song began to play;
Bhanware ki Gunjan Hai Mera Dil
Kabse samhale rakhha hai dil
tere liye, tere liye, tere liye, tere liye…

Jai was stunned and sat frozen…and just as the driver said, ‘Ab yeh gaana bhi aapko accha nahin laga hoga…main radio hi band kar deta hoon.’
Bani said hastily, ‘No…wait…yeh gaana chalne do…mujhe bahut accha lagta hain…’
The Driver rolled his eyes, thanking god that finally he wouldn’t have to play DJ to the girl and keep flicking radio stations.
Bani put her head back on the seat and playing with her gold chain, listened to the song, with a delicate smile on her lips. Jai sat still, staring at her through the rear view mirror…
As soon as the song ended, the Driver announced, ‘Lijiye Madamji, aapka ghar aagaya…’
She looked startled as if she had just woken up from a dream and fumbling with her bag, she started taking out change, asking the Driver how much she had to pay.
Jai spoke softly to the Driver, ‘Fare main doonga…mujhe aage jaana hain…’
Bani looked up, feeling distinctly odd…he had not spoken a single world during the 45 minute journey…not made any comment…not even a noise…and yet, she felt she had known him before…heard that voice somewhere else…she wished, he would turn to face her once again, so that she could see him clearly once.
‘Thanks…’ she muttered in an absent way and got off from the Taxi. The rain had lightened to a misty drizzle now and she made her way towards the gate of her house. All of a sudden, she turned to face the Cab, which had started again, and in that split second moment, her eyes met with the stranger, who was looking intently in her direction.
The Cab zoomed off, leaving behind, a mystified Bani.
Part 30
Try as much as he did, Jai could not concentrate on the meeting at all and apologizing for his lack of concentration, he cut off the meeting in the middle and left for his Farmhouse, re-scheduling the meeting for Monday. On his way home, he called up his secretary in Bombay and told her to reschedule his meetings for Monday, since he would have to stay back in Delhi.
The Cabby had been told to wait and seating himself in the back-seat, where Bani had been sitting some time ago, he gave quick instructions for the Farmhouse. Distrubed and rattled by the unexpected encounter, Jai tried to find some solace in the fact that at least she was just the way she had been, before he had come into her life…upsetting everything. Perhaps, what he had thought till now was right…he had brought bad luck in her life…and now that he was not a part of her anymore, everything was fine with her.
Tears clouded his vision, he desperately wanted to break free of the pain and yet he knew that as long as Bani remained in his heart, it would impossible to move forward…and for some reason, he did not want to break free from her memories…that was all he was left with.
When he got down after paying the fare, the Cabby called out suddenly, ‘Sahab, aapka ek saamaan reh gaya hain…’
Jai looked at his single travelling bag, his jacket flung over his shoulder and his laptop bag, nothing was missing.
The Cabby gave him a scarlet colored chamois purse, strung together with satin threads. Jai stared at her and taking it in his palms clasped it together…Bani’s purse.
‘Suno…yeh purse Madam ka haan…’
The Cabby looked bewildered and said, ‘Gulmohar Park waali?’
‘Hmm…tum ne unka ghar dekha tha na? Wapas jaate hue, unhe de dena.’
‘Sahab, pura ulta rasta hain…kya faraq padta hain…aap rakh lijiye…’
Jai gave a cold look at the Cabby and taking out two 500 rupee note from his wallet, handed it to him and said, ‘Ab theek hain?’
The money was twice the fare from Jai’s house to Gulmohar Park and the Cabby readily agreed.
Before he left, Jai said sternly, ‘Agar koi gadbad karne ki koshish ki…toh mere paas tumhari gaadi ka number hain, seedhe jail jaoge…’
Looking chastisized, the driver said, ‘Kya bat kar rahe ho sahib, yahan se seedha Gulmohar Park, Madamji ke ghar, aur unka batuwa wapas…’
Bani met with strong disapproval from Massi who scolded her for getting away without her information and coming home all drenched. After drying herself and finishing her lunch, she took her medicines and went to her room to take some rest.
Usually a deep sleeper, Bani found herself tossing and turning in her bed…why was that stranger so reminiscent of someone…and if she knew him, then how come he did not recognize her…there was something so deeply poignant about his face…about those sad eyes…and the way he had looked at her…she woke up disgruntled and in a bad temper, tired because she wanted to take rest, but sleep avoided her.
Bani felt, the last year in her life was like a puzzle and an important part of it was missing…and that is why the pieces didn’t seem to fit together to make a satisfactory whole.
The diamond ring…the hidden wedding album…that portrait of Bani and that man…the recurring phone number…Uday Walia…Her mother…that stranger in the Taxi…now where had she seen him…those eyes…that slight smile…it couldn’t be déjà vu…they had met before.
And like a bolt of lightening, it struck that he was the same man from the wedding picture…no wonder, she had been so taken aback when he had turned to face her…without doubt…it was the same man.
Leaner and older looking than he pictured in the portrait…but without any doubt, it was the same man.
Had he recognized her from the Wedding? Then why hadn’t he said something? Was he just a random guest from Ranveer’s side of the family invited to the Wedding? Then when would she be in a photograph with him…her intial reaction on seeing that picture resurfaced…it looked like a portrait of two people in love…even though there was no intimacy between them in the picture…she could sense that whoever the stranger in the picture was…had shared a very close bond with her.
Then why in the name of God, had he not recognized her? Why had he deliberately avoided looking at her all through the journey?
Her head ached with these random thoughts…what had started out as fun and entertainment for Bani, on hearing that she had lost her memory, had now become a big concern…something huge had occurred in her life in the last year or so…and now there was no trace of it…or from what she could make out, any clue she could have traced back had been painstakingly wiped off. But why?
She knew that it was near impossible to crack her Mother or Aditya into telling her the truth…if it was their intention, they would have done it ages ago. There was just one person, who, if not forced into telling her about her past…could at least be tricked into – Nachiket.
In the midst of all these plotting and planning, she heard a loud honking outside, Massi went outside to check who it was. Bani followed her and was thoroughly surprised to see the same Cabby, who handed over the little purse back to her.
‘Oooh, my favourite purse…I was just looking for it…Thank you Driverji…aap saare raste wapas aaye, yeh wapas karne ke liye.’
Bani was just thinking of giving him some money to tip him for the good deed, when he said sheepishly, ‘Nahin Madamji…woh joh Sahab the na, aage waali seat par, unhone bheja mujhe…double kiraya bhi diya…kaha, ki aapka purse, aapko wapas kar dena.’
Bani stood stunned, staring at the purse…she couldn’t believe that the stranger had paid double the fare and told the driver to return the purse to her…why did he do that? No one bothers so much for a stranger with whom you shared a Cab!
Before she could ask for the strangers details from the Cabby, he had already driven off…even with the sedative effects of the medicines that Bani took, she couldn’t sleep well that night…strange dreams kept coming…
A Pool…Thai Food…the Diamond Ring…A birthday party…Crimson Sari…The man in the Black Bandhgala…fleeting scenes of two bodies intertwined…Airport…the warmth of the stranger’s lips on her own…a Red Santro Car…a huge blast!
Bani woke with a start; sweating all over…she tried to calm herself by taking a walk in her garden. She checked the clock; it was close to 2 in the morning. Quietly making her way downstairs, knowing that Aditya was staying for the night, she opened the front door and took a walk outside, but it started drizzling again, ignoring the rainfall, she went and sat on the wooden swing, which creaked and groaned under the weight…she made a note of getting it repaired during the coming weekend.
Suddenly she got a strong feeling that someone was sitting besides her on the swing, a pair of strong arms encasing her shoulders and she felt her head rest on his chest. Bani got up from the swing in a shock and looked around in the garden; it was so quiet, so still…the whole effect unnerved her badly. Gulping, she kept staring at the wooden swing, which was moving slowly, she almost ran out of the lawn and back into the house…and only when she had shut herself up in her room, did she breathe with relief.
Standing near the window, she kept staring at the swing again; it was as still as the night…and she could swear upon her life, that what she had felt had definitely happened to her before.
The next morning, after enjoying a late, leisurely breakfast with Aditya and Nachiket, who had dropped in, Bani pleaded both of them to take her out someplace, as she could not bear to stay at home, doing nothing. Aditya patted his neice affectionately and said that he had a couple of meetings with some dealers and hence he could not spare anytime, but Nachiket could keep her company.
Bani was delighted, she had found the perfect oppourtunity to make Nachiket talk and find out about her past.
They drove around generally, stopping at a Department Store for some grocery shopping, and then then had Smoothies at a Café, which according to Nachiket, had been a favourite haunt for Bani and him. Bani let Nachiket do most of the talking, to put him at ease, so that she could grill him later. She found him to be cute and funny, but she just couldn’t imagine how she had ended up being best friends with him!
In between talks, Bani asked suddenly, ‘So tell me something about Di’s wedding…I feel really depressed by the fact that I can’t remember any thing about it…’
Nachiket cheered her up instantly and started telling her anecdotes about Meera, Saahil and some cartoon called Pushkar, who had developed a serious crush on Bani and how he had ended up hanging by the terrace, because Uday Sir had let go of the Tent.
Nachiket did not notice that he had slipped out Uday’s name, in a bid to avoid mentioning Jai’s name and she immediately pounced upon him.
‘So who is this Uday Walia? A friend of my Mother?’
Nachiekt wet his lips, feeling nervous that he was treading on dangerous territory. He would have loved to tell Bani everything about Jai, but he knew it was not his calling, and he had absolutely no wish to incur the wrath of Aditya and Kiran and besides, he was worried for the effect it might have on Bani.
Nachiket made some non-commital noises and said, ‘Yes…an old friend…he was there in the wedding…’
‘How come I never saw him after my accident? Didn’t he come to visit me at the hospital?’
Without thinking, Nachiket blurted out, ‘He was the one who found out that you were injured in the blast…and he stayed in the hospital till you came out of the Coma.’
Bani was stunned by the news, so this Uday Walia was definitely someone very close to her Mother, so close that he had stayed at the Hospital too…but then why did he vanish, once she became conscious.
‘But how did he find about my being injured in the blast?’
Once again, Nachiket fell for the trap and answered promptly, ‘Because of your Red Car…he recognized it…’
Bani stared at him and said, ‘My Car? I don’t have a Car of my own, leave aside a Red one…and anyway I can’t drive!’
Nachiket fumbled on his words, feeling despair at the way she was cornering him. He said haltingly, ‘The Car was a gift to you for your 21st birthday…from Uday Sir.’
Bani was even more dumbstruck and said, ‘He gifted me a Car as a present?’
Flustering even more, Nachiket blurted, ‘Yes…he thinks of you as his daughter…because he is very close to your Mother…you know…so that is why he gave you a Car as a present.’
Bani was shocked to the core…so her suspicions were right…that man, Uday Walia and his Mom…Eeekss….
Before she could try and come to terms with this horrifying thought, they were joined by Nachiket’s charming financee, Purva, making Bani wonder, if women really went blind in love! After much coochie-cooing between them, which made Bani snigger, Nachiket apologized to the ladies stating that Aditya had called him urgently, since they were in the middle of closing a deal with a client to buy a very coveted painting. Purva told him not to worry about Bani and that she would drop her off.
Purva had been briefed about Bani’s condition, but she did not have much idea about what had occurred between Jai and her, except that they were no longer together and Bani had completely forgotton about him.
While they were driving back, Purva got a call on her phone and after the conversation, she turned to Bani and asked, ‘Bani…if you don’t mind, I have to make a detour, before I can drop you off…I have this urgent file, which my boss needs…’
‘Oh sure…please take as much time as you want, I don’t have much to do after getting home, anyway!’
Both the girls laughed and started discussing about Purva and Nachiket’s forthcoming wedding.
Purva brought her Car to stop in front of a very plush complex and Bani saw the signage, which declared, ‘DLF Golf and Country Club’.
‘It should’t take me more than 15 minutes…in fact, why don’t you come in with me…better than sitting in the Car.’
Bani shrugged her head and accompanied Purva, who had changed her job and was working in some other firm. She had also lost touch with Jai, who had completely cut himself off from everyone after moving to Bombay.
While Purva sat with her Boss in the Lounge, discussing some work with him, Bani just walked casually around the place, feeling bored and wondering how long Purva would take.
Suddenly her eyes met with the stranger from the Cab and she was rooted to her spot. Apparently he had the same reaction.
Jai had just come out of the pool after a swim and had been thinking of getting a cup of coffee in the lounge and go through some journals, when he had been astounded to see Bani in the Club.
It was the same club, where they had spent umpteen evenings…right from their second date, where she had fallen into the pool, to the last one before they had parted ways…
Taken aback at meeting him again in a span of just two days, Bani at first did not how to respond, but then remembering his gesture of returning her Chamoise purse, she walked towards him.
Jai was so hit by the whole situation, that he could only stand there like a statue, not knowing how to react…meeting her yesterday had shocked him badly, but seeing her today, in such an unexpected circumstance, seemed to shake him to the core.
‘Hello.’ She said, giving an awkward, polite smile.
Jai just kept gaping at her. He wanted to pinch himself to see if this was really happening or was it a figment of his imagination.
Not getting any response from him, she felt embarrassed, but giving it another try, said, ‘We meet again…’
Jai found his voice this time and said softly, ‘Yes…we do.’
Thankful that he had said something, Bani coughed delicately and said, ‘Er…I couldn’t thank you properly for giving me a lift in the Cab…and also for returning my purse…That…That was really very nice of you.’
He said quietly, ‘My pleasure.’
Again there was an awkward pause, Bani turned back to see if Purva was free, but apparently, she looked even more engrossed, burying her head in the file and getting into what looked like a long argument with her Boss.
Jai kept gazing at her…like he could freeze this moment and make it his own forever…the very fact that she was standing in front of him…talking to him…he had only dreamt of this in the last few months…but never actually thought that he would get to meet his Bani again.
She turned to face him again, feeling odd at the way he was looking at her and rambled on incohrently, ‘I came with a friend…she is caught up with some work…so I was just wandering about…you also came with somebody?’
Bani felt like hitting herself on the head, what the hell was she blabbering.
Jai smiled involuntarily, her gawkiness evoking warmth in his heart…it felt like he was getting to know the same Bani all over again.
‘No…I am a member here…I came for a swim.’
Not knowing what else to say, she boasted unnecessarily, ‘Really? I love swimming too…it’s a wonderful sport.’
Jai couldn’t resist laughing on this part and he said, ‘Really?’
Going a bit red in the face, wondering what he had found so funny, she said, ‘Yes…I have been swimming for ages…’ :whistling (Jhooti...)
Feeling thoroughly disconcerted from the way he was looking at her, she extended her hand and with a pleasant smile, said, ‘Btw, I am Bani.’
He kept looking at her and then slowly extended his slightly shivering hands and clasped hers. It seemed as if an electric current had been passed through both their bodies.
For Jai, it was an upsurge of emotions…to actually touch the person whom he had been thinking and living for every moment of the day.
For Bani, it was a jolt to her memory…the same feeling she had yesterday night when she had sat on the swing…the same feeling she had when she had seen that photograph…the same feeling she had when her eyes had met with his only yesterday after he had dropped her off at her home.
Noticing that he was still holding her hands, she gingerly tried to wriggle them and he instantly let her go.
Blushing profusely, she stumbled for words and asked, ‘I couldn’t get your name…’
‘Jai’ he spoke quietly.
She stared at him as if in a day-dream and then shaking herself off, said, ‘It’s a lovely name!’
Turning back she noticed that Purva was still in her meeting, she smiled at Jai and excused herself.
Purva was thoroughly apologetic, stating that she had completely forgotton about Bani and by the looks of it, seemed like she couldn’t get out of the meeting that she was having with her very gorilla looking boss.
Bani eased her out saying that she will take an auto and go and bid her goodbye.
She stood in the bus-stand, it was a humid day, after two days of heavy rainfall, sun had come out and it was sticky and hot. Fanning herself with her stole, she looked desperately for an Auto…but the area was a very secluded one and it seemed unlikely that she would find a public vehicle here. Not wanting to put Purva in an quandary, she decided to hitch hike for some distance and look for an auto or cab.
She must have walked only a few meters, sweating and feeling weak, because of her ongoing medication and recuperation, when she heard a polite honk from behind.
Jai rolled down the windows of his SUV and placing his Sunglasses on his head, asked her, ‘Want a lift?’
Bani stared at him in surprise but then a smile came over her face and she said, ‘That would be really very, very nice!’
Normally, taking a hitch with a stranger would have been out of question for Bani, but he was not a stranger…they had met yesterday…they had shared a Cab…and now they had just met a while ago…and besides, she knew his name, how could he be a stranger.
The moment Bani sat inside the Car and shut the door, a whiff of Aqua cologne hit her senses and with a jolt, realization came…she had sat in this Car before…the fragrance was so vivid…more worryingly, the man who was driving was also part of that memory.
These recurring thoughts were creeping her out, some of them were so tangible, she felt sure, that it had happened to her before and wasn’t merely a figment of her imagination.
Jai drove in complete silence and Bani followed suit, but after a while, thought that it would be rude not to make small talk with the immensely nice man, who had helped her two days in a row.
‘So, you have always lived in Delhi…Jai’ she said his name with just a note of shyness.
Jai turned to look at her, savouring in the feeling of watching her face, everytime and smiling, replied back, ‘I have lived for some time in Delhi too…but now I stay in Bombay…before that I was in the States…’
Bani grinned and said, ‘Quite the nomad!’
He laughed lightly in response and spoke with a tinge of irony, ‘Yes…you couldn’t have put it better…I am a nomad…a man with no roots…a man with noone to go back to…’
Bani felt embarassed at the sudden philosophical turn and kept quiet for sometime, before fingering his CD collection and looking at him asked, ‘So you are also fond of music?’
Jai had stopped at a Traffic Intersection and turning to face her, smiled and said, ‘Only listening…I am a terrible singer.’
She laughed in response and said, ‘Everyone says that…I am sure if you try, you can sing too…’
‘Trust me…someone actually took a promise from me that I would never sing for the rest of my life…’
He got a delighted laugh in response and it felt like a song to his ears…like someone had poured water over parched land.
They didn’t talk much, Bani because she felt awkward and shy and Jai because he just wanted to savour in the feeling of having her so near to him…words were just a waste of time!
Bani tried to catch a glimpse of him, so that she could make sure, he was the same guy in the picture…she didn’t want to blurt out anything and ask him directly…he seemed to be a very quiet and introvert sort of guy and she had been really touched by his kindness.
He caught her looking at him and she blushed, when he turned to look at her back and asked, ‘Were you saying something?’
In her embarassement at having been caught unawares looking at him, Bani started blubbering on her words and said, ‘Yes…I was thinking…there is an interesting exhibition on Toilets and Commodes at Sulabh International Museum …would you like to come with me tomorrow?’
Bani almost killed herself when she realized what she had said…An exhibition on Commodes and Toilets? Worse, she had actually invited a rank stranger to a date, in just their second meeting! Bani wished she had never accepted the ride from him.
Even though Jai tried his best, he couldn’t control his laughter and he burst out into a loud guffaw and said, ‘An exhibition on Toilets? I wouldn’t miss it for the world!’
Bani turned the color of a Beetroot and looking at him said in a small voice, ‘You are joking right?’
‘Are you?’
Bani bit her lip and said, ‘No…but I didn’t mean to sound so forward…’
He smiled and spoke gently, ‘No, I didn’t mean that…I meant were you joking when you asked me out?’
‘No’ she replied instantly and once again was stupedified by her instant reaction.
He answered pleasantly, ‘Then lets meet up tomorrow…what time? Is 11 fine with you?’
‘Yes…I don’t think any exhibition would be open 11 at night!’
They both laughed and Bani looked around for a pen to give her number to him. She found one but couldn’t find a paper, her house had come and for some odd reason, Jai dropped her off a few blocks behind.
‘Wait…I don’t have anything to write my number on…hang on…’ Taking his left palm in her hand, she scribbled her number on it, making a smilie in the end.
‘There we go…and your number?’
She caught him looking at her intently again and blushed, he took the pen from her hand, and taking her palm, wrote his residence number on it.
‘Okay…see you then…and thanks once again for the hitch!’
‘The pleasure is all mine.’
They were kind of caught in an eye-lock, till she heard Mango’s barking from the distance and hastily tried to open the door, but couldn’t. Jai had a pang of nostalgia and bending himself forward, crossing her, he opened the door. She looked back at him and gave a slight smile.
He didn’t drive off till she had disappeared from his view…and for the rest of the journey back, he couldn’t help wonder if this was really happening…was life actually giving him a second chance with Bani?
Bani was absent and quiet all throughtout the dinner, where Nachiket and Aditya regaled her with jokes and anecdotes and quickly finishing her dinner, she bid goodnight and retired to her room.
Why did she ever ask that man out? Jai…that was his name, she remembered…A strange feeling pulled herself towards him…she felt an unknown sense of security and familiarity around him…even the name, was so remincent…
Bani’s mind was foggy with innumerous thoughts clouding her vision…so many loose ends…so many questions…so many doubts…she knew her Mother would have told her the entire truth if Bani had asked her directly, but till she was in Kanpur, nothing seemed amiss and only after coming back to Delhi, was she having these strange experiences…
The stranger called Jai seemed to have some mysterious connection to the lost one year of her life…that she was sure of…and if he was indeed the same person in the picture…then he would probably help her find the missing piece of the jigsaw that her life had become.
That night she had another strange dream…the stranger dressed in Khakhi Trousers and a Navy blue Sweatshirt which had something written on it…his sunglasses perched high up on his head…his jawline covered with a 2-day old stubble…and a song which kept playing somewhere in the background…Bhanwre ki gunjan hain mera dil…
Bani woke up with a start to see that it was indeed morning and felt extremely confused at the dream…what she had seen was so clear…so vivid…it did not feel like a dream at all.
Shaking these thoughts out of her mind, she dressed up and having a quick breakfast, proceeded to leave for the Museum, fabricating an elaborate lie to Aditya and Massi, about attending a special therapy session with her Doctor.
Bani reached a few minutes earlier than 11 at the Museum, once again, cursing herself for the unique choice…the last thing she wanted to do was see rows and rows of commodes in all shapes, sizes and colors…but the deed was done and the more important thing was getting to know this guy and deciphering her past one year.
Despite exchanging numbers, they hadn’t called each other up and Bani was wondering if it was such a good idea and if he would really turn up or not.
Just then she saw his SUV getting parked and getting out of it, was Jai.
The moment she saw him, such was the impact of that scene, she was almost physically thrown back by the sheer impact of the shock…dressed in Khakhi trousers and a navy blue sweatshirt, proclaiming, Harvard, he pushed his sunglasses above his head and looked around for her.
Bani stood speechless and rooted to her spot…it was so eerie…so uncanny…how could she have seen him in exactly this attire and look, in her dream…when she had only met him twice previously.
By the time, he waved at her and walked towards the Museum gates, Bani began to doubt if the memory loss had ended up making her some sort of a Clairvoyant.
Not noticing Bani’s dazed look, Jai gave her an amused glance from head to toe…she was dressed in a sunshine yellow top, with a flowery skirt in creamish-yellow hues, bright flip-flops in the same color and a pair of very silly looking Sunflower shaped clip-ons in her ears. Her duffel bag was also a sickly shade of yellow. And when she turned, Jai saw that her claw-clip was also a matching yellow.
‘Wow…you look great’ he said, without a trace of irony.
She blinked her eyes and getting out of the shock of seeing her dream come true in front of her eyes, smiled vaguely and said, ‘I always dress in yellow on Sundays…’
‘Yep…you look just like a fluffy Omlette, all nice and yellow!’ :tong:
At first she was taken aback by his comment and then they both burst out laughing and walked inside the Exhibition Centre.
‘So, were you always interested in Commodes?’
As usual, Bani could not detect any sarcasm and said, ‘Not really, but I read about this exhibition in the newspaper and thought it sounded unusual…’
‘As unusual as you are!’ She looked at him and matched his smile, immediately taking away her eyes from his face.
The exhibition actually proved to be very entertaining, with Jai’s sarcastic commentary driving Bani in splits.
It was past lunch time, when they got out of the Exhibition, Bani still laughing delightedly over a limerick that Jai had done, involving a Commode, a middle-aged lady and a Parish priest.
Clutching her stomach in pain, because of the laughter, she looked at him and said, ‘No one can believe that you could be so funny…’
‘Why do you say that?’
She tilted her head and said, ‘I don’t know…when I saw you day before yesterday in the taxi…I thought your eyes had so much of sadness…’
Suddenly feeling odd at passing such a personal comment, she looked up at him to apologize, but saw him smiling at her direction.
‘What?’ she asked in a low voice.
‘Nothing…it’s just that what you saw was the truth…’ he answered softly and then breaking the awkwardness, said cheerily, ‘So where can we go for lunch?’
Bani looked hesitant, knowing that she was supposed to be back home by now and if she got any late, she would have to face a barrage of questions from Aditya, but even with that thought, she found herself agreeing for the Lunch.
‘But where? Is there a place to eat nearby?’ she asked.
Jai put on his sunglasses again and said casually, ‘There is a Thai restaurant in the neighbourhood.’ And then added, ‘I love Thai food…’
Bani was stunned by his statement and looking at her expression, he asked her softly, ‘What happened?’
‘No…Nothing…What a coincidence…I love Thai food too…’
Jai smiled and said, ‘Shall we?’
The lunch was a pleasant affair and Bani found herself talking about her accident to Jai and the resultant memory loss. Jai listened with passivity, not passing any comments.
She said to him, in between devouring her second plate of Spring Rolls, ‘So you see…since I lost my memory, which I think is the most exciting thing to have ever happened to me, I keep getting these strange visions…and I keep getting a feeling of Déjà vu…’
Jai sipped his Coffee quietly, but did not reply to this. She grinned and said, ‘Creepy, isn’t it? People thing these things only happen in fiction…losing memory and forgetting incidents and people in your life!’
Bani continued in a conversational mode, ‘But I think, if you really love someone…how you can ever forget that person? Whatever be the case…Amnesia…Accident…blah, blah…I didn’t forget the people I loved…my Mother, my sister, my Uncle…my Nanny…my Dog…’
She caught him looking at her in a strange manner and immeidatley hushed up, feeling odd, and he said slowly, ‘Anything can happen, Bani…you can forget someone you loved…and the person who once swore by your love can also forget you.’
Sensing the melancholy in his voice, she asked him softly, ‘Did you lose a loved one too?’
He looked at her with sad eyes and spoke in a whisper, ‘Yes…I did.’
Bani kept quiet and then spoke gently, ‘You loved her a lot, didn’t you? I can sense it…’
‘More than life itself…’ he added and dissolved into a deep silence.
Bani also kept quiet and looked at him for some time in manner that disconcerted him he asked with soft trepidation, ‘What happened?’
She nodded her head and taking her hand towards his face, wiped out a bit of sauce that was on his chin.
When they walked out of the Restaurant, towards his Car, Bani felt anomalous in the manner that she was being candid and open to this man…she hardly knew him…but for some inexplicable reason, felt a strong connection.
They drove back in silence and when the Car was about to reach Bani’s house, she suddenly felt bad, that the day was ending…she would probably never meet him again.
He parked the Car at some distance from her home and before she could say anything opened her side of the door for her. She smiled at him and said, ‘You seem to be in a hurry to dispose of me!’
He looked taken aback and grinning said, ‘Of course not…I always open the door for you, Bani!’
The moment he uttered those words, he knew that he had spoken too much. Bani stared at him and said slowly, ‘Always? But this is only the second time; I am sitting in your Car…’
Jai had turned a bit red in the face and stammering a bit on his words, looked at his watch and said unconvincingly, ‘I…I have to go somewhere…I had a great time…Bye.’
Bani bid him goodbye and walked into the gates of her house, feeling bewildered and lost…and when she heard his Car zooming away, she turned to look at him and was almost thrown back with incredulity…..this had happened to her before…the same Car…the same manner in which she had stood near the gate looking back…and most worryingly, the same man who was with her.
The problem, in stead of solving was only getting complicated.
Author's Note : I have not made up about the bit on the International Commode and Toilets actually exists!
Try as much as he did, Jai could not concentrate on the meeting at all and apologizing for his lack of concentration, he cut off the meeting in the middle and left for his Farmhouse, re-scheduling the meeting for Monday. On his way home, he called up his secretary in Bombay and told her to reschedule his meetings for Monday, since he would have to stay back in Delhi.
The Cabby had been told to wait and seating himself in the back-seat, where Bani had been sitting some time ago, he gave quick instructions for the Farmhouse. Distrubed and rattled by the unexpected encounter, Jai tried to find some solace in the fact that at least she was just the way she had been, before he had come into her life…upsetting everything. Perhaps, what he had thought till now was right…he had brought bad luck in her life…and now that he was not a part of her anymore, everything was fine with her.
Tears clouded his vision, he desperately wanted to break free of the pain and yet he knew that as long as Bani remained in his heart, it would impossible to move forward…and for some reason, he did not want to break free from her memories…that was all he was left with.
When he got down after paying the fare, the Cabby called out suddenly, ‘Sahab, aapka ek saamaan reh gaya hain…’
Jai looked at his single travelling bag, his jacket flung over his shoulder and his laptop bag, nothing was missing.
The Cabby gave him a scarlet colored chamois purse, strung together with satin threads. Jai stared at her and taking it in his palms clasped it together…Bani’s purse.
‘Suno…yeh purse Madam ka haan…’
The Cabby looked bewildered and said, ‘Gulmohar Park waali?’
‘Hmm…tum ne unka ghar dekha tha na? Wapas jaate hue, unhe de dena.’
‘Sahab, pura ulta rasta hain…kya faraq padta hain…aap rakh lijiye…’
Jai gave a cold look at the Cabby and taking out two 500 rupee note from his wallet, handed it to him and said, ‘Ab theek hain?’
The money was twice the fare from Jai’s house to Gulmohar Park and the Cabby readily agreed.
Before he left, Jai said sternly, ‘Agar koi gadbad karne ki koshish ki…toh mere paas tumhari gaadi ka number hain, seedhe jail jaoge…’
Looking chastisized, the driver said, ‘Kya bat kar rahe ho sahib, yahan se seedha Gulmohar Park, Madamji ke ghar, aur unka batuwa wapas…’
Bani met with strong disapproval from Massi who scolded her for getting away without her information and coming home all drenched. After drying herself and finishing her lunch, she took her medicines and went to her room to take some rest.
Usually a deep sleeper, Bani found herself tossing and turning in her bed…why was that stranger so reminiscent of someone…and if she knew him, then how come he did not recognize her…there was something so deeply poignant about his face…about those sad eyes…and the way he had looked at her…she woke up disgruntled and in a bad temper, tired because she wanted to take rest, but sleep avoided her.
Bani felt, the last year in her life was like a puzzle and an important part of it was missing…and that is why the pieces didn’t seem to fit together to make a satisfactory whole.
The diamond ring…the hidden wedding album…that portrait of Bani and that man…the recurring phone number…Uday Walia…Her mother…that stranger in the Taxi…now where had she seen him…those eyes…that slight smile…it couldn’t be déjà vu…they had met before.
And like a bolt of lightening, it struck that he was the same man from the wedding picture…no wonder, she had been so taken aback when he had turned to face her…without doubt…it was the same man.
Leaner and older looking than he pictured in the portrait…but without any doubt, it was the same man.
Had he recognized her from the Wedding? Then why hadn’t he said something? Was he just a random guest from Ranveer’s side of the family invited to the Wedding? Then when would she be in a photograph with him…her intial reaction on seeing that picture resurfaced…it looked like a portrait of two people in love…even though there was no intimacy between them in the picture…she could sense that whoever the stranger in the picture was…had shared a very close bond with her.
Then why in the name of God, had he not recognized her? Why had he deliberately avoided looking at her all through the journey?
Her head ached with these random thoughts…what had started out as fun and entertainment for Bani, on hearing that she had lost her memory, had now become a big concern…something huge had occurred in her life in the last year or so…and now there was no trace of it…or from what she could make out, any clue she could have traced back had been painstakingly wiped off. But why?
She knew that it was near impossible to crack her Mother or Aditya into telling her the truth…if it was their intention, they would have done it ages ago. There was just one person, who, if not forced into telling her about her past…could at least be tricked into – Nachiket.
In the midst of all these plotting and planning, she heard a loud honking outside, Massi went outside to check who it was. Bani followed her and was thoroughly surprised to see the same Cabby, who handed over the little purse back to her.
‘Oooh, my favourite purse…I was just looking for it…Thank you Driverji…aap saare raste wapas aaye, yeh wapas karne ke liye.’
Bani was just thinking of giving him some money to tip him for the good deed, when he said sheepishly, ‘Nahin Madamji…woh joh Sahab the na, aage waali seat par, unhone bheja mujhe…double kiraya bhi diya…kaha, ki aapka purse, aapko wapas kar dena.’
Bani stood stunned, staring at the purse…she couldn’t believe that the stranger had paid double the fare and told the driver to return the purse to her…why did he do that? No one bothers so much for a stranger with whom you shared a Cab!
Before she could ask for the strangers details from the Cabby, he had already driven off…even with the sedative effects of the medicines that Bani took, she couldn’t sleep well that night…strange dreams kept coming…
A Pool…Thai Food…the Diamond Ring…A birthday party…Crimson Sari…The man in the Black Bandhgala…fleeting scenes of two bodies intertwined…Airport…the warmth of the stranger’s lips on her own…a Red Santro Car…a huge blast!
Bani woke with a start; sweating all over…she tried to calm herself by taking a walk in her garden. She checked the clock; it was close to 2 in the morning. Quietly making her way downstairs, knowing that Aditya was staying for the night, she opened the front door and took a walk outside, but it started drizzling again, ignoring the rainfall, she went and sat on the wooden swing, which creaked and groaned under the weight…she made a note of getting it repaired during the coming weekend.
Suddenly she got a strong feeling that someone was sitting besides her on the swing, a pair of strong arms encasing her shoulders and she felt her head rest on his chest. Bani got up from the swing in a shock and looked around in the garden; it was so quiet, so still…the whole effect unnerved her badly. Gulping, she kept staring at the wooden swing, which was moving slowly, she almost ran out of the lawn and back into the house…and only when she had shut herself up in her room, did she breathe with relief.
Standing near the window, she kept staring at the swing again; it was as still as the night…and she could swear upon her life, that what she had felt had definitely happened to her before.
The next morning, after enjoying a late, leisurely breakfast with Aditya and Nachiket, who had dropped in, Bani pleaded both of them to take her out someplace, as she could not bear to stay at home, doing nothing. Aditya patted his neice affectionately and said that he had a couple of meetings with some dealers and hence he could not spare anytime, but Nachiket could keep her company.
Bani was delighted, she had found the perfect oppourtunity to make Nachiket talk and find out about her past.
They drove around generally, stopping at a Department Store for some grocery shopping, and then then had Smoothies at a Café, which according to Nachiket, had been a favourite haunt for Bani and him. Bani let Nachiket do most of the talking, to put him at ease, so that she could grill him later. She found him to be cute and funny, but she just couldn’t imagine how she had ended up being best friends with him!
In between talks, Bani asked suddenly, ‘So tell me something about Di’s wedding…I feel really depressed by the fact that I can’t remember any thing about it…’
Nachiket cheered her up instantly and started telling her anecdotes about Meera, Saahil and some cartoon called Pushkar, who had developed a serious crush on Bani and how he had ended up hanging by the terrace, because Uday Sir had let go of the Tent.
Nachiket did not notice that he had slipped out Uday’s name, in a bid to avoid mentioning Jai’s name and she immediately pounced upon him.
‘So who is this Uday Walia? A friend of my Mother?’
Nachiekt wet his lips, feeling nervous that he was treading on dangerous territory. He would have loved to tell Bani everything about Jai, but he knew it was not his calling, and he had absolutely no wish to incur the wrath of Aditya and Kiran and besides, he was worried for the effect it might have on Bani.
Nachiket made some non-commital noises and said, ‘Yes…an old friend…he was there in the wedding…’
‘How come I never saw him after my accident? Didn’t he come to visit me at the hospital?’
Without thinking, Nachiket blurted out, ‘He was the one who found out that you were injured in the blast…and he stayed in the hospital till you came out of the Coma.’
Bani was stunned by the news, so this Uday Walia was definitely someone very close to her Mother, so close that he had stayed at the Hospital too…but then why did he vanish, once she became conscious.
‘But how did he find about my being injured in the blast?’
Once again, Nachiket fell for the trap and answered promptly, ‘Because of your Red Car…he recognized it…’
Bani stared at him and said, ‘My Car? I don’t have a Car of my own, leave aside a Red one…and anyway I can’t drive!’
Nachiket fumbled on his words, feeling despair at the way she was cornering him. He said haltingly, ‘The Car was a gift to you for your 21st birthday…from Uday Sir.’
Bani was even more dumbstruck and said, ‘He gifted me a Car as a present?’
Flustering even more, Nachiket blurted, ‘Yes…he thinks of you as his daughter…because he is very close to your Mother…you know…so that is why he gave you a Car as a present.’
Bani was shocked to the core…so her suspicions were right…that man, Uday Walia and his Mom…Eeekss….
Before she could try and come to terms with this horrifying thought, they were joined by Nachiket’s charming financee, Purva, making Bani wonder, if women really went blind in love! After much coochie-cooing between them, which made Bani snigger, Nachiket apologized to the ladies stating that Aditya had called him urgently, since they were in the middle of closing a deal with a client to buy a very coveted painting. Purva told him not to worry about Bani and that she would drop her off.
Purva had been briefed about Bani’s condition, but she did not have much idea about what had occurred between Jai and her, except that they were no longer together and Bani had completely forgotton about him.
While they were driving back, Purva got a call on her phone and after the conversation, she turned to Bani and asked, ‘Bani…if you don’t mind, I have to make a detour, before I can drop you off…I have this urgent file, which my boss needs…’
‘Oh sure…please take as much time as you want, I don’t have much to do after getting home, anyway!’
Both the girls laughed and started discussing about Purva and Nachiket’s forthcoming wedding.
Purva brought her Car to stop in front of a very plush complex and Bani saw the signage, which declared, ‘DLF Golf and Country Club’.
‘It should’t take me more than 15 minutes…in fact, why don’t you come in with me…better than sitting in the Car.’
Bani shrugged her head and accompanied Purva, who had changed her job and was working in some other firm. She had also lost touch with Jai, who had completely cut himself off from everyone after moving to Bombay.
While Purva sat with her Boss in the Lounge, discussing some work with him, Bani just walked casually around the place, feeling bored and wondering how long Purva would take.
Suddenly her eyes met with the stranger from the Cab and she was rooted to her spot. Apparently he had the same reaction.
Jai had just come out of the pool after a swim and had been thinking of getting a cup of coffee in the lounge and go through some journals, when he had been astounded to see Bani in the Club.
It was the same club, where they had spent umpteen evenings…right from their second date, where she had fallen into the pool, to the last one before they had parted ways…
Taken aback at meeting him again in a span of just two days, Bani at first did not how to respond, but then remembering his gesture of returning her Chamoise purse, she walked towards him.
Jai was so hit by the whole situation, that he could only stand there like a statue, not knowing how to react…meeting her yesterday had shocked him badly, but seeing her today, in such an unexpected circumstance, seemed to shake him to the core.
‘Hello.’ She said, giving an awkward, polite smile.
Jai just kept gaping at her. He wanted to pinch himself to see if this was really happening or was it a figment of his imagination.
Not getting any response from him, she felt embarrassed, but giving it another try, said, ‘We meet again…’
Jai found his voice this time and said softly, ‘Yes…we do.’
Thankful that he had said something, Bani coughed delicately and said, ‘Er…I couldn’t thank you properly for giving me a lift in the Cab…and also for returning my purse…That…That was really very nice of you.’
He said quietly, ‘My pleasure.’
Again there was an awkward pause, Bani turned back to see if Purva was free, but apparently, she looked even more engrossed, burying her head in the file and getting into what looked like a long argument with her Boss.
Jai kept gazing at her…like he could freeze this moment and make it his own forever…the very fact that she was standing in front of him…talking to him…he had only dreamt of this in the last few months…but never actually thought that he would get to meet his Bani again.
She turned to face him again, feeling odd at the way he was looking at her and rambled on incohrently, ‘I came with a friend…she is caught up with some work…so I was just wandering about…you also came with somebody?’
Bani felt like hitting herself on the head, what the hell was she blabbering.
Jai smiled involuntarily, her gawkiness evoking warmth in his heart…it felt like he was getting to know the same Bani all over again.
‘No…I am a member here…I came for a swim.’
Not knowing what else to say, she boasted unnecessarily, ‘Really? I love swimming too…it’s a wonderful sport.’
Jai couldn’t resist laughing on this part and he said, ‘Really?’
Going a bit red in the face, wondering what he had found so funny, she said, ‘Yes…I have been swimming for ages…’ :whistling (Jhooti...)
Feeling thoroughly disconcerted from the way he was looking at her, she extended her hand and with a pleasant smile, said, ‘Btw, I am Bani.’
He kept looking at her and then slowly extended his slightly shivering hands and clasped hers. It seemed as if an electric current had been passed through both their bodies.
For Jai, it was an upsurge of emotions…to actually touch the person whom he had been thinking and living for every moment of the day.
For Bani, it was a jolt to her memory…the same feeling she had yesterday night when she had sat on the swing…the same feeling she had when she had seen that photograph…the same feeling she had when her eyes had met with his only yesterday after he had dropped her off at her home.
Noticing that he was still holding her hands, she gingerly tried to wriggle them and he instantly let her go.
Blushing profusely, she stumbled for words and asked, ‘I couldn’t get your name…’
‘Jai’ he spoke quietly.
She stared at him as if in a day-dream and then shaking herself off, said, ‘It’s a lovely name!’
Turning back she noticed that Purva was still in her meeting, she smiled at Jai and excused herself.
Purva was thoroughly apologetic, stating that she had completely forgotton about Bani and by the looks of it, seemed like she couldn’t get out of the meeting that she was having with her very gorilla looking boss.
Bani eased her out saying that she will take an auto and go and bid her goodbye.
She stood in the bus-stand, it was a humid day, after two days of heavy rainfall, sun had come out and it was sticky and hot. Fanning herself with her stole, she looked desperately for an Auto…but the area was a very secluded one and it seemed unlikely that she would find a public vehicle here. Not wanting to put Purva in an quandary, she decided to hitch hike for some distance and look for an auto or cab.
She must have walked only a few meters, sweating and feeling weak, because of her ongoing medication and recuperation, when she heard a polite honk from behind.
Jai rolled down the windows of his SUV and placing his Sunglasses on his head, asked her, ‘Want a lift?’
Bani stared at him in surprise but then a smile came over her face and she said, ‘That would be really very, very nice!’
Normally, taking a hitch with a stranger would have been out of question for Bani, but he was not a stranger…they had met yesterday…they had shared a Cab…and now they had just met a while ago…and besides, she knew his name, how could he be a stranger.
The moment Bani sat inside the Car and shut the door, a whiff of Aqua cologne hit her senses and with a jolt, realization came…she had sat in this Car before…the fragrance was so vivid…more worryingly, the man who was driving was also part of that memory.
These recurring thoughts were creeping her out, some of them were so tangible, she felt sure, that it had happened to her before and wasn’t merely a figment of her imagination.
Jai drove in complete silence and Bani followed suit, but after a while, thought that it would be rude not to make small talk with the immensely nice man, who had helped her two days in a row.
‘So, you have always lived in Delhi…Jai’ she said his name with just a note of shyness.
Jai turned to look at her, savouring in the feeling of watching her face, everytime and smiling, replied back, ‘I have lived for some time in Delhi too…but now I stay in Bombay…before that I was in the States…’
Bani grinned and said, ‘Quite the nomad!’
He laughed lightly in response and spoke with a tinge of irony, ‘Yes…you couldn’t have put it better…I am a nomad…a man with no roots…a man with noone to go back to…’
Bani felt embarassed at the sudden philosophical turn and kept quiet for sometime, before fingering his CD collection and looking at him asked, ‘So you are also fond of music?’
Jai had stopped at a Traffic Intersection and turning to face her, smiled and said, ‘Only listening…I am a terrible singer.’
She laughed in response and said, ‘Everyone says that…I am sure if you try, you can sing too…’
‘Trust me…someone actually took a promise from me that I would never sing for the rest of my life…’
He got a delighted laugh in response and it felt like a song to his ears…like someone had poured water over parched land.
They didn’t talk much, Bani because she felt awkward and shy and Jai because he just wanted to savour in the feeling of having her so near to him…words were just a waste of time!
Bani tried to catch a glimpse of him, so that she could make sure, he was the same guy in the picture…she didn’t want to blurt out anything and ask him directly…he seemed to be a very quiet and introvert sort of guy and she had been really touched by his kindness.
He caught her looking at him and she blushed, when he turned to look at her back and asked, ‘Were you saying something?’
In her embarassement at having been caught unawares looking at him, Bani started blubbering on her words and said, ‘Yes…I was thinking…there is an interesting exhibition on Toilets and Commodes at Sulabh International Museum …would you like to come with me tomorrow?’
Bani almost killed herself when she realized what she had said…An exhibition on Commodes and Toilets? Worse, she had actually invited a rank stranger to a date, in just their second meeting! Bani wished she had never accepted the ride from him.
Even though Jai tried his best, he couldn’t control his laughter and he burst out into a loud guffaw and said, ‘An exhibition on Toilets? I wouldn’t miss it for the world!’
Bani turned the color of a Beetroot and looking at him said in a small voice, ‘You are joking right?’
‘Are you?’
Bani bit her lip and said, ‘No…but I didn’t mean to sound so forward…’
He smiled and spoke gently, ‘No, I didn’t mean that…I meant were you joking when you asked me out?’
‘No’ she replied instantly and once again was stupedified by her instant reaction.
He answered pleasantly, ‘Then lets meet up tomorrow…what time? Is 11 fine with you?’
‘Yes…I don’t think any exhibition would be open 11 at night!’
They both laughed and Bani looked around for a pen to give her number to him. She found one but couldn’t find a paper, her house had come and for some odd reason, Jai dropped her off a few blocks behind.
‘Wait…I don’t have anything to write my number on…hang on…’ Taking his left palm in her hand, she scribbled her number on it, making a smilie in the end.
‘There we go…and your number?’
She caught him looking at her intently again and blushed, he took the pen from her hand, and taking her palm, wrote his residence number on it.
‘Okay…see you then…and thanks once again for the hitch!’
‘The pleasure is all mine.’
They were kind of caught in an eye-lock, till she heard Mango’s barking from the distance and hastily tried to open the door, but couldn’t. Jai had a pang of nostalgia and bending himself forward, crossing her, he opened the door. She looked back at him and gave a slight smile.
He didn’t drive off till she had disappeared from his view…and for the rest of the journey back, he couldn’t help wonder if this was really happening…was life actually giving him a second chance with Bani?
Bani was absent and quiet all throughtout the dinner, where Nachiket and Aditya regaled her with jokes and anecdotes and quickly finishing her dinner, she bid goodnight and retired to her room.
Why did she ever ask that man out? Jai…that was his name, she remembered…A strange feeling pulled herself towards him…she felt an unknown sense of security and familiarity around him…even the name, was so remincent…
Bani’s mind was foggy with innumerous thoughts clouding her vision…so many loose ends…so many questions…so many doubts…she knew her Mother would have told her the entire truth if Bani had asked her directly, but till she was in Kanpur, nothing seemed amiss and only after coming back to Delhi, was she having these strange experiences…
The stranger called Jai seemed to have some mysterious connection to the lost one year of her life…that she was sure of…and if he was indeed the same person in the picture…then he would probably help her find the missing piece of the jigsaw that her life had become.
That night she had another strange dream…the stranger dressed in Khakhi Trousers and a Navy blue Sweatshirt which had something written on it…his sunglasses perched high up on his head…his jawline covered with a 2-day old stubble…and a song which kept playing somewhere in the background…Bhanwre ki gunjan hain mera dil…
Bani woke up with a start to see that it was indeed morning and felt extremely confused at the dream…what she had seen was so clear…so vivid…it did not feel like a dream at all.
Shaking these thoughts out of her mind, she dressed up and having a quick breakfast, proceeded to leave for the Museum, fabricating an elaborate lie to Aditya and Massi, about attending a special therapy session with her Doctor.
Bani reached a few minutes earlier than 11 at the Museum, once again, cursing herself for the unique choice…the last thing she wanted to do was see rows and rows of commodes in all shapes, sizes and colors…but the deed was done and the more important thing was getting to know this guy and deciphering her past one year.
Despite exchanging numbers, they hadn’t called each other up and Bani was wondering if it was such a good idea and if he would really turn up or not.
Just then she saw his SUV getting parked and getting out of it, was Jai.
The moment she saw him, such was the impact of that scene, she was almost physically thrown back by the sheer impact of the shock…dressed in Khakhi trousers and a navy blue sweatshirt, proclaiming, Harvard, he pushed his sunglasses above his head and looked around for her.
Bani stood speechless and rooted to her spot…it was so eerie…so uncanny…how could she have seen him in exactly this attire and look, in her dream…when she had only met him twice previously.
By the time, he waved at her and walked towards the Museum gates, Bani began to doubt if the memory loss had ended up making her some sort of a Clairvoyant.
Not noticing Bani’s dazed look, Jai gave her an amused glance from head to toe…she was dressed in a sunshine yellow top, with a flowery skirt in creamish-yellow hues, bright flip-flops in the same color and a pair of very silly looking Sunflower shaped clip-ons in her ears. Her duffel bag was also a sickly shade of yellow. And when she turned, Jai saw that her claw-clip was also a matching yellow.
‘Wow…you look great’ he said, without a trace of irony.
She blinked her eyes and getting out of the shock of seeing her dream come true in front of her eyes, smiled vaguely and said, ‘I always dress in yellow on Sundays…’
‘Yep…you look just like a fluffy Omlette, all nice and yellow!’ :tong:
At first she was taken aback by his comment and then they both burst out laughing and walked inside the Exhibition Centre.
‘So, were you always interested in Commodes?’
As usual, Bani could not detect any sarcasm and said, ‘Not really, but I read about this exhibition in the newspaper and thought it sounded unusual…’
‘As unusual as you are!’ She looked at him and matched his smile, immediately taking away her eyes from his face.
The exhibition actually proved to be very entertaining, with Jai’s sarcastic commentary driving Bani in splits.
It was past lunch time, when they got out of the Exhibition, Bani still laughing delightedly over a limerick that Jai had done, involving a Commode, a middle-aged lady and a Parish priest.
Clutching her stomach in pain, because of the laughter, she looked at him and said, ‘No one can believe that you could be so funny…’
‘Why do you say that?’
She tilted her head and said, ‘I don’t know…when I saw you day before yesterday in the taxi…I thought your eyes had so much of sadness…’
Suddenly feeling odd at passing such a personal comment, she looked up at him to apologize, but saw him smiling at her direction.
‘What?’ she asked in a low voice.
‘Nothing…it’s just that what you saw was the truth…’ he answered softly and then breaking the awkwardness, said cheerily, ‘So where can we go for lunch?’
Bani looked hesitant, knowing that she was supposed to be back home by now and if she got any late, she would have to face a barrage of questions from Aditya, but even with that thought, she found herself agreeing for the Lunch.
‘But where? Is there a place to eat nearby?’ she asked.
Jai put on his sunglasses again and said casually, ‘There is a Thai restaurant in the neighbourhood.’ And then added, ‘I love Thai food…’
Bani was stunned by his statement and looking at her expression, he asked her softly, ‘What happened?’
‘No…Nothing…What a coincidence…I love Thai food too…’
Jai smiled and said, ‘Shall we?’
The lunch was a pleasant affair and Bani found herself talking about her accident to Jai and the resultant memory loss. Jai listened with passivity, not passing any comments.
She said to him, in between devouring her second plate of Spring Rolls, ‘So you see…since I lost my memory, which I think is the most exciting thing to have ever happened to me, I keep getting these strange visions…and I keep getting a feeling of Déjà vu…’
Jai sipped his Coffee quietly, but did not reply to this. She grinned and said, ‘Creepy, isn’t it? People thing these things only happen in fiction…losing memory and forgetting incidents and people in your life!’
Bani continued in a conversational mode, ‘But I think, if you really love someone…how you can ever forget that person? Whatever be the case…Amnesia…Accident…blah, blah…I didn’t forget the people I loved…my Mother, my sister, my Uncle…my Nanny…my Dog…’
She caught him looking at her in a strange manner and immeidatley hushed up, feeling odd, and he said slowly, ‘Anything can happen, Bani…you can forget someone you loved…and the person who once swore by your love can also forget you.’
Sensing the melancholy in his voice, she asked him softly, ‘Did you lose a loved one too?’
He looked at her with sad eyes and spoke in a whisper, ‘Yes…I did.’
Bani kept quiet and then spoke gently, ‘You loved her a lot, didn’t you? I can sense it…’
‘More than life itself…’ he added and dissolved into a deep silence.
Bani also kept quiet and looked at him for some time in manner that disconcerted him he asked with soft trepidation, ‘What happened?’
She nodded her head and taking her hand towards his face, wiped out a bit of sauce that was on his chin.
When they walked out of the Restaurant, towards his Car, Bani felt anomalous in the manner that she was being candid and open to this man…she hardly knew him…but for some inexplicable reason, felt a strong connection.
They drove back in silence and when the Car was about to reach Bani’s house, she suddenly felt bad, that the day was ending…she would probably never meet him again.
He parked the Car at some distance from her home and before she could say anything opened her side of the door for her. She smiled at him and said, ‘You seem to be in a hurry to dispose of me!’
He looked taken aback and grinning said, ‘Of course not…I always open the door for you, Bani!’
The moment he uttered those words, he knew that he had spoken too much. Bani stared at him and said slowly, ‘Always? But this is only the second time; I am sitting in your Car…’
Jai had turned a bit red in the face and stammering a bit on his words, looked at his watch and said unconvincingly, ‘I…I have to go somewhere…I had a great time…Bye.’
Bani bid him goodbye and walked into the gates of her house, feeling bewildered and lost…and when she heard his Car zooming away, she turned to look at him and was almost thrown back with incredulity…..this had happened to her before…the same Car…the same manner in which she had stood near the gate looking back…and most worryingly, the same man who was with her.
The problem, in stead of solving was only getting complicated.
Author's Note : I have not made up about the bit on the International Commode and Toilets actually exists!

Part 31
Be still my heart
Lately its mind is on it's own
It would go far and wide
Just to be near you
Even the stars
Shine a bit bright I've noticed
When you're close to me
Still it remains a mystery
Anyone who seen us
Knows what's going on between us
It doesn't take a genius
To read between the lines
And it's not just wishful thinking
Or only me who's dreaming
I know what these are symptoms of
We could be in love
I ask myself why
I sleep like a baby through the night
Maybe it helps to know
you'll be there tomorrow
Don't open my eyes
I'll wake from the spell I'm under
Makes me wonder how Tell me how
I could live without you now
And what about the laughter
The happy ever after
Like voices of sweet angels
Calling out our names
And it's not just wishful thinking
Or only me who's dreaming
I know what these are symptoms of
We could be in love
All my life
I have dreamed of this
But I could not see your face
Don't ask why two such distant stars
Can fall right into place
It doesn't take a genius
To know what these are symptoms of
We could be, we could be in love
Uday glanced up from the Delhi Times Edition he was reading and looked at Jai, who was muching his Cereal with such delight, like he had just been transported from Ethopia and seeing edible food for the first time in his life.
‘Ahem…Jai, Stella called me up yesterday.’
Getting an absent, ‘Hmm’ in response, Uday waited for some time and proceeded to nudge Jai again and said in his best casual tone, ‘She was sounding hassled…told me that you called an urgent meeting yesterday and announced that you are moving back to Delhi.’
Jai poured some more milk over the cornflakes and said, ‘Hmmm’ again.
Exasperated, Uday folded the newspaper and said, ‘Jai…can you stop eating and listent to me?’
Jai looked up from the bowl and said, ‘I am listening.’
‘No, you are not. And now answer me young man, why are you moving back to Delhi…a year back you moved from Bombay to Delhi, then six months back you moved back to Bombay and now you are again moving here…what exactly are you trying to prove?’
Wiping his mouth with the napkin, he replied, ‘If you have a problem with my moving back…I’ll find another accommodation!’
‘Oh God Jai…you very well know, I don’t mean anything like that…just tell me, why are you moving back here…I thought you had set up a team to handle the work in Delhi and preferred commuting instead of living here.’
‘I changed my mind…can’t I do that?’ he retorted coolly.
Uday was so incenced by his son’s baffling attitude, he sulked and refused to talk with him anymore, till he told him the reason of his moving back.
Bani had escaped Aditya’s interrogation on Sunday, because on returning, she got to know from Massi, that he had to leave for an urgent client meeting. Just that evening, while eating dinner alongside Aditya and Nachiket who had come along with Purva, the bell rang and Massi announced to Bani that she had a caller.
Wondering who it could be, she excused herself to pick up the call and was completely taken aback when she knew the identity of the caller.
‘Hi!’ his voice sounded pleasant and friendly.
Giving a wary glance at Aditya and the others, she replied softly, almost whipering into the phone, ‘Hello…’
He replied in the same tone, ‘Why are you speaking so softly?’
‘Yes, my family is very supportive of the therapy sessions.’ She replied, sensing that Aditya and Nachiket were looking at her, since she had walked off mid-meal.
Jai laughed out loud, instantly getting transported to the first such conversation they had over the phone, with Meera hovering over her head.
‘I just called up to say that I had the most wonderful time today…even though the venue choice was extremely questionable.’ He finished off with a laugh.
She grinned and bit her lip to stop herself from laughing and in the same officious tone, said, ‘Yes…I agree, today’s Therapy session was extremely beneficial…I can sense the effects…my mind is a lot clearer now…’
He laughed again and said, ‘So, what about another Therapy session? I am a pretty good shrink, you know…’
She almost laughed out loud, but knowing that Aditya and Nachiket were sitting nearby, she replied, ‘Another session would do quite nicely, Doctor…when do you suggest it should take place?’
Jai paused for a moment and then with a sudden spurt of idea said, ‘Appu Ghar. Friday evening…4 Pm onwards…I’ll pick you up from somewhere near your home…’
Bani waited for a while, passing a wan smile at Aditya and Nachiket, and replied docily, ‘The date and time is perfect…but the venue?’
Jai was like, ‘Oh really?’ and said, ‘You are the one to speak…its any day better than lugging to a place where the attraction is rows and rows of Commodes and Toilet Accessories…I couldn’t even eat my lunch properly thinking about them…’
Bani burst out giggling and instantaneously stifled it, when she saw Nachiket looking at her suspiciously and said in a serious tone, ‘Alright…its fine by me...’ and then added a bit shyly, ‘I am looking forward to this session, Doctor.’
‘The pleasure is all mine...a date with a mental delinquent is like a dream come true…’
Bani burst out giggling at this point and quickly bidding goodbye put the phone down and resumed dinner.
Aditya who had been engrossed in a chat with Purva did not notice anything amiss, but Nachiket did and said, ‘Whom were you talking to, Bani?’
She gave him a sweet look and said, ‘My Therapist. We were fixing a date for my next session.’
‘Oh! Sounded like you were fixing a date…rather than a therapeutic session with a Doctor.’
She gave an even sweeter smile and said, ‘We are on very friendly terms…my doctor and me…is that a problem, Nattu?’
He was so taken aback at her addressing him Nattu, that he was rendered speechless. Noticing that, she asked, bewildered, ‘What happened?’
Blinking his eyes, he said slowly, ‘Nothing…its just that you always called me Nattu…before…you know…’
‘I blanked out? Right! Its suits you…Nattu…very cute name!’
He passed an affectionate smile at her and resumed his meal.
After meals, while Aditya proposed to show Purva some of his old paintings that were kept in the Studio, Bani and Nachiket sat down to play some scrabble and after defeating him three times in a row, she said, ‘This is so boring…even with my memory loss, I can defeat you!’
‘Ha ha…’ he responded and both started talking.
She asked him suddenly, ‘So tell me something about this Uday Walia? Is he a very good friend of Ma?’
Knowing that any talk on Uday Walia meant treading on dangerous ground, he tried to measure his words and said casually, ‘Yes…quite, I think.’
‘So did he frequent our house quite a lot during the last one year?’
Not wanting to lie outright and yet not wanting to spill anything out of fear of doing something wrong, Nachiket took the middle approach and substituted Uday for Jai and answered accordingly.
‘Yes…he did come here a couple of times.’
Bani hesitated and asked, ‘Did Ma go to his house…or you know somewhere else with him?’
Once again, substituting Kiran for Bani, he answered truthfully, ’Yes…quite a lot, actually.’
Bani looked scandalized, her Mother was going out with that man…to his house…on dates…this was coming out even more horrendously than she had imagined.
Prodding the hapless Nachiket once again, she asked, ‘Did you ever see them together? I mean…talking…or going out somewhere…generally…’
His tounge proved to be slippery and he said, with amusement, ‘Oh yes…scores of time, I saw them…once even when they were snogging…’ (Nattu khud bhi marega, saath mein auron ko bhi marvayega...)
Looking at the expression of outrage and horrorified embarrassment on her face, Nachiket bit his lips, mentally hitting himself for getting confused and talking about Jai and Bani, while answering a query on Uday and Kiran.
He was at a loss on what to say or do further and deciding that if he kept talking to Bani, his loose mouth would end up spilling god-knows what, he hastily made an excuse and rushed off.
Bani sat wide-eyed, mentally picturing her Mother and an old, pot-bellied, white-haired man, snogging in the garden, sitting on the swing, an old hindi song playing in the background,…’Main kya karoon Ram, mujhe Budha Mil gaya…’ :whistling
Horrified and shocked beyond belief, Bani ran upstairs to her room and prayed to every God she could remember, asking them to help her Mother and get her over this Uday Walia.
She slept badly that night, with scenes of her Mother and a Santa-clause type looking old man floating all over her head. Sympathizing with her mother, assuming that she must be going through PMS syndromes and hence the middle-aged fling, she vowed to find out more about Uday Walia and get him straightened out before he became Daddy No. 2 to her.
(Poor Uday...he's
got it coming from Bani now!)
Bani quite forgot about her Mother and Uday Walia, since today she was supposed to go with Jai to Appu Ghar. Smiling to herself, while dressing up in an off-white silk top and a flowing ankle-length skirt, she wondered why on Earth Jai had chosen Appu Ghar as a venue…both amused at his choice and also pleased by it, since it had always been her favourite place while growing up.
Jai quiet enjoyed his second date to Appu Ghar, at any rate, he did not feeling his head spinning and rotating like the first time and thankfully, neither did Bani stuff herself on cheap candy and throw up. Losing her memory had actually changed her, he observed.
While coming out of the Entertainment Park, holding a bunch of colorful balloons in her hand, brought for her by Jai, she said, suddenly in between general talk, ‘I think I’ve been to this place before.’
Jai looked at her, but refrained from commenting.
She looked back at the main entrance of Appu Ghar, near which was the ticket window, now empty, since it was closing time and squirting her eyes, tried to remember, but gave up saying, ‘Maybe I am just remembering my school days…Rano Di and I used to come here a lot…’ and then giving at look at Jai, added, ‘Rano is my elder sister.’
Without thinking, Jai said, ‘Ya, I know.’
Stunned, she looked back at him and said, ‘How do you know?’
Gulping and thinking for a suitable reply, all he could manage was, ‘You said Rano Di…so I assumed Di stands for Didi…elder sister…’
At first she looked suspicious but then breaking into a sunshine smile, said, ‘Genius!’
He suppressed his own smile and opened the door of his Car for her to sit in.
Bani chatted pleasantly all the way back to her home, mostly about her college life, which was the last she remembered after the accident and in between asked about him, but not getting much response, did not feel like prying. Though a part of one desperately wanted to ask about his love life…the girl he had lost…she felt like a moth driven to attraction by a flame…and for a normally pugnacious and mostly unromantic girl like her, it felt very strange…yet very reassuring.
He brought the Car closer to her house this time, since it was getting darker and looking at her said, ‘Here’s your destination.’
She smiled and said, ‘Do you know…since the accident…the only times I have really felt myself is when I was with you?’
After saying that, she felt embarrassed, why she was so open with him…it was almost like an unknown force was making her say things, which according to her, should only remain in her head and not be blurted out.
He smiled faintly and said, ’Do you know? I feel exactly the same…’
They kept looking at each other, sitting in the private interior of the SUV…the Acqua Cologne he had sported whiffed through her nostrils and she felt dizzy with its fragrance and sleep intermingled.
Reaching out, he brushed gentle fingers against her cheek, then let them drift to trace the contours of her mouth before slipping to the edge of her neck, where he trailed the delicate pulsing cord to examine with tactile sensuality the soft hollows beneath her throat.
Her eyes widened, but her gaze didn’t falter as his hands slid to the soft curve of her B**** and slowly outlined its shape.
Bani was so mesmerized that it never even occurred to her that this was just their fourth meeting…and only their second date. It seemed as if she had known him for eternity…his touch felt so familiar, so warm and so sensuous…it felt as if she had been made only for him to see and feel.
Fro what seemed an age he just looked at her, and she stood mesmerized, unable to gain anything from his expression. Then he lowered his head down to hers, and she tensed as his mouth took possession of her own.
Except that the hard, relentless pressure never eventuated, and in its place was a soft open-mouthed kiss that was nothing less than a deliberate seduction of the senses.
He began a subtle exploration, seeking out all the vulnerable ridges, the tender, sensitive indentations, before beginning a delicate tracery of the tissues inside her cheeks.
He seemed to fill her mouth, coaxing something from her she felt afraid to give, and she released a silent groan of relief as his lips left her to settle in one of the vulnerable hollows at the base of her throat.
‘Are you married?’ It was more like a pleading than a question and Jai was so taken aback by this abrupt, unusual query, that he jerked back and stared at her.
Jai kept looking at her and answered poker-faced, ‘Yes…twice divorced…I am hoping you will become Mother to my half a dozen kids…Legitimate and Illegitimate.’
Bani gaped open-mouthed, for a moment, thinking that he was serious, and then started laughing alongside him, and then realized what she had just experienced…Her first kiss…that too with a man, whom she knew for just one week…and only by his first name.
Blushing profusely, she refused to look at him in his eyes and Jai said softly, ‘I am sorry…I took the liberty…but I just couldn’t help it…’
Without looking towards him, she bit her lips from smiling, she felt so hot and flushed, that barely any words came out of her mouth.
After a moment’s pause, she said coyly, ‘This…This was my first kiss…’
Jai grinned and retorted back, ‘Liar.’
Blushing even more, she turned towards him, shocked and rambled, ‘No…Really…I have never kissed anyone before…I mean, except Mango…but he is my Dog…’
Jai kept that wicked grin on his face and said, ‘Really? Then your Mango must be a champion kisser…because to respond like that, you need to have a LOT of practice!’
Bani turned deep crimson and avoided looking at his face again, twitching with the edge of her dress, she said in a low voice, ‘You must be thinking what sort of a girl I am…that I let a rank stranger kiss me…’
Putting his arm on her shoulder gently, he whispered, ‘Do you still feel that we are just strangers, Bani?’
There was something in his voice, in the way he spoke, that made her so startled, she remained numb in shock for sometime and turning to look at him, said slowly, ‘Jai, please tell me…have we met before?’
Tracing the lines of her cheekbones with his finger, he said, with a tinge of sadness in his voice, ‘Maybe…’
Bani shrank back in trepidation and asked with fear in her voice, ‘When?’
Thinking that Bani might panick, if he said anything about their past, he said quietly, ‘Maybe in past life…’
She immeidatley relaxed and smiled, ‘You believe in all this?’
‘I did not believe in a lot of things…but life is a great teacher…its turn’s non-believers into believers.’
His eyes once again overcame with sadness and she said slowly, ‘Do you miss her a lot?’
It took a moment for Jai to register that Bani was referring to herself and he replied, measuring his words, ‘To be very honest…not that much…since I met you.’
Color filled Bani’s face and her eyes sparkled with happiness…leaning her face towards him, she parted her lips and placed them gently on his, giving a warm, slightly wet kiss to him.
‘Bye’ her voice hardly came out of her mouth, Jai opened her side of the door for her and waited for her go get inside the gates of her house.
Standing near his side of the Car window, she smiled at him and said, ‘Thanks for a lovely day…’
‘I should be thanking you...’
She colored, but answered toung in cheek, ‘Okay…then prove your thanks…take me out somewhere.’
He laughed in response and said, ‘I will…to a very special place…’
‘Where?’ she asked curiously.
Smiling, he replied, ‘Surprise!’
Bidding goodbye, she finally went inside her home, and only when she heard the roar of his Car Engine, did she finally get inside the Living room, completely ignoring Massi’s remonstrations on why she was roaming the whole day, when she had just recovered from a serious accident. She was too lost in day-dream to even care calling her Mother back in Chandigarh, who had apparently phoned five times since morning to speak with Bani.
Sleep proved an elusive entity, and they both lay awake, one pondering on the new journey she was going to embark and the other, wondering, even though his intentions were correct, whether his actions were moral or not. Jai realized that he was too much and too deep in love to move back now...this was his one and only chance to have her back in his life...and he couldn't stop drawing a line at anything, to do that.
By the time it was dawn, clarity dawned on both…For Bani, it was the realization of falling in love for the first time in his life.
For Jai, a renewed belief, that there must be a God somewhere…for having him blessed with Bani twice in his lifetime.
Be still my heart
Lately its mind is on it's own
It would go far and wide
Just to be near you
Even the stars
Shine a bit bright I've noticed
When you're close to me
Still it remains a mystery
Anyone who seen us
Knows what's going on between us
It doesn't take a genius
To read between the lines
And it's not just wishful thinking
Or only me who's dreaming
I know what these are symptoms of
We could be in love
I ask myself why
I sleep like a baby through the night
Maybe it helps to know
you'll be there tomorrow
Don't open my eyes
I'll wake from the spell I'm under
Makes me wonder how Tell me how
I could live without you now
And what about the laughter
The happy ever after
Like voices of sweet angels
Calling out our names
And it's not just wishful thinking
Or only me who's dreaming
I know what these are symptoms of
We could be in love
All my life
I have dreamed of this
But I could not see your face
Don't ask why two such distant stars
Can fall right into place
It doesn't take a genius
To know what these are symptoms of
We could be, we could be in love
Uday glanced up from the Delhi Times Edition he was reading and looked at Jai, who was muching his Cereal with such delight, like he had just been transported from Ethopia and seeing edible food for the first time in his life.
‘Ahem…Jai, Stella called me up yesterday.’
Getting an absent, ‘Hmm’ in response, Uday waited for some time and proceeded to nudge Jai again and said in his best casual tone, ‘She was sounding hassled…told me that you called an urgent meeting yesterday and announced that you are moving back to Delhi.’
Jai poured some more milk over the cornflakes and said, ‘Hmmm’ again.
Exasperated, Uday folded the newspaper and said, ‘Jai…can you stop eating and listent to me?’
Jai looked up from the bowl and said, ‘I am listening.’
‘No, you are not. And now answer me young man, why are you moving back to Delhi…a year back you moved from Bombay to Delhi, then six months back you moved back to Bombay and now you are again moving here…what exactly are you trying to prove?’
Wiping his mouth with the napkin, he replied, ‘If you have a problem with my moving back…I’ll find another accommodation!’
‘Oh God Jai…you very well know, I don’t mean anything like that…just tell me, why are you moving back here…I thought you had set up a team to handle the work in Delhi and preferred commuting instead of living here.’
‘I changed my mind…can’t I do that?’ he retorted coolly.
Uday was so incenced by his son’s baffling attitude, he sulked and refused to talk with him anymore, till he told him the reason of his moving back.
Bani had escaped Aditya’s interrogation on Sunday, because on returning, she got to know from Massi, that he had to leave for an urgent client meeting. Just that evening, while eating dinner alongside Aditya and Nachiket who had come along with Purva, the bell rang and Massi announced to Bani that she had a caller.
Wondering who it could be, she excused herself to pick up the call and was completely taken aback when she knew the identity of the caller.
‘Hi!’ his voice sounded pleasant and friendly.
Giving a wary glance at Aditya and the others, she replied softly, almost whipering into the phone, ‘Hello…’
He replied in the same tone, ‘Why are you speaking so softly?’
‘Yes, my family is very supportive of the therapy sessions.’ She replied, sensing that Aditya and Nachiket were looking at her, since she had walked off mid-meal.
Jai laughed out loud, instantly getting transported to the first such conversation they had over the phone, with Meera hovering over her head.
‘I just called up to say that I had the most wonderful time today…even though the venue choice was extremely questionable.’ He finished off with a laugh.
She grinned and bit her lip to stop herself from laughing and in the same officious tone, said, ‘Yes…I agree, today’s Therapy session was extremely beneficial…I can sense the effects…my mind is a lot clearer now…’
He laughed again and said, ‘So, what about another Therapy session? I am a pretty good shrink, you know…’
She almost laughed out loud, but knowing that Aditya and Nachiket were sitting nearby, she replied, ‘Another session would do quite nicely, Doctor…when do you suggest it should take place?’
Jai paused for a moment and then with a sudden spurt of idea said, ‘Appu Ghar. Friday evening…4 Pm onwards…I’ll pick you up from somewhere near your home…’
Bani waited for a while, passing a wan smile at Aditya and Nachiket, and replied docily, ‘The date and time is perfect…but the venue?’
Jai was like, ‘Oh really?’ and said, ‘You are the one to speak…its any day better than lugging to a place where the attraction is rows and rows of Commodes and Toilet Accessories…I couldn’t even eat my lunch properly thinking about them…’
Bani burst out giggling and instantaneously stifled it, when she saw Nachiket looking at her suspiciously and said in a serious tone, ‘Alright…its fine by me...’ and then added a bit shyly, ‘I am looking forward to this session, Doctor.’
‘The pleasure is all mine...a date with a mental delinquent is like a dream come true…’
Bani burst out giggling at this point and quickly bidding goodbye put the phone down and resumed dinner.
Aditya who had been engrossed in a chat with Purva did not notice anything amiss, but Nachiket did and said, ‘Whom were you talking to, Bani?’
She gave him a sweet look and said, ‘My Therapist. We were fixing a date for my next session.’
‘Oh! Sounded like you were fixing a date…rather than a therapeutic session with a Doctor.’
She gave an even sweeter smile and said, ‘We are on very friendly terms…my doctor and me…is that a problem, Nattu?’
He was so taken aback at her addressing him Nattu, that he was rendered speechless. Noticing that, she asked, bewildered, ‘What happened?’
Blinking his eyes, he said slowly, ‘Nothing…its just that you always called me Nattu…before…you know…’
‘I blanked out? Right! Its suits you…Nattu…very cute name!’
He passed an affectionate smile at her and resumed his meal.
After meals, while Aditya proposed to show Purva some of his old paintings that were kept in the Studio, Bani and Nachiket sat down to play some scrabble and after defeating him three times in a row, she said, ‘This is so boring…even with my memory loss, I can defeat you!’
‘Ha ha…’ he responded and both started talking.
She asked him suddenly, ‘So tell me something about this Uday Walia? Is he a very good friend of Ma?’
Knowing that any talk on Uday Walia meant treading on dangerous ground, he tried to measure his words and said casually, ‘Yes…quite, I think.’
‘So did he frequent our house quite a lot during the last one year?’
Not wanting to lie outright and yet not wanting to spill anything out of fear of doing something wrong, Nachiket took the middle approach and substituted Uday for Jai and answered accordingly.
‘Yes…he did come here a couple of times.’
Bani hesitated and asked, ‘Did Ma go to his house…or you know somewhere else with him?’
Once again, substituting Kiran for Bani, he answered truthfully, ’Yes…quite a lot, actually.’
Bani looked scandalized, her Mother was going out with that man…to his house…on dates…this was coming out even more horrendously than she had imagined.
Prodding the hapless Nachiket once again, she asked, ‘Did you ever see them together? I mean…talking…or going out somewhere…generally…’
His tounge proved to be slippery and he said, with amusement, ‘Oh yes…scores of time, I saw them…once even when they were snogging…’ (Nattu khud bhi marega, saath mein auron ko bhi marvayega...)
Looking at the expression of outrage and horrorified embarrassment on her face, Nachiket bit his lips, mentally hitting himself for getting confused and talking about Jai and Bani, while answering a query on Uday and Kiran.
He was at a loss on what to say or do further and deciding that if he kept talking to Bani, his loose mouth would end up spilling god-knows what, he hastily made an excuse and rushed off.
Bani sat wide-eyed, mentally picturing her Mother and an old, pot-bellied, white-haired man, snogging in the garden, sitting on the swing, an old hindi song playing in the background,…’Main kya karoon Ram, mujhe Budha Mil gaya…’ :whistling

Horrified and shocked beyond belief, Bani ran upstairs to her room and prayed to every God she could remember, asking them to help her Mother and get her over this Uday Walia.
She slept badly that night, with scenes of her Mother and a Santa-clause type looking old man floating all over her head. Sympathizing with her mother, assuming that she must be going through PMS syndromes and hence the middle-aged fling, she vowed to find out more about Uday Walia and get him straightened out before he became Daddy No. 2 to her.

Bani quite forgot about her Mother and Uday Walia, since today she was supposed to go with Jai to Appu Ghar. Smiling to herself, while dressing up in an off-white silk top and a flowing ankle-length skirt, she wondered why on Earth Jai had chosen Appu Ghar as a venue…both amused at his choice and also pleased by it, since it had always been her favourite place while growing up.
Jai quiet enjoyed his second date to Appu Ghar, at any rate, he did not feeling his head spinning and rotating like the first time and thankfully, neither did Bani stuff herself on cheap candy and throw up. Losing her memory had actually changed her, he observed.
While coming out of the Entertainment Park, holding a bunch of colorful balloons in her hand, brought for her by Jai, she said, suddenly in between general talk, ‘I think I’ve been to this place before.’
Jai looked at her, but refrained from commenting.
She looked back at the main entrance of Appu Ghar, near which was the ticket window, now empty, since it was closing time and squirting her eyes, tried to remember, but gave up saying, ‘Maybe I am just remembering my school days…Rano Di and I used to come here a lot…’ and then giving at look at Jai, added, ‘Rano is my elder sister.’
Without thinking, Jai said, ‘Ya, I know.’
Stunned, she looked back at him and said, ‘How do you know?’
Gulping and thinking for a suitable reply, all he could manage was, ‘You said Rano Di…so I assumed Di stands for Didi…elder sister…’
At first she looked suspicious but then breaking into a sunshine smile, said, ‘Genius!’
He suppressed his own smile and opened the door of his Car for her to sit in.
Bani chatted pleasantly all the way back to her home, mostly about her college life, which was the last she remembered after the accident and in between asked about him, but not getting much response, did not feel like prying. Though a part of one desperately wanted to ask about his love life…the girl he had lost…she felt like a moth driven to attraction by a flame…and for a normally pugnacious and mostly unromantic girl like her, it felt very strange…yet very reassuring.
He brought the Car closer to her house this time, since it was getting darker and looking at her said, ‘Here’s your destination.’
She smiled and said, ‘Do you know…since the accident…the only times I have really felt myself is when I was with you?’
After saying that, she felt embarrassed, why she was so open with him…it was almost like an unknown force was making her say things, which according to her, should only remain in her head and not be blurted out.
He smiled faintly and said, ’Do you know? I feel exactly the same…’
They kept looking at each other, sitting in the private interior of the SUV…the Acqua Cologne he had sported whiffed through her nostrils and she felt dizzy with its fragrance and sleep intermingled.
Reaching out, he brushed gentle fingers against her cheek, then let them drift to trace the contours of her mouth before slipping to the edge of her neck, where he trailed the delicate pulsing cord to examine with tactile sensuality the soft hollows beneath her throat.
Her eyes widened, but her gaze didn’t falter as his hands slid to the soft curve of her B**** and slowly outlined its shape.
Bani was so mesmerized that it never even occurred to her that this was just their fourth meeting…and only their second date. It seemed as if she had known him for eternity…his touch felt so familiar, so warm and so sensuous…it felt as if she had been made only for him to see and feel.
Fro what seemed an age he just looked at her, and she stood mesmerized, unable to gain anything from his expression. Then he lowered his head down to hers, and she tensed as his mouth took possession of her own.
Except that the hard, relentless pressure never eventuated, and in its place was a soft open-mouthed kiss that was nothing less than a deliberate seduction of the senses.
He began a subtle exploration, seeking out all the vulnerable ridges, the tender, sensitive indentations, before beginning a delicate tracery of the tissues inside her cheeks.
He seemed to fill her mouth, coaxing something from her she felt afraid to give, and she released a silent groan of relief as his lips left her to settle in one of the vulnerable hollows at the base of her throat.
‘Are you married?’ It was more like a pleading than a question and Jai was so taken aback by this abrupt, unusual query, that he jerked back and stared at her.
Jai kept looking at her and answered poker-faced, ‘Yes…twice divorced…I am hoping you will become Mother to my half a dozen kids…Legitimate and Illegitimate.’
Bani gaped open-mouthed, for a moment, thinking that he was serious, and then started laughing alongside him, and then realized what she had just experienced…Her first kiss…that too with a man, whom she knew for just one week…and only by his first name.
Blushing profusely, she refused to look at him in his eyes and Jai said softly, ‘I am sorry…I took the liberty…but I just couldn’t help it…’
Without looking towards him, she bit her lips from smiling, she felt so hot and flushed, that barely any words came out of her mouth.
After a moment’s pause, she said coyly, ‘This…This was my first kiss…’
Jai grinned and retorted back, ‘Liar.’
Blushing even more, she turned towards him, shocked and rambled, ‘No…Really…I have never kissed anyone before…I mean, except Mango…but he is my Dog…’
Jai kept that wicked grin on his face and said, ‘Really? Then your Mango must be a champion kisser…because to respond like that, you need to have a LOT of practice!’
Bani turned deep crimson and avoided looking at his face again, twitching with the edge of her dress, she said in a low voice, ‘You must be thinking what sort of a girl I am…that I let a rank stranger kiss me…’
Putting his arm on her shoulder gently, he whispered, ‘Do you still feel that we are just strangers, Bani?’
There was something in his voice, in the way he spoke, that made her so startled, she remained numb in shock for sometime and turning to look at him, said slowly, ‘Jai, please tell me…have we met before?’
Tracing the lines of her cheekbones with his finger, he said, with a tinge of sadness in his voice, ‘Maybe…’
Bani shrank back in trepidation and asked with fear in her voice, ‘When?’
Thinking that Bani might panick, if he said anything about their past, he said quietly, ‘Maybe in past life…’
She immeidatley relaxed and smiled, ‘You believe in all this?’
‘I did not believe in a lot of things…but life is a great teacher…its turn’s non-believers into believers.’
His eyes once again overcame with sadness and she said slowly, ‘Do you miss her a lot?’
It took a moment for Jai to register that Bani was referring to herself and he replied, measuring his words, ‘To be very honest…not that much…since I met you.’
Color filled Bani’s face and her eyes sparkled with happiness…leaning her face towards him, she parted her lips and placed them gently on his, giving a warm, slightly wet kiss to him.
‘Bye’ her voice hardly came out of her mouth, Jai opened her side of the door for her and waited for her go get inside the gates of her house.
Standing near his side of the Car window, she smiled at him and said, ‘Thanks for a lovely day…’
‘I should be thanking you...’
She colored, but answered toung in cheek, ‘Okay…then prove your thanks…take me out somewhere.’
He laughed in response and said, ‘I will…to a very special place…’
‘Where?’ she asked curiously.
Smiling, he replied, ‘Surprise!’
Bidding goodbye, she finally went inside her home, and only when she heard the roar of his Car Engine, did she finally get inside the Living room, completely ignoring Massi’s remonstrations on why she was roaming the whole day, when she had just recovered from a serious accident. She was too lost in day-dream to even care calling her Mother back in Chandigarh, who had apparently phoned five times since morning to speak with Bani.
Sleep proved an elusive entity, and they both lay awake, one pondering on the new journey she was going to embark and the other, wondering, even though his intentions were correct, whether his actions were moral or not. Jai realized that he was too much and too deep in love to move back now...this was his one and only chance to have her back in his life...and he couldn't stop drawing a line at anything, to do that.
By the time it was dawn, clarity dawned on both…For Bani, it was the realization of falling in love for the first time in his life.
For Jai, a renewed belief, that there must be a God somewhere…for having him blessed with Bani twice in his lifetime.
Part 32
Uday continued to sulk, while Jai seemed to be in a divine mood, refusing to share the secret of his new-found happiness with his Dad.
Uday gave one last try when he asked his son, ‘You have been mourning for the last 8 months…since…you left for New York…and now all of a sudden, in the last week, your life seems to have taken a U-turn!’
Jai was sitting with his legs sprawled on the couch in the living room of his Farmhouse, sipping a ghastly looking concotion of Wheat-grass and Aloe Vera Juice. Giving an amused look at his Father, he said, ‘Why are you so curious? Just be happy that I am happy…’
Irritated, Uday quipped back, ‘I am your Father…you shared everything with me…I have seen you go through the worst period of time since Bani’s accident, Jai…so, I am just eager to know, what has caused this change in you? Won’t you let me be a part of your happiness?’
Sensing that Uday had talked about Bani after a long time with him, Jai’s expression softened and he said, ‘First tell me, why didn’t you go and meet Bani after her accident? She was as much a daughter to you as I am your son…then how come you never went and met her even once…’
Uday’s shoulder’s slumped and getting a weary and sad look in his eyes he said, ‘I wanted to…I really wanted to…but everytime I made up my mind to go and meet her…my resolve would be weakened because of you.’
‘Me? Why?’
‘You two were going to get married…were so deeply in love…so happy…how could I face her without thinking about you, Jai…everytime I thought about Bani…it automatically made me think about your grief…about your loss…I still love her as much as I always did…but you are my son, Jai…and just like Kiran was rendered helpless in front of her child’s pain…so am I.’
Jai gave an affectionate look at his old father and putting his laptop and juice aside, went across to him and hugged him warmly.
‘I love you, Dad…’
‘Ho Hum…But you won’t tell me, what is giving you the 100-watt smile these days?’
Jai laughed and replied, ‘And you won’t let me live in peace till I tell you, right? Okay…don’t get hyper and all…but…its, well…it’s a girl.’
Uday had hardly expected this to be the reason of his son’s newfound happiness and responded in a startled manner, ‘What? A girl?’
Taken aback at his reaction, Jai said, half-amused, ‘Er…Yes. Why, did you want it to be a man, this time?’
Uday kept gaping at his son, who was laughing, looking at his Father’s expression and he said, ‘I…I never expected it, Jai…I thought you would never get over Ba…’ he left his sentence unfinished, suddenly feeling guilty for his reaction over Jai’s news.
Jai turned somber and said, ‘Did you want me to never get over, Bani?’
Uday kept quiet, looking at Jai’s face, which looked genuinely happy…and smiling slightly, said, ‘I wanted you to move on with your life, Jai…which parent would want to see their only child wallow in grief and loss? And I really thought that you had moved on…in the sense, that you had involved yourself so much in your work…’
Jai asked quietly, ‘You haven’t replied to my question, Dad.’
Uday heaved a deep sigh and said, ‘I adored that child like my own, Jai…and even though I put your happiness above everything else…a part of me always kept hoping that both my children would get together…’
He paused and added with a hollow laughter, ‘Blame this old man…I am an eternal optimist and a romantic…I always believed that God made you and Bani only for each other…and there was no other way to it…’
Jai had a moist look in his eyes, matching that of his Father, but before he could say anything, Uday put on a huge smile on his face and said, ‘But hey…I am so happy for you…so tell me all about this young woman…who is she, what’s her name, how does she look, where does she live, what does she do, her family, her background, her likes, her pet peeves…how long have you known each other…’
Jai stared wide-eyed at his Father for sometime, letting him finish and take a breather and said, ‘Wow…I had no idea that you were planning to write a thesis on my love life!’
Both Father and Son started laughing and somehow Jai managed to avoid telling Uday anything about Bani directly, telling him that they have just started out on a relationship and when things get serious, he will be the first one to know.
Kiran had called up Bani and given her a good sounding-off for disappearing out of the house and not taking enough rest. Bani put her at ease by starting a conversation on Rano, who was due to give birth any time now. She promised her sister that she would definitely come down to Chandigarh after the child was born.
Uday finally decided to go and meet Bani, thinking that since Jai had apparently moved on with his life and had actually met someone, there was no reason why he shouldn’t go and see Bani…at it is, she wouldn’t remember anything and he had really missed seeing her for the last couple of months since the accident.
Ringing the bell twice, he got no answer and wondered why no one was there at home. It had been raining heavily and by the time Uday had got off from the Car and trekked till the door, he was drenched quite a bit and mud was splattered in his favourite attire, knee-length Khakee shorts and a casual T-shirt, plus his bald patch hid by a cap.
Bani opened the door and giving an appraising look from head to toe, asked in a polite yet suspicious tone, ‘Yes?’
Uday kept looking at Bani, and affection swam into his eyes…she had become a daughter to him in the past few weeks before the accident, almost as beloved as his own son Jai and he was counting the days when she would come to their house as his son’s wife and his daughter-in-law.
Not hearing any response from him, Bani coughed and repeated, ‘Can I help you?’
Uday managed a thin smile and realizing that Bani had no remembrance of him, said, ‘I am a friend of Kiran, is she there?’
The needle of suspicion immediately went haywire and narrowing her eyes, she said in a slightly squeaky voice, ‘Friend of Ma?’ Before she could ask his name, Uday ventured inside, looking around and turning to face Bani, asked, ‘Isn’t Kiran there?’
Bani kept staring at him and said, ‘No…she’s gone to Chandigarh…Rano, my sister is due for a baby anytime.’
‘Oh! Yes…I had quite forgotton about it! How is Rano? When is the baby due?’
Bani gave a perfectoury remark and scowled a bit, as Uday made himself comfortable on the couch. Massi came in and got all flustered when she saw Uday, greeting him profusely and asking him what he would like to have.
Uday looked at Bani and said lovingly, ‘Why are you standing there, beta? Come sit with me. I haven’t seen you for such a long time. How is your health now?’
Bani sat on the far edge of the couch and answered grumpily, ‘I am quite fine now, thank you. But, er, I am sorry; I couldn’t get your name.’
Uday smiled genially and said, ‘You won’t remember me, I guess…I am your Uday Uncle.’
Bani’s eyes widened in complete horror and she all but jumped out of the couch and yelped, ‘What?’
Uday was taken aback by her reaction and said, ‘What happened, Bani?’
‘You…You are Uday Walia?’
Uday was genuinely surprised by the fact that she remembered his full name and said, ‘Yes dear…but how do you know? I thought you had forgotton everything…or that is what the Doctor had told us?’
Bani grimaced and said, ‘Why did the Doctor tell you about my condition?’
Not suspecting what was going on in Bani’s mind, he said, ‘Well…I am like family to your Mother and she wanted that I accompany her when the Doctor called us to give a prognosis on your health.’
Bani gave a rude snort and proceeded to ignore him, when Massi got snacks and tea.
Uday partook a Samosa and tentatively asked Bani, ‘Do you remember my son?’
Bani gave an insidious look and said, ‘You have a son also?’
Considerably taken aback, he said, ‘Ok, that about proves you don’t remember anything…so when is Kiran back?’
Proceeding to ignore his question, she kept glaring at him with animosity and said bitingly, ‘You are old…’
Uday laughed amiably at this comment, thinking that she had said it in good humor and replied back, ‘Bani, your Mother once told me that I am like fine wine…I keep getting better with age.’
Bani acidly replied back, ‘In that case, I recommend you should be locked in a Cellar for a few years!’
Gagging on the piece of Samosa, he looked at her for sometime and said softly, ‘Poor thing…it seems the accident has left a permanent injury on you. So you were telling me about Kiran’s return?’
Humphing some more, she said with ill grace, ‘I don’t know when she’ll be back…not until Rano di has the baby at least.’
‘Oh, so she is in Chandigarh. I was planning to go there for the weekend…I have a farmhouse there…Ja..’ Uday clipped his mouth before he could utter Jai’s name.
Bani sulked somemore and said, ‘Now you are going all the way to Chandigarh to meet Ma? She is staying with my sister’s in-laws…what will they think?’
Not in the least guessing what was going on in Bani’s mind, he said, ‘Oh, I know Ranveer’s father quite well…we met during your sister’s wedding…infact, we are quite a threesome…your Mother, him and me.’
Bani’s face was horror-struck and she gasped out, ‘Threesome? Oh My God!’ faint
Trying to take some control of herself, she spluttered out in disgust, ‘My mother loves my father, even today.’
Confused at why Bani had said this all of a sudden, he remarked back, warmly, ‘Oh, I am sure she does, beta…even I love my wife a lot.’
‘So? Doesn’t she object…you know to your…your…fraternizing…’
Uday looked a bit baffled on what Bani was talking about, but assuming that she was referring to retaining his friendship even in his old age, he looked heaven upwards and said wistfully, ‘Oh, I am sure she has enough company of her own…we are really very happy for each other.’ :whistling
(Poor UW...has no
idea what dirty thoughts are going on in Bani's mind!)
Bani all but threw up in shock and disgust and making a wry face, refused to converse with Uday, till he took leave after a while, asking Bani if she wanted to send anything to her Mother in Chandigarh, as he was going there in the next two days.
She would have sulked some more over what she was now convinced was a full-blown affair between ‘Buddha’ and her ‘poor mother’, but for Jai’s phone, when he called her for his surprise.
Blushing and full of excitement, Bani dressed up painstakingly, selecting an elegant slim-fitting off-the-shoulder salwar kameez in deep sapphire blue, she teamed it with black stiletto-heeled shoes, even though she knew that walking in them would be a nightmare, tended to her make-up with care, not wanting to look like a circus clown but at the same time, not wanting to appear as if she didn’t pay any attention to her grooming, then brushed her waist length hair into its customary smooth bell before adding a generous touch of Van Cleef & Arpels’ Gem to several pulsebeats. Her only added jewellery was a diamond pendant, matching earstuds and bracelet…all fake, but still, it made her look divine.
At five minutes to six she checked last-minute details with Aditya, who confirmed that he had to stay back late for a client dinner, brushed a fleeting kiss to Mango’s forehead, set up a pack of lies for Massi, and then moved towards the lounge of her house, aware of a gnawing nervousness in the pit of her stomach with every step she took.
Now that she was faced with seeing him again, that too for a very formal date, she began to wonder if she was slightly mad to toy with a stranger, that too of Jai’s caliber. He undoubtedly was mature, experienced and so maddeningly attractive, that she felt her knees go weak, even if he smiled casually at her. And that kiss in the Car…it was more than a week since that incident and Bani couldn’t get her mind off it…her first kiss…but it felt as if she had experienced that bitter-sweet smell somewhere before…the warmth of his touch had sent such delibilating sensations all over her body…but still it had felt familiar…there were so many questions she wanted to ask Jai…about his past…about that girl he was still so obviously in love with…about why he ever fell for someone so ordinary like her…about that picture in Rano’s marriage album, that bore a striking resemblance to him.
All those thoughts, dispelled away in a flurry, for just as she reached the gates, there was the soft sound of car tyres on the road outside followed almost immediately by the muted clunk of a car door closing.
At once she was conscious of an elevated nervous tension, and it took every ounce of courage to move forward and open the door.
Standing in its aperture, Jai looked the epitome of male sophistication attired in a formal dark suit. Exuding more than his fair share of dynamic masculinity, he had an element of tensile steel beneath the polite veneer, a formidableness and snese of purpose that was daunting.
‘Bani’ his voice was almost a whisper as he gazed at her, his eyes shining with admiration, making her blush furiously.
Just a glance at the sensual curve of his mouth was enough to remember how it felt to be positively absorbed by the man, for no one in their wildest imagination could term what they had shared last time to as merely a kiss.
She passed a self-concious smile and lowering her head, preceded him to the car, allowing him to reach forward and open the door, and she slid into the passenger seat, aware of his close proximity seconds later as he slipped in behind the wheel and set the large vehicle in motion.
‘Where are we dining?’ As a conversational gambit, it was sadly lacking in originality, but anything was better than silence, Bani decided wildly as they joined the flow of traffic leading into the main city.
‘My home.’
She turned towards him in thinly veiled astonishment. ‘What?’
One eyebrow quirked in visible amusement as the lights changed, and he eased the car forward. ‘Don’t panic…I have just turned a Vegetarian, so you are definitely not going to be my dinner tonight…’
Bani stared at him, then burst out into a short laughter, but only till, he added with wicked delight, ‘Dessert maybe…but definitely not main-course!’ :whistling
Flushing crimson in both cheeks, she kept quiet, wondering if her bravery in venturing out with a man, she knew for a total of 17 days was such a great decision or not.
She closed her eyes, then slowly opened them seconds later. It was the only defence she had in masking the incredible tumult of emotions she was harbouring inside her. It was not too late, she could tell him to take the Car back and drop her home, or better still, just open the door and walk out, never to see him again…but what was that force, which almost willed her to go along with him, regardless of the risk?
As if he sensed her inner battle, he slid a CD into the player, and she leaned back against the headrest, her eyes fixed on the tall office buildings and the wide sweep of traffic.
‘If I ask you something, will you answer me?’
Jai turned to face her, keeping every emotion out of his eyes and answered quietly, ‘Yes.’
She hesitated for a while and then muting the music from the player, spoke in a soft tone, ‘I want to know about your past…about that girl you loved once…’
Jai paused before answering, but there was no hesitation in his tone, ‘I still love her, Bani…my relationship with her is my past….not my love.’
Both touched by his loyalty to that girl and hurt by the fact that he did not seem to take account of her feelings, she said with false bravado, ‘Tell me everything…’
Jai kept driving in silence till they reached a slightly lonely spot and pulling his Car at the side of the road, killed the engine and looking at her said, ‘What I am going to tell you is not just the story of my past…it is also the story of my life…’
‘We met almost 18 months back…I had gone to her house to seek her sister’s hand in marriage…but ended up proposing to her…’
Suddenly lifted up from her melancholy mood, she widened her eyes and said, ‘What? You went to see her sister and proposed to her? Was she more beautiful and accomplished than her sister?’
Jai kept gazing at Bani’s curious face and biting his lip to hide his grin, replied, ‘On the contrary…she was everything that I had never, ever wanted in a life partner…talkative, stubborn, absent-minded, careless, aimless and totally disoriented.’
Bani looked even more wonder-struck and said, ‘Then how?’
Jai smiled and said, ‘When god decides to pair you up with someone, he doesn’t sit and match odds and evens, Bani…he just pairs you up! So anyway, we go engaged…but as it turned out…we were both so terribly unsuited to each other…that in a few days…our engagement was called off.’
Bani widened her eyes and said animatedly, ‘Oooh…that is terrible! But then how did you guys ever get together?’
Pursing his lips, Jai said with ironic humor, ‘Trust me…I have been trying to find an answer too!’
Amused by her eagerness to know her own story, Jai proceeded, ‘We met a few weeks after the engagement was called off…and for some inexplicable reason, we struck upon a friendship…and suddenly, it dawned upon me, that we weren’t as different as I thought we might be…’
Bani smiled in glee and said, ‘Wow…that sounds so cute…just like a fairytale…’
A mist of sadness came upon his eyes and said, ‘Yes…just like a fairytale. And gradually…what I thought was just friendship actually turned into love one day…I became insanely jealous of her relationship with her best friend, a guy who she looked upon as a brother…I accused her of many things and left her crying in the middle of the night, outside her house.’
Jai was so stuck by remorse, just recounting that incident, he couldn’t go on further, Bani kept a hand over his shoulder and said, ‘It happens you know...jealousy is also part of love…’
Jai looked at her, smiling and said, ‘She wasn’t so understanding as you are, Bani…because I got an earful the next day…but the day was saved…and before she could walk away from my life, I stopped her and declared my love…in full view, mind you…’
Bani laughed with delight and said, ‘Then?’
‘Then what…there was a lot of drama and confusion, whereby both our families got to know about our secret…and we became engaged again…’
Looking a bit confused, she said, ‘Everything sounds so nice…so beautiful…then what went wrong?’
Jai kept silent for some time and said slowly, ‘Destiny played its cards…’
He went on to recount the rest of their story to Bani, telling her all the moments of happiness and pain they had shared in the last one year…making her laugh uproariously on some and making her flush with embarssment when he described his first kiss with ‘that girl’ on the terrace of her own house, and made her cry unabasedly when he described his feelings as he last saw her at the Aiport, before leaving for New York.
Jai did not take any names, did not mention any of the places where they had been too, yet the story of his past touched a raw nerve in Bani’s heart and she wept silently as he ended with the sentence, ‘When I came back from New York, to marry her…she had already gone away from my life…’
Tears had filled both her eyes and biting her lips to stop herself from crying openly, she said, ‘Why didn’t you go and get her back, Jai? You obviously loved her so much…then why did you let her go?’
Jai faced her and looking into her eyes said, ‘You can’t keep fighting off life always, Bani…sometimes, you have to join in the flow…’
There were not many words between both of them, as he started the Car again and drove in silence. Bani wanted to desperately ask him about what he thought about her? Why did he intiate a relationship with her, when it was so apparent that he had not moved even an inch beyond his lost love? Was it just a fling for him? A mere attraction…some likeness that Bani possessed to that girl in his life? Why did Jai’s past affect her so deeply? Why did the feeling of being connected to him in some way, keep recurring to her?
Keeping a light hand over her chin, he wiped her tear strained cheeks with his fingers and asked, ‘So I have totally ruined the evening for you, right?’
She lifted her face to look at him and smiling faintly said, ‘No…ofcourse not…I am just really touched by all that you said to me…I…I just wished such a love had happened to me too…’
Jai kept looking at her in wonder and said, ‘You never know, Bani…what you say might just come true…’
She looked at him surprised and before she could open her mouth to say anything, he leaned forward and kissed her lightly on her lips and said, ‘The dinner must have turned into frozen food by now…lets go home!’
Bani couldn’t help smiling…he was so charming, flicking from sorrow to happiness in a moment’s notice, it seemed to have its desired effect on her too and she looked forward to the remainder of the evening, kind of relieved that she knew everything about his past.
Jai had said his home was a showcase, and she silently agreed as he turned the Car on to a tiled driveway fronting a magnificient double-storeyed residence that seemed far too large for one man alone.
Pale granite walls were reflected by the Car’s powerful headlights, their lines imposing and classically defined. At a touch of the remote control module the wide garage doors tilted upwards, and Jai brought the BMW to a smooth halt alongside a Black S-class Mercedes.
Minutes later Bani followed him into a large entrance foyer featuring a vaulted ceiling of tinted glass. A magnificent chandelier hung suspended from its centre, lending spaciousness and an abundance of light reflected by off-white walls and deep-piled cream-textured carpet. The central focus was a wide double staircase leading to the upper floor.
Wide glass-panelled doors stood open revealing an enormous lounge furnished with delicately carved antique furniture, and there were several carefully placed oil paintings gracing the wall, providing essential color.
‘Its beautiful,’ Bani breathed as Jai led her towards a tiled, concrete-plastered, whitewashed terrace, set off by several green plants. There was a lit-up Water fountain in the middle, where the water was crystal clear and deliciously cool. Bani challenged Jai to a race across the length of the Terrace, and he merely gave a tigerish laugh as he deliberately let her win. In retaliation she scooped up handfuls of wate and threw them at his chest, then shrieked when he pulled her into his arms.
For a moment she struggled, caught up in a playful game, then she slowly stilled her expression hesitantly serious.
There were so many things she wanted to say, words she needed to hear, yet she was strangely afraid to begin.
A slight edge of tension was evident beneath the surface of Jai’s control, and she looked at him in silence, her eyes wide and unblinking.
He lifted a hand and brushed a stray tentril of hair back behind her ear with incredible gentleness. His smile was warm and infinitely seductive, and she stood looking at him, seeing the strength of purpose etched on those dark arresting features, the passion evident in the depth of his eyes.
Hands gently turned her towards him, and she was powerless to evade the strong fingers that took hold of her chin and tilted her upwards.
The movement released her tears, and there was nothing she could do to prevent their slow trickling descent.
It was impossible that they might escape his attention; too much to hope for that the might choose not comment on their existence.
She looked at him, her head caught at a proud angle, its planes sharply defined, yet his profile was indistinct viewed through a watery mist that failed to dissipate no matter how often she blinked.
I’m caught in a trap, she thought, feeling incredibly sad. Bound within a silken web whose strands hold me prisoner as surely as if they were comprised of tensile steel.
Amusement was sadly lacking, and in its place was a depth she was almost afraid to analyze.
A finger traced one rivulet, and then followed the path of its twin. ‘Why?’
Fro all the dreams, the love I have to give; hope, eternity.
His voice was as soft as velvet, his breath warm as it fanned her cheek, and she closed her eyes against the featherlight touch of his lips at her temples, on her eyelids and finally her mouth.
It was seduction at its most dangerous, and she almost succumbed as he lifted her into his arms and took her in a strong embrace.
Gently he let her slide down to her feet.
‘Suppose you tell me what’s bothering you?’
Where could she begin? By saying she’d falled in love with him? A man she hardly knew for less than a fortnight. A man she knew was still in love with a woman he could never have. A slight tremor shook her fragile form at the thought of his telling her that he could never really get over the girl he had loved and lost.
‘I’m almost afraid to insist.’ There was an indefinable quality in his voice, a rawness that sent her lashes sweeping upward in swift disbelief.
Bani was aware of him watching every visible flicker of emotion, and she forced herself to breath steadily to deploy the deep thudding beat of her heart.
‘Please,’ Jai demanded gently, letting his hands slide up to cup her face.
Something she dared nto begin to believe might be hope stirred deep within. ‘I don’t think I can.’
His lips touched her with the lightness of a butterfly’s wing. ‘Try.’
Dares she? No matter how she voiced it, the words would sound hollow and confusing, and afterwards there could be no retraction, only expiation where mere explanation might not be enough.
‘Is…Is it possible to fall in love more than once?’ she faltered at last, unsure whether she had the courage to continue, and something she could have sworn was pain darkened his eyes.
There was a strained silence, and then Jai replied back, ‘Yes it is…provided it is the same person.’
The breath caught in her throat, then escaped a ragged expulsion as her features paled, and she actually swayed, fearing she might fall. Somehow the thought had been in the back of her mind…it kept recurring…he was so familiar…but how could this be possible?
Her emotions made her feel physically ill. ‘I’m leaving…’ she stammered and before he could react, Bani ran down the terrace leading to the house from the Terrace and kept running till she reached the gates and vanished in the darkness of the late evening.
Uday continued to sulk, while Jai seemed to be in a divine mood, refusing to share the secret of his new-found happiness with his Dad.
Uday gave one last try when he asked his son, ‘You have been mourning for the last 8 months…since…you left for New York…and now all of a sudden, in the last week, your life seems to have taken a U-turn!’
Jai was sitting with his legs sprawled on the couch in the living room of his Farmhouse, sipping a ghastly looking concotion of Wheat-grass and Aloe Vera Juice. Giving an amused look at his Father, he said, ‘Why are you so curious? Just be happy that I am happy…’
Irritated, Uday quipped back, ‘I am your Father…you shared everything with me…I have seen you go through the worst period of time since Bani’s accident, Jai…so, I am just eager to know, what has caused this change in you? Won’t you let me be a part of your happiness?’
Sensing that Uday had talked about Bani after a long time with him, Jai’s expression softened and he said, ‘First tell me, why didn’t you go and meet Bani after her accident? She was as much a daughter to you as I am your son…then how come you never went and met her even once…’
Uday’s shoulder’s slumped and getting a weary and sad look in his eyes he said, ‘I wanted to…I really wanted to…but everytime I made up my mind to go and meet her…my resolve would be weakened because of you.’
‘Me? Why?’
‘You two were going to get married…were so deeply in love…so happy…how could I face her without thinking about you, Jai…everytime I thought about Bani…it automatically made me think about your grief…about your loss…I still love her as much as I always did…but you are my son, Jai…and just like Kiran was rendered helpless in front of her child’s pain…so am I.’
Jai gave an affectionate look at his old father and putting his laptop and juice aside, went across to him and hugged him warmly.
‘I love you, Dad…’
‘Ho Hum…But you won’t tell me, what is giving you the 100-watt smile these days?’
Jai laughed and replied, ‘And you won’t let me live in peace till I tell you, right? Okay…don’t get hyper and all…but…its, well…it’s a girl.’
Uday had hardly expected this to be the reason of his son’s newfound happiness and responded in a startled manner, ‘What? A girl?’
Taken aback at his reaction, Jai said, half-amused, ‘Er…Yes. Why, did you want it to be a man, this time?’
Uday kept gaping at his son, who was laughing, looking at his Father’s expression and he said, ‘I…I never expected it, Jai…I thought you would never get over Ba…’ he left his sentence unfinished, suddenly feeling guilty for his reaction over Jai’s news.
Jai turned somber and said, ‘Did you want me to never get over, Bani?’
Uday kept quiet, looking at Jai’s face, which looked genuinely happy…and smiling slightly, said, ‘I wanted you to move on with your life, Jai…which parent would want to see their only child wallow in grief and loss? And I really thought that you had moved on…in the sense, that you had involved yourself so much in your work…’
Jai asked quietly, ‘You haven’t replied to my question, Dad.’
Uday heaved a deep sigh and said, ‘I adored that child like my own, Jai…and even though I put your happiness above everything else…a part of me always kept hoping that both my children would get together…’
He paused and added with a hollow laughter, ‘Blame this old man…I am an eternal optimist and a romantic…I always believed that God made you and Bani only for each other…and there was no other way to it…’
Jai had a moist look in his eyes, matching that of his Father, but before he could say anything, Uday put on a huge smile on his face and said, ‘But hey…I am so happy for you…so tell me all about this young woman…who is she, what’s her name, how does she look, where does she live, what does she do, her family, her background, her likes, her pet peeves…how long have you known each other…’
Jai stared wide-eyed at his Father for sometime, letting him finish and take a breather and said, ‘Wow…I had no idea that you were planning to write a thesis on my love life!’
Both Father and Son started laughing and somehow Jai managed to avoid telling Uday anything about Bani directly, telling him that they have just started out on a relationship and when things get serious, he will be the first one to know.
Kiran had called up Bani and given her a good sounding-off for disappearing out of the house and not taking enough rest. Bani put her at ease by starting a conversation on Rano, who was due to give birth any time now. She promised her sister that she would definitely come down to Chandigarh after the child was born.
Uday finally decided to go and meet Bani, thinking that since Jai had apparently moved on with his life and had actually met someone, there was no reason why he shouldn’t go and see Bani…at it is, she wouldn’t remember anything and he had really missed seeing her for the last couple of months since the accident.
Ringing the bell twice, he got no answer and wondered why no one was there at home. It had been raining heavily and by the time Uday had got off from the Car and trekked till the door, he was drenched quite a bit and mud was splattered in his favourite attire, knee-length Khakee shorts and a casual T-shirt, plus his bald patch hid by a cap.
Bani opened the door and giving an appraising look from head to toe, asked in a polite yet suspicious tone, ‘Yes?’
Uday kept looking at Bani, and affection swam into his eyes…she had become a daughter to him in the past few weeks before the accident, almost as beloved as his own son Jai and he was counting the days when she would come to their house as his son’s wife and his daughter-in-law.
Not hearing any response from him, Bani coughed and repeated, ‘Can I help you?’
Uday managed a thin smile and realizing that Bani had no remembrance of him, said, ‘I am a friend of Kiran, is she there?’
The needle of suspicion immediately went haywire and narrowing her eyes, she said in a slightly squeaky voice, ‘Friend of Ma?’ Before she could ask his name, Uday ventured inside, looking around and turning to face Bani, asked, ‘Isn’t Kiran there?’
Bani kept staring at him and said, ‘No…she’s gone to Chandigarh…Rano, my sister is due for a baby anytime.’
‘Oh! Yes…I had quite forgotton about it! How is Rano? When is the baby due?’
Bani gave a perfectoury remark and scowled a bit, as Uday made himself comfortable on the couch. Massi came in and got all flustered when she saw Uday, greeting him profusely and asking him what he would like to have.
Uday looked at Bani and said lovingly, ‘Why are you standing there, beta? Come sit with me. I haven’t seen you for such a long time. How is your health now?’
Bani sat on the far edge of the couch and answered grumpily, ‘I am quite fine now, thank you. But, er, I am sorry; I couldn’t get your name.’
Uday smiled genially and said, ‘You won’t remember me, I guess…I am your Uday Uncle.’
Bani’s eyes widened in complete horror and she all but jumped out of the couch and yelped, ‘What?’
Uday was taken aback by her reaction and said, ‘What happened, Bani?’
‘You…You are Uday Walia?’
Uday was genuinely surprised by the fact that she remembered his full name and said, ‘Yes dear…but how do you know? I thought you had forgotton everything…or that is what the Doctor had told us?’
Bani grimaced and said, ‘Why did the Doctor tell you about my condition?’
Not suspecting what was going on in Bani’s mind, he said, ‘Well…I am like family to your Mother and she wanted that I accompany her when the Doctor called us to give a prognosis on your health.’
Bani gave a rude snort and proceeded to ignore him, when Massi got snacks and tea.
Uday partook a Samosa and tentatively asked Bani, ‘Do you remember my son?’
Bani gave an insidious look and said, ‘You have a son also?’
Considerably taken aback, he said, ‘Ok, that about proves you don’t remember anything…so when is Kiran back?’
Proceeding to ignore his question, she kept glaring at him with animosity and said bitingly, ‘You are old…’
Uday laughed amiably at this comment, thinking that she had said it in good humor and replied back, ‘Bani, your Mother once told me that I am like fine wine…I keep getting better with age.’
Bani acidly replied back, ‘In that case, I recommend you should be locked in a Cellar for a few years!’
Gagging on the piece of Samosa, he looked at her for sometime and said softly, ‘Poor thing…it seems the accident has left a permanent injury on you. So you were telling me about Kiran’s return?’
Humphing some more, she said with ill grace, ‘I don’t know when she’ll be back…not until Rano di has the baby at least.’
‘Oh, so she is in Chandigarh. I was planning to go there for the weekend…I have a farmhouse there…Ja..’ Uday clipped his mouth before he could utter Jai’s name.
Bani sulked somemore and said, ‘Now you are going all the way to Chandigarh to meet Ma? She is staying with my sister’s in-laws…what will they think?’
Not in the least guessing what was going on in Bani’s mind, he said, ‘Oh, I know Ranveer’s father quite well…we met during your sister’s wedding…infact, we are quite a threesome…your Mother, him and me.’
Bani’s face was horror-struck and she gasped out, ‘Threesome? Oh My God!’ faint

Trying to take some control of herself, she spluttered out in disgust, ‘My mother loves my father, even today.’
Confused at why Bani had said this all of a sudden, he remarked back, warmly, ‘Oh, I am sure she does, beta…even I love my wife a lot.’
‘So? Doesn’t she object…you know to your…your…fraternizing…’
Uday looked a bit baffled on what Bani was talking about, but assuming that she was referring to retaining his friendship even in his old age, he looked heaven upwards and said wistfully, ‘Oh, I am sure she has enough company of her own…we are really very happy for each other.’ :whistling

Bani all but threw up in shock and disgust and making a wry face, refused to converse with Uday, till he took leave after a while, asking Bani if she wanted to send anything to her Mother in Chandigarh, as he was going there in the next two days.
She would have sulked some more over what she was now convinced was a full-blown affair between ‘Buddha’ and her ‘poor mother’, but for Jai’s phone, when he called her for his surprise.
Blushing and full of excitement, Bani dressed up painstakingly, selecting an elegant slim-fitting off-the-shoulder salwar kameez in deep sapphire blue, she teamed it with black stiletto-heeled shoes, even though she knew that walking in them would be a nightmare, tended to her make-up with care, not wanting to look like a circus clown but at the same time, not wanting to appear as if she didn’t pay any attention to her grooming, then brushed her waist length hair into its customary smooth bell before adding a generous touch of Van Cleef & Arpels’ Gem to several pulsebeats. Her only added jewellery was a diamond pendant, matching earstuds and bracelet…all fake, but still, it made her look divine.
At five minutes to six she checked last-minute details with Aditya, who confirmed that he had to stay back late for a client dinner, brushed a fleeting kiss to Mango’s forehead, set up a pack of lies for Massi, and then moved towards the lounge of her house, aware of a gnawing nervousness in the pit of her stomach with every step she took.
Now that she was faced with seeing him again, that too for a very formal date, she began to wonder if she was slightly mad to toy with a stranger, that too of Jai’s caliber. He undoubtedly was mature, experienced and so maddeningly attractive, that she felt her knees go weak, even if he smiled casually at her. And that kiss in the Car…it was more than a week since that incident and Bani couldn’t get her mind off it…her first kiss…but it felt as if she had experienced that bitter-sweet smell somewhere before…the warmth of his touch had sent such delibilating sensations all over her body…but still it had felt familiar…there were so many questions she wanted to ask Jai…about his past…about that girl he was still so obviously in love with…about why he ever fell for someone so ordinary like her…about that picture in Rano’s marriage album, that bore a striking resemblance to him.
All those thoughts, dispelled away in a flurry, for just as she reached the gates, there was the soft sound of car tyres on the road outside followed almost immediately by the muted clunk of a car door closing.
At once she was conscious of an elevated nervous tension, and it took every ounce of courage to move forward and open the door.
Standing in its aperture, Jai looked the epitome of male sophistication attired in a formal dark suit. Exuding more than his fair share of dynamic masculinity, he had an element of tensile steel beneath the polite veneer, a formidableness and snese of purpose that was daunting.
‘Bani’ his voice was almost a whisper as he gazed at her, his eyes shining with admiration, making her blush furiously.
Just a glance at the sensual curve of his mouth was enough to remember how it felt to be positively absorbed by the man, for no one in their wildest imagination could term what they had shared last time to as merely a kiss.
She passed a self-concious smile and lowering her head, preceded him to the car, allowing him to reach forward and open the door, and she slid into the passenger seat, aware of his close proximity seconds later as he slipped in behind the wheel and set the large vehicle in motion.
‘Where are we dining?’ As a conversational gambit, it was sadly lacking in originality, but anything was better than silence, Bani decided wildly as they joined the flow of traffic leading into the main city.
‘My home.’
She turned towards him in thinly veiled astonishment. ‘What?’
One eyebrow quirked in visible amusement as the lights changed, and he eased the car forward. ‘Don’t panic…I have just turned a Vegetarian, so you are definitely not going to be my dinner tonight…’
Bani stared at him, then burst out into a short laughter, but only till, he added with wicked delight, ‘Dessert maybe…but definitely not main-course!’ :whistling
Flushing crimson in both cheeks, she kept quiet, wondering if her bravery in venturing out with a man, she knew for a total of 17 days was such a great decision or not.
She closed her eyes, then slowly opened them seconds later. It was the only defence she had in masking the incredible tumult of emotions she was harbouring inside her. It was not too late, she could tell him to take the Car back and drop her home, or better still, just open the door and walk out, never to see him again…but what was that force, which almost willed her to go along with him, regardless of the risk?
As if he sensed her inner battle, he slid a CD into the player, and she leaned back against the headrest, her eyes fixed on the tall office buildings and the wide sweep of traffic.
‘If I ask you something, will you answer me?’
Jai turned to face her, keeping every emotion out of his eyes and answered quietly, ‘Yes.’
She hesitated for a while and then muting the music from the player, spoke in a soft tone, ‘I want to know about your past…about that girl you loved once…’
Jai paused before answering, but there was no hesitation in his tone, ‘I still love her, Bani…my relationship with her is my past….not my love.’
Both touched by his loyalty to that girl and hurt by the fact that he did not seem to take account of her feelings, she said with false bravado, ‘Tell me everything…’
Jai kept driving in silence till they reached a slightly lonely spot and pulling his Car at the side of the road, killed the engine and looking at her said, ‘What I am going to tell you is not just the story of my past…it is also the story of my life…’
‘We met almost 18 months back…I had gone to her house to seek her sister’s hand in marriage…but ended up proposing to her…’
Suddenly lifted up from her melancholy mood, she widened her eyes and said, ‘What? You went to see her sister and proposed to her? Was she more beautiful and accomplished than her sister?’
Jai kept gazing at Bani’s curious face and biting his lip to hide his grin, replied, ‘On the contrary…she was everything that I had never, ever wanted in a life partner…talkative, stubborn, absent-minded, careless, aimless and totally disoriented.’
Bani looked even more wonder-struck and said, ‘Then how?’
Jai smiled and said, ‘When god decides to pair you up with someone, he doesn’t sit and match odds and evens, Bani…he just pairs you up! So anyway, we go engaged…but as it turned out…we were both so terribly unsuited to each other…that in a few days…our engagement was called off.’
Bani widened her eyes and said animatedly, ‘Oooh…that is terrible! But then how did you guys ever get together?’
Pursing his lips, Jai said with ironic humor, ‘Trust me…I have been trying to find an answer too!’
Amused by her eagerness to know her own story, Jai proceeded, ‘We met a few weeks after the engagement was called off…and for some inexplicable reason, we struck upon a friendship…and suddenly, it dawned upon me, that we weren’t as different as I thought we might be…’
Bani smiled in glee and said, ‘Wow…that sounds so cute…just like a fairytale…’
A mist of sadness came upon his eyes and said, ‘Yes…just like a fairytale. And gradually…what I thought was just friendship actually turned into love one day…I became insanely jealous of her relationship with her best friend, a guy who she looked upon as a brother…I accused her of many things and left her crying in the middle of the night, outside her house.’
Jai was so stuck by remorse, just recounting that incident, he couldn’t go on further, Bani kept a hand over his shoulder and said, ‘It happens you know...jealousy is also part of love…’
Jai looked at her, smiling and said, ‘She wasn’t so understanding as you are, Bani…because I got an earful the next day…but the day was saved…and before she could walk away from my life, I stopped her and declared my love…in full view, mind you…’
Bani laughed with delight and said, ‘Then?’
‘Then what…there was a lot of drama and confusion, whereby both our families got to know about our secret…and we became engaged again…’
Looking a bit confused, she said, ‘Everything sounds so nice…so beautiful…then what went wrong?’
Jai kept silent for some time and said slowly, ‘Destiny played its cards…’
He went on to recount the rest of their story to Bani, telling her all the moments of happiness and pain they had shared in the last one year…making her laugh uproariously on some and making her flush with embarssment when he described his first kiss with ‘that girl’ on the terrace of her own house, and made her cry unabasedly when he described his feelings as he last saw her at the Aiport, before leaving for New York.
Jai did not take any names, did not mention any of the places where they had been too, yet the story of his past touched a raw nerve in Bani’s heart and she wept silently as he ended with the sentence, ‘When I came back from New York, to marry her…she had already gone away from my life…’
Tears had filled both her eyes and biting her lips to stop herself from crying openly, she said, ‘Why didn’t you go and get her back, Jai? You obviously loved her so much…then why did you let her go?’
Jai faced her and looking into her eyes said, ‘You can’t keep fighting off life always, Bani…sometimes, you have to join in the flow…’
There were not many words between both of them, as he started the Car again and drove in silence. Bani wanted to desperately ask him about what he thought about her? Why did he intiate a relationship with her, when it was so apparent that he had not moved even an inch beyond his lost love? Was it just a fling for him? A mere attraction…some likeness that Bani possessed to that girl in his life? Why did Jai’s past affect her so deeply? Why did the feeling of being connected to him in some way, keep recurring to her?
Keeping a light hand over her chin, he wiped her tear strained cheeks with his fingers and asked, ‘So I have totally ruined the evening for you, right?’
She lifted her face to look at him and smiling faintly said, ‘No…ofcourse not…I am just really touched by all that you said to me…I…I just wished such a love had happened to me too…’
Jai kept looking at her in wonder and said, ‘You never know, Bani…what you say might just come true…’
She looked at him surprised and before she could open her mouth to say anything, he leaned forward and kissed her lightly on her lips and said, ‘The dinner must have turned into frozen food by now…lets go home!’
Bani couldn’t help smiling…he was so charming, flicking from sorrow to happiness in a moment’s notice, it seemed to have its desired effect on her too and she looked forward to the remainder of the evening, kind of relieved that she knew everything about his past.
Jai had said his home was a showcase, and she silently agreed as he turned the Car on to a tiled driveway fronting a magnificient double-storeyed residence that seemed far too large for one man alone.
Pale granite walls were reflected by the Car’s powerful headlights, their lines imposing and classically defined. At a touch of the remote control module the wide garage doors tilted upwards, and Jai brought the BMW to a smooth halt alongside a Black S-class Mercedes.
Minutes later Bani followed him into a large entrance foyer featuring a vaulted ceiling of tinted glass. A magnificent chandelier hung suspended from its centre, lending spaciousness and an abundance of light reflected by off-white walls and deep-piled cream-textured carpet. The central focus was a wide double staircase leading to the upper floor.
Wide glass-panelled doors stood open revealing an enormous lounge furnished with delicately carved antique furniture, and there were several carefully placed oil paintings gracing the wall, providing essential color.
‘Its beautiful,’ Bani breathed as Jai led her towards a tiled, concrete-plastered, whitewashed terrace, set off by several green plants. There was a lit-up Water fountain in the middle, where the water was crystal clear and deliciously cool. Bani challenged Jai to a race across the length of the Terrace, and he merely gave a tigerish laugh as he deliberately let her win. In retaliation she scooped up handfuls of wate and threw them at his chest, then shrieked when he pulled her into his arms.
For a moment she struggled, caught up in a playful game, then she slowly stilled her expression hesitantly serious.
There were so many things she wanted to say, words she needed to hear, yet she was strangely afraid to begin.
A slight edge of tension was evident beneath the surface of Jai’s control, and she looked at him in silence, her eyes wide and unblinking.
He lifted a hand and brushed a stray tentril of hair back behind her ear with incredible gentleness. His smile was warm and infinitely seductive, and she stood looking at him, seeing the strength of purpose etched on those dark arresting features, the passion evident in the depth of his eyes.
Hands gently turned her towards him, and she was powerless to evade the strong fingers that took hold of her chin and tilted her upwards.
The movement released her tears, and there was nothing she could do to prevent their slow trickling descent.
It was impossible that they might escape his attention; too much to hope for that the might choose not comment on their existence.
She looked at him, her head caught at a proud angle, its planes sharply defined, yet his profile was indistinct viewed through a watery mist that failed to dissipate no matter how often she blinked.
I’m caught in a trap, she thought, feeling incredibly sad. Bound within a silken web whose strands hold me prisoner as surely as if they were comprised of tensile steel.
Amusement was sadly lacking, and in its place was a depth she was almost afraid to analyze.
A finger traced one rivulet, and then followed the path of its twin. ‘Why?’
Fro all the dreams, the love I have to give; hope, eternity.
His voice was as soft as velvet, his breath warm as it fanned her cheek, and she closed her eyes against the featherlight touch of his lips at her temples, on her eyelids and finally her mouth.
It was seduction at its most dangerous, and she almost succumbed as he lifted her into his arms and took her in a strong embrace.
Gently he let her slide down to her feet.
‘Suppose you tell me what’s bothering you?’
Where could she begin? By saying she’d falled in love with him? A man she hardly knew for less than a fortnight. A man she knew was still in love with a woman he could never have. A slight tremor shook her fragile form at the thought of his telling her that he could never really get over the girl he had loved and lost.
‘I’m almost afraid to insist.’ There was an indefinable quality in his voice, a rawness that sent her lashes sweeping upward in swift disbelief.
Bani was aware of him watching every visible flicker of emotion, and she forced herself to breath steadily to deploy the deep thudding beat of her heart.
‘Please,’ Jai demanded gently, letting his hands slide up to cup her face.
Something she dared nto begin to believe might be hope stirred deep within. ‘I don’t think I can.’
His lips touched her with the lightness of a butterfly’s wing. ‘Try.’
Dares she? No matter how she voiced it, the words would sound hollow and confusing, and afterwards there could be no retraction, only expiation where mere explanation might not be enough.
‘Is…Is it possible to fall in love more than once?’ she faltered at last, unsure whether she had the courage to continue, and something she could have sworn was pain darkened his eyes.
There was a strained silence, and then Jai replied back, ‘Yes it is…provided it is the same person.’
The breath caught in her throat, then escaped a ragged expulsion as her features paled, and she actually swayed, fearing she might fall. Somehow the thought had been in the back of her mind…it kept recurring…he was so familiar…but how could this be possible?
Her emotions made her feel physically ill. ‘I’m leaving…’ she stammered and before he could react, Bani ran down the terrace leading to the house from the Terrace and kept running till she reached the gates and vanished in the darkness of the late evening.
Part 33
When Jai broke out of the trance he had been captured in, the realization that Bani had ventured into the dark night all by her own hit him with force and in a blink of an eye, he followed her all the way out of his rambling house and into the road.
Jai hadn’t got very far, when he heard a sobbing sound emanating from the darkness, getting frantic and panicky; he called out her name in desperation.
‘Bani…Bani…where are you?’ Running his hand violently through his thick hair, he saw her sitting on the pavement, underneath a lamppost, one of her stilettos in her hand and the other one lying carelessly on the ground.
His hand came out to take her arm. Clearly he intended to go with her, back into his house, where he could do what he wanted to…everything was falling clearly in place.
With a desperate cry she dragged her arm free, the force of her movement making her take several steps away from him.
‘Don’t touch me! I don’t want you with me – Jai or whoever you are…’
Her voice failed her, the words shriveling on her tongue as she saw the savage grief and anger that darkened Jai’s face, the terrifying flash of his eyes in the moonlight.
‘Bani, please let me explain…’
She moved even further, tears streaming down her face and she quivered in anger and fear, ‘Explain? Explain what? That you weaved an entirely imaginative story and fed it to me…that I fell for you like a complete fool and let you take advantage of me? You knew about my memory loss…I told you about it myself…and that is why you came up with this fairytale romance, isn’t it?’
Jai looked so anguished with shock and pain, when he realized what Bani was thinking, that words failed to come up any further.
‘I thought I could trust you…that is why I told you all about my past…’ her voice softened and tears seemed to still in her eyes as she said in a whisper, ‘I thought I had fallen in love with you…with a stranger…because you felt so close…so familiar…’
Bani went on, crying unabashedly and said angrily, ‘You are a liar…a cheat…a psychopath…and god knows what! All that you said is a lie…if anything that you said had happened to me in the last year…my family would have been the first one to tell me about it…my mother…my sister…my uncle…they would have never hidden this big a truth from me.’
Jai kept looking at her, unmindful of the few passer-byes who stared at their direction, since Bani looked completely disheveled and worn-out.
She glared at him ferosiouly and said in a low, bitter voice, ‘I hate you.’
Unable to take it anymore, Jai fell down on the road, collapsing on the pavement, broke down crying, burying his face in the palms of his hands.
Bani was so shocked by his reaction that it instantly dried her tears and she kept staring at his racking figure…at the very moment, heartbroken by the sight of Jai crying and at her own anger and despair, on what she assumed was a big hoax.
Without waiting anymore, Bani flung her head desperately to see if she could find a cab or auto to go back home, she felt herself going mad, if she stayed even a minute longer with Jai in front of her eyes.
A Cab finally stopped in the lane and without giving a second look back at Jai, who was still collapsed on the ground, she pushed herself inside it and told him to drive her back to her home.
Crying all the way back, she completely ignored the Cab Driver’s bewildered look and constant questioning about why she was crying so much. Handing him the money and not bothering to take the change, she almost ran back home, clutching her one sandal in her hand, the other one having been abandoned in the road, near Jai’s house.
Massi met with her, as she was rushing upstairs to her room, to cry her heart out and banish all thoughts of ever chancing upon Jai, when she said, ‘Arre beta, upar kahan jaa rahi hain…maine abhi Cockroach maarne waali daawai chidki hai tere kamre main…2 ghante tak kisi bhi bedroom main nahin jaana….’
Bringing her tears to a very hard stop, she answered Massi’s question about having dinner in a perfectoury manner and listlessly wandered around the home, desperate to have some time to herself and cry her heart out. She wanted a cloistered space, with no one intruding upon it and automatically she walked down the stairs and straight inside Aditya’s old studio. The keys for the room were still hanging outside the doors and she opened the room, which smelled musty and damp, because of the rains and months of neglect it had been subjected to.
There was no place to sit that wasn’t covered in dust, but not caring one bit, Bani closed the door of the Studio and collapsed on the floor, burying her head in between her knees and sobbing in a heartwrenching manner.
She did not know what was causing her so much heart-ache, so much misery. The fact that she had so foolishly rushed into an affair with a man she hardly knew, or the fact that a lingering thought in the corner of her mind told her that all she had heard the evening before was actually the truth.
Cold fear crept her heart and alternated with desperation and confusion, where she regarded Jai as being some sort of a deprived psychopath who had chanced upon her as an easy prey and she had, like the biggest fool on earth, fallen for his brooding intensity and the aura of gloom that always pervaded his eyes.
But then she regarded the last few times she had met him…even with her limited knowledge of human character, she could sense the difference between right and wrong, she always could. And a sixth sense told her, that Jai was genuine…that all he had said was the truth…and then that picture she had seen in the album…but in the mystery that shrouded her mind, she could not be sure, if he was the same person or she had just imagined him to be the same person, only because she was getting attracted to Jai.
And besides, the biggest fact that was staring her in her eyes was her family’s role in this. How come they had hidden such a big truth from her, after her memory loss, when they had recounted each and every detail starting from Rano’s engagement till the day she had been injured in the blast. Bani could not believe that her Mother and Sister could ever hold back a truth of this proportion from her deliberately and hence whatever Jai had told her was a complete fabrication, a lie, intentionally told to dupe her into a relationship with him.
Wiping off the prespiration and tears with the edge of her duppata, Bani got up wearily, deciding to go to the living room and lie down on the couch, she was feeling so torn apart, so tired and so confused, only sleep could ease her out of this dilemma.
She was about to leave, when the edge of her sequined duppata caught something, turning behind, she saw it was a cardboard box and it had been entangled in the rough edges of it. Going near by, she freed the cloth and was struck by what was written on it – Bani (Personal).
Blinking her eyes, she fingered the box and wondered what on earth could it contain and who had put her stuff in the studio, where no one ever went…
She tried to open the box, but it seemed to have been closed firmly with a lot of tape stuck all around it, making it impossible for her to even budge it a little bit. Curiosity got the better of her now and searching frantically for a sharp edged thing to rip apart the tape, she found one rusted, knife cutter lying amongst Aditya’s clitter-clatter parenphernalia.
When she had torn apart all the duct tape, she hesitated a bit…remembering the old English story of Pandora’s Box…and wondered what could be inside it, that related to her.
To her disappointment, there were just a whole lot of old newspapers and some magazines which were piled up, making her surprised as to why anyone would put junk labeled in her name in the studio. Her mother was an excellent housekeeper and made sure that everything was spic-span and organized and hence it striked odd, that she would put old newspaper and magazines in a box, label it in Bani’s name and put it in oblivion in the Studio.
Taking out all the newspaper and magazines one by one, she discovered a bundle wrapped in cloth and protected by cellophane. Her heart almost missed a beat, as she took out the slightly heavy bundle and sat on the dusty floor alongwith it.
Opening the neatly wrapped package, she chanced upon the last one year of her life.
She stared wide-eyed and shocked, when photographs, letters, notes, memorablia’s and small gifts came tumbling out.
With shaking hands, Bani picked up the first letter that came in her hands…
‘Happy Birthday Bani!
So today you turn 21…wow…finally a big girl! Thanks for inviting me for the party…I’m sorry, I was so preoccupied in the morning…couldn’t pay attention to you…but hey, I made it to the party, alright!
The rest of the words were a blur for her, as she went from one letter to another…all marked to her…from one gift to another, all inscribed with her name…from one picture to another…all with her in them…
And in each and every thing that came in front of her eyes, alongside her, was Jai.
In the many notes and letters written by him, in the pictures alongside her, in a watch, that had her initials alongside his, inscribed on the dial, in the empty bottle of a perfume which had her name along with him printed on it, in the silver frame, that had her laughing picture alongside his smiling one…looking so madly and so happily in love…in the innumerous wrappers of chocolates and candies…that had clearly been gifted with love from him and kept lovingly by her.
She almost gasped when she saw a picture of herself alongside Jai, in what appeared to be a background of her college, which wore a festive look. She was smiling happily at the Camera and Jai had made a V sign on top of her head. What had shocked her was the attire he was in…Navy Blue Sweatshirt with Harvard written on it in bold words and a pair of Khakhi trousers. His hair was tousled carelessly and a pair of golden aviator Raybans were held up high on his head.
No wonder she had been so thrown aback when she had seen him coming out of his Car at their Museum date…even the Car on which they were both leaning for the picture, was the same that he drove now.
The next picture which shook her badly was the one that had been taken at her engagement, it seemed. Dressed in a pink leghenga and holding a brilliant expression on her face, she was pictured looking happily at the rock-sized ring on her finger, which was exactly the same that the nurse had given her…the sight of which had made her Mother go pale and white.
When she saw another picture, she almost laughed out loud…she was lying with her face down a tureen of soup…something made her very sure, that it had been clicked as a practical joke by none other than him…then there was one that made her extremely surprised, dressed in a grandma bathing suit in blue and pink, she was standing near a huge swimming pool with Jai pictured inside the water, laughing at her direction...the place looked so familiar too...until it stuck her that it was the same club where she had met Jai for the second time in the last fews days of knowing him.
Then there were a couple of pictures of her last birthday…everyone was there…but her eyes only searched for the one person whom she wanted to find…and there he was, posing reluctantly alongside a shy and smiling Bani…and there was one where she was apparently feeding a piece of cake to him…and someone had captured that moment…
Bani did not know for how long she had been in the Studio room, with everything spread around her…including the missing picture from Rano’s wedding album, along with many more from the Wedding...the joy of togetherness and the feeling of love was so apparent, in each and every picture that had Jai and her in them...
So what he said was true…he was her past…the man she had loved and lost and found again…the last one year of her life…the person with who she had shared such a special bond of love and loyalty…the man who had been erased out of her memory for ever.
A fresh batch of tears formed in her eyes, but they were not of grief or pain, but of the happiness that captured her whole self…to have loved someone so deeply, twice in one lifetime, could only be called as God’s blessing…nothing else could describe it.
It wasn’t hard to get back at Jai’s Farmhouse, since she had found his address all over the things that had tumbled out of the Pandora’s Box, as she now referred to it. Stacking everything neatly, she had closed the box and ventured out, telling Massi that she was retiring to her room and was not be disturbed. Not that she could have cared for anyone in the world stopping her tonight.
Coincidentally, it was the same Cabby who had dropped her from Jai’s farmhouse to her own house and he looked thoroughly baffled at the drastic change of mood in his passenger of a few hours before. It was close to ten at night, when she handed the fare to the Cabby and pushing open the wrot iron gates of the Farmhouse, walked along the dark lawns into the main house, which was too shrouded in darkness as the night.
A sudden fear gripped her heart. What if Jai refused to speak to her? What if he tell her to go away from his life for not trusting him enough? What if she loses him again? Even though she still did not have any personal recollection of her past…all that she had just seen was enough for her to believe that Jai was indeed the love of her life…and it finally dawned why she kept having these premonitions about him whenever she saw him.
She treaded with soft steps on the porch and tried to open the door softly, but the Oak door was too heavy for that and she had to push it forefully to let herself in. The living room was still and dark, with only the dim light from outside making visibility possible.
‘Jai…Jai…’ she called out, with a shaky voice and not getting any response, she continued walking in the dark, holding the furniture to avoid bumping.
When she reached what seemed to be the stairs, she walked up tentatively, still calling out her name in whipers, while tears involuntarily flowed from her eyes.
Suddenly losing balance in the dark, she tumbled on the stairs and fell down, but only till a pair of strong, capable hands held her gently by her waist and lifted them from the doom that was about to come upon her.
She gasped in fear at the accident that had been averted and then in the shock of being rescued in the nick of time.
His arms were suddenly as tight as a vice around her, crushing up against the hard wall of his chest, and she clung to his warmth and strength, strangely grateful for the painful power of his grip that seemed so counterbalance the agony inside her. For the first time in days she felt as if there was still something left in the world, something firm and dependable, someone she could share her loss with. She could hear Jai’s heart beating strongly under her cheek, the scent of his body was all around her, and instinctively she curled her own arms about his waist, holding him almost as tightly as he held her.
Immediately something changed. Jai’s grip on her loosened, becoming more gentle, and one hand slid up to cradle her cheek as he turned her face towards his, wiping out the lone tear that trickled down her cheek and before she could open her mouth to say something, to apologize, he hushed her, but putting his finger on her lip.
The next moment he was kissing her, his lips snatching gently and softly at her face as if in longing and desperation and yet with the relief that finally comes when the wait of a lifetime is over. After a stunned second’s shock, Bani found she was responding, kissing him back with fervour and passion and needing this contact, this closeness.
Their mouths crushed together, bruising, demanding, as if by the sheer force of their kisses they could obliterate the pain and isolation of the past few months, when they had been torn apart by fate. Bani’s hands were in Jai’s hair, twisting in the midnight-dark strands, holding him closer, because he could never be close enough.
Lifting her in his arms with a calm deftness, he took her towards her room, shuting the door with the push of his leg and put her gently down on the bed.
Just when Jai’s hands moved to her body, she could never have said, only becoming aware of their urgent caresses as a heightening of her own need, intensifying the frenzy of longing that seemed to be burning her up the way a forest fire raged through drought-parched woodland, destroying the emptiness inside her. Hands that were clumsy with desperation and anguish tugged at the bottom of his shirt, her only thought that she needed to touch him, feel theliving warmth of his skin against her own.
Only then would she feel free of the burden of despair she had carried with her for the past few months. She was so intent on what she was doing that she barely heeded the fact that her own clothes had been wrenched away, the fabric ripping in Jai’s rough haste.
She felt Jai’s hands all over her body, his lips trailing a path of fire over her, feeling the whirlwind of sensation that assailed her, the spirallign crescendo of desire that was so sharp, it was almost a pain. She wanted him as she had never wanted anything in her whole life, needed to know, through him, that life could still go on, that she could still feel, and she knew a sense of perfect righteness when Jai’s voice, thick and rough, echoed her own thoughts…
Encased in his right arm, she had rested her head on his chest, taking in the rhthymic beating of his heart and smiling slightly to herself. He definitely did not seem as flustered or worn out as she was, which made her grin for some reason and she soaked up his warmth and scent, devouring each moment of pos-coital bliss as she had experienced the moment of becoming one with him a few minutes earlier.
Lifting her head, she reached upto his face and gazed at his closed eyes, though she knew he was not sleeping. Sensing the reaction, he opened her eyes and looked at her flushed, happy face. Looking into Jai’s drawn face, feeling that she would do anything to wipe the uncertainity from his eyes, ease the tension in his taut muscles, Bani kenw that she had finally and irrevocably fallen in love with Jai. Twice in her life…she had fallen in love with the one and only person that God had chosen only for her.
‘I love you, Jai…’ was all that she said, easing out any doubts or fears that might have sprung up in Jai’s heart, there was no need for any explanations or questions…everything was crystal clear…
Jai’s face broke into a moist smile and he moved to kiss her, his lips coming down on her with a soft, undemanding tenderness that made her head spin and turned her bones into water so that she swayed against him on a sigh of pure delight.
‘I love you too…more than ever before now, Bani…’ Jai murmured his breath warm against her cheek and Bani blushed, radiant with joy and new found happiness.
Jai kissed her again, but this time the gentle kiss and the softness of his caresses were not enough for both of them. Her body was coming alive under his touch, sending the blood pulsing through her veins, and his careful control was not at all what she wanted. With a small impatient sound, she nestled closer, linking her arms around his neck and deepening the kiss herself.
They made love a second time and a long while later, when she finally drifted back to reality, it was to find that, to her astonishment, her cheeks were wet with tears of joy, tears she had no recollection of having shed. As her breathing gradually became even again, and her heart eased from its frantic pouding, Jai stirred at her side, lifting his dark head to smile deep inot her eyes.
‘Twice in one night…your Mother is going to send me to the slaughter house, if she ever comes to know of this…’
Taken by astonishment at his words and then the humor in them, Bani threw her head back in delighted laughter, joined in by Jai, who embraced her in a warm hug and brought her crashing back onto his chest, where she drifted into a deep, relaxed sleep for the remainder of the night.
Author's Note : The next part will see the story coming to its Chandigarh! Where Jai and Bani will confront their respective parents, disclosing their affair and asking questions about 'theirs'! :whistling
When Jai broke out of the trance he had been captured in, the realization that Bani had ventured into the dark night all by her own hit him with force and in a blink of an eye, he followed her all the way out of his rambling house and into the road.
Jai hadn’t got very far, when he heard a sobbing sound emanating from the darkness, getting frantic and panicky; he called out her name in desperation.
‘Bani…Bani…where are you?’ Running his hand violently through his thick hair, he saw her sitting on the pavement, underneath a lamppost, one of her stilettos in her hand and the other one lying carelessly on the ground.
His hand came out to take her arm. Clearly he intended to go with her, back into his house, where he could do what he wanted to…everything was falling clearly in place.
With a desperate cry she dragged her arm free, the force of her movement making her take several steps away from him.
‘Don’t touch me! I don’t want you with me – Jai or whoever you are…’
Her voice failed her, the words shriveling on her tongue as she saw the savage grief and anger that darkened Jai’s face, the terrifying flash of his eyes in the moonlight.
‘Bani, please let me explain…’
She moved even further, tears streaming down her face and she quivered in anger and fear, ‘Explain? Explain what? That you weaved an entirely imaginative story and fed it to me…that I fell for you like a complete fool and let you take advantage of me? You knew about my memory loss…I told you about it myself…and that is why you came up with this fairytale romance, isn’t it?’
Jai looked so anguished with shock and pain, when he realized what Bani was thinking, that words failed to come up any further.
‘I thought I could trust you…that is why I told you all about my past…’ her voice softened and tears seemed to still in her eyes as she said in a whisper, ‘I thought I had fallen in love with you…with a stranger…because you felt so close…so familiar…’
Bani went on, crying unabashedly and said angrily, ‘You are a liar…a cheat…a psychopath…and god knows what! All that you said is a lie…if anything that you said had happened to me in the last year…my family would have been the first one to tell me about it…my mother…my sister…my uncle…they would have never hidden this big a truth from me.’
Jai kept looking at her, unmindful of the few passer-byes who stared at their direction, since Bani looked completely disheveled and worn-out.
She glared at him ferosiouly and said in a low, bitter voice, ‘I hate you.’
Unable to take it anymore, Jai fell down on the road, collapsing on the pavement, broke down crying, burying his face in the palms of his hands.
Bani was so shocked by his reaction that it instantly dried her tears and she kept staring at his racking figure…at the very moment, heartbroken by the sight of Jai crying and at her own anger and despair, on what she assumed was a big hoax.
Without waiting anymore, Bani flung her head desperately to see if she could find a cab or auto to go back home, she felt herself going mad, if she stayed even a minute longer with Jai in front of her eyes.
A Cab finally stopped in the lane and without giving a second look back at Jai, who was still collapsed on the ground, she pushed herself inside it and told him to drive her back to her home.
Crying all the way back, she completely ignored the Cab Driver’s bewildered look and constant questioning about why she was crying so much. Handing him the money and not bothering to take the change, she almost ran back home, clutching her one sandal in her hand, the other one having been abandoned in the road, near Jai’s house.
Massi met with her, as she was rushing upstairs to her room, to cry her heart out and banish all thoughts of ever chancing upon Jai, when she said, ‘Arre beta, upar kahan jaa rahi hain…maine abhi Cockroach maarne waali daawai chidki hai tere kamre main…2 ghante tak kisi bhi bedroom main nahin jaana….’
Bringing her tears to a very hard stop, she answered Massi’s question about having dinner in a perfectoury manner and listlessly wandered around the home, desperate to have some time to herself and cry her heart out. She wanted a cloistered space, with no one intruding upon it and automatically she walked down the stairs and straight inside Aditya’s old studio. The keys for the room were still hanging outside the doors and she opened the room, which smelled musty and damp, because of the rains and months of neglect it had been subjected to.
There was no place to sit that wasn’t covered in dust, but not caring one bit, Bani closed the door of the Studio and collapsed on the floor, burying her head in between her knees and sobbing in a heartwrenching manner.
She did not know what was causing her so much heart-ache, so much misery. The fact that she had so foolishly rushed into an affair with a man she hardly knew, or the fact that a lingering thought in the corner of her mind told her that all she had heard the evening before was actually the truth.
Cold fear crept her heart and alternated with desperation and confusion, where she regarded Jai as being some sort of a deprived psychopath who had chanced upon her as an easy prey and she had, like the biggest fool on earth, fallen for his brooding intensity and the aura of gloom that always pervaded his eyes.
But then she regarded the last few times she had met him…even with her limited knowledge of human character, she could sense the difference between right and wrong, she always could. And a sixth sense told her, that Jai was genuine…that all he had said was the truth…and then that picture she had seen in the album…but in the mystery that shrouded her mind, she could not be sure, if he was the same person or she had just imagined him to be the same person, only because she was getting attracted to Jai.
And besides, the biggest fact that was staring her in her eyes was her family’s role in this. How come they had hidden such a big truth from her, after her memory loss, when they had recounted each and every detail starting from Rano’s engagement till the day she had been injured in the blast. Bani could not believe that her Mother and Sister could ever hold back a truth of this proportion from her deliberately and hence whatever Jai had told her was a complete fabrication, a lie, intentionally told to dupe her into a relationship with him.
Wiping off the prespiration and tears with the edge of her duppata, Bani got up wearily, deciding to go to the living room and lie down on the couch, she was feeling so torn apart, so tired and so confused, only sleep could ease her out of this dilemma.
She was about to leave, when the edge of her sequined duppata caught something, turning behind, she saw it was a cardboard box and it had been entangled in the rough edges of it. Going near by, she freed the cloth and was struck by what was written on it – Bani (Personal).
Blinking her eyes, she fingered the box and wondered what on earth could it contain and who had put her stuff in the studio, where no one ever went…
She tried to open the box, but it seemed to have been closed firmly with a lot of tape stuck all around it, making it impossible for her to even budge it a little bit. Curiosity got the better of her now and searching frantically for a sharp edged thing to rip apart the tape, she found one rusted, knife cutter lying amongst Aditya’s clitter-clatter parenphernalia.
When she had torn apart all the duct tape, she hesitated a bit…remembering the old English story of Pandora’s Box…and wondered what could be inside it, that related to her.
To her disappointment, there were just a whole lot of old newspapers and some magazines which were piled up, making her surprised as to why anyone would put junk labeled in her name in the studio. Her mother was an excellent housekeeper and made sure that everything was spic-span and organized and hence it striked odd, that she would put old newspaper and magazines in a box, label it in Bani’s name and put it in oblivion in the Studio.
Taking out all the newspaper and magazines one by one, she discovered a bundle wrapped in cloth and protected by cellophane. Her heart almost missed a beat, as she took out the slightly heavy bundle and sat on the dusty floor alongwith it.
Opening the neatly wrapped package, she chanced upon the last one year of her life.
She stared wide-eyed and shocked, when photographs, letters, notes, memorablia’s and small gifts came tumbling out.
With shaking hands, Bani picked up the first letter that came in her hands…
‘Happy Birthday Bani!
So today you turn 21…wow…finally a big girl! Thanks for inviting me for the party…I’m sorry, I was so preoccupied in the morning…couldn’t pay attention to you…but hey, I made it to the party, alright!
The rest of the words were a blur for her, as she went from one letter to another…all marked to her…from one gift to another, all inscribed with her name…from one picture to another…all with her in them…
And in each and every thing that came in front of her eyes, alongside her, was Jai.
In the many notes and letters written by him, in the pictures alongside her, in a watch, that had her initials alongside his, inscribed on the dial, in the empty bottle of a perfume which had her name along with him printed on it, in the silver frame, that had her laughing picture alongside his smiling one…looking so madly and so happily in love…in the innumerous wrappers of chocolates and candies…that had clearly been gifted with love from him and kept lovingly by her.
She almost gasped when she saw a picture of herself alongside Jai, in what appeared to be a background of her college, which wore a festive look. She was smiling happily at the Camera and Jai had made a V sign on top of her head. What had shocked her was the attire he was in…Navy Blue Sweatshirt with Harvard written on it in bold words and a pair of Khakhi trousers. His hair was tousled carelessly and a pair of golden aviator Raybans were held up high on his head.
No wonder she had been so thrown aback when she had seen him coming out of his Car at their Museum date…even the Car on which they were both leaning for the picture, was the same that he drove now.
The next picture which shook her badly was the one that had been taken at her engagement, it seemed. Dressed in a pink leghenga and holding a brilliant expression on her face, she was pictured looking happily at the rock-sized ring on her finger, which was exactly the same that the nurse had given her…the sight of which had made her Mother go pale and white.
When she saw another picture, she almost laughed out loud…she was lying with her face down a tureen of soup…something made her very sure, that it had been clicked as a practical joke by none other than him…then there was one that made her extremely surprised, dressed in a grandma bathing suit in blue and pink, she was standing near a huge swimming pool with Jai pictured inside the water, laughing at her direction...the place looked so familiar too...until it stuck her that it was the same club where she had met Jai for the second time in the last fews days of knowing him.
Then there were a couple of pictures of her last birthday…everyone was there…but her eyes only searched for the one person whom she wanted to find…and there he was, posing reluctantly alongside a shy and smiling Bani…and there was one where she was apparently feeding a piece of cake to him…and someone had captured that moment…
Bani did not know for how long she had been in the Studio room, with everything spread around her…including the missing picture from Rano’s wedding album, along with many more from the Wedding...the joy of togetherness and the feeling of love was so apparent, in each and every picture that had Jai and her in them...
So what he said was true…he was her past…the man she had loved and lost and found again…the last one year of her life…the person with who she had shared such a special bond of love and loyalty…the man who had been erased out of her memory for ever.
A fresh batch of tears formed in her eyes, but they were not of grief or pain, but of the happiness that captured her whole self…to have loved someone so deeply, twice in one lifetime, could only be called as God’s blessing…nothing else could describe it.
It wasn’t hard to get back at Jai’s Farmhouse, since she had found his address all over the things that had tumbled out of the Pandora’s Box, as she now referred to it. Stacking everything neatly, she had closed the box and ventured out, telling Massi that she was retiring to her room and was not be disturbed. Not that she could have cared for anyone in the world stopping her tonight.
Coincidentally, it was the same Cabby who had dropped her from Jai’s farmhouse to her own house and he looked thoroughly baffled at the drastic change of mood in his passenger of a few hours before. It was close to ten at night, when she handed the fare to the Cabby and pushing open the wrot iron gates of the Farmhouse, walked along the dark lawns into the main house, which was too shrouded in darkness as the night.
A sudden fear gripped her heart. What if Jai refused to speak to her? What if he tell her to go away from his life for not trusting him enough? What if she loses him again? Even though she still did not have any personal recollection of her past…all that she had just seen was enough for her to believe that Jai was indeed the love of her life…and it finally dawned why she kept having these premonitions about him whenever she saw him.
She treaded with soft steps on the porch and tried to open the door softly, but the Oak door was too heavy for that and she had to push it forefully to let herself in. The living room was still and dark, with only the dim light from outside making visibility possible.
‘Jai…Jai…’ she called out, with a shaky voice and not getting any response, she continued walking in the dark, holding the furniture to avoid bumping.
When she reached what seemed to be the stairs, she walked up tentatively, still calling out her name in whipers, while tears involuntarily flowed from her eyes.
Suddenly losing balance in the dark, she tumbled on the stairs and fell down, but only till a pair of strong, capable hands held her gently by her waist and lifted them from the doom that was about to come upon her.
She gasped in fear at the accident that had been averted and then in the shock of being rescued in the nick of time.
His arms were suddenly as tight as a vice around her, crushing up against the hard wall of his chest, and she clung to his warmth and strength, strangely grateful for the painful power of his grip that seemed so counterbalance the agony inside her. For the first time in days she felt as if there was still something left in the world, something firm and dependable, someone she could share her loss with. She could hear Jai’s heart beating strongly under her cheek, the scent of his body was all around her, and instinctively she curled her own arms about his waist, holding him almost as tightly as he held her.
Immediately something changed. Jai’s grip on her loosened, becoming more gentle, and one hand slid up to cradle her cheek as he turned her face towards his, wiping out the lone tear that trickled down her cheek and before she could open her mouth to say something, to apologize, he hushed her, but putting his finger on her lip.
The next moment he was kissing her, his lips snatching gently and softly at her face as if in longing and desperation and yet with the relief that finally comes when the wait of a lifetime is over. After a stunned second’s shock, Bani found she was responding, kissing him back with fervour and passion and needing this contact, this closeness.
Their mouths crushed together, bruising, demanding, as if by the sheer force of their kisses they could obliterate the pain and isolation of the past few months, when they had been torn apart by fate. Bani’s hands were in Jai’s hair, twisting in the midnight-dark strands, holding him closer, because he could never be close enough.
Lifting her in his arms with a calm deftness, he took her towards her room, shuting the door with the push of his leg and put her gently down on the bed.
Just when Jai’s hands moved to her body, she could never have said, only becoming aware of their urgent caresses as a heightening of her own need, intensifying the frenzy of longing that seemed to be burning her up the way a forest fire raged through drought-parched woodland, destroying the emptiness inside her. Hands that were clumsy with desperation and anguish tugged at the bottom of his shirt, her only thought that she needed to touch him, feel theliving warmth of his skin against her own.
Only then would she feel free of the burden of despair she had carried with her for the past few months. She was so intent on what she was doing that she barely heeded the fact that her own clothes had been wrenched away, the fabric ripping in Jai’s rough haste.
She felt Jai’s hands all over her body, his lips trailing a path of fire over her, feeling the whirlwind of sensation that assailed her, the spirallign crescendo of desire that was so sharp, it was almost a pain. She wanted him as she had never wanted anything in her whole life, needed to know, through him, that life could still go on, that she could still feel, and she knew a sense of perfect righteness when Jai’s voice, thick and rough, echoed her own thoughts…
Encased in his right arm, she had rested her head on his chest, taking in the rhthymic beating of his heart and smiling slightly to herself. He definitely did not seem as flustered or worn out as she was, which made her grin for some reason and she soaked up his warmth and scent, devouring each moment of pos-coital bliss as she had experienced the moment of becoming one with him a few minutes earlier.
Lifting her head, she reached upto his face and gazed at his closed eyes, though she knew he was not sleeping. Sensing the reaction, he opened her eyes and looked at her flushed, happy face. Looking into Jai’s drawn face, feeling that she would do anything to wipe the uncertainity from his eyes, ease the tension in his taut muscles, Bani kenw that she had finally and irrevocably fallen in love with Jai. Twice in her life…she had fallen in love with the one and only person that God had chosen only for her.
‘I love you, Jai…’ was all that she said, easing out any doubts or fears that might have sprung up in Jai’s heart, there was no need for any explanations or questions…everything was crystal clear…
Jai’s face broke into a moist smile and he moved to kiss her, his lips coming down on her with a soft, undemanding tenderness that made her head spin and turned her bones into water so that she swayed against him on a sigh of pure delight.
‘I love you too…more than ever before now, Bani…’ Jai murmured his breath warm against her cheek and Bani blushed, radiant with joy and new found happiness.
Jai kissed her again, but this time the gentle kiss and the softness of his caresses were not enough for both of them. Her body was coming alive under his touch, sending the blood pulsing through her veins, and his careful control was not at all what she wanted. With a small impatient sound, she nestled closer, linking her arms around his neck and deepening the kiss herself.
They made love a second time and a long while later, when she finally drifted back to reality, it was to find that, to her astonishment, her cheeks were wet with tears of joy, tears she had no recollection of having shed. As her breathing gradually became even again, and her heart eased from its frantic pouding, Jai stirred at her side, lifting his dark head to smile deep inot her eyes.
‘Twice in one night…your Mother is going to send me to the slaughter house, if she ever comes to know of this…’
Taken by astonishment at his words and then the humor in them, Bani threw her head back in delighted laughter, joined in by Jai, who embraced her in a warm hug and brought her crashing back onto his chest, where she drifted into a deep, relaxed sleep for the remainder of the night.
Author's Note : The next part will see the story coming to its Chandigarh! Where Jai and Bani will confront their respective parents, disclosing their affair and asking questions about 'theirs'! :whistling

Bani woke up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee and a yellow beam of warm sunlight filtering through the large windows in Jai’s room. It took her some time to familiarize herself to the surroundings though and lying with her face down on the feathery pillow, she gazed around the spacious expanse of the room, taking in the view inside and outside, where she could see a huge palash tree, displaying the intriguing colors of autumn in browns, yellows, golds, reds and the occasional green.
‘Now who could have thought that memory loss would lead to such extraordinary estrogen levels…’ Jai’s voice came out, amused and laughing.
She giggled and tried to hit him with a pillow, but felt too lazy to even get up from the comfort of her bed and also she worried about the state of her clothes, which at the moment, seemed to be just an oversized white shirt, reaching upto her knees.
‘That shirt in which you are tossing and turning and looking so s**y in cost me USD 250, custom made and imported from Hong Kong…so please come out of it and return my possession.’
Jai gave her a wicked grin and said, ‘Yes…Now!’
Still buried in the layered duvet, Bani gave a smile and said, ‘Where are my clothes?’
‘Torn into shreds…’
‘What? That was my newest, fanciest dress…I won’t give you back your shirt till you get me something to wear.’
‘Wear your smile…it makes you look gorgeous!’
‘Ha Ha! Give me something to wear, please…’
Jai smiled and opening his wadrobe, went through some of his clothes and picked out his oldest set, which he hoped would somehow fit Bani, who was almost half his size.
‘What is this? A Sack?’
‘Smile or Sack…the choice is yours!’
Bani yelped as Jai laughed, placing the cup of steaming coffee on the coaster.
She sulked and said, ‘This is the time when you are supposed to mutter sweet nothings into my ear…and you are teasing me! Were you always like this?’
‘Yup!’ and then added, ‘And even you were like this, a spoil sport and cry baby!’
Bani smiled, burying her face in the pillow again, trying not to think about last night and felt heat rushing to her face.
Jai asked suddenly, ‘So when do you say we should get married?’
Bani teased him back, ‘I have changed my mind on that…’
Without missing a beat, he answere back, ‘Excellent…so does the new one work better than before?’
Giggling uproariously, Bani took a large pillow in her hand and began hitting him all over. Jai pulled the pillow from her hand, flunging it down on the floor and clamping one hand each pushed her down on the bed.
‘NO’ she said emphatically.
‘What? I was just going to give a harmless peck on your cheeks!’
‘Ya sure…now out you go and prepare some breakfast. I am dying of hunger…’
Jai tossed his head, grinning and said, ‘Something will never change...Memory loss or no Memory loss!’
Bani looked confused and said, ‘What does that mean?’
Winking at her, he said, ‘Fursat mein batoonga!’
At Breakfast
Jai nibbled on a piece of toast and said absently, ‘Your mom is going to be furious…she had warned me not even to come near you…’
Bani who was on her 4th bowl of Cornflakes, after consuming 3 pieces of toast with loads of jam spread on it, looked up at him and said tersely, ‘She has no right to be furious…I am the one who should be furious with her, for hiding my past from me.’
Jai continued, ‘But still…I shouldn’t have disobeyed her warning so blatantly…’
Bani kept her hand over his and said emphatically, ‘You did not…it was a coincidence that we met…’ and added in a softer voice with a shy smile, ‘And fell in love again…’
Jai smiled back at her and said, ‘I don’t think she would understand this part…parents have a different notion of love…’
Bani made a face and said, ‘Oh, don’t worry about that…Ma has all the notions of love that you can imagine…’
Jai looked confused and said, ‘What?’
Getting red in the face and speaking in an upset voice, Bani said, ‘And besides, what moral right does she have to question you? When she herself is…Oh, I am too ashamed to even mention this in front of you!’
Jai asked curiously, ‘What?’
Fiddling with a spoon in her hand, Bani muttered in an embarrassed voice, ‘She…My Ma…She is having an affair…’
Jai was so shocked by what he heard, dropping the spoon on the floor, making a loud clinking noise.
Bani winced and said, ‘So embarrassing, isn’t it? Especially when she is going to become a Grandmother!’
Jai kept staring at her and said in a startled voice, ‘You mean to say, Mrs. Dixit…I mean, Kiran aunty is having an affair?’ He sounded completely incredulous.
Bani nodded her head and said, shamefaced, ‘I even met her…her…that Buddha she is going around with!’
Jai burst out laughing, thoroughly amused by the thought of someone as prim and proper as Kiran Dixit painting the town red with some man of her age. It sounded too funny to be true.
Bani was red in the face and chiding Jai, said, ‘I had hoped you would have been sympathetic…just imagine, if your Father was having an affair when you are thinking of marriage?’
Jai laughed some more at this suggestion and said, ‘I won’t be as surprised as you are…you don’t remember Pa, isn’t it? That’s why!’
Suddenly forgetting what she was talking about, Bani asked with lively curiosity, ‘I am dying to meet your Father, Jai…after all you told me…seems he loves me as much as he loves you…I bet he will be thrilled to know about us!’
Jai smiled and replied in the affirmative, ‘Yes…he will be very happy…shocked, but definitely very happy! But do tell me more about your Mum’s affair with that mysterious Buddha! This just might be the best weapon in my arsenal against her, when she hauls me up for coming near you!’
Bani made a face and said, ‘He came to our house a day or two back…portly and bald! Buddha!’ she said with more venom, which drew peals of laughter from Jai.
‘Well, be thankful, he is not young and handsome…now that would have been even more embarrassing for you!’
Bani hit Jai on his arms for teasing her and said worriedly, ‘I am really concerned for Ma, Jai…its not like I don’t want her happiness. I am not narrow-minded and selfish to think that just being my Mother, she is not entitled to her share of joy in life…My father died a long time back and I can just imagine, how difficult it would have been for her, all alone, bringing up two girls, all by her own.’
Jai’s expression softened on seeing tears in Bani’s eyes and she said earnestly, ‘That is why I am so worried about her…I don’t want any random man swindling her or taking her for a ride…and by the very look of that creepy old man, I could make out, he was a Number one crook!’
‘Do you know anything about this guy?’
Bani said with disdain, ‘Oh, he is very old!’
Jai gave an exasperated sigh and said, ‘You have already said that a dozen times…I mean something else, like his name, what he does…is he married ect!’
‘Oh, he is rich…because I know for sure that he is the MD of some company…and also he has a son…and can you believe, his wife is also into this open marriage thing!’
Jai looked completely taken aback and remarked, ‘Open marriage?’
Bani bit her lips in anger and said, ‘Ya…he has an affair with Ma…and his wife is having an affair with some one else and both of them are okay with it! I bet even his son is a psycho like them!’
Jai burst out laughing, amused at Bani’s choice of words and asked, ‘So how come you came to know about this…this thing between your Mom and that guy?’
She rolled her eyes and said, ‘I stumbled upon some old phone bills and found that a number was repeatedly called from our house…at first I thought that it was Rano di calling up Ranveer Jeeju…but then I realized all the calls were preceding her marriage…so it can only be Ma!’
A sudden realization dawned upon him and Jai said, ‘So just based on that, you assumed your Mother is having an affair?’
Bani tossed her head and said, ‘Well, why would she call up some guy 200 times in a period of less than 2 months and that too at night? When everybody is asleep!’
Jai kept staring at Bani and remarked, ‘Do you remember that phone number?’
Bani racked her brains and rattled off the 10-digit number, evoking at first, a shocked silence and then peals of delighted laughter from Jai.
‘What is so funny, Jai?’ she asked annoyed.
Containing his laughter with great difficulty, Jai wiped the tears of his eyes and said, ‘Arre, meri pyari buddhu…that number is mine! I am the CEO of Walia Corporation!’
Bani kept staring at him and said in a startled voice, ‘Your…Your name…You mean to say, your full name is Jai Walia?’
Jai had started laughing again and nodded his head, saying, ‘Thank god, you did not go and confront your Mother on this!’
Bani kept silent for some time, taking in the information and getting confused said, ‘But he…that guy confessed about his affair, Jai!’
Now it was Jai’s turn to look bewildered and he said, ‘See, I don’t know what you are talking about…but let me assure you that if you’re basing the whole premise of your Mother’s affair on that one phone number…you are wrong! You were the one making the phone call’s and not Kiran aunty!’
‘But then what about that bloody fossil who turned up at my house and talked about threesome’s?’
Jai spluttered on his drink and said, ‘Bloody fossil? Threesome?’
Bani went on, unmindful and bewildered, ‘Yes, he said that, Ma, Ranveer Jeeju’s Father and he have..have…threesomes…Yuck…’
Jai kept staring at Bani and keeping the glass of Orange Juice back on the table said, ‘Okay, so what is that man’s name?’
Even before Bani could say, ‘Uday Walia’, Jai had guessed it, but on actually hearing his Father’s name in connection with something so scandalous, he just could not help but burst out into reckless laughter.
Not seeing any signs of Jai’s laughter dying down, Bani looked extremely annoyed and upset and said, ‘I didn’t share this embarrassing secret with you, so that you can be entertained in the morning…I want your help on this and besides…since your surname is also Walia and that man is also called the same…do you by any chance have a connection with him?’
Realizing that Bani had still not guessed about Uday and Jai, he said, ‘Is it necessary that two people with the same surname should be related?’
Bani nodded her head and said, ‘Of course not…and besides, you don’t look anything like that lounge lizard…all fat and bald…and irritating…’
‘Hey…Hey…hold on, I get it!’ Though thoroughly amused by the whole incident, Jai still felt that listening to his poor, innocent father being abused so mercilessly by Bani was too much!
Jai tried to look his serious best and asked, ‘So what you do propose to do about this? And also about us?’
She sipped her juice and added thoughtfully, ‘First, I have to put a stop to this nonsense and get that fossil out of Ma’s life…and then, we have to tell her about us…but to achieve both of these, we would have to leave for Chandigarh as soon as possible!’
Jai knew that his Father was also down to Chandigarh to oversee their farm their, but appearing innocent, he enquired, ‘Why Chandigarh?’
Bani said viciously, ‘Oh, I mistakenly told him that Ma had gone to Chandigarh to oversee Rano di’s delivery and that man promptly set off for Chandigarh, to stalk my Mother!’
The very thought of his Father making sheep eyes at Kiran Dixit was so hilarious, that Jai had to muster all of his will power to keep his laughter in check and decided that the story had to be tied up at Chandigarh…to what he felt would be the most hilarious incident of his life.
Sending off Bani to her house, he told her to pack and be ready by late afternoon, so that they could both set off for Chandigarh, meanwhile, he organized his work and gave instructions to his secretary.
Jai and Bani finally reached Chandighar, after nearly colliding with a lot of vehicles enroute, since they were busy discovering each other’s tonsil’s all the way during the drive.
Ranveer’s home, Chandigarh
Bani and Jai decided that the best way to break the news would be to first lay the groundwork, then make Kiran feel guilty and finally tell everyone that they were getting married, whether anyone liked the idea or not. Jai was having a very hard time controlling his amusement and curiosity at seeing the drama unfold, especially the allegation of an illict affair that Bani was supposedly imagining for Kiran and his Father.
Everyone was assembled at the Bali’s Living Room, even Aditya and Nachiket who had dropped in to meet Rano, since they had to leave for an India-tour for their exhibitions.
Uday had cracked his nth joke and the small but well-appointed room was rocking with laughter. Bani’s insides burns when she saw Kiran blush with pleasure
‘Bani! What a surpise! How come you are here?’
Ranveer’s Father and Uday both turned to look at the fuming vision standing near the door, Bani felt as if smoke was emanating from both her ears.
‘Why? Are you surprised?’ asked Bani bitterly to her Mother.
Taken aback by the sharpness in her tone, Kiran muttered in a confused voice, ‘Yes, of course, I am surprised! I never expected to see you here.’
Ranveer’s Father very cordially invited Bani inside, showering her with warmth and affection, which was met with a dull and sulky response from her.
After meeting with Ranveer, his mother and a delighted Rano, who looked as if she was carrying a dozen melon inside her stomach, Bani gave a tight smile at her mother and announced, ‘I am getting married.’
Kiran all but choked on the Tea that was just handed to her by Ranveer’s mother and everyone stared at her shell-shocked.
Rano was the first one to speak, ‘Bani…what are you saying?’
Giving a genuinely warm smile at her sister, Bani said, ‘I am getting married…’
Rano stammered on her words and said, ‘That I heard. But how…when…to whom?’
‘To a man.’ She answered superciliously.
‘Well thank god for it, at least, but will you let us know the details.’ Put in Kiran finally, with barely controlled anger and complete shock.
Bani made a face at Kiran and said, ‘I met him a few days back in a Cab we shared…’
By this time, Kiran was simmering with anger and she said caustically, ‘So now you want to share your life with him? Do you think marriage is as easy as sharing a ride with a perfect stranger?’
Bani lost her temper and said, ‘Look, who’s speaking!’
Kiran fumed and said tartly, ‘I realize its too late, but have you ever entertained the idea of thinking before speaking, Bani?’
‘Really?’ Bani had stood up and was glaring at her mother, tears welling up in her eyes and her face the shade of a plum tomato.’
She continued, ‘You will dictate my life, when you…and you too Rano Di…and you also Adi Chachu…and that grinning monkey behind you (pointing at a shivering Nachiket) have pulled out the greatest farce of my life.’
Rano had started weeping by now and she said in between sobs, ‘What you are you talking about, Bani?’
‘Don’t you know, Rano di?’ Bani had also started crying by now. Ranveer’s Father and Mother looked extremely awkward and looked hither and thither, trying to find a way out of the Dixit Family crisis that had sprung up unexpectedly.
While everyone stared in complete silence at Bani, she wept and spoke in a choked voice, ‘You hid about my engagement from me…you hid about the past one year of my life from me…damn you all…you hid the man I loved from me.’
Saying that Bani broke down crying in a torrent of tears, refusing any show of support or espousal that Ranveer and Rano offered.
Kiran just about managed to splutter out a shocked, ‘How did you find out…’
Bani stopped crying and answered bitterly, ‘A little bird came on my window sill and told me how my own family made a fool out of me. Happy!’
‘Bani, don’t take that tone with me. And before you start accusing all of us, hear out side of the story too.’
Unfazed, she answered, ‘I don’t give a damn about your side of the story…and anyway, why am I standing here, arguing with you. I am getting married and all of you are cordially invited.’
Aditya called out, ‘Bunny, this is ridiculous…you can’t just go about marrying anyone…Have you ever thought what will happen to your Mother?’
‘Oh, hell I can marry anyone I can, Adi Chachu…and don’t worry about Ma…she has got enough people to take care of her…very well!’
Kiran was simmering with rage and tears and holding her daughter roughly by her arms, asked, ‘What do you mean by that, Bani?’
Shaking her arms free, she answered back, ‘What I mean is that man standing behind you!’
Uday who was looking for a way out of the whole mess, was completely taken aback and murmured, ‘Me?’
Glaring fiercely at him, Bani all but yelled, ‘Yes you, Mr. Walia.’
Uday said helplessly, glancing all around the room, ‘What did I do?’
A fresh batch of tears had formed in her eyes and she said sobbingly, ‘You and Ma…I know everything…’
Now both Kiran and Uday looked flabbergasted and she said, ‘Me and Mr. Walia…what?’
‘You want me to say in front of everybody?’
Rano who had rushed inside, feeling discomfort in her lower abdomen, had rushed back to the living room to hear the remainder of the fierce exchange of words, when she realized that her water had broken. But it had to wait.
‘What are you talking about Bani? Are you feeling alright?’
Bani sniffed and said accusingly, ‘You and Mr. Walia are together…’
‘Together in what?’
‘Oh, Ma! Stop it! I know everything…You are having an affair with this old man!’
A sharp gasp of breath drew across the length and breath of the room and Kiran all but fell on the couch with shock.
Aditya said sharply, ‘Bani, you silly girl…do you even know what you are talking about?’
‘Yes, I do. Ma and Mr. Walia are having an affair…I have all the proof…and besides, besides…he confessed himself.’
Shocked and Accusing eyes pointed towards the hapless Uday who looked completely befuddled. Turning towards Kiran, he said, ‘God swear, Kiran…I never said anything like that to her.’
Bani kept her hands on her waist and spoke angrily, ‘You liar…didn’t you come to our house two days back…and tell me about you…and Ma…and also Ranveer Jeeju’s Father!’
Senior Mr. Bali turned white in face and spluttered in confusion and fear, looking at the fierce expression on Senior Mrs. Bali’s face and said, ‘Bhagwan Kasam, I have never looked at anyone besides my wife…well, sometimes I check out our Kaam-waali bai…but besides that, I have always been faithful!’
Rano held her stomach, urging the baby to stay put and addressed her sister, ‘Bani, please could you calm down and explain what the hell is going on here?’
‘Ma and Mr. Walia are having an affair and I think your Father-in-law is in it too…you know threesome…’
Another round of gasps drew across the room and Uday said, ‘I have always fantasized this…but honest to goodness, I have no idea what she is talking about.’
Kiran gave an admonishing look to Uday and said, ‘Mr. Walia, please! Did you say that you are having an affair with me?’
Uday shrugged his head and said, ‘For goodness sake, Kiran…why would I ever do that? I mean, even if I was having an affair, do you think I would be foolish enough to tell your daughter about it?’
Nachiket giggled at Uday’s ability to joke in any situation, but only to be given a rebuking look by Aditya.
Bani now looked confused as hostile eyes glared at her for an explanation. She said in a somewhat unsure voice now, ‘But you said….that you and Ma…and Ranveer Jeeju’s Father…’
‘My dear young lady, I said that we like to sit together and chat…not by any means was I referring to anything else…all you young people are like that…one track mind!’
Bani went red from head to toe, realizing what a complete fool she had been…First that mistake over the phone calls which actually had been made from her side to Jai and now this….on top of that she had brought up Jai’s topic…
‘Oh…’ was all that came out of her mouth.
Kiran stared coldly at Bani and said, ‘Now that your drama is over, do you care to tell me, which wayside road Romeo you have picked up and are getting married to?’
Tears welling up again in her eyes, she said in a pathetic voice, ‘Ma…I am sorry…how could I ever misunderstand you like this…Oh, God…I will never forgive myself…’
Unmoved, Kiran said, ‘You should be apologizing to Mr. Walia also…insulting someone so much older than you in this manner. I have never been more ashamed of you, Bani.’
Now she began to weep openly, sitting on the couch, with no one to give her any support, everyone was too upset with her, even Rano, who normally could never remain angry with Bani for more than five minutes.
Uday smiled warmly, looking at the sobbing and shaking figure, sitting on the couch, shamefaced and crestfallen and he sat near her, patting her on the head and said, ‘Oh, its okay…don’t be so hard on her, Kiran…she just had a misunderstanding.’
Bani looked even more miserable at the show of sympathy from Uday and looking up at him with swollen, red eyes, she said, ‘I am sorry Mr….Uncle….’ and began bawling loudly.
Nachiket who was squirming in the corner, broke the silence and the loud crying voice of Bani by saying, ‘I think some of the misunderstanding was because of me too…’
By the time, Nachiket finished his part of the story, Ranveer and Mr. Bali had to physically restrain Aditya from hitting the poor chap.
Kiran looked at Bani, still crying, now with her head buried on Uday’s shoulder and melted profusely.
In a soft voice, she said, ‘Actually, we are also the culprits, Bani…we too did you a wrong…much greater than what you did…’
Bani looked up, grateful that her Mother had spoken and said, ‘I know about it Ma…its okay…you did what you thought was the best for me…’
Rano, who’s contractions were getting frequent now, grunted and clasped her lips and asked, ‘But who is this mystery guy of yours, Bani?’
Everyone looked at Bani, who blushed a bit and said, ‘Oh…it’s a surprise…you will meet him soon…he is also in Chandigarh, we came together…his Father here…’
Uday felt a pang of hurt at knowing that now not only Jai, but even Bani had moved on and Kiran felt terribly guilty, guessing what Uday must be going through.
Kiran said affectionately, ‘Please call him here…if Mr. Bali doesn’t mind…we would all like to meet him.’
Mr. Bali immediatyle chipped in, ‘Of course, I don’t mind…’
Bani rubbed her eyes and cheered at the thought of everyone getting to see who her mystery man was and said, ‘He’ll be here anytime now…’
Bani had gone inside to wash her face and Rano had finally managed to tell Ranveer that they need to go the hospital immediately. There was a sudden flurry of activity, as everyone readied Rano for the Hospital.
Just then the bell rang.
Mr. Bali opened the door and everyone was stunned to see Jai standing there, looking immensely pleased with life.
‘Hi, everybody!’ he announced with general pleasure.
There was no response, only shocked faces.
Uday was the first one to utter, ‘Jai? What are you doing here?’
With the same air of joviality, he replied, ‘I came to meet you with the girl whom I am going to marry!’
Everyone glanced at one another, so now, two people who were engaged to each other and all set to marry, were in the same house, waiting for their new respective partners.
Rano, now dying to see the finale of the evening, said to Ranveer that she was not feeling the contractions now and it was probably a false alarm, and they should wait for some more time.
Kiran looked guilty at Jai and said, ‘Jai…I wanted to say sorry to you…for keeping you away from Bani…’
Jai gave a slight smile and said, ‘That’s alright, Mrs. Dixit…lets bygones be bygones…I have moved on….’
Nachiket quipped in, ‘And so has Bani…’
Jai gave a bright smile at Nachiket and said, ‘Is that so? I am delighted for her! Knowing Bani, her choice would certainly be a good one! So are you all okay with this new chap?’
Everyone looked awkwardly at one another, till Kiran spoke, ‘We haven’t met him yet…but after meddling with both your lifes earlier, I don’t want to make any more decisions for Bani…I want her to choose her own course of action…and as you say, her choice would be good…’
Bani came out, looking pink and flushed and in a remarkably good mood. Everyone stood rooted to their spots, waiting the moment, when Bani and Jai would face one another.
Giving a 100-watt smile at Jai, she said radiantly, ‘Hi sweetheart! You are early!’
Going up to him, she put her hands around his neck and gave an affectionate peck on his cheek can turning to face the stunned crowd, said dramatically, ‘Meet Jai…the love of my life…the man I am going to marry.’
Jai gave an equally bright smile back and said, ‘And meet Bani…the love of my life…the girl I am going to marry…’
And then added for effect, ‘What a remarkable co-incidence, isn’t it?’
Kiran all but collapsed on the sofa with shock, Aditya kept blinking his eyes as if he was seeing something particularly blinding and all that Uday could say was, ‘My God…I am sure, my son practices Black Magic….how else could you explain this?’
Ranveer and Rano became proud parents of a bonny baby boy and stay in Delhi, where both of them work. Since Bani works as a freelance Food Taster / Restaurant Reviewer, she takes care of her nephew while her sister is at work.
After getting to know the relationship between Jai and Uday, Bani was too embarrassed to face either of them for a long time, especially, as Jai lovingly told his father all the lovely names that Bani had conjured up for him. Uday has made a list of the epitahs that his daughter-in-law gave him and never misses a single opportunity to tease her! She loves him more for that!
Aditya and Kiran had an emotional reconciliation with Jai and all was forgiven and forgotten. He is as much their favourite son-in-law as Ranveer...Probably a little more!
Sonali gave birth to a baby girl and started her career afresh with a leading Financial daily in New York. Both Jai and Bani keep in regular touch with Sonali and the baby.
Nachiket and Purva were married 2 months after this incident. And as promised on behalf of Aditya, Bani made sure that her Uncle sponsored an all-paid vacation for the newly marrieds to Vienna.
Uday spends his time between New York and New Delhi. Very much jovial in health and spirits, nothing seems to abate him and after the accusation of having an illict affair with Kiran, he seems to have taken an additional pride upon himself…considering that his daughter-in-law could actually envision a man of his age to indulge in such promiscuous activities!

And yes, Jai and Bani were married within a month’s time, in a very personal but unforgettable ceremony at the Dixit Residence in Gulmohar Park. The delay of the month was mainly because, Bani wanted Rano and her nephew to be present for the wedding. Jai and Bani have decided to wait before starting a family, even though they copulate like Bunnies!

Kiran is still working at the Hospital and mostly calls upon Jai and Bani to her house, since she has a niggling feeling that Senior Mr. Walia tries to hit upon her...

Jai-Bani, Ranveer-Rano, Nachiket-Purva and Tarun-Karuna meet regularly during weekends. All of them carry ear-plugs with them, since Jai has taken a keen interest in singing and insists on a not so sonorous rendtion for every gathering. Bani very loyally bears upon the task of listening to Jai, ripping apart songs after songs...

Jai tries his best to keep his promise to Bani of spending his weekend at home with family and friends…but Bani has still to overcome her fear of getting inside the pool. She still has the grandma suit and even though they are married, Bani feels prudish wearing it! Jai feels that something just can't be explained and this is just one of them!
The Walia House Rations have seen a dramatic increase since Mrs. Bani Jai Walia officially entered the household…poor Jai has to work double hard to sustain his household monthly income. Bhavesh's wife very lovingly makes Ghobhi Parantha's for Madam. Bani stays away from the kitchen since the last attempt where Jai's farmhouse was all but burned down, when she ventured to bake a Cake!
Even though Bani still has no recollection of the past one year spent with Jai and the thought often depresses her, he always has one thing to tell her, ‘So what, if you have no memories of our past…we will make new ones…together!’
All is well, that end’s well…especially, if it ends with the one you love!

Hi Rekha!! So nice to see you here after long. I used to read your FFs on RKR and loved them all. I have really missed your writing all this time. Really thrilled to have found your blog again. Hope you continue writing in future as well...