Part 17 B
It was close to 10:30, when Jai decided to leave, after giving up on snatching another lip-lock with his sweetheart, she was no where to be found…and besides, they were engaged again, so he would make sure there would be no dearth of them! :whistling
Aditya refused to let him leave so soon and said in his usual hearty manner, ‘No way, are we letting you go so soon…the dinner is being served and you have to eat now!’
‘Aditya, I really have to leave…my Auditors are coming tomorrow morning and I have a very hectic day…but, I’ll be there for the Wedding…’
‘Of course, you’ll be there for the wedding…but you have to stay back tonight…now come with us and have Dinner…you work far too much anyway!’
Before Jai could offer any more protest, Kiran had joined them and dragged him along to the Canopy where the Food was served.
There were so many women around that Jai felt himself going a bit ruddy, remembering the date he had with Bani at her College Fair…all that seemed just a while ago…in just a span of few months, from strangers, to unwanted Fiance's, to great friends and now so desperately in love, they could barely keep their hands off each other…at least, he couldn’t!
Jai stood in a corner and when his eyes met Rano’s, he offered a very charming smile, only to get a very vicious look back from her, quite taking him aback. Then he saw Nachiket wandering about with Purva and she squealed in delight when she spotted Jai and before Nachiket could scamper away, dragged him along with her towards Jai.
‘Hi Jai…I was wondering if you were here or not…such a great gathering…Oooh, you should have been here a while back…Bani and I danced…’
Jai tried his best to keep a casual expression and spoke generally to Purva and while he offered a very polite ‘hello’ to Nachiket, all he got in return was a shifty look from him and some muttering which Jai assumed must be Nachiket’s way of saying ‘Hello’.
When Nachiket had again vanished, making an excuse, Jai remarked to Purva, ‘What is wrong with him? And what is wrong with Rano? They both behaved so strangely with me!’
Purva replied in a bewildered manner, ‘I don’t know…they keep gossiping and whispering with one another all the time and making frequent reference to ‘Batman’ or something!’
Purva rolled her eyes and said, ‘Oh you know how artists are…and Rano, I guess she is just over-excited with the entire marriage thing happening!’
Bani was once again stuck in a very excruciating conversation with Pushkar, who decided to give it one try and impress the maiden, noticed that Jai was in the Canopy and when their eyes met, his sparkled with waywardness and hers with coyness. He kept a finger over his lip and then showed her a one finger…she blushed deeply and negated her head, barely able to manage her smile.
‘So, as I was telling your Borney, after 3 years of slogging and trudging in a miserable studio apartment, I now live in in a 2 bedroom flat at Maida Vale…and yes, I am also due for a promotion for Executive Manager very soon…also, I have been going to gym a lot more frequently...our family astrologer says that the coming year is going to be splendid for me.’
Feeling self-reproach at ignoring Pushkar earlier on, she abruptly turned her attention to him and mistaking the perpetual look of droopiness in his eyes said sympathetically, ‘Oh…really? That is the worst news I have heard in a long time…My condolences to you and your family.’
Kiran swept past Bani with a plate of Mithai in her hand and spoke off-handedly, ‘Bani…what are you doing standing here staring at space? Take this plate and offer some to the guests who have just come in!’
‘Oh! Ok…Er, excuse me, Pushkar…I need to attend to the other guests…but do tell me in detail about that…erm…thing you were just telling me about…’ biting her lips, wondering what on Earth she was just listening to, Bani took off with the plate of Mithai.
Pushkar was stuck open-mouthed again, wondering if Bani really was tone-deaf or simply not listening to him!
Before she could reach Jai, all the sweets were consumed by other guests and she quickly took one piece of Ladoo in her hand, keeping it for Jai.
When she reached him, they smiled formally at one another, since Purva was already there, besides Nachiket had also joined, alongside Meera and Rano, and Pushkar decided that the only way to impress Bani, was with perseverance and he came along too.
After Rano had made a very cool introduction between Jai and the others, Jai, unmindful of what was going on between Rano and Nachiket, said, ‘Rano, I had no idea, you were a Batman Fan!’
Rano looked completely bewildered and said, ‘Batman? Who said that to you!’
Purva interjected, ‘I keep hearing you make reference to Batman all throughtout the evening with Nachiket…’
Nachiket and Rano dappled when they realized that their references to Jai as “that man” was being misconstrued as “Batman” and once again started murmuring in each other’s ears.
Jai asked Bani in a very reserved tone, ‘Is there a piece of sweet left for me?’
She looked at him, and praying to God, that no one should guess anything, said very coolly, ‘No…I am sorry...that was the last piece…Pushkar took it.
Sensing that this was the best time to make an introduction between Pushkar and Jai, Rano said to Bani in a syrupy tone, ‘Bani…wont’ you introduce our special guest Mr. Pushkar Shukla to, ahem, him!’
Bani glared at Rano for referring Jai in a rude way and making a face at her, turned to Pushkar and said, ‘Pushkar, please meet Ja…Mr. Walia.’ Deliberately changing into his second name, biting her lips, this made Jai smile.
Looking at him again, she continued, ‘Mr. Walia, this is Pushkar Shukla…their family is very close to my Mother’s side…from Kanpur.’
Jai shook hands with Pushkar, which made the latter wince, since his grip was strong and firm. Wringing his hands a bit, Pushkar asked Jai, ‘Nice to meet you there! Say, do you go to the Gym regularly?’
Jai gave a wry look at Pushkar, everyone related to the Dixit family seemed to be a bit of a loose nut and replied with good humor ‘Er…No…Not really…but I exercise otherwise…’
Bani got excited and said, ‘Yes, he swims very well…he once saved me from drowning…’
And then as all eyes turned towards them, including Rano and Nachiket’s shocked ones, she went all pink in her face and said haltingly, ‘Actually…I could have saved myself…the water wasn’t all that deep…’
Pushkar smiled benignly at Jai and said conversationally, ‘So you are know to the Deek-Shit family for long?’
Jai said, bewildered, ‘Deep Shit?’
Pushkar continued in the same manner, ‘Yeah, Rhino’s Family!’
Looking thoroughly confused, Jai said, ‘I am sorry…I don’t go to the Zoo…I wouldn’t know anything about Rhino’s!’
Now it was Pushkar’s turn to look totally bewildered, while Nachiket, Purva and even Bani began giggling uncontrollably.
Rano who looked furious at her name being mangled in this manner, said tersely, ‘Pushkar…My name is Rano…R-A-N-O and its Dixit…D-I-X-I-T!’
Jai gulped down his laughter when he understood what Pushkar was talking about and said, ‘Er…Yes, I know the Dixit’s…we are, erm, family friends.’
‘Nice…Nice…So are you employed or in business?’
Jai answered modestly, ‘I am self-employed.’
Pushkar continued to look at Jai for sometime and said slowly, ‘Come to think of it…I have seen you somewhere before…I don’t know…some newspaper or magazine…can’t recollect…’
Jai smiled politely and refrained from telling Pushkar that the company he was employed with in London was one of Walia Industrie’s foreign partners and he was on the board of directors and hence, Pushkar must have seen his picture in the Company Newsletter.
Nachiket who was completely irritated by Pushkar poked in between, ‘Come to think of this Pushkar, even I feel I might have seen you somewhere before?’
Pushkar gave a very snooty look at Nachiket and said, ‘Really Naughty-kid? And where would that be? Surely not London…can’t imagine you there!’ And laughed at his own joke!
Nachiket held the same thoughtful expression and quipped, ‘No…Not London…But it might have been the Kanpur Local Zoo…I used to go there to feed peanuts regularly….’ (Yeah, Nattu! :ThumbsUp:)
Now everyone broke out giggling madly!
There was a sort of uncomfortable silence till Meera who had been staring unabashedly at Jai, said in a somewhat coquettish tone, ‘Em…Bani, won’t you introduce me?’
Bani turned to look at Meera and immediately guessing that she was eyeing Jai, said cuttingly, ‘You just heard his name a while ago!’
Meera went puce and retorted, ‘But he hasn’t heard mine…’ Ignoring an irritated looking Bani, she put on a very sweet smile and turning to look at Jai said in a sing-song voice, ‘Hello ji…I am Meera…Rano and Bani’s cousin…’
Jai raised his eyebrows comically and asked, ‘From Kanpur?’
Meera gave a hyenical laughter and said, ‘No…No…I am not from that shaggy small town…I live in Bhopal!’
Jai smiled at her and nodded his head, wondering how long he would have to keep standing with this odd group and wishing either he was back home or better still in Bani’s Terrace with her for company!
Bani looked livid with rage at Meera blatant flirting with her man and she said rudely, ‘Yeah, so if Kanpur is a shaggy small town…what is Bhopal? The Manhattan of Madhya Pradesh!
Meera went red in the face, as Nachiket, Purva, Rano and even Pushkar sniggered profusely and Jai could barely hide his grin at Bani’s ill-concealed jealousy.
Meera sulked, while Jai turning his attention to Bani said in all seriousness, ‘So you are saying there is no piece of sweet left for me?’
Bani answered in the same tone, ‘No. Nothing left.’
‘Oh…But I feel like having a piece of sweet desperately.’
Bani blushed, but recovering, replied back, ‘I thought you had two already…
And then watching his eyes twinkle with mischief, she continued teasingly, ‘I don’t think you can have any more, the Caterer has wrapped up…’
Jai looked at his watch and said with mock-sad eyes, ‘It is quite late actually…I have to leave…and I was really hoping I could have something sweet before I left…’
Bani’s eyes gleamed and she retorted, ‘Too much sugar can cause Diabetes…’
Without missing a beat, Jai replied, ‘Less sugar can cause low-blood pressure…’
Bani could barely contain her laughter at their double entrende talk in between so many people and she said seriously, ‘If that is the case…then let me go and check if there is any sweet left for you…’
‘Yeah…that would be great! You are an excellent host, Ba…I mean, Ms. Dixit!’
‘The pleasure is entirely mine, Mr. Walia!’ :whistling
Bani went out of the Canopy and Jai after bidding goodbye to everyone also left.
Rano turned to look at Nachiket and said, ‘See…See…how sarcastic they were being to one another…I loved the way Bani anwered him back…serves him well!’
Nachiket scratched his head and said, ‘I found their talk to be a bit strange…what was all that about Sweet and Sugar and Diabetes? And why on Earth were the referring to each other by their second name!’
Rano said, ‘Silly…can’t you understand…the Sweets referred to “that man” asking for forgiveness from Bani for hitting her and trying to kill her and Bani replied to him that she would rather suffer from Diabetes than forgive him…They were trying to hide their animosity from all of us…but I could understand the subtext!’
Nachiket looked seriously doubtful and said, ‘Mujhe toh kuch Daal mein Kaala lagta hain…’
Meera who had been staring at Jai and Bani’s expression said, ‘Mujhe toh poori Dal hi Kaali lagti hai…’ and when both Rano and Nachiket turned to look at her, she finished with a sly smile, ‘Aur mujhe Kaali dal bahut acchi lagti hain…’
Meanwhile Bani had slipped outside the gates of her house and with some difficulty managed to locate Jai’s SUV parked in a dark corner. She looked around, a bit fearful in the dark and shivering with cold and there came a knock on the Car window from inside.
She almost jumped out of her skin, when Jai opened the other side of the Car for her and after giving a furitive glance around her; she slipped inside and sat besides him. The acqua scent that Jai always sported filled her nostrils, in the closed Car.
Jai kept his arm over the head-rest of his seat and a wicked smile playing on his lips, said, ‘So did you get me that piece of sweet I was asking for?’
Bani blushed and laughing lightly said, ‘You are such a flirt, Mr. Walia…’
Getting an intoxicated look in his eyes, Jai replied in a husky tone, ‘And you are such a tease, Ms. Dixit…’
She grinned and said in a haughty voice, ‘I just came here to say goodbye to you…and here, have this Ladoo…’
He looked at the piece of sweet and said, ‘I don’t want it!’
‘You just asked for a piece of sweet…and I, being a good host, got you one…now take it and goodbye…I have to see off the other guests…’
‘What sort of a way is this to see off your guest?’
‘The normal way…’ she blushed at the way he kept staring at her and she brought her sheer chiffon duppata closer to her body, making sure, no part of her body was visible.
He heaved a long sigh and said, ‘Oh…well, okay.’ And without taking the Ladoo from her hands, he took a bite of it and remarked with a wry face, ‘It’s not sweet enough…’
She stared at him in puzzlement and replied haltingly, ‘But…I ate it a while ago…it’s delicious and really sweet…’
‘Hmmm, maybe…but not as sweet as I was expecting…’
She looked at the Ladoo perplexed and took a bite and then glaring back at Jai said, ‘Its perfect…you are just teasing me! Here, I have wrapped the remaining piece in the tissue paper…you can have it if you feel like…I am going!’
Dusting her hands, she turned towards the other side and tried to open the door, but it won’t budge. She turned back to look at Jai who announced in a very unflappable manner, ‘Central Locking.’
She replied back with desperation, ‘Open it then!’
He nodded his head in the negative and said indolently, ‘Not till I get my sweet…’
She hid her grin and moved her hands towards the Steering Wheel to open the Central Lock, but he caught hold of her slender wrists, his arms clasping her glass bangles, as they jingled against one another sonorously.
She spotted with red on her face and said, ‘Twice is more than enough for one night…now let me go…’
‘Even twenty is not enough with you, Bani…’ before she could react, he brought her crashing down on his chest and the impact of which broke one or two of her bangles, with a slight gnash marking them.
She said irately, ‘See what you have done…’
Not taking his eyes of her face, he held her wrists and brought them slowly towards his face, planting a kiss on the slight wound and his warm breath tingled her skin and she let out a yelp in agony…’Ouch…that burns…’
‘Sliding his hands upwards and holding her now by her upper-arms, he brought her face closer to him and said gruffly, ‘does this burn too?’
Bringing his lips down on her in a hard, long kiss, he muffled down any protests that she could have wanted to offer and when she was let free by him, feeling completely plundered and ravished, he said, licking his lips with the tip of his tounge, ‘Come to think of it…I have developed a taste for sweets….’
‘You are crazy….’ she gasped for breath, her face a deep shade of crimson and her lips swollen.
He grinned and replied back unperturbedly, ‘I know…’
Bani broke out into a shy laughter without wanting to and bringing her hands together, said pleadingly, ‘Someone must be looking for me…please open the door, Jai…’
He did not take his eyes off her and then giving a gentle smile, clicked the button which activated the Central Locking and said softly, ‘Its open!’
She stared at him for some time and feeling unbearably shy at the manner, in which he gazed at her, let her eyes down and taking the edge of her duppata, she wiped Jai’s mouth, free from the lipstick stains that he had brought upon himself.
He held her wrist again and when she met his eyes, he took her face in his warm hands and planted the most fleeting of kisses on her forehead and said, ‘I hope you know that I am absolutely crazy for you…’
She gazed at him in the semi-darkness of the Car and bringing herself closer to him, gave a feathery peck on his lips and said, ‘Just as much as I am for you…’
Staying in his arms, with her head on his chest, she drew circles with her fingers on his shirt; he raised the tip of her chin and said, ‘Now what happened? Weren’t you supposed to go back? Your Mother must have sent a search party by now…’
She kept her head back on his chest and said longlingly, ‘I don’t want to go back…I want to stay with you!’
He laughed lightly and retorted, ‘Then why the hell haven’t you told anybody that we are engaged again!’
She laughed along with him and said, ‘I can’t tell Ma…I’ll feel too shy…you speak to her!’
‘Ok…Then let’s go inside and tell her right away!’
She immediately shook herself free from his arms and blinking rapidly at him said, ‘No…No…Not now! After Rano di’s marriage! Let ‘us’ be a secret till then!’
He said slowly, ‘Okaaay…Odd…But Okay, if that is what you wish!’
Sensing that it was almost 30 minutes that she had been with Jai inside his Car, she opened the door suddenly and said, ‘Ma is going to hang me on the Gulmohar Tree…I have been doing the disappearing act since you came…’
He laughed delightedly and said, ‘Well, she better get used to it now…this is going to happen till you tell her about us!’
Bidding a hasty goodbye, she ran back to her home and after Jai had seen her going inside the gates, he drove off towards his Farmhouse.
Meera who had been looking around for Bani, saw Jai driving off, the window of his Car was down and she was pretty taken aback, wondering what he was doing outside in his Car for the last forty mintues or so, since he had bid goodbye and left.
Bani got a dressing down from Kiran on her whereabouts, but the girl was completely on the seventh heaven of her love to care anything. When everything had been wrapped off and only the close family members and relatives were left in the house, Bani got herself a cup of coffee and sat alongside Rano, Nachiket (Who was staying put for the night at the Dixit Residence) Aditya, Saahil and a few other cousins. Everyone was relaxing their limbs after all the dancing and singing and chatting about how well the function went, when Meera gave a very sly look at Bani and said, ‘Listen Bani…what is that thing on your neck?’
Bani took a sip of her Coffee, still dressed in her evening clothes and touching a small mark on her neck, said confusedly, ‘I don’t know…why, what is it?’ Rano leaned forward to look and suddenly her face went red with embrassment and she quickly covered that area with Bani’s duppata.
Meera continued that catty look on her face and said, ‘Seems like a bite to me…just show me once more!’ Before Bani could comprehend or react, Meera had come near her and uncovered the duppata and said smugly, ‘Hmm, just as I guessed…It’s a Hicky!’
Rano looked even more red and tried to hush up Meera, but Bani stared at her and said, all confused, ‘What is a Hicky? Oh god…is it some kind of a skin infection…oh no! I had it last year also…because of a Mosquito bite!’
Meera gave a very sly grin and said, ‘It’s a bite, alright…but not by a Mosquito…More likely by a Homosapien!’
Bani glared back at her and said, ‘Excuse me? Homosapien?’
Meera threw her head back and gave an extremely theatrical laugh, making Nachiket frown and mutter some curses under his breath, while she said, coming near Bani’s ears, ‘My dear…A Homosapien refers to a fully grown man…and by Hicky I mean a Love Bite…’
Bani’s color went from pale to pink to puce in three seconds flat and she almost spilled the Coffee.
Nachiket and Rano passed furitive glances at one another, while the two cousins sniggered and Aditya looked furious, only poor Saahil was clueless.
Bani was shivering, both with rage, at Meera’s incessant spying on her and with the memories of Jai’s ardous and passionate kissing…banging the cup on the ground, she got up and stormed off to her room.
Aditya looked at Meera and said sternly, ‘How dare you speak to my neice in this manner? She is a child…she is not even supposed to listen to such talk!’
Meera looked a bit scared at being scolded, but getting a righteous expression on her face said, ‘Adi Chachu…I am not being a gossip or anything…just telling the truth as it is…I’ve been noticing her movements since I’ve come…and besides, she is like my sister…I don’t want her doing anything wrong.’
Aditya replied back coldly, ‘How thoughtful of you, Meera…but we are here to take care of Bani…and don’t you dare accuse her of anything like this again!’
Saying that Aditya too stormed off, calling Nachiket along him, but not before Rano whispered into his ears, ‘Oh my God…Meera is telling the truth!’
Nachiket asked shocked, ‘How do you know? It must be a mosquito bite…I got bitten yesterday…you guys should really prune the hedges regularly…’
Rano cut him short impatiently and said, ‘Nachiket…I’ve been engaged for the last six months…trust me…I know the difference between a Mosquito Bite and a Human Bite!’
Nachiket looked constipated and said, ‘I would rather die than believe that painted trollop…but on this occasion, even I think she knows something that we don’t!’
Rano waited for a while and said, ‘God…that means, Bani is having an affair…oh, poor thing…on a rebound that too!’
‘What do you mean, on a rebound?’
Rano said miserably, ‘I think she wants to prove a point to “that man”…and hence, she got hold of some guy…to make him jealous…and that is why all that Mr. Walia…Sweet…Diabetes talk…’
Nachiket looked seriously in doubt at Rano’s deductions and said, ‘As far as I know Bani, she is very unlikely to do something like this…and besides, where would she find a guy in such short notice…there is hardly a likely candidate around…’
‘It might be Pushkar’ Rano whispered doubtfully!
‘Are you crazy? That dim-wit scarecrow? His teeth will come off if he tries to give a love bite to anybody…No…This is someone else…someone we know very well…just not able to find out…’
They couldn’t get on with their conversation, because Kiran had by then yelled at Rano to go off to sleep and get up early the next morning for a couple of Pooja and then prepare for the Mehendi Function in the evening.
They ended on a note that tomorrow come what may, they had to find out the mystery man in Bani’s life.
Meera who had joined two by two till now, smiled slyly to herself and said…’The hunk in the SUV is seen driving off, 40 minutes after he left the function…Bani is nowhere to be found for a period of 30 minutes…hmmm…can there be a connection?’
Giggling to herself, she switched off the lamp in the drawing room, where some of the guests had put beds and said, ‘Tomorrow Bani Rani…I’ll not only find out whom you are cavorting around with…but make sure, the whole gathering comes to know of it! Manhattan, my foot!’
It was close to 10:30, when Jai decided to leave, after giving up on snatching another lip-lock with his sweetheart, she was no where to be found…and besides, they were engaged again, so he would make sure there would be no dearth of them! :whistling
Aditya refused to let him leave so soon and said in his usual hearty manner, ‘No way, are we letting you go so soon…the dinner is being served and you have to eat now!’
‘Aditya, I really have to leave…my Auditors are coming tomorrow morning and I have a very hectic day…but, I’ll be there for the Wedding…’
‘Of course, you’ll be there for the wedding…but you have to stay back tonight…now come with us and have Dinner…you work far too much anyway!’
Before Jai could offer any more protest, Kiran had joined them and dragged him along to the Canopy where the Food was served.
There were so many women around that Jai felt himself going a bit ruddy, remembering the date he had with Bani at her College Fair…all that seemed just a while ago…in just a span of few months, from strangers, to unwanted Fiance's, to great friends and now so desperately in love, they could barely keep their hands off each other…at least, he couldn’t!

Jai stood in a corner and when his eyes met Rano’s, he offered a very charming smile, only to get a very vicious look back from her, quite taking him aback. Then he saw Nachiket wandering about with Purva and she squealed in delight when she spotted Jai and before Nachiket could scamper away, dragged him along with her towards Jai.
‘Hi Jai…I was wondering if you were here or not…such a great gathering…Oooh, you should have been here a while back…Bani and I danced…’
Jai tried his best to keep a casual expression and spoke generally to Purva and while he offered a very polite ‘hello’ to Nachiket, all he got in return was a shifty look from him and some muttering which Jai assumed must be Nachiket’s way of saying ‘Hello’.
When Nachiket had again vanished, making an excuse, Jai remarked to Purva, ‘What is wrong with him? And what is wrong with Rano? They both behaved so strangely with me!’
Purva replied in a bewildered manner, ‘I don’t know…they keep gossiping and whispering with one another all the time and making frequent reference to ‘Batman’ or something!’
Purva rolled her eyes and said, ‘Oh you know how artists are…and Rano, I guess she is just over-excited with the entire marriage thing happening!’
Bani was once again stuck in a very excruciating conversation with Pushkar, who decided to give it one try and impress the maiden, noticed that Jai was in the Canopy and when their eyes met, his sparkled with waywardness and hers with coyness. He kept a finger over his lip and then showed her a one finger…she blushed deeply and negated her head, barely able to manage her smile.
‘So, as I was telling your Borney, after 3 years of slogging and trudging in a miserable studio apartment, I now live in in a 2 bedroom flat at Maida Vale…and yes, I am also due for a promotion for Executive Manager very soon…also, I have been going to gym a lot more frequently...our family astrologer says that the coming year is going to be splendid for me.’
Feeling self-reproach at ignoring Pushkar earlier on, she abruptly turned her attention to him and mistaking the perpetual look of droopiness in his eyes said sympathetically, ‘Oh…really? That is the worst news I have heard in a long time…My condolences to you and your family.’
Kiran swept past Bani with a plate of Mithai in her hand and spoke off-handedly, ‘Bani…what are you doing standing here staring at space? Take this plate and offer some to the guests who have just come in!’
‘Oh! Ok…Er, excuse me, Pushkar…I need to attend to the other guests…but do tell me in detail about that…erm…thing you were just telling me about…’ biting her lips, wondering what on Earth she was just listening to, Bani took off with the plate of Mithai.
Pushkar was stuck open-mouthed again, wondering if Bani really was tone-deaf or simply not listening to him!
Before she could reach Jai, all the sweets were consumed by other guests and she quickly took one piece of Ladoo in her hand, keeping it for Jai.
When she reached him, they smiled formally at one another, since Purva was already there, besides Nachiket had also joined, alongside Meera and Rano, and Pushkar decided that the only way to impress Bani, was with perseverance and he came along too.
After Rano had made a very cool introduction between Jai and the others, Jai, unmindful of what was going on between Rano and Nachiket, said, ‘Rano, I had no idea, you were a Batman Fan!’
Rano looked completely bewildered and said, ‘Batman? Who said that to you!’
Purva interjected, ‘I keep hearing you make reference to Batman all throughtout the evening with Nachiket…’
Nachiket and Rano dappled when they realized that their references to Jai as “that man” was being misconstrued as “Batman” and once again started murmuring in each other’s ears.

Jai asked Bani in a very reserved tone, ‘Is there a piece of sweet left for me?’
She looked at him, and praying to God, that no one should guess anything, said very coolly, ‘No…I am sorry...that was the last piece…Pushkar took it.
Sensing that this was the best time to make an introduction between Pushkar and Jai, Rano said to Bani in a syrupy tone, ‘Bani…wont’ you introduce our special guest Mr. Pushkar Shukla to, ahem, him!’
Bani glared at Rano for referring Jai in a rude way and making a face at her, turned to Pushkar and said, ‘Pushkar, please meet Ja…Mr. Walia.’ Deliberately changing into his second name, biting her lips, this made Jai smile.
Looking at him again, she continued, ‘Mr. Walia, this is Pushkar Shukla…their family is very close to my Mother’s side…from Kanpur.’
Jai shook hands with Pushkar, which made the latter wince, since his grip was strong and firm. Wringing his hands a bit, Pushkar asked Jai, ‘Nice to meet you there! Say, do you go to the Gym regularly?’
Jai gave a wry look at Pushkar, everyone related to the Dixit family seemed to be a bit of a loose nut and replied with good humor ‘Er…No…Not really…but I exercise otherwise…’
Bani got excited and said, ‘Yes, he swims very well…he once saved me from drowning…’
And then as all eyes turned towards them, including Rano and Nachiket’s shocked ones, she went all pink in her face and said haltingly, ‘Actually…I could have saved myself…the water wasn’t all that deep…’
Pushkar smiled benignly at Jai and said conversationally, ‘So you are know to the Deek-Shit family for long?’
Jai said, bewildered, ‘Deep Shit?’
Pushkar continued in the same manner, ‘Yeah, Rhino’s Family!’
Looking thoroughly confused, Jai said, ‘I am sorry…I don’t go to the Zoo…I wouldn’t know anything about Rhino’s!’

Now it was Pushkar’s turn to look totally bewildered, while Nachiket, Purva and even Bani began giggling uncontrollably.
Rano who looked furious at her name being mangled in this manner, said tersely, ‘Pushkar…My name is Rano…R-A-N-O and its Dixit…D-I-X-I-T!’
Jai gulped down his laughter when he understood what Pushkar was talking about and said, ‘Er…Yes, I know the Dixit’s…we are, erm, family friends.’
‘Nice…Nice…So are you employed or in business?’
Jai answered modestly, ‘I am self-employed.’
Pushkar continued to look at Jai for sometime and said slowly, ‘Come to think of it…I have seen you somewhere before…I don’t know…some newspaper or magazine…can’t recollect…’
Jai smiled politely and refrained from telling Pushkar that the company he was employed with in London was one of Walia Industrie’s foreign partners and he was on the board of directors and hence, Pushkar must have seen his picture in the Company Newsletter.
Nachiket who was completely irritated by Pushkar poked in between, ‘Come to think of this Pushkar, even I feel I might have seen you somewhere before?’
Pushkar gave a very snooty look at Nachiket and said, ‘Really Naughty-kid? And where would that be? Surely not London…can’t imagine you there!’ And laughed at his own joke!
Nachiket held the same thoughtful expression and quipped, ‘No…Not London…But it might have been the Kanpur Local Zoo…I used to go there to feed peanuts regularly….’ (Yeah, Nattu! :ThumbsUp:)
Now everyone broke out giggling madly!
There was a sort of uncomfortable silence till Meera who had been staring unabashedly at Jai, said in a somewhat coquettish tone, ‘Em…Bani, won’t you introduce me?’
Bani turned to look at Meera and immediately guessing that she was eyeing Jai, said cuttingly, ‘You just heard his name a while ago!’
Meera went puce and retorted, ‘But he hasn’t heard mine…’ Ignoring an irritated looking Bani, she put on a very sweet smile and turning to look at Jai said in a sing-song voice, ‘Hello ji…I am Meera…Rano and Bani’s cousin…’
Jai raised his eyebrows comically and asked, ‘From Kanpur?’
Meera gave a hyenical laughter and said, ‘No…No…I am not from that shaggy small town…I live in Bhopal!’
Jai smiled at her and nodded his head, wondering how long he would have to keep standing with this odd group and wishing either he was back home or better still in Bani’s Terrace with her for company!
Bani looked livid with rage at Meera blatant flirting with her man and she said rudely, ‘Yeah, so if Kanpur is a shaggy small town…what is Bhopal? The Manhattan of Madhya Pradesh!
Meera went red in the face, as Nachiket, Purva, Rano and even Pushkar sniggered profusely and Jai could barely hide his grin at Bani’s ill-concealed jealousy.
Meera sulked, while Jai turning his attention to Bani said in all seriousness, ‘So you are saying there is no piece of sweet left for me?’
Bani answered in the same tone, ‘No. Nothing left.’
‘Oh…But I feel like having a piece of sweet desperately.’
Bani blushed, but recovering, replied back, ‘I thought you had two already…
And then watching his eyes twinkle with mischief, she continued teasingly, ‘I don’t think you can have any more, the Caterer has wrapped up…’
Jai looked at his watch and said with mock-sad eyes, ‘It is quite late actually…I have to leave…and I was really hoping I could have something sweet before I left…’
Bani’s eyes gleamed and she retorted, ‘Too much sugar can cause Diabetes…’
Without missing a beat, Jai replied, ‘Less sugar can cause low-blood pressure…’
Bani could barely contain her laughter at their double entrende talk in between so many people and she said seriously, ‘If that is the case…then let me go and check if there is any sweet left for you…’
‘Yeah…that would be great! You are an excellent host, Ba…I mean, Ms. Dixit!’
‘The pleasure is entirely mine, Mr. Walia!’ :whistling
Bani went out of the Canopy and Jai after bidding goodbye to everyone also left.
Rano turned to look at Nachiket and said, ‘See…See…how sarcastic they were being to one another…I loved the way Bani anwered him back…serves him well!’
Nachiket scratched his head and said, ‘I found their talk to be a bit strange…what was all that about Sweet and Sugar and Diabetes? And why on Earth were the referring to each other by their second name!’
Rano said, ‘Silly…can’t you understand…the Sweets referred to “that man” asking for forgiveness from Bani for hitting her and trying to kill her and Bani replied to him that she would rather suffer from Diabetes than forgive him…They were trying to hide their animosity from all of us…but I could understand the subtext!’
Nachiket looked seriously doubtful and said, ‘Mujhe toh kuch Daal mein Kaala lagta hain…’
Meera who had been staring at Jai and Bani’s expression said, ‘Mujhe toh poori Dal hi Kaali lagti hai…’ and when both Rano and Nachiket turned to look at her, she finished with a sly smile, ‘Aur mujhe Kaali dal bahut acchi lagti hain…’

Meanwhile Bani had slipped outside the gates of her house and with some difficulty managed to locate Jai’s SUV parked in a dark corner. She looked around, a bit fearful in the dark and shivering with cold and there came a knock on the Car window from inside.
She almost jumped out of her skin, when Jai opened the other side of the Car for her and after giving a furitive glance around her; she slipped inside and sat besides him. The acqua scent that Jai always sported filled her nostrils, in the closed Car.
Jai kept his arm over the head-rest of his seat and a wicked smile playing on his lips, said, ‘So did you get me that piece of sweet I was asking for?’
Bani blushed and laughing lightly said, ‘You are such a flirt, Mr. Walia…’
Getting an intoxicated look in his eyes, Jai replied in a husky tone, ‘And you are such a tease, Ms. Dixit…’

She grinned and said in a haughty voice, ‘I just came here to say goodbye to you…and here, have this Ladoo…’
He looked at the piece of sweet and said, ‘I don’t want it!’
‘You just asked for a piece of sweet…and I, being a good host, got you one…now take it and goodbye…I have to see off the other guests…’
‘What sort of a way is this to see off your guest?’
‘The normal way…’ she blushed at the way he kept staring at her and she brought her sheer chiffon duppata closer to her body, making sure, no part of her body was visible.
He heaved a long sigh and said, ‘Oh…well, okay.’ And without taking the Ladoo from her hands, he took a bite of it and remarked with a wry face, ‘It’s not sweet enough…’
She stared at him in puzzlement and replied haltingly, ‘But…I ate it a while ago…it’s delicious and really sweet…’
‘Hmmm, maybe…but not as sweet as I was expecting…’
She looked at the Ladoo perplexed and took a bite and then glaring back at Jai said, ‘Its perfect…you are just teasing me! Here, I have wrapped the remaining piece in the tissue paper…you can have it if you feel like…I am going!’
Dusting her hands, she turned towards the other side and tried to open the door, but it won’t budge. She turned back to look at Jai who announced in a very unflappable manner, ‘Central Locking.’
She replied back with desperation, ‘Open it then!’
He nodded his head in the negative and said indolently, ‘Not till I get my sweet…’
She hid her grin and moved her hands towards the Steering Wheel to open the Central Lock, but he caught hold of her slender wrists, his arms clasping her glass bangles, as they jingled against one another sonorously.
She spotted with red on her face and said, ‘Twice is more than enough for one night…now let me go…’
‘Even twenty is not enough with you, Bani…’ before she could react, he brought her crashing down on his chest and the impact of which broke one or two of her bangles, with a slight gnash marking them.
She said irately, ‘See what you have done…’
Not taking his eyes of her face, he held her wrists and brought them slowly towards his face, planting a kiss on the slight wound and his warm breath tingled her skin and she let out a yelp in agony…’Ouch…that burns…’
‘Sliding his hands upwards and holding her now by her upper-arms, he brought her face closer to him and said gruffly, ‘does this burn too?’

Bringing his lips down on her in a hard, long kiss, he muffled down any protests that she could have wanted to offer and when she was let free by him, feeling completely plundered and ravished, he said, licking his lips with the tip of his tounge, ‘Come to think of it…I have developed a taste for sweets….’
‘You are crazy….’ she gasped for breath, her face a deep shade of crimson and her lips swollen.
He grinned and replied back unperturbedly, ‘I know…’
Bani broke out into a shy laughter without wanting to and bringing her hands together, said pleadingly, ‘Someone must be looking for me…please open the door, Jai…’
He did not take his eyes off her and then giving a gentle smile, clicked the button which activated the Central Locking and said softly, ‘Its open!’
She stared at him for some time and feeling unbearably shy at the manner, in which he gazed at her, let her eyes down and taking the edge of her duppata, she wiped Jai’s mouth, free from the lipstick stains that he had brought upon himself.
He held her wrist again and when she met his eyes, he took her face in his warm hands and planted the most fleeting of kisses on her forehead and said, ‘I hope you know that I am absolutely crazy for you…’
She gazed at him in the semi-darkness of the Car and bringing herself closer to him, gave a feathery peck on his lips and said, ‘Just as much as I am for you…’
Staying in his arms, with her head on his chest, she drew circles with her fingers on his shirt; he raised the tip of her chin and said, ‘Now what happened? Weren’t you supposed to go back? Your Mother must have sent a search party by now…’
She kept her head back on his chest and said longlingly, ‘I don’t want to go back…I want to stay with you!’
He laughed lightly and retorted, ‘Then why the hell haven’t you told anybody that we are engaged again!’
She laughed along with him and said, ‘I can’t tell Ma…I’ll feel too shy…you speak to her!’
‘Ok…Then let’s go inside and tell her right away!’
She immediately shook herself free from his arms and blinking rapidly at him said, ‘No…No…Not now! After Rano di’s marriage! Let ‘us’ be a secret till then!’
He said slowly, ‘Okaaay…Odd…But Okay, if that is what you wish!’
Sensing that it was almost 30 minutes that she had been with Jai inside his Car, she opened the door suddenly and said, ‘Ma is going to hang me on the Gulmohar Tree…I have been doing the disappearing act since you came…’
He laughed delightedly and said, ‘Well, she better get used to it now…this is going to happen till you tell her about us!’
Bidding a hasty goodbye, she ran back to her home and after Jai had seen her going inside the gates, he drove off towards his Farmhouse.
Meera who had been looking around for Bani, saw Jai driving off, the window of his Car was down and she was pretty taken aback, wondering what he was doing outside in his Car for the last forty mintues or so, since he had bid goodbye and left.
Bani got a dressing down from Kiran on her whereabouts, but the girl was completely on the seventh heaven of her love to care anything. When everything had been wrapped off and only the close family members and relatives were left in the house, Bani got herself a cup of coffee and sat alongside Rano, Nachiket (Who was staying put for the night at the Dixit Residence) Aditya, Saahil and a few other cousins. Everyone was relaxing their limbs after all the dancing and singing and chatting about how well the function went, when Meera gave a very sly look at Bani and said, ‘Listen Bani…what is that thing on your neck?’
Bani took a sip of her Coffee, still dressed in her evening clothes and touching a small mark on her neck, said confusedly, ‘I don’t know…why, what is it?’ Rano leaned forward to look and suddenly her face went red with embrassment and she quickly covered that area with Bani’s duppata.
Meera continued that catty look on her face and said, ‘Seems like a bite to me…just show me once more!’ Before Bani could comprehend or react, Meera had come near her and uncovered the duppata and said smugly, ‘Hmm, just as I guessed…It’s a Hicky!’
Rano looked even more red and tried to hush up Meera, but Bani stared at her and said, all confused, ‘What is a Hicky? Oh god…is it some kind of a skin infection…oh no! I had it last year also…because of a Mosquito bite!’
Meera gave a very sly grin and said, ‘It’s a bite, alright…but not by a Mosquito…More likely by a Homosapien!’
Bani glared back at her and said, ‘Excuse me? Homosapien?’
Meera threw her head back and gave an extremely theatrical laugh, making Nachiket frown and mutter some curses under his breath, while she said, coming near Bani’s ears, ‘My dear…A Homosapien refers to a fully grown man…and by Hicky I mean a Love Bite…’

Bani’s color went from pale to pink to puce in three seconds flat and she almost spilled the Coffee.
Nachiket and Rano passed furitive glances at one another, while the two cousins sniggered and Aditya looked furious, only poor Saahil was clueless.
Bani was shivering, both with rage, at Meera’s incessant spying on her and with the memories of Jai’s ardous and passionate kissing…banging the cup on the ground, she got up and stormed off to her room.
Aditya looked at Meera and said sternly, ‘How dare you speak to my neice in this manner? She is a child…she is not even supposed to listen to such talk!’
Meera looked a bit scared at being scolded, but getting a righteous expression on her face said, ‘Adi Chachu…I am not being a gossip or anything…just telling the truth as it is…I’ve been noticing her movements since I’ve come…and besides, she is like my sister…I don’t want her doing anything wrong.’
Aditya replied back coldly, ‘How thoughtful of you, Meera…but we are here to take care of Bani…and don’t you dare accuse her of anything like this again!’
Saying that Aditya too stormed off, calling Nachiket along him, but not before Rano whispered into his ears, ‘Oh my God…Meera is telling the truth!’
Nachiket asked shocked, ‘How do you know? It must be a mosquito bite…I got bitten yesterday…you guys should really prune the hedges regularly…’
Rano cut him short impatiently and said, ‘Nachiket…I’ve been engaged for the last six months…trust me…I know the difference between a Mosquito Bite and a Human Bite!’
Nachiket looked constipated and said, ‘I would rather die than believe that painted trollop…but on this occasion, even I think she knows something that we don’t!’
Rano waited for a while and said, ‘God…that means, Bani is having an affair…oh, poor thing…on a rebound that too!’
‘What do you mean, on a rebound?’
Rano said miserably, ‘I think she wants to prove a point to “that man”…and hence, she got hold of some guy…to make him jealous…and that is why all that Mr. Walia…Sweet…Diabetes talk…’
Nachiket looked seriously in doubt at Rano’s deductions and said, ‘As far as I know Bani, she is very unlikely to do something like this…and besides, where would she find a guy in such short notice…there is hardly a likely candidate around…’
‘It might be Pushkar’ Rano whispered doubtfully!
‘Are you crazy? That dim-wit scarecrow? His teeth will come off if he tries to give a love bite to anybody…No…This is someone else…someone we know very well…just not able to find out…’
They couldn’t get on with their conversation, because Kiran had by then yelled at Rano to go off to sleep and get up early the next morning for a couple of Pooja and then prepare for the Mehendi Function in the evening.
They ended on a note that tomorrow come what may, they had to find out the mystery man in Bani’s life.
Meera who had joined two by two till now, smiled slyly to herself and said…’The hunk in the SUV is seen driving off, 40 minutes after he left the function…Bani is nowhere to be found for a period of 30 minutes…hmmm…can there be a connection?’
Giggling to herself, she switched off the lamp in the drawing room, where some of the guests had put beds and said, ‘Tomorrow Bani Rani…I’ll not only find out whom you are cavorting around with…but make sure, the whole gathering comes to know of it! Manhattan, my foot!’
Part 18 -
Jai sat looking utterly frustrated, as Uday Walia munched his third batch of salted peanuts.
‘If you’ve finished with that very gluttonous display of appetite…may I ask why you dropped by without informing me and what in the world were you doing in Miami instead of New York?’
Uday gave a droll look at his son and said, ‘Sometimes I’m really confused as to whom the father here is and who is the son…stop being so fussy, Jai!’
Jai said exasperated, ‘Dad…stop putting the peanut skins on the carpet, you are littering my office…I have a conference call in 10 minutes, which I cannot miss…and you still haven’t answered my questions!’
Uday gave up eating the peanuts, mostly because the packet was empty and then proceeded to face Jai’s court-martial.
‘I didn’t want to bother you beforehand, so I fixed the tickets on my own, hopped into a plane and viola…after 18 hours, I am at Indira Gandhi International Airport!’
‘But why weren’t you in New York? You were supposed to be recovering after the surgery…your nurse told me that you escaped the hospital a week before discharge time!’
‘They just want to make money…and anyway I went off to Miami to do just that…recover!’
‘In Miami? And how is that?’
‘Oh you know Sun, Sand and Se…’
‘Sun, Sand and WHAT?’ yelled Jai.
Gulping some water, Uday hastily corrected his answer, ‘Did you hear something else? No…I meant, Sun, Sand and Er…yes, Satsangs!’
‘Satsangs? In Miami? Where exactly were you singing these Bhajans?’
Uday gave a shamefaced look at Jai and said implausibly, ‘On the Sand…Underneath the Sun…’
Jai kept staring at his Father and both of them broke out laughing loudly.
‘Pa…when will you grow up?’
‘The day you stop being Mother-hen to me!’
‘Don’t you have any regards for my Mother’s memories?’
‘Your mother was also my wife…and till the day she was alive…I was a loyal and loving husband…and still am…but I can’t spend the rest of my life in miserable widowerhood…’
‘I wish she haunts you, Dad!’ Jai laughed again at his Father’s general state of enjoyment and continued, ‘gosh…you look splendid…all tanned and healthy! Touchwood!’ Jai knocked on his table twice, making Uday smile affectionately. Jai was the least bit superstitious unless it came to his Father’s health.
‘Did Mary tell you something about us?’
‘Mary? Who is she?’
‘The nurse whom you spoke with…in New York!’
Jai who had called up Stella to connect him on the con-call, cut off the intercom and stared at his father. ‘Dad, please don’t tell me, you went and had a fling with your Nurse! Please, think about me, if not about yourself!’
‘Oh…Mary is a bit too old for you, Jai!’
‘That’t not what I meant….I give up! Now you be a good boy and get back home…I’ll tell Kailash to drop you at the Farmhouse! You must be exhausted!’
Uday did not look one bit exhausted and getting annoyed at his son for pushing him out of his Office, lounged about a bit, greeting the staff and charming the pants out of everyone!
When Kailash had started the Car and driven a little ahead, Uday stopped him and asked, ‘Yaar suno...Do you know where your Sahab goes regularly, apart from the Farmhouse and the Club?’
Kailash thought for a while and decided that it would be quite alright to tell him about Bani…afterall he was Sahab’s father.
‘Yes, bade Sahab…who ek Madam hain naa…unke ghar jaate hain…’
Uday smiled genially and said, ‘Wahin le jao…aur suno, don’t bother to tell your Sahab about it!’
Getting out of the Car, he looked at the bedecked house and guessed that this must be the correct location! Telling Kailash to pick him up in half an hour, he opened the creaky gates and walked inside. Kiran would be thrilled to see him after such a long time and the girls…they must have grown up…he was dying to meet them, especially Bani!
The first question Uday had asked Jai on landing was whether he had disclosed his feelings to Bani or not…and after getting an ‘I am not talking about my personal life during office hours’ lecture from Jai, had sulked around quite a bit.
‘Fine…he doesn’t want to talk about his love life…I’ll go and find his love life and make her talk!’
At the Dixit House
Kiran, Aditya alongside the other relatives were all set to leave for Ranveer’s house for the Shagun Ceremony, while Rano and some of the other cousins had gone off to the Beautician for pre-bridal touchup!
Bani as usual was left behind at home to oversee some work and Kiran told her to expect the Contractor who was supposed to come for a discussion on last minute arrangements at the Venue.
There were just a couple of kids around alongside Bani, who was lounging about in the garden, looking relieved to have some time to herself and dress casually, instead of donning a traditional attire, the way her mother insisted, after the relatives and guests had started pouring into her house. She was not in a splendid mood, since taking advantage of the free hours, she had called up Jai, only to be informed by his secretary that he was extremely busy and had strictly informed not to pass any personal calls to him.
When Uday arrived at the Dixit House it looked partially empty and he learnt from one kid he got hold off, that everyone had gone to ‘Ranveer Jeejaji’s house with the Shagun’ and would be back in a hours time or so.
Looking disappointed, Uday lounged in the garden, wondering what to do, till Kailash came back to pick him up. He had so wanted to meet Bani…
‘Excuse me?’ came a perky, young voice from behind.
Uday turned to look at the girl, she looked like a teenager, with her hair tied in two long plaits and wearing a denim dungaree over a white sweatshirt. Must be some relative of the Dixit’s, he thought.
‘Beta…is there anyone to whom I can talk here?’
She had a half eaten Guava in her hand and digesting the piece that was in her mouth, she said, ‘Talk to me!’
‘No…No…I mean an adult…a grown-up!’
Bani rolled her eyes and said politely but with a terse edge, ‘I am a grown up! No one will be back before afternoon…’
Uday looked perplexed, wondering what to do and then suddenly, without warning, Bani came near him and said, ‘Oh…You are the Pandal guy! Ma said you would be coming around this time…sorry Uncle, I forgot all about it!’
Uday looked gobsmacked and muttered, ‘Pandal? As in Canopy? No…No…You have…’
Cutting down his speech and gulping the remaining Guava with remarkable speed, she took hold of his hand and dragged him indoors.
‘See…the worker you had sent across for the Sangeet Function was very obnoxious…and despite, our strict instructions, he did not cover the Gulmohar Tree…we had planned to put fairy lights on it, so that it can look like a Centre Piece…but no…he went on and on about how it wont’ be possible…I mean, what is the point of hiring professionals, if one has to do what one feels like, right?’
Uday kept gaping at her, while she took a bottle of water from the table and shoving it into his hands, dragged him upstairs, right to the Terrace, not breaking the flow of talk even once.
‘Now from here, you can get a fantastic view of the lawn…and I’ll tell you how exactly I want the Pandal to be erected…you know, there is a difference between a conical shaped structure and a square one…but those workers…just won’t listen…I drew a diagram and showed it to them…but no…they will do what they feel like…what is the world coming to?’
Uday stammered, ‘Yes…the world is coming to a very bad state…Beta, I was saying…’
‘Uncle…Its not as if I am blaming you…I mean, you are only the contractor…obviously the workers take you for a ride behind your back…and judging by your age…I don’t think you can make field trips on your own to see what your workers are upto…but I am not someone who lets people get away with shoddy work…my mother pays for something…and she should get full service in return…do you know how hard she works?’
Uday looked petrified now and muttered, ‘Yes…Yes…I can understand everything…but listen…’
‘What is there to listen Uncle? I have been doing nothing but listening! Bani…go get the wedding cards from the printer…Bani…go call up the Caterer…Bani…go to the Station and pick up Sudha Bua….Bani….do this…Bani do that…’
Uday gaped at her and said in a stunned voice, ‘You are Bani?’
‘Who else? The solution to every problem at Dixit House…everyone is off at Jeeju’s house for Shagun and I am stuck here, because you had to come…but no…nobody thinks about me…’ and then pausing to take breath, looked at him confusedly and said, ‘Btw, why am I telling you all this? You are here for the Pandal thing…’
Uday could barely manage his smile and with a somber look said, ‘Don’t worry…I’ll make sure everything goes right this time…but tell me, do you have someone special in your life?’
Bani gave an extremely suspicious and apprehensive look at the old man standing in front of her, dressed in knee length Khakhi Shorts and a striped T-shirt, with a Sun cap covering his bald patch. His face looked familiar to her, but she couldn’t place him somehow.
‘Excuse me…what do you mean? Hmmm, what do you mean? You think I am some child, haan? All this beta, beta talk! That is what you think! I know all about dirty old men trying to….’ (Bilkul August Kranti Express hain...won't stop till somebody pulls the chain!
Uday gaggled on his words and said, ‘No…No…Please…you are completely misunderstanding me, beta! What I meant was…erm…you were telling me something about the Canopy…why don’t we get over with it?’
Bani stared aggressively at him for sometime and then taking in his kindly expression, she gave up with a shrug of her head and said, ‘Okay…lets talk business…but if you try to act smart…remember, I have learnt Karate for two whole weeks…’
Uday muffled his laughter and said with mock-fear, ‘Uh, Oh…Okay…Okay…I get it…’
She spent the next 10 minutes talking non-stop on the arrangements and then looking at her watch, spoke absently, ‘Someone was supposed to call me back…I had left three messages….’
Uday smiled warmly at her direction, immediately guessing, whom she was referring to and said, ‘Yes…yes. Even my son does that! Never calls me back…’
Bani looked understandingly at him and said, ‘aren’t son’s just awful…I would never do that to my Ma…Doesn’t he support you also?’
Uday thought about Jai’s lack of support when he wanted to try Bungee Jumping in New Zealand a few years back and said firmly, ‘No, he doesn’t! I am all on my own; in fact…it’s very sad!’
Bani looked pathetically at him and said gently, ‘I am so sorry Uncle…really; it’s very disheartening to see children give up on their parents when they need them the most…’
Uday thought about Jai giving up on him, when he had insisted on visiting every Pub in London a few years back and said, ‘Yes…yes…its very sad!’
‘So this guy…this son of yours, is he married? Is his wife also like him?’
‘He is not married yet…but he is going to very soon…and thought I don’t know his propective wife very well, I’ve a feeling, she is his complete opposite!’
Bani grinned and said, ‘Wow…maybe she can knock some sense into his head…so was he always like this, your son?’
Uday grinned to himself and thought, ‘Jai…always acting oversmart with your Father…today is my day…wait and see what I do!’ Turning to look at Bani, he continued, ‘Oh, the stories that I have to tell…’
They must have sat together for about half an hour, till Kailash honked the Car from below and Uday got up, dusting his Khakhi Bermudas and finished off, ‘So you see how shocked I must have been! To come home during afternoon and find my son with his girlfriend in my bedroom…and can you believe it, he was just 16 at that time!’ (Poor in big trouble, courtesy Daddy dearest... :tong:)
Bani looking all wide-eyed and scandalized, muttered something about spoilt boys and how poor Uncle must have suffered because of him, and then he took leave, chuckling all the way during the journey to the Farmhouse…dying to see how Bani would react when she would come to know of his identity and ofcourse, of his son…who was caught kissing his girlfriend in his Father’s bedroom at broad daylight!
This was going to be great fun…and yes, he thought that Bani was the sweetest, cutest, most lovliest thing he had ever set his eyes upon, though undoubtedly a bit ditzy…and seriously wondered how on earth she ever fell for Jai!
Uday sat sulking at the Dining Table, ignoring the delicious Mattar Paneer made by Bhaveh’s wife.
‘Dad…come on! Eat! You love Paneer!’
Uday sulked some more and said, ‘I left one thing in your possession and you can’t even take care of that…’
Jai exhaled in a weary manner and said, ‘you have been going on and on about that Statuette since you came here…I said, I am sorry…I didn’t do it deliberately…My Car banged into it!’
‘You drive so carefully…I can’t understand how you drove all over the lawns, to destroy my Statuette…’
‘Mistakes happen, Dad…I’ll get another one…an exact replica…I promise! Now please, stop sulking and eat…I’ve work to finish and then tomorrow morning, we’ve to go to the Dixit’s place for some function…’
Uday remembered his meeting with Bani and smiled gleefully. ‘Yes…Kiran would be thrilled to see me and I am dying to see the girls after so many years…so, you never told me what happened between you and Bani?’
Jai paused while eating some salad and remembered yesterday night’s encounters with her and biting his lip, said seriously, ‘Nothing interesting…and why you are so eager to know anyway…I’ll talk about it later with you!’
‘I can’t understand one thing Jai…if you have confessed your feelings…then why aren’t you telling me…and if you haven’t, then why are you still in front of me?’
Jai gulped water and getting up, laughed lightly and said, ‘You are far too curious for your own good…and anyway you are forgetting, patience is a virtue. Goodnight Pa!’
Uday took a piece of the Panner on his fork and fiddling with it said, ‘Hmmm, wait till we all meet tomorrow…’
Jai sat looking utterly frustrated, as Uday Walia munched his third batch of salted peanuts.
‘If you’ve finished with that very gluttonous display of appetite…may I ask why you dropped by without informing me and what in the world were you doing in Miami instead of New York?’
Uday gave a droll look at his son and said, ‘Sometimes I’m really confused as to whom the father here is and who is the son…stop being so fussy, Jai!’
Jai said exasperated, ‘Dad…stop putting the peanut skins on the carpet, you are littering my office…I have a conference call in 10 minutes, which I cannot miss…and you still haven’t answered my questions!’
Uday gave up eating the peanuts, mostly because the packet was empty and then proceeded to face Jai’s court-martial.
‘I didn’t want to bother you beforehand, so I fixed the tickets on my own, hopped into a plane and viola…after 18 hours, I am at Indira Gandhi International Airport!’
‘But why weren’t you in New York? You were supposed to be recovering after the surgery…your nurse told me that you escaped the hospital a week before discharge time!’
‘They just want to make money…and anyway I went off to Miami to do just that…recover!’
‘In Miami? And how is that?’
‘Oh you know Sun, Sand and Se…’
‘Sun, Sand and WHAT?’ yelled Jai.
Gulping some water, Uday hastily corrected his answer, ‘Did you hear something else? No…I meant, Sun, Sand and Er…yes, Satsangs!’
‘Satsangs? In Miami? Where exactly were you singing these Bhajans?’
Uday gave a shamefaced look at Jai and said implausibly, ‘On the Sand…Underneath the Sun…’
Jai kept staring at his Father and both of them broke out laughing loudly.
‘Pa…when will you grow up?’
‘The day you stop being Mother-hen to me!’
‘Don’t you have any regards for my Mother’s memories?’
‘Your mother was also my wife…and till the day she was alive…I was a loyal and loving husband…and still am…but I can’t spend the rest of my life in miserable widowerhood…’
‘I wish she haunts you, Dad!’ Jai laughed again at his Father’s general state of enjoyment and continued, ‘gosh…you look splendid…all tanned and healthy! Touchwood!’ Jai knocked on his table twice, making Uday smile affectionately. Jai was the least bit superstitious unless it came to his Father’s health.
‘Did Mary tell you something about us?’
‘Mary? Who is she?’
‘The nurse whom you spoke with…in New York!’
Jai who had called up Stella to connect him on the con-call, cut off the intercom and stared at his father. ‘Dad, please don’t tell me, you went and had a fling with your Nurse! Please, think about me, if not about yourself!’
‘Oh…Mary is a bit too old for you, Jai!’
‘That’t not what I meant….I give up! Now you be a good boy and get back home…I’ll tell Kailash to drop you at the Farmhouse! You must be exhausted!’
Uday did not look one bit exhausted and getting annoyed at his son for pushing him out of his Office, lounged about a bit, greeting the staff and charming the pants out of everyone!
When Kailash had started the Car and driven a little ahead, Uday stopped him and asked, ‘Yaar suno...Do you know where your Sahab goes regularly, apart from the Farmhouse and the Club?’
Kailash thought for a while and decided that it would be quite alright to tell him about Bani…afterall he was Sahab’s father.
‘Yes, bade Sahab…who ek Madam hain naa…unke ghar jaate hain…’
Uday smiled genially and said, ‘Wahin le jao…aur suno, don’t bother to tell your Sahab about it!’
Getting out of the Car, he looked at the bedecked house and guessed that this must be the correct location! Telling Kailash to pick him up in half an hour, he opened the creaky gates and walked inside. Kiran would be thrilled to see him after such a long time and the girls…they must have grown up…he was dying to meet them, especially Bani!
The first question Uday had asked Jai on landing was whether he had disclosed his feelings to Bani or not…and after getting an ‘I am not talking about my personal life during office hours’ lecture from Jai, had sulked around quite a bit.
‘Fine…he doesn’t want to talk about his love life…I’ll go and find his love life and make her talk!’
At the Dixit House
Kiran, Aditya alongside the other relatives were all set to leave for Ranveer’s house for the Shagun Ceremony, while Rano and some of the other cousins had gone off to the Beautician for pre-bridal touchup!
Bani as usual was left behind at home to oversee some work and Kiran told her to expect the Contractor who was supposed to come for a discussion on last minute arrangements at the Venue.
There were just a couple of kids around alongside Bani, who was lounging about in the garden, looking relieved to have some time to herself and dress casually, instead of donning a traditional attire, the way her mother insisted, after the relatives and guests had started pouring into her house. She was not in a splendid mood, since taking advantage of the free hours, she had called up Jai, only to be informed by his secretary that he was extremely busy and had strictly informed not to pass any personal calls to him.
When Uday arrived at the Dixit House it looked partially empty and he learnt from one kid he got hold off, that everyone had gone to ‘Ranveer Jeejaji’s house with the Shagun’ and would be back in a hours time or so.
Looking disappointed, Uday lounged in the garden, wondering what to do, till Kailash came back to pick him up. He had so wanted to meet Bani…
‘Excuse me?’ came a perky, young voice from behind.
Uday turned to look at the girl, she looked like a teenager, with her hair tied in two long plaits and wearing a denim dungaree over a white sweatshirt. Must be some relative of the Dixit’s, he thought.
‘Beta…is there anyone to whom I can talk here?’
She had a half eaten Guava in her hand and digesting the piece that was in her mouth, she said, ‘Talk to me!’
‘No…No…I mean an adult…a grown-up!’
Bani rolled her eyes and said politely but with a terse edge, ‘I am a grown up! No one will be back before afternoon…’
Uday looked perplexed, wondering what to do and then suddenly, without warning, Bani came near him and said, ‘Oh…You are the Pandal guy! Ma said you would be coming around this time…sorry Uncle, I forgot all about it!’
Uday looked gobsmacked and muttered, ‘Pandal? As in Canopy? No…No…You have…’
Cutting down his speech and gulping the remaining Guava with remarkable speed, she took hold of his hand and dragged him indoors.
‘See…the worker you had sent across for the Sangeet Function was very obnoxious…and despite, our strict instructions, he did not cover the Gulmohar Tree…we had planned to put fairy lights on it, so that it can look like a Centre Piece…but no…he went on and on about how it wont’ be possible…I mean, what is the point of hiring professionals, if one has to do what one feels like, right?’
Uday kept gaping at her, while she took a bottle of water from the table and shoving it into his hands, dragged him upstairs, right to the Terrace, not breaking the flow of talk even once.
‘Now from here, you can get a fantastic view of the lawn…and I’ll tell you how exactly I want the Pandal to be erected…you know, there is a difference between a conical shaped structure and a square one…but those workers…just won’t listen…I drew a diagram and showed it to them…but no…they will do what they feel like…what is the world coming to?’
Uday stammered, ‘Yes…the world is coming to a very bad state…Beta, I was saying…’
‘Uncle…Its not as if I am blaming you…I mean, you are only the contractor…obviously the workers take you for a ride behind your back…and judging by your age…I don’t think you can make field trips on your own to see what your workers are upto…but I am not someone who lets people get away with shoddy work…my mother pays for something…and she should get full service in return…do you know how hard she works?’
Uday looked petrified now and muttered, ‘Yes…Yes…I can understand everything…but listen…’
‘What is there to listen Uncle? I have been doing nothing but listening! Bani…go get the wedding cards from the printer…Bani…go call up the Caterer…Bani…go to the Station and pick up Sudha Bua….Bani….do this…Bani do that…’
Uday gaped at her and said in a stunned voice, ‘You are Bani?’
‘Who else? The solution to every problem at Dixit House…everyone is off at Jeeju’s house for Shagun and I am stuck here, because you had to come…but no…nobody thinks about me…’ and then pausing to take breath, looked at him confusedly and said, ‘Btw, why am I telling you all this? You are here for the Pandal thing…’
Uday could barely manage his smile and with a somber look said, ‘Don’t worry…I’ll make sure everything goes right this time…but tell me, do you have someone special in your life?’
Bani gave an extremely suspicious and apprehensive look at the old man standing in front of her, dressed in knee length Khakhi Shorts and a striped T-shirt, with a Sun cap covering his bald patch. His face looked familiar to her, but she couldn’t place him somehow.
‘Excuse me…what do you mean? Hmmm, what do you mean? You think I am some child, haan? All this beta, beta talk! That is what you think! I know all about dirty old men trying to….’ (Bilkul August Kranti Express hain...won't stop till somebody pulls the chain!

Uday gaggled on his words and said, ‘No…No…Please…you are completely misunderstanding me, beta! What I meant was…erm…you were telling me something about the Canopy…why don’t we get over with it?’
Bani stared aggressively at him for sometime and then taking in his kindly expression, she gave up with a shrug of her head and said, ‘Okay…lets talk business…but if you try to act smart…remember, I have learnt Karate for two whole weeks…’
Uday muffled his laughter and said with mock-fear, ‘Uh, Oh…Okay…Okay…I get it…’
She spent the next 10 minutes talking non-stop on the arrangements and then looking at her watch, spoke absently, ‘Someone was supposed to call me back…I had left three messages….’
Uday smiled warmly at her direction, immediately guessing, whom she was referring to and said, ‘Yes…yes. Even my son does that! Never calls me back…’
Bani looked understandingly at him and said, ‘aren’t son’s just awful…I would never do that to my Ma…Doesn’t he support you also?’
Uday thought about Jai’s lack of support when he wanted to try Bungee Jumping in New Zealand a few years back and said firmly, ‘No, he doesn’t! I am all on my own; in fact…it’s very sad!’
Bani looked pathetically at him and said gently, ‘I am so sorry Uncle…really; it’s very disheartening to see children give up on their parents when they need them the most…’
Uday thought about Jai giving up on him, when he had insisted on visiting every Pub in London a few years back and said, ‘Yes…yes…its very sad!’
‘So this guy…this son of yours, is he married? Is his wife also like him?’
‘He is not married yet…but he is going to very soon…and thought I don’t know his propective wife very well, I’ve a feeling, she is his complete opposite!’
Bani grinned and said, ‘Wow…maybe she can knock some sense into his head…so was he always like this, your son?’
Uday grinned to himself and thought, ‘Jai…always acting oversmart with your Father…today is my day…wait and see what I do!’ Turning to look at Bani, he continued, ‘Oh, the stories that I have to tell…’
They must have sat together for about half an hour, till Kailash honked the Car from below and Uday got up, dusting his Khakhi Bermudas and finished off, ‘So you see how shocked I must have been! To come home during afternoon and find my son with his girlfriend in my bedroom…and can you believe it, he was just 16 at that time!’ (Poor in big trouble, courtesy Daddy dearest... :tong:)
Bani looking all wide-eyed and scandalized, muttered something about spoilt boys and how poor Uncle must have suffered because of him, and then he took leave, chuckling all the way during the journey to the Farmhouse…dying to see how Bani would react when she would come to know of his identity and ofcourse, of his son…who was caught kissing his girlfriend in his Father’s bedroom at broad daylight!
This was going to be great fun…and yes, he thought that Bani was the sweetest, cutest, most lovliest thing he had ever set his eyes upon, though undoubtedly a bit ditzy…and seriously wondered how on earth she ever fell for Jai!
Uday sat sulking at the Dining Table, ignoring the delicious Mattar Paneer made by Bhaveh’s wife.
‘Dad…come on! Eat! You love Paneer!’
Uday sulked some more and said, ‘I left one thing in your possession and you can’t even take care of that…’
Jai exhaled in a weary manner and said, ‘you have been going on and on about that Statuette since you came here…I said, I am sorry…I didn’t do it deliberately…My Car banged into it!’
‘You drive so carefully…I can’t understand how you drove all over the lawns, to destroy my Statuette…’
‘Mistakes happen, Dad…I’ll get another one…an exact replica…I promise! Now please, stop sulking and eat…I’ve work to finish and then tomorrow morning, we’ve to go to the Dixit’s place for some function…’
Uday remembered his meeting with Bani and smiled gleefully. ‘Yes…Kiran would be thrilled to see me and I am dying to see the girls after so many years…so, you never told me what happened between you and Bani?’
Jai paused while eating some salad and remembered yesterday night’s encounters with her and biting his lip, said seriously, ‘Nothing interesting…and why you are so eager to know anyway…I’ll talk about it later with you!’
‘I can’t understand one thing Jai…if you have confessed your feelings…then why aren’t you telling me…and if you haven’t, then why are you still in front of me?’
Jai gulped water and getting up, laughed lightly and said, ‘You are far too curious for your own good…and anyway you are forgetting, patience is a virtue. Goodnight Pa!’
Uday took a piece of the Panner on his fork and fiddling with it said, ‘Hmmm, wait till we all meet tomorrow…’

Part 18 – B
The Mehendi Function was scheduled in the morning instead of evening, when there was a pre-marriage dinner for both sides of the family and the lawns once again converted into a venue.
The Mehendi Lady and her assistants were already hard at work and Rano sat in the centre of everyone’s attention. Ranveer had called up and Bani very sweetly took the phone and held it to Rano’s ears for her to speak, as her hands were being embossed with Henna.
When the call was finally cut, Bani said, impulsively, ‘You will have to do the same for me when I get married!’
Rano looked at her sister and said teasingly, ‘So you know that you are getting married soon?’
Bani blushed and making some excuses, disappeared from Rano’s vision. Meera was bad enough to spy on her all the time, if Rano even got a hint, she would bleat it out to the entire world in no time.
The guests started trickling in and the place was once again a rhapsody of celebration, laughter and joy. Kiran and Aditya were all over the place, attending to guests, while the youngsters were having fun time pulling Rano’s legs.
Bani had dressed simply in an intricately embroidered lucknawi chudidar in stark white with a deep magenta duppata in bandhini. She had on a pair of very dainty looking pearl earrings and a tiny bindi marking her forehead. Pushing her hair back, she had tied it with her favorite claw clip, and was extremely occupied giving direction to the workers and attending to the whims and fancies of Rano.
Meera had placed herself on the Terrace, from where she could get a good view of the proceedings and today she had vowed to bring Bani’s love-affair to the fore-front. She munched on her piece of apple and smiled wickedly when she saw Jai’s SUV park a little further from the house.
Meera gasped at how handsome and different he looked from yesterday night, a plain white Kurta, sleeves folded till his elbows and his silver rolex gleaming in the Sunlight, teamed with a pair of faded blue jeans and leather strap-ons. He looked freshly showered and had pushed back his hair, which curled slightly towards the ends.
Aditya saw him first and welcomed with open arms followed by Kiran’s warm welcome. ‘Welcome Jai beta…so nice to see you!’ Jai had some flowers in his hand for Rano and he looked around for her, she was sitting in a circle of women, giggling uproariously over something. He couldn’t spot Bani amongst them and wondered where she would be.
‘Dad is here, aunty. He passed on his greetings to all of you.’ Jai told Kiran, while helping himself to a glass of water.
Kiran spoke with wide-eyed surprise, ‘Mr. Walia is here! Why didn’t you get him, Jai? I had no idea he would be back in Delhi…else, I would have personally come and invited him over for the wedding…’
Jai smiled and said, ‘That’s okay aunty…he had a Doctor’s appointment in the morning…he is in fact looking forward to meet all of you today evening at the Dinner!’
‘Oh, that’s great news! Hope he is feeling better after the surgery?’
Jai thought about his father’s supposed escapades in Miami and replied seriously, ‘Yes…I don’t think he has ever felt any better before. Aunty, I got these flowers for Rano…could you please give them to her?’
Kiran smiled and took it from his hand, admiring the gorgeous bouquet and said, ‘Have you had something to eat yet? Wait, I’ll just ask someone…’
Jai was about to protest his eyes chanced upon Bani and Kiran called her, ‘Bani…Bani…come here…’
Bani who was busy chatting up with a cousin, talking about some arrangement, saw Kiran standing next to Jai and her face flushed.
Coming slowly near them, she avoided looking at Jai and spoke in very docile tones with her Mother, ‘You called, Ma?’
‘Yes…I’ve to attend to the Panditji, why don’t you take care of Jai…make sure he eats something…’
Kiran was pulled midway by one of her relatives and both Jai and Bani were left in each other’s company.
‘So…we meet again!’ he drawled, teasing her with her voice.
She kept her head down and twiddled with her feet, refusing to look up at him, and he continued in the same vein, ‘What am I getting to eat today? Something sweet again or will it be savory?’
She looked up at him and her skin color matched her Duppata. ‘I had no idea that you had become such a foodie…’ she remarked, hiding her grin.
Jai said with a thoughtful expression on his face, ‘But that’s only because I had no idea what pleasure food could give…’
She giggled and then giving furitive looks around her said in a hurried whisper, ‘I think someone suspects us…my cousin Meera saw the mark on my neck.’
‘What mark?’
Bani blushed even more and said haltingly, ‘You know…that mark…on my neck?’
He went on innocently, ‘Did someone bite you?’
She hit him lightly on his arms and said, ‘Yes…and guess who it was? Dracula!’
He laughted, throwing his head back and then noticing that a couple of people were staring at their direction, he said in a low voice, ‘Listen…is there a vacant spot anywhere…’
Bani stared at him and said in an incredulous voice, ‘God…Jai! First thing in the morning, and this is what comes to your mind! No way…and I have work to do. Come, I’ll get you some Tea or Coffee and then you enjoy the function…’
‘Hello! Excuse me! I wanted to make an important call and send some emails…that is why I’m asking for an empty space…’
Bani dappled in red and muttering in an embarrassed manner, ‘Oh! Sorry! Empty space…Hmm, I don’t know…the whole house is teeming with people…wait…Adi’s Chachu’s studio in the basement…you can use that…’
He nodded his head, suddenly looking all business like and serious and asked her, ‘So how do I get there?’
Bani waved her hand across to an aunt who had called out her name for the Mehendi to be applied on her palms and she caught hold of Saahil who was loitering around without any purpose in life.
‘Saahil…listen, take Ja…I mean, take our guest to the basement studio…the key’s will be hanging outside on a hook.’
Before she could say anything else, someone had caught hold of Bani’s hands and dragged her along to the gathering of ladies.
‘Come on Bunny…you love applying Mehendi…laga le na!’ Rano coaxed her sister.
Bani replied, ‘I have work to do…I can’t sit like a Queen, with my hands in Mehendi…’
Drowning all protests, Rano instructed the Mehendi lady to apply some to Bani’s palms. 20 minutes later, Bani looked admiringly at her palms, a vivid olive green pattern had decorated her hands and she said to Rano, ‘Ma will kill me…I was supposed to put Mehendi only at night…who will do the work?’
‘Oh, stop being such a kill joy, Bunny…it will dry off in 2 hours…go prance about and have fun! It’s your sister’s marriage, not your daughter’s that you have to look all so important and busy!’
Giggling and hitting Rano with her elbows, Bani went off, suddenly remembering that Jai was nowhere to be seen. She looked around for him some more in the lawns, but here was not there.
Wondering what he is doing in the Studio for so long, she hesitated for a while and then shrugging her head, went off to the house, heading for the studio.
The door was partially open and she could see Jai sitting on one of the covered couches with his legs spread out, punching on his blackberry with deep concentration.
Saahil was sitting like a loyal dog besides him and reciting some of his inane poetry towhich Jai seemed totally deaf;
“Kutta ban gaya hoon tere pyaar main
yakeen nahin aata to suno...Bhow..bhow”
Bani rolled her eyes in desperation at Saahil’s lyrical efforts and grinned at the fact that he had chosen none other than Jai to recite them.
‘Bhaiyya…yeh suniye…hamare Kanpur ke local Shaayari competition ke liye special likha hain…
Jai nodded his head absently, oblivious to his surroundings, while he muttered some calculations and punched in somemore on his blackberry.
“Maine tujhe pyar kiya, kusumlata samajh kar
Tere baap ne mujhe jala diya, agarbatti samajh kar”
And then went ‘Wah…Wah…Wah…Wah…’
Bani felt like ripping her hair after hearing Saahil and opening the door violently, went inside, jolting Jai from the work he was so deeply into and addressing Saahil said, ‘What did I tell you Saahil? Haan? To show our guest the studio room…not to sit besides him and become Mirza Ghalib…now get out! Your Mother is searching for you all over the place!’
Saahil, who was really scared of Bani’s temper, was up on his feet and scampered outside, banging the door shut, in his hurry.
Jai looked up at her, suddenly shaken out of his world of numbers and calculations.
Bani frowned and sitting on her knees, besides him said, ‘What is this Jai? Can’t you forget about your work for once? Why can’t you just enjoy like normal people?’
He gave her an absent look, still trying to comprehend some numerical data in his head and then looking around the slightly dusty and dark room, said, ‘Where the hell am I?’
She heaved an exasperated sigh and said, ‘In Adi Chachu’ studio apartment for the last half an hour, at our house in Gulmohar Park…today is my sister, Rano’s Mehendi Ceremony and you have been invited here as a guest…but obviously, you seem to be in your virtual office instead!’
‘Oh!’ He got up, dusting his Kurta and then took in Bani’s hurt face, as she looked at him and then huffily turned towards the door to stomp away in frustration.
‘Bani, listen…’ He caught hold of her upper arm and pulled her to a stop and then jerked her towards himself…before she could yell, ‘No…’ he had caught her in his arms.
‘Oh God…Jai…look at your Kurta…’ They both looked at his stark white kurta now embossed with stains of green from Bani’s palms.
He frowned for just about a minute and then started laughing, looking at her petrified face.
‘Its okay…this is not the only one I have…and hey, you have Mehendi in your hands…’ He held both her hands carefully, by her wrist and admired the intricate pattern in them. She felt shy at the way he was looking at them and tried to wriggle herself free.
‘Let’s go out of here…I’ll tell someone to clean the stains off your Kurta…’
He did not let her go and holding her by her wrists said teasingly, ‘I don’t want to get out of here…its nice and cosy…and so intimate!’
‘Jai…No…Please…We’ll be in big trouble…Saahil knows we are here…Jai, let’s go out before someone comes in…’ she pleaded desperately.
‘I love it when you are so anxious and terrified…especially when I am around to assure you…’
She turned pink all over and tried some more to wriggle herself free, but she knew it was impossible, exhausted, she put her head on his chest and said wearily, ‘Please Jai…lets go out…people are just suspecting till now…if they find us here…’
‘So? If they find us here? So what happens?’ he continued that sardonic expression on his face, teasing her with his eyes.
‘Nothing…but not in the middle of my sister’s wedding…and I don’t want to be found out like a pair of scheming, secret lovers…’
‘We are lovers?’ he asked with a twinkle in his eyes.
She blushed and said, ‘No…I mean…Friends…’
‘You share passionate kisses with all your friends? Nice…’
‘Jai! You know what I mean…now let’s go out…’
‘What am I getting in return for your freedom?’
He thought for a while and then let go of her wrists, she shrugged them a bit in pain from his iron-grip and he said, ‘Wait…I heard some noise…’
She grinned at him and said, ‘No need to scare me…I am not falling for this! Come, lets go out! Purva should be there too…’
Bani went near the door and tried to open it, but to her complete horror, it was locked from outside.
‘Jai…someone locked us inside…what do we do?’ she yelped in complete terror.
He came down calmly and said, ‘Let me try!’ He tried to open the door, but it was definitely jammed shut from outside. Frowning, he turned to look at her petrified fae and said, ‘Who the hell locked it from outside?’
Meera had her back on the door and jingling the keys in her hands, she smiled slyly and said, ‘Wait and watch, Bani and Hunk in the SUV….wait till I assemble all the guests here and make a procession out of it!’
Bani in the meanwhile had gone rambling with panic and she kept uttering, ‘What if we are locked in here forever? What if no one ever opens this room?’
Jai tried to intervene calmly, ‘Don’t be silly…’
She kept talking in a frenzy, ‘Jai, we will have to go on without food and water…my Ma will miss me so much…poor Rano, what will she say, when I miss her wedding…what will happen to you Jai?’
He let out his breath in an exasperated manner and once again tried to calm her down, ‘Nothing like that will happen…I have my phone…’
She went on unmindful, tears filling her eyes, ‘Your work…Your father…they will never know what happened to you…’
This time he yelled, ‘Bani, will you shut up…’
‘We will become the modern-day Salim and Anarkali…left to die in a room…’
Sensing that there was no way to stop Bani’s hysterical outburst, he caught her violently in his grips and pushing her towards him, kissed her suddenly on her lips and let her go only when she was stunned into silence.
Wiping the lipstick stains from his mouth with the tip of his sleeves, he said coolly, ‘I know you are against smooching in the morning, as you just informed me…but frankly, there seemed to be no other way to shut you up! And now, let’s try and get someone for help!’
The kiss certainly seemed to put things back into perspective for Bani and she remained mum, while Jai jabbed Aditya’s number from his phone, but no one picked it up. He tried Bani’s landline number too, but no one picked up.
‘Damn! Everyone must be busy outside...whom can I call? When is Purva expected?’
Still reeling from the kiss, she looked at him in stupor and said, ‘Huh?’
He laughed at her comical expression and took her affectionately in his arms and said, ‘You are the cutest thing I have seen in my life…in fact, you beat the pet-kitten I had when I was 7 years old!’
She looked at him, now snapped out of her daze and making a face said, ‘Kitten?’
Before she could get into another argument with him, a gaggle of noises were heard outside and she all but shrieked with horror…because amongst them, she could clearly hear her Mother’s the clearest!
Jai kept his palm over her mouth and whispered into her ears, ‘don’t scream…Don’t shout…Don’t get hyper…Don’t faint and please do anything, but don’t cry! Let me handle this…’
‘But…But…Ma is outside and I can hear so many other noises…what will we say when we are found out?’
Jai scratched his head and said, ‘Great…I get away with fooling around with you on your Terrace, in your Garden and in my Car…and now when I am sitting like a good boy and doing office work, everyone gathers and gears up to assume the worst!’
Jai stood thoughtful for a while and then asking for a particular number from Bani, jabbed his Blackberry with speed!
Ouside the Studio Room
Meera was looking smug and announcing to Kiran, ‘I am telling your Bua…its your darling daughter and that SUV hunk inside…I warned Rano to keep an eye on her…’
Rano was also standing looking nervous and passed a look with Nachiket, who had a thoughtful expression on his face.
Kiran was torn between looking furious with Meera for assembling the whole world and completely anxious, wondering if what Meera was saying was the truth. She had no idea who the SUV Hunk was! Did Bani have a boyfriend? Was that the reason why she had shown no interest in Jai? If so, then why hadn’t she told Kiran about it! She fretted as Meera took out the key with a dramatic flourish and announced to the family gathering, ‘Here it goes…Tan Tan Daan….’
There was complete silence when the door was opened; all the guests stared inside the room…which was filled with Easles, Brushes and Canvases, covered in a layer of dust and cellophane.
But there was no sign of anyone even resembling a human being in the room.
Kiran turned to look at Meera’s bewildered, white face and said tersely, ‘Where is Bani?’
Meera mumbled, still shocked, ‘But…But…They were there…I saw him go inside with Saahil…and then she came and sent Saahil out and the door was locked…I swear, Bua…’
Rano was furious and hissed, ‘Meera…why on earth are you after my sister’s life?’
Meera turned to explain something to Rano, when Bani came prancing from behind and said sweetly, ‘Why is everyone down here…the guests are coming and looking for you Ma! Oh, hi Meera! Nice bangles!’
Everyone looked from Meera’s dumbstruck face to Bani’s sweetly smiling one and hissing curses under their breath, people dispersed!
Kiran gave a dressing down to her niece and told her to utilize her time better by lending a helping hand and not accuse her daughter of imaginary rendevouz she might be having!
When everyone had gone, Meera gave a furious look at Bani and said, ‘You were there inside with that hunk in the SUV….’
Bani smiled even more sweetly, infuriating the other girl and said, ‘Yes, I was inside and doing all sort of unimaginable things…what do you propose to do of it?’
Meera spluttered indignantly and said, ‘You…But…You…Bani…how did you ever manage to come out of that room…I have the damn keys!’
Nachiket came smiling from behind and said, ‘As it happens, my dear crown princess from Bhopal…there is something called a mobile phone through which you can contact people…and then there is something called a duplicate key through which you can open and shut locks…and then there is something called, ‘A friend in need’ which is yours truly!’
Giving a triumphant look to an open-mouthed Meera, both of them scampered away, laughing to glory!
Bani turned to face her best friend and hugging him warmly said, ‘You are a champ, Naughty-kid! Thanks for saving the day!’
Nachiket grinned and said, ‘And you, my dear Borney, are a sly vixen…I can’t believe that you are Hulk are a couple…’
Bani blushed and they both noticed Jai standing in the distance, chatting with Tarun and Karuna and he gave her a wink back and a wave to Nachiket, which was returned with prompt enthusiasm.
‘Ssh…don’t tell anybody yet…we are planning to disclose it, when the wedding is over…in a nice, mature and grown-up manner…tab tak ke liye, your lips are sealed!’
He laughed and said, ‘Okay! Fine…sounds fun to me…but tell me one thing…what the hell were you and Hulk doing in Adi Sir’s studio…all by yourself?’
Bani hit him lightly on his shoulder and said, ‘Don’t be silly…he had gone there to find some seclusion…he had to send some emails…I went looking for him and that Meera came and locked us inside!’
Nachiket grinned and said teasingly, ‘Okay…that sounds plausible enough…but then what about the Mosquito Bite we were all discussing yesterday!’
‘Nachiket!’ she yelled, embarrassed and they both burst out laughing uproariously!
The Mehendi Function was scheduled in the morning instead of evening, when there was a pre-marriage dinner for both sides of the family and the lawns once again converted into a venue.
The Mehendi Lady and her assistants were already hard at work and Rano sat in the centre of everyone’s attention. Ranveer had called up and Bani very sweetly took the phone and held it to Rano’s ears for her to speak, as her hands were being embossed with Henna.
When the call was finally cut, Bani said, impulsively, ‘You will have to do the same for me when I get married!’
Rano looked at her sister and said teasingly, ‘So you know that you are getting married soon?’
Bani blushed and making some excuses, disappeared from Rano’s vision. Meera was bad enough to spy on her all the time, if Rano even got a hint, she would bleat it out to the entire world in no time.
The guests started trickling in and the place was once again a rhapsody of celebration, laughter and joy. Kiran and Aditya were all over the place, attending to guests, while the youngsters were having fun time pulling Rano’s legs.
Bani had dressed simply in an intricately embroidered lucknawi chudidar in stark white with a deep magenta duppata in bandhini. She had on a pair of very dainty looking pearl earrings and a tiny bindi marking her forehead. Pushing her hair back, she had tied it with her favorite claw clip, and was extremely occupied giving direction to the workers and attending to the whims and fancies of Rano.
Meera had placed herself on the Terrace, from where she could get a good view of the proceedings and today she had vowed to bring Bani’s love-affair to the fore-front. She munched on her piece of apple and smiled wickedly when she saw Jai’s SUV park a little further from the house.
Meera gasped at how handsome and different he looked from yesterday night, a plain white Kurta, sleeves folded till his elbows and his silver rolex gleaming in the Sunlight, teamed with a pair of faded blue jeans and leather strap-ons. He looked freshly showered and had pushed back his hair, which curled slightly towards the ends.
Aditya saw him first and welcomed with open arms followed by Kiran’s warm welcome. ‘Welcome Jai beta…so nice to see you!’ Jai had some flowers in his hand for Rano and he looked around for her, she was sitting in a circle of women, giggling uproariously over something. He couldn’t spot Bani amongst them and wondered where she would be.
‘Dad is here, aunty. He passed on his greetings to all of you.’ Jai told Kiran, while helping himself to a glass of water.
Kiran spoke with wide-eyed surprise, ‘Mr. Walia is here! Why didn’t you get him, Jai? I had no idea he would be back in Delhi…else, I would have personally come and invited him over for the wedding…’
Jai smiled and said, ‘That’s okay aunty…he had a Doctor’s appointment in the morning…he is in fact looking forward to meet all of you today evening at the Dinner!’
‘Oh, that’s great news! Hope he is feeling better after the surgery?’
Jai thought about his father’s supposed escapades in Miami and replied seriously, ‘Yes…I don’t think he has ever felt any better before. Aunty, I got these flowers for Rano…could you please give them to her?’
Kiran smiled and took it from his hand, admiring the gorgeous bouquet and said, ‘Have you had something to eat yet? Wait, I’ll just ask someone…’
Jai was about to protest his eyes chanced upon Bani and Kiran called her, ‘Bani…Bani…come here…’
Bani who was busy chatting up with a cousin, talking about some arrangement, saw Kiran standing next to Jai and her face flushed.
Coming slowly near them, she avoided looking at Jai and spoke in very docile tones with her Mother, ‘You called, Ma?’
‘Yes…I’ve to attend to the Panditji, why don’t you take care of Jai…make sure he eats something…’
Kiran was pulled midway by one of her relatives and both Jai and Bani were left in each other’s company.
‘So…we meet again!’ he drawled, teasing her with her voice.
She kept her head down and twiddled with her feet, refusing to look up at him, and he continued in the same vein, ‘What am I getting to eat today? Something sweet again or will it be savory?’
She looked up at him and her skin color matched her Duppata. ‘I had no idea that you had become such a foodie…’ she remarked, hiding her grin.
Jai said with a thoughtful expression on his face, ‘But that’s only because I had no idea what pleasure food could give…’
She giggled and then giving furitive looks around her said in a hurried whisper, ‘I think someone suspects us…my cousin Meera saw the mark on my neck.’
‘What mark?’
Bani blushed even more and said haltingly, ‘You know…that mark…on my neck?’
He went on innocently, ‘Did someone bite you?’
She hit him lightly on his arms and said, ‘Yes…and guess who it was? Dracula!’
He laughted, throwing his head back and then noticing that a couple of people were staring at their direction, he said in a low voice, ‘Listen…is there a vacant spot anywhere…’
Bani stared at him and said in an incredulous voice, ‘God…Jai! First thing in the morning, and this is what comes to your mind! No way…and I have work to do. Come, I’ll get you some Tea or Coffee and then you enjoy the function…’
‘Hello! Excuse me! I wanted to make an important call and send some emails…that is why I’m asking for an empty space…’
Bani dappled in red and muttering in an embarrassed manner, ‘Oh! Sorry! Empty space…Hmm, I don’t know…the whole house is teeming with people…wait…Adi’s Chachu’s studio in the basement…you can use that…’
He nodded his head, suddenly looking all business like and serious and asked her, ‘So how do I get there?’
Bani waved her hand across to an aunt who had called out her name for the Mehendi to be applied on her palms and she caught hold of Saahil who was loitering around without any purpose in life.
‘Saahil…listen, take Ja…I mean, take our guest to the basement studio…the key’s will be hanging outside on a hook.’
Before she could say anything else, someone had caught hold of Bani’s hands and dragged her along to the gathering of ladies.
‘Come on Bunny…you love applying Mehendi…laga le na!’ Rano coaxed her sister.
Bani replied, ‘I have work to do…I can’t sit like a Queen, with my hands in Mehendi…’
Drowning all protests, Rano instructed the Mehendi lady to apply some to Bani’s palms. 20 minutes later, Bani looked admiringly at her palms, a vivid olive green pattern had decorated her hands and she said to Rano, ‘Ma will kill me…I was supposed to put Mehendi only at night…who will do the work?’
‘Oh, stop being such a kill joy, Bunny…it will dry off in 2 hours…go prance about and have fun! It’s your sister’s marriage, not your daughter’s that you have to look all so important and busy!’
Giggling and hitting Rano with her elbows, Bani went off, suddenly remembering that Jai was nowhere to be seen. She looked around for him some more in the lawns, but here was not there.
Wondering what he is doing in the Studio for so long, she hesitated for a while and then shrugging her head, went off to the house, heading for the studio.
The door was partially open and she could see Jai sitting on one of the covered couches with his legs spread out, punching on his blackberry with deep concentration.
Saahil was sitting like a loyal dog besides him and reciting some of his inane poetry towhich Jai seemed totally deaf;
“Kutta ban gaya hoon tere pyaar main
yakeen nahin aata to suno...Bhow..bhow”
Bani rolled her eyes in desperation at Saahil’s lyrical efforts and grinned at the fact that he had chosen none other than Jai to recite them.
‘Bhaiyya…yeh suniye…hamare Kanpur ke local Shaayari competition ke liye special likha hain…
Jai nodded his head absently, oblivious to his surroundings, while he muttered some calculations and punched in somemore on his blackberry.
“Maine tujhe pyar kiya, kusumlata samajh kar
Tere baap ne mujhe jala diya, agarbatti samajh kar”
And then went ‘Wah…Wah…Wah…Wah…’

Bani felt like ripping her hair after hearing Saahil and opening the door violently, went inside, jolting Jai from the work he was so deeply into and addressing Saahil said, ‘What did I tell you Saahil? Haan? To show our guest the studio room…not to sit besides him and become Mirza Ghalib…now get out! Your Mother is searching for you all over the place!’
Saahil, who was really scared of Bani’s temper, was up on his feet and scampered outside, banging the door shut, in his hurry.
Jai looked up at her, suddenly shaken out of his world of numbers and calculations.
Bani frowned and sitting on her knees, besides him said, ‘What is this Jai? Can’t you forget about your work for once? Why can’t you just enjoy like normal people?’
He gave her an absent look, still trying to comprehend some numerical data in his head and then looking around the slightly dusty and dark room, said, ‘Where the hell am I?’
She heaved an exasperated sigh and said, ‘In Adi Chachu’ studio apartment for the last half an hour, at our house in Gulmohar Park…today is my sister, Rano’s Mehendi Ceremony and you have been invited here as a guest…but obviously, you seem to be in your virtual office instead!’
‘Oh!’ He got up, dusting his Kurta and then took in Bani’s hurt face, as she looked at him and then huffily turned towards the door to stomp away in frustration.
‘Bani, listen…’ He caught hold of her upper arm and pulled her to a stop and then jerked her towards himself…before she could yell, ‘No…’ he had caught her in his arms.
‘Oh God…Jai…look at your Kurta…’ They both looked at his stark white kurta now embossed with stains of green from Bani’s palms.
He frowned for just about a minute and then started laughing, looking at her petrified face.
‘Its okay…this is not the only one I have…and hey, you have Mehendi in your hands…’ He held both her hands carefully, by her wrist and admired the intricate pattern in them. She felt shy at the way he was looking at them and tried to wriggle herself free.
‘Let’s go out of here…I’ll tell someone to clean the stains off your Kurta…’
He did not let her go and holding her by her wrists said teasingly, ‘I don’t want to get out of here…its nice and cosy…and so intimate!’
‘Jai…No…Please…We’ll be in big trouble…Saahil knows we are here…Jai, let’s go out before someone comes in…’ she pleaded desperately.
‘I love it when you are so anxious and terrified…especially when I am around to assure you…’
She turned pink all over and tried some more to wriggle herself free, but she knew it was impossible, exhausted, she put her head on his chest and said wearily, ‘Please Jai…lets go out…people are just suspecting till now…if they find us here…’
‘So? If they find us here? So what happens?’ he continued that sardonic expression on his face, teasing her with his eyes.
‘Nothing…but not in the middle of my sister’s wedding…and I don’t want to be found out like a pair of scheming, secret lovers…’
‘We are lovers?’ he asked with a twinkle in his eyes.
She blushed and said, ‘No…I mean…Friends…’
‘You share passionate kisses with all your friends? Nice…’
‘Jai! You know what I mean…now let’s go out…’
‘What am I getting in return for your freedom?’
He thought for a while and then let go of her wrists, she shrugged them a bit in pain from his iron-grip and he said, ‘Wait…I heard some noise…’
She grinned at him and said, ‘No need to scare me…I am not falling for this! Come, lets go out! Purva should be there too…’
Bani went near the door and tried to open it, but to her complete horror, it was locked from outside.
‘Jai…someone locked us inside…what do we do?’ she yelped in complete terror.
He came down calmly and said, ‘Let me try!’ He tried to open the door, but it was definitely jammed shut from outside. Frowning, he turned to look at her petrified fae and said, ‘Who the hell locked it from outside?’
Meera had her back on the door and jingling the keys in her hands, she smiled slyly and said, ‘Wait and watch, Bani and Hunk in the SUV….wait till I assemble all the guests here and make a procession out of it!’
Bani in the meanwhile had gone rambling with panic and she kept uttering, ‘What if we are locked in here forever? What if no one ever opens this room?’
Jai tried to intervene calmly, ‘Don’t be silly…’
She kept talking in a frenzy, ‘Jai, we will have to go on without food and water…my Ma will miss me so much…poor Rano, what will she say, when I miss her wedding…what will happen to you Jai?’
He let out his breath in an exasperated manner and once again tried to calm her down, ‘Nothing like that will happen…I have my phone…’
She went on unmindful, tears filling her eyes, ‘Your work…Your father…they will never know what happened to you…’
This time he yelled, ‘Bani, will you shut up…’
‘We will become the modern-day Salim and Anarkali…left to die in a room…’
Sensing that there was no way to stop Bani’s hysterical outburst, he caught her violently in his grips and pushing her towards him, kissed her suddenly on her lips and let her go only when she was stunned into silence.
Wiping the lipstick stains from his mouth with the tip of his sleeves, he said coolly, ‘I know you are against smooching in the morning, as you just informed me…but frankly, there seemed to be no other way to shut you up! And now, let’s try and get someone for help!’
The kiss certainly seemed to put things back into perspective for Bani and she remained mum, while Jai jabbed Aditya’s number from his phone, but no one picked it up. He tried Bani’s landline number too, but no one picked up.
‘Damn! Everyone must be busy outside...whom can I call? When is Purva expected?’
Still reeling from the kiss, she looked at him in stupor and said, ‘Huh?’
He laughed at her comical expression and took her affectionately in his arms and said, ‘You are the cutest thing I have seen in my life…in fact, you beat the pet-kitten I had when I was 7 years old!’
She looked at him, now snapped out of her daze and making a face said, ‘Kitten?’
Before she could get into another argument with him, a gaggle of noises were heard outside and she all but shrieked with horror…because amongst them, she could clearly hear her Mother’s the clearest!
Jai kept his palm over her mouth and whispered into her ears, ‘don’t scream…Don’t shout…Don’t get hyper…Don’t faint and please do anything, but don’t cry! Let me handle this…’
‘But…But…Ma is outside and I can hear so many other noises…what will we say when we are found out?’
Jai scratched his head and said, ‘Great…I get away with fooling around with you on your Terrace, in your Garden and in my Car…and now when I am sitting like a good boy and doing office work, everyone gathers and gears up to assume the worst!’
Jai stood thoughtful for a while and then asking for a particular number from Bani, jabbed his Blackberry with speed!
Ouside the Studio Room
Meera was looking smug and announcing to Kiran, ‘I am telling your Bua…its your darling daughter and that SUV hunk inside…I warned Rano to keep an eye on her…’
Rano was also standing looking nervous and passed a look with Nachiket, who had a thoughtful expression on his face.
Kiran was torn between looking furious with Meera for assembling the whole world and completely anxious, wondering if what Meera was saying was the truth. She had no idea who the SUV Hunk was! Did Bani have a boyfriend? Was that the reason why she had shown no interest in Jai? If so, then why hadn’t she told Kiran about it! She fretted as Meera took out the key with a dramatic flourish and announced to the family gathering, ‘Here it goes…Tan Tan Daan….’
There was complete silence when the door was opened; all the guests stared inside the room…which was filled with Easles, Brushes and Canvases, covered in a layer of dust and cellophane.
But there was no sign of anyone even resembling a human being in the room.
Kiran turned to look at Meera’s bewildered, white face and said tersely, ‘Where is Bani?’
Meera mumbled, still shocked, ‘But…But…They were there…I saw him go inside with Saahil…and then she came and sent Saahil out and the door was locked…I swear, Bua…’
Rano was furious and hissed, ‘Meera…why on earth are you after my sister’s life?’
Meera turned to explain something to Rano, when Bani came prancing from behind and said sweetly, ‘Why is everyone down here…the guests are coming and looking for you Ma! Oh, hi Meera! Nice bangles!’
Everyone looked from Meera’s dumbstruck face to Bani’s sweetly smiling one and hissing curses under their breath, people dispersed!
Kiran gave a dressing down to her niece and told her to utilize her time better by lending a helping hand and not accuse her daughter of imaginary rendevouz she might be having!
When everyone had gone, Meera gave a furious look at Bani and said, ‘You were there inside with that hunk in the SUV….’
Bani smiled even more sweetly, infuriating the other girl and said, ‘Yes, I was inside and doing all sort of unimaginable things…what do you propose to do of it?’
Meera spluttered indignantly and said, ‘You…But…You…Bani…how did you ever manage to come out of that room…I have the damn keys!’
Nachiket came smiling from behind and said, ‘As it happens, my dear crown princess from Bhopal…there is something called a mobile phone through which you can contact people…and then there is something called a duplicate key through which you can open and shut locks…and then there is something called, ‘A friend in need’ which is yours truly!’
Giving a triumphant look to an open-mouthed Meera, both of them scampered away, laughing to glory!
Bani turned to face her best friend and hugging him warmly said, ‘You are a champ, Naughty-kid! Thanks for saving the day!’
Nachiket grinned and said, ‘And you, my dear Borney, are a sly vixen…I can’t believe that you are Hulk are a couple…’
Bani blushed and they both noticed Jai standing in the distance, chatting with Tarun and Karuna and he gave her a wink back and a wave to Nachiket, which was returned with prompt enthusiasm.
‘Ssh…don’t tell anybody yet…we are planning to disclose it, when the wedding is over…in a nice, mature and grown-up manner…tab tak ke liye, your lips are sealed!’
He laughed and said, ‘Okay! Fine…sounds fun to me…but tell me one thing…what the hell were you and Hulk doing in Adi Sir’s studio…all by yourself?’
Bani hit him lightly on his shoulder and said, ‘Don’t be silly…he had gone there to find some seclusion…he had to send some emails…I went looking for him and that Meera came and locked us inside!’
Nachiket grinned and said teasingly, ‘Okay…that sounds plausible enough…but then what about the Mosquito Bite we were all discussing yesterday!’
‘Nachiket!’ she yelled, embarrassed and they both burst out laughing uproariously!
Part 18 – C
The Ceremony was underway with all the girls taking turn to dance and Bani, who was normally game for anything remotely fun and laughter made some noises and generally refused to join in! Rano and the other cousins, all of them seriously ignoring a sulking Meera, insisted that Bani join the dancing, but she was feeling so unbearably shy in front of Jai, that she kept making excuses.
But Rano finally got her say by emotionally blackmailing Bani into taking the stage and much to her delight along with an amused looking Jai’s, she danced on ‘Mehndi hai rachnewaali’ with Aditya and Nachiket joining in later! She looked at his direction and blushed deeply at the manner in which he was staring at her and then once again clammed up and refused to dance.
Jai, noticing that Bani was busy with the festivities, slipped outside and after some amount of searching amongst the numerous Cars parked in the lane, found his SUV. He quietly slipped inside and switching on his Blackberry, went pronto back to work, hoping by the time Bani notices his absence, he should be able to wrap up the work in hand.
Just as Jai vanished from the Dixit Residence, Uday came in unannounced, free from the Doctor’s appointment which for some technical reasons had to be scheduled two days later. He wondered if he looked oddly dressed for a traditional marriage ceremony, in his favorite Khakhi Shorts, striped T-shirt and baseball cap.
He looked around to see Jai or Kiran, but there were too many people in the lawn and he simply couldn’t find them. Just then someone tapped politely on his shoulder.
‘Excuse me?’
Uday turned to face Bani, who to his utter surprise looked very different from the way she had looked yesterday, dressed in a pair of denim dungarees and her hair plated. He had wondered if Jai would end up in jail for dating an underage girl, but he was assured, that Bani was definitely not in school now, and he thought she looked very sweet and pretty.
‘Hello Beta! What a pleasant surprise!’
Bani did not return the greeting and making a stern face, said, ‘This is the time to come? You were supposed to come early morning and oversee the arrangements…and after all that lecture I gave you yesterday, still you do not instruct your worker and I had to really, really give him a dressing down today to get the canopy erected properly!’
Uday gaped at her, extremely surprised that she was still taking him to be the Tent guy and then realizing that he was wearing exactly the same clothes he had donned yesterday. He opened his mouth to explain, but she cut him short;
‘Ok…You are old and all and I respect elderly people…but work is work and you are paid for this…now the Canopy on the Terrace is still not up and your workers have vanished…we have arranged for a Pooja there and I want the Tent up in the next one hour, understood?’
He nodded nervously, not really knowing what to say or do, mostly because Bani never gave a chance for the other person to even open their mouth.
She looked here and there feverishly and then spotting a very sickly looking young man, she called him loudly, ‘Pushkar…Pushkar…come here!’
He came running like a Dog does on his Master’s call and said with a goofy accent, ‘You called me Borney?’
‘Yep! See, this Uncle is the contractor for the wedding…he has to set up the tent on the Terrace…I have guests to attend to, why don’t you take him there and see to it that the work is properly done.’
Pushkar did not look very appealed with the idea, but decided to go along, if only to impress Bani. Giving a very haughty look at a bewildered Uday, he said, ‘Come old man…lets go to the terrace and you can do your Tambu Gadoing business there!’
Uday spoke haltingly, ‘Tambu what?’
Pushkar replied impatiently, ‘You know putting that damn piece of cloth on rods, so that it doesn’t fall on your head…’
Uday rolled his eyes and was driven away to the Terrace alongwith the extremely irritating Pushkar, who kept addressing him in a way that old colonial masters used to address their black slaves!
Jai managed to finish his work and joined back the gathering, and when Bani spotted him, standing in a group of hysterically giggling girls, she smiled brightly, which assured Jai that she had not seen him bunking the party.
Aditya, Tarun alongside a slyly smiling Nachiket had joined Jai and they were discussing on general topics, when suddenly, Tarun’s eyes fell on the Terrace and he said in a perplexed voice, ‘Say Jai…isn’t that your Father?’
Jai stopped sipping his Jal Jeera drink and looking around, said, ‘Where?’
Tarun who looked really confused, said, ‘Not down…Look Up…On the Terrace…’
Everyone looked up simulataneously and Jai all but choked on the tangy drink, when he saw Uday dangling precariously on the Parapet wall of the Terrace with the edge of a bright Red colored Canopy in his hand.
Jai was so shocked to see his Father in this position, that he kept staring, totally dumbstruck.
When Uday’s eyes fell on Jai and the others looking at him in a shell-shocked manner, he let go of that piece of Tent from his hand and waved cheerily to his son. Pushkar who had been holding the Tent from the other end of the Terrace, lost balance as the weight of the Canopy came on him and he shrieked in horror, with his legs hanging in the air and his hands stuck on the parapet wall.
(Poor Pushky, uski
hamesh vaat lagti hain!)
‘DAD?’ Jai shouted loudly, coming out of his shock!
‘Hi Jai! Hey, you look great in that Kurta! Never seen you wearing one before!’ Uday shouted loudly and cheerfully from the Terrace!
Jai put his hand on his forhead as if to make himself believe what he was seeing was true and he yelled out again, ‘What…What on earth are you doing up there?’
Uday replied back in the same cheerful manner, ‘Oh, just setting up the Tambu…’
‘Setting up what?’
Jai yelled back exasperated, ‘I know that…what how did you get there? And why are you doing this?’
Meanwhile Pushkar who realized that his hand was losing his grip, shouted at the top of his heavily accented voice, ‘BECHAOOOO…’ :tong:
Tarun looked confused and turning to Nachiket asked, ‘What did he say?’
Nachiket blinking his eyes mumbled, ‘Something about Bech Khao…Sell him away? To whom? Who the hell will buy that crap anyway? Most prolly his parents will have to give money to sell him…’ :whistling
Till then, everyone’s attention had been drawn to the scene unfolding before their eyes. Kiran stared at Uday and then gasped, ‘Oh God…Mr. Walia! What are you doing up there? You will fall down…someone get him down…Aditya…Nachiket, what are you standing there…go get him down safely…’
Pushkar with his lanky legs dangling in the air and the threat of his silk Pyjamas coming off loose in front of everyone, screamed in horror, ‘Aunty…me too…me too…’
(Imagine, his
Pyjama's actually coming off in front of Bani, whom he is trying to impress...)
Before anyone could take action, Jai had run upstairs and got his Father down, who to everyone’s acute surprise, was acting super-cool!
Kiran and Jai almost together pounced on him, ‘Mr. Walia…Dad…What were you doing up there? Are you alright? Should be call the Doctor…’
He waved his hand and said, ‘Stop making a fuss…I am perfectly alright and as to what I was doing there…Kiran, please call your daughter…junior one! And btw, you look ravishing as always!’
Between looking perplexed and shocked, she blushed profusely at being complimented with such frank sweetness and she called for Bani, who had gone inside to get some food into her tummy.
When Bani came, she looked taken aback at the crowd all gathering around the Contractor Uncle, with Jai looking white and her Mother looking totally shocked.
‘What happened Ma? And Uncle, you are still here…what happened to the Tent? This Pushkar is a good for nothing, I give him one work and he can’t even do that properly. Where is he?’
Pushkar now crying with terror, yelled out, ‘I am here Borney…save me!’
Jai who had by now got the story in short by a thoroughly amused Uday, gave a really furious look at Bani and said tersely, ‘You made my Father climb on the roof?’
When Bani had recovered from the shock of knowing that Contractor Uncle was none other than Uday Walia, Jai’s father, she was the one to look furious and said, ‘You made your Father work in his old age?’
‘Excuse me?’
‘You don’t support the poor man, that is why he has to go about setting up Tambus and Tents in Weddings…’
‘WHAT? Who the hell…’ Jai yelled out bewildered.
Bani went on full force, ‘You are unbelievable Jai…here you go out having fancy dinners everynight and flying all over the world and your poor, old, helpless father is working as a part-time wedding tent contractor!’
Jai turned to look at his father for an explanation with a grim, ‘DAD?’
Uday answered in a cool, laid-back manner, ‘What are you yelling at me? You fell in love with her, not me!’
Jai felt like banging his head against the nearest hard object, when he realized the whole situation. Bani as usual had jumped to conclusion and assumed that her casually dressed father was a Contractor for weddings and his Father, ever looking for an oppourtunity to amuse himself and played on!
‘Oh God…Bani, my father is not a part-time or full time wedding tent contractor. He is very much jobless and enjoying life to the fullest, partying and sunning out in Miami when he feels like!’
‘But…But he told me…’ It was Bani’s turn to look confused and mystified.
Uday tipped her nose gently and smiling with warmth said in an amused tone, ‘I didn’t tell you anything sweetie…you didn’t let me open my mouth! You just assumed that I was the Contractor for the Wedding! What could I do?’
Jai turned his heat on Bani again and said furiously, ‘Bani, you are impossible! You mistake me for a Plumber and now you make my 60 year old father climb on top of the Terrace to put up the Tent! God, you are the absolute limit a man can take!!!’
Hot tears blinding her eyes and the whole confusion of the situation, made her yell back, ‘You made out with your girlfriend in your Father’s room!’
Jai’s eyes flew out wide open and looking at his Father, he said, ‘How on Earth did you ever find that one out?’
It was Uday’s turn to look shocked and he said, ‘What? I just made that up to tease you and Bani…but you actually got your girlfriend home, when I wasn’t around…JAI…’
Jai blushed furiously, with everyone staring at him with wide eyes and Nachiket smirking just loudly enough for him to hear. With some diginity, he answered, ‘I was just 15 at that time…boys do that sort of things…’
Bani yelled again, ‘You were even younger than 16…Oh, you sicko…I am never seeing you again…and you forget all about getting any more kisses from me!’
A dazed Kiran broke out of her stupor and looking at her younger daughter said in a panic-stricken voice, ‘You kissed Jai?’
Aditya also said in the same tone, ‘You know how to kiss, Bunny…I always thought you were such a baby…’
Rano, now wailing loudly butted in between, ‘I can’t believe it…my sister who always shared every single thing with me, hides such a big secret from me…Waahh….’
Uday turned towards a red-faced Jai and patting him on his back said, ‘There my Tiger…finally I know, that we did not get the wrong child from the Hospital…’
Kiran held her head and mumbled, ‘Good God…this looks like a Freudian Nightmare come true…’
Meera came jumping in happily in the confusion and announced with triumph, ‘I told you…I told you…Didn’t I tell you Rano…Now what Bua? Yeah…I was right…I won!’
All of them together bellowed on her, ‘OH SHUT UP, MEERA!’
Pushkar who was still hanging on to dear life from the parapet wall, now let out a feeble and shrill scream, ‘Is someone going to save me or is this really my end…Where the hell is spiderman when one really needs him…Mummy….’ And he began to cry desperately!
The Mehendi Ceremony was somehow completed and all the guests seen off, much excited and delighted at the morning show they had got to watch for free.
Uday, Jai, Kiran, Bani, Rano, Aditya, Nachiket, Purva, Tarun and Karuna were sitting in the drawing room, all quiet and shocked after the manner in which events had unfolded.
Uday broke in first, the only person who looked really amused at the whole drama, ‘So let me get this clear…Jai and Bani got engaged…but then broke off the engagement because of mutual discord…and then later became friends…and discovered that they could actually become life partners too. Right?’
Jai had his face covered with his hand, his head aching and feeling so embarrassed, that he simply did not know how he would ever face this group of people again.
Bani looked as if she would happily become extinct this very moment, than sit with her Mother and Father-in-law and field questions about her extra-curricular activities with Jai.
‘Ok…so, what I can’t understand here is, that if both of you decided to come together and actually got engaged again…why did you hide this fact from us? Did you think either Kiran or I would object to it?’
Knowing that Bani would start crying any moment, Jai volunteered to answer and spoke with as much calm as he could muster, ‘We had planned to disclose it once Rano’s wedding got over…’
Rano but in between, still sobbing, ‘What did my wedding have to do with this? Do you think I wouldn’t have got married on hearing the news that my sister has finaly fallen in love?’
Jai gave her a look and said, ‘What are you yelling at me for? She is your sister, ask her!’
Bani gave a sickly look at Rano and said, ‘I didn’t want to spoil your moment, di…it was your marriage…you are the centre of attraction and you deserve the limelight…’
Rano melted like a puddle on hearing this soppy excuse and both of them crying buckets of tears, lunged at each other and hugged, like they were never going to meet again.
Kiran put the hot bag on her aching head and said in a weary tone, ‘So…now what? Jai and Bani…are you finally with each other…I mean, officially engaged and would like to be married?’
Jai gave a look at Bani, still angry at her having made her father climb on the terrace and muttered something.
Uday remarked, ‘Kiran, you can take that as a yes from him…’
Jai opened his mouth to protest, but shut it up suddenly.
‘And Bani, you?’
She sulked for sometime and then said in a low voice, ‘Only if he promises never to kiss any other woman for the rest of his life…and definitely not in Uday Uncle’s bedroom.’
The awkwardness was broken and everyone laughted uproariously, Jai caught hold of Bani’s gaze and staring lovingly at her, gave her a wink and said teasingly, ‘As long as you promise your share of kisses, I don’t think this should be a problem at all!’
Kiran and Aditya opened their mouth in shock, while the others broke out laughing more and Bani, crimson with embarssment, ran out of the room!
PS : Nachiket finally went and rescued Pushkar from the Parapet Wall, but not before making him swear upon his life, to never address him as Naughty-kid ever again!
The Ceremony was underway with all the girls taking turn to dance and Bani, who was normally game for anything remotely fun and laughter made some noises and generally refused to join in! Rano and the other cousins, all of them seriously ignoring a sulking Meera, insisted that Bani join the dancing, but she was feeling so unbearably shy in front of Jai, that she kept making excuses.
But Rano finally got her say by emotionally blackmailing Bani into taking the stage and much to her delight along with an amused looking Jai’s, she danced on ‘Mehndi hai rachnewaali’ with Aditya and Nachiket joining in later! She looked at his direction and blushed deeply at the manner in which he was staring at her and then once again clammed up and refused to dance.
Jai, noticing that Bani was busy with the festivities, slipped outside and after some amount of searching amongst the numerous Cars parked in the lane, found his SUV. He quietly slipped inside and switching on his Blackberry, went pronto back to work, hoping by the time Bani notices his absence, he should be able to wrap up the work in hand.
Just as Jai vanished from the Dixit Residence, Uday came in unannounced, free from the Doctor’s appointment which for some technical reasons had to be scheduled two days later. He wondered if he looked oddly dressed for a traditional marriage ceremony, in his favorite Khakhi Shorts, striped T-shirt and baseball cap.
He looked around to see Jai or Kiran, but there were too many people in the lawn and he simply couldn’t find them. Just then someone tapped politely on his shoulder.
‘Excuse me?’
Uday turned to face Bani, who to his utter surprise looked very different from the way she had looked yesterday, dressed in a pair of denim dungarees and her hair plated. He had wondered if Jai would end up in jail for dating an underage girl, but he was assured, that Bani was definitely not in school now, and he thought she looked very sweet and pretty.
‘Hello Beta! What a pleasant surprise!’
Bani did not return the greeting and making a stern face, said, ‘This is the time to come? You were supposed to come early morning and oversee the arrangements…and after all that lecture I gave you yesterday, still you do not instruct your worker and I had to really, really give him a dressing down today to get the canopy erected properly!’
Uday gaped at her, extremely surprised that she was still taking him to be the Tent guy and then realizing that he was wearing exactly the same clothes he had donned yesterday. He opened his mouth to explain, but she cut him short;
‘Ok…You are old and all and I respect elderly people…but work is work and you are paid for this…now the Canopy on the Terrace is still not up and your workers have vanished…we have arranged for a Pooja there and I want the Tent up in the next one hour, understood?’
He nodded nervously, not really knowing what to say or do, mostly because Bani never gave a chance for the other person to even open their mouth.
She looked here and there feverishly and then spotting a very sickly looking young man, she called him loudly, ‘Pushkar…Pushkar…come here!’
He came running like a Dog does on his Master’s call and said with a goofy accent, ‘You called me Borney?’
‘Yep! See, this Uncle is the contractor for the wedding…he has to set up the tent on the Terrace…I have guests to attend to, why don’t you take him there and see to it that the work is properly done.’
Pushkar did not look very appealed with the idea, but decided to go along, if only to impress Bani. Giving a very haughty look at a bewildered Uday, he said, ‘Come old man…lets go to the terrace and you can do your Tambu Gadoing business there!’
Uday spoke haltingly, ‘Tambu what?’
Pushkar replied impatiently, ‘You know putting that damn piece of cloth on rods, so that it doesn’t fall on your head…’
Uday rolled his eyes and was driven away to the Terrace alongwith the extremely irritating Pushkar, who kept addressing him in a way that old colonial masters used to address their black slaves!
Jai managed to finish his work and joined back the gathering, and when Bani spotted him, standing in a group of hysterically giggling girls, she smiled brightly, which assured Jai that she had not seen him bunking the party.
Aditya, Tarun alongside a slyly smiling Nachiket had joined Jai and they were discussing on general topics, when suddenly, Tarun’s eyes fell on the Terrace and he said in a perplexed voice, ‘Say Jai…isn’t that your Father?’
Jai stopped sipping his Jal Jeera drink and looking around, said, ‘Where?’
Tarun who looked really confused, said, ‘Not down…Look Up…On the Terrace…’
Everyone looked up simulataneously and Jai all but choked on the tangy drink, when he saw Uday dangling precariously on the Parapet wall of the Terrace with the edge of a bright Red colored Canopy in his hand.
Jai was so shocked to see his Father in this position, that he kept staring, totally dumbstruck.
When Uday’s eyes fell on Jai and the others looking at him in a shell-shocked manner, he let go of that piece of Tent from his hand and waved cheerily to his son. Pushkar who had been holding the Tent from the other end of the Terrace, lost balance as the weight of the Canopy came on him and he shrieked in horror, with his legs hanging in the air and his hands stuck on the parapet wall.

‘DAD?’ Jai shouted loudly, coming out of his shock!
‘Hi Jai! Hey, you look great in that Kurta! Never seen you wearing one before!’ Uday shouted loudly and cheerfully from the Terrace!
Jai put his hand on his forhead as if to make himself believe what he was seeing was true and he yelled out again, ‘What…What on earth are you doing up there?’
Uday replied back in the same cheerful manner, ‘Oh, just setting up the Tambu…’
‘Setting up what?’
Jai yelled back exasperated, ‘I know that…what how did you get there? And why are you doing this?’
Meanwhile Pushkar who realized that his hand was losing his grip, shouted at the top of his heavily accented voice, ‘BECHAOOOO…’ :tong:

Tarun looked confused and turning to Nachiket asked, ‘What did he say?’
Nachiket blinking his eyes mumbled, ‘Something about Bech Khao…Sell him away? To whom? Who the hell will buy that crap anyway? Most prolly his parents will have to give money to sell him…’ :whistling
Till then, everyone’s attention had been drawn to the scene unfolding before their eyes. Kiran stared at Uday and then gasped, ‘Oh God…Mr. Walia! What are you doing up there? You will fall down…someone get him down…Aditya…Nachiket, what are you standing there…go get him down safely…’
Pushkar with his lanky legs dangling in the air and the threat of his silk Pyjamas coming off loose in front of everyone, screamed in horror, ‘Aunty…me too…me too…’

Before anyone could take action, Jai had run upstairs and got his Father down, who to everyone’s acute surprise, was acting super-cool!
Kiran and Jai almost together pounced on him, ‘Mr. Walia…Dad…What were you doing up there? Are you alright? Should be call the Doctor…’
He waved his hand and said, ‘Stop making a fuss…I am perfectly alright and as to what I was doing there…Kiran, please call your daughter…junior one! And btw, you look ravishing as always!’
Between looking perplexed and shocked, she blushed profusely at being complimented with such frank sweetness and she called for Bani, who had gone inside to get some food into her tummy.
When Bani came, she looked taken aback at the crowd all gathering around the Contractor Uncle, with Jai looking white and her Mother looking totally shocked.
‘What happened Ma? And Uncle, you are still here…what happened to the Tent? This Pushkar is a good for nothing, I give him one work and he can’t even do that properly. Where is he?’
Pushkar now crying with terror, yelled out, ‘I am here Borney…save me!’
Jai who had by now got the story in short by a thoroughly amused Uday, gave a really furious look at Bani and said tersely, ‘You made my Father climb on the roof?’
When Bani had recovered from the shock of knowing that Contractor Uncle was none other than Uday Walia, Jai’s father, she was the one to look furious and said, ‘You made your Father work in his old age?’
‘Excuse me?’
‘You don’t support the poor man, that is why he has to go about setting up Tambus and Tents in Weddings…’
‘WHAT? Who the hell…’ Jai yelled out bewildered.
Bani went on full force, ‘You are unbelievable Jai…here you go out having fancy dinners everynight and flying all over the world and your poor, old, helpless father is working as a part-time wedding tent contractor!’
Jai turned to look at his father for an explanation with a grim, ‘DAD?’
Uday answered in a cool, laid-back manner, ‘What are you yelling at me? You fell in love with her, not me!’
Jai felt like banging his head against the nearest hard object, when he realized the whole situation. Bani as usual had jumped to conclusion and assumed that her casually dressed father was a Contractor for weddings and his Father, ever looking for an oppourtunity to amuse himself and played on!
‘Oh God…Bani, my father is not a part-time or full time wedding tent contractor. He is very much jobless and enjoying life to the fullest, partying and sunning out in Miami when he feels like!’
‘But…But he told me…’ It was Bani’s turn to look confused and mystified.
Uday tipped her nose gently and smiling with warmth said in an amused tone, ‘I didn’t tell you anything sweetie…you didn’t let me open my mouth! You just assumed that I was the Contractor for the Wedding! What could I do?’
Jai turned his heat on Bani again and said furiously, ‘Bani, you are impossible! You mistake me for a Plumber and now you make my 60 year old father climb on top of the Terrace to put up the Tent! God, you are the absolute limit a man can take!!!’
Hot tears blinding her eyes and the whole confusion of the situation, made her yell back, ‘You made out with your girlfriend in your Father’s room!’
Jai’s eyes flew out wide open and looking at his Father, he said, ‘How on Earth did you ever find that one out?’
It was Uday’s turn to look shocked and he said, ‘What? I just made that up to tease you and Bani…but you actually got your girlfriend home, when I wasn’t around…JAI…’
Jai blushed furiously, with everyone staring at him with wide eyes and Nachiket smirking just loudly enough for him to hear. With some diginity, he answered, ‘I was just 15 at that time…boys do that sort of things…’
Bani yelled again, ‘You were even younger than 16…Oh, you sicko…I am never seeing you again…and you forget all about getting any more kisses from me!’
A dazed Kiran broke out of her stupor and looking at her younger daughter said in a panic-stricken voice, ‘You kissed Jai?’
Aditya also said in the same tone, ‘You know how to kiss, Bunny…I always thought you were such a baby…’
Rano, now wailing loudly butted in between, ‘I can’t believe it…my sister who always shared every single thing with me, hides such a big secret from me…Waahh….’
Uday turned towards a red-faced Jai and patting him on his back said, ‘There my Tiger…finally I know, that we did not get the wrong child from the Hospital…’
Kiran held her head and mumbled, ‘Good God…this looks like a Freudian Nightmare come true…’
Meera came jumping in happily in the confusion and announced with triumph, ‘I told you…I told you…Didn’t I tell you Rano…Now what Bua? Yeah…I was right…I won!’
All of them together bellowed on her, ‘OH SHUT UP, MEERA!’
Pushkar who was still hanging on to dear life from the parapet wall, now let out a feeble and shrill scream, ‘Is someone going to save me or is this really my end…Where the hell is spiderman when one really needs him…Mummy….’ And he began to cry desperately!
The Mehendi Ceremony was somehow completed and all the guests seen off, much excited and delighted at the morning show they had got to watch for free.
Uday, Jai, Kiran, Bani, Rano, Aditya, Nachiket, Purva, Tarun and Karuna were sitting in the drawing room, all quiet and shocked after the manner in which events had unfolded.
Uday broke in first, the only person who looked really amused at the whole drama, ‘So let me get this clear…Jai and Bani got engaged…but then broke off the engagement because of mutual discord…and then later became friends…and discovered that they could actually become life partners too. Right?’
Jai had his face covered with his hand, his head aching and feeling so embarrassed, that he simply did not know how he would ever face this group of people again.
Bani looked as if she would happily become extinct this very moment, than sit with her Mother and Father-in-law and field questions about her extra-curricular activities with Jai.
‘Ok…so, what I can’t understand here is, that if both of you decided to come together and actually got engaged again…why did you hide this fact from us? Did you think either Kiran or I would object to it?’
Knowing that Bani would start crying any moment, Jai volunteered to answer and spoke with as much calm as he could muster, ‘We had planned to disclose it once Rano’s wedding got over…’
Rano but in between, still sobbing, ‘What did my wedding have to do with this? Do you think I wouldn’t have got married on hearing the news that my sister has finaly fallen in love?’
Jai gave her a look and said, ‘What are you yelling at me for? She is your sister, ask her!’
Bani gave a sickly look at Rano and said, ‘I didn’t want to spoil your moment, di…it was your marriage…you are the centre of attraction and you deserve the limelight…’
Rano melted like a puddle on hearing this soppy excuse and both of them crying buckets of tears, lunged at each other and hugged, like they were never going to meet again.
Kiran put the hot bag on her aching head and said in a weary tone, ‘So…now what? Jai and Bani…are you finally with each other…I mean, officially engaged and would like to be married?’
Jai gave a look at Bani, still angry at her having made her father climb on the terrace and muttered something.
Uday remarked, ‘Kiran, you can take that as a yes from him…’
Jai opened his mouth to protest, but shut it up suddenly.
‘And Bani, you?’
She sulked for sometime and then said in a low voice, ‘Only if he promises never to kiss any other woman for the rest of his life…and definitely not in Uday Uncle’s bedroom.’
The awkwardness was broken and everyone laughted uproariously, Jai caught hold of Bani’s gaze and staring lovingly at her, gave her a wink and said teasingly, ‘As long as you promise your share of kisses, I don’t think this should be a problem at all!’
Kiran and Aditya opened their mouth in shock, while the others broke out laughing more and Bani, crimson with embarssment, ran out of the room!
PS : Nachiket finally went and rescued Pushkar from the Parapet Wall, but not before making him swear upon his life, to never address him as Naughty-kid ever again!
I am dedicating
this part for two of my very dear friends, Preetu, who's going to celebrate her
birthday this month
and Mon Cher (Khushboo2006) who is a
wonderful and delightful person and friend! 
Part 19
At the Pre-marriage Dinner Party, everyone was more composed and less embarrassed than they were some time ago. Jai sat quietly, listening amicably to a chattering Nachiket and Purva. Bani was upstairs, refusing to come down and face any of them.
Uday munched on a piece of carrot and addressed his son, ‘Jai, why don’t you go and call Bani downstairs. The kid must be feeling odd, though I can’t see what is the big deal!’
All pair of eyes turned on Uday Walia and he said looking back at them, ‘Oh, its alright…they just kissed, so what! Jai has been kissing his girlfriends since god know when…’
Jai gave a hard stare at his father and said, ‘Dad, will you please try and be quiet?’
‘Hey, I am just trying to help you out here…’
‘Yes! I can see that clearly.’
Rano came down and announced in general, ‘She refuses to come down for Dinner, has asked for her Dinner to be served upstairs.’
‘And that would be half of what we people are eating now?’ Jai quipped and Rano laughed gaily.
Jai got up and addressing a still dazed Kiran said, ‘Aunty, if you don’t mind, can I get Bani down?’
Before Kiran could answer, Uday butted in, ‘Of course you can…just don’t end up kissing or anything...I don’t think I can take more of this at my age!’
Everyone broke up into giggles and muttering something under his breath, Jai went upstairs and knocked at the door, calling out her name.
Bani shouted from inside in a muffled sort of voice, ‘I won’t come!’
‘Oh, come on Bani! Everyone is waiting for you to start the dinner.’
‘Tell them to start it without me…I am not coming out!’
‘So are you telling me that you will always stay inside this room?’
Bani did not answer for this.
‘Bani, I am counting till three…if you don’t come out, I’ll break open the door!’
She yelled out in fear, ‘Nooooooo! I love my door!’
‘And what about me?’
‘What about you?’
‘Do you love me as much as your door?’
She blushed and remained quiet for a few seconds, before opening the door and gazing at him, standing calmly in front of her.
Holding the collor of his shirt, she pulled him towards her and planting a soft kiss on his lips, whispered in a husky voice, ‘I love you more than anything else in this world!’
He let out a faint smile and returning the kiss, said, ‘My thoughts exactly!’
They would have completed the transaction, but for Uday’s jovial voice coming out loudly, ‘Jai, please don’t mess around with your Fiancee here…your future as the son-in-law of Dixit House is already hanging by a thread!’
Everyone started laughing, while Jai rolled his eyes in exasperation and said to Bani, ‘Please get used to my old man, Bani…the more you get to know him, the worse he gets!’
Bani giggled and holding Jai’s hands, went downstairs.
Aditya who had somewhat come out of his shock of knowing that his niece was actually a grown up young woman and not the little tyke he used to piggy back around the house, commented, ‘Here comes our love-birds! Aw…Jai and Bani…You look so cute together!’
Uday as usual quipped, ‘Yeah, don’t they! Now I don’t have to worry how my grandchildren would look!’
Bani blushed profusely at the comment and smiling shyly at Uday, touched his feet.
‘Oh come on sweetie! Don’t act like the Saah Bahu Serial types, I would rather you bossed and shouted on me!’
She blushed some more and looked at Jai for some support against the general ribbing that was going on!
Jai said with dignity, ‘Dad, will you please stop teasing my Fiancee? I am not putting up with anymore mockery and banter against her!’
All eyes widened comically at the display of protectiveness and Bani snuggled a little closer to Jai, only to see Kiran glaring at her and immediately let go of his hand.
Uday nodded his head and said, ‘Of course…I understand! No one will tease Bani anymore, understood!’
Everyone gathered around the Dining Table nodded their heads, sniggering at Uday’s sense of humor.
The Dinner was mid-way and there was general discussion going on, and Jai and Bani looked all into one another, acting extremely lovey-dovey, and Uday noticing that, bended towards Rano and Nachiket and whispered, ‘Do you guys want to see some fun?’
Nachiket sniggered delightedly much against Rano’s dilemma of having some fun at her sister’s expense or being the loyal elder sister that she was.
But Uday was already on his way and stared at Bani, till she stopped eating the piece of paneer that she was having and feeling a bit uncomfortable, said in a small voice, ‘What happened Uncle?’
Uday shrugged his head and said, ‘Oh, Nothing beta. Nothing…I was just observing you!’
Feeling distinctily awkward, she said haltingly, ‘Observing me?’
‘Hmm! I was seeing what possible defects you can have!’
Uday said in the same offhand manner, ‘Yes! Because a few days earlier, Jai and I were having a chat on the phone and he kept mentioning you as a Defective Piece…so I was just trying to find out what is so defective about you!’
Nachiket and Rano could barely contain their laughter at Bani’s sudden change of expression and turning to face Jai, her eyes instantly moist, she said in a shaking voice, ‘You called me a Defective Piece?’
Jai who had been in a deep conversation with Tarun and Aditya, turned to look at her, completely baffled and then noticed his Father, Nachiket and Rano chuckling away to glory.
‘Don’t be silly!’
‘Did you call me a Defective Piece or not, Jai! Answer me now?’
Uday remarked seriously, ‘Yes, Jai…please answer her!’
Jai gave a ‘Wait, till I get you’ look at his Father and said in soothing tones to a now extremely emotional Bani, ‘Yes sweetheart, I did…but it was completely in a different context…’
Before he could finish his sentence, she stamped her foot in the ground, crying openly and yelped, ‘You are the meanest person on Earth…’ And then addressing everyone in general she said, ‘He accused me of so many things and dumped me in the middle of the road at night!’
Kiran and the other gasped and Jai looked shocked that Bani brought this incident up all of a sudden.
Now Uday looked really serious and said, ‘Jai, is that right?’
Rano butted in between and said in righteous tones, ‘It is Uncle…he not only left her to die on the road, but also hit her head with a hammer…it has kind of affected her mental ability also!’
‘WHAT?’ yelled almost everyone around the table, Jai the loudest, except Nachiket, who suddenly looked white.
Kiran gasped and turning to face Jai asked, ‘Jai, you hit my daughter with a hammer?’
Jai shook his head in disbelief and said emphatically, ‘Of course not! What nonsense are you sprouting Rano! Who told you I did something like this!’
Nachiket meanwhile had got up from his seat and tried to slip out and Rano said innocently, ‘Nachiket did!’
Jai glared at Nachiket, who was shaking and he said in a timorous tone, ‘I exaggerated a teeny weeny bit…’
Bani who had by now dried her tears after Massi had got her favourite Kheer for Dessert remarked, ‘Jai did not hit me, for goodness sake! We had a huge fight, where he said a lot of horrible things to me…and then I went to his house and said a lot of horrible things to him…’
Kiran who’s headache seemed to come back again, said wearily, ‘Then how come you both became engaged again?’
Bani said nonchaltantly, ‘Oh, he picked me up in his arms and put me on the new car he gifted me and then we kissed and made up!’
Aditya asked in a choked voice, ‘New car…Kiss…’
Bani went on in the same conversational tone, ‘Yes…Jai gifted me a new car which was in our garage and I drove it down to his house right onto his lawns!’
Rano asked, ‘But Bunny…You can’t drive very well…’
‘No, I can drive, I just can’t stop the Car…but that problem was taken care off…there was a stupid statuette in the lawns and when it banged against my Car, it stopped!’
Uday let out a shocked, ‘You broke my Italian Sculpture? But Jai said he did it by accident!’
Suddenly Bani’s anger melted at hearing this and turning to face Jai she said lovingly, ‘You took the blame upon yourself…Oh, Jai…’
He smiled sweetly at her and wiping a drop of Kheer off her lips said, ‘Anytime for you!’
Now that both Jai and Bani were put in a good mood again, the rest of them were grumpy, with Uday muttering in sad tones about his Italian Statuette, Nachiket wondering how painful it would be, when Jai powders his bones, Kiran and Aditya still disbelieving that their little Bani was painting the town red, unknown to them till now!
The Marriage
The disastrous Pre-dinner party had ended on a good note, with a coy looking Bani putting Jai’s engagement ring on his finger and drawing a lot of ‘Aww..’ and ‘Oooh…’ and making a promise to both Kiran and Aditya, that he would never even try to kiss her till they got married.
Jai gave an assurance to keep peace and just crossed his fingers to indicate that he had no intentions of honoring such a promise!
Jai looked debonair in a Black Sherwani, freshly shaved jawline, hair pulled back, smelling of cologne and drew so many stares and gasps across the venue, that Ranveer felt little envious, but only till Rano assured him, that she had not seen anyone more handsome than him in her whole life.
In the midst of a very serious conversation with a common business acquaintance, Jai’s eyes fell on his lady love. He stopped talking midway and stared unabashedly at Bani, she looked absolutely ravishing, dressed in a crimson colored georgette sari with gold and sequined embellishments all over it and a very s**y low neck blouse, which she had worn after a heated argument with her Mother over her choice of clothes. Her hair was tied in a low bun at the nape of her neck and a circle of flowers pinned it in place. Uday had gifted her Necklace, Earrings and a set of two Kadas yesterday at the Dinner Party, when Jai and she had become formally engaged again. The Kundan and Meenakari Set in glittering red and green stones, offset against burnished gold and pearls, made her face glow radiantly.
While Jai was gaping at her with his mouth open, Uday came and giving a look at Bani and then at Jai’s very blatant staring session, remarked, jolting Jai out of his day-dream, ‘Your Mother would be smiling from the heavens above today…to see her favourite jewelry piece bedecked on her daughter-in-law, like it was made for her…’
Jai smiled at his Father and when Uday turned to look at Jai, he instantly changed his expression (still upset by yesterday night’s drama) and said, ‘Yes, she will be smiling from above…but trust me, you are going straight down to hell!’
Uday was left with his mouth agape, before both of them burst out laughing!
Jai went behind Bani and they found a few moment’s of seclusion, in Jai’s Car.
‘We shouldn’t be here…’ she mumbled, trying to peer out of the dark window panes of his Car.
‘Trust me, we should!’ he replied huskily.
She blushed, matching the color of her Sari and he drew her face towards him, nuzzling gently on the exposed curve of her neck, while her fingers went automatically from ruffling his hair to the back of his neck and then under the back collor of his Sherwani (he had unbuttoned it slightly to let some air in!)
‘Emm…someone knows how to respond…’ he continued in the same teasing manner.
Bani did not answer him back, just buried her head on his shoulder, her Coco Mademoiselle fragrance mingling notoriously with his Bath & Body Works Cologne.
‘You smell delicious, Bani...’ his voice was raspy as he lingered with his warm lips on her neck and started travelling south.
She abruptely took her head off his shoulders and moved back, only to have Jai hold her by her upper arms and jerk, to make her fall right on his chest, on the open portion of his Bandhgala and she landed face down on it, the cologne, mixed with his natural body scent both playing havoc with her senses.
His fingers spiked through her hair and he pulled out some of the sweetly smelling jasmine flowers from them and Bani felt shivers running down her spine.
He turned her downcast face towards him and holding her chin, started kissing he softly and gently, raising the passion and heat stept by step. She wanted to protest, but nothing came out…he seemed in full possession of both her body and her senses.
His hand had slipped onto to her bare waist and his rough fingers seemed to play havoc with her body. Not letting her go, he went down from her lips to her chins and then trailed the warm, moist kisses all through her slender throat, which was encasaed in the heavy neck-piece she was wearing and he continued the passionate downward slide, till he reached the base of her neck and pulling off the pallu of her Sari, continued the torment.
Heat seemed to explode in every fabric of her body and she almost shivered with the anticipation of what he was going to do next…but a voice in the back of her head, told her to stop him and to stop herself…
His hand and his mouth were both playing havoc with her senses and before she thought the last vestiges of her self-control would snap, she jerked herself back and said in a low, hoarse whisper, ‘No Jai…Please…lets not do this…’
He looked surprised and stared at her perspiring face, her eyes looked dark and inflamed with desire as well as fear.
Jai spoke softly, ‘Why…What happened?’
She did not reply to him, just pushed back the strands of her loose hair and then pulled the edge of her crushed pallu back from Jai’s grip and covered herself again.
‘This is wrong…’ her voice was barely audible, even to herself.
Jai kept silent for sometime and taking a deep breath, pushed back his ruffled hair in place and straightened his clothes, only to look at a tearful Bani, with her face buried in her hands.
Taking her back again in his arms, but this very affectionately, he spoke gently, ‘I am sorry…I got carried away…Its too early for you…’
She had buried her head in his chest and was sobbing quietly, he continued in a concerned manner, ‘Did I hurt you, Bani?’
She shook her head negatively but did not face him. Smiling quietly, he pulled her back to face him and drying her tears, which had stained her face red, he planted a kiss on the tip of her nose and said, ‘You know…looking this beautiful should be made illegal…it can cause severe accidents…’
A faint smile came over her lips when he spoke in his usual teasing way to her and he completed his sentence, ‘And trust me, I am a careful driver…but still…this route is a completely new one for me…’
She laughed gently along with him and hugging her affectionately, he said, ‘I promise to keep my dirty intentions to myself...and we will only go tango, the day you are willing…’
They both walked back to the wedding venue and she remarked, ‘Only after marriage…’
He looked visibly shocked and said, ‘But that is months away…’
She blushed at his display of eagerness and said, ‘Yes, it is…’ and then added mischeiviously, ‘But good things come to people who wait…’
He held her hostage with his gaze, making her blush crimson from head to toe and said, ‘Is that so, Ms. Dixit…Then I’ll wait for the good things to happen to me…I am taking that as a promise!’
They both laughed and continued chatting in a jovial manner to each other.
Pushkar who was still wringing his hands in pain, over all that hanging he had done yesterday, gave an insidious look at Jai and Bani, when they made their way amongst the crowd and got together and said to a sulking Meera, ‘I can’t understand…how on earth can Borney marry that Tambu waalah’s son!’
Meera rolled her eyes and said, ‘He is not a Tambu Waala…haven’t you discovered the whole story yet?’
Pushkar glanced at her and said in a defeated tone, ‘Oh, well how does it matter now…Borney is gone…now I’ll have to renew my search for a bride! Say, do you know someone eligible, Moira?’
‘Its MEERA! And btw, if you keep calling people wrongly, no woman is ever going to give you a second look, leave aside getting married to you!’
‘Okay…Cool it!’ And then he checked out Meera, who looked passably good, with only that sulky, sly expression marring her otherwise decent looks and said, ‘Say, are you single?’
She turned and looked with disdain at him and said, ‘Yes, I am Single…But definitely not ready to Mingle…Surely not with someone like you…I would rather go and marry someone from the Zoo…’
And saying that little poem, she jingled off merrily, while Pushkar was left with a love-struck expression on his face!
The ceremony from the girl’s side was being done by Kiran’s sister and her husband and she met up with Uday who was standing on his own.
Uday remarked to her, ‘You know Kiran, we could have got Jai and Bani also married here, right now!’
Kiran looking shocked said, ‘Now?’
‘Yeah, why not! All the guests are here, the venue is ready, the muhurat is good, the groom and bride look brilliant…what else do you need?’
Kiran laughed shyly and said, ‘Mr. Walia, I hope you are joking…’
Uday looked serious and said, ‘I am not…they are engaged, what is stopping us from getting them married immeidatley?’
Kiran looked serious now and then looking awkward, coughed delicately and said, ‘Mr. Walia…I absolutely adore Jai and I can’t tell you how happy I am that my Bani is to become his wife…but I think they should be engaged for some time before taking the final plunge…Bani is really young and I think she needs time to prepare herself for a married life.’
Uday kept quiet for some time and said slowly, ‘Are you sure that you want to wait, Kiran! Actually, I spoke to Jai about this yesterday and even said the same thing as you, that he wants to take some time before getting married. But, I have some reservations on this issue…’
‘What reservations, Mr. Walia?’
Uday paused, trying to put his words correctly, ‘I know that they are both young and in love with one another…but I also realize and I am sure, so do you…that they are essentially very, very different from one another…’
Kiran said slowly, ‘I don’t understand…’
Uday heaved a long sigh and said, ‘Maybe its because I am the eldest amongst all of us or maybe its just because I have had a very varied experience of human nature …but the law of nature is that while opposites do attract one another…it is very rare for them to stay that way…’
Kiran kept quiet, while Uday continued with a bit difficulty, ‘They are in the first flush of love…all they can see is the good and the beautiful…in each other and in the world around them…but gradually, that intial attraction will wear off and they will both start taking each other for granted…’
Kiran understood what he meant and said softly, ‘But doesn’t that mean all the more that they should wait to get married…and in that period, know each other’s flaws and weaknesses, too?’
Uday shook his head and said, ‘I don’t know Bani very well, but I know my son inside out…and even though he has strength of character and a very loyal, committed nature…he also is very cynical and unemotional in outlook…if he gets it in his mind that something is not working out for him…he would never deal with it emotionally…he will never let his heart make decision for him…he would just go and snap the problem away…’
Kiran looked uncomprehendingly at Uday who continued, ‘I am not saying that if Jai tomorrow finds out that he and Bani are utterly unsuitable to each other, he will break off the engagement once more…but its just that, if they are married…he will probably be more binded…more emotionally involved…’
Uday stopped, not knowing how to exactly express his thoughts in words to Kiran and she kept quite for some time before giving him an assuring smile and saying, ‘I really appreciate your talking to me on this, Mr. Walia…but the thing is that we cannot force either Jai or Bani to get married right now, its their decision after all…and they have gone through a break-up already…they probably know the flaws in their relationships by now…Please don’t get so worried over them…I am sure, they will both handle everything perfectly.’
Kiran was called away by her relatives to take part in the ceremony once again and Uday was left alone, wondering and hoping that Kiran’s prophecy should come true…

Part 19
At the Pre-marriage Dinner Party, everyone was more composed and less embarrassed than they were some time ago. Jai sat quietly, listening amicably to a chattering Nachiket and Purva. Bani was upstairs, refusing to come down and face any of them.
Uday munched on a piece of carrot and addressed his son, ‘Jai, why don’t you go and call Bani downstairs. The kid must be feeling odd, though I can’t see what is the big deal!’
All pair of eyes turned on Uday Walia and he said looking back at them, ‘Oh, its alright…they just kissed, so what! Jai has been kissing his girlfriends since god know when…’
Jai gave a hard stare at his father and said, ‘Dad, will you please try and be quiet?’
‘Hey, I am just trying to help you out here…’
‘Yes! I can see that clearly.’
Rano came down and announced in general, ‘She refuses to come down for Dinner, has asked for her Dinner to be served upstairs.’
‘And that would be half of what we people are eating now?’ Jai quipped and Rano laughed gaily.
Jai got up and addressing a still dazed Kiran said, ‘Aunty, if you don’t mind, can I get Bani down?’
Before Kiran could answer, Uday butted in, ‘Of course you can…just don’t end up kissing or anything...I don’t think I can take more of this at my age!’
Everyone broke up into giggles and muttering something under his breath, Jai went upstairs and knocked at the door, calling out her name.
Bani shouted from inside in a muffled sort of voice, ‘I won’t come!’
‘Oh, come on Bani! Everyone is waiting for you to start the dinner.’
‘Tell them to start it without me…I am not coming out!’
‘So are you telling me that you will always stay inside this room?’
Bani did not answer for this.
‘Bani, I am counting till three…if you don’t come out, I’ll break open the door!’
She yelled out in fear, ‘Nooooooo! I love my door!’
‘And what about me?’
‘What about you?’
‘Do you love me as much as your door?’
She blushed and remained quiet for a few seconds, before opening the door and gazing at him, standing calmly in front of her.
Holding the collor of his shirt, she pulled him towards her and planting a soft kiss on his lips, whispered in a husky voice, ‘I love you more than anything else in this world!’
He let out a faint smile and returning the kiss, said, ‘My thoughts exactly!’
They would have completed the transaction, but for Uday’s jovial voice coming out loudly, ‘Jai, please don’t mess around with your Fiancee here…your future as the son-in-law of Dixit House is already hanging by a thread!’
Everyone started laughing, while Jai rolled his eyes in exasperation and said to Bani, ‘Please get used to my old man, Bani…the more you get to know him, the worse he gets!’
Bani giggled and holding Jai’s hands, went downstairs.
Aditya who had somewhat come out of his shock of knowing that his niece was actually a grown up young woman and not the little tyke he used to piggy back around the house, commented, ‘Here comes our love-birds! Aw…Jai and Bani…You look so cute together!’
Uday as usual quipped, ‘Yeah, don’t they! Now I don’t have to worry how my grandchildren would look!’
Bani blushed profusely at the comment and smiling shyly at Uday, touched his feet.
‘Oh come on sweetie! Don’t act like the Saah Bahu Serial types, I would rather you bossed and shouted on me!’
She blushed some more and looked at Jai for some support against the general ribbing that was going on!
Jai said with dignity, ‘Dad, will you please stop teasing my Fiancee? I am not putting up with anymore mockery and banter against her!’
All eyes widened comically at the display of protectiveness and Bani snuggled a little closer to Jai, only to see Kiran glaring at her and immediately let go of his hand.
Uday nodded his head and said, ‘Of course…I understand! No one will tease Bani anymore, understood!’
Everyone gathered around the Dining Table nodded their heads, sniggering at Uday’s sense of humor.
The Dinner was mid-way and there was general discussion going on, and Jai and Bani looked all into one another, acting extremely lovey-dovey, and Uday noticing that, bended towards Rano and Nachiket and whispered, ‘Do you guys want to see some fun?’
Nachiket sniggered delightedly much against Rano’s dilemma of having some fun at her sister’s expense or being the loyal elder sister that she was.
But Uday was already on his way and stared at Bani, till she stopped eating the piece of paneer that she was having and feeling a bit uncomfortable, said in a small voice, ‘What happened Uncle?’
Uday shrugged his head and said, ‘Oh, Nothing beta. Nothing…I was just observing you!’
Feeling distinctily awkward, she said haltingly, ‘Observing me?’
‘Hmm! I was seeing what possible defects you can have!’
Uday said in the same offhand manner, ‘Yes! Because a few days earlier, Jai and I were having a chat on the phone and he kept mentioning you as a Defective Piece…so I was just trying to find out what is so defective about you!’
Nachiket and Rano could barely contain their laughter at Bani’s sudden change of expression and turning to face Jai, her eyes instantly moist, she said in a shaking voice, ‘You called me a Defective Piece?’
Jai who had been in a deep conversation with Tarun and Aditya, turned to look at her, completely baffled and then noticed his Father, Nachiket and Rano chuckling away to glory.
‘Don’t be silly!’
‘Did you call me a Defective Piece or not, Jai! Answer me now?’
Uday remarked seriously, ‘Yes, Jai…please answer her!’
Jai gave a ‘Wait, till I get you’ look at his Father and said in soothing tones to a now extremely emotional Bani, ‘Yes sweetheart, I did…but it was completely in a different context…’
Before he could finish his sentence, she stamped her foot in the ground, crying openly and yelped, ‘You are the meanest person on Earth…’ And then addressing everyone in general she said, ‘He accused me of so many things and dumped me in the middle of the road at night!’
Kiran and the other gasped and Jai looked shocked that Bani brought this incident up all of a sudden.
Now Uday looked really serious and said, ‘Jai, is that right?’
Rano butted in between and said in righteous tones, ‘It is Uncle…he not only left her to die on the road, but also hit her head with a hammer…it has kind of affected her mental ability also!’
‘WHAT?’ yelled almost everyone around the table, Jai the loudest, except Nachiket, who suddenly looked white.
Kiran gasped and turning to face Jai asked, ‘Jai, you hit my daughter with a hammer?’
Jai shook his head in disbelief and said emphatically, ‘Of course not! What nonsense are you sprouting Rano! Who told you I did something like this!’
Nachiket meanwhile had got up from his seat and tried to slip out and Rano said innocently, ‘Nachiket did!’
Jai glared at Nachiket, who was shaking and he said in a timorous tone, ‘I exaggerated a teeny weeny bit…’
Bani who had by now dried her tears after Massi had got her favourite Kheer for Dessert remarked, ‘Jai did not hit me, for goodness sake! We had a huge fight, where he said a lot of horrible things to me…and then I went to his house and said a lot of horrible things to him…’
Kiran who’s headache seemed to come back again, said wearily, ‘Then how come you both became engaged again?’
Bani said nonchaltantly, ‘Oh, he picked me up in his arms and put me on the new car he gifted me and then we kissed and made up!’
Aditya asked in a choked voice, ‘New car…Kiss…’
Bani went on in the same conversational tone, ‘Yes…Jai gifted me a new car which was in our garage and I drove it down to his house right onto his lawns!’
Rano asked, ‘But Bunny…You can’t drive very well…’
‘No, I can drive, I just can’t stop the Car…but that problem was taken care off…there was a stupid statuette in the lawns and when it banged against my Car, it stopped!’
Uday let out a shocked, ‘You broke my Italian Sculpture? But Jai said he did it by accident!’
Suddenly Bani’s anger melted at hearing this and turning to face Jai she said lovingly, ‘You took the blame upon yourself…Oh, Jai…’
He smiled sweetly at her and wiping a drop of Kheer off her lips said, ‘Anytime for you!’
Now that both Jai and Bani were put in a good mood again, the rest of them were grumpy, with Uday muttering in sad tones about his Italian Statuette, Nachiket wondering how painful it would be, when Jai powders his bones, Kiran and Aditya still disbelieving that their little Bani was painting the town red, unknown to them till now!
The Marriage
The disastrous Pre-dinner party had ended on a good note, with a coy looking Bani putting Jai’s engagement ring on his finger and drawing a lot of ‘Aww..’ and ‘Oooh…’ and making a promise to both Kiran and Aditya, that he would never even try to kiss her till they got married.
Jai gave an assurance to keep peace and just crossed his fingers to indicate that he had no intentions of honoring such a promise!
Jai looked debonair in a Black Sherwani, freshly shaved jawline, hair pulled back, smelling of cologne and drew so many stares and gasps across the venue, that Ranveer felt little envious, but only till Rano assured him, that she had not seen anyone more handsome than him in her whole life.
In the midst of a very serious conversation with a common business acquaintance, Jai’s eyes fell on his lady love. He stopped talking midway and stared unabashedly at Bani, she looked absolutely ravishing, dressed in a crimson colored georgette sari with gold and sequined embellishments all over it and a very s**y low neck blouse, which she had worn after a heated argument with her Mother over her choice of clothes. Her hair was tied in a low bun at the nape of her neck and a circle of flowers pinned it in place. Uday had gifted her Necklace, Earrings and a set of two Kadas yesterday at the Dinner Party, when Jai and she had become formally engaged again. The Kundan and Meenakari Set in glittering red and green stones, offset against burnished gold and pearls, made her face glow radiantly.
While Jai was gaping at her with his mouth open, Uday came and giving a look at Bani and then at Jai’s very blatant staring session, remarked, jolting Jai out of his day-dream, ‘Your Mother would be smiling from the heavens above today…to see her favourite jewelry piece bedecked on her daughter-in-law, like it was made for her…’
Jai smiled at his Father and when Uday turned to look at Jai, he instantly changed his expression (still upset by yesterday night’s drama) and said, ‘Yes, she will be smiling from above…but trust me, you are going straight down to hell!’
Uday was left with his mouth agape, before both of them burst out laughing!
Jai went behind Bani and they found a few moment’s of seclusion, in Jai’s Car.
‘We shouldn’t be here…’ she mumbled, trying to peer out of the dark window panes of his Car.
‘Trust me, we should!’ he replied huskily.
She blushed, matching the color of her Sari and he drew her face towards him, nuzzling gently on the exposed curve of her neck, while her fingers went automatically from ruffling his hair to the back of his neck and then under the back collor of his Sherwani (he had unbuttoned it slightly to let some air in!)
‘Emm…someone knows how to respond…’ he continued in the same teasing manner.
Bani did not answer him back, just buried her head on his shoulder, her Coco Mademoiselle fragrance mingling notoriously with his Bath & Body Works Cologne.
‘You smell delicious, Bani...’ his voice was raspy as he lingered with his warm lips on her neck and started travelling south.
She abruptely took her head off his shoulders and moved back, only to have Jai hold her by her upper arms and jerk, to make her fall right on his chest, on the open portion of his Bandhgala and she landed face down on it, the cologne, mixed with his natural body scent both playing havoc with her senses.
His fingers spiked through her hair and he pulled out some of the sweetly smelling jasmine flowers from them and Bani felt shivers running down her spine.
He turned her downcast face towards him and holding her chin, started kissing he softly and gently, raising the passion and heat stept by step. She wanted to protest, but nothing came out…he seemed in full possession of both her body and her senses.
His hand had slipped onto to her bare waist and his rough fingers seemed to play havoc with her body. Not letting her go, he went down from her lips to her chins and then trailed the warm, moist kisses all through her slender throat, which was encasaed in the heavy neck-piece she was wearing and he continued the passionate downward slide, till he reached the base of her neck and pulling off the pallu of her Sari, continued the torment.
Heat seemed to explode in every fabric of her body and she almost shivered with the anticipation of what he was going to do next…but a voice in the back of her head, told her to stop him and to stop herself…
His hand and his mouth were both playing havoc with her senses and before she thought the last vestiges of her self-control would snap, she jerked herself back and said in a low, hoarse whisper, ‘No Jai…Please…lets not do this…’
He looked surprised and stared at her perspiring face, her eyes looked dark and inflamed with desire as well as fear.
Jai spoke softly, ‘Why…What happened?’
She did not reply to him, just pushed back the strands of her loose hair and then pulled the edge of her crushed pallu back from Jai’s grip and covered herself again.
‘This is wrong…’ her voice was barely audible, even to herself.
Jai kept silent for sometime and taking a deep breath, pushed back his ruffled hair in place and straightened his clothes, only to look at a tearful Bani, with her face buried in her hands.
Taking her back again in his arms, but this very affectionately, he spoke gently, ‘I am sorry…I got carried away…Its too early for you…’
She had buried her head in his chest and was sobbing quietly, he continued in a concerned manner, ‘Did I hurt you, Bani?’
She shook her head negatively but did not face him. Smiling quietly, he pulled her back to face him and drying her tears, which had stained her face red, he planted a kiss on the tip of her nose and said, ‘You know…looking this beautiful should be made illegal…it can cause severe accidents…’
A faint smile came over her lips when he spoke in his usual teasing way to her and he completed his sentence, ‘And trust me, I am a careful driver…but still…this route is a completely new one for me…’
She laughed gently along with him and hugging her affectionately, he said, ‘I promise to keep my dirty intentions to myself...and we will only go tango, the day you are willing…’
They both walked back to the wedding venue and she remarked, ‘Only after marriage…’
He looked visibly shocked and said, ‘But that is months away…’
She blushed at his display of eagerness and said, ‘Yes, it is…’ and then added mischeiviously, ‘But good things come to people who wait…’
He held her hostage with his gaze, making her blush crimson from head to toe and said, ‘Is that so, Ms. Dixit…Then I’ll wait for the good things to happen to me…I am taking that as a promise!’
They both laughed and continued chatting in a jovial manner to each other.
Pushkar who was still wringing his hands in pain, over all that hanging he had done yesterday, gave an insidious look at Jai and Bani, when they made their way amongst the crowd and got together and said to a sulking Meera, ‘I can’t understand…how on earth can Borney marry that Tambu waalah’s son!’
Meera rolled her eyes and said, ‘He is not a Tambu Waala…haven’t you discovered the whole story yet?’
Pushkar glanced at her and said in a defeated tone, ‘Oh, well how does it matter now…Borney is gone…now I’ll have to renew my search for a bride! Say, do you know someone eligible, Moira?’
‘Its MEERA! And btw, if you keep calling people wrongly, no woman is ever going to give you a second look, leave aside getting married to you!’
‘Okay…Cool it!’ And then he checked out Meera, who looked passably good, with only that sulky, sly expression marring her otherwise decent looks and said, ‘Say, are you single?’
She turned and looked with disdain at him and said, ‘Yes, I am Single…But definitely not ready to Mingle…Surely not with someone like you…I would rather go and marry someone from the Zoo…’
And saying that little poem, she jingled off merrily, while Pushkar was left with a love-struck expression on his face!
The ceremony from the girl’s side was being done by Kiran’s sister and her husband and she met up with Uday who was standing on his own.
Uday remarked to her, ‘You know Kiran, we could have got Jai and Bani also married here, right now!’
Kiran looking shocked said, ‘Now?’
‘Yeah, why not! All the guests are here, the venue is ready, the muhurat is good, the groom and bride look brilliant…what else do you need?’
Kiran laughed shyly and said, ‘Mr. Walia, I hope you are joking…’
Uday looked serious and said, ‘I am not…they are engaged, what is stopping us from getting them married immeidatley?’
Kiran looked serious now and then looking awkward, coughed delicately and said, ‘Mr. Walia…I absolutely adore Jai and I can’t tell you how happy I am that my Bani is to become his wife…but I think they should be engaged for some time before taking the final plunge…Bani is really young and I think she needs time to prepare herself for a married life.’
Uday kept quiet for some time and said slowly, ‘Are you sure that you want to wait, Kiran! Actually, I spoke to Jai about this yesterday and even said the same thing as you, that he wants to take some time before getting married. But, I have some reservations on this issue…’
‘What reservations, Mr. Walia?’
Uday paused, trying to put his words correctly, ‘I know that they are both young and in love with one another…but I also realize and I am sure, so do you…that they are essentially very, very different from one another…’
Kiran said slowly, ‘I don’t understand…’
Uday heaved a long sigh and said, ‘Maybe its because I am the eldest amongst all of us or maybe its just because I have had a very varied experience of human nature …but the law of nature is that while opposites do attract one another…it is very rare for them to stay that way…’
Kiran kept quiet, while Uday continued with a bit difficulty, ‘They are in the first flush of love…all they can see is the good and the beautiful…in each other and in the world around them…but gradually, that intial attraction will wear off and they will both start taking each other for granted…’
Kiran understood what he meant and said softly, ‘But doesn’t that mean all the more that they should wait to get married…and in that period, know each other’s flaws and weaknesses, too?’
Uday shook his head and said, ‘I don’t know Bani very well, but I know my son inside out…and even though he has strength of character and a very loyal, committed nature…he also is very cynical and unemotional in outlook…if he gets it in his mind that something is not working out for him…he would never deal with it emotionally…he will never let his heart make decision for him…he would just go and snap the problem away…’
Kiran looked uncomprehendingly at Uday who continued, ‘I am not saying that if Jai tomorrow finds out that he and Bani are utterly unsuitable to each other, he will break off the engagement once more…but its just that, if they are married…he will probably be more binded…more emotionally involved…’
Uday stopped, not knowing how to exactly express his thoughts in words to Kiran and she kept quite for some time before giving him an assuring smile and saying, ‘I really appreciate your talking to me on this, Mr. Walia…but the thing is that we cannot force either Jai or Bani to get married right now, its their decision after all…and they have gone through a break-up already…they probably know the flaws in their relationships by now…Please don’t get so worried over them…I am sure, they will both handle everything perfectly.’
Kiran was called away by her relatives to take part in the ceremony once again and Uday was left alone, wondering and hoping that Kiran’s prophecy should come true…
Part 20
Bani had spent the last two days in her room, missing Rano and crying so miserably, that Kiran had to make a distress call to Rano on her honeymoon trip and request her to speak with Bani and pacify her.
Since the day Rano had got engaged, Bani had been anticipating the day when she would get married and eventually move out of their house, but she had never imagined that the reality of it of seeing her gone, would be so painful and heartbreaking.
Despite sharing a 5 year age gap between them, Bani had always known her sister to be her best friend and confidante.
From sharing hair-dryers to sharing their sorrows, they had virtually lived each other life’s since they became siblings!
In spite of all their fights, arguments and squabbles, ranging from clothes to boys, they had always been as thick as thieves and stood up for each other fiercely, if anyone had threatened the other’s happiness.
Rano was both a mirror for Bani as well as her opposite. They were both a little part of each other’s childhood, which could never be lost.
Kiran knocked on the door twice before opening it and going inside, to see Bani still in her Pyjamas sitting on the window sill, looking out at the Gulmohar Tree, where her favourite wooden swing was standing still…When she had been a little baby, Rano had made Bani sit in her lap and made her swing too and forth, evoking joyous giggles from her. And when they had grown up, they used to both get their cups of Bournvita and place themselves on it, shoving each other for more space and trying all kinds of tactics to get the swing for themselves.
Everything in the house seemed to remind Bani of her sister and it broke her heart to realize that life would never be the same again.
Kiran looked lovingly at her younger daughter and going near her, patted Bani on her head and planted a kiss, which only made Bani choke up more.
‘Bunny, if you keep crying like this, how will Rano ever be happy with Ranveer? Don’t you want your sister to start her married life on a good note?’
This led to a fresh bout of tears from Bani’s eyes and she wailed, half in anger and half in misery, ‘I hate Ranveer Jeeju…he took my Didi from me!’
Kiran was caught between laughing and stopping her own tears from forming in her eyes.
‘When she was around, you two were always fighting, either on clothes or on sharing the room…’
Bani sobbed copiously and said in between her tears, ‘It was fun to fight, that’s why…the room seems to eat me up now…it feels so empty to sleep all alone on the Bed, Ma…I miss her so badly…!’ saying that she burst out crying more, keeping her head on her Mother’s shouders.
Aditya followed in carrying a cup of Coffee for Bani and giving it to her, said teasingly, ‘What are you sitting her and mourning over? You’ll be married too in some time…and then guess, what happens to Bhabhi?’
Bani took a sip of the coffee, wiping her face, which had become swollen and red due to all the crying that she had been doing and said, ‘I will tell Jai to become a Ghar-Jamai, he and Uday Uncle can come to stay with us!’
‘Er, excuse me…I thought I heard my name being spoken!’
The trio turned to face Jai, who was standing on the doorsteps of Bani’s room, holding a boquet of bright red and yellow carnations in his hand.
Aditya and Kiran smiled brightly and welcomed him inside, while Bani, though very happy at seeing him, preferred to keep on the moaning face.
‘What happened to her?’ he asked in general.
Kiran sighed and said, ‘She is missing her sister and has refused to come out of her room since Rano left for her honeymoon.’
Jai gave the flowers to Bani, which elicted a watery smile from her and he said teasingly, ‘Oh, the poor baby! Really Bani…if you keep shedding tears at this rate, I don’t think Delhi would ever be in deficit of Water supply!’
Aditya and Kiran laughed alongwith Jai and later Bani gave a half-hearted smile in return too.
‘Aunty, I wanted to take Bani out for the day. May I?’
Kiran smiled and said, ‘Of course…anything that would snap her out of this mood. Massi is so depressed that her darling has just had 3 Parantha’s for breakfast.’
‘Mom…’ yelped Bani at the teasing, when the three began to laugh again.
Jai waited downstairs, chatting with Aditya and Kiran while Bani got dressed.
Dressed simply in a pair of Lycra tights and an enormous thigh length, cream pullover, hair tied up in a severe ponytail, a pair of running shoes on her feet, she looked like she was going for a Young Nun's Induction Program rather than on a date with her Fiancee.
He looked at her from top to toe, before opening the Car door for her and said, ‘You haven’t left any part of your body uncovered, right?’
She smiled and hit him on his arms, before quipping, ‘Don’t they say – Precaution is bettern than Cure!’
Jai laughed in respose and planting a kiss on her forehead, said, ‘Say, where do you want to go? I’m all at your disposal!’
Bani sighed and kept her head on his arms and spoke despondently, ‘Anywhere…’
‘You missing Rano?’
She nodded her head in response and he kissed her gently on her head, taking her in his left arm and driving with the other.
They finally ended up on the lawns of the Oberoi Hotel, where a post-diwali mela was being held. Much against her protests, Jai brought a very beautiful pair of silver hoop earrings for Bani and put it on for her, evoking a lot of color on both her cheeks.
‘Wow…We are officially a couple now!’ she murmured, looking at him shyly.
‘Yes, I guess so!’ he replied, walking around the colorful jamboree of sales, with his hand holding her waist protectively.
She asked abruptly, ‘Did you have lots of girlfriends?’
He looked shocked and turning to face her said, ‘Huh?’
Bani got a little embarrassed and said apologetically, ‘Sorry…I didn’t meant to be so poky!’
He laughed lightly and replied, ‘No, that’s okay! You have a right to know about my past!’
She kept quiet and he spoke, very carefully, ‘There was a time, when I was…erm, how should I term that word…’
She completed the sentence for him, ‘Wild?’
He was genuinely taken aback at the way, Bani always nailed his thoughts in one go, even when he was rambling on his words.
He said slowly, ‘Yesss…you could say that! I went around on a lot of dates…had, you know…’
She interrupted once again and put in helpfully, ‘Casual flings…’
Jai felt embarrassed and nodded his head sheepishly. And then almost on a cue, spoke in a firm voice, ‘But that was ages back…and please don’t think, I went about seducing innocent, young girls – as I am sure your best friend Nachiket would have told you!’
She laughed along with him and said, ‘I got the story from him! But was there someone with whom you were involved seriously…you know, emotionally.’
Jai kept quiet for some time and sensing the change of expression on his face, Bani regretted asking the question, for suddenly she did not want to hear the answer.
Jai took a deep breath and said shortly, ‘Yes, there was someone for whom I felt very strongly…for a very long period of time…’
They both leaned against his Car and she noticed that the lines on his face were softer than before and his brows crinkled in remembrance.
‘I met her at College in the US…she had been brought up there, her parents had immigrated from India soon after her birth…she was more or less of an American!’
Bani asked softly, ‘How was she?’
Jai looked at her and smiled affectionately. That was what he found so endearing about Bani, most girls, posed with the prospect of listening to their partner’s past, would ask the first question, as to, “Was she pretty” or “Was she prettier than me?” but Bani asked about the person that she was!
He shrugged his head in a lost manner and said, ‘One of the nicest people I have come across in my life…’
Maybe it was the simplicity of his description or maybe it was the depth in his voice, which made Bani say impulsively, ‘You loved her!’
Jai was staggered at the statement and could not quite face Bani, till he composed himelf and looking at her, gave a smile and said, ‘Please be informed that she is happily married to the man she loves for the last 3 years.’
Bani remarked mischeviously, ‘So you keep tabs on your Ex’s?’
Jai laughed, ruffling Bani’s hair and said, ‘Excuse me? When did I ever say she was my Ex? We were very good friends, that’s it!’
Bani stopped laughing and looking at Jai in an odd manner said, ‘It was a one-sided emotion? That proves you loved her, Jai!’
Jai stared at for sometime, wondering whether she was being serious or was she just pulling his leg and tossing his head impetuously, he came near her face and whipered in a husky voice, ‘As far as I know, I have just experienced falling in love…and even though the object of my affection is dressed in clothes which make her look like a Yeti…I still find her so s**y, I could just rip apart every piece of clothing she has on and make love to her, right now, right here…’
Bani stared at him, shocked at his declaraction and he added impishly, ‘Actually, not right here…The backseat of the Car would be infinitely more comfortable and private!’
She giggled and reached out to hit him on his back and he took her into his arms in one swoop and hugging her warmly, said, ‘Its only you, Bani…since the day you opened the door for me at your home and sent me packing to clean your sewage…trust me, I have never even as much as thought about any other woman!’
Bani laughed shyly in response and said, ‘I know….’
While on their way to the Hotel for Lunch, he asked her in a teasing manner, 'and how many hearts did you break, Mademoiselle? Please don't tell me the exact number, I can get very jealous...'
She waved her head with nonchalance and said, 'Oh, don't worry in that respect...all I broke was a lot of backs and hands while growing up...pinning boys to the ground and beating the hell out of them!'
Jai stared at her in wonder and asked, 'What?'
'I weighed some 82 Kgs till I was 15 and it took me 5 years to get down till the current the only times Boys used to show interest in me was when I stole their tiffin boxes at School...and that is when the pinning to the ground and beating came in...'
Jai started laughing uproariously and she went on in the same conversational mode, 'And the only thing to trigger my estrogen levels in my teens was a place called McDonald's and the local bakery!'
When he has managed to control his laughter over what he had just heard, he said impishly, 'I hope there are more things that trigger your Estrogen level now...'
She looked at him and giving a cotteish smile, rubbed his unshaven jawline with the tip of her finger and whispered smoothly, 'Yes...but you still come a close second to a Double Scoop Chocolate Chip Muffin...'
They both laughed delightedly on this!
While sharing a very hearty lunch at the Blue Elephant (Bani’s favourite Thai Food), Jai remarked to her, ‘Say…we have around 6 months to go before we get married, so why not use this period to know each other better?
Bani was devouring some Thai Green Curry with great relish and she looked at him in surprise and said, ‘We have already started working on that…have you noticed how much you have started enjoying food?’
‘Oh god, Bani…anything but food, please!’
She laughed and drinking a glass of water, said seriously, ‘Its actually a great idea…lets do something for each other…like I can start liking or learning something that you are fond of and vice versa!’
‘That sounds reasonable enough…I can just start eating 7 times a day and you can be the key-note speaker at the M&A Conference on Monday!’
‘Ha, Ha, Ha! Be serious, Jai…know what, I love music…so I would want to you learn singing!’
Jai gaped at her and said, ‘you must be joking…remember the whole Bull-frog theory…’
Bani hit her fork on the plate and said, ‘No, ifs and buts…we both get two things each that we expect the other person to learn…So Music is one…and, mmm…let me think…Yes…No Office work on Weekends!’
Jai almost yelled out in horror, ‘you must be joking…I work every Saturday and every alternate Sundays…’
‘Does you staff come too?’
‘No…It’s off for them…but, hey, I am their boss…’
She smiled and said daintily, ‘Take it or leave it!’
He heaved a sigh and folding his hands said, ‘Okay, you win! But if there is an emergency, then the rule can be broken!’
Bani smiled radiantly and said, ‘Done!’
Jai relaxed back on his chair and said, ‘Now the tasks for you, Mon Amour…Okay, I love going on long drives on expressways…so I would want you to learn your driving really, really well…and not break any more of my Father’s collections!’
Bani laughed gaily and nodded her head in response, ‘Done! And the next?’
He thought for a while sipping his coffee and said, ‘Since you are so hydrophobic and I absolutely love the water…I want you to learn swimming!’
Bani dropped the piece of dessert she was eating and with wide eyes, yelped, ‘No way…I am terrified of water…and after that drowning scare…I am not even going near a pool! Please give me some other task!’
He smiled and said, ‘Take it or leave it!’
‘Jai…’ she pleaded, ‘I can’t do that…and its winter, for god sake. No pool would be open at this time and where am I going to get an instructor from?’
He retorted coolly, ‘My club has an indoor-heated pool which is open from 8 in the morning till 8 in the evening. And I won gold medals in swimming for both my school and college for 6 years in a row! So, there you instructor problem is also solved.’
She glared at him and said, ‘You will teach me swimming?’
‘You must think I am crazy to wear a swimsuit and come in front of you!’
Jai stopped drinking his coffee and gaped at Bani, before remarking, ‘Bani…please don’t give me such scares…if you are so paranoid about wearing a swim suit in front of me, what you will do after marriage?’
She looked confused and said, ‘I’ll have to wear a swimsuit after marriage?’
He hit his head with his hand and said, ‘Meri Maa…Gosh, how am I supposed to explain this to you…’
She still had the perplexed look on her face and he said frankly, ‘you know after marriage and in a lot of cases, before marriage…when a man and woman come together for having…S-E-X…they normally have to shed their clothes!’
Bani opened her mouth in horror and getting up from her seat in a flushed manner said, ‘You are so bad…taking me out for a harmless date and talking dirty stuff to me!’
He looked befuddled and said, ‘Dirty? Bani…please, I am talking normal stuff…so what the hell were you thinking? That we will just keep kissing each other for the rest of our lives in my Car?’
Jai looked suddenly frightened at her expression, wondering what would happen, if Bani was really clueless in this aspect.
Looking at the expression on his face, she broke out laughing madly, almost falling on his chest and then with great difficulty smothered her laughter and said, ‘Its fun to see you all flustered, Jai...’
They both laughed uproariously and planned for the said evenings!
Bani had spent the last two days in her room, missing Rano and crying so miserably, that Kiran had to make a distress call to Rano on her honeymoon trip and request her to speak with Bani and pacify her.
Since the day Rano had got engaged, Bani had been anticipating the day when she would get married and eventually move out of their house, but she had never imagined that the reality of it of seeing her gone, would be so painful and heartbreaking.
Despite sharing a 5 year age gap between them, Bani had always known her sister to be her best friend and confidante.
From sharing hair-dryers to sharing their sorrows, they had virtually lived each other life’s since they became siblings!
In spite of all their fights, arguments and squabbles, ranging from clothes to boys, they had always been as thick as thieves and stood up for each other fiercely, if anyone had threatened the other’s happiness.
Rano was both a mirror for Bani as well as her opposite. They were both a little part of each other’s childhood, which could never be lost.
Kiran knocked on the door twice before opening it and going inside, to see Bani still in her Pyjamas sitting on the window sill, looking out at the Gulmohar Tree, where her favourite wooden swing was standing still…When she had been a little baby, Rano had made Bani sit in her lap and made her swing too and forth, evoking joyous giggles from her. And when they had grown up, they used to both get their cups of Bournvita and place themselves on it, shoving each other for more space and trying all kinds of tactics to get the swing for themselves.
Everything in the house seemed to remind Bani of her sister and it broke her heart to realize that life would never be the same again.
Kiran looked lovingly at her younger daughter and going near her, patted Bani on her head and planted a kiss, which only made Bani choke up more.
‘Bunny, if you keep crying like this, how will Rano ever be happy with Ranveer? Don’t you want your sister to start her married life on a good note?’
This led to a fresh bout of tears from Bani’s eyes and she wailed, half in anger and half in misery, ‘I hate Ranveer Jeeju…he took my Didi from me!’
Kiran was caught between laughing and stopping her own tears from forming in her eyes.
‘When she was around, you two were always fighting, either on clothes or on sharing the room…’
Bani sobbed copiously and said in between her tears, ‘It was fun to fight, that’s why…the room seems to eat me up now…it feels so empty to sleep all alone on the Bed, Ma…I miss her so badly…!’ saying that she burst out crying more, keeping her head on her Mother’s shouders.
Aditya followed in carrying a cup of Coffee for Bani and giving it to her, said teasingly, ‘What are you sitting her and mourning over? You’ll be married too in some time…and then guess, what happens to Bhabhi?’
Bani took a sip of the coffee, wiping her face, which had become swollen and red due to all the crying that she had been doing and said, ‘I will tell Jai to become a Ghar-Jamai, he and Uday Uncle can come to stay with us!’
‘Er, excuse me…I thought I heard my name being spoken!’
The trio turned to face Jai, who was standing on the doorsteps of Bani’s room, holding a boquet of bright red and yellow carnations in his hand.
Aditya and Kiran smiled brightly and welcomed him inside, while Bani, though very happy at seeing him, preferred to keep on the moaning face.
‘What happened to her?’ he asked in general.
Kiran sighed and said, ‘She is missing her sister and has refused to come out of her room since Rano left for her honeymoon.’
Jai gave the flowers to Bani, which elicted a watery smile from her and he said teasingly, ‘Oh, the poor baby! Really Bani…if you keep shedding tears at this rate, I don’t think Delhi would ever be in deficit of Water supply!’
Aditya and Kiran laughed alongwith Jai and later Bani gave a half-hearted smile in return too.
‘Aunty, I wanted to take Bani out for the day. May I?’
Kiran smiled and said, ‘Of course…anything that would snap her out of this mood. Massi is so depressed that her darling has just had 3 Parantha’s for breakfast.’
‘Mom…’ yelped Bani at the teasing, when the three began to laugh again.
Jai waited downstairs, chatting with Aditya and Kiran while Bani got dressed.
Dressed simply in a pair of Lycra tights and an enormous thigh length, cream pullover, hair tied up in a severe ponytail, a pair of running shoes on her feet, she looked like she was going for a Young Nun's Induction Program rather than on a date with her Fiancee.
He looked at her from top to toe, before opening the Car door for her and said, ‘You haven’t left any part of your body uncovered, right?’
She smiled and hit him on his arms, before quipping, ‘Don’t they say – Precaution is bettern than Cure!’
Jai laughed in respose and planting a kiss on her forehead, said, ‘Say, where do you want to go? I’m all at your disposal!’
Bani sighed and kept her head on his arms and spoke despondently, ‘Anywhere…’
‘You missing Rano?’
She nodded her head in response and he kissed her gently on her head, taking her in his left arm and driving with the other.
They finally ended up on the lawns of the Oberoi Hotel, where a post-diwali mela was being held. Much against her protests, Jai brought a very beautiful pair of silver hoop earrings for Bani and put it on for her, evoking a lot of color on both her cheeks.
‘Wow…We are officially a couple now!’ she murmured, looking at him shyly.
‘Yes, I guess so!’ he replied, walking around the colorful jamboree of sales, with his hand holding her waist protectively.
She asked abruptly, ‘Did you have lots of girlfriends?’
He looked shocked and turning to face her said, ‘Huh?’
Bani got a little embarrassed and said apologetically, ‘Sorry…I didn’t meant to be so poky!’
He laughed lightly and replied, ‘No, that’s okay! You have a right to know about my past!’
She kept quiet and he spoke, very carefully, ‘There was a time, when I was…erm, how should I term that word…’
She completed the sentence for him, ‘Wild?’
He was genuinely taken aback at the way, Bani always nailed his thoughts in one go, even when he was rambling on his words.
He said slowly, ‘Yesss…you could say that! I went around on a lot of dates…had, you know…’
She interrupted once again and put in helpfully, ‘Casual flings…’
Jai felt embarrassed and nodded his head sheepishly. And then almost on a cue, spoke in a firm voice, ‘But that was ages back…and please don’t think, I went about seducing innocent, young girls – as I am sure your best friend Nachiket would have told you!’
She laughed along with him and said, ‘I got the story from him! But was there someone with whom you were involved seriously…you know, emotionally.’
Jai kept quiet for some time and sensing the change of expression on his face, Bani regretted asking the question, for suddenly she did not want to hear the answer.
Jai took a deep breath and said shortly, ‘Yes, there was someone for whom I felt very strongly…for a very long period of time…’
They both leaned against his Car and she noticed that the lines on his face were softer than before and his brows crinkled in remembrance.
‘I met her at College in the US…she had been brought up there, her parents had immigrated from India soon after her birth…she was more or less of an American!’
Bani asked softly, ‘How was she?’
Jai looked at her and smiled affectionately. That was what he found so endearing about Bani, most girls, posed with the prospect of listening to their partner’s past, would ask the first question, as to, “Was she pretty” or “Was she prettier than me?” but Bani asked about the person that she was!
He shrugged his head in a lost manner and said, ‘One of the nicest people I have come across in my life…’
Maybe it was the simplicity of his description or maybe it was the depth in his voice, which made Bani say impulsively, ‘You loved her!’
Jai was staggered at the statement and could not quite face Bani, till he composed himelf and looking at her, gave a smile and said, ‘Please be informed that she is happily married to the man she loves for the last 3 years.’
Bani remarked mischeviously, ‘So you keep tabs on your Ex’s?’
Jai laughed, ruffling Bani’s hair and said, ‘Excuse me? When did I ever say she was my Ex? We were very good friends, that’s it!’
Bani stopped laughing and looking at Jai in an odd manner said, ‘It was a one-sided emotion? That proves you loved her, Jai!’
Jai stared at for sometime, wondering whether she was being serious or was she just pulling his leg and tossing his head impetuously, he came near her face and whipered in a husky voice, ‘As far as I know, I have just experienced falling in love…and even though the object of my affection is dressed in clothes which make her look like a Yeti…I still find her so s**y, I could just rip apart every piece of clothing she has on and make love to her, right now, right here…’
Bani stared at him, shocked at his declaraction and he added impishly, ‘Actually, not right here…The backseat of the Car would be infinitely more comfortable and private!’
She giggled and reached out to hit him on his back and he took her into his arms in one swoop and hugging her warmly, said, ‘Its only you, Bani…since the day you opened the door for me at your home and sent me packing to clean your sewage…trust me, I have never even as much as thought about any other woman!’
Bani laughed shyly in response and said, ‘I know….’
While on their way to the Hotel for Lunch, he asked her in a teasing manner, 'and how many hearts did you break, Mademoiselle? Please don't tell me the exact number, I can get very jealous...'
She waved her head with nonchalance and said, 'Oh, don't worry in that respect...all I broke was a lot of backs and hands while growing up...pinning boys to the ground and beating the hell out of them!'
Jai stared at her in wonder and asked, 'What?'
'I weighed some 82 Kgs till I was 15 and it took me 5 years to get down till the current the only times Boys used to show interest in me was when I stole their tiffin boxes at School...and that is when the pinning to the ground and beating came in...'
Jai started laughing uproariously and she went on in the same conversational mode, 'And the only thing to trigger my estrogen levels in my teens was a place called McDonald's and the local bakery!'
When he has managed to control his laughter over what he had just heard, he said impishly, 'I hope there are more things that trigger your Estrogen level now...'
She looked at him and giving a cotteish smile, rubbed his unshaven jawline with the tip of her finger and whispered smoothly, 'Yes...but you still come a close second to a Double Scoop Chocolate Chip Muffin...'
They both laughed delightedly on this!
While sharing a very hearty lunch at the Blue Elephant (Bani’s favourite Thai Food), Jai remarked to her, ‘Say…we have around 6 months to go before we get married, so why not use this period to know each other better?
Bani was devouring some Thai Green Curry with great relish and she looked at him in surprise and said, ‘We have already started working on that…have you noticed how much you have started enjoying food?’
‘Oh god, Bani…anything but food, please!’
She laughed and drinking a glass of water, said seriously, ‘Its actually a great idea…lets do something for each other…like I can start liking or learning something that you are fond of and vice versa!’
‘That sounds reasonable enough…I can just start eating 7 times a day and you can be the key-note speaker at the M&A Conference on Monday!’
‘Ha, Ha, Ha! Be serious, Jai…know what, I love music…so I would want to you learn singing!’
Jai gaped at her and said, ‘you must be joking…remember the whole Bull-frog theory…’
Bani hit her fork on the plate and said, ‘No, ifs and buts…we both get two things each that we expect the other person to learn…So Music is one…and, mmm…let me think…Yes…No Office work on Weekends!’
Jai almost yelled out in horror, ‘you must be joking…I work every Saturday and every alternate Sundays…’
‘Does you staff come too?’
‘No…It’s off for them…but, hey, I am their boss…’
She smiled and said daintily, ‘Take it or leave it!’
He heaved a sigh and folding his hands said, ‘Okay, you win! But if there is an emergency, then the rule can be broken!’
Bani smiled radiantly and said, ‘Done!’
Jai relaxed back on his chair and said, ‘Now the tasks for you, Mon Amour…Okay, I love going on long drives on expressways…so I would want you to learn your driving really, really well…and not break any more of my Father’s collections!’
Bani laughed gaily and nodded her head in response, ‘Done! And the next?’
He thought for a while sipping his coffee and said, ‘Since you are so hydrophobic and I absolutely love the water…I want you to learn swimming!’
Bani dropped the piece of dessert she was eating and with wide eyes, yelped, ‘No way…I am terrified of water…and after that drowning scare…I am not even going near a pool! Please give me some other task!’
He smiled and said, ‘Take it or leave it!’
‘Jai…’ she pleaded, ‘I can’t do that…and its winter, for god sake. No pool would be open at this time and where am I going to get an instructor from?’
He retorted coolly, ‘My club has an indoor-heated pool which is open from 8 in the morning till 8 in the evening. And I won gold medals in swimming for both my school and college for 6 years in a row! So, there you instructor problem is also solved.’
She glared at him and said, ‘You will teach me swimming?’
‘You must think I am crazy to wear a swimsuit and come in front of you!’
Jai stopped drinking his coffee and gaped at Bani, before remarking, ‘Bani…please don’t give me such scares…if you are so paranoid about wearing a swim suit in front of me, what you will do after marriage?’
She looked confused and said, ‘I’ll have to wear a swimsuit after marriage?’
He hit his head with his hand and said, ‘Meri Maa…Gosh, how am I supposed to explain this to you…’
She still had the perplexed look on her face and he said frankly, ‘you know after marriage and in a lot of cases, before marriage…when a man and woman come together for having…S-E-X…they normally have to shed their clothes!’
Bani opened her mouth in horror and getting up from her seat in a flushed manner said, ‘You are so bad…taking me out for a harmless date and talking dirty stuff to me!’
He looked befuddled and said, ‘Dirty? Bani…please, I am talking normal stuff…so what the hell were you thinking? That we will just keep kissing each other for the rest of our lives in my Car?’
Jai looked suddenly frightened at her expression, wondering what would happen, if Bani was really clueless in this aspect.
Looking at the expression on his face, she broke out laughing madly, almost falling on his chest and then with great difficulty smothered her laughter and said, ‘Its fun to see you all flustered, Jai...’
They both laughed uproariously and planned for the said evenings!
Part 21
Jai sounded both exasperated and amused, when he spoke in a weary tone, for the 6th time, ‘Bani, please take off your bathrobe…’
She stood shivering, near the edge of the pool, the bathrobe, falling a little below her knees and replied back, ‘This is what happened in Mahabharat also…’
‘Duryodhan said the same thing to Draupadi…to take off her Sari…’
‘Oh, please! And you are referencing me to Duryodhan of all the mythological characters you could have chosen?’
Bani placed her toes gingerly on the shimmering blue, just wetting the tips, it felt nice and warm.
She turned to look at him and said with pleading eyes, ‘Can I take my robe off, once we are inside the water?’
‘Listen, there are people in the club who know me very well…I don’t know about you, but I for one, don’t want to end up looking idiotic, teaching swimming to a girl who’ll be fumbling with that sack of a robe inside water! Now, come on Bani!’
His voice was raised a few decibels and she twitched her face nervously, undoing the fabric belt on her bright purple Lilo & Stitch Bathrobe.
Jai was tapping his feet impatiently, his hands on his hips, he had donned on a pair of navy blue swimming trunks and looked quite comfortable, unlike Bani, who was not even looking at him directly.
‘Bani…I am counting till 3, if you are not out of that thing and in the water, I am not sure what I will do!’
She jumped in terror and quickly undid the bathrobe, to reveal an extremely conventional looking swimsuit in acqua and baby pink combination, which covered her upper arms, her entire back and front and a good part of her thighs!
Jai stared at her in astonishment for some time, making her squirm and he said in a stunned voice, ‘Is this your grandmother’s bathing suit?’
Bani went red in her face and said sulkingly, ‘My grandmother has lived like forever in Kanpur and I don’t think she has even seen a bathing suit in her life!’
‘This is the suit for which you have been throwing tantrum in the last half an hour…for God sake Bani, you can go out and have dinner in this!’
She huffed and said, ‘Don’t be so mean…I had to search the whole market to find such a suit…’
‘Obviously, I mean this could cover atleast 3 more swimmers…now come on, lets get inside the pool…and shallow end, for god sake!’
Muttering something under her breath, she walked towards the shallow end of the pool and gingerly put her feet again, Jai who was already in the water, looked at her with extreme exasperation and said, ‘Bani, what are you doing?’
‘Testing the water.’
‘For the 10th time in a row? I don’t think much is going to change, since you last dipped your pinky toe into it…now come!’
She stood near the edge of the pool, unwillingly, till he caught hold of her bare legs and in one swoop, pulled her right inside the pool and she fell with a huge splash and a scream so loud, that all the lifeguards, pool-attendants, cleaners and other swimmers came running towards them.
While she sprayed her hands in the water wildly, gasping and panting, her carefully coiffered hair going all astray.
Jai waved across to the crowd that had gathered and said, ‘Just ignore her…she gets pretty excited near the water!’
Then catching hold of Bani by her waist, he tried to make her stand on the pool floor, but not before she had jumped all over his feet in panic.
He said with firm patience, ‘Bani…stand straight…BANI…’ he screamed, which finally calmed her down and she stood straight, holding him tightly by his shoulders, shivering from head to toe and looking very silly, with water dripping all over face from the untidy strands of hair which had all but come apart.
‘Its less than 2 ft here…even a 5 year old can balance himself, now tie you hair back and stand with your back to the side-wall of the pool, while I show you the basic steps. Watch carefully, okay!’
She was shivering so badly, that she just nodded in reply.
Jai put on his swimming cap and goggles, looking like a professional and just before he took the plunge, turning to face Bani, he asked, ‘Do you have any basic idea about swimming…anything?’
She nodded her head vigorously and replied, through her chattering teeth, in a monosyllabic voice, ‘Swimming is the movement by humans or animals through water, usually without artificial assistance. Swimming is an activity that can be both useful and recreational. Its primary uses are bathing, cooling, travel, fishing, escape, and sport. Animals with lungs have an easier time floating than those without. Almost all mammals can swim by instinct, including bats, kangaroos, moles and sloths. The few exceptions include apes and possibly giraffes and porcupines. Land birds can swim or float for at least some time. Ostriches, cassowaries and tortoises can swim. Juvenile penguins drown if they accidentally fall in water since their down cover is not suited to water. Humans do not swim instinctively, but nonetheless feel attracted to water, showing a broader range of swimming movements than other non-aquatic animals.’
Jai gaped at her with his mouth open and after a while’s silence said in total despair to himself, ‘I did not ask for the Wikipedia definiton of Swimming....What am I marrying into?’ he finished in frustration.
As usual paying nil attention to his sarcasm, she said with conviction, 'Its a fact...Penguins cannot swim naturally, but they are the world's best divers...'
'Who the hell cares about Penguins?' he shouted!
Bani sulked and muttered something under her breath, holding herself tightly in the water, to prevent herself from shivering, even though the temperature in the water was close to 34 degrees.
Shaking his head in acute frustration, he took a deep breath and said, ‘There are four basic strokes ; Butterfly, Backstroke, B****sroke and Freestyle…we will begin with freestyle for you…since you have a fasincation for flaying your hands all over the water and displacing it outside the pool…’
Missing his saracasm, Bani tried to look enthusiastic and brave, while Jai proceeded to swim the length of the pool with such grace and agility, that she kept gaping in wonder.
By the time, he had come back to her, she had climbed out of the pool and was sitting on the edge with her legs dangling inside the water.
Taking off his goggles, he said vexedly, ‘What the hell are you doing out?’
‘I was thinking till to dry off till you showed me a demo!’
‘Bani…what is the point of drying off if you have to follow my demo? Now come inside, else, I’ll duck you inside the water, till it fills your lungs and eyes, and nose and throat and you start choking and gaggling…’
Scared out of her wits, she got up and shouted in fear, ‘What? Now, I’m never coming inside…’ and before he could stop laughing and tell her that he was just joking, she ran for her life, across the pool area and towards the ladies changing room, where she knew Jai wouldn’t be able to catch her.
But Jai was too quick and he shouted at an attendant to stop Bani and in the meanwhile came behind her, as she yelped and protested, picking her up in his arms and taking her back into the pool and before dropping her back in, said, ‘I don’t care if you break off our marriage…but I won’t rest till I teach you how to swim!’
‘Jai…you are crazy…leave me…’ she shouted, trying to wriggle out of his arms, but he had jumped inside the pool along with her and this time, in the middle end. She clung to him like a Baboon clings to a Banana Tree and refused to let go, terrorized at the depth of the water. After much screaming, shouting, gasping and panting, she cooled down, realizing that there was no other go but to learn swimming.
Jai let her out of the pool after an hour or so and by that time, she was so utterly exhausted and so full of the chlorinated water, that she felt she would fall asleep right on the tiled floor of the ground.
When they made their way to the Club for Lunch, Bani was was feeling extremely drowsy and somnolent and just waved her hand to the waiter when he came for an order.
Jai chuckled at her state and placed the order himself. Even after 15 demonstration laps in the pool, he looked as fit as a fiddle and without even as much as ducking her head inside the water, she looked as if she had recently completed an expedition to Mount Everest.
Not able to pay any attention to what Jai was talking to her, she kept nodding her head, her eyelids droopy and eyes blinking painfully to keep open.
The waiter had just kept the Cold Muligtwany Soup for Bani alongside a Chicken and Mushroom one for Jai, when his Blackberry rang, excusing himself, he went outside the Club Room to attend the call.
The call would have lasted barely 10 minutes and when he came back, it was a sight that he could not forget for the rest of his life and making sure, that neither would Bani; he immediately put his phone on Camera mode and clicked a pic of Bani.
She had her face down on the tureen of soup and was fast asleep, even while the liquid swam all along her face.
When she woke up, after the soup had reached her nostrils, she looked acutely embarrassed, only to be assured by Jai, that it was quite alright and he took out his handkerchief to wipe her sticky face and ordered another Soup for her.
Chuckling at the image of Bani snoring on the Soup Tureen, he just nodded his head casually, when Bani kept asking him, what is making him so amused.
He decided to take a print-out of the picture, frame it and gift it to her on their Wedding, showing her his sense of humor and wit, though he was not sure, if it would be such a good idea just before their Wedding Night... ;)
Rano and Ranveer were expected to Dinner today and Kiran had also invited Uday, Jai, Nachiket with Purva, Aditya, Tarun and Karuna.
While everyone was seated around the table, Bani could barely stop her chattering, catching up with a very shy and radiantly happy looking Rano, talking nineteen to the dozen and asking some rather funny questions from her.
‘So, Di…What all did you do in your honeymoon?’
There was an embarrassed silence around the table, only to be broken by Nachiket’s ill-concealed sniggering, till Bani turned red in her face and glaring at him, said, ‘I did not mean to ask their bedroom details…I was asking in general!’
This line made Rano and Ranveer go even redder in the face, while Uday laughed guffawingly and Jai just shook his head in ‘I give up on her’ type of mode.
Sensing the look of amusement on everyone’s face, she said hastily, ‘No…No…I don’t mean that thing…Rano Di, you know what I mean…the others things you did on your honeymoon, besides…’
This time, Nachiket alongwith Purva could not stop their giggling, while Jai, Tarun and Aditya also joined along and everyone burst out laughing, even Rano and Ranveer.
Uday stopped his laughter and said, ‘enough…no one will pull my Bani’s legs! Stop teasing her!’
She gave a scowl to everyone around and smiled warmly at Uday, whom she had started called, ‘Dad’ just like Jai.
When the Dinner had resumed, Uday gave a comical look at Bani and said, ‘Jai was telling me about your Water Disaster this morning…’
Bani got red in the face and glared at Jai, he winked back impishly and resumed chewing the lettuce leaves with delight and said, ‘I tried my best, but I think someone doesn’t know how to teach…’
Jai laughed alongside Nachiket and Aditya and said, ‘Yes…I guess I would find it easier teaching swimming to a Camel than Madam…’
Everyone started laughing and Uday once again hushed them up, ‘Everyone cannot do everything…Bani, tell me which sport you are comfortable doing?’
Bani fiddled with her fork and put on an extremely thoughtful expression, while Rano quipped, ‘She had taken up long-distance running once when we were in school…and I was quite surprised at the regularity and enthusiasm she showed for it…but since she put on more weight instead of losing, we quickly came to discover the secret behind her new obessession…’
Jai put in amusedly, ‘Let me guess…Hmm, was it a Fast Food Joint or an Ice-cream trolley?’
Rano gave a cheeky grin at Bani, who’s face had turned the shade of a ripe plum, about to burst and said, ‘Actually, it was a very well-laiden Guava Tree that our neighbour, Mr. Sharma had planted with such love and care…only to wonder why the tree never seemed to grow any fruits…’
Jai stared in amazement and remarked, ‘Well atleast, she ate healthy…’
Everyone laughed uproariously and this time even Uday couldn’t resist and laughed the loudest.
Tears welling in her eyes, she kept her fork back on the plate, and muttering a very choked ‘Excuse me’ almost ran out of the Dining Room.
Before anyone could react, Jai got up and waved across to indicate that he will see to Bani and followed her out in the lawns.
He found her sitting on the wooden swing, sobbing like a child and wiping her hands with her fist.
Instead of consoling her this time, he spoke with barely concealed irritation, ‘Do I have to tell you to be a sport everytime, Bani?’
She turned to face him and remained silent, judging his ‘I am so not amused’ expression.
He came to sit near her on the swing, making it creak with his weight and she said suddenly, ‘It will break…’
‘If you could eat up a whole Guava Tree and the swing still managed to survive, I don’t think, my 187 pounds is going to make any difference to it!’
She smiled faintly and said, ‘Sorry…I just get very upset when someone teases me over my weight…that was a very sensitive issue while growing up…’
He answered without missing a beat, ‘But now you are a grown up and if I may say, anything but overweight…so there is really no need to be so upset! But if you still feel bad about it, I promise, never to mention this again…definitely not as a joke on you…’
They both kept silent for some time and she spoke, ‘We are really so different…isn’t it?’
He turned to face her again, not replying though and she continued, ‘Will we remain the same after a few years?’
He did not understand her question and said, ‘By that you mean…’
She pondered with her words and said, ‘You know…when you get married and then you have all the responsibilities on your head and then you eventually stop loving one another the way you used to…then the things that keep you together are common interests…things that couples like to do together…you know, laughing on the same things, enjoying time together...discussing stuff that they both like...’
Jai kept staring at her, his eyes lit up with part amusement and part wonder in the manner which Bani kept swinging in between being a child and a woman.
She finished wistfully, 'We have nothing in common Jai...nothing at all...I mean, we can't even laugh on the same will we ever...' she left her sentence unfinished, anguished by the fact that she was actually saying such a thing to the man she loved so dearly and befuddled that all that she was saying was actually the truth about their relationship.
They both kept quiet till Jai slid his arms around her waist and getting her up from the swing, made her sit on his lap and before she could say anything, kissed her on both her cheeks and asked her simplistically, ‘Are you are your Mother the same person?’
Taken aback at the abrupt question, she looked confused and said, ‘No….but why are you…’
Cutting her in between, he asked again, ‘Have you and Rano always shared everything while you were growing up?’
This time she responded more promptly and said, ‘Of course not…we were always at each other’s throats…’
‘Did your Aditya Chachu always agree with all that you said?’
This time she waited and said hesitant, ‘Well…mostly…but no, not always…’
'You take Mango to your Bed everynight while sleeping, does that mean, you share an interest in digging bones the way he likes?'
'Of course not!' she replied indignantly.
‘Nachiket is a professional painter…so that means, being his best friend, even you can draw very well…’
‘I can’t even fill colors inside the lines…leave aside drawing in free-hand…but why are you saying all this?’ she asked, both amused and confused at the flow of their conversation.
He smiled and replied back, ‘But you love all these people in your life, isn’t it? And so do they…and it has always been like this…and will always remain like this…considering that you don't share any common interests with these people, apart from the bond of blood with your family members, what according to you is the reason that you have always been there when they needed you and the other way round?'
Bani had been swinging her legs in the air, perched on his laps, her hands wound around his broad shoulders, and he answered his own question, in a gentle voice, ‘Is there any reason better and bigger than Love to be together?'
They kept looking at one another, the stillness of the garden shrouded in darkness and mist.
She smiled shyly and bringing her face down to close on his, making her silky hair fall all over them and he exhaled in the citrus fragrance of her tresses, tightening his grip on her waist, before quipping unexpectedly, ‘I can’t belive you actually ate up a whole Guava Tree, Bani…’
Laughing gently, she shut him up instantly before he could josh her anymore and kissed him with warm, moist lips and sank into him, into the taste – the caramel coffee-tinged flavour of his lips.
‘Wait. Stop.’ He pulled back.
‘What?’ Bani looked at him, confused and crimson in the face. ‘Is something wrong?’
‘I feel as if I don’t think I’ll be able to teach you how to swim?’
‘So…I want to trade of the swimming with some other activity that I can teach you.’
‘Like?’ Bani was looking at him as though he were the unfathomable person on earth.
‘Like…’ He struggled to think with her so close to him. ‘Like, what about Squash? Or long-distance running? Or what about stacking cards and making a house out them? Or cutting fruits into the shapes of animals…’
Bani shut him up by kissing him again, and he completely gave up, melting in the experience.
It took them both a moment to realize that the stars exploding in their head behind their eyelids were real. And when they did, the both pulled back instantly, rubbing eyes agains the sudden glare of exploding flashes.
‘SURPRISE….’ Came a loud gaggle of shouts.
Jai and Bani looked red-faced and shocked, when they saw Uday, Nachiket, Rano, Ranveer, Aditya, Kiran, Purva, Tarun, Karuna and a very scandalized looking Massi alongside Mango standing in the distance.
Nachiket had a Camera in his hand and he was trying to control his laughter while fearing Jai’s reaction, and also clicking pictures of Jai and Bani sitting cozily on the swing, enveloping one another, as Uday goaded enthusiastically and cheerfully, ‘See Kiran, I told you…my son is pretty lousy with promises…’
Jai stared at his Father and all he could mutter was, ‘DAD’ in a completely defeated tone, only to get a prompt reply from his Father, holding the Polaroid picture of Jai and Bani caught in the middle of a kiss and declared with satisfaction, ‘This one goes into both the family albums – The Walia’s and the Dixit’s!’
There was a roar of laughter, while Bani red faced ran inside the house, followed by a deliriously laughing Rano and Purva, while Jai sat with his head buried in the palm of his hand, shaking it in extreme exasperation and laughter himself!
Jai sounded both exasperated and amused, when he spoke in a weary tone, for the 6th time, ‘Bani, please take off your bathrobe…’
She stood shivering, near the edge of the pool, the bathrobe, falling a little below her knees and replied back, ‘This is what happened in Mahabharat also…’
‘Duryodhan said the same thing to Draupadi…to take off her Sari…’
‘Oh, please! And you are referencing me to Duryodhan of all the mythological characters you could have chosen?’
Bani placed her toes gingerly on the shimmering blue, just wetting the tips, it felt nice and warm.
She turned to look at him and said with pleading eyes, ‘Can I take my robe off, once we are inside the water?’
‘Listen, there are people in the club who know me very well…I don’t know about you, but I for one, don’t want to end up looking idiotic, teaching swimming to a girl who’ll be fumbling with that sack of a robe inside water! Now, come on Bani!’
His voice was raised a few decibels and she twitched her face nervously, undoing the fabric belt on her bright purple Lilo & Stitch Bathrobe.
Jai was tapping his feet impatiently, his hands on his hips, he had donned on a pair of navy blue swimming trunks and looked quite comfortable, unlike Bani, who was not even looking at him directly.
‘Bani…I am counting till 3, if you are not out of that thing and in the water, I am not sure what I will do!’
She jumped in terror and quickly undid the bathrobe, to reveal an extremely conventional looking swimsuit in acqua and baby pink combination, which covered her upper arms, her entire back and front and a good part of her thighs!
Jai stared at her in astonishment for some time, making her squirm and he said in a stunned voice, ‘Is this your grandmother’s bathing suit?’
Bani went red in her face and said sulkingly, ‘My grandmother has lived like forever in Kanpur and I don’t think she has even seen a bathing suit in her life!’
‘This is the suit for which you have been throwing tantrum in the last half an hour…for God sake Bani, you can go out and have dinner in this!’
She huffed and said, ‘Don’t be so mean…I had to search the whole market to find such a suit…’
‘Obviously, I mean this could cover atleast 3 more swimmers…now come on, lets get inside the pool…and shallow end, for god sake!’
Muttering something under her breath, she walked towards the shallow end of the pool and gingerly put her feet again, Jai who was already in the water, looked at her with extreme exasperation and said, ‘Bani, what are you doing?’
‘Testing the water.’
‘For the 10th time in a row? I don’t think much is going to change, since you last dipped your pinky toe into it…now come!’
She stood near the edge of the pool, unwillingly, till he caught hold of her bare legs and in one swoop, pulled her right inside the pool and she fell with a huge splash and a scream so loud, that all the lifeguards, pool-attendants, cleaners and other swimmers came running towards them.
While she sprayed her hands in the water wildly, gasping and panting, her carefully coiffered hair going all astray.
Jai waved across to the crowd that had gathered and said, ‘Just ignore her…she gets pretty excited near the water!’
Then catching hold of Bani by her waist, he tried to make her stand on the pool floor, but not before she had jumped all over his feet in panic.
He said with firm patience, ‘Bani…stand straight…BANI…’ he screamed, which finally calmed her down and she stood straight, holding him tightly by his shoulders, shivering from head to toe and looking very silly, with water dripping all over face from the untidy strands of hair which had all but come apart.
‘Its less than 2 ft here…even a 5 year old can balance himself, now tie you hair back and stand with your back to the side-wall of the pool, while I show you the basic steps. Watch carefully, okay!’
She was shivering so badly, that she just nodded in reply.
Jai put on his swimming cap and goggles, looking like a professional and just before he took the plunge, turning to face Bani, he asked, ‘Do you have any basic idea about swimming…anything?’
She nodded her head vigorously and replied, through her chattering teeth, in a monosyllabic voice, ‘Swimming is the movement by humans or animals through water, usually without artificial assistance. Swimming is an activity that can be both useful and recreational. Its primary uses are bathing, cooling, travel, fishing, escape, and sport. Animals with lungs have an easier time floating than those without. Almost all mammals can swim by instinct, including bats, kangaroos, moles and sloths. The few exceptions include apes and possibly giraffes and porcupines. Land birds can swim or float for at least some time. Ostriches, cassowaries and tortoises can swim. Juvenile penguins drown if they accidentally fall in water since their down cover is not suited to water. Humans do not swim instinctively, but nonetheless feel attracted to water, showing a broader range of swimming movements than other non-aquatic animals.’
Jai gaped at her with his mouth open and after a while’s silence said in total despair to himself, ‘I did not ask for the Wikipedia definiton of Swimming....What am I marrying into?’ he finished in frustration.
As usual paying nil attention to his sarcasm, she said with conviction, 'Its a fact...Penguins cannot swim naturally, but they are the world's best divers...'
'Who the hell cares about Penguins?' he shouted!
Bani sulked and muttered something under her breath, holding herself tightly in the water, to prevent herself from shivering, even though the temperature in the water was close to 34 degrees.
Shaking his head in acute frustration, he took a deep breath and said, ‘There are four basic strokes ; Butterfly, Backstroke, B****sroke and Freestyle…we will begin with freestyle for you…since you have a fasincation for flaying your hands all over the water and displacing it outside the pool…’
Missing his saracasm, Bani tried to look enthusiastic and brave, while Jai proceeded to swim the length of the pool with such grace and agility, that she kept gaping in wonder.
By the time, he had come back to her, she had climbed out of the pool and was sitting on the edge with her legs dangling inside the water.
Taking off his goggles, he said vexedly, ‘What the hell are you doing out?’
‘I was thinking till to dry off till you showed me a demo!’
‘Bani…what is the point of drying off if you have to follow my demo? Now come inside, else, I’ll duck you inside the water, till it fills your lungs and eyes, and nose and throat and you start choking and gaggling…’
Scared out of her wits, she got up and shouted in fear, ‘What? Now, I’m never coming inside…’ and before he could stop laughing and tell her that he was just joking, she ran for her life, across the pool area and towards the ladies changing room, where she knew Jai wouldn’t be able to catch her.
But Jai was too quick and he shouted at an attendant to stop Bani and in the meanwhile came behind her, as she yelped and protested, picking her up in his arms and taking her back into the pool and before dropping her back in, said, ‘I don’t care if you break off our marriage…but I won’t rest till I teach you how to swim!’
‘Jai…you are crazy…leave me…’ she shouted, trying to wriggle out of his arms, but he had jumped inside the pool along with her and this time, in the middle end. She clung to him like a Baboon clings to a Banana Tree and refused to let go, terrorized at the depth of the water. After much screaming, shouting, gasping and panting, she cooled down, realizing that there was no other go but to learn swimming.
Jai let her out of the pool after an hour or so and by that time, she was so utterly exhausted and so full of the chlorinated water, that she felt she would fall asleep right on the tiled floor of the ground.
When they made their way to the Club for Lunch, Bani was was feeling extremely drowsy and somnolent and just waved her hand to the waiter when he came for an order.
Jai chuckled at her state and placed the order himself. Even after 15 demonstration laps in the pool, he looked as fit as a fiddle and without even as much as ducking her head inside the water, she looked as if she had recently completed an expedition to Mount Everest.
Not able to pay any attention to what Jai was talking to her, she kept nodding her head, her eyelids droopy and eyes blinking painfully to keep open.
The waiter had just kept the Cold Muligtwany Soup for Bani alongside a Chicken and Mushroom one for Jai, when his Blackberry rang, excusing himself, he went outside the Club Room to attend the call.
The call would have lasted barely 10 minutes and when he came back, it was a sight that he could not forget for the rest of his life and making sure, that neither would Bani; he immediately put his phone on Camera mode and clicked a pic of Bani.
She had her face down on the tureen of soup and was fast asleep, even while the liquid swam all along her face.
When she woke up, after the soup had reached her nostrils, she looked acutely embarrassed, only to be assured by Jai, that it was quite alright and he took out his handkerchief to wipe her sticky face and ordered another Soup for her.
Chuckling at the image of Bani snoring on the Soup Tureen, he just nodded his head casually, when Bani kept asking him, what is making him so amused.
He decided to take a print-out of the picture, frame it and gift it to her on their Wedding, showing her his sense of humor and wit, though he was not sure, if it would be such a good idea just before their Wedding Night... ;)
Rano and Ranveer were expected to Dinner today and Kiran had also invited Uday, Jai, Nachiket with Purva, Aditya, Tarun and Karuna.
While everyone was seated around the table, Bani could barely stop her chattering, catching up with a very shy and radiantly happy looking Rano, talking nineteen to the dozen and asking some rather funny questions from her.
‘So, Di…What all did you do in your honeymoon?’
There was an embarrassed silence around the table, only to be broken by Nachiket’s ill-concealed sniggering, till Bani turned red in her face and glaring at him, said, ‘I did not mean to ask their bedroom details…I was asking in general!’
This line made Rano and Ranveer go even redder in the face, while Uday laughed guffawingly and Jai just shook his head in ‘I give up on her’ type of mode.
Sensing the look of amusement on everyone’s face, she said hastily, ‘No…No…I don’t mean that thing…Rano Di, you know what I mean…the others things you did on your honeymoon, besides…’
This time, Nachiket alongwith Purva could not stop their giggling, while Jai, Tarun and Aditya also joined along and everyone burst out laughing, even Rano and Ranveer.
Uday stopped his laughter and said, ‘enough…no one will pull my Bani’s legs! Stop teasing her!’
She gave a scowl to everyone around and smiled warmly at Uday, whom she had started called, ‘Dad’ just like Jai.
When the Dinner had resumed, Uday gave a comical look at Bani and said, ‘Jai was telling me about your Water Disaster this morning…’
Bani got red in the face and glared at Jai, he winked back impishly and resumed chewing the lettuce leaves with delight and said, ‘I tried my best, but I think someone doesn’t know how to teach…’
Jai laughed alongside Nachiket and Aditya and said, ‘Yes…I guess I would find it easier teaching swimming to a Camel than Madam…’
Everyone started laughing and Uday once again hushed them up, ‘Everyone cannot do everything…Bani, tell me which sport you are comfortable doing?’
Bani fiddled with her fork and put on an extremely thoughtful expression, while Rano quipped, ‘She had taken up long-distance running once when we were in school…and I was quite surprised at the regularity and enthusiasm she showed for it…but since she put on more weight instead of losing, we quickly came to discover the secret behind her new obessession…’
Jai put in amusedly, ‘Let me guess…Hmm, was it a Fast Food Joint or an Ice-cream trolley?’
Rano gave a cheeky grin at Bani, who’s face had turned the shade of a ripe plum, about to burst and said, ‘Actually, it was a very well-laiden Guava Tree that our neighbour, Mr. Sharma had planted with such love and care…only to wonder why the tree never seemed to grow any fruits…’
Jai stared in amazement and remarked, ‘Well atleast, she ate healthy…’
Everyone laughed uproariously and this time even Uday couldn’t resist and laughed the loudest.
Tears welling in her eyes, she kept her fork back on the plate, and muttering a very choked ‘Excuse me’ almost ran out of the Dining Room.
Before anyone could react, Jai got up and waved across to indicate that he will see to Bani and followed her out in the lawns.
He found her sitting on the wooden swing, sobbing like a child and wiping her hands with her fist.
Instead of consoling her this time, he spoke with barely concealed irritation, ‘Do I have to tell you to be a sport everytime, Bani?’
She turned to face him and remained silent, judging his ‘I am so not amused’ expression.
He came to sit near her on the swing, making it creak with his weight and she said suddenly, ‘It will break…’
‘If you could eat up a whole Guava Tree and the swing still managed to survive, I don’t think, my 187 pounds is going to make any difference to it!’
She smiled faintly and said, ‘Sorry…I just get very upset when someone teases me over my weight…that was a very sensitive issue while growing up…’
He answered without missing a beat, ‘But now you are a grown up and if I may say, anything but overweight…so there is really no need to be so upset! But if you still feel bad about it, I promise, never to mention this again…definitely not as a joke on you…’
They both kept silent for some time and she spoke, ‘We are really so different…isn’t it?’
He turned to face her again, not replying though and she continued, ‘Will we remain the same after a few years?’
He did not understand her question and said, ‘By that you mean…’
She pondered with her words and said, ‘You know…when you get married and then you have all the responsibilities on your head and then you eventually stop loving one another the way you used to…then the things that keep you together are common interests…things that couples like to do together…you know, laughing on the same things, enjoying time together...discussing stuff that they both like...’
Jai kept staring at her, his eyes lit up with part amusement and part wonder in the manner which Bani kept swinging in between being a child and a woman.
She finished wistfully, 'We have nothing in common Jai...nothing at all...I mean, we can't even laugh on the same will we ever...' she left her sentence unfinished, anguished by the fact that she was actually saying such a thing to the man she loved so dearly and befuddled that all that she was saying was actually the truth about their relationship.
They both kept quiet till Jai slid his arms around her waist and getting her up from the swing, made her sit on his lap and before she could say anything, kissed her on both her cheeks and asked her simplistically, ‘Are you are your Mother the same person?’
Taken aback at the abrupt question, she looked confused and said, ‘No….but why are you…’
Cutting her in between, he asked again, ‘Have you and Rano always shared everything while you were growing up?’
This time she responded more promptly and said, ‘Of course not…we were always at each other’s throats…’
‘Did your Aditya Chachu always agree with all that you said?’
This time she waited and said hesitant, ‘Well…mostly…but no, not always…’
'You take Mango to your Bed everynight while sleeping, does that mean, you share an interest in digging bones the way he likes?'
'Of course not!' she replied indignantly.
‘Nachiket is a professional painter…so that means, being his best friend, even you can draw very well…’
‘I can’t even fill colors inside the lines…leave aside drawing in free-hand…but why are you saying all this?’ she asked, both amused and confused at the flow of their conversation.
He smiled and replied back, ‘But you love all these people in your life, isn’t it? And so do they…and it has always been like this…and will always remain like this…considering that you don't share any common interests with these people, apart from the bond of blood with your family members, what according to you is the reason that you have always been there when they needed you and the other way round?'
Bani had been swinging her legs in the air, perched on his laps, her hands wound around his broad shoulders, and he answered his own question, in a gentle voice, ‘Is there any reason better and bigger than Love to be together?'
They kept looking at one another, the stillness of the garden shrouded in darkness and mist.
She smiled shyly and bringing her face down to close on his, making her silky hair fall all over them and he exhaled in the citrus fragrance of her tresses, tightening his grip on her waist, before quipping unexpectedly, ‘I can’t belive you actually ate up a whole Guava Tree, Bani…’
Laughing gently, she shut him up instantly before he could josh her anymore and kissed him with warm, moist lips and sank into him, into the taste – the caramel coffee-tinged flavour of his lips.
‘Wait. Stop.’ He pulled back.
‘What?’ Bani looked at him, confused and crimson in the face. ‘Is something wrong?’
‘I feel as if I don’t think I’ll be able to teach you how to swim?’
‘So…I want to trade of the swimming with some other activity that I can teach you.’
‘Like?’ Bani was looking at him as though he were the unfathomable person on earth.
‘Like…’ He struggled to think with her so close to him. ‘Like, what about Squash? Or long-distance running? Or what about stacking cards and making a house out them? Or cutting fruits into the shapes of animals…’
Bani shut him up by kissing him again, and he completely gave up, melting in the experience.
It took them both a moment to realize that the stars exploding in their head behind their eyelids were real. And when they did, the both pulled back instantly, rubbing eyes agains the sudden glare of exploding flashes.
‘SURPRISE….’ Came a loud gaggle of shouts.
Jai and Bani looked red-faced and shocked, when they saw Uday, Nachiket, Rano, Ranveer, Aditya, Kiran, Purva, Tarun, Karuna and a very scandalized looking Massi alongside Mango standing in the distance.
Nachiket had a Camera in his hand and he was trying to control his laughter while fearing Jai’s reaction, and also clicking pictures of Jai and Bani sitting cozily on the swing, enveloping one another, as Uday goaded enthusiastically and cheerfully, ‘See Kiran, I told you…my son is pretty lousy with promises…’
Jai stared at his Father and all he could mutter was, ‘DAD’ in a completely defeated tone, only to get a prompt reply from his Father, holding the Polaroid picture of Jai and Bani caught in the middle of a kiss and declared with satisfaction, ‘This one goes into both the family albums – The Walia’s and the Dixit’s!’
There was a roar of laughter, while Bani red faced ran inside the house, followed by a deliriously laughing Rano and Purva, while Jai sat with his head buried in the palm of his hand, shaking it in extreme exasperation and laughter himself!
Part 22
The Swimming lessons were finally abandoned, because the only effort Bani took was to dress up daintly in her oversized swimsuit, with matching goggles and cap, while refusing to budge her body for swimming and lounging about in the Kiddies Pool with toddlers and pre-schoolers for company.
Jai on the other hand turned out to be an extremely cooperative singer, albeit a very bad one…try as much, his voice sounded so appalling, that Bani herself called the pact off, saying that she was more than willing to accept him the way he was, as long as he promises never to sing ever again in his life.
The Driving lessons on the other hand progressed decently enough, except that Jai feared his blood pressure would rise drastically, since he was constantly shouting in alarm whenever Bani took the wheels…since her concentration was more or less outside, distracted by an Ice-cream Cart or a Pizza Hut poster.
Jai had tried to cut down on his work during weekends and even if he did go to Office in the day, he made sure that he met with Bani regularly and they went out exploring every restaurant in the near vicinity. Sometimes they went for the movies, since Bani loved watching Hindi flicks, but she quickly gave up the idea, since she discovered Jai’s only motivation to watch the flick was to mess around with her in the dark, which evoked much giggling from her, making the people sitting in the backrow throw popcorns at them.
After one such date, they both returned to Jai’s farmhouse one evening, presumably to meet up with Uday, whom Bani hadn’t seen for some time. But on reaching home, they were informed by Bhavesh that Uday had left sometime ago to see an old friend of his and he would be staying the night. Jai offered to drop her back home and told her to wait till he refreshed himself and came back. With nothing much to do, he put on his laptop for her, so that she could surf the Net in the meanwhile.
Bani glared at the screen of Jai’s laptop and then at him, while he kept a pseudo-serious expression and kept laughing at the same time.
‘What is the idea of this?’ she asked, standing up to face him.
He smiled and said, ‘I just wanted to prove how much I love you…and since I spent most of time on my computer, I put your picture as a screensaver…’
‘The only picture you could get of me with my head in the Soup Bowl….Gaah…Jai…’ she yelled and ran behind, hitting him with her hands all over his back, while he ducked and jumped over the couch to escape her, laughing with such delight, it made her even mad.
Despite her slim frame, Bani’s agility was very low and catching up with Jai proved to be difficult, as he jumped with complete ease over cushions and coffee table and straight up the stairs, while she followed, panting already.
He found himself trapped in the bedroom, when she came behind him and shutting the door violently with her leg, she stood near it, holding her waist with both her hands, taking large gulps of air, as he kept laughing at her efforts.
When she had caught hold of her breath, she said in part anger and part amusement, ‘You get that stupid picture out of laptop right now, Jai…’
He teased her further, ‘Ooh…Okay…but what about the copies that I emailed to your whole clan? Last I heard, Aditya and Nachiket had it framed in their gallery…Modern Art, you know…Lady in Soup…’
He laughed some more at his own joke and on the expression which filtered his Fiancee’s face.
Yelling some more, she darted her head from side to side, looking for something suitable to hit Jai with and in desperation, picked up a bunch of Roses lying in the flower vase and threw at him, till he cried out in pain and fell down on the bed with his face upside down.
Terror struck, she immediately thought that the thorns on the flowers must have pricked his eyes and yelping apologetically, she rushed towards him on the Bed, kneeling down besides him, and putting her hands to cover his shoulder.
‘Jai…what happened…Oh god…I am sorry…did you eyes get hurt? Is it bleeding?’
Getting no response from him, she felt her heart sinking and tears filled her eyes and she went on in the same panicky tone, ‘Jai…please look at me…is it hurting a lot…I’ll…I’ll get the first aid box…’
In between weeping, she turned to get out of the bed in search of a first aid box, till she was pulled with her back down on the bed in one swoop and much to her shock, he winked and said, ‘You really think your aim is that good? And besides, those are Brier Roses…they don’t have thorns…’
She gaped at him still shocked, while he smiled wickedly, covering her sides with both his arms and before she could react, came down to devour her mouth, his hands pinning both of hers gently yet firmly on the bed.
When he let her go, she was gasping for breath once again and he winked at her mischeviously before saying, ‘I am not doing anything else…’
Much to his acute shock, she kept lying on the bed, kissing the tip of each of his finger and smiling both shyly and playfully, whispered in a seductive voice, ‘Why not?’
He almost gagged on the water that he had just consumed and slumped on his knees once again on the bed, this time, side ways with her, sliding his right arm under her waist and pulling her towards him, so that she was partly resting on the right side of his body.
She was lying face down on his right side, and putting her legs in the air, she crossed them, making her anklets chime melodiously. She was wearing a knee-length skirt in soft, heathery colors of purple and green, with a matching green silk top under a beige sweater, which brought out the color of her eyes. Playing with the buttons on his white denim shirt, she cooed in a coquettish voice, ‘I like your shirt…’
He stared at her, his eyes lit up with amusement at her efforts to act seductive and he said without missing a beat, ‘And I like yours…Why don’t we exchange it?’
Taken aback at his reaction, she fumbled for a s**y comeback line, but could only manage, ‘But my shirt won’t fit you…’
He put his head down on the pillow and laughed boisterously, pulling her over him, taking off her sweater and throwing it carelessly on the carpeted floor. Her hair had been scraped neatly in a chignon, but the impact of falling on his chest, undid it and they came like a curtain of satin all over them.
He showered her with innumerous kisses all over her face, ears, neck and shoulders.
‘Chhodo…’ she said in a strangled voice and to her complete surprise, he let go of her instantly, and she fell back on the bed, rolling away from his arms.
Turning to stare at him, she said, ‘Chod diya?’
‘Abhi toh bola, chod do…’
Her voice came out almost mousy, ‘You don’t have to listen to everything I say…’
Raising his eyebrows, he rested his head on his palm, with his elbow resting on the common pillow, ‘Niceeeeeee’ he drawled slowly and continued, coming nearer to her face, ‘So you don’t want me to listen to everything you say? It might prove expensive…’
She had put one leg over the other and was jingling her anklet again, smiling at him, she answered back, this time definitely more in control of the s**y quality she wanted in her voice, ‘I think I can afford the price…’
The intensity in his eyes scorched her skin and she shut them to ease herself out, gradually and leisurely, he crept the tip of his fingers on her bare arms, which made her open her eyes and look back at him in his eyes. And all of a sudden, he started singing, in his usual off-note manner, but his voice had such a teasing quality, it made Bani flush furiously while hummed, ‘Aise na mujhe tum dekho…seene se laga loonga…tum ko main chura lunga tumse, dil mein basa lunga…’ :whistling (Love this song...)
She turned her head a little bit to avoid seeing his face, biting her lips to overcome both her laughter and the overwhelming feeling of shyness that enveloped her. She knew he was very close to her, when the smell of his herby cologne warmed the skin on her neck, impulsively she turned to face him, the distance between them extremely narrowed down…and this time he was neither laughing nor looking remotely amused.
His right arm was still on her waist and he molded her body possessively and powerfully against his. Bani felt a shiver run down her spine and even though she wanted to stop him, her voice was lodged in her throat and refused to come out. Bringing his head down to her face even still, he kissed her, unhurriedly, exploring the softness of her lips, his fingers entagled in her silky tresses.
She was so overcome with sensuous lassitude, not noticing that a few of the buttons on her blouse had come apart, exposing her mid-riff. When his hand moved to her waist and caressed the bare skin showing beneath her top, she almost lost her balance. Her knees felt decidedly weak.
He unbuttoned another button and another one, planting a kiss for each, till he reached the three ones left on top. She shivered with anticipation and the unknown fear that lurked in her mind…torn between immense desire and a strange forbidding.
Unexpectedly, he reached out and cradled her head in his strong hands, tilting her head back a bit to close his lips over hers.
Bani couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t think. Only feel. Feel the warmth of his lips, the excitement that invaded every cell in her body at his touch. She opened her mouth, almost moaning in the sheer delight of his kiss.
Her body clamored for more. She reached up and encircled his neck with her arms, pressing against him, savoring the sensations that exploded. Even in the short time of knowing him, she had loved this man so much, that nothing else seemed to matter in front of Jai.
Everything else faded all of a sudden. Only this moment in time seemed real. For as long as it lasted, she’d hang on for the ride.
His arms drew her closer. His mouth left hers to nip kisses along her cheek, her jaw, landing on the pulse point at the base of her throat.
Shivers danced on her spine in contrast to the heat that engulfed her.
‘Flow with the moment, he whispered in her ear, gently teasing the lobe. ‘Say yes, Bani.’
Her breath was lodged deep inside her throat and refused to let any words come out; she kept staring at him, her face a curious mix of innocence and awareness.
Smiling a little, he put his head on her shoulder and then buried them in the hollow at the base of her neck, nuzzling it gently using his lips and chins, till she gave a slight groan.
He lifted his head instantly and asked, ‘What happened?’
She looked back at him with a teasing smile and asked, ‘Didn’t you shave today?’
He stared abck at her for some time, a mysterious smile in his eyes and he said in a hoarse whisper, "Do you know what I want to do to you?"
She shook her head, and looked into his eyes.
"Everything," he breathed. "I want to do everything to you, Bani, and then a little bit more."
His mouth grazed hers, explored it and devoured it until she was on fire with him, and when he impatiently shoved aside the remaining buttons on her top and bent her over to kiss, starting from her neck downwards, she felt a wild and dizzyingly sensation of elation.
The telephone suddenly rang and the impact of the sound was so drastic, they both involuntarily tore apart and blinkered as if they had just been roughly tossed out of a dream.
‘Blood hell…’ Jai muttered, cursing the timing of the caller and then taking in Bani’s flushed, completely mortified face, quickly gave a peck on her cheeks and said, ‘Please don’t button up that shirt…give me a moment…’
She had to smile, despite how extremely awkward and embarrassed she was feeling. What had gone wrong with her? Despite Jai’s plea’s, she fumbled with the buttons on her shirt and put them on and climbing on to the other side of the bed, looked for her sweater.
The call lasted more than what Jai was anticipating.
Bani could see his face getting darkened as he held on to the phone, listening intently, barely saying anything in between. The only words he said before disconnecting the call was, ‘I’ll be there by tomorrow…’
The next three hours passed in a flurry, all Bani came to know from Jai was that a very close friend of his was in trouble and he had to leave for the US today night itself. While he made some phone calls and got a last minute ticket on the earlierst American Airlines flight available to New York, Bani packed his luggage, making sure to put lots of wollens since it was middle of February and New York would be suffering sub-zero temperature.
On their way to the Airport, neither of them spoke much. Jai looked so tense and lost, that she did not have the heart to ask him what emergency had occurred. It was obviously someone very close to him, which had evoked such a reaction. The only instructions he got from her were to inform his secretary about his sudden departure and tell her to touch base with him over email. Jai tried to call up Uday, but couldn’t get through the phone; Bani assured him that she would let him know.
He took out his Passport and checked the dates on his US Visa stamped on it. Glancing quickly at the E-ticket to verify details, he picked up his single travelling back and moved towards the entrance.
When he was just about to present his travel documents to the Security Personell at the gate, he realized with a start, that Bani was with him. The phone call and the following rush had completely made him forget about her.
Turning back to see if she was still there, he was instantly filled up with an overwhelming emotion of love. She was standing in the cold, near the railings, shivering in the unsuitable choice of clothes, as the bone-chilling February winds wipped past, making her hair fly lightly in the air.
Dropping his bag apologetically near the entrance gate, he almost ran back to her and before she could say anything, took her in a strong, warm embrace and when she broke down crying on his chest, he did not stop her as he normally did from crying.
When she lifted her tear strained face to look at him, he kissed her lightly on the tip of her nose and said, ‘Will you give me something I ask for?’
‘Anything’ she whispered.
He waited for a while, gazing at her face and said simply, ‘Marry me the day I return back…’
She kept staring at him for sometime before breaking into a watery smile and said, ‘Is that a promise?’
He smiled back at her and said, ‘No…It’s a threat!’
They both laughed, without even realizing that they were also crying at the same time…he kissed her lightly on her lips and bid goodbye.
It was later than 2 in the morning when Bani returned home, thankful that her Mother was touring on work and Massi was deep asleep in her room. Only Mango came bouncing up to her, as she opened the door with her key and picking him up in her hands, took him upstairs to her room, while talking to him, ‘Mangs…sleep as much as you want with me…I’m leaving you in a few days now…’
Jai sat near the window, staring out at the blinkering lights of the airport, as flights readied for take-off near him. Caught between innumerous emotions, he pressed his head to ease off the dull pain which had somehow managed to seep through his heart also…
Glancing at the engagement ring on his finger, he smiled faintly, bringing it up to his lips and kissing it…despite the mounting sense of anxiousness and emergency that he knew was looming ahead in his destination, he felt a deep sense of calmness knowing that he was going to return to the only woman he had ever loved and make her to be his forever. And he couldn’t wait long enough for it.
The Swimming lessons were finally abandoned, because the only effort Bani took was to dress up daintly in her oversized swimsuit, with matching goggles and cap, while refusing to budge her body for swimming and lounging about in the Kiddies Pool with toddlers and pre-schoolers for company.
Jai on the other hand turned out to be an extremely cooperative singer, albeit a very bad one…try as much, his voice sounded so appalling, that Bani herself called the pact off, saying that she was more than willing to accept him the way he was, as long as he promises never to sing ever again in his life.
The Driving lessons on the other hand progressed decently enough, except that Jai feared his blood pressure would rise drastically, since he was constantly shouting in alarm whenever Bani took the wheels…since her concentration was more or less outside, distracted by an Ice-cream Cart or a Pizza Hut poster.
Jai had tried to cut down on his work during weekends and even if he did go to Office in the day, he made sure that he met with Bani regularly and they went out exploring every restaurant in the near vicinity. Sometimes they went for the movies, since Bani loved watching Hindi flicks, but she quickly gave up the idea, since she discovered Jai’s only motivation to watch the flick was to mess around with her in the dark, which evoked much giggling from her, making the people sitting in the backrow throw popcorns at them.
After one such date, they both returned to Jai’s farmhouse one evening, presumably to meet up with Uday, whom Bani hadn’t seen for some time. But on reaching home, they were informed by Bhavesh that Uday had left sometime ago to see an old friend of his and he would be staying the night. Jai offered to drop her back home and told her to wait till he refreshed himself and came back. With nothing much to do, he put on his laptop for her, so that she could surf the Net in the meanwhile.
Bani glared at the screen of Jai’s laptop and then at him, while he kept a pseudo-serious expression and kept laughing at the same time.
‘What is the idea of this?’ she asked, standing up to face him.
He smiled and said, ‘I just wanted to prove how much I love you…and since I spent most of time on my computer, I put your picture as a screensaver…’
‘The only picture you could get of me with my head in the Soup Bowl….Gaah…Jai…’ she yelled and ran behind, hitting him with her hands all over his back, while he ducked and jumped over the couch to escape her, laughing with such delight, it made her even mad.
Despite her slim frame, Bani’s agility was very low and catching up with Jai proved to be difficult, as he jumped with complete ease over cushions and coffee table and straight up the stairs, while she followed, panting already.
He found himself trapped in the bedroom, when she came behind him and shutting the door violently with her leg, she stood near it, holding her waist with both her hands, taking large gulps of air, as he kept laughing at her efforts.
When she had caught hold of her breath, she said in part anger and part amusement, ‘You get that stupid picture out of laptop right now, Jai…’
He teased her further, ‘Ooh…Okay…but what about the copies that I emailed to your whole clan? Last I heard, Aditya and Nachiket had it framed in their gallery…Modern Art, you know…Lady in Soup…’
He laughed some more at his own joke and on the expression which filtered his Fiancee’s face.
Yelling some more, she darted her head from side to side, looking for something suitable to hit Jai with and in desperation, picked up a bunch of Roses lying in the flower vase and threw at him, till he cried out in pain and fell down on the bed with his face upside down.
Terror struck, she immediately thought that the thorns on the flowers must have pricked his eyes and yelping apologetically, she rushed towards him on the Bed, kneeling down besides him, and putting her hands to cover his shoulder.
‘Jai…what happened…Oh god…I am sorry…did you eyes get hurt? Is it bleeding?’
Getting no response from him, she felt her heart sinking and tears filled her eyes and she went on in the same panicky tone, ‘Jai…please look at me…is it hurting a lot…I’ll…I’ll get the first aid box…’
In between weeping, she turned to get out of the bed in search of a first aid box, till she was pulled with her back down on the bed in one swoop and much to her shock, he winked and said, ‘You really think your aim is that good? And besides, those are Brier Roses…they don’t have thorns…’
She gaped at him still shocked, while he smiled wickedly, covering her sides with both his arms and before she could react, came down to devour her mouth, his hands pinning both of hers gently yet firmly on the bed.
When he let her go, she was gasping for breath once again and he winked at her mischeviously before saying, ‘I am not doing anything else…’
Much to his acute shock, she kept lying on the bed, kissing the tip of each of his finger and smiling both shyly and playfully, whispered in a seductive voice, ‘Why not?’
He almost gagged on the water that he had just consumed and slumped on his knees once again on the bed, this time, side ways with her, sliding his right arm under her waist and pulling her towards him, so that she was partly resting on the right side of his body.
She was lying face down on his right side, and putting her legs in the air, she crossed them, making her anklets chime melodiously. She was wearing a knee-length skirt in soft, heathery colors of purple and green, with a matching green silk top under a beige sweater, which brought out the color of her eyes. Playing with the buttons on his white denim shirt, she cooed in a coquettish voice, ‘I like your shirt…’
He stared at her, his eyes lit up with amusement at her efforts to act seductive and he said without missing a beat, ‘And I like yours…Why don’t we exchange it?’
Taken aback at his reaction, she fumbled for a s**y comeback line, but could only manage, ‘But my shirt won’t fit you…’
He put his head down on the pillow and laughed boisterously, pulling her over him, taking off her sweater and throwing it carelessly on the carpeted floor. Her hair had been scraped neatly in a chignon, but the impact of falling on his chest, undid it and they came like a curtain of satin all over them.
He showered her with innumerous kisses all over her face, ears, neck and shoulders.
‘Chhodo…’ she said in a strangled voice and to her complete surprise, he let go of her instantly, and she fell back on the bed, rolling away from his arms.
Turning to stare at him, she said, ‘Chod diya?’
‘Abhi toh bola, chod do…’
Her voice came out almost mousy, ‘You don’t have to listen to everything I say…’
Raising his eyebrows, he rested his head on his palm, with his elbow resting on the common pillow, ‘Niceeeeeee’ he drawled slowly and continued, coming nearer to her face, ‘So you don’t want me to listen to everything you say? It might prove expensive…’
She had put one leg over the other and was jingling her anklet again, smiling at him, she answered back, this time definitely more in control of the s**y quality she wanted in her voice, ‘I think I can afford the price…’
The intensity in his eyes scorched her skin and she shut them to ease herself out, gradually and leisurely, he crept the tip of his fingers on her bare arms, which made her open her eyes and look back at him in his eyes. And all of a sudden, he started singing, in his usual off-note manner, but his voice had such a teasing quality, it made Bani flush furiously while hummed, ‘Aise na mujhe tum dekho…seene se laga loonga…tum ko main chura lunga tumse, dil mein basa lunga…’ :whistling (Love this song...)
She turned her head a little bit to avoid seeing his face, biting her lips to overcome both her laughter and the overwhelming feeling of shyness that enveloped her. She knew he was very close to her, when the smell of his herby cologne warmed the skin on her neck, impulsively she turned to face him, the distance between them extremely narrowed down…and this time he was neither laughing nor looking remotely amused.
His right arm was still on her waist and he molded her body possessively and powerfully against his. Bani felt a shiver run down her spine and even though she wanted to stop him, her voice was lodged in her throat and refused to come out. Bringing his head down to her face even still, he kissed her, unhurriedly, exploring the softness of her lips, his fingers entagled in her silky tresses.
She was so overcome with sensuous lassitude, not noticing that a few of the buttons on her blouse had come apart, exposing her mid-riff. When his hand moved to her waist and caressed the bare skin showing beneath her top, she almost lost her balance. Her knees felt decidedly weak.
He unbuttoned another button and another one, planting a kiss for each, till he reached the three ones left on top. She shivered with anticipation and the unknown fear that lurked in her mind…torn between immense desire and a strange forbidding.
Unexpectedly, he reached out and cradled her head in his strong hands, tilting her head back a bit to close his lips over hers.
Bani couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t think. Only feel. Feel the warmth of his lips, the excitement that invaded every cell in her body at his touch. She opened her mouth, almost moaning in the sheer delight of his kiss.
Her body clamored for more. She reached up and encircled his neck with her arms, pressing against him, savoring the sensations that exploded. Even in the short time of knowing him, she had loved this man so much, that nothing else seemed to matter in front of Jai.
Everything else faded all of a sudden. Only this moment in time seemed real. For as long as it lasted, she’d hang on for the ride.
His arms drew her closer. His mouth left hers to nip kisses along her cheek, her jaw, landing on the pulse point at the base of her throat.
Shivers danced on her spine in contrast to the heat that engulfed her.
‘Flow with the moment, he whispered in her ear, gently teasing the lobe. ‘Say yes, Bani.’
Her breath was lodged deep inside her throat and refused to let any words come out; she kept staring at him, her face a curious mix of innocence and awareness.
Smiling a little, he put his head on her shoulder and then buried them in the hollow at the base of her neck, nuzzling it gently using his lips and chins, till she gave a slight groan.
He lifted his head instantly and asked, ‘What happened?’
She looked back at him with a teasing smile and asked, ‘Didn’t you shave today?’
He stared abck at her for some time, a mysterious smile in his eyes and he said in a hoarse whisper, "Do you know what I want to do to you?"
She shook her head, and looked into his eyes.
"Everything," he breathed. "I want to do everything to you, Bani, and then a little bit more."
His mouth grazed hers, explored it and devoured it until she was on fire with him, and when he impatiently shoved aside the remaining buttons on her top and bent her over to kiss, starting from her neck downwards, she felt a wild and dizzyingly sensation of elation.
The telephone suddenly rang and the impact of the sound was so drastic, they both involuntarily tore apart and blinkered as if they had just been roughly tossed out of a dream.
‘Blood hell…’ Jai muttered, cursing the timing of the caller and then taking in Bani’s flushed, completely mortified face, quickly gave a peck on her cheeks and said, ‘Please don’t button up that shirt…give me a moment…’
She had to smile, despite how extremely awkward and embarrassed she was feeling. What had gone wrong with her? Despite Jai’s plea’s, she fumbled with the buttons on her shirt and put them on and climbing on to the other side of the bed, looked for her sweater.
The call lasted more than what Jai was anticipating.
Bani could see his face getting darkened as he held on to the phone, listening intently, barely saying anything in between. The only words he said before disconnecting the call was, ‘I’ll be there by tomorrow…’
The next three hours passed in a flurry, all Bani came to know from Jai was that a very close friend of his was in trouble and he had to leave for the US today night itself. While he made some phone calls and got a last minute ticket on the earlierst American Airlines flight available to New York, Bani packed his luggage, making sure to put lots of wollens since it was middle of February and New York would be suffering sub-zero temperature.
On their way to the Airport, neither of them spoke much. Jai looked so tense and lost, that she did not have the heart to ask him what emergency had occurred. It was obviously someone very close to him, which had evoked such a reaction. The only instructions he got from her were to inform his secretary about his sudden departure and tell her to touch base with him over email. Jai tried to call up Uday, but couldn’t get through the phone; Bani assured him that she would let him know.
He took out his Passport and checked the dates on his US Visa stamped on it. Glancing quickly at the E-ticket to verify details, he picked up his single travelling back and moved towards the entrance.
When he was just about to present his travel documents to the Security Personell at the gate, he realized with a start, that Bani was with him. The phone call and the following rush had completely made him forget about her.
Turning back to see if she was still there, he was instantly filled up with an overwhelming emotion of love. She was standing in the cold, near the railings, shivering in the unsuitable choice of clothes, as the bone-chilling February winds wipped past, making her hair fly lightly in the air.
Dropping his bag apologetically near the entrance gate, he almost ran back to her and before she could say anything, took her in a strong, warm embrace and when she broke down crying on his chest, he did not stop her as he normally did from crying.
When she lifted her tear strained face to look at him, he kissed her lightly on the tip of her nose and said, ‘Will you give me something I ask for?’
‘Anything’ she whispered.
He waited for a while, gazing at her face and said simply, ‘Marry me the day I return back…’
She kept staring at him for sometime before breaking into a watery smile and said, ‘Is that a promise?’
He smiled back at her and said, ‘No…It’s a threat!’
They both laughed, without even realizing that they were also crying at the same time…he kissed her lightly on her lips and bid goodbye.
It was later than 2 in the morning when Bani returned home, thankful that her Mother was touring on work and Massi was deep asleep in her room. Only Mango came bouncing up to her, as she opened the door with her key and picking him up in her hands, took him upstairs to her room, while talking to him, ‘Mangs…sleep as much as you want with me…I’m leaving you in a few days now…’
Jai sat near the window, staring out at the blinkering lights of the airport, as flights readied for take-off near him. Caught between innumerous emotions, he pressed his head to ease off the dull pain which had somehow managed to seep through his heart also…
Glancing at the engagement ring on his finger, he smiled faintly, bringing it up to his lips and kissing it…despite the mounting sense of anxiousness and emergency that he knew was looming ahead in his destination, he felt a deep sense of calmness knowing that he was going to return to the only woman he had ever loved and make her to be his forever. And he couldn’t wait long enough for it.
Note : I have never visited New York or for that matter any of the US States
and whatever little I have described of the Big Apple in this update is
entirely based on the innumerous American Sitcoms that I watch (Mainly reruns
of FRIENDS) apologies to all the New Yorkers for any descriptional
discrepancy and please do stand to correct me wherever I have erred! :)
Part 23
American Airlines flight landed at the Newark Liberty International Airport around 11 pm local time. Even though his head was reeling with exhaustion, brought on more intensely because of the jetlag and time difference, he could not help but get nostalgic about the city that had been home to him for almost 3 full years.
Hiring a cab, he directed the Indian Taxi driver to take him towards lower Manhattan, hoping that his memory jogged him right, from the address that had been given to him.
It was freezing cold outside and most of the shops and establishments seemed to have shut their counters for the day. As the Cab sped towards Beth Israel Medical Centre, Jai rested his head on the Car seat and remembered the first time he had met Sonali Singh.
It had been more than a month since he had joined the 3 year residential Management Programme at the prestigious Harvard Business School. Being a somewhat self-contained person, he preferred to remain on his own and did not venture out to make too many friends, spending all his spare time in the library or practicing baseketball.
It was one such afternoon, when he was sifting through the Baker Library, which was known as the physical and intellectual heart of the campus, and the Mecca for all business scholars around the world. He typed the name of the books he had wanted in one of the innumerous library touchscreens and after finding the location, went to a corner of the spacious hall to retrieve the tome by Peter Drucker, but he realized that the book was kind of stuck in its place.
‘What the hell…’ he spoke, when he noticed that the reason was standing right beside him.
A lithe, tall girl, roughly his age, dressed in drab khakhi’s and a Harvard sweatshirt, her brown hair tied in a ponytail and a pair of tortoiseshell glasses marred her otherwise beautiful face.
‘Er…excuse me, I got there first.’ He said, civil but firm.
‘But I need the book…’ she replied back in a low, typically American drawl.
‘Well, so do I.’ he said rudely and took the book.
Much to his shock, she snatched it away roughly from him and said, ‘Haven’t you heard, ladies first?’
Taken aback by her reaction, he said in barely controlled irritation, ‘You are not behaving like one, Miss…give me back the book…I took it first.’
‘No, I won’t…I had it booked a week back…I am taking it…’
‘Well, if you had it booked, you should go and complain to the library incharge…give me back the book.’
There was a short scuffle between them regarding the book, with much curses muttered and a lot of hissing sounds, till one of the Library assistants came bounding up and after taking the book away, told them both to get out immediately for creating a racket in the library.
Sulking, they both shuffled out, but the moment they were out of the library, they couldn’t but help burst out laughing at their childish behaviour.
It was the beginning of a very deep and affectionate friendship.
Sonali Singh was the only child of her Indian-born, but now completely Americanized parents. She had never been to India after having immigrated to the States when she was barely 10 months old. Standing tall and perfectly well-proportioned at 5 ft 8 inches, she was blessed with a flawless fair complexion and a fine bone structure, giving the appearance of a professional model than a day scholar at Harvard. Her grey-green eyes and brownish hair always made people assume that she was of a product of mixed birth and they were almost, always astonished to know that she was of pure Indian lineage.
Sonali was a complete s** magnet…she attracted men like flies, and both the types…those who hankered only after a good face and body and those who appreciated brains in a woman. She had a lethal combination of both and Jai always wondered later on, how on earth he never felt a s**ual attraction towards her, in the three years of their intimate friendship!
Her parents in an attempt to anglicize their daughter so that she could fit in the Ameican Society, ended up giving her a confused sense of identity…one which gave her the freedom to pursue her life the way she wanted to and the second which stemmed from the innate Indianness of her being, the desire to have a loyal, loving husband and a happy family life.
Torn between two polar ends, she ended up in several disastrous relationships with guys with whom she had virtually nothing in common and it always ended in lots of heartache for her, but only till the next one came along.
After the hazards of seeing their beautiful and intelligent daughter cavorting around with all the supposedly immoral American guys, they were really hoping to see her happily married to a reliable and steady Indian guy and the day her Parent’s met Jai, he seemed to be the answer to all their prayers.
Even though in the next 3 years Sonali and Jai became inseperable, sharing the same classes, going to the library together, fighting as usual over the same books, studying till late night, either at her house or in his hostel room, going for theatre, in which they both shared a passionate common interest, or early morning running at the Central Park every weekend or swimming at the Olympic sized pool in the College, their relationship at best remained a deep and unshakeable friendship, never venturing into remotely romantic.
Sonali had a steady flow of boyfriends, but she had such a knack for picking up losers that, after every terminated affair, Jai would spend a good part of his day or night (depending on what time she had been dumped or had dumped) consoling her.
The most amazing part about their relationship was that inspite of their cultural differences; they were very similar in their likes and dislikes. They both had a fanatic interest in anything sporty; they both loved theatre and hated movies, they both took to learning French as a hobby and mastered the language within no time, they both regarded eating and sleeping as a waste of time, they both thought that there was nothing called love in the world, just compatibility, they both wanted to be successful in the corporate world and they both completely adored one another.
Jai came to not only liking her immensely but also respecting her, despite her frivolous attitude towards relationships. Because he felt in the end, she was only looking for love, like any other woman, only her method was all wrong. He was always protective about her and when they went out for dinner or movies, no other male species in the vicinity dared to make a move on Sonali.
Besides, he really admired her intelligence and intellect and amongst the many dull, mediocre people that he had known throughout his schooling and college, she turned out to be his equal in every way.
She on the other hand, completely adored Jai, almost like a sibling she never had, but mostly because she knew he genuinely and deeply cared about her. He treated her both like a lady and as his best chum and she felt it was truly ironical that despite knowing so-called ‘modern and liberal’ American men all her life, it turned out that the only truly progressive and freethinking person she had met in all her life, turned out to be a guy who had been born and brought up in India.
It was rare to find such men in the world, but to find one who was also her best friend was truly God’s blessing.
Most of their common friends assumed that these two were a pair, and were genuinely astonished to know that they shared a platonic relationship. A lot of them couldn’t fathom how they did not get together, considering they spent most time of the day in each other’s company and shared everything from virtually to their food to their thoughts.
When Jai had caught a bad bout of flu in between his semesters, Sonali had forcibly removed his immediate belongings and taken him to her home in Belmonte District which was in close proximity to the College campus. Her father taught at the Medical School there and was a much respected face in the community, both Indian and American. Jai was the first Indian man she had ever brought back home and to her parent’s delight, a very eligible one too. Much to both their embarrassment, Sonali’s parents, especially her frightful mother had taken extremely well to Jai and made no efforts in concealing how much she would love to see them as a couple.
Sonali’s parent’s had made him utterly comfortable at their beautifully appointed home, making Jai cringe at the thought of going back to his tiny hostel room, but the moment he came to know about what was going on in their minds regarding him and Sonali, he packed his bags and came rushing back to his hostel.
Later they both had an uproarious laugh on the issue of matchmaking by her parents.
They were both sitting, by supporting their backs to one another, reading a book each, when she said in an amused voice, ‘Can you believe what Mom said to me yesterday?’
‘Yes, I can actually…’ he replied in a droll manner, which made her laugh.
‘She asked me for your parent’s phone number in India…stating that she wants to ‘speak’ to them!’
‘Oh My God…Son, now if you get pregnant by any of your boyfriends, they will immediately assume the culprit is me!’
‘Ha…you wish!’
‘Excuse me!’ he turned to face her and losing balance, she fell straight with her head on his lap.
She giggled hysterically at his reaction and he said, ‘So you don’t think I am capable of being the father of your child?’
She kept laughing, but stopped all of a sudden judging the seriousness in his face and getting up, dusted the grass of her dress and said in an equanimous voice, ‘Jai…lets not even take that line…’
He kept staring intensely, which made her feel very awkward and she sat on the grass with her knees on the ground and said, choosing her words carefully, ‘We are too close and too good as friends to be anything else…and trust me, after having a string of failed relationships behind me, the last thing I want is a failed friendship…so, lets not take that road, Jai.’
He kept quiet, not taking his eyes of her face, which made her blush and she asked in a low, quivering voice, ‘What?’
‘You are very beautiful…do you know that?’
She had heard this trite line being thrown at her innumerous times before, but hearing it from Jai’s mouth, made her heart skip a beat.
She fumbled with her jacket, not knowing how to react and before she could say anything more, he leaned towards her and holding one side of her face gently, came very close to it.
Insticitvely, she closed her eyes, inhaling the warm fragrance of his breath, his strong touch encasing her like a security blanket, she could almost hear his heartbeats. Her lips opened just a little bit, as if waiting for the kiss she knew was coming her way.
Till she heard him laughing madly and when she opened her eyes, he was rolling on the grass with mirth…her face went the shade of a plum and he said teasingly, imitating her American drawl, ‘Jai…lets not even take that line…Oooh…what happened to that line, Sonali?’
Bursting with embarrassment and laughter, she ran behind Jai, hitting him with her book and they both fell down laughing madly on the grass, hugging one another.
‘You are the best thing to have happened to me, Jai.’ She said simply, kissing his forehead with affection.
He smiled at her, but did not reply.
She said, ‘aren’t you going to tell me the same thing, bozo?’
He waited for a moment before replying, ‘Well, you are the best thing to have happened to me…Till date…but who knows what the future holds…’
They were both lying on the grass, staring at the clear blue sky over them and she said, ‘So behind all this cynicism, is a romantic…this means, you are secretly hoping for that special someone who will become the best thing to have happened to you…’
He just shrugged his head in response, not replying to her.
The three years passed in quick succession and Jai almost missed his flight back home, while cheering and reassuring a completely heartbroken and forlorn Sonali at the Airport, promising that he will always remember her.
‘Sonali, I can't make assurances to send you fortnightly letters and make weekly calls…but I can promise one thing. Any time you need me…I’ll be there…even if we are on different continents, the moment you need me…I’ll leave everything else and come back to you…’
‘Is that a promise?’
He smiled and taking her face in his hands, spoke with sincerity, ‘No…It’s a threat!’
They both laughed and hugged one another and she stood at the Aisles, waiting till his flight had actually taken off. The drive back home was a very tough one for her…for she was torn between the loss of the only true friend she ever had and the startling feeling that maybe it was more than just friendship they had shared…but in any case, it was too late, he was gone back to his life in India and she was back to hers in New York.
William Somerset Maugham couldn’t be more apt, when he quoted, “It's no good trying to keep up old friendships. It's painful for both sides. The fact is, one grows out of people, and the only thing is to face it.”
And so it happened to the two inseperable best friends also. Years passed by and even though initially they kept in touch through emails and phonecalls, they never chanced to meet again. Jai had been to the US a couple of times on work, but due to shortage of time or some other circumstance, he was never able to meet Sonali in person. And in the last few years, with Jai’s rapidly rising position in the Corporate world, his contact with Sonali all but stopped.
All he knew was that she had moved to Washington and was currently working with the State University as Assistant Professor, teaching Business studies.
But she always remembered him and he could not help but smiling, when his secretary used to put a birthday card on his in-tray every year, postmarked USA. He on the other hand, carried his loyalty and memory of his friendship in his heart, never bothering to make any formal acknowledgement of sending cards or calling up to wish on birthdays and new years.
And then 3 years back, her sonorous voice had surprised him one early morning when she called in to say that she was getting married to a colleage of hers – an American guy. Her father had died a year back and she wanted Jai to come for the wedding to give her away, since the marriage was going to be a traditional Church wedding. Jai would have left everything and gone to participate in his best friend’s biggest day, but Uday had suffered from a stroke recently and was under complete supervision and hence Jai apologized to Sonali and said he couldn’t make it.
‘I am so sorry Son…but I hope you understand…can’t leave Dad on his own…there is no one else…’
She spoke softly, ‘Of course I understand…’
He continued in a warm, affectionate manner, ‘My thoughts are always with you…and I know you are going to be very happy with Mike.’
She smiled at the other end of the phone and tears welled up in her eyes, ‘I miss you so much Jai…’
‘I miss you too…but look; now you have a special someone to share your life with…’
She kept quiet for sometime before saying, ‘But you’ll still be the best thing to have happened to me…always!’
He smiled and kissed the receiver of the phone, ‘Here is a long distance kiss for the most beautiful bride in this world…and tell that Mike fellow, he better take good care of you…else, I am just 18 hours away from breaking every bone in his body…’
She laughed delightedly and before disconnecting the phone said, ‘Jai…’ and hesitating for a moment, spoke very timidly, ‘If I really need you some day…will you come to me…’
He did not wait one moment before replying, ‘I’ll be there before you can even open your eyes and call out for me…and that is both a promise and a threat. Love you, Son!’
She said with heartfelt adoration, ‘Love you too Jai…and I hope you find that special someone too…’
‘It took me 20 years to find a friend with whom I shared similar interest, it will take me a lifetime and more to find a lover like that!!!’
Sonali finished the call on a teasing note, ‘And I hope when you find her, she turns out the exact opposite of what you are…and still makes you fall head over heels in love!’
There had been absolutely no contact between Jai and Sonali in the last three years, making Jai wonder, how on Earth did Mrs. Singh ever find his whereabouts.
The Car halted to a stop before the neon lit sign of the multi-facility hospital in New York’s, 18th Avenue District in Lower Manhattan.
Asking for directions from the Reception, he took the Elevator to the 18th floor and was stunned to read the sign that proclaimed the department, ‘Obstetrics and Gynaecology’.
When he reached the end of the dimly lit hallway to room number 1881, he was met with a pale faced and swollen eyed, Mrs. Singh.
She blinked at him for some time before crying out in recognition, ‘Jai…you came…’ and broke down crying copiously while Jai consoled her.
In between her sobs, Mrs. Singh gave a brief history of the last 3 years in Sonali’s life, of which Jai had very little inkling.
Her marriage to Mike Roberts, a fellow professor at the University of Washington had been an unmitigated disaster from the very start. And what started with daily squabbles soon became major battles in the following years. He had a number of extra-marital flings and whenever she tried to question him, he would turn physically and verbally abusive.
In the depression of her failing marriage, Sonali floundered in her career also and lost her job about a year back. In the meanwhile, due to the intervention of Mike’s parent’s, they both tried to work out a reconciliation, but only till Mike served her with a divorce notice out of the blue and moved out of their house and life without as much as a word.
Not hearing any word from Sonali for more than 2 weeks, Mrs. Singh had panicked and taken off to Washington, where she had seen her daughter as a nervous wreck and on the verge of a severe mental breakdown.
She had got her back to their family home near Harvard and while she went about meeting Divorce Lawyers and Councellors for her daughter, day before yesterday afternoon had shocked the old lady out of her wits.
Coming home after shopping for some urgent groceries, she had found Sonali to be nowhere in the house, panicking she had looked everywhere, till she found her lying on the floor of an unused bathroom, cataleptic and comatose.
Rushing her to the nearest medical centre, where she got her second biggest shock. Sonali had a serious overdose of Wellbutrin, an anti-depressant drug and had to be sent to the Beth Israel Medical Centre in New York for further treatment.
And she was also, 3 months pregnant with Mike’s child.
Jai sat numb and disbelieving, even the indoor heating could do nothing to subside the coldness that crept in his heart. He wanted to find that Mike guy and smash him to smithreens for doing this to Sonali. But first, he wanted to see her himself.
When he was quietly ushered into her room, he could not believe that it was the lovely, smiling girl he had had left behind at the airport nearly 8 years back.
What he saw was a ghost of a woman, all whitish and ashen; laid on the bed, surrounded by complicated looking machines, the only proof her living was the slow, laboured breath that came out unevenly. The remincent of her beautiful self were evident slightly in the way her jawbones sculpted out on her face and the deep-set grey-green eyes which matched so well with the brownish tinge of her curly, shoulder-length hair.
Running a light hand through her hair, his eyes moistened involuntarily, while he placed his other hand on her cold, lifeless one.
It was a few moments after the warmth of his touch and she blinkered her eyes to open them…the first time she had regained full conciousness after her collapse and as promised by Jai, he was the first person she saw, even before she could have called for him.
‘Jai…’ her voice barely made it out of her throat.
‘Sssh…’ he whispered, holding on to her hands, firmly yet gently and sat on the side of the bed.
‘Everything will be fine now…you are not alone...’
She kept holding his hand and tears welled in her dull eyes, making them sparkle like before and she said with effort, ‘You kept your promise…’
He smiled, taking back his own tears and said, ‘No, I fulfilled my threat…’
She tried to laugh but could not manage to effort herself even that much.
After spending some time with Sonali, Jai quickly went about dealing with the Doctors and authorities in his cool, efficient manner, taking care of everything from the bills to the legal aspect of the accident.
Sending an exhausted looking Mrs. Singh packing back to her home to catch on some rest, he assured that he will stay by Sonali’s side till she comes back.
The first call Jai had made was to his office, where he gave a series of tasks to his harried sounding secretary and asked her to remain in constant touch with him over the email on any work related emergency that could occur. With a sense of desperation, he realized that in his last minute hurry, he had forgotton his cell-phone back at home and he told Stella to get it collected and handle all the phone calls that might come on it, especially since some of his most important clients called him directly.
Jai could not get through Bani at her residence land-line number and decided to leave a message for her through his father.
Uday looked very disturbed after the phonecall with Jai, where he had quickly explained everything and why he had to leave on an emergency to New York, asking his father to tell Bani that he had landed New York safely, but he did not know when exactly he would be back.
Uday knew about Sonali, had in fact met her once, when he had come visiting his son in college…she was a lovely girl and he had taken a liking to her, but had been putoff by his son when he told his father that Sonali was a very good friend of his, and there was nothing remotely romantic between both of them.
Uday knew that Jai took his loyalties and commitments with a zealouness that was as unusual as it was scary.
What caused that unknown fear in Uday’s heart was the dilemma that Jai could face now…that between choosing the well-being of a friend who needed him desperately or coming back to the girl whom he needed desperately.
The dilemma of choosing between Friendship and Love was the toughest choice a person could be forced to make…
And Uday wished upon all the Gods that such a choice should never come upon Jai…for he already knew which path his son would take.
Part 23
American Airlines flight landed at the Newark Liberty International Airport around 11 pm local time. Even though his head was reeling with exhaustion, brought on more intensely because of the jetlag and time difference, he could not help but get nostalgic about the city that had been home to him for almost 3 full years.
Hiring a cab, he directed the Indian Taxi driver to take him towards lower Manhattan, hoping that his memory jogged him right, from the address that had been given to him.
It was freezing cold outside and most of the shops and establishments seemed to have shut their counters for the day. As the Cab sped towards Beth Israel Medical Centre, Jai rested his head on the Car seat and remembered the first time he had met Sonali Singh.
It had been more than a month since he had joined the 3 year residential Management Programme at the prestigious Harvard Business School. Being a somewhat self-contained person, he preferred to remain on his own and did not venture out to make too many friends, spending all his spare time in the library or practicing baseketball.
It was one such afternoon, when he was sifting through the Baker Library, which was known as the physical and intellectual heart of the campus, and the Mecca for all business scholars around the world. He typed the name of the books he had wanted in one of the innumerous library touchscreens and after finding the location, went to a corner of the spacious hall to retrieve the tome by Peter Drucker, but he realized that the book was kind of stuck in its place.
‘What the hell…’ he spoke, when he noticed that the reason was standing right beside him.
A lithe, tall girl, roughly his age, dressed in drab khakhi’s and a Harvard sweatshirt, her brown hair tied in a ponytail and a pair of tortoiseshell glasses marred her otherwise beautiful face.
‘Er…excuse me, I got there first.’ He said, civil but firm.
‘But I need the book…’ she replied back in a low, typically American drawl.
‘Well, so do I.’ he said rudely and took the book.
Much to his shock, she snatched it away roughly from him and said, ‘Haven’t you heard, ladies first?’
Taken aback by her reaction, he said in barely controlled irritation, ‘You are not behaving like one, Miss…give me back the book…I took it first.’
‘No, I won’t…I had it booked a week back…I am taking it…’
‘Well, if you had it booked, you should go and complain to the library incharge…give me back the book.’
There was a short scuffle between them regarding the book, with much curses muttered and a lot of hissing sounds, till one of the Library assistants came bounding up and after taking the book away, told them both to get out immediately for creating a racket in the library.
Sulking, they both shuffled out, but the moment they were out of the library, they couldn’t but help burst out laughing at their childish behaviour.
It was the beginning of a very deep and affectionate friendship.
Sonali Singh was the only child of her Indian-born, but now completely Americanized parents. She had never been to India after having immigrated to the States when she was barely 10 months old. Standing tall and perfectly well-proportioned at 5 ft 8 inches, she was blessed with a flawless fair complexion and a fine bone structure, giving the appearance of a professional model than a day scholar at Harvard. Her grey-green eyes and brownish hair always made people assume that she was of a product of mixed birth and they were almost, always astonished to know that she was of pure Indian lineage.
Sonali was a complete s** magnet…she attracted men like flies, and both the types…those who hankered only after a good face and body and those who appreciated brains in a woman. She had a lethal combination of both and Jai always wondered later on, how on earth he never felt a s**ual attraction towards her, in the three years of their intimate friendship!
Her parents in an attempt to anglicize their daughter so that she could fit in the Ameican Society, ended up giving her a confused sense of identity…one which gave her the freedom to pursue her life the way she wanted to and the second which stemmed from the innate Indianness of her being, the desire to have a loyal, loving husband and a happy family life.
Torn between two polar ends, she ended up in several disastrous relationships with guys with whom she had virtually nothing in common and it always ended in lots of heartache for her, but only till the next one came along.
After the hazards of seeing their beautiful and intelligent daughter cavorting around with all the supposedly immoral American guys, they were really hoping to see her happily married to a reliable and steady Indian guy and the day her Parent’s met Jai, he seemed to be the answer to all their prayers.
Even though in the next 3 years Sonali and Jai became inseperable, sharing the same classes, going to the library together, fighting as usual over the same books, studying till late night, either at her house or in his hostel room, going for theatre, in which they both shared a passionate common interest, or early morning running at the Central Park every weekend or swimming at the Olympic sized pool in the College, their relationship at best remained a deep and unshakeable friendship, never venturing into remotely romantic.
Sonali had a steady flow of boyfriends, but she had such a knack for picking up losers that, after every terminated affair, Jai would spend a good part of his day or night (depending on what time she had been dumped or had dumped) consoling her.
The most amazing part about their relationship was that inspite of their cultural differences; they were very similar in their likes and dislikes. They both had a fanatic interest in anything sporty; they both loved theatre and hated movies, they both took to learning French as a hobby and mastered the language within no time, they both regarded eating and sleeping as a waste of time, they both thought that there was nothing called love in the world, just compatibility, they both wanted to be successful in the corporate world and they both completely adored one another.
Jai came to not only liking her immensely but also respecting her, despite her frivolous attitude towards relationships. Because he felt in the end, she was only looking for love, like any other woman, only her method was all wrong. He was always protective about her and when they went out for dinner or movies, no other male species in the vicinity dared to make a move on Sonali.
Besides, he really admired her intelligence and intellect and amongst the many dull, mediocre people that he had known throughout his schooling and college, she turned out to be his equal in every way.
She on the other hand, completely adored Jai, almost like a sibling she never had, but mostly because she knew he genuinely and deeply cared about her. He treated her both like a lady and as his best chum and she felt it was truly ironical that despite knowing so-called ‘modern and liberal’ American men all her life, it turned out that the only truly progressive and freethinking person she had met in all her life, turned out to be a guy who had been born and brought up in India.
It was rare to find such men in the world, but to find one who was also her best friend was truly God’s blessing.
Most of their common friends assumed that these two were a pair, and were genuinely astonished to know that they shared a platonic relationship. A lot of them couldn’t fathom how they did not get together, considering they spent most time of the day in each other’s company and shared everything from virtually to their food to their thoughts.
When Jai had caught a bad bout of flu in between his semesters, Sonali had forcibly removed his immediate belongings and taken him to her home in Belmonte District which was in close proximity to the College campus. Her father taught at the Medical School there and was a much respected face in the community, both Indian and American. Jai was the first Indian man she had ever brought back home and to her parent’s delight, a very eligible one too. Much to both their embarrassment, Sonali’s parents, especially her frightful mother had taken extremely well to Jai and made no efforts in concealing how much she would love to see them as a couple.
Sonali’s parent’s had made him utterly comfortable at their beautifully appointed home, making Jai cringe at the thought of going back to his tiny hostel room, but the moment he came to know about what was going on in their minds regarding him and Sonali, he packed his bags and came rushing back to his hostel.
Later they both had an uproarious laugh on the issue of matchmaking by her parents.
They were both sitting, by supporting their backs to one another, reading a book each, when she said in an amused voice, ‘Can you believe what Mom said to me yesterday?’
‘Yes, I can actually…’ he replied in a droll manner, which made her laugh.
‘She asked me for your parent’s phone number in India…stating that she wants to ‘speak’ to them!’
‘Oh My God…Son, now if you get pregnant by any of your boyfriends, they will immediately assume the culprit is me!’
‘Ha…you wish!’
‘Excuse me!’ he turned to face her and losing balance, she fell straight with her head on his lap.
She giggled hysterically at his reaction and he said, ‘So you don’t think I am capable of being the father of your child?’
She kept laughing, but stopped all of a sudden judging the seriousness in his face and getting up, dusted the grass of her dress and said in an equanimous voice, ‘Jai…lets not even take that line…’
He kept staring intensely, which made her feel very awkward and she sat on the grass with her knees on the ground and said, choosing her words carefully, ‘We are too close and too good as friends to be anything else…and trust me, after having a string of failed relationships behind me, the last thing I want is a failed friendship…so, lets not take that road, Jai.’
He kept quiet, not taking his eyes of her face, which made her blush and she asked in a low, quivering voice, ‘What?’
‘You are very beautiful…do you know that?’
She had heard this trite line being thrown at her innumerous times before, but hearing it from Jai’s mouth, made her heart skip a beat.
She fumbled with her jacket, not knowing how to react and before she could say anything more, he leaned towards her and holding one side of her face gently, came very close to it.
Insticitvely, she closed her eyes, inhaling the warm fragrance of his breath, his strong touch encasing her like a security blanket, she could almost hear his heartbeats. Her lips opened just a little bit, as if waiting for the kiss she knew was coming her way.
Till she heard him laughing madly and when she opened her eyes, he was rolling on the grass with mirth…her face went the shade of a plum and he said teasingly, imitating her American drawl, ‘Jai…lets not even take that line…Oooh…what happened to that line, Sonali?’
Bursting with embarrassment and laughter, she ran behind Jai, hitting him with her book and they both fell down laughing madly on the grass, hugging one another.
‘You are the best thing to have happened to me, Jai.’ She said simply, kissing his forehead with affection.
He smiled at her, but did not reply.
She said, ‘aren’t you going to tell me the same thing, bozo?’
He waited for a moment before replying, ‘Well, you are the best thing to have happened to me…Till date…but who knows what the future holds…’
They were both lying on the grass, staring at the clear blue sky over them and she said, ‘So behind all this cynicism, is a romantic…this means, you are secretly hoping for that special someone who will become the best thing to have happened to you…’
He just shrugged his head in response, not replying to her.
The three years passed in quick succession and Jai almost missed his flight back home, while cheering and reassuring a completely heartbroken and forlorn Sonali at the Airport, promising that he will always remember her.
‘Sonali, I can't make assurances to send you fortnightly letters and make weekly calls…but I can promise one thing. Any time you need me…I’ll be there…even if we are on different continents, the moment you need me…I’ll leave everything else and come back to you…’
‘Is that a promise?’
He smiled and taking her face in his hands, spoke with sincerity, ‘No…It’s a threat!’
They both laughed and hugged one another and she stood at the Aisles, waiting till his flight had actually taken off. The drive back home was a very tough one for her…for she was torn between the loss of the only true friend she ever had and the startling feeling that maybe it was more than just friendship they had shared…but in any case, it was too late, he was gone back to his life in India and she was back to hers in New York.
William Somerset Maugham couldn’t be more apt, when he quoted, “It's no good trying to keep up old friendships. It's painful for both sides. The fact is, one grows out of people, and the only thing is to face it.”
And so it happened to the two inseperable best friends also. Years passed by and even though initially they kept in touch through emails and phonecalls, they never chanced to meet again. Jai had been to the US a couple of times on work, but due to shortage of time or some other circumstance, he was never able to meet Sonali in person. And in the last few years, with Jai’s rapidly rising position in the Corporate world, his contact with Sonali all but stopped.
All he knew was that she had moved to Washington and was currently working with the State University as Assistant Professor, teaching Business studies.
But she always remembered him and he could not help but smiling, when his secretary used to put a birthday card on his in-tray every year, postmarked USA. He on the other hand, carried his loyalty and memory of his friendship in his heart, never bothering to make any formal acknowledgement of sending cards or calling up to wish on birthdays and new years.
And then 3 years back, her sonorous voice had surprised him one early morning when she called in to say that she was getting married to a colleage of hers – an American guy. Her father had died a year back and she wanted Jai to come for the wedding to give her away, since the marriage was going to be a traditional Church wedding. Jai would have left everything and gone to participate in his best friend’s biggest day, but Uday had suffered from a stroke recently and was under complete supervision and hence Jai apologized to Sonali and said he couldn’t make it.
‘I am so sorry Son…but I hope you understand…can’t leave Dad on his own…there is no one else…’
She spoke softly, ‘Of course I understand…’
He continued in a warm, affectionate manner, ‘My thoughts are always with you…and I know you are going to be very happy with Mike.’
She smiled at the other end of the phone and tears welled up in her eyes, ‘I miss you so much Jai…’
‘I miss you too…but look; now you have a special someone to share your life with…’
She kept quiet for sometime before saying, ‘But you’ll still be the best thing to have happened to me…always!’
He smiled and kissed the receiver of the phone, ‘Here is a long distance kiss for the most beautiful bride in this world…and tell that Mike fellow, he better take good care of you…else, I am just 18 hours away from breaking every bone in his body…’
She laughed delightedly and before disconnecting the phone said, ‘Jai…’ and hesitating for a moment, spoke very timidly, ‘If I really need you some day…will you come to me…’
He did not wait one moment before replying, ‘I’ll be there before you can even open your eyes and call out for me…and that is both a promise and a threat. Love you, Son!’
She said with heartfelt adoration, ‘Love you too Jai…and I hope you find that special someone too…’
‘It took me 20 years to find a friend with whom I shared similar interest, it will take me a lifetime and more to find a lover like that!!!’
Sonali finished the call on a teasing note, ‘And I hope when you find her, she turns out the exact opposite of what you are…and still makes you fall head over heels in love!’
There had been absolutely no contact between Jai and Sonali in the last three years, making Jai wonder, how on Earth did Mrs. Singh ever find his whereabouts.
The Car halted to a stop before the neon lit sign of the multi-facility hospital in New York’s, 18th Avenue District in Lower Manhattan.
Asking for directions from the Reception, he took the Elevator to the 18th floor and was stunned to read the sign that proclaimed the department, ‘Obstetrics and Gynaecology’.
When he reached the end of the dimly lit hallway to room number 1881, he was met with a pale faced and swollen eyed, Mrs. Singh.
She blinked at him for some time before crying out in recognition, ‘Jai…you came…’ and broke down crying copiously while Jai consoled her.
In between her sobs, Mrs. Singh gave a brief history of the last 3 years in Sonali’s life, of which Jai had very little inkling.
Her marriage to Mike Roberts, a fellow professor at the University of Washington had been an unmitigated disaster from the very start. And what started with daily squabbles soon became major battles in the following years. He had a number of extra-marital flings and whenever she tried to question him, he would turn physically and verbally abusive.
In the depression of her failing marriage, Sonali floundered in her career also and lost her job about a year back. In the meanwhile, due to the intervention of Mike’s parent’s, they both tried to work out a reconciliation, but only till Mike served her with a divorce notice out of the blue and moved out of their house and life without as much as a word.
Not hearing any word from Sonali for more than 2 weeks, Mrs. Singh had panicked and taken off to Washington, where she had seen her daughter as a nervous wreck and on the verge of a severe mental breakdown.
She had got her back to their family home near Harvard and while she went about meeting Divorce Lawyers and Councellors for her daughter, day before yesterday afternoon had shocked the old lady out of her wits.
Coming home after shopping for some urgent groceries, she had found Sonali to be nowhere in the house, panicking she had looked everywhere, till she found her lying on the floor of an unused bathroom, cataleptic and comatose.
Rushing her to the nearest medical centre, where she got her second biggest shock. Sonali had a serious overdose of Wellbutrin, an anti-depressant drug and had to be sent to the Beth Israel Medical Centre in New York for further treatment.
And she was also, 3 months pregnant with Mike’s child.
Jai sat numb and disbelieving, even the indoor heating could do nothing to subside the coldness that crept in his heart. He wanted to find that Mike guy and smash him to smithreens for doing this to Sonali. But first, he wanted to see her himself.
When he was quietly ushered into her room, he could not believe that it was the lovely, smiling girl he had had left behind at the airport nearly 8 years back.
What he saw was a ghost of a woman, all whitish and ashen; laid on the bed, surrounded by complicated looking machines, the only proof her living was the slow, laboured breath that came out unevenly. The remincent of her beautiful self were evident slightly in the way her jawbones sculpted out on her face and the deep-set grey-green eyes which matched so well with the brownish tinge of her curly, shoulder-length hair.
Running a light hand through her hair, his eyes moistened involuntarily, while he placed his other hand on her cold, lifeless one.
It was a few moments after the warmth of his touch and she blinkered her eyes to open them…the first time she had regained full conciousness after her collapse and as promised by Jai, he was the first person she saw, even before she could have called for him.
‘Jai…’ her voice barely made it out of her throat.
‘Sssh…’ he whispered, holding on to her hands, firmly yet gently and sat on the side of the bed.
‘Everything will be fine now…you are not alone...’
She kept holding his hand and tears welled in her dull eyes, making them sparkle like before and she said with effort, ‘You kept your promise…’
He smiled, taking back his own tears and said, ‘No, I fulfilled my threat…’
She tried to laugh but could not manage to effort herself even that much.
After spending some time with Sonali, Jai quickly went about dealing with the Doctors and authorities in his cool, efficient manner, taking care of everything from the bills to the legal aspect of the accident.
Sending an exhausted looking Mrs. Singh packing back to her home to catch on some rest, he assured that he will stay by Sonali’s side till she comes back.
The first call Jai had made was to his office, where he gave a series of tasks to his harried sounding secretary and asked her to remain in constant touch with him over the email on any work related emergency that could occur. With a sense of desperation, he realized that in his last minute hurry, he had forgotton his cell-phone back at home and he told Stella to get it collected and handle all the phone calls that might come on it, especially since some of his most important clients called him directly.
Jai could not get through Bani at her residence land-line number and decided to leave a message for her through his father.
Uday looked very disturbed after the phonecall with Jai, where he had quickly explained everything and why he had to leave on an emergency to New York, asking his father to tell Bani that he had landed New York safely, but he did not know when exactly he would be back.
Uday knew about Sonali, had in fact met her once, when he had come visiting his son in college…she was a lovely girl and he had taken a liking to her, but had been putoff by his son when he told his father that Sonali was a very good friend of his, and there was nothing remotely romantic between both of them.
Uday knew that Jai took his loyalties and commitments with a zealouness that was as unusual as it was scary.
What caused that unknown fear in Uday’s heart was the dilemma that Jai could face now…that between choosing the well-being of a friend who needed him desperately or coming back to the girl whom he needed desperately.
The dilemma of choosing between Friendship and Love was the toughest choice a person could be forced to make…
And Uday wished upon all the Gods that such a choice should never come upon Jai…for he already knew which path his son would take.

A few of the readers were kind enough to write personally to
me and stand me corrected me on the geographical errors that I committed in the
last update, describing New York and Harvard. Thank you guys... :)
Part 24
Bani had gone to meet Uday at his Farmhouse and found him to be in an unusually pensive and thoughtful mood.
‘What happened Dad? Missing your son?’
He smiled affectionately at her and said, ‘We are both missing him!’
‘Ha…Not me!’
‘Really? Kiran tells me that you have marked funny red circles in the calendar for each day that Jai has been away from you…’
Bani turned red with embarrassment and said, ‘Uff…Ma is such a tattletale…’
He laughed aloud, but his usual heartiness was clearly missing and sitting on the grassy lawn, besides his chair, she said softly, ‘What is bothering you so much, Dad? Please tell me…’
He paused for a while and said, ‘Its regarding your and Jai…and someone else.’
‘Someone who?’
Bani had a confused look on her face, she had never heard this name before and she blinked at him questioningly.
‘Jai’s very close friend from the States…they were together in College.’
Recognition dawned on her and she said, ‘Ooh…her name is Sonali…actually, Jai did mention her once…but I don’t think I got her name…is she the one who had that accident?’
Uday nodded his head gravely and said, ‘Hmm…’
‘But you said she is recovering…then what is getting you so worried?’
Uday hesitated for a while and then choosing his words carefully said, ‘Jai called me up regarding what happened to her…she is all lonely…and pregnant…and quite near a nervous breakdown….’
Bani said sympathetically, ‘That is so sad…I am really happy that Jai is with her at this time…’
Uday stared at Bani as if she were an unfathomable painting and said, ‘Kiddo…what material are you made of? Aren’t you a bit jealous…or possessive…or insecure? Your fiancée has dashed off without uttering a single word of explanation to you, to be with another woman…and you are declaring happiness over his actions?’
She stared back at him, both taken aback and amused at his reaction and said smilingly, ‘What should I be insecure about? He has gone as a friend to a friend who needs him…’
‘He has gone as a friend Bani…but I am afraid, something is going to happen over there…’
Uday felt like hitting himself for saying such impulsive, illogical words to Bani, but to his utter shock, she remained unmoved and said calmly, ‘If you think that Jai will go there and marry Sonali out of pity and leave me waiting at the altars…I am sorry to say, you have got your son charted all wrong…’
He looked at her, torn between exasperation and affection and said, ‘That can be a possibility…Bani…he will never stab at your back deliberately…that is not Jai…but he is capable of putting a dagger through your heart, while bleeding himself…’
‘That is so Shakesperian, Dad…’
‘Stop joking…I am serious…call him up right now and order him to come back packing.’
She laughed, almost falling down on the grass and after seeing the expression on Uday’s face, stopped her laughter with great difficulty and said, ‘I can’t do that…actually I can do that…but I won’t...’
Getting serene, she said softly, ‘We are going to get married, Dad…and if this is the show of trust I display…what faith will he have in me, once we start our lives together?’
Uday said, ‘He has always taken the harsh road, Bani…sometimes even without rhyme or reason…he has always followed his conscience, never his heart…’
She replied simply, ‘His conscience and heart are both with me…’
‘What if he wavers…what if he gives in to what he feels is the higher good…what if he feels that its Sonali who needs him more than you…what if he holds his loyalty to a friend more than to you?’
Bani kept quiet for sometime and Uday wondered if he was spilling all his apprehensions and fears onto the poor, trusting soul and bringing her spirit down.
‘If that happens…I think my respect and love for him will double itself manifold…’
This was the last answer Uday expected and he yelled out a shocked, ‘What?’
And then asked in an uneven voice, ‘Even if it means, losing the man you loved?’
Her eyes were not shining with joy anymore but they still held hope and faith in them, when she quoted Lord Tennyson, ‘I hold it true, whate'er befall; I feel it, when I sorrow most; 'Tis better to have loved and lost; than never to have loved at all.’
‘You are simply indecipherable, my child…’ was all Uday could say in reply.
New York
It was four days after Jai had arrived to New York and Sonali was looking better now, eventhough the doctor had warned that any type of strain, physical or mental could detiorate her condition rapidly, considering she was also pregnant.
Carrying a bouqet of bright sunflowers in his hand, he tapped the door politely before entering the room. Sonali has been propped up on the bed, with the support of a pillow and besides her, Mrs. Singh was seated, peeling an apple and simultaneously fussing in a motherly manner.
‘Hello ladies!’ he announced before putting the flowers in a vase nearby.
Mrs. Singh immediately left peeling the fruit and came to give Jai a warm hug and fussed over how tired he looked.
Sonali kept quiet but her face glowed with happiness at seeing Jai once again. He had changed so much in the last few years, put on more weight and looked so mature.
Tapping her cheeks affectionately, he asked how she was feeling now and then started chatting conversationally with both the mother and daughter, not showing any blatant sympathy for their situation, neither being insensitive.
Mrs. Singh wondered not for the first time how Sonali could have missed out on a man like him, even though they were the closest of friends for almost 3 whole years.
‘Mrs. Singh, I never got to know how you found my contact number…’
The elderly lady smiled and giving one piece of apple to a reluctant Sonali and handing one to Jai, said, ‘First, stop calling me Mrs. Singh…and please call me aunty…’
He smiled, while munching on the fruit and she continued, ‘I found your number, while searching amongst Sonali’s things.’
Sonali’s face turned a bit red and she quickly tried to quieten her mother, but Jai had already asked, ‘But we have not been in touch for the last few years…how come you found my contact with her?’
Mrs. Singh ignoring Sonali’s look of pleading protest, said, ‘She kept a sort of hand-book since you two were in college…and it had all your pictures, articles you wrote for the college magazine, prizes you won at Harvard and later about your life in India…she used to source them out from the Internet, Newspaper cutting mailed from India, magazines…’
There was silence in the room for some time, before Mrs. Singh finished, ‘One of her latest journals had details about your office in Delhi…I called them up and after much browbeating your poor secretary, got hold of your cell number.’
Jai kept a stunned silence before saying, ‘Wow…Mrs. Singh…you should get an award or something for getting my number out of Stella…I thought even Hitler couldn’t make her speak under torture…’
They both laughed and he turned to face Sonali and said, ‘And you….STALKER…’
She burst out laughing alongside Mrs. Singh and Jai and buried her face in her palms.
‘I mean really…to think that you would keep tabs on me…Sonali…you never cease to surprise me!’
She spoke quietly, ‘I was just so proud of you, Jai…and every milestone achieved by you became a landmark for me too…you have always been an inspiration to me…not just my friend, but also my role-model.’
He did not smile in return for the compliment, and keeping his hand over hers, said in a serious voice, ‘Then why didn’t you tell me all this before?’
She bit her lips to stop herself from crying and muttered, ‘You never kept in touch Jai…I though you had forgotton me…’
He had a look of deep hurt in his eyes and he said in an aggrevied tone, ‘Just because I did not send you birthday wishes every year, does not mean, I forgot about you, Sonali…I thought you knew me better than this…I was just one phone call away…why did you hold so much grief in your heart all by yourself? I was your best friend dammit…it was my right to share your pain…if not ease it out…’
Immensely touched by his words, tears welled in her eyes and also Mrs. Singh’s, she said in a choked voice, ‘What could I tell you Jai? That my marriage had failed…that my trust had been repeatedly broken…that I was a shattered and miserable woman… a failure in every way…’
His voice was steely cold when he said, ‘You are none of these things, Sonali…and just because someone abused your life, does not mean and you have to take things lying down…’
He went on in a determined voice, ‘Look at you…what is that you don’t have? Brains, beauty, a good heart, a wonderful nature…why do you need a man to convince what you are worth of? You should know it by now!’
Getting up in barely concealed fury, he said, ‘Wait till my lawyers make a mince-meat of that worthless man you made the mistake of marrying…he won’t have a job, a reputation, a bank balance, a home, his whole life…by the time I get through with him.’
‘Jai…No…’she protested.
Mrs. Singh got up and said angrily, ‘Why not Sonali? He deserves it…and Jai is the man to teach him a lesson…but first things first…we need to get your pregnany terminated.’
Both Jai and Sonali looked shocked at Mrs. Singh.
Finally, she uttered a monosyllabic, ‘No.’
Mrs. Singh asked in a shocked voice, ‘What do you mean No? Are you telling me, you’ll keep that man’s child?’
Sonali heaved a deep sigh and said in a calm voice, ‘Yes…it’s my child also and I am not letting it go.’
Jai kept quiet, not wanting to interfere in what he thought was a purely personal matter and wishing that Mrs. Singh would let Sonali take her own decision in regards to the child.
Mrs. Singh looked distraught and addressed Jai, ‘Just look at this girl…even after so much happened, she wants to have his child…Jai, please drive some sense into her…’
Jai kept quiet and meeting his eyes with Sonali, said firmly to Mrs. Singh, ‘I am sorry, but I really do think that it’s her choice…and besides, why blame the child for anything?’
Mrs. Singh shook her head violently and said, ‘We might live in America…but we are not Americans…look at you Sonali…you are 30 years old, undergoing a divorce, without a job…what are you going to give to this child?’
Sonali started weeping quietly and Jai felt furious with her Mother for bringing up this topic when she was on the road to recovery.
Mrs. Singh continued unabated, ‘Do you think that man is going to support you or your child? He already ate up all your savings…the only thing that will come out of the divorce proceedings is some more spending on our part…he doesn’t have anything to give in alimony…’
Jai who was feeling extremely vexed now, butted in and said, ‘What has that to do with her keeping the child, Mrs. Singh? These are two different issues…’
‘Ofcourse, it has everything to do with the child…if being a penniless divorcee wasn’t bad enough for an Indian woman, now she will be saddled with the responsibility of a child…who is going to support them both, Jai?’
Jai shrugged his head in disbelief at Mrs. Singh’s antiquated views on a woman’s independence and said, ‘Sonali is an educated, accomplished and independent woman…she can take care of herself, of the child and perhaps also you, all by herself.’
Mrs. Singh snorted in incredulity and said, ‘She was all that you said before also…see where that has got her now? In the hospital bed, deserted by her husband and nearly dead of drug overdose…and she wouldn’t be here if not for you Jai…we can’t afford to pay the bills of this exclusive hospital…neither could we deal with the authorities…nor could we hire the best divorce attorney in New York…if not for you.’
Jai stood there, completely ballistic and confused at the line, Mrs. Singh was taking and he asked in a terse, staccato voice, ‘What are you trying to say, Mrs. Singh?’
She calmed down and ignoring Sonali’s whimpering of protests, said, ‘I am saying that for all the talk of female independence and self-sufficiency, Sonali is just a broken, lonely and hapless girl…who needs a man by her side…someone who can help her live again…someone who will get back her lost confidence…someone who will make her believe in love once again…someone who will give a Father’s name and protection to her child…someone who will also be her best friend…’
Jai kept standing silently, while Sonali watched them both, quietly, her energy level deflating so much, that she did not even have the strength to cry or offer a protest.
Mrs. Singh said quietly, ‘Will you be that man, Jai?’
A thunderous silence followed in the wake of that question, Sonali let out a ‘No…’ and broke down crying copiously, while Jai kept staring outside the window, as if in a trance.
When he got back to his senses, he looked at Mrs. Singh standing in front of him, resolute, full of fierce maternal protectiveness which evoked both a sense of frustration and admiration from him and then he glanced at the frail heap of bones that was lying on the bed…
‘You don’t have to answer now…in fact you don’t have to answer at all…you have no obligations at all…you have more than fulfilled your role as a friend, Jai…but I am a mother…and till the day I breath my last, I will only think for the happiness of my child…and I know where the happiness lies…’
From a lioness in charge of her brood, she suddenly looked very old and defeated, as she shuffled quietly upto her daughter’s bed and took out the duvet to cover up Sonali, who had fallen into an exhausted sleep, unable to take any more of her mother’s emotional bombarding on both herself and Jai.
Jai had just reached the Elevator at the end of the Corridor and was waiting for it, when he saw Mrs. Singh approaching him. He walked towards her, where she handed him the keycard of his hotel room which he had forgotten back in Sonali’s room and said in a low voice, ‘I know this is the not the correct time to tell you this…but if not now…then probably never…’
He kept standing silently, not a muscle moved on his face and she said, ‘Her marriage couldn’t have worked either ways, Jai…for she was in love with some other man...and still is…and even though she tried her best…her heart was simply not in her marriage…’
Mrs. Singh took a deep breath and continued in a now weary tone, ‘I don’t have to tell you the name of that person…and please, don’t think, I am passing any blame on you…far from it…but your presence in her life will give a second chance to her…she has none left now.’
Jai went back to his hotel room, near the hospital and try as he might could not concentrate on his work, he had intended to shoot some quick emails to Stella before retiring for the night, but unable to get any work done, he shut his laptop and got out of the Hotel, taking a cab till the Hudson River Bank, strolling down the promade, listlessly.
Why hadn’t he immediately announced that he was engaged to be married the day he got back? Why hadn’t he said explicity that he was committed in love to someone else? Why hadn’t he said that a girl who loved him with all her life was probably counting every moment of her day awaiting his return? Why hadn’t he said that though he cared genuinely for Sonali, his heart and soul belonged to Bani?
And yet the image of Sonali lying pale faced on the hospital bed had almost made his heart beat stop…to see someone you care for so deeply in such a state of distress was something that Jai had not experience earlier.
He thought about what Mrs. Singh had said, the woman was always a bit obnoxious, but her words today, rang true in his ears…Sonali was not the vivacious, confident and full of life girl he had last said goodbye to at the Airport…the intervening 8 years had changed her beyond recognition...and more sadly, without any fault of her own.
She did not deserve such a life…she did not deserve a man who cheated on her and left her in shambles, she did not deserve to end up comatose in a hospital, she did not deserve to not give her child the security and happiness of a complete family…
She deserved so much better in life…Love, Security, Respect…and most of all, Friendship. And most of all, a Father’s name for her unborn child.
And if what Mrs. Singh said was true…was he the reason why Sonali couldn’t find love and happiness in her marriage? He knew it was not his fault…but she was his best friend…she had always kept in touch with him, without expecting anything in return…and he had come to her, when she had all but broken into pieces…why hadn’t he called up her even once to ask how she was? To find out if she was happy and doing well. Why hadn’t he read her mind when she had cried her heart out, while sending him off at the Airport, 8 years back?
He was ravaged by guilt and remorse…unknowingly he had betrayed his friendship, let down a friend when she needed him the most…
And at this point in time, there was no one in Sonali’s life except him to give shelter from the harshness of life…but he couldn’t stay back forever in New York…there was just one way…take her away from here to India…to his home …he knew no one would accept such an arrangement, least of all Sonali…unless…there was just one way out…Marriage.
This was his only redemption…the only way he could payback his due on their friendship.
But then what about Bani? His rational mind told him that even though Bani was deeply in love with him, she would still be able to get over the hurt and pain of this betrayal…for her circumstances were entirely different from Sonali’s. She was young, she was single, she had family and friends for support…time would heal her wounds.
He blocked his mind from thinking about what the separation from Bani would do to him…he had enough troubles in his hand, than to think along those lines and falter from the decision he wanted to make.
Holding the cup of Starbucks Coffee which had turned to Ice now, he stared at the glistening visage of the river in front of him…torn between two halves of his self…loyalty to a friend who needed him and loyalty to the love which seeked him…
It was close to 6 in the morning when Bani groggily greeted Jai on the phone, instantly snapping to life, the moment she heard his ‘Hello.’
‘Jai…’ she exclaimed in her familiar, excited manner.
Just hearing her voice made his heart melt…it was more than a week that he had left her standing forelonely at the airport and in the preceding few days, he could not have a moment to spare a thought for her…but now, when he heard her voice…she felt so close to him.
‘Hi…’ he said, barely audible.
‘Speak loudly…its long distance…you are more than 7000 miles away…’
They both laughed lightly, till he said, ‘How are you?’
‘Miserable…’ she chirped back.
He laughed and said, ‘You don’t sound miserable…’
‘That’s because you called up…’
He asked some general questions about her family and then slipped into silence.
She paused for a while and said gently, ‘How is Sonali now?’
He kept quiet for sometime before asking her, ‘Dad told you?’
‘Hmm…how is she now? Have they discharged her from the hospital?’
‘No…but she is recovering…maybe by this weekend…’
There was again a silent chasm between them, till she said, softly, ‘What happened Jai…do you want to say something?’
He wondered how inspite of being so different from one another in nature, they somehow managed to decipher each other’s words…especially Bani, even if he was physically not present.
He hesitated and said, ‘I am at a crossroad, Bani...and I know which way to go…but I’m still not able to move…’
She kept silent for a while and then said quietly, ‘If you heart is pure and your mind is clear, the strength to move on will come on its own…’
‘What if I leave behind someone who loves me the most in the world?’
She did not respond immediately, but taking some time, replied, ‘If the someone has loved you truly…then there would be no explanations required…’
He laughed bitterly, tears blinding his eyes and said abruptly with bleak humor, ‘Do you know…I am thinking of stabbing you in the back?’
The statement almost took her breath away and the fear that had lurked in her heart came out clearly, she bit her lip to stop herself from choking and with tears blinding her eyes, she clasped the receiver tightly and said, ‘No. You are thinking of putting a dagger through my heart and bleeding yourself…’
He smiled through his pain and said, ‘I was never worthy of you…Bani.’
She smiled wistfully and said, ‘Now you are just giving excuses…’
After a moment’s pause, she said in a stifled voice, ‘You can only be accused of making me fall in love with you, Jai…never of betrayal.’
They both kept silent for what seemed to be an eternity, till he broke in an emotionally charged voice, ‘I don’t know what is going on…perhaps if you were there in front of my eyes…I would have had better clarity of mind, but here I am, trying to take a decision which I know will finish me from inside...I never knew, I could be this strong…Bani…’ he finished with regret in his voice.
She closed her eyes tight shut and spoke almost inaudibly, ‘And I love you all the more for it…’
He asked in her in a bleak voice, ‘Why do you have to be so good, Bani?’
She did not hesitate to reply back, ‘Look, who my inspiration is…’
She held back her breath and cried silently, clutching the receiver to cover it with her hands. After a few moments of pause, he spoke in a deep, heartfelt manner, ‘I will always love you Bani…till the day I breathe my last…you will always remain in my heart, in my thoughts, in my memories…’
She had tears streaming down her eyes, but with a fierce show of self-determination, did not break down crying…for she knew that if she lost control, Jai would break down too…
‘I know…’ was all that came out of her mouth.
When the line got disconnected, she broke down in a heap, falling on the floor and crying as if the skies had opened its door.
Elsewhere, the tears seemed to freeze in his eyes. A teenaged couple were strolling in the Promade, carrying a portable player through which Christina Aguilera crooned a heartwarming ballad…Love will find a way.
In a perfect world
One we've never known
We would never need to face the world alone
They can have the world
We'll create our own
I may not be brave or strong or smart
But some where in my secret heart
I know
Love will find a way
Any where we go
I'm home
If you are there beside me
Like dark turning into day
Some how we'll come through
Now that I've found you
Love will find a way
I was so afraid
Now I realize
Love is never wrong
And so it never dies
There's a perfect world
Shining in your eyes
And if only they could feel it too
The happiness I feel with you
They'd know
Love will find a way
Any where we go
we're home
If we are there together
Like dark turning into day
Some how we'll come through
Now that I've found you
Love will find a way
I know love will find a way
Part 24
Bani had gone to meet Uday at his Farmhouse and found him to be in an unusually pensive and thoughtful mood.
‘What happened Dad? Missing your son?’
He smiled affectionately at her and said, ‘We are both missing him!’
‘Ha…Not me!’
‘Really? Kiran tells me that you have marked funny red circles in the calendar for each day that Jai has been away from you…’
Bani turned red with embarrassment and said, ‘Uff…Ma is such a tattletale…’
He laughed aloud, but his usual heartiness was clearly missing and sitting on the grassy lawn, besides his chair, she said softly, ‘What is bothering you so much, Dad? Please tell me…’
He paused for a while and said, ‘Its regarding your and Jai…and someone else.’
‘Someone who?’
Bani had a confused look on her face, she had never heard this name before and she blinked at him questioningly.
‘Jai’s very close friend from the States…they were together in College.’
Recognition dawned on her and she said, ‘Ooh…her name is Sonali…actually, Jai did mention her once…but I don’t think I got her name…is she the one who had that accident?’
Uday nodded his head gravely and said, ‘Hmm…’
‘But you said she is recovering…then what is getting you so worried?’
Uday hesitated for a while and then choosing his words carefully said, ‘Jai called me up regarding what happened to her…she is all lonely…and pregnant…and quite near a nervous breakdown….’
Bani said sympathetically, ‘That is so sad…I am really happy that Jai is with her at this time…’
Uday stared at Bani as if she were an unfathomable painting and said, ‘Kiddo…what material are you made of? Aren’t you a bit jealous…or possessive…or insecure? Your fiancée has dashed off without uttering a single word of explanation to you, to be with another woman…and you are declaring happiness over his actions?’
She stared back at him, both taken aback and amused at his reaction and said smilingly, ‘What should I be insecure about? He has gone as a friend to a friend who needs him…’
‘He has gone as a friend Bani…but I am afraid, something is going to happen over there…’
Uday felt like hitting himself for saying such impulsive, illogical words to Bani, but to his utter shock, she remained unmoved and said calmly, ‘If you think that Jai will go there and marry Sonali out of pity and leave me waiting at the altars…I am sorry to say, you have got your son charted all wrong…’
He looked at her, torn between exasperation and affection and said, ‘That can be a possibility…Bani…he will never stab at your back deliberately…that is not Jai…but he is capable of putting a dagger through your heart, while bleeding himself…’
‘That is so Shakesperian, Dad…’
‘Stop joking…I am serious…call him up right now and order him to come back packing.’
She laughed, almost falling down on the grass and after seeing the expression on Uday’s face, stopped her laughter with great difficulty and said, ‘I can’t do that…actually I can do that…but I won’t...’
Getting serene, she said softly, ‘We are going to get married, Dad…and if this is the show of trust I display…what faith will he have in me, once we start our lives together?’
Uday said, ‘He has always taken the harsh road, Bani…sometimes even without rhyme or reason…he has always followed his conscience, never his heart…’
She replied simply, ‘His conscience and heart are both with me…’
‘What if he wavers…what if he gives in to what he feels is the higher good…what if he feels that its Sonali who needs him more than you…what if he holds his loyalty to a friend more than to you?’
Bani kept quiet for sometime and Uday wondered if he was spilling all his apprehensions and fears onto the poor, trusting soul and bringing her spirit down.
‘If that happens…I think my respect and love for him will double itself manifold…’
This was the last answer Uday expected and he yelled out a shocked, ‘What?’
And then asked in an uneven voice, ‘Even if it means, losing the man you loved?’
Her eyes were not shining with joy anymore but they still held hope and faith in them, when she quoted Lord Tennyson, ‘I hold it true, whate'er befall; I feel it, when I sorrow most; 'Tis better to have loved and lost; than never to have loved at all.’
‘You are simply indecipherable, my child…’ was all Uday could say in reply.
New York
It was four days after Jai had arrived to New York and Sonali was looking better now, eventhough the doctor had warned that any type of strain, physical or mental could detiorate her condition rapidly, considering she was also pregnant.
Carrying a bouqet of bright sunflowers in his hand, he tapped the door politely before entering the room. Sonali has been propped up on the bed, with the support of a pillow and besides her, Mrs. Singh was seated, peeling an apple and simultaneously fussing in a motherly manner.
‘Hello ladies!’ he announced before putting the flowers in a vase nearby.
Mrs. Singh immediately left peeling the fruit and came to give Jai a warm hug and fussed over how tired he looked.
Sonali kept quiet but her face glowed with happiness at seeing Jai once again. He had changed so much in the last few years, put on more weight and looked so mature.
Tapping her cheeks affectionately, he asked how she was feeling now and then started chatting conversationally with both the mother and daughter, not showing any blatant sympathy for their situation, neither being insensitive.
Mrs. Singh wondered not for the first time how Sonali could have missed out on a man like him, even though they were the closest of friends for almost 3 whole years.
‘Mrs. Singh, I never got to know how you found my contact number…’
The elderly lady smiled and giving one piece of apple to a reluctant Sonali and handing one to Jai, said, ‘First, stop calling me Mrs. Singh…and please call me aunty…’
He smiled, while munching on the fruit and she continued, ‘I found your number, while searching amongst Sonali’s things.’
Sonali’s face turned a bit red and she quickly tried to quieten her mother, but Jai had already asked, ‘But we have not been in touch for the last few years…how come you found my contact with her?’
Mrs. Singh ignoring Sonali’s look of pleading protest, said, ‘She kept a sort of hand-book since you two were in college…and it had all your pictures, articles you wrote for the college magazine, prizes you won at Harvard and later about your life in India…she used to source them out from the Internet, Newspaper cutting mailed from India, magazines…’
There was silence in the room for some time, before Mrs. Singh finished, ‘One of her latest journals had details about your office in Delhi…I called them up and after much browbeating your poor secretary, got hold of your cell number.’
Jai kept a stunned silence before saying, ‘Wow…Mrs. Singh…you should get an award or something for getting my number out of Stella…I thought even Hitler couldn’t make her speak under torture…’
They both laughed and he turned to face Sonali and said, ‘And you….STALKER…’
She burst out laughing alongside Mrs. Singh and Jai and buried her face in her palms.
‘I mean really…to think that you would keep tabs on me…Sonali…you never cease to surprise me!’
She spoke quietly, ‘I was just so proud of you, Jai…and every milestone achieved by you became a landmark for me too…you have always been an inspiration to me…not just my friend, but also my role-model.’
He did not smile in return for the compliment, and keeping his hand over hers, said in a serious voice, ‘Then why didn’t you tell me all this before?’
She bit her lips to stop herself from crying and muttered, ‘You never kept in touch Jai…I though you had forgotton me…’
He had a look of deep hurt in his eyes and he said in an aggrevied tone, ‘Just because I did not send you birthday wishes every year, does not mean, I forgot about you, Sonali…I thought you knew me better than this…I was just one phone call away…why did you hold so much grief in your heart all by yourself? I was your best friend dammit…it was my right to share your pain…if not ease it out…’
Immensely touched by his words, tears welled in her eyes and also Mrs. Singh’s, she said in a choked voice, ‘What could I tell you Jai? That my marriage had failed…that my trust had been repeatedly broken…that I was a shattered and miserable woman… a failure in every way…’
His voice was steely cold when he said, ‘You are none of these things, Sonali…and just because someone abused your life, does not mean and you have to take things lying down…’
He went on in a determined voice, ‘Look at you…what is that you don’t have? Brains, beauty, a good heart, a wonderful nature…why do you need a man to convince what you are worth of? You should know it by now!’
Getting up in barely concealed fury, he said, ‘Wait till my lawyers make a mince-meat of that worthless man you made the mistake of marrying…he won’t have a job, a reputation, a bank balance, a home, his whole life…by the time I get through with him.’
‘Jai…No…’she protested.
Mrs. Singh got up and said angrily, ‘Why not Sonali? He deserves it…and Jai is the man to teach him a lesson…but first things first…we need to get your pregnany terminated.’
Both Jai and Sonali looked shocked at Mrs. Singh.
Finally, she uttered a monosyllabic, ‘No.’
Mrs. Singh asked in a shocked voice, ‘What do you mean No? Are you telling me, you’ll keep that man’s child?’
Sonali heaved a deep sigh and said in a calm voice, ‘Yes…it’s my child also and I am not letting it go.’
Jai kept quiet, not wanting to interfere in what he thought was a purely personal matter and wishing that Mrs. Singh would let Sonali take her own decision in regards to the child.
Mrs. Singh looked distraught and addressed Jai, ‘Just look at this girl…even after so much happened, she wants to have his child…Jai, please drive some sense into her…’
Jai kept quiet and meeting his eyes with Sonali, said firmly to Mrs. Singh, ‘I am sorry, but I really do think that it’s her choice…and besides, why blame the child for anything?’
Mrs. Singh shook her head violently and said, ‘We might live in America…but we are not Americans…look at you Sonali…you are 30 years old, undergoing a divorce, without a job…what are you going to give to this child?’
Sonali started weeping quietly and Jai felt furious with her Mother for bringing up this topic when she was on the road to recovery.
Mrs. Singh continued unabated, ‘Do you think that man is going to support you or your child? He already ate up all your savings…the only thing that will come out of the divorce proceedings is some more spending on our part…he doesn’t have anything to give in alimony…’
Jai who was feeling extremely vexed now, butted in and said, ‘What has that to do with her keeping the child, Mrs. Singh? These are two different issues…’
‘Ofcourse, it has everything to do with the child…if being a penniless divorcee wasn’t bad enough for an Indian woman, now she will be saddled with the responsibility of a child…who is going to support them both, Jai?’
Jai shrugged his head in disbelief at Mrs. Singh’s antiquated views on a woman’s independence and said, ‘Sonali is an educated, accomplished and independent woman…she can take care of herself, of the child and perhaps also you, all by herself.’
Mrs. Singh snorted in incredulity and said, ‘She was all that you said before also…see where that has got her now? In the hospital bed, deserted by her husband and nearly dead of drug overdose…and she wouldn’t be here if not for you Jai…we can’t afford to pay the bills of this exclusive hospital…neither could we deal with the authorities…nor could we hire the best divorce attorney in New York…if not for you.’
Jai stood there, completely ballistic and confused at the line, Mrs. Singh was taking and he asked in a terse, staccato voice, ‘What are you trying to say, Mrs. Singh?’
She calmed down and ignoring Sonali’s whimpering of protests, said, ‘I am saying that for all the talk of female independence and self-sufficiency, Sonali is just a broken, lonely and hapless girl…who needs a man by her side…someone who can help her live again…someone who will get back her lost confidence…someone who will make her believe in love once again…someone who will give a Father’s name and protection to her child…someone who will also be her best friend…’
Jai kept standing silently, while Sonali watched them both, quietly, her energy level deflating so much, that she did not even have the strength to cry or offer a protest.
Mrs. Singh said quietly, ‘Will you be that man, Jai?’
A thunderous silence followed in the wake of that question, Sonali let out a ‘No…’ and broke down crying copiously, while Jai kept staring outside the window, as if in a trance.
When he got back to his senses, he looked at Mrs. Singh standing in front of him, resolute, full of fierce maternal protectiveness which evoked both a sense of frustration and admiration from him and then he glanced at the frail heap of bones that was lying on the bed…
‘You don’t have to answer now…in fact you don’t have to answer at all…you have no obligations at all…you have more than fulfilled your role as a friend, Jai…but I am a mother…and till the day I breath my last, I will only think for the happiness of my child…and I know where the happiness lies…’
From a lioness in charge of her brood, she suddenly looked very old and defeated, as she shuffled quietly upto her daughter’s bed and took out the duvet to cover up Sonali, who had fallen into an exhausted sleep, unable to take any more of her mother’s emotional bombarding on both herself and Jai.
Jai had just reached the Elevator at the end of the Corridor and was waiting for it, when he saw Mrs. Singh approaching him. He walked towards her, where she handed him the keycard of his hotel room which he had forgotten back in Sonali’s room and said in a low voice, ‘I know this is the not the correct time to tell you this…but if not now…then probably never…’
He kept standing silently, not a muscle moved on his face and she said, ‘Her marriage couldn’t have worked either ways, Jai…for she was in love with some other man...and still is…and even though she tried her best…her heart was simply not in her marriage…’
Mrs. Singh took a deep breath and continued in a now weary tone, ‘I don’t have to tell you the name of that person…and please, don’t think, I am passing any blame on you…far from it…but your presence in her life will give a second chance to her…she has none left now.’
Jai went back to his hotel room, near the hospital and try as he might could not concentrate on his work, he had intended to shoot some quick emails to Stella before retiring for the night, but unable to get any work done, he shut his laptop and got out of the Hotel, taking a cab till the Hudson River Bank, strolling down the promade, listlessly.
Why hadn’t he immediately announced that he was engaged to be married the day he got back? Why hadn’t he said explicity that he was committed in love to someone else? Why hadn’t he said that a girl who loved him with all her life was probably counting every moment of her day awaiting his return? Why hadn’t he said that though he cared genuinely for Sonali, his heart and soul belonged to Bani?
And yet the image of Sonali lying pale faced on the hospital bed had almost made his heart beat stop…to see someone you care for so deeply in such a state of distress was something that Jai had not experience earlier.
He thought about what Mrs. Singh had said, the woman was always a bit obnoxious, but her words today, rang true in his ears…Sonali was not the vivacious, confident and full of life girl he had last said goodbye to at the Airport…the intervening 8 years had changed her beyond recognition...and more sadly, without any fault of her own.
She did not deserve such a life…she did not deserve a man who cheated on her and left her in shambles, she did not deserve to end up comatose in a hospital, she did not deserve to not give her child the security and happiness of a complete family…
She deserved so much better in life…Love, Security, Respect…and most of all, Friendship. And most of all, a Father’s name for her unborn child.
And if what Mrs. Singh said was true…was he the reason why Sonali couldn’t find love and happiness in her marriage? He knew it was not his fault…but she was his best friend…she had always kept in touch with him, without expecting anything in return…and he had come to her, when she had all but broken into pieces…why hadn’t he called up her even once to ask how she was? To find out if she was happy and doing well. Why hadn’t he read her mind when she had cried her heart out, while sending him off at the Airport, 8 years back?
He was ravaged by guilt and remorse…unknowingly he had betrayed his friendship, let down a friend when she needed him the most…
And at this point in time, there was no one in Sonali’s life except him to give shelter from the harshness of life…but he couldn’t stay back forever in New York…there was just one way…take her away from here to India…to his home …he knew no one would accept such an arrangement, least of all Sonali…unless…there was just one way out…Marriage.
This was his only redemption…the only way he could payback his due on their friendship.
But then what about Bani? His rational mind told him that even though Bani was deeply in love with him, she would still be able to get over the hurt and pain of this betrayal…for her circumstances were entirely different from Sonali’s. She was young, she was single, she had family and friends for support…time would heal her wounds.
He blocked his mind from thinking about what the separation from Bani would do to him…he had enough troubles in his hand, than to think along those lines and falter from the decision he wanted to make.
Holding the cup of Starbucks Coffee which had turned to Ice now, he stared at the glistening visage of the river in front of him…torn between two halves of his self…loyalty to a friend who needed him and loyalty to the love which seeked him…
It was close to 6 in the morning when Bani groggily greeted Jai on the phone, instantly snapping to life, the moment she heard his ‘Hello.’
‘Jai…’ she exclaimed in her familiar, excited manner.
Just hearing her voice made his heart melt…it was more than a week that he had left her standing forelonely at the airport and in the preceding few days, he could not have a moment to spare a thought for her…but now, when he heard her voice…she felt so close to him.
‘Hi…’ he said, barely audible.
‘Speak loudly…its long distance…you are more than 7000 miles away…’
They both laughed lightly, till he said, ‘How are you?’
‘Miserable…’ she chirped back.
He laughed and said, ‘You don’t sound miserable…’
‘That’s because you called up…’
He asked some general questions about her family and then slipped into silence.
She paused for a while and said gently, ‘How is Sonali now?’
He kept quiet for sometime before asking her, ‘Dad told you?’
‘Hmm…how is she now? Have they discharged her from the hospital?’
‘No…but she is recovering…maybe by this weekend…’
There was again a silent chasm between them, till she said, softly, ‘What happened Jai…do you want to say something?’
He wondered how inspite of being so different from one another in nature, they somehow managed to decipher each other’s words…especially Bani, even if he was physically not present.
He hesitated and said, ‘I am at a crossroad, Bani...and I know which way to go…but I’m still not able to move…’
She kept silent for a while and then said quietly, ‘If you heart is pure and your mind is clear, the strength to move on will come on its own…’
‘What if I leave behind someone who loves me the most in the world?’
She did not respond immediately, but taking some time, replied, ‘If the someone has loved you truly…then there would be no explanations required…’
He laughed bitterly, tears blinding his eyes and said abruptly with bleak humor, ‘Do you know…I am thinking of stabbing you in the back?’
The statement almost took her breath away and the fear that had lurked in her heart came out clearly, she bit her lip to stop herself from choking and with tears blinding her eyes, she clasped the receiver tightly and said, ‘No. You are thinking of putting a dagger through my heart and bleeding yourself…’
He smiled through his pain and said, ‘I was never worthy of you…Bani.’
She smiled wistfully and said, ‘Now you are just giving excuses…’
After a moment’s pause, she said in a stifled voice, ‘You can only be accused of making me fall in love with you, Jai…never of betrayal.’
They both kept silent for what seemed to be an eternity, till he broke in an emotionally charged voice, ‘I don’t know what is going on…perhaps if you were there in front of my eyes…I would have had better clarity of mind, but here I am, trying to take a decision which I know will finish me from inside...I never knew, I could be this strong…Bani…’ he finished with regret in his voice.
She closed her eyes tight shut and spoke almost inaudibly, ‘And I love you all the more for it…’
He asked in her in a bleak voice, ‘Why do you have to be so good, Bani?’
She did not hesitate to reply back, ‘Look, who my inspiration is…’
She held back her breath and cried silently, clutching the receiver to cover it with her hands. After a few moments of pause, he spoke in a deep, heartfelt manner, ‘I will always love you Bani…till the day I breathe my last…you will always remain in my heart, in my thoughts, in my memories…’
She had tears streaming down her eyes, but with a fierce show of self-determination, did not break down crying…for she knew that if she lost control, Jai would break down too…
‘I know…’ was all that came out of her mouth.
When the line got disconnected, she broke down in a heap, falling on the floor and crying as if the skies had opened its door.
Elsewhere, the tears seemed to freeze in his eyes. A teenaged couple were strolling in the Promade, carrying a portable player through which Christina Aguilera crooned a heartwarming ballad…Love will find a way.
In a perfect world
One we've never known
We would never need to face the world alone
They can have the world
We'll create our own
I may not be brave or strong or smart
But some where in my secret heart
I know
Love will find a way
Any where we go
I'm home
If you are there beside me
Like dark turning into day
Some how we'll come through
Now that I've found you
Love will find a way
I was so afraid
Now I realize
Love is never wrong
And so it never dies
There's a perfect world
Shining in your eyes
And if only they could feel it too
The happiness I feel with you
They'd know
Love will find a way
Any where we go
we're home
If we are there together
Like dark turning into day
Some how we'll come through
Now that I've found you
Love will find a way
I know love will find a way

« Reply
#484 on: September 14, 2008, 06:11:21 am »
“Don't be
afraid, because I am with you. Don't be intimidated; I am your God. I will
strengthen you. I will help you. I will support you with my victorious right
-- Isaiah 41:10
In memory of those who lost their lives on 13/9 in the Delhi blasts…may God give all of us the courage and fortitude to get ahead of these painful times and emerge stronger than ever before.
Part 25
Jai overslept the next day, unable to recall how he had ended up back in his hotel…and when he got up, the first person whom he saw was Bani…a small silver frame, which encased her laughing picture, he had carried with him…even in the haste of the last minute packing. And now while looking at the pair of sparkling eyes which held so much of love for him, he lost all the mental strength and will-power he had conjured last night…and he wondered, if just looking at her picture made him so weak…what would happen when he would have to face her again?
Going through the morning abulations in a listless, robotic manner, he had a disinterested breakfast and made his way through the congested traffic of New York to reach the Hospital.
Going straight upto Sonali’s room, he was relieved to find that Mrs. Singh had not yet arrived.
She was sitting by the window, dressed in the checked blue and white Hospital gown, looking out at the sky with a blank expression.
‘Hi,’ he uttered monosyllabically and when she turned to see him, her face was a mixture of both immense happiness and awkwardness.
‘Feeling better?’ he asked placing the bouquet of Sunflowers on the bedside Vase.
She nodded her head and kept quiet, willing Jai to say something regarding the scene that occurred yesterday morning.
Lying alone in her room, Sonali had felt both an overwhelming anger towards her Mother for her attempts to emotionally blackmail Jai…and yet, without wanting to, she felt a deep sense of relief that he finally knew what he meant for her…how much she had loved him…how much she wanted him…just having him near her had improved her health and spirits so much…the thought of having him permanently in her life, seemed to make her heart sore dizzingly.
It was a selfish thought…she realized it…she only knew about his professional life…but had no inkling of his personal life in the past few years…there could be someone in his life who loved him…or whom he loved…but if that was the case, Jai would have said something yesterday…his silence could only indicate that there was no one else in his life…and he was just giving thought to the idea of marrying Sonali.
Besides, her child could have the best father in the world…she knew that Jai was someone who would go beyond the thoughts and sentiments of a biological bond and love her child like his own…could life really give her another chance? She had lost him once…and now she simply could not afford to lose him again.
And he had left everything behind and came rushing to her…maybe…just maybe, he also held some feelings for her, which went beyond friendship.
She kept looking at him; his face showed signs of fatigue and his jawline had a clear growth of stubble. And his eyes showed an unmistakable shadow of sadness lurking in them…and she hoped against hope, that it was not another woman.
While Jai silently went through some medical papers, she spoke all of a sudden, ‘Will you marry me, Jai?’
He did not take his eyes off the documents in his hand, just kept standing still and when she did not get any reaction, she said softly, ‘I am sorry…I was just…I just assumed…I have no right to ask you such a question.’
‘Don’t explain anything Sonali…you have every right to ask me anything you wish…what else are friends for?’
Relieved that he had spoken something, she looked at him in his face and said, ‘I don’t want to burden you Jai…but I can’t hold it anymore in my heart…I was so angry with my Mother yesterday…but also thankful that she spoke for me…’
Jai kept staring at her, expressionless, standing where he was, as she rambled on, red in her face and yet with a feeling of relief clearing showing in her eyes, ‘She was right Jai…I can’t go on by myself…I can’t go on without you…just having you near me gives me assurance…Jai…your presence gives me strength…it holds me still…don’t leave me Jai, please don’t leave me again…ever again…’
Saying so, she broke down crying, helpless and vulnerable; Jai walked towards her and held her by the shoulders and she fell upon his chest and kept weeping, unable to stand still, without his physical support.
Hugging him with all the strength she possessed, Sonali cried her heart out, and when she calmed down, looked into his expressionless face and said, ‘I love you Jai…I have always loved you…’
He kept staring in a trance like state out of the window behind both of them…his mind had gone blank and he felt numb towards everything around him…even towards his best friend who was confessing her feelings to him.
Mrs. Singh entered and seeing Jai and Sonali together, kept standing near the door stunned and then breaking into a watery smile addressed Jai, ‘Thank you…Jai…Thank you…’
Jai kept more or less quite, hardly speaking anything, just going through the formalities of dealing with the Doctors, paying the hospital fees and making arrangements for them to go back to their home near Harvard.
Mrs. Singh insisted that Jai move out of the Hotel to their home; he did not make any reply to that request, and just helped them pack their belongings in the Hospital Room and called for a Cab to drive them back to their home.
‘Sonali…I need to go back to the Hotel…I haven’t spoken to Dad and I need to attend to my work also. I’ve left my contact number with your Mother, in case you need me.’
She looked at his serene face and sad eyes and said, ‘I need you, Jai.’
He remained silent for a while and then smiling faintly said, ‘I should be going…take your medicines and don’t strain yourself.’
She looked at his cheerless face and said sadly, ‘You have not said anything, Jai…’
He kept quiet for some time and then said in a heavy voice, ‘I will…when I find the words…I will have something to say, Sonali…Bye, take care.’
‘Happy Valentines Day.’
He stood stunned in the doorway and turning to face her, saw the Calendar that was kept on the Coffee Table…14th February…Valentine’s Day…and he had given a memorable present to Bani…one which she would have to carry with her for the rest of her life…the gift of his betrayal.
Nodding his head lifelessly, he went out and drove back to his Hotel in New York. It was a long and tiresome journey and he wished it would never end…
Back in Delhi
Bani had spent the entire day locked in her room, stating that he was suffering from cold and fever and wanted to rest. Not suspecting anything untoward, Kiran just came to check in before leaving for the Hospital, but Bani pretended to be deep in sleep and patting her daughter affectionately, she left home.
Bani did not cry…for the hurt and shock was far too much to be watered down by tears.
It was not the shock of Jai’s statement…it was not the distress of seeing Uday’s fears come true…it was not the fear of what the future held for both of them…but it was the pain of separation from Jai which numbed her so badly.
She did not understand his decision…but at the same time, she understood him so well…that she knew it was not a betrayal…far from it. Whatever people chose to call it, she knew that his heart was with her…just circumstances had rendered them apart.
And if she broke down, it would break him apart too…for the life of her, Bani could not understand why she was reacting in this manner…and then realized that her love for Jai went so deep, that it had surpassed all rationality and logic.
Around sometime in the evening, she heard a gaggle of noises from downstairs and knew that she could not remain in the room forever…she had go and tell the truth…and more importantly, face it herself.
She dressed up slowly and trying to keep a normal expression on her face, went downstairs and was surprised to see a number of guests in the living room, including Uday, Rano, Ranveer besides her Mother and Aditya.
There was a lot of laughter and bonhomie going on and she stood quietly by the end of the staircase, till Uday saw her and getting up, said in his jovial way, ‘There my princess comes…sweetie, where were you?’
Keeping quite, she gave a gentle smile back and let Uday take her into a paternal hug, which choked her throat and she bit her lips to hold back all the pain she was carrying within.
Kiran came bustling in, appearing in high spirits, carrying a plate of sweets with her and popping one Ladoo into Bani’s mouth, pulled her cheeks and said, ‘Guess why we are all here today?’
Bani kept quite, trying to swallow the sweet and staring blankly at everyone, while Rano gave her a wink and Ranveer showed a thumbs up.
Uday butted in, ‘Arre…let her eat first…you know how much she loves Ladoos…’ Everyone broke out laughing.
When she was seated in the midst of the assembly, Kiran smiled at Uday and said, ‘Shall I tell her?’
Uday who had just partook another Ladoo, said in mock-anger, ‘Of course not…it would have been ideal if Jai was here…but since he is yet to come back…I, being his Father, am going to give this news to my doll.’
Bani smiled warmly at Uday and said, in between a rising feeling of fear and apprehension, ‘What is the news? Why is everyone so excited?’
Uday announced cheerfully, ‘We…that is your Mother and I have fixed a date for your marriage with Jai…’
Everyone broke out into whoops and clapping and Bani turned white with shock.
‘What?’ she managed to stammer.
Not noticing her pallid face, Kiran went on happily, ‘Mr. Walia called me up today morning at the Hospital and told me that we can’t wait anymore…you have been engaged for quite long…and this month is also auspicious…so as soon as Jai comes back…the marriage will take place.’
Bani sat still, her heart sinking rapidly, as she tried to come up with a response, but no one let her speak.
Rano burst in excitedly, ‘But Uncle…so soon? When will we shop…make arrangements…send invitations?’
Uday waved his hand and said, ‘That all can happen…we want a simple wedding…and please don’t create any hassle, Rano…I made your Mother agree to it with great difficulty.’
Everyone started laughing. Uday continued, ‘So we have decided that we will have a traditional ceremony in the temple…followed by a grand reception party after the two love-birds have returned from their honeymoon…say, does that work fine for you, Bani?’
Bani sat where she was, the piece of half-eaten sweet still lodged in her throat and tears formed in her eyes, which no one noticed in the general air of excitement.
Aditya meanwhile said, ‘Bhabhi…I’ll speak to our Panditji and make the arrangements…’
Uday contributed, ‘I’ll talk to our events manager for the reception arrangments…don’t worry at all on that account…just tell me whatever additons you would like to make.”
Kiran said, ‘I’ll apply for leave from the Hospital…and also start calling up our close family members…Mr. Walia, we’ll have to sit together for the list of invitations.’
Rano chirped in excitedly, ‘I’ll start shopping from tomorrow…Bani, what colors does Jai like on you?’
Ranveer but in teasingly, ‘Oh, she can dress in a sack and he will still be smitten, right Saaliji?’
Everyone broke out laughing joyously, till Bani got up, her eyes filled with tears and shaking from head to toe.
‘I am not marrying Jai.’ It was a plain, seemingly emotionaless statement, but her ashen face said another story.
What followed was a huge vaccum of silence, broken by a shocked Kiran, who stammered, ‘What are you saying Bani?’
Closing her eyes tightly, with tears streaming down her face, she held her fist tightly closed and said in an even voice, ‘Jai and I are not together anymore. I’ve called off the wedding.’
Rano stood up shocked and said, ‘What the hell are you talking about Bani? Here we are discussing your marriage and you…’
Aditya cut in between and said angrily, ‘How can you just call off the wedding Bani? You are engaged…you are committed to someone…how can you break Jai’s trust like this?’
Kiran staggered for a while and said with barely controlled fury, ‘Bani…if you had a fight with Jai…then I want you to call him up right now and apologize…you can’t call off the marriage because of some trivial, stupid reason.’
Bani kept crying, her face downcast and her body trembling.
Kiran almost lunged forward to slap Bani on her inaction, till Uday put his hand up and stopped Kiran from saying anything more.
Coming near Bani, Uday spoke in a grave voice, ‘Look at me, Bani…’
She managed to stop crying and looked tremeously at him and holding her by the shouders, he said, ‘Tell me the truth, Bani…what happened between you two?’
She kept quite, swallowing in her tears, till Kiran burst in, highly upset, ‘Mr. Walia…there is no need to ask her questions…she will do as we say…she has absolutely no right to ditch Jai in this manner…she is promised in marriage to him and they will be wedded…’
Uday kept staring at Bani’s silent face, but her eyes told him all.
He suddenly looked very old, as he gave a watery smile at her and said bitterly, ‘So, my son has placed the gun on your shouder and is aiming from it?’
‘No…’ she cried out and broke down again.
Everyone looked shocked again and Kiran who was herself near a breakdown, asked Uday, ‘What are you two talking about? Does Jai know about this? Bani…say something…’
Uday held his head and shaking it in disbelief addressed Kiran and the others, ‘What will she say? You are accusing her of breaking Jai’s trust…when he is the one who has betrayed her…’
There was pin-drop silence in the room, till Bani said, wiping her face and in a determined voice, ‘Please don’t use that word, Dad…he has not betrayed me…’
Uday had a thunderstorm expression on his face and turning to face Bani, said, ‘You are still shielding him? Even after he literally ripped your faith and heart apart? So my fears did come true, after all Bani…you did lose the man you loved…’
Everyone looked thoroughly baffled and Kiran said in a bewildered voice, ‘What is going on? Will either of you tell me where is Jai and what happened between them?’
Uday ignored the question and addressed Bani again, ‘Is he going to marry her, Bani?’
This question drew gasps from everyone around, except Bani who looked straight into Uday’s face and said, ‘I didn’t ask him…
Uday asked pleadingly, ‘Please tell me it’s because you no longer care for that unworthy man…’
Bani answered back steadfastly, ‘No…it’s because I care for him deeply enough to understand his actions, without having the need to question his motives.’
‘How can you forgive such a thing, Bani? How can you let him trample your heart in this manner? How can you let go off him so easily? How can you let him forget his commitment, his vows to you?’ Uday thundered, shocked at both Jai’s decision and at Bani’s reaction to it.
She looked back into his eyes and said calmly, ‘Because I don’t need him physically by my side to assure myself of his presence…because I don’t need his name attached to mine to prove that he is mine, because I don’t need the stamp of a marriage to announce that we are together in spirit if not in body…and most of all because, I love him and I know that he loves me too...’
Saying that, she excused herself from the gathering, stating that she wanted to be alone and collect her thoughts on what her future course of action will be, assuring everyone in a muted voice that she was very much in her senses and was not going to take any drastic action.
Taking the Car keys, she stepped outside into the cool, February evening, wrapping her woolen scarf tightly around her neck. Her cheeks burned with tears and even though Kiran and Rano tried to stop her from going, she left anyway.
Uday sat down on the couch, broken and dejected and the only words he could mutter was, ‘Let her go, Kiran…she needs to be alone…this will only do her good…’
When Uday had finished explaining to the assembled gathering about his knowledge on the whole affair, Kiran and Aditya were seeting in anger.
Kiran said emotionally, ‘I don’t intend any disrespect to you Mr. Walia…but I am not letting Jai get away with this…he can’t do this to my daughter.’
Aditya spoke angrily, ‘He cannot do this to Bani…what does he think he is? Breaking off the engagement first…and now when they are about to get married…he leaves her at the last moment…’
Rano was too shocked to say anything and just broke down crying on an equally staggered Ranveer’s shoulder.
Kiran addressed Uday desperately, ‘Do something Mr. Walia…he is your son…talk to him…explain him…threaten him…anything…please don’t let him break her heart in this manner…I know my Bani…she is just trying to be brave…but this will crush her completely…’
Uday shrugged his head in acute despair and said, ‘I have nothing to say, Kiran…nothing…if I could stop Jai…I would have moved heaven and earth and stopped him…and if that child’s love couldn’t stop him…then what else can?’
Rano said in between crying, ‘Ma…what if Bani does something…why did she go away like this…’
Kiran stood up, wiping her eyes and announced for everyone’s benefit, ‘If anything happens to my daughter...I’ll follow Jai to the end of the world and make him pay for her sorrow…I loved him like my own son…and this is how he repays? God sees everything Mr. Walia and he is not letting Jai get away with this injustice.’
Uday stood up and facing Kiran said resolutely, ‘I assure you Kiran…before you have to take any action…Jai will have me to deal with…if he thinks that he has closed the chapter by talking to Bani, he is very wrong…I might not be able to stop him from doing what he wants to…but I am not going to let him go unaccountable…and for this, I will forget that I am his Father.’
New York
Still in a state of reactionlessness, Jai took a warm bath to ease out the dull pain that did not seem to leave him alone for even a moment and popping a sleeping pill that he had just purchased from a Chemist, he tried to sleep…so that he could get up the next day and try to make sense of what was happening and what was going to happen.
He had already gone through the toughest part…telling Bani…and wondered how she really took it…some part of him hurt like hell that she reacted so calmly to the news he had broken…and some part of him was so proud of the woman he loved…she had made the ultimate sacrifice so that he could make his.
Tossing and turning in his bed, he finally got up, unable to sleep even a little bit, despite the heaviness in his head and the physical fatigue that drowned him. Gulping some water, he got out of his bed and lounged on the 50th floor balcony, which offered magnificient night views of the beautiful city of New York.
Going back inside his room after some time, he switched on his laptop…he had not checked his emails for the last 2 days…and while he mechanically slotted them, forwarding the business related one to his collegues in Delhi, trashing the junk mail and putting personal mails, one from his Father, in his personal folder, not wanting to read them right now.
He was just about to log-off, when he saw Bani’s email amonst them. Stunned for a moment, his hands shook while he pointed the mouse on it and clicked enter. She had sent it a few hours before they had that phone call.
It was a Video File, with slightly trembling fingers; he switched on the volume and pressed enter on the file.
Bani’s smiling face came alive on the screen, instantly snapping him out of his deadness.
‘Hi Lover Boy…’ she waved cheerily at the Camera.
A flicker of a smile came on Jai’s face…
‘Today is Valentine’s Day and I know its too much to expect of you…to remember this…but hey, its our first V-day together…and I don’t care whether you believe it or not, but I want to celebrate it with the man I love…no, actually, with my almost-husband… Et c'est vous! Now don’t look so wide-eyed, you are not the only one who can come up with s**y French phrases…’
She grinned some more, pushing her hair in a mock-stylish manner, standing up to adjust the Camera and sitting down again with a sheepish smile on her adorable face.
‘Ooops…The Camcorder wasn’t placed correctly, I tried to hang it on Mango’s neck, but the spoilt sport that he is, didn’t allow!
Yes, so what was I saying…we need to celebrate this day…and if you think that you can escape simply because you are not here…Hmmm, you’ve just underestimated me badly, Mister!’
Giggling girlishly at her joke, she straightened herself again and said in a news tele-caster mode, ‘I hope you are not opening this mail in a public location…else, it can cause you serious embaraasment.’
Jai who was staring intently at the Video, broke into a warm smile and she spoke again, ‘Hello…please don’t think I am going to do a strip tease for your pleasure…nothing like that…I mean, not till we get married at least…’ she winked at the Camera and then blushed profusely.
Getting a composed look back on her face said, ‘I failed to teach you how to sing…but I know how much you like songs, so on this special day, I have sung one for you.’
She paused for a while, wetting her lips and looking very shy and said softly, ‘When you listen to it…I want you to know how much you mean to me…how much you will always mean to me…I love you Jai.’
The message ended with her bashful, smiling face and then taking a bottle of Shampoo in her hand and pretending it to be a microphone, she started singing in a slightly timorous yet melodious voice, blushing so much, that he could see her face turning red even in the shaking picture of the Video.
The moment he heard her singing this song, instantly his eyes filled with tears…
‘Humne tujhko pyar kiya hai jitna,
Kaun karega itna…Kaun karega itna
Aank churayi, thes lagayi, dil bhi tune toda
Lakh chudaya tune daaman, humne saath na chhoda
Tere karam ko, tere sitam ko,
Sehte rahe hum jitna,
Kaun sahega itna…
Tu hi tu hain in aankhon mein, aur nahin ko duja,
Tujho chaha, tujkho saraha, aur tujhe hi puja
Tere dar ko maan ke mandir,
Jukhte rahe hum jitna,
Kaun jhukega itna…
Tere jaise saathi jisme, tere jaisa dil hai
Lakh buri ho duniya phir bhi, jeene ke kaabil hai
Tere sang jeene ki khatir,
Mit te rahe hum jitna,
Kaun mitega itna
Humne tujhko pyar kiya hai jitna,
Kaun karega itna…Kaun karega itna’
When she had finished singing the song, her eyes were upto the brim with tears, wiping them off the sleeve of her shirt, she said, sniffing, ‘Okay…it wasn’t meant to end like this…but I really hope you liked the present…Happy Valentine’s Day, Jai…’ the picture got blurred as she leaned forward to kiss the Camera and moving backwards said cheerfully, ‘Don’t forget to give flowers to your friend and wish her for Valentine’s…from my side too. I miss you so much…Love you…come back soon, I am counting each moment…!’
Not able to take it anymore, Jai shut his laptop abruptly and keeping his face down on it, broke down crying heavily…the fatigue, exhaustion and mental stress for the past few days came crashing down on him…
Author's Note : The above-mentioned song is a beautiful composition by Kalyanji Anandji from a black and white era movie starring Raj Kapoor and Sadhna, the song has been sung in two version by Mukesh and Lata Mangeshkar...I am putting the link to the song, which is available on take out time and listen to the melodious number...its a beautiful ode to love!
-- Isaiah 41:10
In memory of those who lost their lives on 13/9 in the Delhi blasts…may God give all of us the courage and fortitude to get ahead of these painful times and emerge stronger than ever before.
Part 25
Jai overslept the next day, unable to recall how he had ended up back in his hotel…and when he got up, the first person whom he saw was Bani…a small silver frame, which encased her laughing picture, he had carried with him…even in the haste of the last minute packing. And now while looking at the pair of sparkling eyes which held so much of love for him, he lost all the mental strength and will-power he had conjured last night…and he wondered, if just looking at her picture made him so weak…what would happen when he would have to face her again?
Going through the morning abulations in a listless, robotic manner, he had a disinterested breakfast and made his way through the congested traffic of New York to reach the Hospital.
Going straight upto Sonali’s room, he was relieved to find that Mrs. Singh had not yet arrived.
She was sitting by the window, dressed in the checked blue and white Hospital gown, looking out at the sky with a blank expression.
‘Hi,’ he uttered monosyllabically and when she turned to see him, her face was a mixture of both immense happiness and awkwardness.
‘Feeling better?’ he asked placing the bouquet of Sunflowers on the bedside Vase.
She nodded her head and kept quiet, willing Jai to say something regarding the scene that occurred yesterday morning.
Lying alone in her room, Sonali had felt both an overwhelming anger towards her Mother for her attempts to emotionally blackmail Jai…and yet, without wanting to, she felt a deep sense of relief that he finally knew what he meant for her…how much she had loved him…how much she wanted him…just having him near her had improved her health and spirits so much…the thought of having him permanently in her life, seemed to make her heart sore dizzingly.
It was a selfish thought…she realized it…she only knew about his professional life…but had no inkling of his personal life in the past few years…there could be someone in his life who loved him…or whom he loved…but if that was the case, Jai would have said something yesterday…his silence could only indicate that there was no one else in his life…and he was just giving thought to the idea of marrying Sonali.
Besides, her child could have the best father in the world…she knew that Jai was someone who would go beyond the thoughts and sentiments of a biological bond and love her child like his own…could life really give her another chance? She had lost him once…and now she simply could not afford to lose him again.
And he had left everything behind and came rushing to her…maybe…just maybe, he also held some feelings for her, which went beyond friendship.
She kept looking at him; his face showed signs of fatigue and his jawline had a clear growth of stubble. And his eyes showed an unmistakable shadow of sadness lurking in them…and she hoped against hope, that it was not another woman.
While Jai silently went through some medical papers, she spoke all of a sudden, ‘Will you marry me, Jai?’
He did not take his eyes off the documents in his hand, just kept standing still and when she did not get any reaction, she said softly, ‘I am sorry…I was just…I just assumed…I have no right to ask you such a question.’
‘Don’t explain anything Sonali…you have every right to ask me anything you wish…what else are friends for?’
Relieved that he had spoken something, she looked at him in his face and said, ‘I don’t want to burden you Jai…but I can’t hold it anymore in my heart…I was so angry with my Mother yesterday…but also thankful that she spoke for me…’
Jai kept staring at her, expressionless, standing where he was, as she rambled on, red in her face and yet with a feeling of relief clearing showing in her eyes, ‘She was right Jai…I can’t go on by myself…I can’t go on without you…just having you near me gives me assurance…Jai…your presence gives me strength…it holds me still…don’t leave me Jai, please don’t leave me again…ever again…’
Saying so, she broke down crying, helpless and vulnerable; Jai walked towards her and held her by the shoulders and she fell upon his chest and kept weeping, unable to stand still, without his physical support.
Hugging him with all the strength she possessed, Sonali cried her heart out, and when she calmed down, looked into his expressionless face and said, ‘I love you Jai…I have always loved you…’
He kept staring in a trance like state out of the window behind both of them…his mind had gone blank and he felt numb towards everything around him…even towards his best friend who was confessing her feelings to him.
Mrs. Singh entered and seeing Jai and Sonali together, kept standing near the door stunned and then breaking into a watery smile addressed Jai, ‘Thank you…Jai…Thank you…’
Jai kept more or less quite, hardly speaking anything, just going through the formalities of dealing with the Doctors, paying the hospital fees and making arrangements for them to go back to their home near Harvard.
Mrs. Singh insisted that Jai move out of the Hotel to their home; he did not make any reply to that request, and just helped them pack their belongings in the Hospital Room and called for a Cab to drive them back to their home.
‘Sonali…I need to go back to the Hotel…I haven’t spoken to Dad and I need to attend to my work also. I’ve left my contact number with your Mother, in case you need me.’
She looked at his serene face and sad eyes and said, ‘I need you, Jai.’
He remained silent for a while and then smiling faintly said, ‘I should be going…take your medicines and don’t strain yourself.’
She looked at his cheerless face and said sadly, ‘You have not said anything, Jai…’
He kept quiet for some time and then said in a heavy voice, ‘I will…when I find the words…I will have something to say, Sonali…Bye, take care.’
‘Happy Valentines Day.’
He stood stunned in the doorway and turning to face her, saw the Calendar that was kept on the Coffee Table…14th February…Valentine’s Day…and he had given a memorable present to Bani…one which she would have to carry with her for the rest of her life…the gift of his betrayal.
Nodding his head lifelessly, he went out and drove back to his Hotel in New York. It was a long and tiresome journey and he wished it would never end…
Back in Delhi
Bani had spent the entire day locked in her room, stating that he was suffering from cold and fever and wanted to rest. Not suspecting anything untoward, Kiran just came to check in before leaving for the Hospital, but Bani pretended to be deep in sleep and patting her daughter affectionately, she left home.
Bani did not cry…for the hurt and shock was far too much to be watered down by tears.
It was not the shock of Jai’s statement…it was not the distress of seeing Uday’s fears come true…it was not the fear of what the future held for both of them…but it was the pain of separation from Jai which numbed her so badly.
She did not understand his decision…but at the same time, she understood him so well…that she knew it was not a betrayal…far from it. Whatever people chose to call it, she knew that his heart was with her…just circumstances had rendered them apart.
And if she broke down, it would break him apart too…for the life of her, Bani could not understand why she was reacting in this manner…and then realized that her love for Jai went so deep, that it had surpassed all rationality and logic.
Around sometime in the evening, she heard a gaggle of noises from downstairs and knew that she could not remain in the room forever…she had go and tell the truth…and more importantly, face it herself.
She dressed up slowly and trying to keep a normal expression on her face, went downstairs and was surprised to see a number of guests in the living room, including Uday, Rano, Ranveer besides her Mother and Aditya.
There was a lot of laughter and bonhomie going on and she stood quietly by the end of the staircase, till Uday saw her and getting up, said in his jovial way, ‘There my princess comes…sweetie, where were you?’
Keeping quite, she gave a gentle smile back and let Uday take her into a paternal hug, which choked her throat and she bit her lips to hold back all the pain she was carrying within.
Kiran came bustling in, appearing in high spirits, carrying a plate of sweets with her and popping one Ladoo into Bani’s mouth, pulled her cheeks and said, ‘Guess why we are all here today?’
Bani kept quite, trying to swallow the sweet and staring blankly at everyone, while Rano gave her a wink and Ranveer showed a thumbs up.
Uday butted in, ‘Arre…let her eat first…you know how much she loves Ladoos…’ Everyone broke out laughing.
When she was seated in the midst of the assembly, Kiran smiled at Uday and said, ‘Shall I tell her?’
Uday who had just partook another Ladoo, said in mock-anger, ‘Of course not…it would have been ideal if Jai was here…but since he is yet to come back…I, being his Father, am going to give this news to my doll.’
Bani smiled warmly at Uday and said, in between a rising feeling of fear and apprehension, ‘What is the news? Why is everyone so excited?’
Uday announced cheerfully, ‘We…that is your Mother and I have fixed a date for your marriage with Jai…’
Everyone broke out into whoops and clapping and Bani turned white with shock.
‘What?’ she managed to stammer.
Not noticing her pallid face, Kiran went on happily, ‘Mr. Walia called me up today morning at the Hospital and told me that we can’t wait anymore…you have been engaged for quite long…and this month is also auspicious…so as soon as Jai comes back…the marriage will take place.’
Bani sat still, her heart sinking rapidly, as she tried to come up with a response, but no one let her speak.
Rano burst in excitedly, ‘But Uncle…so soon? When will we shop…make arrangements…send invitations?’
Uday waved his hand and said, ‘That all can happen…we want a simple wedding…and please don’t create any hassle, Rano…I made your Mother agree to it with great difficulty.’
Everyone started laughing. Uday continued, ‘So we have decided that we will have a traditional ceremony in the temple…followed by a grand reception party after the two love-birds have returned from their honeymoon…say, does that work fine for you, Bani?’
Bani sat where she was, the piece of half-eaten sweet still lodged in her throat and tears formed in her eyes, which no one noticed in the general air of excitement.
Aditya meanwhile said, ‘Bhabhi…I’ll speak to our Panditji and make the arrangements…’
Uday contributed, ‘I’ll talk to our events manager for the reception arrangments…don’t worry at all on that account…just tell me whatever additons you would like to make.”
Kiran said, ‘I’ll apply for leave from the Hospital…and also start calling up our close family members…Mr. Walia, we’ll have to sit together for the list of invitations.’
Rano chirped in excitedly, ‘I’ll start shopping from tomorrow…Bani, what colors does Jai like on you?’
Ranveer but in teasingly, ‘Oh, she can dress in a sack and he will still be smitten, right Saaliji?’
Everyone broke out laughing joyously, till Bani got up, her eyes filled with tears and shaking from head to toe.
‘I am not marrying Jai.’ It was a plain, seemingly emotionaless statement, but her ashen face said another story.
What followed was a huge vaccum of silence, broken by a shocked Kiran, who stammered, ‘What are you saying Bani?’
Closing her eyes tightly, with tears streaming down her face, she held her fist tightly closed and said in an even voice, ‘Jai and I are not together anymore. I’ve called off the wedding.’
Rano stood up shocked and said, ‘What the hell are you talking about Bani? Here we are discussing your marriage and you…’
Aditya cut in between and said angrily, ‘How can you just call off the wedding Bani? You are engaged…you are committed to someone…how can you break Jai’s trust like this?’
Kiran staggered for a while and said with barely controlled fury, ‘Bani…if you had a fight with Jai…then I want you to call him up right now and apologize…you can’t call off the marriage because of some trivial, stupid reason.’
Bani kept crying, her face downcast and her body trembling.
Kiran almost lunged forward to slap Bani on her inaction, till Uday put his hand up and stopped Kiran from saying anything more.
Coming near Bani, Uday spoke in a grave voice, ‘Look at me, Bani…’
She managed to stop crying and looked tremeously at him and holding her by the shouders, he said, ‘Tell me the truth, Bani…what happened between you two?’
She kept quite, swallowing in her tears, till Kiran burst in, highly upset, ‘Mr. Walia…there is no need to ask her questions…she will do as we say…she has absolutely no right to ditch Jai in this manner…she is promised in marriage to him and they will be wedded…’
Uday kept staring at Bani’s silent face, but her eyes told him all.
He suddenly looked very old, as he gave a watery smile at her and said bitterly, ‘So, my son has placed the gun on your shouder and is aiming from it?’
‘No…’ she cried out and broke down again.
Everyone looked shocked again and Kiran who was herself near a breakdown, asked Uday, ‘What are you two talking about? Does Jai know about this? Bani…say something…’
Uday held his head and shaking it in disbelief addressed Kiran and the others, ‘What will she say? You are accusing her of breaking Jai’s trust…when he is the one who has betrayed her…’
There was pin-drop silence in the room, till Bani said, wiping her face and in a determined voice, ‘Please don’t use that word, Dad…he has not betrayed me…’
Uday had a thunderstorm expression on his face and turning to face Bani, said, ‘You are still shielding him? Even after he literally ripped your faith and heart apart? So my fears did come true, after all Bani…you did lose the man you loved…’
Everyone looked thoroughly baffled and Kiran said in a bewildered voice, ‘What is going on? Will either of you tell me where is Jai and what happened between them?’
Uday ignored the question and addressed Bani again, ‘Is he going to marry her, Bani?’
This question drew gasps from everyone around, except Bani who looked straight into Uday’s face and said, ‘I didn’t ask him…
Uday asked pleadingly, ‘Please tell me it’s because you no longer care for that unworthy man…’
Bani answered back steadfastly, ‘No…it’s because I care for him deeply enough to understand his actions, without having the need to question his motives.’
‘How can you forgive such a thing, Bani? How can you let him trample your heart in this manner? How can you let go off him so easily? How can you let him forget his commitment, his vows to you?’ Uday thundered, shocked at both Jai’s decision and at Bani’s reaction to it.
She looked back into his eyes and said calmly, ‘Because I don’t need him physically by my side to assure myself of his presence…because I don’t need his name attached to mine to prove that he is mine, because I don’t need the stamp of a marriage to announce that we are together in spirit if not in body…and most of all because, I love him and I know that he loves me too...’
Saying that, she excused herself from the gathering, stating that she wanted to be alone and collect her thoughts on what her future course of action will be, assuring everyone in a muted voice that she was very much in her senses and was not going to take any drastic action.
Taking the Car keys, she stepped outside into the cool, February evening, wrapping her woolen scarf tightly around her neck. Her cheeks burned with tears and even though Kiran and Rano tried to stop her from going, she left anyway.
Uday sat down on the couch, broken and dejected and the only words he could mutter was, ‘Let her go, Kiran…she needs to be alone…this will only do her good…’
When Uday had finished explaining to the assembled gathering about his knowledge on the whole affair, Kiran and Aditya were seeting in anger.
Kiran said emotionally, ‘I don’t intend any disrespect to you Mr. Walia…but I am not letting Jai get away with this…he can’t do this to my daughter.’
Aditya spoke angrily, ‘He cannot do this to Bani…what does he think he is? Breaking off the engagement first…and now when they are about to get married…he leaves her at the last moment…’
Rano was too shocked to say anything and just broke down crying on an equally staggered Ranveer’s shoulder.
Kiran addressed Uday desperately, ‘Do something Mr. Walia…he is your son…talk to him…explain him…threaten him…anything…please don’t let him break her heart in this manner…I know my Bani…she is just trying to be brave…but this will crush her completely…’
Uday shrugged his head in acute despair and said, ‘I have nothing to say, Kiran…nothing…if I could stop Jai…I would have moved heaven and earth and stopped him…and if that child’s love couldn’t stop him…then what else can?’
Rano said in between crying, ‘Ma…what if Bani does something…why did she go away like this…’
Kiran stood up, wiping her eyes and announced for everyone’s benefit, ‘If anything happens to my daughter...I’ll follow Jai to the end of the world and make him pay for her sorrow…I loved him like my own son…and this is how he repays? God sees everything Mr. Walia and he is not letting Jai get away with this injustice.’
Uday stood up and facing Kiran said resolutely, ‘I assure you Kiran…before you have to take any action…Jai will have me to deal with…if he thinks that he has closed the chapter by talking to Bani, he is very wrong…I might not be able to stop him from doing what he wants to…but I am not going to let him go unaccountable…and for this, I will forget that I am his Father.’
New York
Still in a state of reactionlessness, Jai took a warm bath to ease out the dull pain that did not seem to leave him alone for even a moment and popping a sleeping pill that he had just purchased from a Chemist, he tried to sleep…so that he could get up the next day and try to make sense of what was happening and what was going to happen.
He had already gone through the toughest part…telling Bani…and wondered how she really took it…some part of him hurt like hell that she reacted so calmly to the news he had broken…and some part of him was so proud of the woman he loved…she had made the ultimate sacrifice so that he could make his.
Tossing and turning in his bed, he finally got up, unable to sleep even a little bit, despite the heaviness in his head and the physical fatigue that drowned him. Gulping some water, he got out of his bed and lounged on the 50th floor balcony, which offered magnificient night views of the beautiful city of New York.
Going back inside his room after some time, he switched on his laptop…he had not checked his emails for the last 2 days…and while he mechanically slotted them, forwarding the business related one to his collegues in Delhi, trashing the junk mail and putting personal mails, one from his Father, in his personal folder, not wanting to read them right now.
He was just about to log-off, when he saw Bani’s email amonst them. Stunned for a moment, his hands shook while he pointed the mouse on it and clicked enter. She had sent it a few hours before they had that phone call.
It was a Video File, with slightly trembling fingers; he switched on the volume and pressed enter on the file.
Bani’s smiling face came alive on the screen, instantly snapping him out of his deadness.
‘Hi Lover Boy…’ she waved cheerily at the Camera.
A flicker of a smile came on Jai’s face…
‘Today is Valentine’s Day and I know its too much to expect of you…to remember this…but hey, its our first V-day together…and I don’t care whether you believe it or not, but I want to celebrate it with the man I love…no, actually, with my almost-husband… Et c'est vous! Now don’t look so wide-eyed, you are not the only one who can come up with s**y French phrases…’
She grinned some more, pushing her hair in a mock-stylish manner, standing up to adjust the Camera and sitting down again with a sheepish smile on her adorable face.
‘Ooops…The Camcorder wasn’t placed correctly, I tried to hang it on Mango’s neck, but the spoilt sport that he is, didn’t allow!
Yes, so what was I saying…we need to celebrate this day…and if you think that you can escape simply because you are not here…Hmmm, you’ve just underestimated me badly, Mister!’
Giggling girlishly at her joke, she straightened herself again and said in a news tele-caster mode, ‘I hope you are not opening this mail in a public location…else, it can cause you serious embaraasment.’
Jai who was staring intently at the Video, broke into a warm smile and she spoke again, ‘Hello…please don’t think I am going to do a strip tease for your pleasure…nothing like that…I mean, not till we get married at least…’ she winked at the Camera and then blushed profusely.
Getting a composed look back on her face said, ‘I failed to teach you how to sing…but I know how much you like songs, so on this special day, I have sung one for you.’
She paused for a while, wetting her lips and looking very shy and said softly, ‘When you listen to it…I want you to know how much you mean to me…how much you will always mean to me…I love you Jai.’
The message ended with her bashful, smiling face and then taking a bottle of Shampoo in her hand and pretending it to be a microphone, she started singing in a slightly timorous yet melodious voice, blushing so much, that he could see her face turning red even in the shaking picture of the Video.
The moment he heard her singing this song, instantly his eyes filled with tears…
‘Humne tujhko pyar kiya hai jitna,
Kaun karega itna…Kaun karega itna
Aank churayi, thes lagayi, dil bhi tune toda
Lakh chudaya tune daaman, humne saath na chhoda
Tere karam ko, tere sitam ko,
Sehte rahe hum jitna,
Kaun sahega itna…
Tu hi tu hain in aankhon mein, aur nahin ko duja,
Tujho chaha, tujkho saraha, aur tujhe hi puja
Tere dar ko maan ke mandir,
Jukhte rahe hum jitna,
Kaun jhukega itna…
Tere jaise saathi jisme, tere jaisa dil hai
Lakh buri ho duniya phir bhi, jeene ke kaabil hai
Tere sang jeene ki khatir,
Mit te rahe hum jitna,
Kaun mitega itna
Humne tujhko pyar kiya hai jitna,
Kaun karega itna…Kaun karega itna’
When she had finished singing the song, her eyes were upto the brim with tears, wiping them off the sleeve of her shirt, she said, sniffing, ‘Okay…it wasn’t meant to end like this…but I really hope you liked the present…Happy Valentine’s Day, Jai…’ the picture got blurred as she leaned forward to kiss the Camera and moving backwards said cheerfully, ‘Don’t forget to give flowers to your friend and wish her for Valentine’s…from my side too. I miss you so much…Love you…come back soon, I am counting each moment…!’
Not able to take it anymore, Jai shut his laptop abruptly and keeping his face down on it, broke down crying heavily…the fatigue, exhaustion and mental stress for the past few days came crashing down on him…
Author's Note : The above-mentioned song is a beautiful composition by Kalyanji Anandji from a black and white era movie starring Raj Kapoor and Sadhna, the song has been sung in two version by Mukesh and Lata Mangeshkar...I am putting the link to the song, which is available on take out time and listen to the melodious number...its a beautiful ode to love!
In case there are any Chinese
Members in this forum, who also happen to read my FF (Very unlikely, but
still!) I would like to wish them a Very Happy Mid-Autumn Festival Week....And
for all the non-chinese members, you won't understand what I am talking about,
so just ignore this message ;) 
Part 26
The next morning, Jai got up early and taking a quick shower left the hotel to catch a Cab towards Sonali’s house. There were several messages waiting for him in the Concierge, since he had explicitly told the reception not to connect any calls to his room. He did not have the time or patience to go through any messages right now, especially the one from his Father…that would have to wait till he got back to India.
Sonali and Mrs. Singh were sitting in the front porch, the latter knitting little woolen booties with a decidedly happier face than what was 2 days before.
Seeing him walk towards them, both their faces glowed and getting up immediately, Mrs. Singh walked towards him and greeted him warmly. He gave a cursory nod and looking towards Sonali, said, ‘Sonali…can I talk to you…in private?’
Mrs. Singh made a fuss of ‘Of course…of course, you two need to discuss so many things…I’ll go inside and check what is for lunch. What is your favorite dish, beta?’
Jai sat without any expression and judging his demeanors, Sonali quietly hushed her flustered mother and ushered her inside.
They both kept quiet for some time till he asked her in a formal tone, ‘How are you feeling now?’
She smiled at him and said, ‘Much better…all thanks to you…’
He tried to return the smile, but couldn’t. When she heard nothing from him for another minute or so, her face turned a bit pale and she said, ‘what is it Jai? Since that day in the hospital, you seem to be very different from what you were, when you came first. Is there something bothering you?’
He had his chin resting on his knuckles and closing his eyes for a while, he opened them and looking at Sonali said, ‘What will you expect of me if we get married?’
Taken aback by his question, she flushed a bit and kept quiet for sometime, while he looked at her directly in her face.
She stumbled with her words and said, ‘I…Nothing Jai…I won’t expect anything from you?’
‘That’s impossible, Sonali…if we stopped expecting, then we cease being humans also…we all have our hopes and desires…before anything moves forward, I want to know what is your expectation out of me, if we get married.’
She fumbled with her night gown and tossing her head gently said, ‘Your presence…your support…your friendship…’
He kept staring at her and then asked quietly, ‘And my love?’
She blushed and her pale cheeks showed a hint of rose in them, tilting her head slightly, she said, ‘I don’t expect you to love me, Jai…I know you are doing this out of sympathy…out of the goodness of your heart…and I am so desperate to have you…that I don’t even mind being your charity…as long as I can have you in my life again…’
They both kept silent, till she continued in a softer tone, ‘But I can always hope that someday, maybe…you will also find love with me…’
He spoke quietly, ‘I can assure you everything you said before, Sonali…my presence, my support, my friendship…my whole life…but I don’t want you to start any journey with me on a false expectation…because Love, I cannot give…not today, not tomorrow, not in this lifetime…’
Stunned by his words, she kept staring at him and in a split second, she knew the reason of the sadness in his eyes.
After a long gap of silence between them, she muttered, ‘Why didn’t you say so before, Jai?’
His eyes were looking more despondent than ever and he spoke in a heavy voice, ‘What could I say? That I had found true love, when you had just lost it? That I had found a lifetime of happiness, when yours had been snatched away? That I had a soul mate, when you were all alone?’
Sonali had tears in her eyes and placing her hand on his knees, she looked at his poignant eyes and spoke softly, ‘I am sorry Jai…I was so selfish…I couldn’t see anything beyond my misery...I couldn’t see how helpless I had made you…’ saying that she broke down crying on his shoulders.
Taking her gently in his arms, he consoled her and said, ‘You are not selfish, Son…please don’t say that…you are strong…courageous…brave…you make me so proud…you held on through the darkest years of your life all by yourself…I came here to stand by your side Sonali…not offer you support…you don’t need any.’
He continued in a remorseful tone, ‘I am the one who is selfish…I am the one who put a price on friendship, Sonali…I am the one who went ahead to make a sacrifice that wasn’t mine to make…I had a choice, Sonali…I had a choice between friendship and love…but I gave none to her…’
She looked up at him and said, ‘I don’t know what happened to me Jai…when Mom said all those things to you…I wanted to cry out loud and tell her to shut up…but then when you left…and I was alone again…I felt as if I couldn’t go on without you anymore…8 years is a long time to love and long for someone…and then when life gives you a second chance…you want to grab it before time slips out of your hands again…’
He smiled at her and said affectionately, ‘I care for you deeply Sonali, as a friend…as a guardian…I made the mistake of not keeping in touch with you…maybe if were together for all these years, things would have turned out differently…or maybe not…but I would have had the assurance that you were not fighting your battles all alone…’
He continued after a short pause, ‘But I will correct my mistake…I will be by your side now…always…and give you everything that you missed out on…’
She took in his silence and completed his sentence, ‘Except love…’
He looked into her eyes and with a watery smile said softly, ‘Yes…except love…I cannot do this trade-off, Sonali...I never intended to in the first place...I was bound by your friendship...but I am also bound by someone's elses love...I cannot choose...there is no choice between friendship and love...’
They both kept quiet, till she said, ‘It breaks your heart to see the one you love is happy with someone else, but it's more painful to know that the one you love is unhappy with you.’
She continued, ‘And I don’t want to see you unhappy Jai…not without me…and definitely not with me…’
He broke his silence and said, ‘I told her about…the situation here…’
Looking shocked, she said, ‘Jai…why did you do that? Nothing even happened between us…it was all a figment of my mother’s imagination…and mine…you never uttered a word…’ pausing for a while, she said in a sad-humorous note, ‘You didn’t even react to my proposal of marriage…leave aside accepting it.’
He smiled faintly and said, ‘I was in a dilemma…at the crossroads of my life…’
She kept staring at him and asked softly, ‘Confused regarding your feelings for her and your sense of duty towards me?’
He anwered immediately, ‘It was friendship that confounded me, Sonali…never love…I was always sure of that…which is why I didn’t speak to you at first…but opened my heart to Bani without even thinking twice…’
She smiled and said, ‘Bani? It’s a lovely name…but wasn’t she crushed to hear…oh god…why did you do that Jai? She must be livid with you now…’
He laughed lightly, ‘I wish she had been livid…I wish she had cursed me…shouted at me…abused me…told me to go and rot in hell…but then it wouldn’t have been the girl I fell in love with…she had every right to stop me…yet she chose to let me go…it was not lack of love, Sonali…it was the presence of love which gave us both the courage to go apart, if need be.’
He spoke now, his words softer than ever, ‘Relationships of all kinds are like sand held in your hand. Held loosely, with an open hand, the sand remains where it is. The minute you close your hand and squeeze tightly to hold on, the sand trickles through your fingers. You may hold onto some of it, but most will be spilled. A relationship is like that. Held loosely, with respect and freedom for the other person, it is likely to remain intact. But hold too tightly, too possessively, and the relationship slips away and is lost.’
‘I am like the sand in her hands…she held me loosely and even when I tried to slip out of her hands…I couldn’t…’
They both sat in silence till she got up and said in a firm voice, ‘Go to her Jai…go back right now…you are meant to be with the one you love…you are meant to be together…’
He looked at her and said, ‘Yes…I know…’
Not seeing any other reaction from him, she said desperately, ‘What are you waiting for? Thinking about what will happen to me? Jai…you really think, putting you in misery is going to give me back my happiness? Taking away your life is going to get back mine? No Jai…we are only responsible for our lives…for our happiness…for our sorrows…others can help us…show us the way…lead us on…but every one has to walk on his own…you cannot be a crutch to one person by disabling the other…’
He smiled faintly at her and said, ‘I thought I saw the old Sonali back just now…spirited, full of life…confidence and the girl who the best friend anyone could have.’
Breaking into a fresh batch of tears, she smiled through them and hugging him affectionately said, ‘I will always love you Jai…always…and you will be my strength in the times to come…but I know I can take it on from here, all by myself…actually not all by myself, I have my child with me now.’
She continued, looking at him, ‘Just knowing that you have found happiness is enough to give me the courage to find some for myself…’
Taking her face in his palms, he said smiling, ‘Thanks…’
‘Don’t use that word again…because if I start using it…there won’t be an end to my list of thanks for all that you have done for me…’
They both laughed and later Sonali explained to a highly disappointed and depressed Mrs. Singh that there was no way Jai and she were getting married and that whatever her thoughts on what the present and future held for Sonali were, she was going to start all over again.
It took Jai another two days to wrap off everything in New York and shutting up Sonali firmly, he made financial and other arrangements for her and told her that he would keep visiting her in between and that when the baby is born, she would have to come to India for holidays and stay with them in his house.
Jai’s presence had made a world of difference to Sonali and this time when she sent him off at the Airport, there were only tears of joy in her eyes…not a drop of regret in them.
New Delhi
Bani drove the Car absently, venturing through the lanes of Delhi, not knowing exactly where she was headed and when she stood at a Traffic Intersection, she realized she was near Sarojini Nagar Market, her favorite haunt during school and college days when she used to come here with Rano and her Mother during weekends for shopping.
Parking the Car in the busy market place, she tried to mingle with the crowds and losing herself in the hustle bustle of daily life…blocking her mind from the deep sense of pain and hurt that she was going through…she had a lifetime left to cry over her loss and heartache…today she just wanted to let herself escape from the reality of life…from the fact that she had lost someone she loved…from the thought that he was equally wounded if not more…and she couldn’t be there to console him, even if she wanted to.
There were no regrets…how could there be any? What Jai had taken from her was far less than what he had given to her. Life could take him away from her physically, but how could anyone take away the happiness and sorrows they shared…the gift of friendship and companionship that he had given to her…the silly jokes on which they both laughed till they had tears in their eyes…the stolen kisses…the passionate embraces…the warmth of his touch, the way her tears dried when she wept on his shoulders, the strength he gave her to be herself…just because you don’t get love back the way you expected it to, does not diminish its value or what it has given to you till date…
Completely lost in her thoughts and oblivious to everything around her, she was struck suddenly by a loud noise and before she could snap out of her thoughts and make sense of what was happening, a sharp piece of object came hurtling towards her, barely missing her eyes and passing through the side of her head. Clutching her head in pain and shock, she reeled towards the ground, people running all over in commotion and a huge smoke bellowing in some distance…when she brought her trembling hands in front her eyes, it was soaked in her blood…there was noise, crying, blood, running, smoke everywhere and the last name she said before losing consciousness was, Jai.
It was close to 10 at night and everyone assembled at Dixit House was now in frenzy…Bani had been gone for nearly 4 hours now without any clue as to where she had sped off in her Car and when she would be back.
Massi was sobbing copiously and while Kiran had held herself bravely, the ticking sounds of the clock, made her heart sink rapidly…on any other day, she wouldn’t have worried about Bani staying out late, but today, when she knew what about her daughter’s emotional state, all sort of thoughts filtered through her mind.
Rano kept going outside the moment she heard the honk of a Car passing across the street…but there was no sign of Bani.
Uday paced up the length of the room, now really regretting that he had let Bani go all on her own, praying to God that she shouldn’t end up doing anything drastic to herself.
Aditya and Ranveer had already called up some of Bani’s closest friend, but they hadn’t even heard from her for the past few weeks.
Just then, there was the sound of the main gate opening. Kiran who had been hovering near the phone, expecting Bani’s call, probably stating that the Car had broken down or something, jumped to her feet and rushed towards the door with Rano and Massi in tow.
But it was Nachiket.
Looking very worried, he addressed Kiran directly, ‘Aunty, have you heard about the blast at Sarojini Nagar Market?’
All of them kept quiet and stared at him, he continued, ‘Happened around 7 Pm…I just finished calling up all my friends and acquaintances to check whether they were alright…I couldn’t get through the phone here…it kept coming engaged…I got so worried…so I came here…’
Glancing at everyone, he heaved a sigh of relief and said, ‘Everyone is here…Good evening Sir.’ He greeted a pale faced Uday. And then noticing Bani’s absence, he remarked, ‘Where is Bani? Has she gone out with Jai?’
Rano couldn’t hold herself anymore and broke down crying pathetically, ‘Nachiket…she left the house 4 hours back…there is no news of her…and now you are saying this blast…Ma…’
Ranveer quickly came over and consoled her, while Kiran sat on the Sofa with a heavy heart and burying her face in the palms of her hands, said, ‘My child…’
Nachiket turned ashen and addressing Uday and Aditya, asked, ‘Where is Bani? Did she go towards Sarojini…Oh My God…’
Aditya replied in a strangled voice, ‘We don’t know where she went…she was in a very upset state…Nachiket, lets go towards the blast site right now…’
Just hearing this, Kiran started crying and Massi sat on the stairs dabbing her eyes with Mango wagging his tail, wondering why only Bani was missing from the gathering.
Uday insisted on Aditya staying back and looking after the women in the house, while he took off with Nachiket and Ranveer towards Sarojini Nagar Market.
They drove the entire journey in numb silence, Uday who had always been an agonistic, called upon every God in the Universe, to keep Bani from any harm. They had to walk a long way towards the Blast site, since the whole area was cordoned off, after many ministrations and arguments, did the authorities cordoning the place, let them go near the place.
The whole place was in shambles…broken pieces of goods, deflated car tyres, torn pieces of clothes soaked in an innocent’s blood, shards of glass, all told the story of devastation. All told the inhumanity of one human against another. The Area was picketed by innumerous armed men, making it impossible to even go and search. Some of the injured were being taken in Ambulances in stretchers and the very sight of the blood, groans and tears, nauseated and frightened the life out of the three men.
Bani couldn’t be part of this…it couldn’t happen to someone they loved…these things only happened to strangers…not to someone you have known all your life…with these random thoughts, Nachiket and Ranveer spread out in two directions and went about asking for help from the policeman stationed there. But such was the aftermath of chaos and confusion, that it was impossible to get any information. In a group of several dead and innumerous injured, how they could hope that someone would tell them about Bani. They hadn’t even got her picture…and besides, a part of their mind told them, it was highly improbable that Bani would come to the market all of a sudden. It was more likely that she was in a temple or a park or some place more solitary…not a crowded market, which was at a distance from her home.
The search yielded nothing concrete and they decided to go someplace else for the search.
They were crossing the road, when Uday stood, dead in his tracks and when Ranveer and Nachiket had crossed the road and looked back at him, calling him to come, they could sense something had gone very wrong.
Standing in a corner was a bright Red Car, with broken window panes, but otherwise intact. The Car that Jai had gifted to Bani.
All that Uday could mutter was, ‘Bani was here…’
The next few hours were the toughest, most hard-hitting and difficult time in the life of the Dixit family and in Uday’s too.
Ranveer had found out that the victims had been rushed to the nearby AIIMS Hospital and after calling up a now almost hysterical Kiran, he had said that there was a chance that Bani was in the blast and they were going to the hospital to check.
The sight at the Hospital proved to be too much for even young Nachiket, who almost fainted at the sight of the blood and grief spread everywhere…and he hoped against hope, that his friend shouldn’t be one of them.
Uday had meanwhile called up his friends in the Police Department and one of the authorities was helping him with locating Bani. By that time, Kiran, Aditya and Rano had also come and joined them.
With trembling hands and hearts they went through the list of dead people that was put on the main reception area of the hospital and was being updated almost every 15 minutes.
Kiran’s heart sank, as she came on any name which began with the letter B…All of them tried to argue in their hearts that maybe she had just parked her Car there and went somewhere else…maybe, she had gone to some friend’s house for the night…maybe she was back at their house…and one of their cell phones would ring anytime…
They were still enquiring, when Ranveer came, pale faced and said in a low voice, ‘She was in the blast…’
Everyone looked at him, their breaths held back in terror and he said, ‘She is admitted in Emergency…Serious case…’
Kiran held her head and fell down on the bench, crying out Bani’s name, while Aditya and Rano rushed to her aid.
All the courage that had been showed by Uday collapsed in seconds, when he saw Bani’s lifeless body lying unattended on the stretcher, in the corner of a room, teeming with injured bodies, wailing relatives and over-worked doctors and attendants rushing from one patient to another.
Her face was so bloody that it was almost beyond recognition, there were bruises and cuts all over her body, the dress she had been wearing was soaked in blood, dust and grim…only the diamond ring in her engagement finger stood out conspicuously in the mêlée.
How the next few hours passed was beyond anyone power of description or memory…the only good news in the past few hours was that Bani was going to live.
Two days later, Uday had got her shifted to Delhi’s best private nursing home, where he had many contacts. Bani had still not gained full consciousness, making the Doctors worried about her condition. There had been a lot of blood loss and a direct injury on her head; hence, till she came out of her comatose condition, it was impossible to ascertain the extent of her injuries.
After the news, there had been a stream of visitors to the Dixit House and to the Nursing Home, except Jai. Nachiket, still unaware of what had transpired, said, ‘Its almost 3 days that she is in the hospital…Jai has no idea…Uday Sir, where can I get in touch with him…I will call him up immediately and inform him.’
Everyone sat silently in the bench outside the ICU, only Uday spoke, in a grave tone, ‘There is no need to inform him of anything, Nachiket. Her family and friends are there with her…we don’t need strangers in our midst.’
Shocked by the statement, he blinked and looked at Rano, who was swollen eyed with crying and lack of sleep. She gestured him to keep quiet and later took him outside and told him the story, or whatever she knew of it.
Shaking his head in disbelief, Nachiket said, ‘Its impossible…Jai can never do that to Bani…why, we spoke the day before the accident…she told me that Jai had asked her to marry him the day he came back…she was so happy…’
Rano on hearing this, sobbed silently, while Nachiket stared out of the window in a state of numbness, muttering, ‘something is missing somewhere, Rano…did Bani tell you what happened between her and Jai after he left for New York.’
She shook her head, wiping her tears and spoke in a choked voice, ‘No…Nothing…all she said was that she and Jai were no longer together and that she was calling off the marriage…then Uday Uncle said something about her shielding Jai…but she kept defending him…and refused to talk about what he had said to her over the phone. Later after she had left, Uday Uncle told us that Jai had gone to New York to be with an old friend of his, who was in some kind of trouble…and that he wanted to marry her.’
Nachiket looked bewildered and troubled, ‘But who said anything about marriage? Did Jai tell Bani that he was going to marry someone else? Did Jai tell Uday Uncle that he was breaking off with Bani and marrying some other woman?’
She shrugged her head miserably and said, ‘I don’t know anything Nachiket…all I know is that my sister is battling between life and death...Ma and I used to be awake all night if she even as much as sneezed…and today, just look at her condition…’ saying that she started sobbing heavily.
Consoling her, Nachiket told her to go and be with Kiran and said, ‘Please don’t tell anyone about this…but I really think that Jai should be informed…whatever happened between Bani and him is a secondary matter…but not letting him know Bani is severely injured and hospitalized is gross injustice, Rano…I will find out his contacts from anywhere…maybe Purva would know…but I have to let him know this…he should be with Bani, more than any of us.’
New York
Jai had gone frantic dialing Dixit House and his own home, but getting no response, he wondered where everyone had vanished. All the calls to his Father’s cell phone went unattended and since he did not have his Blackberry with him, he did not have contact of the people who could tell him about Bani or Uday.
Wrapping up everything in New York and settling Sonali had taken up most of the last 2 days and tonight he was to take his flight back to New Delhi…he desperately wanted to speak with Bani, before boarding his 18 hour direct flight, in which he would have no medium of knowing what was happening.
But unable to form any contacts, he left for the Airport, alongside Sonali, with a heavy heart, his sixth sense telling him that something very bad had happened.
He spent the entire flight in a state of restlessness and acute anxiety…why wasn’t anyone picking up the phone at Dixit House…why hadn’t his Father answered his cell phone for the last 3 days…why hadn’t there been any response for the number of emails that Jai had shooted off to Bani after his talk with Sonali…
The flight had a stop off at London for 2 hours before its onward journey, but none of the passengers could disembark, Jai sat on his seat, his head burning with pain coupled by lack of sleep and anxiousness. He had just popped a sleeping pill and was hoping to catch a few winks, when he heard two Indian passengers seated behind him talking about terrorist attack…he wouldn’t have paid heed to them, except when the talk veered towards the recent bomb blast in a crowded market place in Delhi.
Jai’s blood froze in his veins…caught up in his traumatic emotional state coupled by attending to Sonali, he had not had the time to catch up on any news. And then suddenly, his eyes fell on the front jacket of his seat, where the day’s newspaper was kept, …he took it with trembling hands and read the front page, which proclaimed in bold letters, ‘Bloodshed and Mayhem in Indian Capital – 40 dead and over 100 injured in Saturday Blasts.’
With shaking hands, he quickly glanced through the news, not knowing what exactly he was looking for…and yet, his heart telling him that something about the news had a connection to Bani.
The next 8 hours of the flight were the toughest in his life and by the time he had finished with immigration formalities, he almost ran out of the Airport, not even bothering to pick up his lone baggage from the Console.
It was close to 6 in the morning when he stepped outside to be greeted by the receding chill of February and hailing a taxi, he gave him the address of Bani’s house.
Violently throwing open the main gate of Dixit House, he rang the bell continuously, till a bleary eyed Massi came and opened it, blinking at Jai, as if she was seeing a ghost.
‘Bani kahan hain?’
Massi kept staring at Jai and agitated by his own fears and her inaction, he shouted, ‘Where is Bani? Mujhe us se abhi milna hain…’
Saying that, he barged inside the living room and looking frantically from one side to another, made his way towards her room, upstairs, till Kiran’s voice called out, cold and dead.
‘Bani is not here, Jai.’
Turning to look at Kiran, he was completely taken aback; she looked so terribly aged and tired…black circles forming under her eyes, sunken cheekbones and a listless demeanor.
Catching up on his breath, he asked, ‘I have been calling her for the last two days…I couldn’t get through anyone…Dad wasn’t picking up the phone…where is Bani? I need to see her right away…I need to tell her something urgently.’
Kiran kept staring at him without any expression and something in her eyes, made Jai’s heart go cold with the sensation of impending doom.
Coming near her, he spoke with a gentle desperation, ‘Where is she Aunty? Please…I need to see her urgently…’
‘Room no. 101, 1st floor…Holy Angels Nursing Home, Vasant Vihar.’ It was said in a mechanical, emotionless manner, but the impact of the words hit him straight in the chest.
Almost reeling back as if recovering from a physical blow, he whispered, ‘What happened to her?’
Staring at him with cold eyes, Kiran said with bitter pain in her voice, ‘You happened to her, Jai…and she is paying the price for it…’
He stood motionless, disbelief and shock writ all over his face…
Author's Note : Some of the readers might notice that I have digressed from the Prologue, where it was mentioned that Bani is in a Car Accident...but in this update, she is injured due to a Bomb Blast...I have explained the same in the next update...why I mentioned Car Accident instead of the Blast.
Also, apologies for turning the story into a sob-fest...but I am just following the original storyline that I had intended in the beginning of the please, I would like to assure my readers,to keep reading and not give up plz even though there are no more funnies or humor in the writing...I am not writing a tragedy, but at the same time, the story is not light-hearted or breezy as it was in the beginning. Also, there is going to be a slightly filmy (Ekta Kapoor style) twist in the next update...don't get panicky...I will try and handle it in the best possible manner and not make a mish-mash of it, aka Maayi and the Kreatives at BT! ;)
Thank you all for the support, encouragement and love shown for the story and the writer...hope you keep up the same enthusiasm till the end of the FF!

Part 26
The next morning, Jai got up early and taking a quick shower left the hotel to catch a Cab towards Sonali’s house. There were several messages waiting for him in the Concierge, since he had explicitly told the reception not to connect any calls to his room. He did not have the time or patience to go through any messages right now, especially the one from his Father…that would have to wait till he got back to India.
Sonali and Mrs. Singh were sitting in the front porch, the latter knitting little woolen booties with a decidedly happier face than what was 2 days before.
Seeing him walk towards them, both their faces glowed and getting up immediately, Mrs. Singh walked towards him and greeted him warmly. He gave a cursory nod and looking towards Sonali, said, ‘Sonali…can I talk to you…in private?’
Mrs. Singh made a fuss of ‘Of course…of course, you two need to discuss so many things…I’ll go inside and check what is for lunch. What is your favorite dish, beta?’
Jai sat without any expression and judging his demeanors, Sonali quietly hushed her flustered mother and ushered her inside.
They both kept quiet for some time till he asked her in a formal tone, ‘How are you feeling now?’
She smiled at him and said, ‘Much better…all thanks to you…’
He tried to return the smile, but couldn’t. When she heard nothing from him for another minute or so, her face turned a bit pale and she said, ‘what is it Jai? Since that day in the hospital, you seem to be very different from what you were, when you came first. Is there something bothering you?’
He had his chin resting on his knuckles and closing his eyes for a while, he opened them and looking at Sonali said, ‘What will you expect of me if we get married?’
Taken aback by his question, she flushed a bit and kept quiet for sometime, while he looked at her directly in her face.
She stumbled with her words and said, ‘I…Nothing Jai…I won’t expect anything from you?’
‘That’s impossible, Sonali…if we stopped expecting, then we cease being humans also…we all have our hopes and desires…before anything moves forward, I want to know what is your expectation out of me, if we get married.’
She fumbled with her night gown and tossing her head gently said, ‘Your presence…your support…your friendship…’
He kept staring at her and then asked quietly, ‘And my love?’
She blushed and her pale cheeks showed a hint of rose in them, tilting her head slightly, she said, ‘I don’t expect you to love me, Jai…I know you are doing this out of sympathy…out of the goodness of your heart…and I am so desperate to have you…that I don’t even mind being your charity…as long as I can have you in my life again…’
They both kept silent, till she continued in a softer tone, ‘But I can always hope that someday, maybe…you will also find love with me…’
He spoke quietly, ‘I can assure you everything you said before, Sonali…my presence, my support, my friendship…my whole life…but I don’t want you to start any journey with me on a false expectation…because Love, I cannot give…not today, not tomorrow, not in this lifetime…’
Stunned by his words, she kept staring at him and in a split second, she knew the reason of the sadness in his eyes.
After a long gap of silence between them, she muttered, ‘Why didn’t you say so before, Jai?’
His eyes were looking more despondent than ever and he spoke in a heavy voice, ‘What could I say? That I had found true love, when you had just lost it? That I had found a lifetime of happiness, when yours had been snatched away? That I had a soul mate, when you were all alone?’
Sonali had tears in her eyes and placing her hand on his knees, she looked at his poignant eyes and spoke softly, ‘I am sorry Jai…I was so selfish…I couldn’t see anything beyond my misery...I couldn’t see how helpless I had made you…’ saying that she broke down crying on his shoulders.
Taking her gently in his arms, he consoled her and said, ‘You are not selfish, Son…please don’t say that…you are strong…courageous…brave…you make me so proud…you held on through the darkest years of your life all by yourself…I came here to stand by your side Sonali…not offer you support…you don’t need any.’
He continued in a remorseful tone, ‘I am the one who is selfish…I am the one who put a price on friendship, Sonali…I am the one who went ahead to make a sacrifice that wasn’t mine to make…I had a choice, Sonali…I had a choice between friendship and love…but I gave none to her…’
She looked up at him and said, ‘I don’t know what happened to me Jai…when Mom said all those things to you…I wanted to cry out loud and tell her to shut up…but then when you left…and I was alone again…I felt as if I couldn’t go on without you anymore…8 years is a long time to love and long for someone…and then when life gives you a second chance…you want to grab it before time slips out of your hands again…’
He smiled at her and said affectionately, ‘I care for you deeply Sonali, as a friend…as a guardian…I made the mistake of not keeping in touch with you…maybe if were together for all these years, things would have turned out differently…or maybe not…but I would have had the assurance that you were not fighting your battles all alone…’
He continued after a short pause, ‘But I will correct my mistake…I will be by your side now…always…and give you everything that you missed out on…’
She took in his silence and completed his sentence, ‘Except love…’
He looked into her eyes and with a watery smile said softly, ‘Yes…except love…I cannot do this trade-off, Sonali...I never intended to in the first place...I was bound by your friendship...but I am also bound by someone's elses love...I cannot choose...there is no choice between friendship and love...’
They both kept quiet, till she said, ‘It breaks your heart to see the one you love is happy with someone else, but it's more painful to know that the one you love is unhappy with you.’
She continued, ‘And I don’t want to see you unhappy Jai…not without me…and definitely not with me…’
He broke his silence and said, ‘I told her about…the situation here…’
Looking shocked, she said, ‘Jai…why did you do that? Nothing even happened between us…it was all a figment of my mother’s imagination…and mine…you never uttered a word…’ pausing for a while, she said in a sad-humorous note, ‘You didn’t even react to my proposal of marriage…leave aside accepting it.’
He smiled faintly and said, ‘I was in a dilemma…at the crossroads of my life…’
She kept staring at him and asked softly, ‘Confused regarding your feelings for her and your sense of duty towards me?’
He anwered immediately, ‘It was friendship that confounded me, Sonali…never love…I was always sure of that…which is why I didn’t speak to you at first…but opened my heart to Bani without even thinking twice…’
She smiled and said, ‘Bani? It’s a lovely name…but wasn’t she crushed to hear…oh god…why did you do that Jai? She must be livid with you now…’
He laughed lightly, ‘I wish she had been livid…I wish she had cursed me…shouted at me…abused me…told me to go and rot in hell…but then it wouldn’t have been the girl I fell in love with…she had every right to stop me…yet she chose to let me go…it was not lack of love, Sonali…it was the presence of love which gave us both the courage to go apart, if need be.’
He spoke now, his words softer than ever, ‘Relationships of all kinds are like sand held in your hand. Held loosely, with an open hand, the sand remains where it is. The minute you close your hand and squeeze tightly to hold on, the sand trickles through your fingers. You may hold onto some of it, but most will be spilled. A relationship is like that. Held loosely, with respect and freedom for the other person, it is likely to remain intact. But hold too tightly, too possessively, and the relationship slips away and is lost.’
‘I am like the sand in her hands…she held me loosely and even when I tried to slip out of her hands…I couldn’t…’
They both sat in silence till she got up and said in a firm voice, ‘Go to her Jai…go back right now…you are meant to be with the one you love…you are meant to be together…’
He looked at her and said, ‘Yes…I know…’
Not seeing any other reaction from him, she said desperately, ‘What are you waiting for? Thinking about what will happen to me? Jai…you really think, putting you in misery is going to give me back my happiness? Taking away your life is going to get back mine? No Jai…we are only responsible for our lives…for our happiness…for our sorrows…others can help us…show us the way…lead us on…but every one has to walk on his own…you cannot be a crutch to one person by disabling the other…’
He smiled faintly at her and said, ‘I thought I saw the old Sonali back just now…spirited, full of life…confidence and the girl who the best friend anyone could have.’
Breaking into a fresh batch of tears, she smiled through them and hugging him affectionately said, ‘I will always love you Jai…always…and you will be my strength in the times to come…but I know I can take it on from here, all by myself…actually not all by myself, I have my child with me now.’
She continued, looking at him, ‘Just knowing that you have found happiness is enough to give me the courage to find some for myself…’
Taking her face in his palms, he said smiling, ‘Thanks…’
‘Don’t use that word again…because if I start using it…there won’t be an end to my list of thanks for all that you have done for me…’
They both laughed and later Sonali explained to a highly disappointed and depressed Mrs. Singh that there was no way Jai and she were getting married and that whatever her thoughts on what the present and future held for Sonali were, she was going to start all over again.
It took Jai another two days to wrap off everything in New York and shutting up Sonali firmly, he made financial and other arrangements for her and told her that he would keep visiting her in between and that when the baby is born, she would have to come to India for holidays and stay with them in his house.
Jai’s presence had made a world of difference to Sonali and this time when she sent him off at the Airport, there were only tears of joy in her eyes…not a drop of regret in them.
New Delhi
Bani drove the Car absently, venturing through the lanes of Delhi, not knowing exactly where she was headed and when she stood at a Traffic Intersection, she realized she was near Sarojini Nagar Market, her favorite haunt during school and college days when she used to come here with Rano and her Mother during weekends for shopping.
Parking the Car in the busy market place, she tried to mingle with the crowds and losing herself in the hustle bustle of daily life…blocking her mind from the deep sense of pain and hurt that she was going through…she had a lifetime left to cry over her loss and heartache…today she just wanted to let herself escape from the reality of life…from the fact that she had lost someone she loved…from the thought that he was equally wounded if not more…and she couldn’t be there to console him, even if she wanted to.
There were no regrets…how could there be any? What Jai had taken from her was far less than what he had given to her. Life could take him away from her physically, but how could anyone take away the happiness and sorrows they shared…the gift of friendship and companionship that he had given to her…the silly jokes on which they both laughed till they had tears in their eyes…the stolen kisses…the passionate embraces…the warmth of his touch, the way her tears dried when she wept on his shoulders, the strength he gave her to be herself…just because you don’t get love back the way you expected it to, does not diminish its value or what it has given to you till date…
Completely lost in her thoughts and oblivious to everything around her, she was struck suddenly by a loud noise and before she could snap out of her thoughts and make sense of what was happening, a sharp piece of object came hurtling towards her, barely missing her eyes and passing through the side of her head. Clutching her head in pain and shock, she reeled towards the ground, people running all over in commotion and a huge smoke bellowing in some distance…when she brought her trembling hands in front her eyes, it was soaked in her blood…there was noise, crying, blood, running, smoke everywhere and the last name she said before losing consciousness was, Jai.
It was close to 10 at night and everyone assembled at Dixit House was now in frenzy…Bani had been gone for nearly 4 hours now without any clue as to where she had sped off in her Car and when she would be back.
Massi was sobbing copiously and while Kiran had held herself bravely, the ticking sounds of the clock, made her heart sink rapidly…on any other day, she wouldn’t have worried about Bani staying out late, but today, when she knew what about her daughter’s emotional state, all sort of thoughts filtered through her mind.
Rano kept going outside the moment she heard the honk of a Car passing across the street…but there was no sign of Bani.
Uday paced up the length of the room, now really regretting that he had let Bani go all on her own, praying to God that she shouldn’t end up doing anything drastic to herself.
Aditya and Ranveer had already called up some of Bani’s closest friend, but they hadn’t even heard from her for the past few weeks.
Just then, there was the sound of the main gate opening. Kiran who had been hovering near the phone, expecting Bani’s call, probably stating that the Car had broken down or something, jumped to her feet and rushed towards the door with Rano and Massi in tow.
But it was Nachiket.
Looking very worried, he addressed Kiran directly, ‘Aunty, have you heard about the blast at Sarojini Nagar Market?’
All of them kept quiet and stared at him, he continued, ‘Happened around 7 Pm…I just finished calling up all my friends and acquaintances to check whether they were alright…I couldn’t get through the phone here…it kept coming engaged…I got so worried…so I came here…’
Glancing at everyone, he heaved a sigh of relief and said, ‘Everyone is here…Good evening Sir.’ He greeted a pale faced Uday. And then noticing Bani’s absence, he remarked, ‘Where is Bani? Has she gone out with Jai?’
Rano couldn’t hold herself anymore and broke down crying pathetically, ‘Nachiket…she left the house 4 hours back…there is no news of her…and now you are saying this blast…Ma…’
Ranveer quickly came over and consoled her, while Kiran sat on the Sofa with a heavy heart and burying her face in the palms of her hands, said, ‘My child…’
Nachiket turned ashen and addressing Uday and Aditya, asked, ‘Where is Bani? Did she go towards Sarojini…Oh My God…’
Aditya replied in a strangled voice, ‘We don’t know where she went…she was in a very upset state…Nachiket, lets go towards the blast site right now…’
Just hearing this, Kiran started crying and Massi sat on the stairs dabbing her eyes with Mango wagging his tail, wondering why only Bani was missing from the gathering.
Uday insisted on Aditya staying back and looking after the women in the house, while he took off with Nachiket and Ranveer towards Sarojini Nagar Market.
They drove the entire journey in numb silence, Uday who had always been an agonistic, called upon every God in the Universe, to keep Bani from any harm. They had to walk a long way towards the Blast site, since the whole area was cordoned off, after many ministrations and arguments, did the authorities cordoning the place, let them go near the place.
The whole place was in shambles…broken pieces of goods, deflated car tyres, torn pieces of clothes soaked in an innocent’s blood, shards of glass, all told the story of devastation. All told the inhumanity of one human against another. The Area was picketed by innumerous armed men, making it impossible to even go and search. Some of the injured were being taken in Ambulances in stretchers and the very sight of the blood, groans and tears, nauseated and frightened the life out of the three men.
Bani couldn’t be part of this…it couldn’t happen to someone they loved…these things only happened to strangers…not to someone you have known all your life…with these random thoughts, Nachiket and Ranveer spread out in two directions and went about asking for help from the policeman stationed there. But such was the aftermath of chaos and confusion, that it was impossible to get any information. In a group of several dead and innumerous injured, how they could hope that someone would tell them about Bani. They hadn’t even got her picture…and besides, a part of their mind told them, it was highly improbable that Bani would come to the market all of a sudden. It was more likely that she was in a temple or a park or some place more solitary…not a crowded market, which was at a distance from her home.
The search yielded nothing concrete and they decided to go someplace else for the search.
They were crossing the road, when Uday stood, dead in his tracks and when Ranveer and Nachiket had crossed the road and looked back at him, calling him to come, they could sense something had gone very wrong.
Standing in a corner was a bright Red Car, with broken window panes, but otherwise intact. The Car that Jai had gifted to Bani.
All that Uday could mutter was, ‘Bani was here…’
The next few hours were the toughest, most hard-hitting and difficult time in the life of the Dixit family and in Uday’s too.
Ranveer had found out that the victims had been rushed to the nearby AIIMS Hospital and after calling up a now almost hysterical Kiran, he had said that there was a chance that Bani was in the blast and they were going to the hospital to check.
The sight at the Hospital proved to be too much for even young Nachiket, who almost fainted at the sight of the blood and grief spread everywhere…and he hoped against hope, that his friend shouldn’t be one of them.
Uday had meanwhile called up his friends in the Police Department and one of the authorities was helping him with locating Bani. By that time, Kiran, Aditya and Rano had also come and joined them.
With trembling hands and hearts they went through the list of dead people that was put on the main reception area of the hospital and was being updated almost every 15 minutes.
Kiran’s heart sank, as she came on any name which began with the letter B…All of them tried to argue in their hearts that maybe she had just parked her Car there and went somewhere else…maybe, she had gone to some friend’s house for the night…maybe she was back at their house…and one of their cell phones would ring anytime…
They were still enquiring, when Ranveer came, pale faced and said in a low voice, ‘She was in the blast…’
Everyone looked at him, their breaths held back in terror and he said, ‘She is admitted in Emergency…Serious case…’
Kiran held her head and fell down on the bench, crying out Bani’s name, while Aditya and Rano rushed to her aid.
All the courage that had been showed by Uday collapsed in seconds, when he saw Bani’s lifeless body lying unattended on the stretcher, in the corner of a room, teeming with injured bodies, wailing relatives and over-worked doctors and attendants rushing from one patient to another.
Her face was so bloody that it was almost beyond recognition, there were bruises and cuts all over her body, the dress she had been wearing was soaked in blood, dust and grim…only the diamond ring in her engagement finger stood out conspicuously in the mêlée.
How the next few hours passed was beyond anyone power of description or memory…the only good news in the past few hours was that Bani was going to live.
Two days later, Uday had got her shifted to Delhi’s best private nursing home, where he had many contacts. Bani had still not gained full consciousness, making the Doctors worried about her condition. There had been a lot of blood loss and a direct injury on her head; hence, till she came out of her comatose condition, it was impossible to ascertain the extent of her injuries.
After the news, there had been a stream of visitors to the Dixit House and to the Nursing Home, except Jai. Nachiket, still unaware of what had transpired, said, ‘Its almost 3 days that she is in the hospital…Jai has no idea…Uday Sir, where can I get in touch with him…I will call him up immediately and inform him.’
Everyone sat silently in the bench outside the ICU, only Uday spoke, in a grave tone, ‘There is no need to inform him of anything, Nachiket. Her family and friends are there with her…we don’t need strangers in our midst.’
Shocked by the statement, he blinked and looked at Rano, who was swollen eyed with crying and lack of sleep. She gestured him to keep quiet and later took him outside and told him the story, or whatever she knew of it.
Shaking his head in disbelief, Nachiket said, ‘Its impossible…Jai can never do that to Bani…why, we spoke the day before the accident…she told me that Jai had asked her to marry him the day he came back…she was so happy…’
Rano on hearing this, sobbed silently, while Nachiket stared out of the window in a state of numbness, muttering, ‘something is missing somewhere, Rano…did Bani tell you what happened between her and Jai after he left for New York.’
She shook her head, wiping her tears and spoke in a choked voice, ‘No…Nothing…all she said was that she and Jai were no longer together and that she was calling off the marriage…then Uday Uncle said something about her shielding Jai…but she kept defending him…and refused to talk about what he had said to her over the phone. Later after she had left, Uday Uncle told us that Jai had gone to New York to be with an old friend of his, who was in some kind of trouble…and that he wanted to marry her.’
Nachiket looked bewildered and troubled, ‘But who said anything about marriage? Did Jai tell Bani that he was going to marry someone else? Did Jai tell Uday Uncle that he was breaking off with Bani and marrying some other woman?’
She shrugged her head miserably and said, ‘I don’t know anything Nachiket…all I know is that my sister is battling between life and death...Ma and I used to be awake all night if she even as much as sneezed…and today, just look at her condition…’ saying that she started sobbing heavily.
Consoling her, Nachiket told her to go and be with Kiran and said, ‘Please don’t tell anyone about this…but I really think that Jai should be informed…whatever happened between Bani and him is a secondary matter…but not letting him know Bani is severely injured and hospitalized is gross injustice, Rano…I will find out his contacts from anywhere…maybe Purva would know…but I have to let him know this…he should be with Bani, more than any of us.’
New York
Jai had gone frantic dialing Dixit House and his own home, but getting no response, he wondered where everyone had vanished. All the calls to his Father’s cell phone went unattended and since he did not have his Blackberry with him, he did not have contact of the people who could tell him about Bani or Uday.
Wrapping up everything in New York and settling Sonali had taken up most of the last 2 days and tonight he was to take his flight back to New Delhi…he desperately wanted to speak with Bani, before boarding his 18 hour direct flight, in which he would have no medium of knowing what was happening.
But unable to form any contacts, he left for the Airport, alongside Sonali, with a heavy heart, his sixth sense telling him that something very bad had happened.
He spent the entire flight in a state of restlessness and acute anxiety…why wasn’t anyone picking up the phone at Dixit House…why hadn’t his Father answered his cell phone for the last 3 days…why hadn’t there been any response for the number of emails that Jai had shooted off to Bani after his talk with Sonali…
The flight had a stop off at London for 2 hours before its onward journey, but none of the passengers could disembark, Jai sat on his seat, his head burning with pain coupled by lack of sleep and anxiousness. He had just popped a sleeping pill and was hoping to catch a few winks, when he heard two Indian passengers seated behind him talking about terrorist attack…he wouldn’t have paid heed to them, except when the talk veered towards the recent bomb blast in a crowded market place in Delhi.
Jai’s blood froze in his veins…caught up in his traumatic emotional state coupled by attending to Sonali, he had not had the time to catch up on any news. And then suddenly, his eyes fell on the front jacket of his seat, where the day’s newspaper was kept, …he took it with trembling hands and read the front page, which proclaimed in bold letters, ‘Bloodshed and Mayhem in Indian Capital – 40 dead and over 100 injured in Saturday Blasts.’
With shaking hands, he quickly glanced through the news, not knowing what exactly he was looking for…and yet, his heart telling him that something about the news had a connection to Bani.
The next 8 hours of the flight were the toughest in his life and by the time he had finished with immigration formalities, he almost ran out of the Airport, not even bothering to pick up his lone baggage from the Console.
It was close to 6 in the morning when he stepped outside to be greeted by the receding chill of February and hailing a taxi, he gave him the address of Bani’s house.
Violently throwing open the main gate of Dixit House, he rang the bell continuously, till a bleary eyed Massi came and opened it, blinking at Jai, as if she was seeing a ghost.
‘Bani kahan hain?’
Massi kept staring at Jai and agitated by his own fears and her inaction, he shouted, ‘Where is Bani? Mujhe us se abhi milna hain…’
Saying that, he barged inside the living room and looking frantically from one side to another, made his way towards her room, upstairs, till Kiran’s voice called out, cold and dead.
‘Bani is not here, Jai.’
Turning to look at Kiran, he was completely taken aback; she looked so terribly aged and tired…black circles forming under her eyes, sunken cheekbones and a listless demeanor.
Catching up on his breath, he asked, ‘I have been calling her for the last two days…I couldn’t get through anyone…Dad wasn’t picking up the phone…where is Bani? I need to see her right away…I need to tell her something urgently.’
Kiran kept staring at him without any expression and something in her eyes, made Jai’s heart go cold with the sensation of impending doom.
Coming near her, he spoke with a gentle desperation, ‘Where is she Aunty? Please…I need to see her urgently…’
‘Room no. 101, 1st floor…Holy Angels Nursing Home, Vasant Vihar.’ It was said in a mechanical, emotionless manner, but the impact of the words hit him straight in the chest.
Almost reeling back as if recovering from a physical blow, he whispered, ‘What happened to her?’
Staring at him with cold eyes, Kiran said with bitter pain in her voice, ‘You happened to her, Jai…and she is paying the price for it…’
He stood motionless, disbelief and shock writ all over his face…
Author's Note : Some of the readers might notice that I have digressed from the Prologue, where it was mentioned that Bani is in a Car Accident...but in this update, she is injured due to a Bomb Blast...I have explained the same in the next update...why I mentioned Car Accident instead of the Blast.
Also, apologies for turning the story into a sob-fest...but I am just following the original storyline that I had intended in the beginning of the please, I would like to assure my readers,to keep reading and not give up plz even though there are no more funnies or humor in the writing...I am not writing a tragedy, but at the same time, the story is not light-hearted or breezy as it was in the beginning. Also, there is going to be a slightly filmy (Ekta Kapoor style) twist in the next update...don't get panicky...I will try and handle it in the best possible manner and not make a mish-mash of it, aka Maayi and the Kreatives at BT! ;)
Thank you all for the support, encouragement and love shown for the story and the writer...hope you keep up the same enthusiasm till the end of the FF!
A Day Prior to Jai’s landing back in New Delhi
An enormous yawn almost dislocated her jaw; her thick black lashes lifted to reveal eyes of startling ochre. Blinking once or twice to clear her vision, Bani stared blankly before her. Dust motes danced in the beams that slanted through the louvered blinds, ephemeral, fairy-like, and about as substantial as her thoughts. In her mind were pictures, images, fragmented, like old film clips that had a linking theme if only one could guess what it was. Fretful and resentful at her inability to recall recent events, she sighed. She had been so sure that when she woke again she would remember.
Transferring her gaze to the vase of roses that stood on the beside locker, she stared at the card that was propped beside it as though even that unlikely object might hold the answer, although in all probability it as only a copy of the hospital rules, and rules and regulations were something she didn’t care two hoots about. Not at this precise moment anyway. She’d been in a car crash, that she knew, not from remembering but because the doctor had told her so. She had a fractured wrist, cuts and bruises, and concussion, and the trite phrases trotted out to her by the medical staff, that it was quite normal not to remember the hours prior to an accident, that she had been lucky, that in a few days she would be out and about, only made her feel more resentful.
Dr. Mathur was the head of Neurology and one of the most respected and established Doctors in the country. Bani had been under her care since the day she had been wheeled into her Nursing Home, in a comatose condition.
She had regained conciouness a couple of times, but never fully and this condition was worrying the team of doctor’s attentind to her.
Bani had lost a lot of blood and she also had serious internal injuries, especially a concussion on the right side of her head, but they had managed to save her life and she was technically out of danger.
Dr. Mathur had requested the patient’s nearest relatives for a discussion in her Office Cabin. Kiran had asked Uday to accompany her, stating that whatever had happened between Jai and Bani, he was like a father to her and had every right to know about her well-being.
Sitting in Dr. Mathur’s stark white and clinically organized cabin, both of them could not hold on to their breath, waiting for her pronouncement…Uday was torn between his anger and anguish at Jai and his trepidation over Bani…he vowed not to spare Jai if anything were to happen with Bani.
Dr. Mathur walked in, looking efficient yet warm, dressed in a simple sari, her still black hair tied neatly in a chignon, with only wisps of grey showing in them.
Giving a short smile at both of them, she took a deep breath and arranged the words in her mind, the way she always did, before talking to the relatives of any of her patient, on whom she was going to make a difficult verdict.
Kiran couldn’t hold herself anymore and blurted out, ‘How is she, Dr. Mathur? Why isn’t anyone giving us a clear explanation? It’s almost 4 days that she has been admitted here, why isn’t she regaining concisouness?’
Uday kept quiet, noticing Dr. Mathur’s concerned expression, and then said softly, ‘Please give us some good news, Doctor…tell us that she is going to be alright.’
Taking off her pince-nez, and clearing it with deliberate action, Dr. Mathur spoke in her most professional yet soothing voice, ‘I really don’t know how to put it in simple terms for you…but first things first…Bani is going to live…there is no threat to her life now…’
The very words seemed to put life inside Kiran and she all but collapsed out of relief, while Uday passed a thin smile and consoled Kiran, asking Dr. Mathur, ‘Then what is the problem…why isnt’ she regaining conciousness?’
Since Bani had been admitted in the ICU, no body had been allowed to see her directly, except through the looking glass of her room. Only the team of Doctors and Nurses, who attended her, went inside and outside her room, without giving any explanations to her family, who had parked themselves outside.
Dr. Mathur spoke slowly, but clearly, ‘Actually, she has regained consciouness.’
It felt like someone had dropped a bomb on them, Uday gasped and spoke in a shocked tone, ‘What? Then why weren’t we told yet, Doctor…the attending nurse never said a word…this is so unprofessional…’
Before he could lose his temper and Kiran could get a word, Dr. Mathur waved her hand and said, ‘Please listen to me before reacting, Sir. The junior doctor who was at duty last, informed me that she had regained conciousness, but there wasn’t much reaction from her.’
Kiran blinked, tears blinding her eyes and said faintly, ‘What does that mean?’
‘Bani opened her eyes and reacted to her surroundings…but only because she couldn’t understand where she was…one of the Doctor’s assured her that she had been in a Car Accident and was recuperating in the hospital…we did not mention anything about the blast…that would have shocked her too much…’
Kiran asked hastily, ‘But she must have asked about us…she must have called out for me…’
Dr. Mathur tapped her pen on the desk and choosing her words carefully, said, ‘actually…she did not…she did not call out anybody’s name…or ask for anyone…’
Uday asked in a shocked voice, ‘But…But how is that possible? She must remember her Mother Atleast…if not the accident…what does it mean, Doctor?’
Dr. Mathur said, ‘In technical terms, it means that Bani is suffering from Anterograde Amnesia.’
Kiran was struck back in disbelief while Uday looked confused and said, ‘What does that mean exactly?’
The Doctor waited for a while for the news to sink in, since Kiran being a Doctor had understood the medical term and looking at Uday said, ‘In layman terms, Bani is suffering from post-traumatic memory loss…’
Uday had no words to say now.
Dr. Mathur now continued in her professional manner, explaining the condition, ‘Anterograde Amnesia is a condition where the victim suffers from loss of memory due to a brain related injury and in such cases, memories prior to the event are forgotton…’
Uday looked stunned, his voice barely escaped his throat when he asked, ‘So does that mean, she has no memory left at all…she doesn’t remember anything?’
Kiran was sitting numb, tears flowing by quietly from her eyes.
Dr. Mathur shrugged her head and said hastily, ‘No, Mr. Walia…it does not mean anything like that…actually, it can have any kind of repurcussions, we don’t know for sure right now…but what you are suggesting is an extreme case…total loss of memory and identity is very rare…what I am saying is that she could be suffering from a partial loss of memory…’
She continued after taking a few sips of water and said, ‘In medical terms, the hippocampus…which controls short-term memory function and spatial navigation had been damaged due to the concussion that she suffered from.’
There was dead silence in the room, as Dr. Mathur paused, to let the news sink in some more and then continued, ‘Patients who suffer from anterograde amnesic syndromes may present with widely varying degrees of forgetfulness. In most cases of anterograde amnesia, patients lose declarative memory, or the recollection of facts, but they retain non-declarative memory, often called procedural memory. For instance, in Bani’s case, on regaining conciousness, she could remember herself…remember the fact that she was in a strange place…but she could not recollect why or how?’
Kiran managed to ask feebly, ‘Does that mean, she has no recollection of her family…of her relations…’
Dr. Mathur shrugged her head non-comittally and said, ‘Impossible to tell right now…but as I told you earlier, this happens in extreme conditions…and even though she has had a serious brain injury, it is not fatal…but unless she regains full conciousness and faces all of you…its very difficult to state the extent of the memory loss.’
‘Then why didn’t you let us meet her till now?’ asked Uday in an anguished voice.
Dr. Mathur said patiently but firmly, ‘This was exactly the reason, Mr. Walia…in most cases, when the patient regains awareness, however sedated he or she is, they call out their closest relative or friend’s name…but in this case, Bani was blank when she opened her eyes…and if she had been surrounded by a group of strangers, it would only cause more stress to her existing delicate state.’
Addressing Kiran, she said softly, ‘I called you here specifically because, we have been monitoring her condition since yesterday noon, when she first regained full consciousness…and now we are sure, that she is quite alright, in the sense, that there is no danger of her slipping into a Coma or Blackout again. Being her Mother and the person closest to her, I would like you to go and meet her first…’
Kiran could barely contain herself more and getting up, dried her tears and said, ‘I want to see my child right now…I know she will recognize me…’
Dr. Mathur called out, ‘Please be very discreet, Dr. Dixit…we don’t want to give her any strain if possible…and just in case she is not able to recollect anything…please try to control your emotions…don’t react in front of her or force her to recollect anything.’
While Dr. Mathur took Kiran towards Bani’s room, Uday gave a gist of the Doctor’s prognosis, which evoked copious sobbing from Rano followed by Aditya’s breakdown.
Kiran entered Bani’s room, she was lying on the bed, with a nasal drip, her eyes closed and she could sense the slow, rhythmic heartbeat, heard clearly in the noiselessness of the room.
‘Bani…’ she called out softly, tears flowing steadily from her eyes, despite trying to rein them in.
Bani opened her eyes, still bruised by the injury, taking time to focus them on the person who had just spoke, breaking the eeriy silence.
She kept staring blankly at Kiran for sometime, as her Mother held on to her daughter’s frail hands and sobbed.
‘Ma…’ Just hearing those two words, broke open every bit of strength and perseverance that Kiran had stored…falling with her head upon the bed side, she cried out taking Bani’s name, till Dr. Dixit had to forcibly remove her from the room, stating that her emotional condition would upset Bani immensely.
Later Rano and Aditya had gone to Bani’s room and to their relief, she had recalled them.
But to the combined shock of Uday, Ranveer and Nachiket, when they stood in the room, behind Rano and Aditya, she had given a blank look at them, blinking her eyes in a confused, tired manner, before slipping back in an exhausted sleep.
Later that evening, Dr. Mathur called upon Kiran again and Uday had once more accompanied her.
Kiran was looking much better than she had in the last few days since that terrible day, when Bani had left home in a distressed condition.
Dr. Mathur smiled and addressing Kiran said, ‘I hope you are feeling better now, Dr. Dixit…Bani could recognize you…’
Kiran nodded her head and smiled despite the exhaustion that had paled her face and said, ‘Yes…and she could recognize her elder sister and Uncle also…’
And then added somewhat worriedly, ‘Though she looked blank when Mr. Walia, my son-in-law Ranveer and Nachiket…her friend…they came into the room.’
Dr. Mathur waited for a while and said, ‘How long has there association been with Bani?’
Uday answered, ‘I met her a few months back…the last time I saw her she was a baby…’ and then he added awkwardly, ‘Jai…my son and Bani were engaged to be married very soon…’
Kiran added, ‘Ranveer and my elder daughter have been married for about the same time and she knows Nachiket for the last 2 years or so…’
Dr. Kiran intervened and said, ‘It was what I had earlier suspected…she is suffering from a type of Anterograde Amnesia…where the last few months…even maybe around a year or so has been wiped out of her memory…and hence, she can only recollect people whom she has known for a longer period of time…like you, Dr. Dixit…her mother, her sister and her Uncle…but she is not able to recollect Mr. Walia…whom she had only met a few months back…or her brother-in-law who has only been recently married to her sister…’
Kiran uttered in a daze, following the new shock, ‘But she knows Nachiket for the last two years…how come…’
‘It depends on how close were they! If they were just acquainted and not good friends…it will take her time to remember him…and eventually she will…but right now, she can only remember the people whom she has known for a very long time…and whom she has been very close to.’
The trio sat in silence, till Dr. Mathur asked suddenly, ‘What about her Fiancee? Where is he? It’s very important that she see him…if they were about to be married…they must have shared a very close bond…and even if their acquaintance was recent, she might recollect something…’
There was no response from either Kiran or Uday till he spoke quietly, ‘They just broke up…a few hours before all this…’
‘Oh…’ said Dr. Mathur, suddenly awkward and then regaining her professional air, said, ‘But still, if you can, then you should get him to meet her…’
Kiran ignored that statement and asked, ‘But how long will this state remain...I mean, has she lost the last few months of her life forever…will she never remember what occurred in this time period?’
Dr. Mathur replied, after some thought, ‘Its too early for such predictions…she will have to undergo therapies and sessions with us…and in most cases, the patient does end up fully cured, getting back her complete memory…but there is always a chance, that the lost part of the memory, never comes back…for that the patient needs full cooperation of her family and friends and slowly as time passes by, the memory trickles in eventually…’
When they took leave, Dr. Mathur assured Kiran, ‘Be thankful Dr. Dixit…that your daughter is out of danger…she is living…out of so many people who lost their lives last week, out of so many who were handicapped for life, she is not just going to live, but come out intact…even the memory loss just might be a temporary phrase…’
While opening the door for both Uday and Kiran, Dr. Mathur said, smiling, ‘I am a person of science, yet I will tell you a totally unscientific thing…it must be someone’s deepest love and prayer which has literally brought your daughter back from death to life…Be thankful for that…we, doctors can only cure, but its only upon the hands of God, to do miracles.
Present Day
It was close to 8 in the morning, Uday had just reached the Hospital, driving from his friend’s home, where he was living now. Aditya and Nachiket had stayed the night, keeping vigil. Rano and Ranveer came in carrying Tea and Breakfast for the others.
There was not much talk between them, just a feeling of relief that Bani was alright now, at least physically…no one wanted to talk or discuss about Dr. Mathur’s prognosis on her memory loss.
Rano wondered how they would ever explain to a girl who had lost the last year of her life, what all happened in it…how would she explain her sister’s marriage…and now her impending motherhood…about her own engagement to a man, who in all probability had been wiped out of her memory…about their falling apart…one year, as such was not a long time, but for Bani, a lifetime’s happening had occurred in it.
All pair of eyes glued on him, when he walked towards Bani’s room. Jai looked at least 10 years older than he really was, he hadn’t shaved for the last two days, not slept, neither ate anything properly…
The first person whom Jai met was his Father, who looked at him, cold and stern and asked monosyllabically, ‘What are you doing here?’
He answered back silently, ‘I want to see Bani…’
‘You can’t. Go away.’
Before Jai could answer, Aditya who had been in a conversation with the Doctor, saw Jai and in a frenzy of anger, launched towards him, and had to be restrained physically by Ranveer and Nachiket to stop him from hitting Jai, who looked impassive and stood where he was.
‘How dare you come here? It’s because of you that our child is lying in this condition…just go away, before I do something…’
Saying that Aditya broke down crying and had to be taken away forcibly by Nachiket, who looked sympathetically at Jai, but could do nothing to offer any support or consolation.
Jai closed his eyes and tried to stand straight, not having slept for almost 2 days in a row, coupled with a severe jetlag and mental turmoil, he had to call upon every inch of his will-power and strength to go through this…and he wasn’t going to leave before seeing Bani.
Uday looked immensely hurt and pained and he repeated his words grimly, ‘Jai…please leave
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